The Brussels Post, 1902-7-3, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS.
o0n1, 1,, 0. fiflOW".p, likuns93a,
YY Ji 310011AOKEN.--
• Tseaer of Marriage Liceueea, 01.
title at Gro0OVy,`1'urnberry Street, 13kuesele,
N BAB 17T',t'
13• To0Oorlal1rtie8, Shap --Nest floor
Not't.h 0f too Standard Bank, Ladies' and
Children's Hair cutting a epeektity.
Issuer of Marriage lli4Tles,
7zR'cr010Zx,s. orm.
Wellington Mutual
Fire insurance Co., ;
• ReTenLienttn 1840
Ineuranoe tokenonthe cash and premlurd
note system atourrent rates. Btfore lneur-
ins elsewhere cull on the undersigned Agent
of the Company.
L. O. M.,
Academia graduate of London Oouoerva-
toryof Motile. also Member of the Associated
Maddens of 0ntallo, it prepared to receive
a limited nnmber of •pupils for instruction
on rho piano. Qualified to prepare pupils for
the Principal's Form in the conservatory of
Brussels, Ontario.
Clerk Division Court,
rk of the. Fourth D
Cle r Public
Land, Loan, Conveyancer, Notary
Land, Lund' andIted nod Agent; A Collec-
tionsFunds invested nod tm'siB. 1,Br0e-
tione made. Oliloo. in Graham's: B took, Brae -
/.• 'sail, will sell for butter prices, to
better men in lees time and lege chargee
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this office or by
personal application.
JJ • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domostJcated animals in e. compet-
ent manner. Parti'mlar attention paid to
Veterinary Dedtletry. Calle promptly at -
North of to.
, Office
at., y Brusselrs Dore
• Barrister, Bolioltor,;Conveyancer,
Notary Public, &o, U1Hoc—B tewart's Block
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
• Solicitor, &o. Office over Stand-
ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Sammie.
Money to Lotto at lowest rates.
M. D., 41 M.,
Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical
College,Member College of Pbysioiase and
Surgeons Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of i'hyelclane and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery Edinburgh, ca'Telephoue No.14,
Residence—MITI street, Brussels.
Graduate of like Royal College of Dental
• Surgeons of Ontario and Firet•elase Honor
Graduate of Toronto University, OBlee
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
iemoviug forward. Spring term begins. Mom
day , April 7. Our retort are reaeouabte—our
Oconee of Study thorough and practical
Send for our Journal to see what we tenet).
Students may enter at any time. Two
Conran of Study—Commercial and Short-
President tlooretary,
Owen Hound Listowel.
British Colombia
ltcli Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
' Aiwa Dore and Soh of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notice.
ltetimatee Farniebed for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman•
ship and Material Guaranteed.
of Tralt it •
A CConroeConroeI tt, In 1 the
' ,ord.Oru t
enables young men and women to secure
ern element at good wages immediately Op
10avlpg College, This ie the school that
enjoys the reputation of doing the beet
work in business oduoatiou. The graduates
of the sobooi aro in etrmlg demand 0e teach.
era in boldness oollegeo in Canada and the
United Statue, This ie the school for you
and your frtopde, Write for oataioguo,
W. J. ELLtUT'T, Principaf.
is YZxt Utirez,
The ism flag pole was taken down,
repaired and painted,
Howiok township Council will pay for
eomont sidewalk iu front of township
Hall here.
A load of the Y. P, S. C. E, members
of the Preebvterian Church attended the
'Christian Endeavor Couvention at Clif-
Mrs. Thos. Pierce left on Tuesday
morning of last week, for Portage la
Prairie, Man„ where she will visit her
Min Julia A Strong and her netae Miss
Merle Sanderson lett on Monday morning
of last week for an extended visit to Cy.
prase River, Man. It is rumored the
'former will not return alone.
Dr. D, A. Anderson was attending the
Dental B
at dun eetion t. Thomas last
Mrs. Geo. Heaman, who hos been
suffering from an attaok of appendicitis,
is recovering.
Handford & Elliott shipped another
carload of fine hence to Winnipeg, Man.,
on Monday of last woeek.
Trivitt Memorial °borob decided to
bold the aunnal Sunday school pia nig at
Grand Bend, on Thureday,Jaly 10th.
Herbert-Etheringttn, who has been
attending the University at Toronto,
recently paaeed hie final exam., in
Joseph and Mre, Cobblediok, who have
been on an extended visit in the Southern
States, have returned home and report a
very pleasant visit.
Ed. Goomridge, an employee at the
Stave Works, met with a painful accident,
He was sharpening a jointer knife and in
some manner bis hand Dame in contact
with the edge of the blade, nutting
severe gashes in two of hie Rogue.
Thos. /Castle, 2nd con., Stephen, has e
freak of nature on hie farm in the shape
of a five footed colt. The fifth, or caper•
linos foot, branches out jnat above the
fetlock on the right fore leg, is rather
mtniatare in eine but ie eupplied.with a
well formed hoot It ie a flue epeoiwan
of the equine race and is doing nicely.
Fo rdvvieh.
Mra. James Cattaoaoh was attending
the bedside of her father, at Hanover,
who ie on the sick list.
The Spriugbank Butter Company ship.
ped a carload of butter from this station
on Tuesday of last week.
Samuel Johnston is the first mac in this
vicinity that we bave heard of to have
new potatoes, he having bad the first
meal of them on Monday of loot week.
David Wilson, of. Cake Hill, started
for Manitoba on Wednesday of last week,
where he intends taking up a farm, and
will also secure a farm for Alex and Wm.
Mr. Hartley, Priuoipal of Wroxeter
Pnblic school, was the presiding , xamioer
here on the Entranoe examination:
There were twenty-five oandidatee writing
Mee. Thos. McLaughlin and Ethel
Moen left on Monday of last week for New
Leekeard, New Ontario, whore the former
will reside with her husband and the
latter with her father. We understand Mr.
MoLeughlin intends locating there.
At the regular meeting of the R. T. of
T. the following officers were elected for
the eoeuing half year :—Select Coaneillor,'
Thou. Downey ; Vice, Mies Mary Ward ;
Seo'y, Sheldon Brinker ; Fin..Seo'y, Wm.
Wattere ; Chaplain, Rubt. Jamison ;
Herald, Della Gibson ; Guard, Mies Jennie
Wade ; Sentinel, Stewart Downey.
Fal 'tie.
Crepe in the neighborhood of Blyth
are looking splendid.
Blyth Orangemen will-.oelebrate the
12:h o1 July at Brueeele.
Mies Ella Metoalf, who is attending the
Bishop Strachan school in Toronto, is
home for the Summer vacation.
At the meeting of the Huron Synod
T. W. Snots was eieoted a member of the
exeouti1e comm0tee.
J. 3, Bailey, Principal of Blyth publio
school, left last we.k for the tome of hie
pareute in Purkdale where he will spend
the Bummer vacation.
Mee. Alex, Lnoae, who left Blyth a
few weeps ego for a trip through Weetern
Canada, has arrived at Ka01o, 6. C. Sire.
Luoae liked the climate of British Col-
umbia very much.
Gonna—STALaan —A pretty wedding
took place at the home of the bride's
mother, Mrs. Frannie Stalker, Queen
street, Blyth, at high noon on Tuesday of
last week. The contracting parties were
Dan, Geddes, merchant tailor of Sulgrave,
and Mies Nellie Stalker. Rev, A. Mo•
Lean tied the nuptial knot. Thebride
was u'seioted by Alice Lizzie Laidlaw, of
Morrie, and the groom by James Stalker,
of Stratford, brother of the bride. The
bride was prettily gowned in a dress of
white mall° trimmed with valenoieonee
and obiff tn, and carried a boquet of white
rosea. The bridesmaid's dress was white
organdy trimmed with applique and pink
muslin, and she carried a boquet of pink
roses. The newly wedded oouple took the
3 85 train, amid showers of riots and good
wiehee, for it honeymoon trip to Berlin,
Galt and Toronto.
MATotttoeroo.-A quiet wedding took
place at the residence of Mrs, Wm, Mo.
Elroy, at high noon Wednesday of last
week, when her dangbter, Mary 3,,was
united in marriage to W. 0. Walsh. of
London. The ceremony was performed
by Ray. A, MoLean in ,the proem of
�nrn arse•
I A, SO ! t9
h Wallows .e t} contmeting the r �t1 o f f, p
The bride wag 11 ewming y attired in
white organdy decal with !two trimmings,
wonting veil an I ura04e blo000808 and
parrying a becjuet of roues. The bride
entered the parlor Iauulnt4 ell 8110 arm of
hoe brPGher,GButrieto the s rain
of ]doadeleeohn's wedding marsh, played
by Mies Annie Webb, 'sister of the groom,
Preeente were received from Ohioago,
Woodetook, Toronto, ,London, Lgolu olv,
Beigrave, Fordyce, Hepworth and Myth.
After lunch was served the happy couple
left 00 the afternoon train for their home
in Loudon, amid 9howere of rice and good
wishes of all their Mende,
Rev. W, Penhall has moved here from
Blyth and Rev. E. A. Fear and family
have one to Amherotburg, Ewe: Co.
Judge Barron wee in Atwood, Wedneo•
day and tried Wm. Bailie'¢, of Elma,
appeal against hie aeeesement• The
Judge diemlesed the appeal.
A representative of the Sovereign Bank
visited the village and asked fora petition
to bo forwarded, AB an indioatiou of the
wi,beo of the people in the matter.
,;,A largely signed petition was. circulated
in town last week, praying for a bank to
looete in Atwood. Two suitable too:atooms.
for it were urged, one in the new Mitchell
bleak, and the other in the T. G, Ballan•
tyno hloek, both in;aonroe of conetruetion.
OBIT.—Tho news of the death of Robert
Mohlaoe, of lot 18, on. 10, Elma, on
Monday of lot week, of cancer of the
°towacb, came with no eurpriee to those
who have watched the rapid progress
of the disease of late. He Buffered very
litt'e lately, and died of sheer weakneoo.
A post mortem was held in the interest
of medioel eoiena0. Some time ago a
consultation was held and a enrgioal
examination made which' revealed only
ton Weedy the Bad plight of the patient,
Since then he has been gradually oinking,
and passed away as stated above. De.
ceased was born in the Co. Leede, Ont.,
Rod was married 17yearsago to Mise
Mary A. McNichol, of Elma, and the
fruit of this union was two-ohildren a
titer. D eased a '
son and a gang ea was muoh
esteemed in the community, sod a mem-
ber of the Atwood Presbyterian church.
In polities he was a staunab Conserva-
tive. Tule funeral Wednesday was large:
ly attended, iutermeot being made in the
Trinity ohnrch, Elma, cemetery. The
Borrowing wife, children and Mende of
eleoeu0ed are deeply sympathized with in
their affliotion.
Monday night of last week there was a
pretty heavy frost here.
The $2,000 paid by the town as•eeourity
for tbeoctal appeal oaoe has been returned
t0 the town treasurer.
The town hats paid lege for watering
the streets last month than for any
similar period sloe the town had a water
Ben. Allen bas purcbased JameR Rubin•
eon's residence at the corner of Newgate
and Victoria etreeto. Th. price was
$2 500.
The bowling games at Stratford to
which three Gaderioh rinks were invited
for Oorooatiou were palled off through the
King's illness.
At the meeting of the Synod of Heron
at London last week Philip Holt, g. 0 ,
was appointed a member of the executive
committee of the Synod.
Jae. Breckenridge has received adi•
ploma from the Gtaegow exhibition for
fruit shown in 000neotion with the Oan•
adieu eeotion of the exhibition.
Mise Jessie Straiton, who practises her
profeeeion as a trained nurse at'Rotheater,_
N. Y , is et the parental residence, St.
David's street, for a few weeks' holidays.
The ooutraotor for painting the etand
pipe has just completed the job. It was
one that required great skill in rigging the
seats and platforms, from which the
work was done.
The site oommittee of the Hospital
Board have aooepted the property
selected by the town on South street
provided they open the street directly
North of the lot.
A epode! meeting of the pablio school
board woe held on Monday evening of
last week to consider a scheme for im
proving the Central school. After con•
eidering cation., plane, the board decided
to ask the town oonnoil to pass a bylaw
to provide $4,000for the proposed im•
provements, which inolode new floors for
four of Ibe rooms, new soeh all through
the school, a new roof, and a complete
system of heating and sanitary plumb..
Mooers. Diokinoon & Garrow, as oonneel
for the town of Gederioh, have been
served with notice of appeal by F. Barlow
Holmes in the action known as Holmes
ye. Town of Goderiah, No. 2, the ogee
involving the question of the right of the
town to borrow money for costs in the
former action of Holmes vs. Godoriob.
The appeal i0 to the Division Court
against the judgment by Mr. Justice
Rubertsoa in favor of the town, The
town will doubtless oppose tbeappeal.
Brparro a Luax.-The eteamer Oaeifrage
left Sarnia about 8 p. m. Wednesday of
last week for Goderich, and shortly after
starting a lively gale had developed,
which at one time made the situation for
those on board quite serious. Shortly
after the gale rose the vessel began to
take in water, and the captain dieooveriog
it was comingin rather fast lightened the
vessel by a:tetiO4 many barrels of salt
into the lake. The Oaeifrage rode the
storm nicely, being well handled, and
was off Chia port till near 4 a. m., when
she entered, and running beside the Grand
Trunk' d, elf ran aground near the East
TAX ii LJN$ULS ,I'Ok3t
end, About 29 jlae8eneer0 were en board.
ball being r ie t there wee no darn
.i Indica. tau
as all had funconfidence in the ot}ioere,
IR or N molting
Who had prepared the how f i i slo trig
anti bed life preservel's reedy 1p atm an
emergency iihonid arum. ',file oaplafn'e
explanation la tbat some repalrethat
made twe'yearc ago gave way, and
hence tb9 inrush or water,
Three care of 141 ftiehft here Moa•
day of last week for Donland,
The Huron Old lioye will bp here
Saturday of this week by immix! train,
The Sosfurth Milling Company ehipped
ala oars of dour to Liverpool Tneeday of
last weep.
There were 42 girls and 82 boys, making
a total of 74, writing on the Entranoe
cameo. at the Seatorth Collegiate Insti,
lute lost week,
The Ladies of St. Thomas oburob are
serving lunches and refreshments to the
viailore on the Old Boys' Day July 5th,
in the store formerly occupied by Greig
& McDonald,
M. Broderiok has removed Lie harness
shop to the store formerly oacapied by
Stark & McKay. The store formerly
°coupled by Mr. Broderick is being refit.
toffee John Laird to be need as a grocery.
The ohoir of the Methodist church
have deoided upon Sunday July 6111 as
the data of their song service thio year
and are briskly engaged in preparing a
program of new eoloe, duets and anthema
for the occasion.
Willie McKay, eon of Wm. McKay, of
Toronto, and formerly of Beafortb, has
dietingaiohed himself in the recent exami•
nations at the Teobnioal school, Toronto,
standing among the honor pupils in the
first year examination.
A nomination meeting wan held on
Monday evening of last week to nomin
ate a councillor in place of the late Jno.
Weir. James Beattie, M. Broderick and
James Gillespie were nominated but the
two former withdrew thus leaving ,Mr.
Gillespie elected.
Miee Beatrice Slott, daughter of James
Scott of this town has completed a
brilliant coarse at the P
To eon Eo 0 oneexve•
tory of Mueio. She graduated in vocal"
maeio with boon, being fifth in a olase
of 23 and taking the degree of A. T. C.
51. In pipe organ, also, she stood liret in
her class end ,passed with first-olase
PaaooL Rnrnn0,—Tone report for Sen-
ior Dept. of Ethel Public-Schcol ie fie
follower -5th Claes,—Examined in Geo.,
& Comp, Total 200.—D. Davies 119 ;
G. Eukmier 91 ; G. Imlay 63. Br. 41h.
Geo., Comp. & •
Pbye. Total 300.—L.
Simpson 164 ; E. Haneald 150 ; G. Gill
136 ; M. MoAllieter 128 ; E. Meson 123 ;
B. Mogee 120 ; E. MaAllieter 107; 0.
Rayoard 79 ; L, Fogel 49. Jr. 4811.—
Geo., Comp., Spell. and Arith. Total
400.—W. MoAllieter 373 ; G. Wanner 315 ;
W. Badgley 247 ; G. Dunbar 215 ; A.
McDonald 115 ; R. Dilworth 74 ; L, Me -
'Lend 60. Sr. 3rd.—Geog., Comp., Spell
and Artth. Total 400--N, Simpson 331;
'M. Imlay 313 ; B. Eukmier 277 ; E. Free.
mac 277 ; ]3, Coates 270 ; L. Members
268 ; T. MoAllieter 267 ; L Hogarth 234 1
L. Eokmier 222 ; M. MOAllum 145 ; W.
Brown 76. Jr. 3rd.—Spe1640omp., Arith.
-Total 400.—M. f3lemmon 364 ; K. Mc.
Leod 292 ; E. McKee 278 ; D. Wanner
275 ; E. Eukmier 245 ; G. Mogee 140.
Gso. DOBSON, Teacher. Junior depart-
ment.—Sr. IL—Examined in Arith.,
Spell., Comp., Read , Geog: F Imlay 81;
P. Bremner 70 ; G. McAllister 69 ; E.
Dunbar 68 ;'B. Bateman 66 ; W. Par.
son 63 ; N. MoAllieter 61 ; J. McCallum
60 ; W Barr 59 ; L. Cooper 52. Jr. II.—
Arith., Spell., Comp., Geog., Read.—
L. Straohan 79 ; R. Fraser 79 ; R. Love
66 ; 0. Davidson 62 ; A. Cooper 58 ; R.
Eekmier 52 ; J Pearson 50 ; V. McLeod
48; 0. Remold 47; H. Eukmier 38.
Pt. II.—Arith, and Spell,—A. Mogee 95 ;
R. Wilbee 87 ; 0. Dane 77 ; J. Cooper
75 ; A. Fletcher 66 ; I. Beath 35. Sr. I.
—Arith, anddpell,—R. Gilt 94 ; A. Mo -
Allister 89 ; W. Eukmier 89 ; E. Thorne. -
son 81 ; E. Gordiner 44. Jr, I. -A.
Barr, J, Bremner, R. Goatee, 0. David•
son, E. Dob,on, A. Dobson, 0. Dunbar,
0, Eokmier, H. Fogal, F. Freeman, A.
Frhaer, P. Gill, F. Mo0allom, V. McColl,
A. MaAllieter, P. Mogee, E. McLeod, V.
Pollard, V. Pearson, W. Ieo,
Mess B. CLanxeoN, Teacher.
Vino h(tan.
Barrister R. Holmee, the "Soo"
last week.
The verandah erected at tlfe National
hotel adds much to its appearance.
160tiokete were sold at Wiogham
etetiou for the Model Farm exoureion.
3. A, Morton picked sweet pea bloeebmo
from the vines in hie garden on the 15th
of last month.
The Wingbam baseball team played
a match at Listowel on Thursday win-
ning by 5 to 4.
R. A. Douglass and W. F. Vanetone
attended the Conservative Aeeooiation
meeting in Toronto,
Wiugbam Orangemen will attend
eervioe in the Methodist ohnrob on Sun•
day evening, Joly 6th.
B,ev. Wm, Lowe WAR again elected
member of the Executive Committee
of theDiooeee of Huron.
Rev. R. Hobbs has already begun
arrane;emento for the London Confereuee
to meet in Wiogham in 1903.
Dr, Bethune, of Seafortb, purpaaes re.
turning to Wiogham to resume practice
here. This wi.l make ten resident pity -
Workmen wore buoy at the G. T, R.
btntion putting in new pipes for a new
r TM1. �O
When you ooneider about the painting of your house
the moat importantthing to think of ie, whatie the beet
quality of paint obtainable ? The beet paint to stand
the weather and look freeb for the longest time? There
ieonly one answer to this, namely, that a paint made
with Brandrem'e B.B, Genuine Lead, Pure Linseed Oil,
T RAD E. MARK and just enough Dryer, must be the beet, as this 13. B.
Lead has for to many yeare been proved superior to all others. Sob a paint ie
Amber Liquid How Paint, and it is the only liquid paint made iu Canada with
Brandram'e 33. B. Genuine White Lead.
11 ie a mistake for you to use anything bat the very beet paint in painting your
home, The coat of putting on the paint is tonally about the Barna as the coat of the
paint itself, A oheap paint takes more time to make a reasonably good job with
then a good paint, and does not last es long, nor look so well. In foot the cheap paint
ie the most oxpeneiee paint in the end. Make no mistake. Use Anchor Liqnid
Houae Paint. It hi a Pure White Lead, Zino and Lioeeed Oil Paint, and is ae good
as oan be made with our ohoine of the very beet materials, Use it and get the moot
eatiefeetory results obtainable with paint,` Sold by—. • sirmalr at, co. • Brussels.
26,000 Lbs. of Wool
Wanted at
Brussels0 oleo Mill
Where the Highest Market
Price will be paid in
Cash or Trade.
We oleo bave in stook a fine line of
Blankets, Sheetings,
Yarns, Tweeds, Etc,
All Pure Wool Goode.
Custom Cording done at any time.
Your own wool made into rolls at abort
notice, Don't Goll your wool or have it
manufactured until you call at the
Brooke Woolen Mill and get prioes.
Lockridge Bros.
Brussels Greenhouse.
and Flowers.
You will find at Brueeele Greenhouse
any quantity. of Tomato, Celery, Cauli-
flower and Cabbage Plante.
Fine collection of Flowering Plante.
ho' lot a t'
A o sae a t Geraniums and
Annuals for bedding.
Out Flowers enpplied.
Floral Designs made to order.
Miss Kelly.
system by which the station will be
heated next Winter.
Mr Btokee, G T. R. agent, has been
trau,ferred to Wiarton, and hie place here
been filled by M. 0. Diok,on, lately Die•
triot Passenger agent, Totonto.
Wm. Hatton, who formerly worked at
the carriage making business and was
employed by MoOlymontBros. but after
wards kept botel in Wiogham, was found
dead in a bay -loft in Detroit a few do} s
The I, 0.0, F. excareion to Sarnia
was a euooeee although the wet morning
probably prevented mnny from going.
97 excursionists oame from stations
between Wingham and Kincardine, and
81 joined them at this. station. Altogeth-
er there were nearly 400.
At the regular meeting of Minerva
Encampment, I. 0. 0. F. the following
officers were eteoted for the °oiling term ;
—0. P., Wm. Gaeet ; H. P•, W. Hough
S. W., A. Aldersou ;J. W., R. J. McMath ;
Soribe, Wm. Robertson ; Treas., 3. A.
Morton. W. Hough woe elected as rep.
reeentative to the Grand Encampment,
which will meet in Toronto in Augoet.
L,i,e to w -(r 1
Listowel leeroeae team woo the match
played with Mitchell Thursday evening
by 10 goale to 0.
The Bueinese College closed on Wed-
nesday of last week, fur the holidays,
Re opeds on Sept. let.
The members of Bernard Lodge attend.
ed a Maeonio service, in the Methodist
Church, on Sunday 29th ult., at 3 p. m.
The sermon was preaohed by Rev, Bro.
W. Smytb, of Ttleonbarg, formerly of
The A. 0- U. W. of Brucedistriot have
arranged for an excursion to Port Elgin
on Friday, July 4th. Train leaves Lists.
wel at 8 a, m., and returning leaves Port
Elgin at 5 30 p. m. The fare from here
is $1.15, ohildren 60c.
The teaobers of Listowel Pablio School
made a farewell presentation to Miee
Draper, who is retiring from the teach-
ing profession. The presentation took
place at the school, and consisted of an
address expressive of the kindly feelings
entertained for Miss Draper by her ea-
Booiates, and a handsome dreeeing toilet
set. Principal Slaughter read the ad•
dress. Mise Draper made a eaitable and
feeling reply.
The first day of the Listowel races was
held Thursday of last week having been
postponed Wednesday on a000unt of rain.
The weather was good the track fast,
and sport first class. Summary :-
2.96 pace—
Birdie Hayes, H Goody, Cooke -
town 2111221
Wisdom King, P W Entickor,
Tavletoolt 9 2 2 4 1 1 2
Flora Bunter, H Price, Welland 1 4 4 ti 9 1 9
Gipsy Girl, .1 L' Gauger, Grand
Valley 5 3 3 1 die
Darkey, H Race, Welland .,, .,die
There was a dead beat between Birdie
H ayes and Gipsy Girl. Time -2:243, 2:240,
2.20, 2.295, 2,30.
2.24 trot—
W.J., J J Burne, 'porouta 1 2 2 1 1
Billy D, J J Barns, Toronto 8 8 3 3 8
Billie Dtree t, w Hudson, Bt Cathar-
ines 2 1 1 2 2
Wild Briar, R E Benson, Toronto,,, 4.4 4 Ms
Time -2,91, 2 801, 2 001, 2395, 2,281,
2.19 pace—
Black Thorn,D Dewan, Toronto.,,.. 8 3 3 2
Dandy Hal, F W Wood, St Catharines 2 2 1 1
John Storer, JPulkiuton, Elora......... 1 1 2
Imporial,H B Gilbert, Paisley 4 4 die
T me -2.211, 2,191, 2,22, 2,105.
The raoee were floiohed Friday. The
racing was close on both days, and sport
was good throughout. The track wee in
first -oleo condition, and the weather was
favorable. The 2,19 pace was finished.
Dandy Hal won the beat and race.
John Storm broke on the start and near-
ly took a header. Wild Thorn got third
place, Time2,22 1 2, Summary :-
2,24 pane—
General Brtao,R 'Bonaon, Toronto,,, 1 2 1 1
Little Bnok, W A Fanning, Crambrag 2 1 2 2
Maud Edwards, wards, W A Lewis Armada, 8 8 3 4
Charlie, P. W. llirwia Ingersoll, ,..,.,, 4 4 4 3
Time -2.241, 2.331, 2,1245.
2.10 pace and trot—
Two Strike, I Stanley, Paisley 4 8 4
Mtge Delmareh G Gmbol, Mitchell 1 1 1
Ml3ggieUaher, It Paddieombo, Hamburg 2 4 3'
Texas Jesse, A. Fox, Amheratburg 4 2 2
Time -2.20, 2.19, 0.181.
2.30 trot—
Congo Boy, W n btot8Itekeu, rialteviue1 1 1
Lord Roberta, J Gentles 2 8 8
Queen's Point, W. H. Mane, Itonduu,. 4 4 4
billq, }3.
It Silken, Alllstnu,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, 2 3 die.
Time -2.10(8, 2.201,
In pretty ogmbinatlpne, but 000(81bie onoo, When we make a hat
for you it won't be opnelruotod rnorely for Its baagty, but Tor its utility a��v
and eatiefaotion, Our Milliners know how to make hate co there won't bo `*7
any disappointment in them. Tbey will hold their color and shape and AI
hold your fanoy all the time you wear them. Ae the end of the season is !n
approaching we will make big reductions in all Trimmed Hate,—,Trimmed
Hate, regular price 93 15, for 22 25 ; Hate, trimmed with ohiffop, fiowore
and foliage, regular pride 25, for 0$ 95.
Wo do a large trade in Ooreets, We euppose the reason is we
keep a large stook to eeleot from,. We do not oondue oureelveo to any par -
Ovular make, bot eeleot the beet from the following manufnoturere, Cromp.
tows, Wray's, D. &'A„ B, 8s 0,, E. T, & C. We have them in erectform,
straight front, bias out. We have them in long, medium and short walet,
perfeot fitting and etoel filled,—Summer [Wrote, in all eizeo, at 25c, 85e
cad 50e ; A epeoiai Iiee of Coreete, in drab jean, steel lilted, trimmed with
lace and ribbon, at 50o ; Corsets, in great variety, in different makes, in
fiats pontile, Betio jean, oto., at 75o, $1 and $1,25,
We got a great imp in Ladiee' Fine Underwear, in Vats and
Drawers, by cleaning out a large quantity of different kinds. We got them ree
at 75o on the dollar and we are now running them off at 5o, 8o, 10o, 12},0,
15o, 35a, and 50o. They are worth one•third more.
The Hand the
io1 tile Brnsh
is never so willing to perform
its labors as when the Paint used
yields easily in application. The
work becomes a labor of love if you
use our reliable Ready -mixed
Paints. We'll supply you with an
article that
Stands on its Merits Alone
LIAMS PAINTS saves you Money, Time and Patience and never
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Complete stock of Paints, Oils,
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Wilton & Turnbull
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Agents for
Your Heart's Desire
will be found in our new line
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shapes. New styles. New
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comfort combined as never
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the Slater Shoe.