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The Brussels Post, 1902-7-3, Page 4
�{t ftp t7 itkt ;ltli�t*o� � ° THURSDAY, JULY fi, 1902, OFF TO SCOTLAND,: T „ i d of Trim e'enntlxVW lotil©ndt r... Shttkeepeare'saga ; " I weald rather entreat thy company To see the wonders of the world abroad." And singe his day the faoilitie8 for seeing have greatly. dnoreesed. How gplokly by modern equipment to the power of steam, we can Omega place and soon be far apart, or together. Distances diminieb and fondly hoped for re•aniontt are made ea easy ae possible, so that, epee ads that have been long estranged, And hearts ,bat have grown oold, Can meet again like parted streams, And mingle as of old." From the Grand Trnnk Railway citation the mompany transferred our baggage free to the wharf of the Allen Line Stealmahip Qumpeny, where the Tunisian is moored for the night, receiving passengers and freight for the voyage to the Wee of our fathom, to begin at num o'elook in the Morning, The founder of the Allen Line was Captain Alexander Allam, a native of Ayrshire, Sootlaid. In 1822 he made hie first voyage In the brig Jean, from Glasgow to Quebec. Singe then the Allan Line bas kept paoe with the rapid development of Canadian commerce, and to -day the ship Tunisian is oar of the largest, fluent and fasted ships that floats on the world's oolos&al meas. I6' ie a palace of elegance and oomfort; one of the tran- sient sights of Montreal, and hosts of people are coming and going, seeing friends or seeing the magnificent ship. Some idea of the oapaoity' may be had from the feet that over 1,000 peasengers are booked for this trip. Among these are a number of Cabinet Ministers, the Bishop of Toronto, the Canadian rifle team, to the Risley meeting, and the Hong Kong coronation contingent. Many are going to the coronation of tbegreateet of living kings, and while we are not go. ing on that amount we will be there among the oongrees of nations, in the metropolis of the world, on the greatest ooaaeion in the life of a king—all the more great when it takee.plaoe ander the benign shade of the white wings of peace. It is not my purpose to refer to the beaoties and sights of Montreal, bat a few words in reference to the St. Law- reuceronte as compared with New York or other ports may not be out of place. Still a volume might be written and fail in doing justice to Canada's rich heritage, the St. Lamellae. Its advantages to the traveller are so many and he natural beauty so great that it is diffronit to know what to enumerate or wbat to omit. In going from Montreal one bas a prelude to a "rooking home on the ocean wave-- three ave"—three days in the river and golf, leaving only 1,700 mites of "drear immensity" to be surmounted in five days. One gets aooustomed to the boab in the calm of the river,and that dread of all ocean travellers, sea sickness, is less Gable to set siege, and if the attack is made the defence is not likely to be so difficult or protracted, and peace may not need to be made on account of exhaustion and our. render. The defenoe may be maintained. Quebec will afford a resting plane for an boar or two, while we get more pas. Bangers and cargo from that oity. Here, too, will Dome on board supplies of fish and the splendid trait and vegetables for which Quebeo is noted. We will feast our eyes on the old historic citadel, the lofty spires of the many 'Marches and religious inetitatiooe, to wbioh the East seeme more devoted than the West. The Chateau Fronteoao hotel will stand out as one of the eights of the city—a rival of the "Windsor" of Montreal, and among the best on the American continent. on and on,beauty y on every nide in the riobeet of green, past the island of Anticosti, and on through the straite of Belle Isle and on and on to the haven of oar destination. While we go prayer - fatly and hopefully mooh reoompenos is onrs in the free, wild, open oat -door life of adveutare. We have the companion. ship of Nature in all its wild variety of grandeur, and we are face to fade with as Almighty Providenoe which proteote us from the Doloesal dash and fury of the wind snd waves, as the foam crests are lashed by Atlantic tempests around the queen of the Allan Line. Respeattully yours', Jososs SslmLIE. B.S. Tunisian„Montreal, June 13411, 1902. T 1 »dg, hridl;e, 30 i D, Laidlaw, file ditch $4.00 ; R, Alaook, Covering gutvert go lith title at tot 22,'$3 ; Jas, Nichol, ditch at lot 17 on 6th son. line 1$10 ; a-4% 1 tt, euleort at tut 24 on stat line, 218 ; Tae, Tuynne, gravel 010; A. Kerr, repairing approaob to 3rd line bridge, eel 50 Ile. Alagoire, repairing approaob to bridge, $7. On motion of Taylor and Shaw the 4 Qoanell then .adjoat p)}d.#o•meetagain an bh August peat `at'' 10 4'olookk a, m. W, ClepjC,, Clark. ( ohiut On The Yodel Farm Excursion. There was a big orowd iv farmers 50- oompanied by their neighbors an' their neighber's daughters at the citation early lesht Freida' morin, to take in the:Model. there Farm reion. Some iv ut foiveo'olook, Tie well to ine be pups. teat. Ye don't know th' mieate til' Greed Trunk may be two or three hours ahead iv 11011.110, an' it's just as well to kepo an eye on th' bluggarde, They're wurbb watohiu', s0 they are. Glancy tee in tb' thrip. "I'm not what ye moight cell a farmer, to many ixtint, but I kap& a cow an' a few bias, an' they have mop sympathy," says Clancy. "I didn't take fn th' Ixourelon aibogitber berme it was abape, bat to eprine up moy oideas as regards agrionithure and an' bins an' to obtain some practical intormetion; if possible, of the latist an' th' most nein. bilin manner of oonnteraoting til' effiete of th' San Joseph Seale an' tb, Salvation Army worm. lb day wasoowld, ba' tat's got to be B. koiod of obronie oom plaint wid th' wither now a days, It time fur a ohange, Tb' oars were over- crowded an' many of the ynpog gusts war tooroed til' oeonpy a sate on their telly's knee's. This is all viry well at boor after th' (Gid folks do have gone to bed, bot it's ont of plana in public). I say it's out of place. The Grand Trunk eland putt on more oars. 'Tie a great Insti- tution, tb' Model Farm, an' Ib' annual Isoursion Is a privelege that th' young farmer ehud not fail to take' advantage of. It gi vse hima ohange of air an' biekits. He arroives at th' term wid nothin' bel hie garl an' hie appetoite, an' he come& home full of information en' nandwiehes. Ho learns th' diffsrincs betune smut in oats en' gmnt in ordinary every day conver- sation. He toinds out the Bnrkebire breed of cattle is not to be compered wid tb, Clydesdale fur dairy purpose, but tbey is only fit fur table use. He learns to distiignigh betune batter fat an' batther lean, an, bow to separate th, chaise from th' milk widow* diatnrbin' tb' peptonoidee. He learns that th' petaty bug is of Irish extraction wbioh a000nnte fur its preference fur th' petaty to all other fruit's. Morris Council Meeting. marginal index, with railways and etatl, or,e ypeoialiy Merited so that plaaes 0a n he (Wily .found. .Rho mop. Ilse been 9opyrighted, Ilnch ,ohopl tbpogbith Western Oi1'terio ham been Turn ehed w e eufflotent number to supply -email mmom. EelttiHvtelee. TVSlSIISBOx QOUNoir}:—OOnocil -MOO In the Qlerk'5 00105, Oiuovle, on Monday, June 23rd, 1902 ; member& of Qopnoit all ereeent. The mioutee of last Meeting Were read end approved on motion of Moore. Oou laud and Mosgrove. elegem. Miobelt and Holmee applied on behalf of themselves and 0there for 93 00 eaoh for breaking 25th .sidereed Buri tg two dale' of last Wlubet's avow blooade, After It goad deed of disonsebon, the natter wee left over till next meeting of Cimino)] when !nether evldenos willbe beard. Mitebelt-eCoupland-That Mir, Lovell let a job oe gravelliig on 20 ooncession, opposite Iota 7 and 8 -carried. Musgrove ,—Ooupland--Tbab we expend $20 en hill at Waist end of B line bridge—carried. M{tobsli That we expand 915 en Wawa noel boundary — oarried. Mum grove—M itobell—That , Mr, 0c/upland let a small job of gravelling in Radia s swamp _ carried. A'lusgrove—LOYNII — That about 1000 feet of lumber be, grant• ed to repute culvert 'sidewalk and to extend sidewalk to Clerk's oaths in Slam vale—carried. The following a0000nts were pans -d and 'Amines issued :—Em - one' Bolt, gravel 97 56 ; WW1, Yee, er„ and p6 g 95 ;John 8. bla i'avieb (st equal zs ing S. N9l Sections 4 and 8 T ustees8BS es B. B. No. 9, pollbooth 92; No, 8, poll booth 92 ; Trustees S. S. No, 11, poll booth, 92 ; John Bargees, poll booth $2 ; W. & W. H. Elliott, tile, 98.55 ; Jno. Metcalf, rep. road machine 91 50 ; David 'Dunkin, rep. road machine $1.85 ; P. McDougall, gravel and damages $5 45 Wm. Chandler, gravel $6 88 ; Mrs. Eadie, gravel and deranges $7 ; Thos. James, sitting hill 96 35 ; J. Porter, working road maohine $27.75; Thos. Bolt,. rep. Bolt's bridge $580; E. Higgins, gravel and damages 910 76 ; Wm. Westlake, work on made 50 ciente; Jas. Showers, rep. oulvert 50 cents ; Win. Chandler, covering oulvert, 91. Council adj urned to meet in Belmore on Saturday, July 26, at 10 a. m. Jona BURGESS, Olerk. Ceems Ilam N e we+. William Verger, cashier in the 0. P. R. freight office ab Fort William, committed suicide by drowning. Joseph Gibson, postmaster at Ingersoll, bite been invited to deliver temperanos lectures in New Zealand. Over 800 scree are now ander oolti vation in connection with the St. Vim oent de Paul penitentiary. Sir Richard Cartwright attended the closing exeroines at the . Royal Military College and addressed bbe cadets. The many oases of suioide and attempt- ed suicide at Ottawa have led to the belief that the city has a suicideolab. Douglas Brymuer, Dewiu;ou arohiviet, died at New Westminiater, B. 0., where he bad gone for the benefit of bis health. Mies Minnie Dundee was etrnok by a train and killed while wheeling across the G. T. R. track at Pape avenue, Toronto. A tablet to the memory of man, of the county who were killed in South Afrioa will be placed in the county buildings at Coburg. OMears of Canadian fishery pr..beotion orniserscomplain that the killing of fish by dynamite. is still praotieed by United States visitors. John R. Peckham, ex Treaenrer of Niagara Falls, who was extradited from the United States, bus been committed for trial on a oharge of misappropriating munioipat funds. Col. Cooke was awarded 9100 damages stns in hi n I it 6 G t Col Cole at Montreal. A Sensible Man. Blyth, Ont., Nov, let, 1892. MacLeod Medicine Co., Goderioh, Oat. When I went to Goderioh April last my mase wee considered hopeless. Suf• faring from a oomplioation of diseases, espeoially from kidney trouble and head• ache, I could not do any work. Indeed I oonld not straighten myself or walk steady. I was So weak and feeble that it affected my memory badly. I dootored with home doctors till I was nearly goon. A faithful friend persuaded me to.try your remedies, wbioh I did and with the best meccas.I began so improve as soon as I began them. -Took a dose of the Renovator in Goderioh. I felt the effects of that dose all day and I think I feel it yet. My ours began with it. I contin- ued taking your medioines until I wee oared. I took both the System Renova- tor and the Specific Cure. I owe my recovery to them. To -day I am strong and fleshy, able to work as well an ever every day. I never expeoted snob a change. I took the medicine for three months steady without missing a dose. Wu. Cowen. MacLeod's Remedies,. established in 1888, ars the only medicines in Canada whiob have Bold on their merit's without advertising. Address MacLeod Medicine Go., Goderioh, Ont. Sold by James Fox, Brunets. Western Fair, London. Canoodle^ Thos. dlnobart 5,000 into Tovlatoolt the other day with A dix year old bay horse that abtraoted Borne ellen. tion. The jntersetiug Nelms pt this bores are hie ears wbioh are four hi Warn^ Inf. Of comers only two AN fully, (Wei. oiled. The. other two ere,ttteened to the top 0r beck of the developed ears, The animal a ears hong down all the time in a peculiar manner, Ottlerwise” the horse i9 Site otlter'nnimate,pf the `.rams rime, being a good ted her, Alpe, Coniine, wile of Rove Mr. Gement, of Talbetville, was aaeidentally poisoned Tuesday evening of last week, She had baited a make during the day, and do mak• ing the icing Mislead of flavoring it with vanilla, ea intended, she made a mistake and took the wrong battle, getting hold of one 0onteining aconite. Atter eating some of the cake she became Yery sick with all the symptoms of agate poieoning. A doctor administered antidotes and Mrs. Cousins completely reoovered' from the effects of the poison. The largest fire In Galt for• Iwehby years or more matured Saturday after- noon between 5 and 6 o'olook, . Shirty and Dietrioh'e saw faobory was completely destroyed, and nothing remains bnbtbe walls. The factory closes every Saturday at twelve o'clock. The flee is said to, have started • in theSoeth•weet corner of the building, where thelarge oil tank was eituatpd, but this is not definitely con- firmed. The fire had maKWh ch headway This year Canada's favorite exhibition will be held from Sept. 12th to 20th, a week later than last year, and following both the Ottawa and Toronto 'Mows.Every successive year the managers of the Western Thar make a move forward, and this year will be no exception In this regard. Preparations are being made which will keep the old "Western" well to the froot as ibe most successful as well as the leading Live Stook and Agri. ooltural show of the Dominion. New and interesting features are being intro - dusted for the first time. Some important ohange& will be made in the arrangement of exhibits in the Main Building as well as in other Departments. This year will see the introduction in the Art. Gallery of many works of art of high merit by the leading artiste of the country. A large exhibit ie assured in consequence of an improvement in premiums in that department ; artiste of note have already 'signified their intention of exhibiting. It is confidently expected that the Machinery and Agricultural Implement Depart. meats will be well filed, some of the largest manufacturers of the United States have made application for space, whiob has been allotted them. A number of Canadian manofaoturer9 are also anxious to exhibit. Doubtless the grow Ing agricultural wealth of one country offers great indaoemente to the mane. featuring concerns across the line. Lest stook Deear's partments wiaralleled ll Liveeos in the ll00 doubt bo re pasted. Exbibits in the variooa classes were eo numerous, that buildings erected for other pnrposee had to be turned into Malls, me well en a000mmodation provided outside the grounds. The proepeote of of gond grope throughout Ontario should tend to mmake the Western Fair of 1902 equal to any that has been, as regards ibe prodnots of both farm and dairy. It is somewhat early to refer to the special attraobiona bat we are assured that the management have already aeoared mime thrilling and highly sensational acrobatic, feaburee, end bbe list in far from being complete yet a tall list will be advertised in Chid paper later on. As is usual at this time each year, the office staff is brevity engaged in mailing Prize Lids and other advertising wetter throughout the Province. The Secretary informs us that he will be pleased to mei{ Lists to anyone making apptioation. A oopy of the newly revised map of Western Ontario I will alms be mailed to any address, It la a Meet complete Map, having a full The Court of Revision met as per adjournment in the Cannon Room on June 28rd. Members all present, the reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. D. Geddes was entered tenant lot 8 Belgrave ; Leonard Brown entered M. F. Lots 58 & 54 coo. 1; E. Moes, M. F. N. a 21 con. 7 ; D. Calvert M. F. N. 9 eon. 2. Ou motion of Code and Taylor the Court of Revision was then closed and the Assess- ment Roll au revised end corroded was established as the roll for the present year. Moved by Taylor, Beclouded by Jackson that 912 be granted to be expended in grading on centre sideline con. 6, Carried. Moved by Code, second- ed by Shaw that 925 be,expended in grading on centre sideline between Lots 6. and 6, eon. 8, Carried. Moved by Shaw, seconded by Jackson that James Holl be granted 98.00 for underbruabing and piling brush and logs at Wrest side of Lot 22 on 6th eon. line. Carried. Moved by Jaokson, *emended by Code that this Connell take no aotion in regsrd to open. ing sideline between lots 26 and 26, con. 7, until the parties interested give a proper outlet for the water. Carried. A000ants were ordered to be paid as follows :-Wm. MoOraoken, repairing .oulvert, 96.50 ; G. Maxwell, gravel, $4 90 ; A. Procter gravel 94.05 ; T. S. Brandon, gravel 98.48 ; Beattie Eros., gravel $2 87 ; W. 0, Wilson, gravel $3.45 ; D. Walker, gravel $7 ; A. Shaw, gravel $6; Goo. Turvey, tile and repairing culverts 921,06 ; H. Jackson, gravel 93 65 ;E. Johnson, reparing oulvert 92 60 ; W. Forrest, gravel $5,52 ; 0, Forrest, 'Material for oulvert 91; Jas, Wightmen, tile ditoh 92 ; R. Proctor, guard fence at Bodrain bridge 924.40 ; R. Proctor, filling approaob $2 ;:Geo. Jack. eon, sravel 94.70 ; T. Brinell, gravel $4.70; 0. Pollard, tile and oulvert, 15 ; Wm, Weide, repairing bridge, $2,05 ;R. Thuell, gravel 94,16 ; W. H, Kerr, part payment on printing omitraot$10 1 Bohol citations Noe, 1, . 9, 5, 7 and 10 toe of echos houses et °leotion each 94.4 Wm, Jaaksou The plaintiff was arrested at the time of the Falleyfield riots for refusing to par- ade hie regiment. Methodist a a hays. • An Aylmer eohan g Oonfereooee are not always confined to solemn and Bober work. On the contrary, preachers and laymen are as fond of a joke as anyone. A good story has leaked out of which Rev. H. T. Crossley is the hero. The Sarnia Methodists in watering billets for the delegatee approaohe i Dr. T. G. Johnston, M. P. for West Lambton, an Epieoopeliah, to see whether he would entertain a minister for a few days, In his eff•hand way Mr. Johnston said "Oh well, if you have a minister that is quiet and not over religious you may send him along" or words to that effect, The ooinmittee in their wisdom sent 0eve H. T. Comedy, who is literally surcharged with piety, and the well known evangelist has been getting the laugh ever einem The joke also seems to be on Dr. Johne• ton somewhat. Auction Sale -0F A•- Frame Cottage In the .Yllluge of Brussels, in. the County of Huron. There will be offered for Bale on TEES - DA It, the FIFTEENTH DAY OF JULY,1902, at two o'clock in the afternoon, at theAm- erioan Hotel. in the Village of Brussels, by virtue of a power of sale contained in a cer- tain mortgage. whiob will be produced at the sale, the following property• Lot Num- ber 910 on Turnberry street Ill. the said Vil- lage of Brussels, according to the registered map by Thomas Weatherall, P. L, B„ form - survey ow The fold Number 'mpr38 aven encs are said to be on the premises : Frame cottage and frame bare. Terms -Fifteen per cent. of the purchase money to be paid down on the day of sale ; for balance terms will be made known at the sale. For further par. Honiara apply to JONES, GIBBON & REID. Solicitors Toronto street, Toronto; or to A. OOUS±EY, Brussels, 994 Mortgage Sale -OF- Farm Property JULY $ t fU 1,0,10 0,n building beforedieoovetY that i� t re bet's . arrived their alae Tes lt+ �. when he 4 brig44e 1 O t� �J U4.v�•.a, Oro s ne were eo pd 0iot 4g prevent the fire spreading to whelping buildings. Bight hose etroawe played on Me horning for two Moura before the safety of adjoin• log properties was aeaueed. The lone 0n burned building, maobinory, and other yontepte will be about $76,000 over and above the 1nsnranoe, whish empents to 920,000, bning distributed, among the fhhutviag n mi nolo ; Economical, Anglo. Amerioap, Wellington and 3'ierehonte. Under and by virtue of the powers o1 sale oontalned in two certain mortgagee bearing date rsepeotively the 17th day of December, 1886, and the 19th clay of August, 1891, and duly assigned to the Vendor, and which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be sold by public auction at BUXTON'S HOTEL in the TOWN OF GODERICH, in the County of Enron, on Saturday, filo 20th day. of July, :9902, at 12 o'olook noon, by John Knox, Anotioneer, the following valuable property,namely,''Lot number 86 in the 19th Concession of the Townebip of Grey, in the County of Huron, onritaining 109 acres of land. There are about 80 acres. cleared, and the balance is in huge. The soil Is good aid the land when cleared will make a desirable farm. The property is situate about 10 miles from :Brussels and Listowel and about 5 milea from Henfryu. This property will be sold- subieot to the standing conditions of the High Court of Justine for Ontario. Terms -Ten per Dent. oath on the day of sale, and the balance within one month thereafter. For further particulars apply to the 'un- dersigned, to John Knox, Anotioneer, Gode- rlob, or to kir. P. 8. Bcott. Brussels. Dated this 18011 day of Jane 1902. JOHN ENOS, PHILIP HOLT, Auctioneer. Vendor's Solicitor, 99 9 Goderioh. oo1 Wanted STOCK FOR SERVICE B1ILL FOR SEIIYIOE, - A There' -bred Ritort Horn registered pedigree, Terme 700, lwith privilege or rs• tureing11 nooeesary. OHO,. autoB a8. Brussole South, REAL :,ESTATE. SACRIFICE 1N, REAL ES– 'mm-89000.00 w111 buy the McOau- gboy Block in the Village of Brussole. These two fine stores Must be sold to olcee out the MoOaugbey Estate.` Intending purchasers 'Omuta investigate at once. Apply to F. 8. BBOTP .or G. F. BLAIlt, Bremolo, Ont. CUBE AND *ACRES OF land, eligibly located on 'learnt' eery street, Brussels, for sale. .Will be Bold en bloc or house and lots separately, to suit purobaesr, Good dairy businessinconnec- tion. Poescesion could be given any time, 'Fox plea, terms, &e.,. apply to loan am. LAD.uSLIN, Brasele, "WARM' FOB SALE.—THE UN, nunsxoNEp offers his valuable 100 sore farm, Lot 9, sou. 12, Grey, for sale on easy terms. Good brick house, bang barn, or. (hard, &o. Farm all seeded except 12 sores, Lees than mile from Breao10. Possession can be given next Fail. For particulars as to price and conditions of sale apply to 14. E, COATES; Proprietor, Brussels e, O. HOUSE AND ABOUT AN acre of land for sale, Graham's Sur- vey, t mile South of Brussels. The house contains- 7 rooms; good stable; well; fruit trees and small fruits. Possession given at once. Teresa reasonable. If property is not sold anon. will be rented. For price, terms, &a, -apply to W01. RANDS. Brussels P. 0. TOTIOE.-UNDER AND • BY virtue of the last 1111 and testament of Phillip Greedine, ar„ the property being village lots 150 0107, West aide of James st., and Nos, 184 & 186 fronting on James et., all in the village of Brussels, in the County of Heron, containing in all oue acre more or leas, will be offered for ealepat Brussels' by months from after the xFurthert particu- lars and date of sale will be advertisedal a later date. PHILLIP GRANDINE, Jr., Dated June 10th,1900. The undersigned is prepared to pay the Highest Market Price for any quan- tity of Wool. See me before you sell. ALF. BAEKER BRUSSELS. £ctdies' fine Shoes.. Handsome to the eye Artistic in design. First-rate workman- ship. Made to wear and keep their shape. Beautiful finish, easy, comfort,very durable. When you discard them you want another " just like the last ones." Then our prices are not the least pleasing part of the buying Here are a few:- -Ladies' ew:—Ladies' Dongola Kid, Iaoed or buttoned, latest style, btavy Bole, only 8125, —We have all styles at lowest pricer'. —On Bargain Counter tbia week, 22 pairs Ladies' Shoes, all prices, from 82 00 to 98 00, going this week at OOo per pair only, —Agents for Inve:due Oboes made by George A Slater, for either men or women. • ]'Harness De artinent ` Single Harness for next 80 days °beeper n ,ban ever, Darters, Fly -nets, Rubber Rugs et low primes. AM ETHEL SAW MILLS All kinds of Dressed Lumber kept on hand from 910 up. British Columbia, home out lihinglee and Lath kept on, hand. A good farm on 18th son. of Grey for sale. 13Ai1 parties indebted to me are requested to call and Bettie up before March let or 10% will be added after that date from Jan. 1st till paid, A quantity of green cedar poets for gale on Lot 7, Con. 4, Grey. S. S. COLE, PROPRIETOR, ETHEL. Lime When yon go tq ER17WaR'S you gab a)?hots, =',bub will sand elle teat. Wo make Pllotoe, all elzereend linieh'in the I9test styles. 1 amity Gtoppo a epeoialt;y, Photo. $abtcne with or without rime, Crayon, Sepia and Water dolor Eularginge. View's of Snhoola, Homo and Wedding 'Groupe taken on applloabiotl, We Can satisfy youin any line oil Art. Call and Bea 'samples.. 13.R.BRBREWER B . B Brussels. 7 The Bodmin Lime Works, 4th Line, Morris, are 'ready for the Spring trade and have a quantity of fresh lime on hand. Guaranteed to be first -glass. Price 15c. a bushel at the kiln. A. Nicholson & Son. 41•9m PROPRIETORS. If writing addreee Balgrave P. 0. Spoiled a Good Baling you have many a time by using an inferior grade of flour. Your bread will elwaye'be light, 'while and ;sweet when using the Venue. It is efwaye of sup• erior quality, with no variation, and ie carefully made from the beet grown Manitoba wheat. Try *hie saliefaatory brand for your bread, oaken and pies, and yon will never use any other, �TT.�qp��• A. �ayrrs;XEB. rat�rt a •�tY,Ira�_: - 9 mctussiit une Miliinery We have just 'received a nice line of Cool, Daintzl, Light Summer Hats. Just the latest for the Mid-suninzer Weather. Call and see us before purchasing. Misses HABKIRK A RECORD -BREAKER E.WAN-& C.O. Have sold 62 Buggies and 6 Wagons this season, already, and are now offering Spec- ial•Bargains for one month as they intend to make this season a record -breaker in the number of sales. Remember the date, July 12, is the limit for bargains. You need not be afraid to drive 80 or 40 miles to see our stock, you will be sure to buy. It will be toyour advantage to see the High Grade Buggies at close prices. Robt. Thomson has purchased one of our pneumatic, steel wheel, ball bear- ' ing, bike buggies. This is the 3rd we. have sold in Brussels and they are all giving first-class satisfaction. These rigs can be bought from SWAN & Co. At close prices at the Up-to-date Carriage Factory. COBER & SONS' CARRIAGE FACTORY, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO. WE are baying a splendid season in our large sale of Buggies, and are in a position to sup- ply the wants of the public with a First-class article, We will sell either 'Wholesale or Retail. Special attention given to the manufaotnre of Farm Wagons, either common sized wheels or half truck with 21 or $ inch tires. Field Rollers and Wheelbarrows with steel or wooden wheels.. Repairing and Repainting promptly attended to; Our attention will soon be turned to the Cutter Trade for the coming Winter. GIVE US A CALL. Jahr, Caber 8 Bona' Carriage Z"actory•