HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-7-3, Page 1Vol.,. 8O, No 01
W. H, KERR., Trop,
New Advertisements,.
Looal—G. E. Eiug,
Millinery -Mckinnon et Co.
Farm for ea10—Thos, Moore.
Farm for Salo—George Sperling.
Readymade Clothing—A. eltreoban.
i5trict 5.03$,
'W al coir.
elobrate the
(7CgO Omen will 0
Walton g
12th at Brugge,
lieu, G. J. Abey preached his farewell
discourse here last Sanctity afternoon.
There were 62 oommunioante at the
service. St. George's ohurob prospered
under Mr. Abey.
Last Monday Rev. and Mre. Dever left
Walton for their new charge, Kinglake.
Their old Mende here wish them smog,
Rev. Mr. Carnelian will preach next
Sabbath afternoon for the first. Walton
bide him a 6ordiul weloome.
Mies McNeil, of Clinton, ie visiting her
sister, Mrs. Clark, thin week.
Mrs. Allen, of Woodetook, ie visiting
her parents, A, and Mrs. Tnghen.
Mrs. Allen and children, of Detroit, are
visiting at S. Murdook'e for a few month°.
Quite a number took in the excursion
to Guelph Saturday and all report a good
time. •
The Ming Connie are visiting their
brother, Rev. T. W. Cosone, at Braeeels,
thieweek. •
A number of candidates from this
eobool were writing at the Entrance
examinations ab Listowel last week.
The first half of June make of cheese,
200 boxes, was ehipped last Friday, the
price being 973o. The Notary is having a
good Beeson...
Rev. 0. Bristol preached his farewell
sermon on Sunday evening to a large
congregation. He will be am:weeded by
Rev. R. Phillipe, who moved here tbie
week from Wardeville.
Towxenir Gourwm.—Oouneil met in
Huron Hotel, Dublin, on. Monday, June
23rd. Members of Council all.preeeat.
Minutes of Court of Revision and former
meeting read and adopted. By.law ,No.
58 for borrowing $900 for School Section
No. 6, was read the. firer time. The
Reeve was authorized to pay for two
eteel;bridgea and Dement abutments when
completed. The.Clerk read Bylaw No.
53 the second and third timee, and Reeve
and Clerk were authorized to sign and
seal it. A letter was read by tbe Reeve
from F. W. Farneomb, 0. E., reletiog to
line on boundary of Logan if said line
was not in aoobrdanoe le one located by
Townebip of Logan,,, The Reeve wee
authorized to meet the Reeve of Logan
to settle diepate if any. France Murphy,
Trustee for Melon School Section No. 1,
requested Connell to refund $4.00 paid
assessor for tgnalizing section in 1901 as
it was assessor's duty to do it for nothing.
Council refused to pay it and a law snit
is threatened. Aocouote were passed and
paid amounting to $848.66. Council ad•
journed to meet in Christopher White's,
Leadbnry, on Wednesday, August 6th, at
M on crieff
Saw Mill
Large quantity of Lumber of
alb kinds, Lath, Shingles and
Slabs for sale. •
During July proprietor will
be there each Wednesday to at-
tend to the wants of the public;
On other dates write
y Wm. J. Palmer
50-4 . Wroxeter P. 0.•
l o'olook p, m.,when taxee will be levied,
Traeteee',who'do not aend'in regoleitione
before that time will beleft out,
JNo. 0, illonntsoa, Clerk,
Mien Alice Puff, of Elsinore, is home
for the holidays,
Will. Stewart, of Bowling Green, ie
vielting his parents,
Robb. and Mre. MoPhereonhave return-
ed from their visit to Monition.
Harry meGardy, of Goderiob, ie spend,
ing a few days at his home here.
Mrs, Sohn Robertson and Mre, Robert
Blaok visited in Brunets last week.
A number of Bluevale people attended
the sports on Dominion Day at Wroxeter,
Gardiner and John M D
nald of
Gofieri h epent Sunda at John Hardt.
Mien Cora Messer and Mies Eva Doff
are staffing in L friends iatowel and
Brussels thio week.
Mrs. John Sergeie, Welter Burgess and
Mise Nellie Burgess went to Woodstock
for Dominion Day.
aamefiltowax .
A good coating of gravel in being put on
the roads that ehould'prove beneficial.
Ed. Bryane, of Toronto, is a visitor
ander the parental roof for a abort time.
A delightful time was enjoyed at the
Sabbath Sohool p10•nio•in A. Bryaua'
grove on Dominion Day.
Next Sabbath evening Rev. R. Paul, of
Brunets, will preach in Victoria Hall.
Jun, MoAllieter conducted the eervioe last
The school taught by F. Ward, let con.,
held a pio•nio last Saturday and had a
frolicking time of it. Mr. Ward is a
popular teaoher.
AOomENT.-o.Wbiie assisting at roadwork
last week.Ale,S;:Trorreat reoeiveii a very
nnety pinch on the left Aland that came
nearly costing him the'' loss ora finger.
A team was stook with a'load -of gravel
and he went to give a lift on the front
wheel. While doing eo the whiffiatree
flew bt}ok•and gatohing his finger between
it eadr1he..wheel, gave It a bad jam. A
doctor's aeeintao'oe .had to be Bought to.
drese the injured member and Ur. Forest,
who has good pluok, will Boon be o, k. we
.Mrs. 0• Bernath was visiting old Mende
in Brusoele and Morrie during the pact
week. •
H. F. McAllister forwarded loads of
flour to Wroxeter, Belgrave and Seaforth
this week.
This week Mre. Simpson and grand
danghtera are away on a visit with
relativee in Michigan.
Appliaatioii has been made for the ap.
pointment of a Magistrate and a Con-
stable for Ethel: ' None too eoo0 either.
The township Council had busy day
last Monday. They let the contract for
the new iron bridge, known as Al000k'e,
14th con., to the Stratford Bridge 00.,
The abutments were not let ae figures
were aooeidered too high.
We have great pleasure in aoogratulat•
ing Miss Melissa Amee on the oomple•
tion of her course in vocal music et the
Toronto Oonaervatory, She graduated
last week and hae now the honor of writ•
ing A. T. 0. M., after her name if she so
degree. She is a fine vocalist and we
wish her manes.
Mies Aeon Youno DEAn.—We are sorry
to have to report the demise at Aggie,
daughter of the late J. A. Young, former-
ly teaoher at Ethel, which took piaae at
Ripley on Monday. She had been in
.failing health for the peat two years,
consumption being the disease. Mies
Young wae only 17 years of age and was
a bright, lovable girl whose decease is
greatly regretted. The remains were
taken to Mount Forest on Wednesday_
morning and buried alongside her father.
Great sympathy will be felt forthe'
A first °lase eooial was held in the
Town Hall, under the auepioes of the
Sunday Sobool, Leagne and choir of the
Methodist ahuroh.in this place on Thurs-
day . evening of loot week. A liberal
lnooh was served by the ladies, while'
ice cream, strawberries, bananas eta.,
were dispensed from the stand. A good
program of mucic, recitations and a
number of'soleetiooa from the Gratno<
phone were rendered and a epleodidly
ARE YOU GOING 'T0 BUY A WATCH ? 'If so call and
see our beautiful assortment of Ladies', Gents', Girls' and
Boys' Watches, with -Elgin,' Waltham Duber-Hampden and
other movements. • Our stook is very heavy and having
bought for cash our, customers will got the benefit. Watches ..
to please 8veiiy,kody-.and'piices are right,
Our store is full of fxrst•cjase nods such as WeddingRios,
Engagement Rings,Ladies' Chains, Lockets, Bracelets,
Broces, Silva ares Clocks, Fancy China, Souvenir
Goods, Etc.
OPTICAL Is well lrroked after by Mrs. Fletcher and Son, the
DEPARTMENT latter having taken a course in Chicago.
Onr Specialties are Walohee and Rings.
All work promptly repaired and eatioleotion guaranteed,
/I'�� ii f(1 n� JEELLER,
J_ • I , _Lt41 1 vin
of Marriage Licenses.
cddipg Binge and Marriage Licenses Bold privately.
executed drill was performed by a num•
bur of girle under tbe leaderehip of Mise
Cole. We feel safe in Baying that all
present were well satisfied with the even-
ing'e entertainment, Proceeds 085.
Considerable of a row wan on band at
the hotel last Monday in which Boma
Greyitee were mixed op, reeniting in a
free fight. Reeve Turnbull made his
appearance and Boon quelled the dietarb•
arae. The township By•lawe reach snob
oases and the Rsevo peke to have the
Seotions referred to so that law breakers
will know the oonsegaenoes. Uoder the
heading of Nuisances and Immoralities,
Clause 6, esye, "To utter an o y profane
r obscene, indecent, blas h
cuEbo a, a nee , mons pe
or grossly insulting language, or any other
immorelity in or upon any of the etreete,
t o hi
roads highways or lanes of be Tow e
or in any public place where the public
have a right to resort within the Town,
ship," and olaase 7 Saye, "To be drunk
dr disorderly in any street, highway, road
or other public plane in acid 'Township,
or to be without any vietble means of
support and unable to give any Batista°.
tory a000uot of himself or herself," The
fine for committal of these offences rune
from 02 to $20, Any peace ofitoers may
arrest violators without warrant.
Council met last Monday.
Mies Nagle, of Banmiller, was visiting
relatives and friends in Grey for a week.
D. and Mrs. Ferguson, of Teeewater,
were visitors at James Ferguson's last
w eek.
.9. new wire fence has been put up at
the eohool grounds in S. S. No. 6. It le
an improvement.
Mae Rate and Erneet Rozell, 10th
eon., are holidaying at Aoton and other
points Eastward.
Mice Mary McNay has returned from
attending the wedding of her friend, Mies
Heyward, at Clinton. -
Reeve Turnbull has bees invited ae a
guest at the Huron Co. Old Boye' gather•
ing at Seaforth on Saturday.
Onthbert Hutchinson, 5th line, has the
material ready for raising his new born.
The atone stabling ie completed.
Mics Annie Ring, teacher at S.13, No.
1, left last week for her home at Can-
field where she will spend her vacation.
R. E. and Mrs, Goatee and eon 10th
con., have been enjoying' a holiday visit
with relativee at Cleveland, Ohio, for the
pact two weeks.
Geo. and Mre. Roger, of Fullerton,
were' visiting on the 16th eon. They
game to attend the fanerat of Mre. Roger'd
uuole, Robt. Robertson.
Two bears were Been in one of the bank
Heide on F. Wood's farm, 16th eon., leet
week where h.'o cattle were. They are
still enjoying their liberty.
Grey township had a good many repre-
sentative's in Brussels at the Celebration
on Tburaday of last weak, and at Wrox-
eter on Tuesday of this -week.
'Last week Joseph Shaw, wife and eon
were visiting Jae. Jaokeon and family
near Teeewater. Mr. Jaokeon is making
great improvements on his farm.
John Yuill, of Vanderbilt, Mich., is
bare on a abort gait with relatives and
old friends. He is doing well under the
Stere and Stripes and we wieb him con.
tinned prosperity.
Owing to bad weather the meeting to
elect a trustee in 8. 8. No. 6 to enooeed
Juo. B. Smith, removed, was not held on
date announced. It will take plane on
Wednesday evening of next week, 9th
inet., at 7 o'aloek p. m. at the eobool
bonee. All interested Should attend.
Monday of this week John Roberteoo,
wife and children arrived from Langdon,
North Dakota, and will enjoy a visit ut
P. Robertson's, 9th 00n. It is 10 years
since Mr. Robertson went Wast and this
is bid first visit bank. He Bays orop
prospects are good althongh the eeaeon
will be late and consequently run risks
from frost.
MoOateheon, a former resident of Grey,
died last wank at Ohioago. The follow-
ing are the particulars ;—W. H. MoCnt
oheon, of Hibbert, wasunwell and went
to Chicago to have the benefit of the best
surgery in•removing an obstruction in
the throat, whioh caused swollen glands.
The operation took place, and the patient
was unable to sarvive the shook. The
body arrived at Mitchell Friday morning,
Deceseed was web known all over; Went,
ern Ontario, having travelled twelve
years for John Abeil, implement mann•
faoturer of Toronto, and mix yeare for the
Sawyeraassey Company, of Hamilton,
The family lived in Grey, in Listowel
fifteen years, and in Hibbert six yearn.
Wm. Mo0atoheon was born in Eastern
Ontario, near Belleville ; was 50 years
old, a Freemason, an& member of the A.
0. 11 W. He leaves a widow, seven sous
and three daughtore. J. M.idoOutoheon,
8t, Thomas, is the eldeet, Walter is in
Galt, Willie in St. Pani, Minn'. 1 Jamee
in Mitohell, and the reidoining children
at home. - ,
morning as the inn was rising the spirit
of Robert Robertsonwent to that bourne
from whence no traveller returns. He
was born in Paisley, Sootlond, on May
31st '1829 and oame to this country 60'
yearn ego on Jnly let. After residing for
a rims in Dumfries township, Waterloo
00., in 1854 be took ap the farm now
owned by Thomas Inglis, 14th con.
Three years afterward he moved to lot
82, eon. 15,•where he has resided till hie
decease. in 1871. deceased was married
to hie now bereft partner, Mies leiary Jene
Boyle, of Elm, who'hae proved a worthy
helpmate and with elirewdnees and in.'
dnetry they made for themselves and
family a comfortable home, There was
born to them five ohildren, viz.—John,
George and Joneph A. the latter deceased
and Mies Florence and Rnesell, who are
left to mourn the sad loon of a good
husband and kind father. The oiroum.
manna ere more ead on a000unt of him
being in good health till three days before
his death. The family have the empathy
of the oammunity in their cad bereavment.
In religion Mr, Robertson wag a
Presbyterian. Rev D. B. McRae, the
deoeaeed'e pastor, oonduoted an appropri-
ate eervioe at the funeral on Monday.
The pall bearers were John MoTaggart,
Jawed and Wm, Mann, Geo, Hanley,
112, Harrison and Wet. Bray. Funeral' was
largely attended showing the high esteem
in which the doeoaeed was held. The
cause of death wae pneumonia.. Mr.
Robertoon wee 73 years and 27 days old,
Interment woe made at Craubrook
pile of 8. 8, No, 9., anxious to express
their appreoiatiou of the valved eerviaea
rendered by their teacher, Mr. Eastman,
met and presented him with the follow.
ing acidness accompanied by a handsome
doable gold chain and locket :—
Mr. Eastman.
n et in
-Though o a
DEAR TEdcnEn, Y r Y
our midst bee been comparatively brief yet
we realize how profitably the time hae
been spent on our behalf. Von have
shown ue what oan be a000mpliahed in
one year by oloee and persevering applioa•
tion to study, allowing no surmountable
obstacle to retard our progress. Your
earneetfaithfulness' in the dieoharge of
every duty to every pupil oonld have but
one result, Dewily Saooeee, and, mush
as we regret your departure, we esteem
your worth sufficient to know that that
advancement in your profession is a just
reward. We recognize not only your
marked ability ae teacher and oo0rteOne
dieoiplinarfan, but aleo with what etren.
000o efforts you have eoaght to inspire
as to attain to,life'o highest ideals. We
heartily thank you for all you have been
to ue ,during the past year, and as
a remembrance we amnia ask yon tokied•
ly accept this token of warm esteem and
beet wishes. Very reepeetfnlly, Your
pupils and friends of S. S. No. 3, Grey.
Mr. Eaetman, though taken completely
by sarpriee, replied most suitably, thank.
ing them for` their thonghtfnlaees and
kindnese. He ooneidere there is materi
al in the school worthy and capable of
advanced cultivation, and will watch with
interest the emcees of the various pupils.
The section loeea a good teaoher by Mr.
Eastman's removal, but Prioeville is to be
congratulated on securing him as Prin•
Peter Cantelon decided not to go to the
West until August.
Mies Mabel Heall, from Dear Alpena,
Michigan, is visiting triende in Morrie:
John B. Stewart and wife, of Oheplean,
are' visiting at W. Woods, 161h von.
Garden party at John Piokett'e on July
3rd in aid of the Methodist church at
Set oehioe.
Mre. George Jaokeon and her mother,
Mre. Geo. Laidlaw, were vieitore at
Owen Sound this week.
Mr. Martin, of Wellington 00., ie visit•
ing friends in Morrie. and Hnllett
townships. Hie home ie near Fergus.
Last week M. Blaok watt at Wroxeter
offioating an presiding examiner in eon -
neglect with the Entrance examination
Next Sabbath afternoon Rev. 3..
Holmes, the new Methodist pastor on
Blyth aironit, will -preach. at the Jaokeon
Alex. Clark, 5th line, has pat up a long
stretch of wire fence on hie farm. Geo,.
Hood has also got up a lot of the same
kind of fence.
Mise Oarrie Danford, of Langdon,
North Dakota, is visiting at Co. Coun-
cillor Bowman's, 3rd line, and Wm.
Work's in Grey.
A good many attended the pia nia at
Belgrave on June 26th and report a good
time as well es a oold one. Dancing wae
the main attraotion.
Roy, eon of I. Kingswood, of 8t.
Thomas, and grandson of Jas. Sharp, 5th
line, fell from a ladder at Port Stanley,
on vehicle he was playing and broke his
left arm.
John Russell, of Elsie, Michigan, is
visiting hie parents in Morrie. Mr:
Russell is doing well and Saye the crops
are away ahead of Ontario, He is a Vet.
and does a big practioe.
Last Friday Alex. Forsyth .was called
to Bright, Ont., to attend the fnoeral of
Adam Landroee, who died on Thursday
and was buried on Saturday. His , wife
is a sister to Mrs, Forsyth.
Chris. Johnston, West gravel road,
raised his new barn on Friday of last
week. It is said to have been the livelieet
and wildest raising of the season. A foot
ball match was ployed and a troll° at
Wednesday afternoon of Ibis week Will
Maunders arrived home from Idaho
where he hae been employed in sheep
ranching for the past 8 months. The
West evidently agreed with him as he
looke the piotore of good health.
Daring the past 2 weeks K, McKenzie,
4th line, hae been badly bothered with a
Bore hand from bloud poisoning. The
pain is abating now we are pleased to
state. Trouble arose from a sliver catch•
ing one of the flngere of hie left hand.
HYMIMEAL. — An interesting event
took place in St. Michael's Ohnroh, Blyth,
Monday forenoon of last week, when Miee
Bridget Healey, daughter of Thomas
Healey, of Morrie, became the bride of
John Phalen, a prosperous young farmer,
also of Morrie. The ceremony was per.
ferreted by Rev. Father McMenamin.
Mise Harriet McCaughey, of Clinton, was
bridesmaid, and Thomae Healey jr., as
elated the groom. At the olose of the
marriago ceremony the happy couple end
a few friends drove to Clinton where a
eumptnoue dinner awaited them at the
Commeroial hotel, Mr. and Mre. Phalen
,will reside in Morrie,
Finn,—Early Thureday morning of
last week the reeideuao of George Turvey,
of 2nd line of Morrie, was burned to the.
ground. The family were all Bleeping
soundly until the fire had made eome
progreee. The eldest boy awoke first and
aroused the others, who 0000 became
ooneoione of the smoke Whioh filled the
house. A large portion of the building
wag in flames and the stairway filled
with etnoke, so the window afforded the
only means of eso0po. Mre. Tnrvey wan
let down by a sheet and the ohildren were
thrown to her. In . jumping from the
window Mr. Tnrvey injured hie foot, so
that it will bo painful for a while, Un.
fortunately nothing was saved with the
exooption of. e sum of money in the
podkete' of her, 7`grvey'ti frogsera. The
joss is quite a heavy one es the °entente
of the house were valuable. The
inenranoe on house and furniture arnlocnte
to $700 which, of oouree, does not nearby
oover the lose.' The origin of the fire be
unknown, It Is supposed to have started
in the kitchen.
FOOT BAr,L,--A rollicking game Of foot
ball was played in •Jomee Sharp's held,
5th line„ ou Saturday evening between
the 4th and 5th lice teams. Victory
rested with the former by 3 to 0in an
hour's play, Art, MoNaughton, of Brue•
sale, was referee, The teams were tom•
posed of the following players
4TH LLena0010 11`E
Will Mason Gout G Davis
Anderson Back, .••,,,,, ,.. J Pipe
W Duncan }ac { G Cardiff
W Stevenson....j A Taylor
Md Bryant r i Backs R Manning
R Relliagtoo 1 3 Petah
S McCracken ... M Jaokeon
J Bryans - ., W Stevenson
H Bryant Forward
� �Car
1 Duaau Stevenson
0 Bryane Sharp
A Gnootous FINn:—Oo Friday of last
week two young girls, of the 3rdcon.,
came agog the body of a dead man in
the bush on the farm of. Reeve Iebieter.
The news quickly spread and Coroner
Towler, of Wingham, was notified. The
man had been dead for months and ae
soon ae the coroner attempted to move the
body the head fell off. From a letter found
on him his name is snppoeed to be Wm.
Fitzpatrick, of Quebec', and beare close
resemblance to a tramp, In the letter
dated Deo. 1901, he states he will pat an
end to himself as there are two chargee
against him and hoped God would for.
give him. Parie Green was found on him
and the remains of the poison still show-
ing on hie Lingua. A bottle enppoeed to
have contained laudanum was also prem.
eot, The date on a newspaper with
him was December of last year ; a slice of
bread was found rolled up. John Elston
remembers giving a man of a amber
deeoription to the enioide a ride from
Wingham last Winter. He got off the
rig and walked down the railway track.
The body was found about 10 rode or so
in the bush. A box was proonred and
the remains of the poor fellow put into it
and buried.
MATaIMONIAL.—At 7 o'olook On Wednee•
day evening of last week a joyone com-
pany, numbering 176, assembled at "Fair
View Farm," 4th line, Morrie, the com-
fortable home of Allan and Mre. Speir, to
witneee the interesting ceremony—a
matrimonial allianoe—between Henry
Danoan, a well known young farmer of
the same line, and Mies Annie Robertson,
second daughter of the host and hostess.
The house was prettily decorated and
ander,a bridal arch the nuptial knot was
tied by Rev. Jno. Roes, B. A., of Beni-.
eels. Mies Annie Davie played the Wed•
ding March in good style. The bride was
attended by her sister, Mina Aggie, both
looking their best in becoming oostumee
of white =slid with chiffon, flowers, t80.
Jno. T. Dunces, of British Columbia,
was groomsman. Ve,y hearty were the
congratulations showered upon Mr. and
Mre. Damian and to second thin approval
in a more tangible form there was a large
array of wedding presents, useful, orna-
mental and valuable in their ohoraoter.
After an elaborate supper bad been par•
taken of the health of the bride was pro.
posed in a happy manner by the officiat-
ing minister. He aleoeouoded a warning
note to the old baohelore intimating the
desirability of having a heavy annual tax
imposed as long as they remained Bingle.
The evening was whiled away in social
abet, mucic/ and dancing, Mr. Duosan
and bride have moved to their own home
where they commence married life with
pleasing proepeote and with the beet
wiebee of many relatives and friends.
THE Poem extends congratulations,
C CetelbCoolt-
Mise Jean McNair is expeoted home
from Toronto this week where ehe hae
been attending Ladies' College.
Io connection with the Communion
eervioee held in Knox charge here Rsv.
Mr. Dunn, of Whiteoharoh, assisted Rev.
D. B. McRae.
Next Sabbath afternoon Rev. T. W.
Cosecs, the new Methodist minister at
Brussels, will preach in the obnroh here
and hereafter Cranbrook will be attached
to Brueeele instead of Ethel as in the
Au old reeident of this locality, in the
person of A. Looking, of Galt, wee here
on a brief holiday during the past week,
He ie employed in the Goldie ck MoOni.
look shops where be has spent a number
of years. We were ple0eed to sae him.
Monday afternoon the funeral of the
late Robert Robertson, on old and well
known resident of the 15th oon„ took
place to the cemetery here. Rev. 1, B.
McRae was in charge of the eervioe. Mr.
Roberteon'e death was quite a earpriee to
the oommanity,
LIVELY Foonow.,, Last Friday even.
ing a hustling game of Football was
played on the Patriots farm, Howiok
boundary, between the kiokere of this
locality and the balltrandlere of Moles.
worth, before a large andienoe of ladies
and gentlemen. The former won by 2 to
0 but .although the score is one Bided the
losing eide put op a strong game and
saved many a threatening onslaught npoa
their goal. Thio is the seoond win for
Forestville this season. They have good
material in their club and will make it
interesting for the beet of the looal clubs
if they had the neoee0ary practice to give
them the combination team play. The
teamolined .up as tbllowe 1—
FonosevIe,e,g MOLEawoRTH
D Partridge .. Goal .. O Fraser
11 Grainger .. • . W 24"21"J Grainger.... Banka } ....J Menzies
W McLennan ....0 Menzies
A McLennan.. Backe .. W Mitchell
P Patrick ., ..G Aitoheeou
J Armetrong..` .. 0 Leppard
H F Hartry .. J Molntoeh
WBreaken'dge,Forward P Greeneidee
J Lindsay .... G Greeneidos
vW Steveneou.., ...W Spann
Alter the matoh supper was'eorved ou the
lawn at Mr. MoTaviah's across the road,
where the youth and beauty of the
community assembled and bad It good
The Day's Program Carried Out in
its Completeness.
The downpour of rain on Wedneedity of
lest week, the doleful news of the serious
illness of the ging and the nailing off of
the Proolamation malting Thursday a
public holiday were net oaleolated to en•
those the Committees very much in look.
iog forward to Thureday's program of
eporte lent Orkin on
the prinoiple that
"ll's not lost that's iodaner"
arrangements were completed ae far es
possible and Thursday morning
Probe. was good enough to sneer up a bit
and, with an 000asional baptism in the
afternoon, treated us very fairly although.
a trifle cooler than some would desire,
For several years Brussels has gone in
for very expensive attraotiooe but thle
time there was considerable modification
and lees reek run.
Three banners were etretohed aorosa
Tarnberry street bearing the worde
"Weloome," "God Save the Ring" and
"Rale Britannia" while from the town
flagstaff and those of numeroae citizens
floated the greed old Red, White and
The 33rd Regiment Band, of Seaforth,
ander the direction of Bandmaoter
Brown was early on the scene and
rendered excellent service throughout the
day. They play good moeio and are a
credit to Seeforth and the noble 33rd.
First upon the program cam a looal
Football match between Grey and Morrie
townehips, all league players being ruled
out. The game was a lively one and
pleased the onlookers. There possibly
woe lege oombinatioa play than
one would see in a regulation game
hut for red hot collisions, lively rashes
audoloee foot rapes it would be diffioult
to excel it. Grey took the first goal, then
after a lively obaee.up Morrie planted
their goal and it looked as if me even
division of the p0ree would be neaeseary
but the Easterners wouldn't have it that
way and shortly before the referee's
whistle oolled time the sphere was on0e
more carried between Morrie flags and so
the game ended, 2 to 1 in favor of Grey.
There are a number of good, husky kiok•
ere e0 eaob team but as they were gather•
ed from different pens of their reepeetive
monioipalit1ee want of playing together
was evident. They lined up as follows :
Gnn0 MoRnle
Routley Gaal Dnvldsou
Calder 1. Banka 1 Mevottie
Htalop ff 1 McLaughlin
Ritchie l Farquharson
Halder 1 j Backe arquhars n
Rttobie 1 Cardiff
Breckenridge ... Bryane
CeteO 6teveoeon
Ste aheon Forward Jaoksoa
Ritchie •
Duna. McLaoohlin was the laborioCausly
worked referee bat gave satisfaction to
the contending teame, both of whom
etrove hard in defence of the good name
of their reapeotive townships on the foot.
ball arena.
The first item, well presented, after
dinner was a tingling game of Lacrosse
in which Seaforth and Rinoardine were
oppooente; although well contested the
Southerners had the better end of the
play throughout and woo by 7 to 1. Rio•
retrains scored once the let quarter while
Seaforth made unanoaeeeful attempts on
the enemie's citadel guarded by the well
known 0. Jennings, but in the god ginner
Seaforth did not let up until 4 talliee
were to their record. The testae got one
eaoh in the Brd and Seaforth 2 in the last
quarter. Some old stink wielders were
doing duty on the latter team such as
Brown Jackson, Bell and McDougall and
did no email part in the walk -away their
team bad. Harry Jsmee, of the Ameri•
can Hotel, who by the way won laurels
for himself 00 many a gory lacrosse field,
made a oompetent Referee. The teams
ware composed of the following players
Bn:OARDsed 8110001/08
0 Jenni000 Goat Bali
D Goodwin P011" - MoXenale
B McKenzie Cover Point Je.okeon
W Fite let Defence.,, W McDougall
angler 2nd Defence Graven
T Onyler Ord Defence Hadden
J Roe Centre Stodd0100ar0t
B FisherNeedham 1st Home
Fisher end HOm'o Il Jackson
G Seoerd 3rd. Home Johnston
G Stewart O. Home Ottoe
G Hunter I. Home Boll
Base Ball followed immediately on the
oonolaeion of the lacrosse Harrieton and
Brueeele nines being in the arena. It
was a great game requiring eleven innings
to decide wbiob team woe entitled to the
honors of the day. Barring a brief shower
of rain, which somewhat interfered with
the matoh, everything paeeed off in good
etyle and the big crowd was not slow in
oheering good play on whiohever side it
was done. The home team had three
pitohere on the program, Frank Roche,
Harrie Hamilton and A. Rae, with the
second named and W. Tripp behind the
bat in turn. All did good work and did
their share in coating the visitors six
times to a enit of whitewash bob the
Harrieton lade returned the oompliment
by adminietertdg a half dozen suite of
Kalaomine to our willow wielders. Some
extra good individual playa were on the
tapie and the home nine ehonld have won
but R. Downing in making the necessary
circuit of the baeee in the 9th negleoted
to toaoh the 3rd bug in hie earneetneee to
reach the home plate and,tlmpire Grewar
geld "You're out" and out they were.
The score was a tie, the 10th did not
yield relief and in the 11 Harrieton
geared 2 while Brugge failed to rise to
thelooaaeion thereby losing by 2 runs,
Great interest prevailed all through the
match and reached fever heat in the
latter part, The eooro was as follows :—
B111100000 R 0 HARRIeTON R O
F Rothe, p* 1 6 McQueen, of 8 3
R Downing, 111.,, 2 5 Miouio, 0 1 0
A Bao, 2b ,.,...... 1 2 Mouorieff, p.,,,, 2 8
W Tripp, ee 2 2 Wilson, Sb 1 2
W Rocha 1b 4 2 Beeves, rf 0 4
H Hamilton,°,,, 0 4 Morri0on, 21) , 1 4
G Arden,. ab 0 8 McKenzie, es ,,, 1 4
L ICerr,of 0 5 Sandereon,lf ,,, 2 8
Dr Fetid, xi 0 5 elgeibbon,lb ,,, 1 4
Totals '10 93 'notate 12 Ile
Blnaeolo 8 0 8 b 2 0 1 0 1 0 0-10
Harriston ,,,1 4 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 1-12
Au adjournment was made for mapper
and shortly after '7 the Band opened the
evening performance on Victoria Park by
eome tine music/. Wroxeter and Brneeelg.
Foot ball olnbs engaged in it match that
proved very entertaining. Although the
home team had the advantage the visitor's
played a etrong, snappy game and their
energetic goal keeper, Davidson, eaved
many a count. The 1i hour's play re•
salted in a soon of 1 to 0 in favor of
Brosele. The namoe of Iha players are
appended :—
W1i0xD'1.En BRIIe0Ene
Davldtoo Goal 1Z IIeattia
C Saodoraon ... 1.uoka I Got•ry
Robinson f R Whooler
GFer Unna
¢ak W k p
o no B ap
D Y 1
a ht i
j(J{A aN u w
A Sanderson1
Minos 31 MoRao
Smith F Ro ald
G Rne Forwards ... G McDonald
,.. WG
nidal xde ......,
flamer a
Brown Jackson, of Seafortb, officiated
es referee and dealt oat even•habded
There was quite a nice display of fire•
worke on the evening's program and after
this iotereeting performance was well
started a opark fell into the box Contain•
ing the large proportion of the sky
sorapere and quicker then you could say
"Jaok Robinson" the manipulators had
important business at a safe distance, the
opeotatore withdrew to a respectful poet.
tion and such a Ensilede is seldom heard
short of a military salute. It was too
bad as the display was like the old lady's
pie crust, very short if not very sweet,
The Band breuglet,a Olioict program to
a oloee by the National Anthem and the
big crowd dispersed for their respective
homes. Nothing oocurred during the day
in the way of accident or injury t0 mar
the day's proceedings and the people were
orderly and observant of thereto govern-
ing the celebration. Financial proceeds
amounted to 9160.00 ata 10 Dent admin.
gen fee and with the enbecriptiou0
liquidated the expenses. Owing to the
difficulty experienced in eeourieg lumber
for seats every year the Committee pine
chased that in use on Thursday, amount-
ing to $40 and will store it at the Towu
Hall. W. J. McCracken had a refresh•
meat tent on the Park for the day.
The Listowel Town Bowling Club
opened ite new green Tuesday, with it
tournament, which hae been a splendid
evope00. The grounds are beantifully
situated on East Main street, and the
green is one of the best in the Province.
The terrace in front is shaded by fine old
trees, affording ample facilities for the
numerous opeotatore to watoll the game.
The green was pronounced by the players..
to be nearly as perfect as ppsoible. The
arrangements for the tournament were
faultless, and were parried out in a most
satiefaotory manner. The weather was
fine, but the number of entries was oom-
eiderably reduced by the wretched weath•
er of Monday. A number of olubs who
had signified their intention to compete
tailed to put in an appearance on that
menet, but notwithstanding unfavorable
oironmetances twenty rinks competed.
Clinton sent 4, Mitohell 2, Seaforth 1,
Harrieton 3, Gnelph 2, Bressole 3 and
Lietowel 5. Handsome silver trophies
were offered by the Listowel olnbe for
competition, which were keenly contested
for from start to finish. The praying be•
gen at 10 a. m., and continued till even.
ing, and a most enjoyable day was spent
by all the players. The tournament eves
reonmed Wednesday playing oommeneing
at 9 a. m. Tuesday's playing resulted as
Trophy Series—Preliminary.
Harrieton. Yale skip, 17; Brussel e, Irwin
skip, 13.
Brussels, Cameron skip, 10 ; Lie towel,
Schinbeiu ekip, 12,
Bengston, Jewell skip, 10 ; Listowel,
Featherstone ekip,10,
Mitchell, Downey skip, 19; LlatOW 01, Z11-
liax skip, 16.
First Round.
Clinton. Jookson skip, 19 ; Listowel, Ain-
ley skip ,15.
Brussels, Ross skip, 21; 0linton, Forrester ,
aktp, 10,
Clinton, McLean skip, 15 ; Seaforth, Steele
Guelph, Brydon skip ,19 ; Listowel, Yule
skip ,13,
Second Round.
Guelph, Brandon skip, 29 ; Clinton, filo•
Lean, skip, 23.
Clinton, Jackson skip, 20; Brussels, Ruse
skip, 10,
Mitchell, Downey skip, 23 ; Herristou,
Beacon skip,18,
Yule of Harrtston, won toss from Jewel of
Harristou, and entered semi-finals,
Semi -Finals.
Mitobelt, Downey skip, 19; Harrieton,
Yule skip, 16.
Listowel, Sohinbein skip, 10 ; Brussels, Ir-
win skip, 3.
Mitchell, Burritt skip, 11 ;Listowel, Feath-
erstone skin, 12.
Listowel, Zilliax skip ,12 ; Clinton, Hoover
skip 9.
Clinton, Forrester skip, 15 ; Listowel, Ain-
ley skip, 14,
Liltowel, Yule skip, 13 ; Seafortb, Steele
Brussels Cameron skip, 10; Guelph, Mc-
Donald elcip, 15,
Seoond Round,
Mitobell,Burritt skip, 13 ; Lietowol,Sobiu-
bein skip, 12.
Listowel, Ziltiax skip, 15 ; C linton,Forrot-
ter skip, 14.
Brussels, Ross skip, 14 ; Bengston, 1300 -
con ski 03, 12.
Listowel, Yule skip, 10; Clinton, McLean
skip, 14.
Clinton, Jaokeon, &Lel ; Guelph, Brydone,
etc, 18.
Clinton Jackson, etc. 22 ; 1i11tohell,DOWn-
ey, elk. 21. Jaoheon's rink from Clinton won
the trop by by 1 shot,
Brussels, Boss, ek, 14 ; Lietow8t, Yula, alt.
Guelph, Brydouo, sk,10; Harniston,Yule,
ek, 12.
Brussels, 0am0000, Bk, 14 ;Ilarriotou,
Sowell, ek, 11.
Mitchell, Burnitt, sk, 25 ; Lietowol, Ziliiax,
ek, l0.
Guelph, Brydoue, 00. 20 ;;131:Im ola, Rose
Mc, 10.
elitoholl, Burnttt, sk, 20; Brussels, Oam-
Guelph, Brydone, sk. 24 ; nfitohaii, Bueritt.
ek, 15. Beydmie's ,Tilde from Guelph won
the aoaeolatdon prig, 5 shots,