HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-6-26, Page 81
lLk 0bS.S.• i4;
The Season is now on and wo offer '
the best English Quality for £5 ots,
per pound.
Our .New York Elastic Truss can be
worn with perfect ease. Prices are
very moderate.
Hursley's Drug and
Book Store
'trains leave Brusoele Station, North
and South, as follows :
Man 7:18 a.m I Mixed 10:00 a,m
Mimed Moo a.mMail .. 1.17 p.m
Express 8:25 p.m I Express.... 8:17 p.m
Prat gebas rents,
A ohiel'e amang ye talon' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Ootoi to Brussels on July 12.
REan the advte. in THE POST.
LOOK 'out for a few weddings.
LAST Saturday was the longest day of
tbe year.
THE new 70 foot flag staff at the Town
Hall perk was raised on Wednesday.
SEE/RAL Brueeelitee took in the horse
races at Lietowel on Wednesday of this
THE new time table on the G. T. R.
bag met with many favorable comments
from the prase along the W. G. & B.
BanssEos will be represented at the
Bowling tournament next Tneeday in
Lietowel. Three rinks will likely go.
GE0000 LOWRY i8 removing the front
fence at his residence, Prinoeee street,
and thereby making a noticeable im•
THE painter's brush at the reeidenoee
of D. B. Moore, Jno. McCrae, Miee Mo•
Callum and Ronald McNaughton has
made noticeable improvements.
CHEESE Soto.—W. W. Harris has pur-
chased a gna0tity of oheese, first halt
of Jane make, fog Mooers. Ballantyne, of
Stratford. The price paid was 9} cents,
THE Baee Ball slab have purchased new
oniforme this season. They are of the
kharki Dolor with blue sweaters and
blank stookinge. D. 0. Rose ouppliee
the outfit.
EPH. Cause, Prinoeee etreet,7will put a
new cellar and foundation ander the reel•
dance recently purchased and will have
the building rough -ousted and with other
improvements will have a very mentor.
table home when completed.
REDUCED rates of single fare are in
vogue on the railways for the so palled
Coronation Day, good going on the 25th
and 26th and .returning on 27th. For
Dominion Day tickets good to leave on
Jane 30th and July 1st to return on July
HEnn's the winning way the Lietowel
Standardpat ft laet week :—All who
wish to sea Lietowel win the W. F. A.
series with Brussels should take in the
cheap excursion to Brussels wvbioh lea ee
Lietowel at 5 this Friday afternoon.
Returning, train leaves Braeeele at
9 p. m.
THE Seeforth Expositor gays :—J. R.
Miller, license inspector for Eclat Heron,
wag in town Tueeday and Wednesday.
As part of the race course ie within his
juriediution, he was on hand to see that
"bug juice" was not being disposed of
contrary to the laws made and provided
in that behalf.
A PROTEST.—Lietowel Foot bailers,
smarting Ruder their defeat, have enter.
ed a protest against Brussels in aonnec-
tio0 with last Friday's match. They
have three chargee viz.—That Referee
Killoran watt improperly appointed ; that
their players were interfered with ; that
one of the goals was illegally oouuted.
Brussels hae entered a defenoe and should
be successful. If any change ie made it
should be to award Brussels another goal.
annual meeting of this Diebriot in
connection with the I. 0. 0. F. was held
in the Odd Fellows' Hall, Broesele, on
Friday of last week, District Deputy
Master McGuire, of Brussels, in the chair.
The delegates present were J. A. Morton
and W. Robertson, of Winghom ; Bro.
Douglas, of Wroxeter ; Bros. McGraw
and gTonge, of Gorrie ; W. Marten and
W. C. Smith, of Brussels. Teeewater
was not represented, General lowliness
being through the following officers were
elected :—A, McGuire, D. D. G. M. ; W.
Robertson, Seoretary•Treaourer. There
are over 250 members in the District and
the prospeote are favorable. A District
plo•nio wee discussed but no action taken.
The Grand Lodge will be held next
August in Toronto, W. Grewar will
represent Western Star Lodge.
THE Winnipeg Free Press of June 13th
makee the following reference to E. S.
Oooper, a one time resident of Brussels ;
—E. S. Cooper, of Galt, Ont„ has arrived
in the oity to join Jamee.Berridge in
the late firm of The Barridge'Co., agents
for the Goldie & McCulloch Oo., Galt,
Ont. Mr. Cooper has been long se000iat.
ed with the Goldie & MoOullooh Co. as
ealeeman and manager of their gasoline
engine department and is also thorough-
ly experienced in the other braneheeof
their business. Mr. Cooper will take the
active management of the outside work of
the new firm, Berridge & Cooper and
within a few weeks, it ie expected they
will open out and carry a large stook of
the prodaot of the Goldie & MoOullooh
Co„ G01t, of the different lines of maoh•
inery,safes and vault doors. Dore. Mr. SDC•
ridge has been iodentified with the brei.
nese oommnnity of the Weet for over
twenty three years, and Memo, Burridge'
& Cooper should oertainly make 0 8000888
of it. They expect to extend their brei•
nese from Port Arthur to Viotoria, B. C.
A can of tile, 2}, 3 and 4 inob, woe
received this week by Ronald MaNangh•
ton at Brueeele ebetion yard for sale.
TUE8DAY of next week will be Dominion
Day and consequently a public holiday.
These holidays are growing rather
I HNow the signs of weather well,
And I am filled with pain,
At home I lett my omberell,
And eo it's bound to rain.
THE Boyal Canadian Humane Aeaoe
cietion has awarded Oran Weldon, a
medal, for his conspioione bravery insay.
ing Edwin Harris from drowning, et Day
Mills, on Nov. 2821e, 1901.
PAeeSIL—We congratulate Miee Kate,
daughter of Mrs. J. R. Smith, Brunets,
in having pawed her primary examine.
tion on the piano in Toronto last week.
She is a bard working student and de.
serves to eaooeed.
OFFICERS INSTALLED.—The new aflioere
for the ensuing term in connection with
St. John's Lodge, A. F. & A. M., No. 284,
G. R. 0., Brussels, were installed by
Past Masters Bishop and Irwin on Mon.
day evening and ere as follows :—
W. M., Jae. Fox ;
S. W„ J. H. Cameron ;
J. W., M. Blank ;
Sea., Jae. Irwin ;
Treas., A. Conley ;
Ohap., I. 0. Rioharda ;
Senr. D., S. H. Jackson ;
Saar. D., Jae. Ballantyne ;
Sen. Steward, Geo. Olvar ;
Jun. " Ed. Greensides ;
I. G., Chao. Dodds ;
Tyler, J. Y. S. Kirk.
Representative to Grand Lodge, which
meets at Windeor on Jelly 10th, I. P. M.,
Jno. Wright.
L 0. 0. F. DECORATION.—The auneal
decoration of the graves of Oddfellowe
and their immediate relatives (where
regaesta were made and flowers tient) was
held on Monday evening. There were
about 30 in the procession that left the
Odd Fellows' Hall, shortly after 7 e'eiook,
marshalled by W. Grewar. Oa arrival
at the oemetery the introductory service
was gone through while the brethren
stood in the mystic oirole. The graves
were marked with a red flag upon which
were worked in white 1118 three ambience -
tie lioke. Following was the order of
decoration :—Mre. J. M. O'Connor, Rev,
J. L. Kerr, Mies Addie Beet, Jno. Parker,
George and Mre. Hayarott, Jae. Wilson,'
Miss Lizzie Leatherdale, Mre. H. R.
Elliott, A. Good, Geo, Backer, W. Rod.
diok, Alfred Hamilton, Wm. Cornish, D.
A. Smaie, A. Stewart, D. Scott, sr., D.
Soott, jr., Mre. D. Scott, Peter and Mre.
Thompson, Wm. Spence, J. and Mre,
Mooney, A. Webster, Mre. Albert Crooke
and Mre, Wm. Mooney, 27 in all. Those
part in the interesting se vt
ae were
W. H. MoOraoken, R. Leatberdale, J.
Jones, A. McGuire and W. H. Kerr. A
goodly number outside of the Order drove
oat to the eilent pity of the dead, and
witnee8ed the impressive decoration
ceremony. It ie suggested that another
year all the Sooietiee in town might join
and spend a goodly portion of the after-
noon in similar examine with 60018
musical selections and abort addressee
BOWLING GRID/N.—Three rinks of Brna•
eels Bowlers took a pleasure trip to Kio•
oardine Monday afternoon and played a
couple of matches with the apbere reliant
of the lakeside town. Play wee on the
fine lawn of W. Murray. In the afternoon
oonteet the home rinks won by 7 shote.
The rinks skipped by Dr. Bruce and Jae.
Irwin tied at 15 apiece. Satire cards gave `
the following reunite
Biiuoao e, KINCARDINE,
Soo. Beattie, W. Mason,
J. Fergneon, J. M. Bement,
R. Downing, Dr. McDonald,
D. 0. Rose, ak ..14 W. Hay, ek 23
J. Ardell, W. Murray,
3. T. Roes, J. Cook,
J. Hewitt, J. Norris,
J. Irwin, ek ....15 Dr. Brune, ek15
N. F. Gerry, Dr. MoCrimmon,
0. Cross, A. Smith,
G. F. Blair, W. Bishop,
A. Conetey, ek ..18 R. Roes, ek 15
Totals 47 54
After tea a second game woe played, the
personnel of the Kincardine playere being
somewhat changed. Brussels were victors
by 4 Moots in this competition, the record
giving credits as per subjoined list :—
Jno. Beattie, H. Clark, M,P.P.,
J. Ferguson, W. Bishop,
R. Downing, Dr. Brune,
D. 0. Roes, ek „17 W. Murray, ek 8
J. Arden, J. Mitabell,
J. T. Roes, Dr. Mo0rimmon,
J. Hewitt, Dr. McDonald,
J. Itwiu, ek....11 W. Hay, ek..,,., 8
N. P. Gerry, R, Malcolm,
C. Cross, A. G. McIntyre,
G. F. Blair, W. Harvey,
A. Coseley, ek,. 0 J. Romig, els 14
Totals 34 30
Following the game came the preeenta-
tion of a beautiful silver eervioe to. Dr.
Brune by the people of Kincardine. The
Dr. is removing to Calgary, N. W. T.,
where be ifs going foto ranching. He has
taken a great intoned in athletic eport8
and will be much missed in the town as
he wag a very popular citizen. Brunetti
bowlers returned by Tuesday morning's
Turf William Livery been is reeeiv,
ing a Spring paint len and general Olean.
ANNpal, program of prose and sports
an Thoreday Of this ween, Good pro.
DAt00 Neeene appears to be very elm.
pathetic these days and her tears ate ever
read, to fall,
I Tent 7Putlaud peep show mune to town
op,Taeoday .evening and ie preaentiug its
e;Ihibition near the Town
HoaID WANTED. -1, riende e;0. bright little
girt, 9 yeere old, are desirione of enuring
a oomforteble born for her. Other in.
formation may be bad by applying to
Reeve ROOD, or Tum Pose.
Moen, Livingstone abipped a our of
flex ; L, MoDonald & ()0„ 8 Care of
lumber : Brussels Salt Werke, 5 oars
salt I Ondmore & Co, 3 oars baled hay.
Samuel Laird, of IOgoroot!, formerly
of Broesele, hag been laid up from a fell
downeteire at hie borne some months ago.
In the dark he mined the drat step hence
the descent, He is about all right 0000
more we are pleased to elate.
WEDNESDAY morning, the Entrance ex.
amination oommeneed in Brunetti Public
eoboot building with Inspector Robb and
Mise Ritchie as presiding examinere.
There are 52 candidates writing, 90 of
them being girls and 22 boys. Examine
tion papers are said to be fair.
Mise Jessie N. MoLaohlan hoe arrived
safe mud sound in Scotland, and is "at it
again" having an engagement in Dublin
at the Irish Celle' concert, and will also
Bing at a great Scottish coronation con•
pert to be held in the Queen's hall, Lon.
don, on the oomrng of age of the London
Inverneee shire Association.
THE 12TH IN BnueeELo.—The indications
point to a good turn out at the Celebra-
tion of July 12th in Brussels. Luoknow,
Wingham, Belgrave, Blyth, Sunshine,
Ethel, Listowel and the Elmo, Lodges are
among the number who will spend the
day here, and others are also expected.
An interesting program is promieed.
GONE TO HES REWARD.—At 6 o'clock
Wednesday morning the spirit of Mrs.
Robert MoNaughton, an old and most
highly esteemed resident of this locality,
took its flight. Her death was not unex.
pected as the taper of life had burned
very dimly for some weeks, heart disease
being the ailment. Deceased was born
in St. Andrews, Quebec Province, and
when a child removed with her relatives
to MoNab township, Renfrew Go., where
ehe was married to her aged partner over
50 years ago. They came to Grey town-
ship shortly after thio and took up 200
acres of land, lot 5, eons. 10 and 11, liv-
ing on the latter for [tome years and hat,
ing Bold this farm took np their home on'
the 10th. Here they resided until about
9 years since when they 'retired and came
to town. Mr. MONanghton who is in his
89th year, one son, Dr, Jno. A., of town ;
two daughters, Mre. Jno. Lowe, of
Grey, and Miss Lizzie, at home, are
the survivors of wife and mother.
The subject of this notice was a faithful
member of the Presbyterian church ; was
a true wife, an indulgent mother and one
of the kindest of neighbors. The funeral
will take place from the family residence,
John street, on Friday afternoon at 3
o'olook, service being held at 2.30 p. m.
Interment will be made in Bruaeelo
cemetery. Sincere sympathy is expressed
espeoially for the aged husband.
Bauman WON•—Despite the drizzling
rain of last Friday evening a large crowd
witoeseed the return Football match be
ween Lietowel and Brueeele, on Victoria
Park, in this plane, with a large share of
interest and had the eatiefaotion of see.
ing one boys win in a stubbornly contest.
ed game ; Their opponents, well posted in
football, sturdy in their makeup, with a
good many pounds the advantage in
avoirdnpoise and a goal to start with as a
nest egg from the former contest in thio
series played at Lietowel. The visitors
expected to win and thereby have a share
in tbe finale for the Intermediate trophy
and to back them up ran a epeaial train,
from which about 150 people, largely their
supporters, alighted at our depot about
5.50 o'olook. Game did not start notil
nearly 7, as time was wasted over a dia•
mission as to who ehould referee the
match. At the Listowel game no League
appointed referee was present eo the op
posing teams agreed on Dune. Molianob•
lin, Of Brussels, who gave satisfaction.
Listowel claimed the right of having
their referee at Brussels, but Leo Killer.
an, of Seatorth, was present for that Em-
poria by appointment of Association, so,
after a telephone to the Seorelary, the
Lietowel team agreed to play. They
floored the first goal early in the match
and Brussels followed snit by planting
three between the Sage before half time
was up. The ball was very wet and
heavy and the gree* slippery, so good
combination work was difficult, the home
team being the lighter and depending on
team play suffered more than their ap-
ponente. The visitors' made e. 00500000
attack on Brussels goal in the latter part
of the game and atter several repnleee
managed to score again and this, with
their one goal at Lietowel, tied the score,
3.3. Our lade decided that that condi•
tion of affairs would not make them
Longue 0innere so enuring the sphere
took it down the field at a pane that
meant business and eo decidedly was the
onset kept up that one goal was allowed
in abort order and another one scored
that was not counted, A jangle took
plane over the scoring and as the oon•
stables were bney clearing the crowd
away from the goal one of the Lietowel
kickers undertook to put hie fiat into
Oonotable Jackson's hum, while in the
performance of hie duty. The,,constable
wouldn't have it that way so gave the
paeilietio individual a well deserved re•
buff. The referee's deoieioe did not meet
with the approval of game of the visiting
team 80 they took the ball and lett the
field with 14 minutes still of the 1} hours
to play. Broseele team lined op at the
referee's whistle ready to oontinoe the
play but attar wafting the regulation
time and no appearanee'of their sppon•
ante Referee Killoran annoanoed Broesele
winners by 4 to 2. This was not as Lie.
towel had planned it eo they refused to
be oomtorted and even the genial I uta
manipulator, G11. Barber, deollned to toot.
The line op wee art follows :—
fan:wEL 0005800.0
F Taylor Goal R Pearson
J A Stewart ,.. fB1 I Gerry
B Tngheu i acke 1 R Wboeler
E Stewart.... I GForgaeon
J Moorehea.., t Backsit W A Tripp
E Kidd' A' MoN augbton
McKay FRoche
A McLennan W Good
e, u.:: orw r TM tie
H OwI(r ua F a de 0o
E Switzer W Ruske
J eable ... , ...11I W Cameron
P * „ 1
The gate receipts amounted to $65.
Several oonetablee were on duty eo as to
keep the crowd book from the allotted
Moncrr. of
Saw Mill
•Large quantity of Lumber of
all kinds, Lath, f3hiuglod and
Slabs for sale,
During 1'uly proprietor will
be there each Wednesday to at-
tend to the wants of the public,
On other dates write
Wm, J. Palmer,
50-4 Wroxeter P. 0.
epaoe belonging to the pleyer0. The
special train lett Braeeele for Lietowel at
9,30 o'olook.
Business Locals.
To TunPunofs.—Ladiee and gentlemen,
all outlery can be ground, sharpened and
repaired by Sawfiler McGregor, Mill
street Eant, Brunetti. Choice work at
reasonable prime.
Ease 14 onto. We buy for dash or
trade, wool, egge end butter, A $20,000
stook of dry goods, gr0ceriee, ready made
clothing, carpels, boots and Ocoee' to
eeleot from,
GEO. E. Kusa, Wini•ham.
Celebration In Brussels.
Don't forget the annual Celebration in
Brussels on Thoreday of this week. A
most enjoyable program will be present-
ed embracing a local Football match
between Gtey and Morrie township oom.
menaing at 10.30 o'clock a. m. Lacrosse
game Kincardine vs. beafortb, at 1.30 o'•
cloak. Harrieton and Brussels will face
each other on the Base ball diamond and
i0 theevening Wroxeter and Brussels will
contest Football honors. The day will
c000lode with a promenade Concert on
Victoria Perk and a flue program by
the 33rd Regiment Band. Special rates
on the railway.
People We Know.
Mre. Wm. Martin ie visiting in Grey
Rev. Mr. MoQnillin, of Blytb, was in
town on Monday.
Milton McGuire, is home from Monet
Forest, on a holiday.
Miee Downey will spend part of her
holidays in Chatham.
Mise Jennie Forbes went to Detroit on
last Saturday's excursion.
Mre. Fred. McCracken and children
are visiting at Blnevale.
Russell Plaid has been i11 with pnen•
moria bat ie better again.
Mise Murray, of Seatorth, is visiting
Miee Tena Sample this week.
Mre. John Long is visiting relatives
end frieode at Detroit and London.
Dr. and Mrs. Graham, of Clinton, were
visitors in Braeeele on Wednesday.
Miee Fanny Vanetone, of Wingham, ie
vieiting her cousin, Mise Edna Good.
B. and Mre. Gerry spent Sunday in
Seatorth with W. H. and Mre. Willie.
Mre. G. F. Blair and gone were away
at Goderioh for a week or ten days, with
Mre. A. M. Kay and Master Archie, of
Stratford, are vieiting Mrs'. W. H. Kerr,
John street.
Willie Straohan and Joe Wilton have
been ill with pneumonia but are getting
along nicely now.
Miee Marie Blakeway, of Toronto, is
enjoying a holiday wish the family of
Fred. Ada ma Mill street.
Miee Scott, teaober, left for her home
near Belmore on Wednesday morning of
this week for her variation.
Mr. Grover, of the Garfield House, at-
tended the wedding of hie eieter•in law,
Miee Watson, iu Dresden, thie week.
Miee Laird, of Hamilton, ie visiting ber
cousin, Mre, Will. Ainlay. Miee Laird is
a matron in the Lunatic Asylum iu
James H. Benson, sheriff of West
Aeeinaboia, is dead. He went therefrom
Seatorth in the early eighties, praatieing
as a barrister.
Mre. H. J. Morden, of Stoaffville, is a
welcome victor to Brussels. She is tbe
guest of Mrs. A. Straoban. Mr. Morden
ie also in town.
Mrs, George Cardiff, John street, left
on Tuesday morning for a vnoation of a
few months with relatives and friends in
Manitoba and the Northwest.
Ina. Currie left o0 Tneeday for a trip
to Manitoba. If he Nee what mite him
he may remain. Mre. Curry and family
are continuing in Brunets in the mean.
Moe M. L Brook will enjoy her Sum.
mer variation ander the parental root in
Northern Ontario, taking np Entrance
oleos work in Wingham Public school
after the holidays.
Mrs. Robert Burne be renewing old
friendships in Braesola and locality.
She has been making her Dome in Blyth
but talks of taking a trip to Manitoba to
visit her eons.
Alex. Smith is here on a visit from
Roseland, B. 0. He Dame down with the
body of hie partner in the ranching bre.
ineee, who wag murdered recently. Mr.
Smith is a eon. of Walter and Mre. Smith,
Albert street, Brugeele, and has developed
into robed manhood in his Weeteru
John Cuthill, who has spent several
years 10 Calgary locality, was here for a
short visit. He is a eon of Janne Onthill,
Brussels, and ie well pleased with the
West, Mr..Ottlhill left on Tuesday for
Calgary where be Wilde u situation on a
farm. He looks as if the olimite agreed
well with him.
Percy Tom, a graduate of the London
Mediae! School, and eon of Sellout In.
epentor Tom, mf Goderloh, tools ftret.olees
honors in medicine, elinioal medicine,
gynecology and eurgery, at the recent.
medi0al examinations at the University.
of Manitoba, held at. Winnipeg, No
other ontoide student took se high a
standing ea Mr, Tom.
Herb. Dennie, of Chatham, was in town
for a few days. He ie the eldest eon of
H. Dennie, heroese maker, formerly of
Betweeln. Herb. and hie Meter, Miee
Edna, are in the drug store of A, I. Mo.
Call, Chatham. The format will attend
the College of Pharmacy at Toronto next
Ann 21 1002
,,sPaxD'4R. ,B4XJ' OF C'd 4D4,
CAPITAL RAID ,TJi' , (Qoe 9liliion DPI►are) 81,000,000
RAST $750,000
Agencies in 413 prittefpa1points in ()walla, Quebec, Manitoba, United States it angiand,
A General Banking liu8iueee Traneeoted, Farmers' Notes Dleopnnted,
Drafts Isaned and Oolleetione mads on all pointe,
interest allowed • on depoeite of 51.00 and upwards and compounded half yearly.
Every facility afforded Ouetomere living at a distance.
MQfl 7 Orders payable at any bank nested Under $10.... 83. $20 to $30...,12o
at the following rano t— $10 to $20...,100, 80 to 40.•...14o
Fall. Mr. McCall is en old Brueeelite.
It is 6 years einem Mr. Dennie removed
from our town.
The .Presbyterian General Assembly
will meet in Vancouver next year,
"National Prosperity" will be the next
Sabbath evening's topic at the Epworth
League, Methodiet oburob.
Next Sahbath wilt be quarterly review
in the various Sabbath Schools using the
Iuternetionalseries of lessons.
Rev. A MoNab, M. A., of Walton, ex.
°banged pulpits with Rev. Jno, Roes, B.
A., last Sabbath and delivered two well
prepared diaoonreee.
After next Sabbath evening Melville
Christian Endeavor will cease bolding
their weekly service until the Sommer
monthe have paned. They followed thio
custom last Summer also.
Conferenoe made no provision to Bend
a young man to supply the work at Alma
and Turner's, there beine a dearth of
young men, but Rev. J. Greene, of Clin•
ton, has been given oberge thereof.
1. 0. F.—Next Sabbath morning the
members of Court Prinoeee Alexandria,
No 24, 0. 0. F., Brussels, will assemble
at their Hall at 10.30 o'olook and march
to Melville chetah. Rev. Jno. Roes, B.A.,
will preach the annual sermon.
Next Sabbath evening Rev. Jno.
Holmes will preach the oonolndiug sermon
of his pastorate in Brueeele Methodiet
church. - Hie topio will be "The Procla•
motion of Peace." Rev. Mr. Holmes
and family will remove to Blyth next
week where they will make their home
for the coming paeto(al germ.
Rev. G. J. Abey will preach the oon•
eluding sermon in hie incumbency in St.
John's church next Sunday evening Ieay.
ing the following week for hie new charge
at Preston. Leat Sunday Mr. Shore, of
Wingham, officiated for Rev. Mr. Abey,
the latter being at Preston. Mise Taylor,
o1 London, sang a Well rendered solo at
each service.
After next Sabbath Rev. Jno. Rose, B.
A., will take 4 months holidays, the
additional time above the tenni vacation
being granted in the expectation of it be-
ing required to thoroughly restore him
to hie wonted vigor. During his absence
hie work will be taken by Mr. McLeod,
a etadent, who ie highly spoken of. Mr.
Rose rind family will likely sojourn in
Muskoka for a month or so at least and
his many friends will wish him and hie
an enjoyable holiday.
The ten days' convention of the Seventh
Day Adventiete, held in Galt, ended last
Sunday evening by the bolding of a very
large meeting in main tent, which was
inadequate to bold all who Bought admie
Bion. The meetings all through have
been successful. Sunday afternoon 30
persona were baptized by immersion in
the waters of the Grand River, the ordi.
000oe being witnessed by thoueende of
people. 'It ie the intention of the Ad
ventiete to Form a ohuro6 at Galt,and to
this end a poetor has been tationed
there, and tent meetings will be held for
several weeke.
R. Joyce, a locomotive fireman from
Toronto, fell from a train - near Tyndall
Station, Man., and was killed.
A Conservative petition against the
election of the Hon, J. p. Davie in North
York was filed at Oegoode Hall.
At Edmonton a Swede named Nile
Johnson has been arrested forthe alleged
murder of bee brother, to get possession
of hie (Attie.
The Montreal street car men intend to
oak the company for an increase of wages
to 18 conte on week days and 20 Dente an
hour for Sunday work.
BOYD020.—In Morrie, on June 19th, to
Mr. and Mre. J. T. Brydgee, adaugb.
Hai.—In Lietowel, on the 17th inet., to
Mr. and Mre. J. N. Hay, a daughter.
MCQUILLAN —fa Blyth, on Jnue llth, to
Rev. George and Mre, McQuillan, a
Moons.—At the rectory, Liebowel, on
June 13th, lo Rev. A. P. and Mrs.
Moore, a eon.
NEAoEL.—In Grey, on June 14, to Mr.
' and Mre. D N. Neabel, a eon.
RATcLIFF$,—In Atwood, on 17th last.,. to
Mr. and Mre. T. G, Ratcliffe, a daugh•
WnmuT.—In Henfryn, on June 19th, to
Mr. and Mre. S. Wright, a daughter.
Smd.R R C:f]b.
DUNCAN—BPO'S —At the residence of the
bride's parents, on Jane 25111, by
Rev. Jno.' Rose, B. A„ Mr. Harry
Duncan to Mies Annie, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Speir, both of
BoonnneoN — MCKAY. — In Deloraine,
Shu,., no Bin 29th, Rev. Magnus
lieonoteou, of Yorkton, N. W. T.,
to Miee Joan McKay, of Determine,
formerly of Morris township, Ont.
RTRETTON—HSOON0.—At tbe Presbyterian
manse, Blytb, on Jute 12th, by Rev.
A. McLean, Mr. J. H. Stretton, of
Brunets, to Miee Mildred M,, dangle,
ter, of Mr. and Mre. George Girona,
of Blyth.
.WHITE—CREIs0TON.--At the "Cedars,"
Blanehard, the residence of the
bride's parents, Mr. end Mr8, David
Ceeightoo, on June 18, by Rev. Mr.
Hart, Mise Eleanor Creighton and
Mr. William White, of Hibbert.
MoNAOOUTON.—In Brunets, on June 25,.
Eliza Merrier', beloved wife of Rob-
ert McNaughton, aged 78 years, 2
menthe and 19 dale..
Moons. —At the rectory," Listowel, on
June 13th, the infant child of Rev. A.
P, and Mre. Moore.
7o m'rr.�:mnoz,m MA150 O'rf3,
Gall Wheat 74 75
Bnrlry 48
PeaA 70
Cate 40
Butter, telm and collo 14
Eggs nor dozen 11.
Flour nor cwt. 4 00
Potutooe (per bus.) 85
Apples (per bbl.) 2 00
Hay per ton 8.50
Sheep ekirte, eaoh ., .. ,25
Lamb shine eadh 25
Balt per hitt., retail 1 00
Mace trimmed 6
Hides tough 5 6
Hogs, Live 0 50 6 50
Wool 11 r 12
3 00
7 00
HAVE pasturage for a number of steers.
Apply to THOS. MOORE, Brueeele,
Forte head of two year old cattle for
tale. D. N. NEABEL, Lot 24,'Oon.14, Grey.
HeoeR and lot on Catherine Street,
Brussels. for Bale at a great bargain. Apply
at THE Doer Publishing House.
ji10R SALE—LOT 207 AND
dwelling thereon, North-west corner
William and Albert streets, Brueeele.
40-tf J. LECKIE
8. No. 8, Grey, male or female, bolding
2nd or Ord class eertifaide. Duties to com-
mence August 18th. State salary. Applica-
tions received up to August 1st.
40.3 JAMES 8BIEL8, Cranbrook.
for 8. 8. No. 3, Grey township. Duties
to commence after Summer vacation ; ap-
plloaats to state salary and send testimon-
ials. Applications received up to July 12.
40 Box 274, Brussels P.O. Secretary.
the premises of the uoderelgned, Lot
25, Con. 8, Grey, on or about June let. She
is a largo Chester White. Any information
leading to ber recovery will bo thankfully
received. ROBT. BREMNER,
Ethel P. 0.
Potato Bugs
Are Ripei
Rave your Potatoes with, early ,
Pada Green. When the bggg oeiitd'
they some with a rush. Be ready
for them. They're quite minter.
cue some please already, Nothing
, ' like being ready before the bugs
are ready, Oar Paris Green stook
is all ready. 7b'e the very beet
Green we clan net. We guarantee
every pound of it to give entire
eatiefaotiou or your•ntoney bank,
250, per pound
Apply to Wanted,
�0i 8T 1Brusselach purposes.
eohs.yHtA bargain will be given. AppoIt.
LEATHERDALE, dealer in pianos and or -
gang, Brueeele.
OI°NED offers bis borae, buggy, cutter,
cart and harness for Sale as be is removing
from Brueeels and hes no further need of
them, REP. G. J. ASSY.
$20,000. to Loan.
The above arm has been placed wltb me
for immediate investment on farm proper.
ty at 6 per Dent, - If titloe are satisfactory
loans: may be completed in 8 days, Liberal '
Orme as to repayment. Apply at once to.
W. M. SINCLAIR, Barrister, Jar , Brussels.
DEneIoNED wishes to announces to
the ladles of Broesele and violotty that ehe
is prepared to make switches out of comb -
Inge and out hair, at ber •home, Mill street
West, Btassele. MRS. HING8TON.
To Contractors.
Tenders will be received by the under-
e lgned for the erection of either stone or
concrete abutments, 12 feet hlgb,fora bridle
at Lot 6, Con. 14, Grey plane and epeoi8oa-
ttona cyan be seen at Clerk's office.
JOHN MoINTOSH, Clerk, Ethel.
OiBoo over Hureley's Drug Store,
Feb. 6t11, 1902. 80-3m Brussels.
virtue of the last will and testament
of Phillip 000001ne, sr., the property being
✓ illage lots 100 de 167, Weet aide of James et.,
and Noe, lei & 167 fronting on James et., all
in the village of Brueeele, In the County of
Huron, containing in all one mere more or
lees, will be offered for sale at Brussels by
pnolie 0pntto0 after tke expiration of three
months from date hereof. Further portion -
lam and dote of sale will be advertised at a
later date. PHILLIP GRANDINE, Jr.,
Dated June 100b,1902.
ew Store
EOPLE wonder why we sell so cheap. We'll a Px-
lain. The
bulk o f this stock wasP urchased at
less than 50c. on the dollar, hence we can and will sell
many lines .at just one-half and in many cases less than
one-half what you have to pay elsewhere.
Pay special attention to the following attrac-
tive list for this and next
week's selling:
5 pieces of Dress Goods, worth regularly 20c & 25c for
10 pieces of Dress Goods, " 45o, 50.& 600 for
4 pieces Wool Delaines . " 40e & 45c for
8 pieces Fine Scotch Plaid Zephyrs " 25o for
3 pieces All Wool Tweed Suitings " 1.00 for
1 piece All Wool Navy Serge . 40 for
80 pairs Men's Fine Shoes " 3.00 for
Men's Fine Fedora and Stiff Hats " 1.75 for
If 1* sot u
04 11 a - ((
Boys' Black and Colored Felt Hats
Tweed Suits for Boys, age 13 to 17, f'
(( - (4 9, 1,
2.00 for
2.50 for
50 for
4.00 ` for
6.00 for
8.00 for
We are going out of Clothing and Hats, hence the great
cuts in same. Now is your opportunity.
Graver & Via.
Garfield Block, Brussels.