HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-6-26, Page 7JIB ROYAL PRIVILEUES
Xing of Abyeeinia's Dia-
mond Ear Ring..
When the two countries, Chino
and /.71'0.nce, wove ertgaged some
ycittes. ago . in. delimiting the boun-
darleaShetween the Ifrenth c014PY Of
Touquin am! Ohineste territory the
Et:rot/Oen soultaisaioners were ex-
tremely surpeleed tet tee anxiety of
the Celestiela to keep in their tme-
session e small range oi low hille,
. These seemed to naeuraller fell with-
in the Vreffeh sphere, but the Chi-
nese officials °gored eo good an ex-
cite:awe for. them that they were per-
mitted to keep them. It wits not
Until afterwards that; the reason Was
discoverece. Those hills' are known
to UM Chine:co nation es the Seven
Tea Mountains. it iii there that the
tea consented by the Imperial Court
of China is grown. Evemy leaf of
the crop goecc clirect,to Pekin, end
no inferior person is permitted, -un-
der PenaItY, of :death, te use so
eseeli as e cupful of. this perfect 'pro-
duct. .
Very peculiar are some of the pri-
vileges appertaining to Asiatic po-
teute.tes. 'A special brand of to-
bacco is grown for the Xing of
Siam. It is made into cigars a foot
in length for his speeial use. It is
one of the. strongest ninths of favor
whieh King Chulalongkorn can be-
etow, a m•eseat of one of those
Royal -eigere, Another of the pri-
vileges of this monarch is to be, per-
mitted a. first selection of the stones
• from the famous. Situriese sapphire
mines. custom these are given
'free, but as 11. matter of fact, .
In Perain, it is the exclusive pri-
vilege of the Shan to delve,. white
'horseswith tails dyed scarlet for 6
inches from,their tipe. All Ciro -Ugh
Turkey and other Mohammedan
countries the horse's tail is ce sym-
bol of honor. A. Patha of Three
.Tails is the highedt in rank next to
Royal ty.
In the left ear of elenelik, King of
Abyssinia, may be seen a ditunoncl
solitaire ear ring set with gold. This
has two meanings — thet the wear-
er has killed en elephant, and that he
is of Royal. birth; in Abyssinia
none except those who can claim
blood reletion with the monarch are
PerIlli LW to wear gold in any shape
Or form. This seems a more sensi-
ble privilege thee that fornierly ac-
corded to the ruling family oe Mada-
gamer, Like the Chinese, the people
of Madagascar are devoted to kite
Ilyieg. Even the King or Qpeen
used frequently to sham in this
amusement; Queen leann.valonre the
last Sovereign, Wee very feud of' it.
It was the law of the Hovas that
no subjecCa kele should ever be per -
milted to else to a greater height
them 'that of their ruler, and thin
odd privilege was 'most carefully
guarded for centuries.
The privileges of Eurepecin mon-
nrchs aro comparatively conninen-
place nowadays. Spain, however,
retains a few which are rather me -1
diaeval. For one thing, no sub-
ject not of noble birth niayso much
as touch the sacred person of the
King. ' Some years ago, when the
little Kies Ives relining downstairs,
lie elipped oiid fen, mid would cer-
tainly have been badly hurt,
hod not a young footman sprung to
the rescue and caught the boy -in his
arum, e'er this service the Soot-
1110.11- immediately ceceived his .11i8 -
Marge. Fortainately for him, , the
Queen -Regent is not so narrow-
milided as hoe ofileirds. She immedi-
ately rent for the man, thanked him,
and made him a present of a. sum
eunicient to keep him in comfort for
the rest of his life. '
When. tee Czar and Czarina last
vielted France their beds were spread
with someof the megnincent linen
accumulated by Napoleon III. Much
to the chagrin ot their. entertainers,
the servants of their Majesties strip-
ped - itil this splendid linen and
reelaced it with sheets worked
with the Russian Imperial arms. It
appears that this is the invariable
oustem and privilege of the Ruselart
lboyal family, who, wherever they
travel, never use any bed linen- Or
towels but their own,
Other privileges, also, the Czar of
All tho Russias enjoys. There are
certain ponds In tho Imperial parks
-where no one but the reigning Sov-
ereign may throw a line. The pre -
rent Czar only ocoasionally handles
a rod, hut when he thees so he is
able to pull out by the dozen mon-
ster carp and pike, some of which
are said • (o have been originally
placed in these waters by Peter thd
Groat himself. To the Ozer it is
alone permitted to
along the Public roads, an•d this is
a privilege of which he frequently
a,VailS himself.
As for our own Itoyal Family their
privileges are not only few in num-
ber, bet they very rarely avail them-
selves of them. For instance, al-
though tho • King may claim free
transportation over any railway he
the kingdom, he toyer dote:iso..
oou]d if he 'so desired, have 01,1 the
Water 'and gas ho reqdlree supplied
free to all the Royal iPalaces. Yet
he prefers to pay for these regetisites
of 'every -clay life. Even local rates
and taxes, which our rulers axe spe-
cially exempted from, aro not avoid-
ed. 'Ito colleeters do not tend de-
mand 'notes to Buthingham Palace
Or Windsor, but a certain lump sum
is sent annually by the Comptroller
of the Household to the representa-
tive of the atithoritith of the bor-
onglis in which the.'palaces are sit-
Only two ef the British Royal pri-
vileges are commonly put in prac-
tice. Ono is the settling of disputes
or judging of =all offences among
the servants of tho Royal houth-
hold by a priVato tribunal, • the
Board of Green Cloth; the °thee, the
right, oi not submitting tho wills of
monarchs to probate, No ono Out-
side hor heir, Mid ono or two ofil-
data Morn to Sthrecy, knows how
the private fortune of our lete Queen
Vle,torict was disposed of.,—L,ondon
Tit -Di Ls.
Girlie in the Story of One Wb,
• Xtad Suffered and Rae Found
AMU/wed Health and
Froth the gun, Orangeville# Ont,
it is a go'ocl many years einth the
good wrought by Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills WASbrat recorded in the col,
times of the Sun, but during that!
Period 'UM 11 terlina 111e1511: of the meldim
cine has inereaSect its reputation and
every clay adda to tho number ' of
those who have found nealth through
the uee 01 theN0 14111018 1.11 I IS. Many
In title teivn have freely Woken of
the ,benellt they have derised from
the use, of Williams' Pink Pills
and to theee another is added in thi
person DI 'MiSS Victoria Widdis, To
0. repOrter of the Sun who had heard
of her cure, MISS Widdls sald : "Sev-
eral years ago I became very Inuch
run doWn ; 1 felt tired all the time,
my blood was watery ancl I was in
What Che physicians called an aline-
• tide condition, I was always weary
and worn out, not able to do any-
thing and yet not sick enough to bo
in bed. My heart bothered rue with
Ls constant palpitation, brought
tbout by my extreme. weaknese. Ky
ippetito felled me and I was gradu-
ally growing worse, I had heard
and read cif. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
and decided to give them a trial.
After using them a short thne a de-
cided change was noticeable and it is
no exaggeration to say that I felt
like an entirely different person. My
appetite returned and with it good
blood and strong nerves. I can con-
scientiously say for Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills that they did me inore
good than I can tell. To all weak,
nervous, easily tired, run down 100-
111e0 , I say by all means to give nr..
• WiilltunS' Pink Pills a trial and you
will DO clolighteci witn, the result.''
it is because these pills make rich,
red blood that they cure such trou-
bles as anaemia, shortness of breath,
headache, palpitation of the heart,
rheumatism, erysipelas, St. Vitus'
dance, and the functional ailments
that make the lives of so many wo-
men a seem) of constant miaory.
The genuine 'pills dlWays bear the
full nem°, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for Polo People," on the wrapper on
every box., Sold by all dealers or
sent by mail at 50 cents a box or
six boxes for 82.50, by addressing
the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont,
Dr. P. Ff. Knowlton, . of tho
United States National Museum,
says that perhaps the longest
straightaway flight .thade by birds
in their migrations is accomplished
by some of the shore and water
birds that nest in. the islands .0±
Behring Sea and spent the winter at
Hawaii and Penning Island, 2,200
utiles away. As some of these birds
live entirely on the shore, and are
probably unable to rest on the sur-
face of water, they must, says. Dr.
Knowlton, acconirlish the whole dis-
tance in a single flight. •Iret, al-
though there are no lancinumkS for
them upon their long journey. over a
waste of water, they make their way
to their destination with the pre-
cision of a rifle -bullet.
The strange charalteristic of lent-.
ming, a kind of rat whicli.infeststhe
east coast of Norway, hi that . it
periodically , migrates westward.
Every few years large colonies of
these rats turn their noses west-
ward and start on n journey that
ends in death. They go over rivers
and ru.ountains, steadily crossing the
country and rearing families on the
way, till they reach the broaa At-
lantic. Here, 0110 would imagine,
theyewould stop, or turn in some
other diredtion, in the hope of being
able to continue thole journey to. the
west by an overland route ; but they
boldly plunge into the ocean, and
swim; ever westward, till they aro
drowned. This is a fortunate char-
acteristic for the Norwegians, for if
the leas did not kill themselves the
people would .have a hard task to
keep them un.der.
• • —
Baby's Own. Tablets Hake Child -
ea Well and Keep Them
If your children are subject to
Colic, indigestion or any stornech
trouble ; lf they aro troubled. with
constipation, diarrhoea, or any of
the ills that afflict little ones, give
them Baby's Own Tablets. This
meclicine will give relief right away,
making sound, refreshing :deep pos-
sible. It \vitt pet childrea on the
highroad to . health at. once. It is
doing ellia to -day for thotteands of
children in all parts of the country.
Mrs, 11.., L. McFarlane, Bristol, Que.,
eaya :—"I take pleasure in testife-
ieg to the micelle of Baby's Own
Tablets. 3' have used thein for my
baby sine° sho wee three month5 old,
and provious to ileitis them sho was
deliciate child. She is now quite
the reverse, as she is plump, healthy
andstrong. 1 think Baby's Owe
Tablets the best medicine in the
world for little ones," These '1`ab-
lets aro good for children of all age,
and (11880110ct in water or crushed
to a powder they can be given with
absolute safety to the youngest,
weakest baby. Guaranteed to con.
tai)1 no opiate or harmful dregs.,
Sold by all dealers at 25c a box, or
sent postpaid by writing direct to
the Or, Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont., or Schenectady,
Tho Parisian stoelcing-makees 0.150
overwiteleeed with orders for novel
coronation stothinge, costing 100
trance and upwards per pair. They
are mado of real lace, and have the
mellow.= of their °Weer sermount-
ed With the British crown Worked in
the instep. Many peeresees, it is
said, have ordered these, stothings to
wear at the coronation,
Bath to the greea old farla
llfy thoaglits are wandering,
To the drift of bloom on the cherrY
The birch: and the Merry oeelelow
.01 the happiness they sing ;
Bank where the peach 19 blushing
At tho whisper, of tho sun,
Deck where the rill aud the riga-
RIPPle and MSS and run.
Bacli to the green old farin
MY heart is leading ine,
From tho jostle of the wildering
of Care and Trouble
Indee t
Anrade for an empty fee ;
Back to the maze of rolling wheat.
And the puzeele oR the ram,
Solved in the sesame of the flowers
And' guessed in the golden grain.
Back to the green old farm
My heart has settled me
Like a butterfly oe the honey spot
Of a clover or forget-ine-not,
And glad with the harvest glee ;
I. have s part in the fellowship
Of the good 111 everything,
And hope, like a bud the sun has
found, -
Reclaims another spridg.
• During ,the summer months the
farm a -Millais require an abundance
of good water. The team in -the
field should not be compelled to go
from • morning to noon end from
tloOn to night without one or more
opportunities'to drink. It is a wide-
spread but 'Meehan notion that' a
moderate amount of water will in-
jum a. horse if givem'while the ani-
mal is warm or sweated ; but barm
may possibly result from allowing
huge amounts of water at a time
to the heated animal. Water should
be given frequently enough to pre-
vent excessive thirst.
...Water fresh from the spring or
well is best and is never too cold if
in reasonable amounts. Endeavor to
get the horse' to drink before feed-
ing at 'ell times ; large amounts
taken soon alter feeding may induce
colic and indigestion by washing the
grain from the stomach into the in-
testines before stomach digestion has
become finished.
It le good practice, and will pay,
to see that each animal in the stable
has at opportunity to drink late in
the evening during the hot weather.
TOO frequently anlinals aro corn-
pe.leci to drink warm, stale, or even
dirty water. Water trcughs should
be kept clean at all times. A cover
or lid to the trough can be cu. -
ranged et, as to be quickly raised
and fastened while the animals are
drinking and closed to exclude dirt
and heat. ,
The water from farm. well and
springs is not rarely rendered im-
Pure and onsafe for man and least
by contamination from one OT Mare
sources. Surface drainage is a com-
mon swine of contamination and
can generally be remedied by atten-
tion to the surface about the supply
by filling around the top of Well or
spring, or by ditches so arrostged to
carry o� storm. Water ; stelae° con-
tommation can generally be abolish-
Wells may be contaminated by
soakage from cess pools and low
places containing foul water, the
region of the barn yard and the
manure pile too often is the location.
of such pools. .Abolish them by fill-
ing with earth leiter all foul water
and soiled earth have been removed.
Cisterns used for the storage of
rain water aro very often fouled, and
and it cisterns mast be used they
shoeld be most carefully Construct-
ed. Cistern water nuty be folded by
tho same means as described above
and also by the entrance of small
animals and vermin.
Every farmer who is not ambitious
to male lawyers, doctors, street car
conductors, byalcemen or something
of the sort of his sons, 'or typewrit-
ers, milliners, dress makers, or fac-
tory operatives of his daughters, is
counselledto co-operate with his
wife in making their home life at-
tractive and their home something
which they will never mem to regm.c1
with the deepest affection. A farm
of 100 acres is quite large enough
to furnish profitable employment for
a family of half a doeen boys and
girls until they come of age, though
fifty years ago it was thought to
be hardly big enough for ono. But
fifty years ago the farmer did not
know, as he now knows, that it is
O great deal cheaper to grow fifty
bushels of grain or three or four
tons of bay on ono acre of ground
than on four, and lie di(1 eot lcnow
thesatisfaction and profit which aro
derived from welt directed work.,
Neither the boy nor the girl who is
born 111 tho country over wants to
leave the home that is in every re-
spect well ordered nor the farm that
is notable for its cereful manage-
ment and heavy .crops. 'They feel a
good deal of pride in their sur-
roundings, and are always anxious
to add to their attractions. The
boy gets th•ecl of the farm if every
day he has to chate the cattle,
sheep or pigs out of -the plowed
field or the meadow ; the girl gote
tired 0 tho farm if the 'loose is
coatinua ly in disorder and 'inside
and out is disreputable in appear-
ance generally. Thus it is seen that
to 1 em the boys ai d girls on the
farm t ie formes m ist be kept in
ordet DAD the home metet be madeee
How to Got Rick:
'Rake te enantitY of eilieft thatIng
one-fourth the Price tif 011 ; MiX it
wltb 011, 5051 eel/ tloo compound
the public at the prlee Of pure Mil
offer "prizes" With the compound
to inelce it sell. It Is °Ugh ft
e011410141111 the public get when they
buy 'cal:111101e Soaps. In Sanlight
Sean—Oct/WOO Llar—the piddle buy
a Pure and Well -made soap. Sun-
light Soap reduces experace by
prolonging the life of the Articles
washed "with it, which is math more
profitable to the public, than 0000-
111011 soane with "prizeo,"
real and attractive hepne both in its
interim' end exterior. The boye will
he Proud of their occupation if
theirs are the best veops grown in
their neigliborhood, and tho girls
will be just MS proud if they have a
pretty parlor and dining roora and
other rooms in which to entertain
their friends, The nem generally
succeeds who does his best ; the
best the farmer can do'is to greW
the largest possible crop on the
smallest possible plot of ground, to
keep his buildings, fences and agri-
cultural implements in thorough re.
pair, to keeP out oi debt and to
enjoy life as he goes along as well
as he can, for lt is the fate of no
man to pass this way but once. If
he does this his boys and girls will
be in no hurry to leave the farm and
they will escape malty of the trou-
bles and disappointments that their
loss fortunate brothers and sisters
have to encounter.
Chemists tell ns that oats out for
hay contain as moth nutritive value
as they do when ripened, so far as
the grain itself goes., still there is a
loss by grain rattling out when too'
ripe, and a loss of the feeding value
of the straw ,in ripening. We think
every farmer who grows oats for
hOnie Use Will find a profit in eating
theta while •the grain is "in the
dough," or soft enough to crush be-
tween the thumb and finger and
curing them for hey. Both horses
and cattle eat them greediler, leav-
ing no straw, and seem to keep in
quite as good conditien as if fed on
timothy hay and dried oats. It is a
saving also of the labor of threshing
and there may lie another saving
they may be harvested before they
begin to vust. •
In Austria, a woman, no matter
what she may do, is never regarded
or treated quite as a criminal. She
may rob, burn, kill — set every law
at defience, in fa.th, and break all
the Connuandments in turn without
fear of over being called upon to
face a gallows. She is not. even
sent to an ordinary prison to do
penance for her sins; the hardest fate
that can befall her is to be compell-
ed to take up her abode for a tirae
in a convent.
• It is said that a young girl has
just died in the asylum at Ham-
burg who possessed the peculiar gift
of changing the color of her hair ac-
cording to the state of her mind.
In "periods of sedateness" the hair
was its natural dull color'; when
excited it became reddish, and her
anger was Indicated by a blonde
color. Three clays was generally re-
quired for the change to be com-
pleted, and her complexion also
varied in the 511.311.6 periods mad in
the same direction;
To Add Comfort an.d Celerity t
Travel—Bow the Bicycle prov-
ed Its Worth.
All mod5ern moans of transporta-
tion are the direct outcome of hu-
man endeavor to add comfort and
celerity of travel: to economize' on
the fleeting moments of our short
lives, and to Make our raovemeilts
on planet:re or business bent, plane
sant. The bicycle ptuttcummy,
though once regarded as it face has
proved itself to bo ono of the most
serviceable of modern vehicles of
'e iniow of nothing so absolutely
useful in the country. It has
the virtue of making eight miles
feel as ono, and throws into that,
distance a sensation of keen enjoy-
ment at the pleasurable exercise we
are getting. To most of us, a. trip
to the post office or our neighbor is
no light task to undertake on foot,
and the bother of harnessing a prob-
ably over -tired horse takes the plea-
sure out of the trip. A bicycle
stands always ready to do your
bidding. It is made so perfectly to-
day that repairs are the exception;
and the price of the very best
wheel is now an easy proposition.
If you want one of the hest wheels
made anywhere on earth, "Oleve-
land," ''klessey-liferria," "Perfect,"
or "Brantford," write to the Can-
ada Cycle A's Motor Co., Limited, 84
King St. West, for their June pro-
In the ward-rootns, of the vessels
of the American Navy there is still
kept up a, custom worthy of imita-
tion, It is as follows: At nine
o'clock in the evening the captain or
comnumder will order glaeses to be
filled, and, rising, will deliver this
sentiment: "Clentlemen, I ask you
to drink to sweethearts and wives.
May the sweetheart beconle the wifo,
and the wife always reamin the
sweetheart." The assembled offi-
cials drink this toast in silence,
Page Metal Orr tit etir Pince. glerPrk°
0 1
inmtild'ol'Ig'Pgint e 0 ''',0 P9aPi 'o'i9 44
es a own 101(5, g
arda. .1 fin ItUNNINO Pe6T
6inte , F retie at oil , . ,, , „ , ,.. sI
Make dr Once, goidt A t gt.banit tit dtdp1010. -4,,,
tea t ; ite et neer i you, isk rrtiolusire. He ellen
i'l l',1yAir.‘, he 1,iiiie td a. e ea 51 1 eit if flittAlio eal.
The bridal wreath is Initially forms
oci of Myrtle brancliee in Germany 1
it is made of orange blossoms in
Ii'remco, 005 well as in our 0101 coun-
try ; in Italy and the French Qom.'
tons of Switzerland it is al WMte
roses ; in Spain, the flowers of
winch it is composed' 0)55 15(1 rosee
and Make 1 in the islandff,oi 'Greece;
vine leaves serve the Indium% and
in Bolienlia roSemary is employed ;
in Cerman„Switzerlantl, a crown of
artificial Amore tithes the place of
the wreath,
Ladies in fashionable society in
London are losing 1110)15500518 of
Pounds at the fascinating game' of
bridge. (111.15 gamble 'before they
arrive at what are called years of
discretion, end married women
squander their husband's money as
well as their own, A "society" pa-
per has mentioned the ease of a
lady who lost 280,000 M oue night
at bridge, and other ioeses brought
up the total to more than .C200,000
which her husband paid,
Reuben. Draper, of Bristol, Que.,
Who Was a Victim, Finde Relief
and a Permanent Cure.—He Tells
of His Sufferings and Plow He
Left His Troubles Behind.
Bristol, Qui., Juno 16.—(Special)—
No disease can =MO inore sceere
and dreeslf u 1 pain than ra i el .
Reuben Draper, of this place, WSS
taken ill with this awful trouble
about five yeare ago. Ile was cured
and so mealy have asked him how it
was done that he eas decided to give
the %thole story for publication
"About ilia yea; s ago I was taken
ill with the Gravel, I sneered great
pain, so 1 sent for a doctor1-lo
gave me seine medicine :Ind oame to
see me twice afterwards, but ray
disease was not gone, mei in a 01)01 1.
time I had another very bed attack.
"This time I sent for another doc-
tor with about the aame results,
only. I WILS getting weaker all the
"111)011 a man advised Me to try
Dodces Kidney Pills, for he said they
had curedhis mother. I thought I
would try them and bought a box.
"Just one week after I began the
treatraent 1 passecl a stone as large
as a small been, and four clays later
another ahout the sive of a ginin of
barley—this gave nie great relief, and
1 commenced to feel bolter and gain
strength right away.
"Tent was yetvs ago end I
'have not had any trouble in that
way since. I hate the eleinrs in a
small bottle and anyone can see
them who wishes. Dodd's Kidney
Pills certainly saved my life."
The story of Mr. Dramr will be
good news to many sefferers who
ruay not have known that Dodd'e
Kidney Pills alivae•e cute Greeel and
Stone in the 131adder.
• What has cured this gentleman and
hundreds of other very bad cases
should mire anyone, and those who
may be afflicted es Mr. Drat er was
should try Dodd's Kidney Fills.
There aro foety-eight words in the
British language which have two
distinct pronunciations. ••Row,"
"tear," "invalid" are the best ex-
Monkey Brand Soap cleans kitchen
utensils., steel, iron and tinware,
knives and forks, and all kinds of
if the number of people daily en-
tering London were to be despatched
from .any given station by train,
1,977 trains, each coeveying 600
persons, would be required for the
purpose. Moreover, 11 all these
trains were arranged in a straight
line they would cover 221 nines of
lify mare, (11017 valuable one, Wee
badly bruised and out by being
CaUght in a Wire fenCe. Some of the
wounds would not heal, although I
tried many different ntediciees. Dr,
13ell advised me to use MINARD'S
LINIMENT, diluted at drat, then
Stronger as the sores began to look
better, until, after three weelcs, the
sores have healed, and beet of all
the hair is growing well, and is not
white, as 'is most always the ease in
horse wounds.
The largest orchestras in point of
numbers are those for ' grand operas
at Covent Garden, Theie are some-
thnes as many as 75 performers..
- Via the Chicago and North West-
ern Railway to Denver, Colorado
Springs, Pueblo, Salt Lake, Rot
Springs and DettdWood, South Da-
kota, during tine, July and August.
A splendid opportunity is 01101011 101'
an enjoyable vacation trip. Several
fine trains via the North-Westeen
Line daily. Full Information turd il-
lustrated pamphlets can be obtained
11.0111 13, II, Bennett, General Agent,
2 King street east, Toronto, Ont,
it is stated that the railway au-
thorities of Belgium have been se-
riously considering the avisability
t)f introduting smoking cerriages for
ladies only. This step has been
urged upon them by the indignation
aroused among some ladies recently
by the action of a young woman
who persisted in smoking in .0, ear-
ring° reserved for ladies only. When
remonstrated with she said that as
there was no law prohibiting wo-
men from Sneaking she was within
her righte, and, as this was the fact
the guard could not Interfere;
Z__3.6mo Z4/47, m, ,e/pety,4414
The 0 win COM z„,„,„,,,.• Co.LIMITED,
can handle Your BUTTgli, EGA8, POULT11:°(a1311:4"YergidreUssrd),11 arilkiragnprig
APPLE% TOSIllTate, other Fruits, VEOETABLES or MIME to good advaiitaitc•
Shipping tege, stamp'', 11(15 supplied. Cerrespondenee invited.
ege°e*O°e*Ge 0000)000008* painter ca
O frAraAyn 'demonstrate tO
WO • you wbioh is tne base paint. You
• DEMONSTRATION. do it yourself, One trial will
eonvince you that in
II msay's P intsi
yopaint right. It is made to keep i
u cam get the right pat to
your house Mesh and bright, to 0
Fe, beautify, to make it last longer. 11
a , It is made at the right price 101 , 1
pure paint, and none of our 1,,"
.agents overcharge. e
Drop us a card and ask for 0
BOOKI,ET "IC" nom. T
it will tell you all about it and 6111
fa show some pretty house.
A. RAMSAY at SON, EEtab. "42 (1!)
O 1 I C 1 MONTREAL Paint Maker.sT
eseetsesateeoesse809o0e(eleeeeei(Dseafoeueee :Deo cieleeee e
There is no blessing equal to the
blessing. of a stout heart.—Smiles.
Stops 1111' (lough
and 11.01100 001' the <MM.
Laxative Bromo•Qninine Tablets cure is mild
itt one day. No ...nee. No Pay. Prioe Vicente.
There's always left a little ray
To brighten up our sorrow ;
To -day will SO011 be yesterday,
And Hope dwells in to -morrow.
Minard's Lightrent fnr Rheumatism
The biggest wine -cooler 18 at
Windsor. It was made for George
IV,, and two men could sit in it
with ease.
Beware of Ointinents for Catarrh
that contain Mercury
as memory men wnrely destroy the senso of
and complotelyderange the whole system
When out artug it through the Mueoussurfaces.
Snub artscles should never be used except on
Prescriptions from reelltahle P113'6101511 0, RN 1 he
&linage, they 10111 ±0 teem fold 50 (11,, good you
can possibly deri re from them. 11510 eathrrb
Ouse, manufactured by 11'.J. Cheney ec 510, 150.
lode, 0., 001115180 00 mercury, and is taken in.
ternally, acting directly upon tlso blood and
mucous Curfaces of the system. In buying
Catarrh Cure bo sure yen get.tho genii
inc. It is ts ken intornary,and Made In Toledo
Ohio. by F. J. Cheney 10 Co. Testimonials
Sold by Druggist., price 750 pot bottle.
Miro Family Pine are the host
British railways carry yearly about
nine tons or goods for every person
in the country.
Minard's Liniment Is th?, best
The human ear can perceive sounds
between 16 vibrations and 42,000
vibrations per second.
For orer Sixty Years.
.05 Ordi Awn WatL.Tairo REAOCirr. — ATM
Winalow's tioothingSyrnp 1103 bean iisod for over sixty
years by millions of motbers for their ohlldron 11111,
teething, with perfoot mersems, It soothes 0100 child,
softana the tonne, Minya all min, puree wind colas, and
In the hest romedy Tor Diarrhosa. Is picatent to the
taste, Sold by druggists in every part 6) 1)10 treed.
Twenty-five meta 0115111,, De value is inealonlablo,
no sure mid ask for Mei. Winslow% Soething byeny,
Sergeant Brown --"Halt I You
can't go in there." Private Murphy
—"Why not, sorr ?" Sergeant
Brown--"Decause it's the general's
tent." Private Murphy—"Then, be.
dad, what aro they doing with
'Private' over the door ?"
Wabash Rail road.
To Denver, Colorado Spririg•s,
Glenwood Springs, Col. ;
Salt Lake City, Ogden,
Utah; Plot Springs and
Deadwood, South
*Lowest round trip rates ever made
from Canada to the above points.
Tickets on sale June let to 21st,
and June 26th to 801.11, inclusive.
Special excursion June 22nd to 25th,
Other cheap excursions during july
and August. All tickets good until
October 81.st, 11102. All tickets
should read via. Detroit and over the
Wabash, the short and true route 1.0
ell Colored() points.
This will he the grandest oppor-
tunity ever given the people of this
country to visit thie beautiful coun-
try of grand mountatn scenery at a
loW rate. .
Full particulars from any railroad
agent, or J. A. RICHARDSON,
'Dist. Pass. Agent, northeast cerner
Xing end Yonge streets, Toronto.
"Since you were afraid to tell
papa, of our engagement, I told him
Myself," said Flossie Featherly.
"And what did he say ?" asked
Mr. Doolittle, anxiously.
• "He said it 11705 clear that the
fools weren't all dead yet,"
IS TIM mit
tion mid all
throat and long t sashimi, 011e dose gives
relief. One bot le' often cures, A FRE
SAMPLE 00TfiLE to everyreader of this paper.
Pue-M0 is for :sale by all druggists at
81,00 per large bottle—i5 emits for small
Oise, or It may be ordered direct from
Flies may be kept from picture-,
frames by washing them over with
water in which a bundle of leeks
nave been .steeped for a week.
Mir ard's Liniment the best lair Restorer
From nettles am be spun a thread
so fine that 60 relies of it weighs •
only 2e.Xs.
Take Laxativo Brom. Quinioe Tablets. 40
druggiste refund the money if it fails to curs.
E. W. Grove's Signature hi on each ism 25b.
The city of London, only ono
square mile in area, has in all 7'7'
Bard's Liniment Cures Is Grippe
borses, and giraffes are bet-
ter able to see objects lethind them
without turning their heads than
any other quadrupeds,
P 0 1E33
Pr000rvos the 500111. Sweetens the breath,
Strengthens tho gums
instrunionts, Drums, Uniforms, Etc,
Lowest urines °See quoted, Fine eaeologue.
Stleilinstrin ions, mailed free, Write us for an'
thing in Maisie or Musical instrument..
WHALEY ROYCE 86 CO., Limited,.
Toronto, Ont. and Winnipeg, Mao
Gents' 8L911.1 fled
or Wall also Ltulien' Wear of all kinds,
and Dome Hangings of every (laminar.
Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa 10 Quabea
Dominion Line Steamships
111,1,:atreiasol tIjivetr.ptitorvl30.orwristoctuLl.z.a;:
Largo and Pest Steamships. Superler accenwoodation
reran °limn of passengers, Saloons ami Staterooms
000 ,5,1000100. Speelal attenthin has'been given to this
Second Saloon arid trbird•Clasa accommedetion. Fir
rates of mango and all particulars, apply to any agent •
of the Company, or
Diehards, Iftills 0o,Torronco co...
77-tilatoSL.D06101e. Montreal and Pori:pot.
11.:30NEs IENG.C9
-168 SAV • ST REET — Torrom
• 8 1,811f.,/,15.
entunmits in
Ilttmape SwinoY, Stook Mniker 5000ol,1
Vollornor. Stopi swims 01 0118000 from
t outing. Iltikag iSdirterthlenr morks, 011
elzomovith eramo'hlaclo. 11,1,0,0 11.,,,.
Tnetiinoninla fret,. PrIeefILZ1ar.066 1•
for trial; iti tWorks tettabatrown.-red
11,11,31rtya,'ORSa13rt ;Oaniatla Den.17,
.01,11yrs. rAltuglinglelOng, Fairfield, loom a 8.
TOrOrit0 Street, Toronto.
• ma••••••••••,,•womermo.•••
151 Viee•Prosident. and Managing.
Director, S. 1111.1t131B11P MASON
tnd Vice President, W.11. BEATTY
. Executors atie Trustooe aro
author:tied I o Meat Trust "oda,
and Which ore acceptable es deposit
• by Canadian Government, pre s