The Brussels Post, 1902-6-26, Page 1Vol. SO. No. 430
w,,}1. KERR, k'rQp. •
New Advertisements.
Watobee—T, Fletaher,
Feature—Tb's, Moore.
New etorc—Grover & Co.
House for ea'°—Tien Powv,
Parte Green—Haretey & Co.
Cattle for Bale—D. N. Neabel.
Teeober wanted—Alex. Stewart.
Our Ambition—McKinnon & Co:
Monorieff Saw Mill-W.m, J, Palmer.
tensible Man—McLeod Medicine Co
fault# Rehm,
• Jnnaoalto wn. pita on Sunday loot.
There is a very wide awake oorreepon• Rev. Mr. Rogers who has been returned
dent at Jamestown, He will soon be tel- here for another year was re•eleoted at
Hug tie bow many riga pave through our the recent Conference in Sarnia, as
important village eaoh day. Chairman of the Wingham district.
Robt, MoICey, of Ethel, gave asplendid
discourse in the hall last Sunday even.
Aeowaeo'',•-David Moffett, er„ of near
Jameetown, fell from the etepe at the
Brunewlok Hebge, Wingbam, on Monday
eveniog'of last week, and broke one of
hie arms, and also received a nasty bruise
on hie face, We hope he will soon be o,k,
Mrs. Jeekman, of Wisconsin, in the
guest of her parents, S. and. Mre. Johns.
Wm. Hamilton, of the Lime kilns, in
quite ill for some days past. We hope
for a recovery.
Rave, S. E. Marshall, of Clifford, end
D. Rogers of this place, exchanged pal.
see our beautiful assortment of Ladies', Gents', Girls' and
Boys' Watches, with Elgin, Waltham Duber-Hampden and
other movements. Our stock is very heavy and having
bought for cash our customers will get the benefit. Watches
to please everybody and prices are right.
Our store is full of first-class goods such as Wedding. Rings,
Engagement Rings, Ladies' Chains, Lockets, Bracelets,
Broaches, Silverware, Clocks, Fancy China, Souvenir
Goods, Etc.
OPTICAL Is well looked after by Mrs. Fletcher and Son, the
DEPARTMENT latter having taken a course in Chicago.
Our Specialties are Watches and Rings.
Ali work promptly repaired and satisfaction guaranteed.
J 1J E .L CHER JEIewer of Marriage Licensee.
Wedding Rings and Marriage Licenses Bold privately.:•
10.30.Football Match
M. '
Which promises to be very interesting.
1,30 p, m. Lacrosse Match
Both are in good shape and will put up a strong game.
Immediately after the Lacrosse •Match these teams will engage in
what is sure to be an exciting contest as both teams are playing feet ball.
...In the. Evening...
Another ootball Match will. be played between the Wroxeter
Team and Brussels Seniors. P Following this will be
a Promenade Concert on the Park, closing with a
...Grand Display of Fireworks...
Of Seaforth, will be in attendance all day and in the evening. They
play fine music and will be well worth hearing:
Admission to Park, only iOc.
J. T, Ross, Pres. G. F. Blair,-Treas, Jas, Irwin, See'y'
The new farnituro factory le being
°hosed in and the Foreatere Hell le in
bourse of oonetreetion.
A new,graoolithio walk of about 20 rode
has been pat down in front of the➢letho•
diet ohuroh aed Pareonage. This will be
added to year after year and in time our
village will oomparo favorably in Ode
reaped with larger towns,
Belgrave Orange Lodge will celebrate
the glorious 12th in Brbeeela,
Rev Mr. Heaths and bride are now Bat-
tled in the manse. We wish them many
happy prosperous years.
On Tuesday evening Daniel Geddes,
tailor, of this village, and Mies .Stalker,
of Beet Wawanoob, formerly of the 8th
of Morrie, were joined in matrimony by
Rey. A, MoLeau, of Blyth. They will
reside in Wm. Wateou'e house.
Wm. Watson hes gone to Demobs,
Mich., where he is running a saw mill for
Messrs. Duff and Stewart, of Bluevale.
The latter have pnraheeed quite a treat
of land over there. Mre. Watson will
shortly remove to the same plane.
The membere of Belgrave L. 0. L.,
No. 462, will march to the E nglieh church
,n Thursday of this week, at 2,30, when
Rev. Mae McQuillan will, discourse to
them on a Coronation theme. Oa Sab-
bath, July 6, Rev.W. Lowe, Co. Chaplain,
of Wingbam, $viii ,preach in the same
ohuroh to the above mentioned Society.
School olosee on Friday.
Some of our papile are writing at the
Entrance examination at Between).
R. Pearoon took the oerviae in the
Methodiet ohuroh here last Sabbath
Geo. Birt, of Benguela, ,,-drilled and
cased -the well at John (hmeran's,- They
have a good well.
A new wire fence has been pat tip at
the front of the Methodiet church pro.
perty, considerably improving eppear-
A. Raymann'e and Jno. Hunter's
equines steeled away from this village
and -were found, after 8 daye' absence
near Carthage, Perth Co.
In the list of successful young lady
etndents at the Presbyterian College,Tor.
onto, Min Jean McNair ie credited with
a certificate in painting on china.
There was a bee last week hanling
gravel into the horse ebede at Knox
church. The gravel walk on the street
was also extended peat the ohuroh.
The house recently purchased by Jacob
Long, formerly (owned by Mre. Hunter,
has been- andergoiug-repairs. August
Guar, the 'dredge owner, will be the. new
tenant. The dredge is now af, ,work on
the 14th goon. dram.' • ' - ' •
James Brown and hie dieter, Mre.
'Matt. Cameron, atrive8 hone ,,from a
,driving' tour to Edgar, 04,, leek week.
The diatanoe was 142 miles wbioh': was
made in 8days eaoh way.: They enjoy-
njoyed their trip very much:
Next Sabbath Rev. H E. Curry will
preach the concluding. diaaouree .here in
oonneotion with his pastorate of the
Methodist church, Ethel oirouit. On the
fallowing Sabbath the new order of things
will be initiated .when -'Oranbrook will .he
attached to Broeeele and Rev. T. W.
Conchae, the inooming pastor, will officiate
at 2.30 p. m.
Following are the office bearers of
Knoxchurch Endeavor, for the comic
6 months ;—Hou. Preeident, Rev. D. B.
McRae, ; Preeident, Jno, Mofntoeh
Vice Preeident, Wm. Ritohie ; Recording
Secretary, Mies Maggie McNair ; Cor.
responding Secretary, Allan Cameron ;
Treasurer, Juo. Ritchie ;. Organist, ?dies
A. McNair. A very interesting program
has been issued on which the names of
the vedette o,mmittees also appear.
r oxe,t er.
Miee Mary Miller le vieitiog in Toronto.
Peter Smith, of Galt, is visiting at hie
home here.
T. B. Sanders le ependiug a few weeks
holidaying at the "Son."
Geo. and Mrs. Town attended the ranee
in Sestorth last week.
J. J. Stephens, of Teeewater, visited at
Dr. Brawn's on ftaturdey.
A foot ball team from here will play in
•Breeeele on Coronation Day.
Mr. and Mre. Currie, of Scotland, are
the guests of 0. and Mre. Smith.
Mre. A. Campbell, of Londoo, is the
guest of her mother, Mrs. Laokie.
Joe. Cowan left for Manitoba on Tues-
day where he will remain two months,
J. Cook and son, of Detroit, salted on
old frienda in the village on Saturday.
Rev. Mr. Stafford, of Wieoonein,
preaohed in the Episcopal ohuroh Sunday
Louie end Mre. Beaker, of Clifford re•
newed aoquaintanaee in the village on
The first meeting of Prof. Oline'e vocal
ohee was held iu the I. 0. 0. F. ball
Mooday evening.
Mies F. Purser left for Port Hope o0
Wednesday where she will epend the
Summer vacation. -
Mre, Tom Goodfellow had his arm
broken in two places last Friday evening
by falling from a buggy.
Leonard MoKeivie has returned from
Pinkerton where he was engaged in. the
cheese making business.
Mr and Mre. Filcher have returned to
their home in St. Marys, after spending
several daye with the latter'(' °oaein,
John Bray.
A toot ball team from hare, with a
large number of followers, drove to T.
Hendereou'e farm on Friday evening to
meet the Howiok Rangers bat owing to
the rain, and absenae of eaveral of the
Howiok players the game was iudefinitely
DOMINION DAL—The annual oelebraation
will be held here on Dominion Day. At
10 a. m, a green trotting or peeing race
and running rase will take place, In
the afternoon there will be a toot ball
match, Wingham vs, Wroxeter ; a enfle
bioyole mos fur boys under 16 yeare ;
base ball match, Brussels against Har-
riston ; an open bioyole raoe, 8 miles ;
foot ball, Wroxeter a0d Forestville
bicycle hurdle race and a bee° ball match
between the "Unions" of Wroxeter and
Gerrie against the winners of former
game, There will oleo be Highland
President • and dd,rt'N.Allen,nSec &tarp ; °and
Thee, Rao,'Preeenrer.
Two organa have been placed in the
Presbyterian ohuroh on approval. The
Berlin organ, for wbioh J. E. Black is
agent, wee played by Prof. Garret deet
Sunday. Next Sunday Mr. Leppard, of
Toronto, will play the Beteg organ. A
meeting of the obnrah member° will be
held the following Monday evening to
dsoide which organ shall remain,
The cheese faotory ie having a good
Mre, J. M. Davies ie visiting at Brant-
ford and Parie.
Summer vacation commences for our
public school next Monday.
Mrs. Holland, of Toronto, was vieitiog
old friends in Ethel last week.
160 tiokote were sold at Ethel Thursday
of last week for the Model Farm Exour.
Robt. Barr will have a comfortable,
commodious and modern rnaidenoo when
Poet Office hours on Dominion Day
will be 8 to 9 a. m,, and one hour after
the arrival of the afternoon mail train.
Next week George Dobson will go to
Wingbam to act in the capacity of pre.
siding Examiner at the Departmental
Exam inatioos.
Poo•Nro.—The Elbe! Presbyterian Sob.
bath School will hold its annual pio-nio
in R. Dilworth's grove, East of the via
lage, on D minion Day. A good pro-
gram will be rendered commencing at 8
o'clock. Supper will be served at 4 p. m.
The first bay,of Jane make of cheese
was sold to T. Ballantyne & Sans at 9i
bents. There. were 125 boxee in the ahfp.
Ment which will be mode on Thursday of
this week. Jno. K. Baker is the ealee.
Next Sabbath evening Rev. H. E.
Curry will preach his farewell sermon
in the Methodiet church here. Monkton
will be hie new charge. Rev. Mr. Welle
is expected for tbe; following' Bundcy
A few Ethelties took advantage of the
special train last Friday evening and
went to Broeoels and sew the football
metal' between Listowel and Brussels.
The:weather was disagreeable but the
game was well fought oat:.
A elate oolored crane was shot Thurs.
day .of last week by John Brown, on the
Maitland. The bird meaeared 6 feet, 2e
inches from tip to tip and 5 feet, 2 inohee
from,nd of beak to its bee. It is being
staffed and will thus be preserved.
Mies Olarkeon, who is doing tip-top
work in Ethel's(' assistant teaober, will
•be leaving at vacation, we are sorry to
hear,. as she intends attending the next
eesston of the Normal Sobooi. Onr true-
tees.will therefore have to aeonreanother
helper for Principal Dobson. •
All the weddings are not over yet.
Council met at the Township Hall last
Publiosohools °loge on Friday for the
Summer vacation.
Committer and Mrs. Jaokeon were visit•
ing Meads in Elma last week.
John Donnan le home for a visit from
from British Colombia where he has
spent e y
sp ee era' ahem.
A floe job was done at the cement
foundation for Rose Stubbs' barn by Geo.
Barkley and staff, of Brussels•
The Bodmin Limo Works have burned
eight kilne of lime already this season
and are finding ready sale for their out.
There was a large representation from
Morrie townohip on the Model Farm
Excursion,' Thursday of last week, to
Quite a number of candidates from
Morris townohip 'wheels are writing at
the Entrance examinations at Brussels,
Wingham and Blyth this week.
Tuesday of this week Mrs. M. M. Car.
diff left for a holiday visit with relatives
in Winnipeg and other point° in Mani•
tabs end the West. We wish her a pleas•
ant time. •
• Druggist A. A. -Wheeler, of Detroit, is
home on a holiday visit. He ie a eon of
Jeno. and Mrs. Wheeler, 4th line, and ie
well pleased with life in the City of the
The Sunshine Methodiet ohnrdh will
hold a Garden Party at the reeidenoe of
John Pickett, 5th line, Morrie, on Thum -
day evening July 9rd. Au excellent
program will be provided and a good
time ie expected.
John Hopkins and wife, of London,
were visiting their cousin, Robt. Mo -
Murray, 4th line on May 24th. Word
bas been received that Mrs. Hopkins died
on Monday of last week and wee buried
on Wednesday. Pneumonia woe the
came) of death. Deceased was about 50
years of age.
Wednesday evening of thief week a very
pretty wedding took plane at the nom•
fortable residenoe of Allen Speir,4th line,
when his daughter, Miss Annie, became
the bride of Harry Danoan, of the same
line, Rev. Juo. Rose, of Braoeela, tying the
matrimonial knot. As Toe Posy goes to
press earlier than natal this week we
will make farther reference to this
happy event next week.
Tuesday of last week, Alex. McLanob•
lin, lj miles North of Brussels, found a.
fine Tight horse foal dead in the pasture
field, On investigation it turned out to
be a woe of broken neck enpposed to be
caged by a kiok from a boree. The
oolt'e body was not cold when Mr, Mo•
Lauohlin made the dieoovery. The
mother of the colt Dame up and attracted
the owner's attention and led the way
bank to where the foal was lying.
HYMENEAL,—On May 291,h Rev. Mag.
nus Heudereen, of Yorkton, N. W. T.,
a brother to Rev: A. Hendereon, M. A.,
of Hannall, wee united in marriage to
Mies Joan MoIiay, of Deloraiue, former.
ly of Morrie. The bride ie a sister to
Mrs, Harry'Jaokeon,. of this township.
Ceremony took plane at the residence of
Harry Coombe, Deloraine. The bride
was attired in white silk chiffon, We
wish Bev. and Mrs. Henderson many
happy and aecoeoeful yeare. Their home
Will be et Yorkton, which they reached
after an enjoyable wedding tour to Win.
nipeg and other plaess,
Fruit prospects are good,
Flaying is about ready In some pieties.
Township Council will be bold at Ethel
next Monday,
The new bank baro on P. MoDooald'e
farm, 12th con„ is about completed.
Meeere. Reid and Curtin, drain eon
tractors, were on ibe sick flet last week.
Road work ie about oompbeted in Grey,
Some toaobing up will be required by the
Peter McNeil ie able to get about in little
now Mier the accident uear Ethel of a few
weeks ago.
A new teacher is being advertised for
in Fulton's school bo oommeeee duty after
Summer holidays.
The dredge bas changed its quarters to
the 14th son. drain and is et work on
the MoNsbb farm.
The pie nio in John Smith's grove was
not very well attended, owing to the disc
greeable weather on Satarday.
There were &good many repreeeutativee
from Grey at the exoursiou to Guelph
Model Farm Thursday of last week.
We are pleased to report improvement
in health of Mise (image Smith and hope
complete oouvaleaoenoe will aeon be hers.
Next Sabbath will complete Rev. Mr.
Curry's pastorate in the Methodist
churches here, He will move to Moult.
This week Thos. Davidson, 11th can.,
wee away to London attending a gale of
thoro•bred cattle. He intends going in
more largely along this line than be bee.
The foundation for Wm. Ziegler's new
break residence, 14th can., is finished end
the brink will be got home shortly. Who
is to inhabit the new home is the
goeetion the girls are asking.
The cont runt for the kbutmnt on bridge
et lot 6, son. 14, will be let next Monday
as will the steel euperstiootnce. We are
pleased to see the.e public conveniences
built for solidity andoontiouanoe.
Mise Effie Baker, of Oeotralia, was
visiting her brother, J. K. Baker, 9th
con. She will leave for Moosejaw on
Monday of next week with a very inter -
eating event on the program shortly
after her arrival.
8. 6. No. 3 will lose their teacher, S.
Eastman, at the close of this term as he
has taken the position of Principal at
Prioeville, Gray Co. He is a painstaking
teacher ; n t est worthy yang man and
hie removal will be regretted by the com-
munity at large. We wish him every
semen in - his new bgme. The trnetees
are advertising fur a euooessor for No 3
to oommeooe work after Bnmmer
Blue -vale.
Juo. and Mrs. Beeman, o! Wingham,
visited relatives in Morrie last week.
Miss Barbara Tbyune, of Arthur, wee
visiting her sister, Mre. Bailey, last week.
Mica Jean Davidson,of W , was
visiting her eider, Mre. Moffatt, last week.
Bert. Fowler, of Teeswater, visited
relatives on the'Ilnevale road this week.
There were 53 tiokote sold at thick
station for Guelph Thursday of teat week.
Robt. and Mrs. King and children, of
Goderioh, were visiting relatives here this
Mrs. (Rev.) W. T. Hall and obildreo
Hall's sister, Mre. Rev.
are visiting Mre. H(Rev.)
Rev. W. J. West and Rev. Mr. Stewart,
of Belmore, exchanged pulpits deet
Mrs. Mollongh, Miss Jean Mallough
and Miss Nellie May MoKiuuey visited at
Kincardine deet week.
Frank Scott took in the excursion to
Guelph last week and went from there to
Galt to visit relatives.
Mr. Brydon, of Moroiugton township,
visited hie eieter, Mre. Wm. Maxwell, on
the Bluevale road this week.
Mies Mable Geddes, of Morris, and
Miss Burdetta Geddes, of Bruseele, were
visiting relatives here, last week.
Rev. George Dever will preach hie Moo-
ing discourse in the Methodist chorob
next Sabbath afternoon before removing
to Kinglake. Hie gnooeseor Rev. Mr,
Carsoallen, is expeoted for the following
Last Sunday Mr. Shore, of Wingham,
took the service in Bt. Georgs'e church
here. Rev. Mr. A bey will preach his
farewell sermon next Sunday afternoon
before removing to Preston. We will be
sorry to toxo him.
J. McGavin, of Leadbury, met with a
somewhat serious accident on Friday,
13th inet. The pony he drives, when
travelling with hie stallion "Sunlight,"
got its foot entangled in the lines, while
standing at James McDonald's, North of
here. Mr. MoGavin went to pink up the
lines, when the stallion attacked the
pony, and in the scrimmage Mr. Ma•
Gavin was kicked and rendered nneo0.
salons, but hie injuries were not tuitions
and he is again able to be on his rounds.
MATMIMON/AL.—A quiet but pretty wed-
ding took pleas in the Methodiet church,
Walton, 00 Wednesday afternoon of deet
week. The oontraoting parties were John
Bolger, jeweler, one of Seaforth's meet
respooted and prosperous young business
men, and Mitre Mary Galbraith, daughter
of John Galbraith,. of MoKitlop. The
nuptial knot wketied by Rev, Mr. Dever,
of Walton, and the interesting ceremony
was witoeseed by a ealeot company of
the relatives and immediate friends of
the happy young couple. The ceremony
over, the company repaired to the reel -
dame of the bride's parents, where they
were hospitably entertained and a pleasant
evening was spent,when Mr. and Mre.
Bolger droves tthir home in Seaforth
and straightway settled down to the
sterner realities of lite.
Lb Col. H. A. L. White, of St. Marys,
received a few daye ' ago • the
long cervine medal, granted by the late
Queen Viotorie to all ambers in the vol-
unteer torose within the Empire, who
have served for twenty years. The med.
al 11 very handsome one. If ie sterling
silver, eval'in form, with the monogram
V. R. I. In open work in gilt .lettere in
the centre and surmouaated by it gilt
crown. Around the outer circle of the
design are the words +'Colonial Auxiliary
Forces," and ou the baok is engraved the
name of the owner. The medal to sae•
pealed by a green ribbon from a eingle
silver bar beautifully abased. The whole
ie noosed in a bandeome eatin.lined
leather cabinet. -
King Edward wee enooeeefully operated
upon Taeadey, for an attaok of Peri.
typhlitis n ailment akin to appendiaitfs,
He is keeping np his strength, pain has
abated oneiderabiy and he is able to
sleep and take nourishment. The danger
point ie not passed yet however. Cor-
onation ceremony indefinitely postponed.
National holiday program was cancelled
in the oftiee and general regret and wide
spread sorrow prevails.
Perth County.
Mayor Butober, St, Marys, left on a
bueineoe trip to the Maritime Provinces.
It will be a temple of weeks before the
new freight shed et Stratford will be
St. Marys Creamery Co. shipped 4,480
pounds of hatter to Great Britain, packed
in 80 boxes.
The Perth County Orangemen will
celebrate the Twelfth of July tbie year at
Stratford Baptiste are talking of hold.
ing their annual Sunday eohool pio nio at
Mohawk Park, Brantford.
North Perth Farmers' Institute ex.
oureioo to the Experimental Farm,
Guelph, n Saturday, Jane 28th.
Complaint is being made by a number
of Bt. Marye oitizene that eaveral of the
awnings about the main street are too low.
Half a hundred pupils of the Natural
Science alarm of the Stretford Collegiate
Iuetitnte visited the St. Marys stone
Arrangements are being made for a
game of baseball between Methodiet and
Presbyterian teems in St. Marys io the
near future.
J. B. Tree, of Hickson, who for some
time has been laid up with heart trouble,
was last week granted $500, disability
claim by .the I. 0. F.
On July 7 the property holders of St.
Marys will vote on the waterworks and
Eleotrie Light extension bylaw, the esti
mater for which amount to $16,000.
Mies Violet Mo0ally, daughter of John
McCully, Stratford Road, who bas taken
the Normal canna at the Toronto School
of Dementia Science has been awarded a
George Norris, a Bt. Marys horseman,
met it •dent the otherdayhila
with an soot b w
breaking in a refractory colt. e was
thrown off hie rig and had hie collar bone
A. F. MaoLaren, M. P., has purchased
the stone cottage and lot next East of the
A. 0. F. building on Ontario et., Strat-
ford, known as the Cartwright property,
the price paid being $1,200.
Arthur, the little son of Dr. George H.
Gibbs,.6. 6t. Mare was severed
scalded by pulling a tie of boiling water
off the stove. The boy's chest wee badly
burned, bob he is doing nicely.
North Perth Farmers' Ica. meeting was
held io Milverton. The treasurer's
report showed a balance on hand of $199.-
09. Jacob Bray, of Listowel, wee elected
president, with S. H. Pogb, of Milverton,
The many friends of Hon. Thos. Bel-
lantyoe will be pleased to learn that he is
improving vary natisfaotorily. The
sciatic(' has nearly left him, and although
still confined to his bed, he it gaining
etrength every day.
Geo. Trow, son of Ald. James Trow,
of Stratford, lett for Kansas City, Kansas,
where he bas obtained an interest in the
Kansas City Bed Spring Co. Mr. Trow
was employed ea book keeper with the
Stratford Clothing Co.
One of the Sunday school Members at
Hickson redently while commenting upon
the kindnese of Providence &eked his
class what were some of the blessioge
being enjoyed jest now by onr farmers ;
to which be received tate rather offhand
reply from Doe of his pupils : "They are
getting their whey back from the cheese
Rev. Mr. Henderson in preaohing bie
closing sermon in the Methodist church
St. Marge said in 3 year° he had made
over three thousand pastoral calls, and
bad had delivered about eix hundred
sermons or addressee. During his term
he had baptized one hundred and sixteen,
united in marriage sixty couples and
conducted eighty•eight funerals. He hae
moved to Lindsay.
Amongst those who have passed .the
final examinations of the College, of
Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario are
J. W. Atkinson, St. Marys, and D. E.
Hodgson, Staffs. G. M. Atkin, Milver-
ton, peeled his intermediate exam., so
did also Alex. Fisher, of Stratford, and
Elizabeth McMaster, of St, Marys. Such
easeful candidates in the primary exams.
are : R. D. Nasmyth, Stratford ; H. E.
Knoke, Mitohell ; D. D. Campbell, H.
J. &dame Embro,'
. The mustard spraying by Prot.•Doherty
of the 0. A. C., at the farm of Andrew
Eamon, North Eaethope, will in all prob.
ability be thoroughly sneeeestul. The
obnoxious yellow plant, which wag par-
ticularly abundant in the field sprayed, is
rapidly dying off. A great deal of inter.
est in the method bee been aroused and
a general adoption of it may follow all
through this district. It might be seg.
geeted that a flambee of farmers could
club together and buy a spraying appar.
atue, which mete only about $20 or 825,
In this way the expense to eaoh would be
small end not to be compared to the ben-
efit derived by the °rope. The cation of
the Ontario Government in °ending Prof,
Doherty to instead the farmers on snob
a anlfjeot is sure to be greatly appreciated.
Richard Bttbb, Mitoholl, bee been
ideated one of the delegates 10 attend the
Metbodlet General Confarenoo at Win.
nipeg In September,
Conrad Wittier, of Haat G7rra, sheared
e 2 year.old sheep on Saturday, weigh.
fag 212 pounds, when the wool was off.
The Drop of wool weighed 17 pounds,
R. H:Nyers, M. P., Minnedosa, brother
of D, L. Myers, hardware merchant,
Stratford, hoe been slanted Grand Mester
of the Masooio Grand Lodge of Manitoba
pod the Territories,
Stephen Douglas, of Mitchell, father of
Vera Douglas, the noted American beauty
who died in Pada it year or two ago, the
other day received a cheque for $10,000
as being a part of her estates
John MoPhilmey, Huntingdon ave.,
Stratford, met with a nasty aaafdent.
He wag sharpening a scythe, when the
handle, which he bad supported on a
board, Blipped and jerked the blade
against his arm. The blade being quite
keen, inflicted a deep gash. A Dr. wee
called and dreamed the wound, whieh
required about a dozen stitohes. Mr.
MoPbilmey will be unable to use his arm
for a month or two, -
Stratford Horticultural Society offer
prizes ter the beet kept garden let $5.00
and 2nd $2 60 ; best kept lawn $5.00 sud
$2.50; beet kept boulevard $2.00 and
$1;00. Competition is urgertlyrequested
and is open to all. Entries are to be
made with the secretary or any of the
directors on or before July let, The
judges are Mrs. Idiugtoo and Mrg. Webb,
and D. B. Bnrritt, Alfred Burnham and
R. MoLagan.
One of the social events of last week
woe the marriage of William White, of
Hibbert, to Mitre Eleanor Creighton, of
Blanchard. The marriage took place et
the bride's home at noon on Wednesday
of bast week, in the presenoe of a large
gathering of friends and relatives of both
parties. The ceremony wars performed
by Rev. Mr. Hart, assisted by Rev. J.
Hendereon, of Btaffa, brother in-law of
the groom. Shortly after the marriage
the happy couple left for Toronto, Ni•
agara, Buffalo and New York, where
they will sojourn for ten days or a couple
of weeks visiting friends and pointe of
interest at each stopping pleas. Many
friends will oongretalate Ooanty Oo00•
oilier and Mrs. White and wishthem
much happiness.
meeting of the North Perth Reform Aseoo•
Wien was held in Grosalt's Hall, Milver•
ton, on Wednesday of last week. There
was a large attendance of delegates, every
municipality being represented. Tha
following officers for the coming year
were elected :—President, Alex Urquhart,
Newton ; Vioe•Pres., E. H. Preston,
Stratford ; Seo.-Treaa. Geo. Bray, B. A.,
Listowel ; Vioe•Pres., for North Eaethope
Danoan Stewart ; Stratford, Geo. Ma•
Laggan ; Ellice, Peter Foley ; Morning -
ton, J. Weir ; Elma, Walter Hamilton ;
Mfiverton, Same Groeoh ; Lietowel, J. II.
McDonald ; Wallace, B. F. Knipe. A
strong executive was appointed and
arrangements made for maintaining an
effioient organization through the riding.
The notion of the executive in taking
steps towards the entering of a protist in
the recent eleotion io North Perth was
confirmed by the meeting. Hearty reso-
lutions of thanks to the retiring officers
were adopted and short addressee were
made by half a dozen members.
SUICIDE.— Mre. Richard Situate an
aged inmate of the house of refuge, Stret-
ford, oommitted snioide Friday morning
by jumping from the window of her room
to the ground, a diatanoe of eighteen or
twenty feet. The unfortunate woman,
with her husband, was admitted to the
inetitation some five weeks ago. Sha
was in poor health at the time, and bad
at several occasions shown signs of inean-.
ity. Although believed perfectly harm -
leas, she was watched ooatinaally. Dur-
ing the deet few days ebe declined rapidly,
and the medical attendant stated that
her death could be expected in the course
of a few days. Mr. Bence watched beside
bar all last night, only leaving about '7.15
in the morning to get his breakfast. He
returned in a abort time and found the
bed where hie wife bad been, unoccupied.
Naturally be was mach alarmed, and,
noticing the window open, be ran to it
and looked out. On the ground, right be-
low, lay Mre. Sknoe. She was at ones
pinked up and brought in but life was ex-
tinct. A medical examination revealed
the fact that no bones were broken, but
with anyone in her phyeiaal oondition
the shook would not have to be great to
cause death. Insanity was obvionaly
what prompted the fatal leap, mud, eon -
sequently, an inquest was considered nn•
Sir Wilfrid Laurier arrived at Liver-
pool on Saturday night, and want direct
to London.
James K. Thomeoo, of Ottawa, was
oarried over High Falls, in the Gatineau
River and drowned.
The Northern Elevator Company's
elevator at Pipeetone was burned with
5,000 buohels of wheat,
Two Indian girls were kidnapped from
the Wawanosh Home at Sault Bte, Marie,
and taken to the United States aide in a
The British Columbia aot governing
Japanese immigration to the Province
has been modified, and will not he vetoed
by the Dominion authorities.
John Reginald Hooper, John Baptiote
Narbonne, David Provost, Thomas NO {V
ton.and Michael Bennedy'will be released
from the penitentiary. They are either
long term or life priaonere.
There wee a distressing accident in the
rear of the reeidenee of Wm, Kirk, No.
197 York street, Hamilton, on Sunday.
His 15•month-old son was alone in the
yard for a short time. When the mother
went out to get him she was horrified to
find that the child had accidentally hang.
ed in the rope of a swing. It is supposed
the little one wee playing with the rope
and got hie bead twisted is it. In try-
ing to free himself be fell and two strang-
led to death. Coroner Philp was notified,
but decided that au inquest was not tem
oeasary. Mr, Kirk ie employed by the
Kuntz Brewing Company, and he and
hie wife have the sympathy of their friends
in their sad bereavement,