HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-6-19, Page 59, 1002 RUMNESS CARD$ ONEX TO I+o.al`l A'E' G• ]'Eli maul, la, R, SCOTT, 7iraeaela, T . M401i,AOK N— r T . Inener of Marriage Li oneoa. OI- a0e at Oreoery, Turnberry street, Brueool% rr I`l, ''BARR;ETT L� • Tonsorial Artist. (loop—Next Amor' North of the Standard Batik, Ladies' and Children's hair Putting a sPootalty, M. • MDRRISON, [suer of Marriage Licenses,, WALTON, ONr, MISS JEAN M'LAIiCHLIN,. TEACHER OF— PIANO — AND - ORGAN. =3R,•tToS 12,iE, oreext. ROBERT cUNNINGHAM; INPnnANOa, • FIRS,AND MARINE, I UELPH, Wellington Mutual Flee fosnraltce Co., nentertenitn'1840 Immuno° taken on the cask and premium note system at current rates. Before insur- ing -eleewbere «all on the undersigned Agent of the Company. GBORGE ROGERS,'Brussels, MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L, O. M.. Academie graduate of London Conserva- toryof Music, also Member of tbe Associated . Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited number of pupils for instruction on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupils for the Principal's Form hi the Ooneervatory of Music, -Brussels, Ontario, A BUNTER— Clerk of the Fourth Dlvtslon Court, Co. , Loan' Conveyancer, Notary Public, • Auattou- Land, Inaurance invested dean d Agent, mer; Fa e. Office 10 and toanesiB. Collec- tions made. Office in Grahum'elBlook,Brue- eele. AUCTIONEERS. F B. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION• • nun, Will sell for bettor, twines, to getter men in less tbno and less chargee than any other Auctioneer in East Enron or be won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always bo arranged at this office or by personal application. VETERINARY. T •-D. WARIVIOK- Cl • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary'College, ie prepared to treat all die- , caeca of domesticated animals ;in a compet- entmanner. Partinular attention paid to Veterinary DentistryCalle promptly at- tended to. Office nod Infirmary—Four deers North of bridge, Turnberry at., Brussels. LEGAL AND 'CONVEYANCING. WM. SINOLAIR— • 'Barrister; 8olialtor, f0onveya0cer, Notary Public, Do. Offioe-8 tewart'e Block 1 door North of Central Hotel.. • 9olioitor for the Standard Bank. GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, Bo. Office over Stand- ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels. Money to Loan at lowest rates. MEDICAL CARDS. DR. C. AMBROSE TOOLE, RESIDENCE Arm OFFICE- - MILL ST, FAST, BEUSSELS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M. D., C. M., Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medloal College, Member College of Physicians and Snrgeone, Ont. Licentiate of tho Royal Col. logo of Phyelclans and Licentiate of Mid- wifery EdinburgFh, fa -Telephone No.14. Residence—Mill street, Brussels. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEIL.D, DENTIST • Graduate of idle Royal College .of Dental ' Surgeons of Ontario and 'FIret•oiaee Honor Graduate ,of. Toronto University. .Cillos nest to Brewer's $hotograph -Gallery, BRUfiBELS. ' 1902. LISTOWEL is reeving forward, Spring term begins Mon- day, April 7. 0 or retell are reasonable—our. Courses of Study thorough and practical ;Send for our Journatto -100 what we tonab. Students may enter at any time. Two Courses of Study—Commorcial and Short- hand. O. A. FLEMING, A. Li McINTYIIE, •President, Secretary, Owen Sound,. , Listowel. If i'il,i:if 'uttli►i�Cliai l cid t ('(tlsr,blljngk l• Nortli ylrore little ai,i<id Ueda]. FOR tiALE AT TEE Brussels Planing Dills Also Doors and Sash of all Pak terns on band or made to order at Short Notice. Eetimates Furnished for all kind, of Buildings. Workman- ship and Notarial Guaranteed. P. AMENT 444441044.6101 J n S JO 14 Ipi lF NOTHING MAWS UP, TURN SOMETHING OPl A CORM (P1 'raining' ift the iCiNTR,AL i r, ouablee young mon and women to emigre employment atgood wages immediatelyOn leaving College, This s the school hat enjoys the reputation of doing the beet work to Mutinous education, The oradtlateo or the aoheol are in 0trong demand ak teao1- ere 10 buelneee ooilogee in Canada and the United States. This le the school for you and your friends.. Write for catalogue, W, J4 itZTJOTT, I'rInctpal. if)i5tritt netns, Grorri•e. Masons. Found Brae. have disposed tt their tin and -stove baeineee to A. Young & Son, of Wingham. The duet Irons Mont Pelee, hasn't reached Gorrie yet but we are raising a geed brand of par own. The material fora new balcony to be ereoted at the Anglo•Amerioan hotel hue arrived and will be built in a few days• A lawn social under the aaepiaea of the Epwortb League of the Gorrie Methodist onerch will be held at thehomeof W. G. Strong on Friday evening June 20. J. S. Found, our C. P. R. agent, and his -father from Wbiteohurah, .left -for Montreal from whore they Bail on 8, 8. Tunisian on Saturday last for Englund to be present • at the ooronation. On Wedneedayevening June 4th at the residence of Mrs. Hannah Sharpin, on the C. lige Howiok, a pretty wedding took place, the 000aeion being the mar- riageof her daughter, Em t g ma o Arthur S. Tolten, of Kansas City, formerly of Brunt township. The ceremony Was performed by Rev. I. A, McKelvey, S. T. L , in the preeence of over 00 relativee and friends of the youog•oo0ple. - i ea.lort1l- Every preparation is being made for a monster celebration in town on July 5th The Collgeiate Inetitnte Cadet Coope were ont for drill on 'Main street, last week. Bright and Beaforth play laoroeee here on Friday, Jane 20th, at the Recreation Grod`uds, The 33rd Regiment Banff furnished the for a gardenparty at Winthrop on Twee• day evening of last week. The South Huron Farmers' Institute hae completed arrangements for running a big excursion to the Model Farm, at Guelph, ou Friday June 20th. Mise May Kemp hae received the ap• pointment of musical directress of a Ladies' college near Montreal and will assume the duties of the position after the mid enmmer holidays. John.Govenlook, of McKillop, who has been in Manitoba eiooe February Mat, has returned home. Mr. Goveolook was disposing of a lot of horses which he took with him froni here. • He ear; prospects are notvery brightinManitoba-this Spring, as there has been too much wet weather, interfering with seediug oper- ations. penations. The committee having in obarge the celebration for the entertainment of th Huron Old Boys, on the ocoaeicn of their visit here on July 5011, are hard at work and already things have taken definite 'Shape. The eporte committee have made arrangements for a championship lacrosse match between Seafurth and St. Marys and arrangements are in progress for a foot ball matoh between Brunie and the Hurons, and a tug of war open to the townehipe of the county, for which the townships of Tnokeremith, Mo$iliop, Hay and Hallett are already mustering forces. W ill f 50(1L rat . Mies M. Macdonald is visiting with ber sister, Mre. (Dr.) Horsey at Owen Sound. David Wilson, wife and ohildreo, of Bleak Lake, Que., are visiting at the home of A. and ;vire, Roes. Mr. Wilma is a brother of Mrs. Rose. H. Elliott, editor and publisher of the Algoma Advocate was in town for a few daye during the past week, the guest of hie aonain, H, B. Elliott, ut the Times. Richard Terriff, • assistant at the Do- minion exprese'office, hae beeu off duty for a few -days owing to illness and is now holidaying at his home in Grand Valley. Al. Proctor left Wiogham on Monday of last week for Windsor with hie string offast horses. Mr. Proctor; hae been training the horses on Wingbam track for eome weeks. A grand picnic under the auspices of the St. Augustine Catholic church, will be held in the besutifoi grove of D. Walltoe, near Donnybrook, on Monday, June 23rd. An exuellent program of addressee and amueetnrnts hoe been arranged for the day and evening. R. Holmes, M. P„ M• G. Cameron, ad Major M. Jamee Mitchell, Robert McLean, e• D. MoGillionddy, Morg.n Dalton and other prominent speakers have been invited to be present. Pnaxxy Jutta WEDDING.—A happy Over t took plane in the Winebam Methodist church at high 0038 on Thursday of last week, when 'Mies Gertrude Lillian Fell. man, daughter of Mre.-(Rev.) R. Hobbs, became the bride of Dr. 0. Alvin Snell, of Eeeex. The church was very,.prettily decorated with bathe of:ferua tied'roses, and as the strains of the wedding_maroh pealed forth from Ibe .pipeprgitn•at the haltdof'Arthur.Fellntan, •ibe party took their places. The ceremony was performed by Rev, W.J. Ford', L. L.'13., and Rev,. R. Robbs,.the bride being given away by her grandfather, D. Buckborodgh of Waterloo. The bride looked the pie• tura of stately lovelineea in a beautiful Frenchgown of lace and chiffon over white silk, with veil caught bank by a cluster of rare pearls, the gift of the groom. The bridesmaid, Mies Mildred Netheroott, of Woodetook, was attired in 0 gown,:of organdie over pink silk, and wore a large pioture bob of blaok chiffon. Mimes Grace Gummege, of Chatham, and Delight Hobbs made very pretty flower girls, in dresses of white silk, Phe groom was oapported by Professor A. B. Steer, of the University of Richmond, Virginia. Percy Morley performed the duties of usher. Atter the ceremony the eomptny eat down to a reoher0he deleuner. The esteem in whioh the bride ie hold wap shown in the many useful, heaatifnl and costly prosanto oho roaa,ivo 1, Among the grcpm a gifts were i--Xvory fano tothe hewer girls i a soarf pin of penile and opal to the gromtlewte ; gold muff links set 01111 pearls and gat'ilete 10 the organ - 401 the whet. r.i*oirct tt W, f3• Iltyrlafl,lael week fol ,Ppr1egif, la Prairie tvblprn,be luteude «oiuglntotlre tnrnftnrebueiness, Mies Bpltou aud:Nieeee'.Cabberuer have gene to Ringavtlla to attend 111e wedding of their wogein, Klee Doan and will spend a few weeks there visiting friends. Listowel L' awe Dowling Otub has deoid ed upon bolding a tournament on July tet, Dominion Day, About 25 rinks, have ao tar aOeepted the invitatione tp be present and compete for the traphire, Among the rinks whioh have already alguilled their intention of being here are, Toronto two rinks, London three nuke, Mitchell three, Harricton three Wcod• stook, BeaPgeGh, Clinton, Guelph, Brad. eels, Kincardine and ;oft. Forest two alike each and Goderiuh one rink. The rape meeting this year, June 25. and 26, promises to be the beet in the history' of the track. There are seven noes with purees of 6500 and 5400 each, and there are a lot of fast harem' Pn the eduutry, the beet of whioh will be here, Dick Roche and Joe MoGinnie hive about 25 horses in training at the trach now., and will be driving eom0 good ones before the season is out, Coronation Day, a public holiday, i9 one of the days of the meet, and the attraotiooe offertd will be sure to draw a orowd. ' (aroaee•1etl, Three Hoke of the Goderioh Bowling Club aro scheduled for the Stratford games 0n Coronation Day, J. 13. $awkine has arrived home from the Btatee, where he hue been travelling, and will remain home daring the Sum. mer. 111. G. Cameron, M. P. P , and William Prondfoot, two of Goderioh'e well•knowo lewdl Praotitionere'have been appointed KinCounsel by theLieutenant Goner- nor in Council. The High School Entrance Examine. tions in Waist Huron will be bold on the 25th, 20th and 27th of June, as formerly announced.This will prevent any in- cnuvenien e to pupils from the rural schools. The progressive euchre party gottenup in aid of the Marine Hospital fund wee -a sunless in every way except attendance, thirty tables only being used. - The oom• mittee of management had prepared fifty, and if all had been present who had pur- chased tickets, there would have been but few vacant Beate. The new steel steamer, Greyhound, whioh ie to take the excursion to Detroit this week, is, hi point of furnishings, one. of the moat costly on the lakes. All the windows are of heavy plate glass. The tapestries are in an antique design of late importation. The ladies' observation room and the cabin are a dream of luxury and magnificence. The ten private par• lore are equipped with the latest fornieh• inge. A new featureis tbe dining room in the cabin. For4Xwieh. Rob.rt Brown, wlio has been very sick for the past two weeke, ie improving rap. idly - Stein McKee, who has spent the past winter and spring with his parents here, left for Neepawa, Man., last week, The "Maple Leaf Literary Sooiety't purpose holding their annual pi0•niu on Satnrday, June 21st. There will be the the usual program of ',Torte, consist. ting of bicycle and foot ranee, jumping, Back meas, &o. We were glad to notice that Rev. T. Wesley Cottons has been appointed by the Conference to the pastorate of the Brae• eels Methodist ohnroh, as now we will be able to ewe and hear him preaoh nooasion- ally. He was a former pastor here. iltlya f#o'ille, Star peapher, la at preaeat on the aioh Ii01 at her hila' uoar Listowel, and dfime Nicholl, of Liotawel, be taking i I aotar her place n the h q1 t v, The eropa in title vicinity have been materially improved by the ree0ut rains, Fall wheat is looking exoeediagiy premie, to ingpkuk and 1139. bay erop 10 now very ancone. aging, Bifrinti aropa, Which have been somewhat bamkward, ars also,; beginning op. dC ran t0 station on odayrafternoyr of �luot w ell and game downthe street at break• nook speed. When reaching Wade'e black. smith shop, they ran into a wagon rook and 004 of them full whioh stopped them suddenly, No damage was done. The leotnre given on Tuesday evening of last week in the Presbyterian church by Rev, R. 8, G. Anderson, of Wroxeter, entitled "A Pilgrim in Bootland" was an excellent ane and muob appreoiated by everyone present. The magio lantern views were good and helped greatly to illustrate the lecture. The Poe de amounted to 517,00, (i 11371 LOU. • A piano recital will be given in the town Hall on Tueeday evening, June 24th, by a number of pupils of Mieo Carol jiew• oombe, aesleted by Mre. Rookie, Mimi Lillian Coate, Norman Murch and James Doherty. The Rxoelsior Mieeion Band purpose holding a garden party on J. W. Irwin'e groundo,on Tuesday evening the 24th feet. Au excellent program of mimic will be furnished by some of Clinton's beet mueioiaoe ; refreshments will be served. Robert Sanderson having traded hie farm North of Londesboro' for William $illough's property on Ontario street, became a resident of Clinton last week, mobile Mr. Killough moved out to the farm, Mr, Sanderson has Bemired employment in the organ factory. James Hoorn has a plum tree worthy of a paragraph. When he bought hie present property thirty years ago the tree was bearing and it has Continued to yield every year since and seems likely to do so for some ears to ooze, e, What is quite Y as remarkable is that it is and always has been entirely free from black knot. The trunk of the tree is tone fest in cir- cumference. It yielder large ewcet yel. low plow. • John McDonald who is employed in the stavemill of R. & J. Ranfeord; at Stapleton, had the misfortune to lose the Sret two fingers of his right band below the first joint. With what is known as 800toh grit Mr. McDonald after losing hie digits Dame to town and had them dressed by the doctor without even tak. fug chloroform. We eypatbize with Mr. McDonald in hie misfortune and . hope the injnriee may soon heal. While Thomas Holloway was strolling in Raosford'o woods on Sunday afternoon 5,b last., he was eeiged by cramps and falling to the ground became helpless. He remained in this Condition for several boare and until Loa Thrower and Harry Fremlin happened that way and found him unable to move. They 'procured a rig and brought him home. Had it not been for their timely aseietanoethere is no telling what the result might have been. Corner Stone Laying of tate Beet Sugar Factory at Marton. Quite a number went to Wiarton to witoeee the laying of the corner atone of the big beet auger factory, by President Mille of the Ontario Agricultural College, of Guelph. The building is well advanced and is of solid stone and steel and will be one of the largest industrial eetablieh. meote in the North nation of the province Ae it is the pioneer beet eager !eatery in Ontario and is expected to be the first in operation in the province, the ceremonies were especially interesting and by exonrei-' one on train and boccie and by vehicles from the ()wintry, for mi'e9 around a great orowd of people were present. The N°R 84-. HOUSE PAINTS ! itp When you consider about the painting of your house the moat important thing to think of is, what ie the beet quality of paint obtainable ? The beet paint to stand the weather and look fresh for the longest time? There is only one answer to this, namely, that a paint made TRAD E MARK with Brandrnm's B.B. Genuine Lead, Pore Linseed Oil, and just enough Dryer, must be the beet, as this B. B. Lead has for eo many years been proved superior to all athere. Snob a paint be Anobor Liquid Hoose Paint, and it is the only liquid paint made in Canada with Brondram's B. 13. Genuine White Lead. - It is a mistake for you to nee anything bat the very beet paint in painting pour home. The cost of putting on thapaint is usually about the ease au the cost of the paint itself. A oheap paint takes more time to make a .reasonably good job with than a good paint, and does not laet ae long, nor look ao well. In foot the cheap paint ie the most expensive paint in the end. Make no mistake. Dee Anchor 'Lignid House Paint. It is a Pare White Lead, Zino and Linseed Oil Paint,' and ie as good 00 can be made with our ohoioe of the very beat materials. Dee it and get the most eatiofaotory reaulte obtainable with paint. Sold by— Act. lac pitylcA:y CM,. Brussels. iummer Wais(s and Dresses Wo aro agents and keep a full aenort• moot of.late Standard Patterns in stock. The. Patients for July include the "Du Barry" Sleevee,, "Monte Melo" Coate' and "Coffee" Jaak• ate. These popular styles will be found in the Standard Pat. terns jnet received by ne and now on sale. We are showing a large range of Dainty and Beauti- ful Materials for Summer Waists and Dresses such as Musli ns, Organdies, Dimities, Embroidered Linens, Mercerized ,Lawns, Mercerized Sateens and Prints. The July nom. ber of the Design. er whioh can also be purobeeed from ns mokee a feature of outing Toilettes for Ladies and Summer apparel for Small bye. EVERYTHING CHEAP. NO FANCY PRICES, STRACHAN. 'WOOL wowing Highest Cash Price paid for any quantity delivered At my Storehouse, No, 1, 13riissels, Also for Grain of all kinds. Ifo t r b � Graham, WOOL 25,000 Lbs. of Wool Wanted at Brussels Woolen Mill Where the faigbest Market Price will be paid in Cash Or Trade. We also have in stook a fine line of Blankets, Sheetings, Yarns, Tweeds, Etc, All Pure Wool Goode. Custom Cording done at any limo. Your ow a into rolls L Y n uviol ma d oro 1,a short notice. Don't sell your wool or have it manufaotured until jou call et the Brussels Woolen Mill and get prices. LOC]r1 d 9 Bros. 1:McKinnon's '71-1E STOI Eg THAT ATTRACTS ATTENTION - NO by what it says, but by what it done, le the one that brews the orowd. 'Our prioee average the lowest in every line of aortae, quality for ' quality, in almost every article we well, This ween we talk about Grooerles. Wemakeit a mint to keep everything in his line olean and fresh, and baying and melting fpr paeb or produce puts us in a position to quote rices like these ;— q p 30 pounds good Brown Sugar for $1.-5 pounds eelooled Valencia Raisins for 25a.— 3pounds Weaned e 1 mated Currants,' fu 3 pound bozo 25c. -,Parlor Matches, 1000 in a box, for 54.—Bast Red Salman, a new brand, if you try a can yon will nee no other, regular price 150, bot to get them introduced we give 2 cane for 25o,—Foreet City Baking Pow. der, 17J pounds in sealer, worth 25c for 20o.—Maple Syrup, guaranteed pore, regular pride 51,25 per gallon, our prioe 51 for Imperial gallon,— Canned Apples, in gallon oa0s, worth 25o for 20o,—The best brands of Corn, Peas and Tomatoes, 3 Daae for 25o, -Prones, large and (reel], very special, 3 pounds for 250. --Breakfast Foods of all kinds, ,ouch as Swiss Food, Foroe, Topeka, Health Food, Corn Meal, Oat Meal, Wheat. let., Graham Flour, Eto,—Choioq Yioklee, in bottles, at 10o and 127o, —We make a epeoialty of Flue Tete. We import our Japan Teae direct, and can give the celebrated Eiji Japan Tea worth 30o for 250.— We pay the highest pride in cash or trade for Butter and Eggs. We pay 14a fa@ Egge. The Hand t'at WILL RUN Home -Seekers' ax Excursions To TRC CANADIAN NORTR,WEST AT RETURN FARES Winnipeg ... Waskada Estevau Elgin Arcola ......, Mooeomin_» Wawaneoe Binscarth Miniota Grand View Swan River $28 Regina .,1 $30 hfo kion . 'York ton Pr. cleAlbert.od $35 Ma Calgary !F Red Deer ,, Strath_ ) S40 oona Going JIINlO ard, returning until AUGUST 4th (all rail or 81.8, Alberta). Going JUNE 24th, returning until AUGUST 25th (all rail or 9.13. Alberta). Going JULY 15th, return- ing until SEPTEMBER 1010 (allrail or 8.8. Alberta). Tickets are not good tui "Imperial Limited" Por tickets and pamphlet giving full particulars, apply to your nearest Can- adian Pacific Agent, or to A. H. NOTMAN, Asst. -0 en. P ase. Agt„ 1 King Street East, Toronto, parade from the centre of tbe town eom- poeed of societies, bands, soldiers firemen, carriages, eto., is said to have been over three miles in length. On arriving at the works the president, J. 0. Siemen delivered an opening address after whioh Prof. Mille with a silver trowel laid the stone. An adjoorment was Eben made to the driving park where addressee were delivered by Prof. Mille and H. Cargill, M. P. for Wont Brno. Mr. Mille said that for Boma years he had investigated the beet auger industry as applied to Canada. He had visited Michigan, where he had made an exhaustive investi- gation of the conditions in that State, and comparing them with Ontario he firmly believed that the comparison was exceed• ingly favorable to this Province, and profitable to maoufaotorere and farmers alike. While the beets of Michigan averaged only abodt 12 per cent of sugar, those grown in this enation of the Province averaged over 15 per sent„ with a much larger yield to the care. He complimented the Canadian farmers on their industry and their thrift, and declared that they ranked the highest in their calling of any in the world. In the evening a banquet was held in the hall,. which was very largely attended, and the usual toast liet wee gone through. Several prominent Americans from Detroit and Buffalo were present, and appropriate ad. dresses were delivered by Prof. 1111110, Henry Cargill, M. P., G. M. Boyd, A. G. McKay, 0. R. Baldwin, D. W. Simmrs, of Detroit, Dr. Horsey, M. P., and others. The building is being rapidly proceeded with, and will be ready thie Fall to work up the product of six thousand acres. MANITOBA'S CROPS. Crop bulletin No. 60 was ieeaed laet Saturday by the Manitoba department of Agriculture, and is compiled from returns secured' by the department up to June 11. From all parte of the Provinoe reporte indioate that the germination has been perfect, and that wherever the seed wad mudded in and farmers had difficulty in drawing seeders off the fields, the pros- pects are enrprieiug. Farmers have done their work sue well as could be expeoted wader the conditions, and from past ex. perianoo it ie only natural to expect a good harvest. Grass, kite grain orope, has made re. markable progress under prevailing favor. able influences, and pastures are in the finest possible condition. Hay meadows. are now flooded, and if they dry aufli- oleetly by haying time the prop will be equal to that of last year in quantity and edperiar in quality. Correepondonte are nnanfmoue in their reporte that all kinds of live stook are in prime dondition. The abundance of fodder, of all kinds and ooaree grains have allowed farmers to feed liberally. The only unfavorable reports are to the effeot that the nold Web 8priog and heavy work of ending hae somewhat reduced theoonditioa of home. Wlelds �e Br�sV is never so willing to perform its labors as when the Paint used, yields easily in application. The work becomes a labor of love if you use our reliable Ready -mixed Paints. We'll supply you with an article that Stands on its Merits Alone —The BEST and the CHEAPEST. The SHERWIN—WIL- LIAMS PAINTS saves you Money, Time and Patience and never fails to give satisfaction. Complete stock of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, &c., 'f Jr.'d sri'it. Wilton & Turnbull CROQUET SETS, EXPRESS WAGONS, &C., AT The Post Bookstore Downing Bros. Your Heart's Desire Agents for will be found in our new line of Summer Shoes. New shapes. New styles. New ideas. Grace, beauty and comfort combined as never before. Our Oxford Ties and Strap Slippers are beau- ties. the Slater Shoe. Downing r.