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Atilt l
TI IT.): k,SD4Y J(:N1 19, 1902.
aeab. The latter have not bean payfne
auythtng heretefere terfard tho eSpenOes
of able departlnrnt, The motion to
appoint a permanent Blob Court Medical
bitaminer instead of the preeopt ihlediudl
]bard watt ddfooted but will probably win
at the next'7ligh Court.
The otllaore were 01000l0 and made
brief reeponeoa ae they took their reopeot.
Iva theta, $1,000 wee voted to the re.
tiring High Chief Ranger for hie work
during the putt year,, High, Court
olooed on 3eriday evening at 6.80 tGoloak
to meet 05010 vast June in Hamiliou,
The 23rd annual meeting of the High
Court of the Qanadiap Order of Foresters
Wee held in the TOM HaII, Owen Sound,
.•.-the Liverpool of ,tire A7artb—openin5 0u
',1'uoedey afternoon of loot weak at 2
o'oloolt, High Chief Elliott in the chair -
The Hall was neatly decorated with the
Court colors, and stretched aoroae above
the platform wag the motto, "Welcome
brothers, in the name ofLiberty, Benet/
olenoe and Oonaord," Alt the outsets
were in their planes and bueineee woo
pushed with dispatch,
Hearty weloornao were a000rded .the
Righ Court by Mayor Reid, the L 0, F.,
the A. 0. F., Chosen Friends, 0. 0. F,
apo tho Board of Trade and replied to by
the nigh Chief Ranger, Pad H, 0. R.
It'1uRobble and High Secretary White.
204 delegates registered with 543 -votes,
so representatives .of the now" 44,865
members belonging to the order in tide
Dominion, over 7,000 of these having
been admitted during the peat year,
71 was agreed to have the ofdeial re-
ports published Bo that they out be sent
to the eabordinete Conrte for perusal
before the High Court meets in dune.
There was a friendly rivalry as to the
location of the place of the meeting of the
next High Oourt, the following being
represented:—Wingbam, Toronto, Que-
bec, Godori°b, Winnipeg, London, Ham
Ilton and Kingston. Three votes ware
necessary to deoide the point, Hamilton.
winning oat by 3 votes over Toronto, the
record being 128 to 128.
Wedpesday afternoon the delegatee of
the Higb Oourt went by invitation of the
looal Ooart of Foreatere to Balmy Beach,
a lovely park, 4 miles up the Sound,
where e, floe program of athletic eports,
laorosee match between Brampton and
Owen Sound, fireworks, &o., Wee pre-
sented, Steamers were planed at the
disposal of tbe guests, after a maroh
throngb the prinaipaf street, beaded by
the excellent Regimental Band. The
trip was greatly enjoyed end the delegates
will carry maty pleasant reminieoenoee
of the trip to Owen Sound.
Rev. Dr. Hill, Chief Ranger and Die.
trio, Secretary MoHinnon from the Dia.
triol High Court of Manitoba, were wel-
comed, and addressed the meeting. R.
J. Birdwbietle, delegate from Oourt
Royal Albert, was presented with a eat
of gavels, whioh had been won by his
mart from Oourt Dominion, Toronto, for
inorease in membership.
The Striking Committee consisted of
the following brethren :—Dr. t1. M.
Stanley, Brantford ; D. R. Kennedy,
Toronto ottani W. E. Mangey, To o R.
Mo v
t g ,
J. Birdwhistle, Ottawa ; P, J, Mangan,
Montreal ; Max Herger, Montreal ; Tboe.
Armstrong, Lindsay ; Thos. Marshall,
Walkervilie; M. W. Carroll, Montreal ;
Thos. W. Johnston, Louie Parte and W.
J. Element, London. This committee
presented a report giving the committees,
as follows :—
Finance—Dr. U. M. Stanley ; 3. A.
Stewart, Perth ; E. D. Gunter, R. 7,
Birdwhietle, Ottawa ; R. C. Gavin, Max
Herger, Ottawa; Dr. Bragnair, A. Mar.
tin, W. Allan, L. Pine, James Young,
Thos. Morahan, Walkerville.
Good and Welfare—Dr. R. 0. Yonne,
3, Mo$innon, W. 3. Element, W. H.
Taylor, Rev. Dr. Hill, M. D. Carroll, R.
T. Blyth ; Thos. Madgine, Ottawa ; T.
J. Pateneand. Wm. MoLean, J. K. Thoak-
eray, W. H. Roberto, Thos. Burriea, L.
Meitner, A. Danaman, D. Morrison, H.
H. Burgess, J. Shanemen.
Committee on Distribution—Dr. Hod-
son,A.O'Dell,W. Walker A. R.
Oalpie, H. ie, 0. E. Myle, Toronto ; 1Z, I. Mag-
oon R. Q. Dense' G. H. Barwell, Ot-
Appeals and Grievanaee—W. D. Earn -
gay, Lyman Lee, W. 0. Smyth, W. H.
Wardrope, A. J. Biaeonette, J. Oordeau.
The election of officers for the current
year added considerable interest at
Thareday evening's amnion and resulted
NS follows :—Geo. Faulkner, Ottawa,
High Chief Ranger ; J.A. Stewart, Pertb,
Vice Chief Banger ; Thos. White, Brant-
ford, Secretary ; Jno. Neelanda, Brant-
ford, Treaaarer ; D. R. Kennedy, Mont.
real, Registrar ; Rev. G. G. MoRobbie,
Kumble, Chaplain ; Dr. U. M. Stanley,
Brantford, Chairman Medical Board ;
Dr. R. 0. Young, Ridgetown, Associate
Medical Board ; Thos. W. Gibson, Tor-
onto, Anditor ; Exeontive — let, Robb.
Elli,tt, Ingeraoll ; 2nd, H. Gummer,
Guelph ; 3rd, Dr. Smyth, Montreal ; 4th,
0. Laporte, Montreal ; 5th, W. Bailie,
The increase in memberahip for past
year wee the largest for any previous 12
months and the insurance surplus and
the Siok and Funeral Benefit Fund also
show large inoreseea, and ehowa praise.
worthy progress in this 23rd year of Oan.
adien Forestry. Io 1901 there were 67
new Courts eatablisbed, the majority of
them in the province of Qaebeo. There
are now 400 courts in Ontario ; 184 in
Quebec ; 47 in Nova Sootia ; 39 in Naw
Brunewiak ;18 in Prince Edward Itisted
86 in Manitoba; 20 inNorthweet Terri-
tories ; and 11 in British Columbia, mak•
ing a total of 810, with a membership of
44,865, inorease to Courts for the past
year was 58 and membership 7,103. 210
death claims were paid laet yearamonat.
ing to $215,702.65, being 14 more claim
and $20,193 more than 1900. Increase
is a000nated for by inereased member.
ship. Amounts paid totalled $348,314, as
follows ;—$215,792, for 210 deaths ; 577,-
169 36, for 3613 Benefit rialtos, and
505;852 out of f#eoeralfund, 4,449 cheques
iseaed. The inorease in surplus was
very °lose to $14,000 per month bringing
up the sum, of $1,409,503, a very hand -
throe sum. Death rate is only 4.66 per
1000, Six meeting of the Executive have
been held during the past year. 8000
members are aimed at for 1002, of this
number 2,390•were initiated in the months
of January, February and. March.
In the notices of motion to amend the
Constitution there were no very radical
changes made. A motion to inorease the
per diem of Executive Committee from
53 to $5 Was defeated and another to
raiee tale capitation tax from $1 to $1.20
per annum met with a eimilar.fate on a
close vote a of a majority being necessary
to alter the Oonetitation. In future
members holding $1,500 or 02,000 benefi-
ciary .certificates will be asked to oon-
tribate $1.60. annually instead of $l and
each member in the Sisk and Funeral
Branch will be aaseeeed 20 dents each
A Newey Letter From. Denver
To the Editor of TOB Pen
%hie is amodern, bustling, large silty
with a population of 165,000 ; olean and
attractive, full of life, and half -way rest
ingplaae for Californian exoaraioniete.
It is eitgated on a fine level plateau, soma
20 miles Heat of the Rooky mouutalne,
the snow sappers being generally visible.
The climate is grand, equal to California,
Denver ie a oity of beautiful homes ;`
many retired inhere ; and said to.be one
of the riobest oitiee for its size in the
Union ; over fifty millionariee reside here.
Last year the state mitten produced thirty
millions in gold, twenty mtllionain silver,
mostly from the Cripple Creek dietriot
on Pike's peak, 40 miles South. But
With all this ,large mining output, the
agrioultural produota are now -exceeding
it,: which ie all due to late irrigation canals
and ditobea, in extent many tb0ueande of
miles. A new city and a new country,
In 1870 the first railway entered, now 21
varloue railways enter the city in a grand
axion depot. The public) buildings are
all first ohms ; the state oapitol here is
an impressive, gray native granite etruo=
tura, lately lniehed after 7 yearn work,
and costing three millions. Its marble
floors, white and brown onyx marble pit.
lora and columna and grand snperetrco•
tare vies in eleganoe with ancient Egyp-
ttan temples ; nnmaroae extensive eohoola,
the largest said to exceed io size any in
the Union, having 1500 anholara. An
average par capita school tax is col
looted here of 821, while the average
throughout the Union is only $12, prov
ing liberality in paying highest wages to
teachers, wltb other educational facilities
of a high order. The papers note the
sale of a mine for $5,500,000 ; another
large oonoern sold out to a New York
Electric. Co„ for thirty million, all oath.
The residences here are all brink and
atone, one of the beet sold lately to a
Carnegie Secretary for $100,000; another
steel man bought a home for $80,000, and
papers say he will spend as much more
"to remodel it." The money does seem
to fly in this country. The working man
are well paid, bat are demanding more
pay with fewer hours; a big strike is
now on here, 3000 of the building trades
striking for 8 hours a day and
as they lately gob for 8 boars. Eugene
Dabs, tha labor oontroller from the East,
haa arrived hare, and publicly address-
ing the strikers, he advisee that "If any
in authority offare fire to shoot back, that
the working man who prodooes all, only
gets Moment labor, hovels and rage ; the
capitalist who pritinoea nothing, geta ease,
pekoes and luxury ; the legislature is
wholly in the interests of capital; courts
of joatioe—ea called—deoide not upon
merit, but lo the interests of the tipper
olaee I" Rather incendiary sentiments
to men out of work with empty pooketc
and empty larders. This whole country
seems in a state of unrest, labor etrikea
every where demanding higher wages and
lase hoore for the working men, presaging
o straggle that moat eventually improve
their condition. We have been brained
to think and look upon capital as aapreme,
labor noiona asserting themselves is fast
reversing this nonsense. The mechanic,
the farmer, the worker, they are the
power, the gold, the pith of humanity.
This city is exactly 5280 feet—one mile—
above sea level, a great health resort, no
aonaamptivee to be seen in the atreete as
we feared, share taken oare of in fine
homes in the suburbs ; the atmosphere
every day is balmy, °barged with a de.
lightlul Spring freahaesa with some 330
sunny days every year; gusts of dusty
winds at times make it disagreeable,
otherwise, it ie as near the Garden of
Eden an this mundane world can at pres-
ent provide. We visited Fort Logan, 10
miles outside of the city, via eleotrio
oars. Many Philippine oonvatesgente
well taken Dare of, comfortable, plenty to
eat and of a good variety, indeed they are
luxuriantly oared for. Fort Logan is not
a fortress, but rather a collection of houeee
and hospitals, all brick. The offioere'
homea ooneiet of 9, long row of two
storey, fine, brick, nelf.contained rest.
dame. How pleasing to knew that
Untie Sam'a heroes of Santiago and
Manila ate so generously taken cora of,
The churches in auoh a wealthy, pro.
greeeive city migbt ba expaoted to be
found on a grand scale and we were
not disappointed, The Trinity Metho.
diet is a large, beautiful stone building
witha towering apire, is centrally 'Atrial.
ed and is noted for poaaeesing the finest
organ outside of New Y irk, its clever
pastor giving to the people plain, praoti•
cal, sound, moral advioe. The English
Ouuroh, cloth by, is lean impressive ex
tantalise, but a very grand architectural
display inside with rte beautiful ooriu-
thian colamne, all painted a dark red.
In the upper residential dietriot we visit-
ed a neat little atone chapel, the very
emalleat 10 this great oity, inaoribed on
its frontispiece are these words in gold
lettere : "The new Ohurah—the Oburoh
of the New Jerusalem," (Swedenborgian)
Rev, ILEI. A poet eaid "Nor deem it
strange to plaoe, upon eo email a booth
a name no great." This is oar, own alturah
home, of whom the Rev, Henry Ward
Beecher in an addreee before student°
said, "Young man, if you wish to know
modern theology, you most read Sweden -
bong." R. Waldo Branton in a public
addreee on The religions of the day said
this system was whole oollegeo above and
beyond present orthodoxy. It is not a
new sad nor schism, but a naw dispensa-
tion now being revealed to the hearts of
man ; it is permeating the minds of all
teachers of men. Creed revisions a proof
and neoeaaity, approximating a truer
compreheneion of Scriptural wisdom.
A leading jewel is her Golden Oity days,
"This do and thou shalt live." Juet
listen :—In Manoheeter, England, soma.
time ago the Sunday Sohoole had an
anniversary, all the eohooio were to meet
and maroh throngh the oily. The larger
eohoolo and managemant 00011 not de-
ride who was to lead in this grand pro.
oesnion and finally decided to coot lots
for thin desirable position. Fate decreed
that the New (bara4 aellplare sbonid he
awarded thio poaltiou Pt hector, the least
t pd Moat of eourd of all,
Bi0a0relj• y0pr0,
sits, D, Banal%,
Denver, Ool,, J nue 0,1902,
llfUl sono0f.
At tha,duly extt0lpationa the following
Chet bore Writing at the varlll"oe.
are 1J3trt w g„
centres '
to, 1]unttit)r n,i;—Qllntan; 78oandidatoe; Baaforth, 91 S" Winghatn, 44.;
Bruaeale, 28 ; Btyth,'11; Fordwloh, 10
Wroxeter, 5, ,
The fees are ea follows ,^
Olin ton—To prin. $180 Soltool Board 5117
Soaforth " 177 " 129
Wiogbam " 72 . , 28
Total $460, $769
In all,..,321
a ,
na m ant G a
�m 8m
as Fa )1 aw
p n rn'APi m .
Clinton 31 28 8 10 5
Seaforth ., 89 24 16 13 1 '.
Wiugbam 80 14 1
Brussels 28
Blyth ll-
Fordwioh 10
Wroxeter 6
The presiding examinant are:—O,iutoa,
W. R. Lough and D, Robb ; Seaforth,
Andrew Scott and Fred. Fowler ; Wing
ham, Geo, Dobson and Wm. Watteia ;
Brnaeele, D. Robb; Blyth, A. H. Mee
grove Fordwiob, Robert Dongtaa ;
Wroxeter, D. Weir.
The number writing on Entrance are
not yet known.
The presiding examiners at the En.
keno examination in Ibte iuepeotorate
are :—Olintoo, John Houston and W. 11.
Lough; Seaforth, G. F. Rogers and T.
G. Shillinglaw ; Wingham, Jas. T, Dodds l
and B. Reynolds ; Brunets, D, Robb and
J. Ritchie ;• Blyth, J. H. Cameron ;
Fordwioh, 7, Hartley ; Wroxeter, Mal.
oolm Bluth,
Presbyterian General As-
The General Aeeembly of the Preaby-,
torten Church in Canada is in aeaeion in
The work of the church daring the year
that is gone has been parried on with
exceptional effecbiveneae; over $3,900,000
have been contributed by its members
for church purposee, and the retiring
Moderator was able to make the proud
announcement that in the whole of Oan•
oda not one little oommunity of Preaby•
terrane exists which the ohuroh has not
The greatest problem which the church
will have to face during the Doming year
will be the meeting of the eitaatton creat
ad by the nob of immigration into the
West. The prominence•of that problem
woe recognized in the choice of a- Moder-
ator. Rev. George Bryne, L. L. D., of
Manitoba Oollege, a pioneer in the epien
did home mieeioaary work of the Preaby.
terian Oburoh in tha West, is the man
upon whom the highest honor in the gift
of the church baa fallen.
"The oeotury fund," Rev. Dr. Warden
stated, "has in some respects fat exceed
ad the moat sanguine expectation, and
while we are not yet able to report that
the $600,000 for the furtherance of the
miemionary and benevolent work of the
church has been paid, yet we have more.
than doubled the $400,000 aimed at in
aouoeotion with the reduction of debts
on cborab property, and there has thus
been set free a large sum of money which
baa heretofore been annually expended In
the payment of interest on mortgage in.
debtedoees to be need bereafter, we
trust, in the general work of the ohamh,
Notwithstanding the foot that the larger
portion of the century fund money was
actually paid during the past year, the
contributions of our people to the regular
eohemee are greatly in excises of the pre.
ceding year and are mnob the largest in
the history of the church.
Tax: TBAn'9 000WTfi,
"Steady progress baa been made in
almost every department of the work.
In'sonneetioc with the 58 Presbyteries of
the church there are 1,368 ordained min.
latera, of whom 1,198 are pastors of non•
gregat lone, professore in colleges or fill.
ing positions to which they have been ap.
pointed by the Assembly. There are 783
eelf•aupportingcharges, embraoing 1,152
tmosrekattatm and "d#0 ohargao-.ofnllrao5.
leg 010 eongregatiouam-aided by the Bug,
0300101100. fund, Itt addition tP: these We
have 008 home miaelon 014 With 1,401
otatipne, e% whiob ti,e 00410l la More or
lana regularly preached by our natation...
arida, Onr eiders nuinher 1,509, oar.
tatniiida 118,114 mud our aomnlpttietpta
012,470, a bet gait et 6,790 to the mere•,
bsrebip reported a yoar ago, The 0003•;
bur oflilQntrpput00pta,remaitretl,.dliri.Pg,t tai
y4lll 110,prefeselou of faith q,1 hti 11;169,
au average of Seven to Paah oongrtgetiou.
Nat lualading mieeion fielde, 228 000485-
gatioua report no coaverei0na during the
year -,-no members received an goafeaeion
of faith—and in 000 of the other aongre,.
iati0na of the church,, where addition
were made on confession of faith, tbe
number in no oath exoamde nix, Tbdre lo
surely ground for humiliation berg...,..
008 people contributed lath year 01,052,-
091 towards the ea/arise of their minis,
tare and $2,857,489 for all denominational
purposee. The 'value of the property
owned by our oongregatione is a little
over tan million dollars, on which there
ie still an indebtedneee of about one mil.
lion and a half.
BAOBAB% eanoof,9
oThere are 3,196 Sabbath Schools con,
prated with the thumb, (an inorease of
147 is the number reported the pre0eding
year), with 22,717 teaahere and offoers
and 182,835 a nista. 1 he a o's show
0 h re
h p
an inorase of 626 ver tit ea reported a
year aro. Thio inorease is encouraging,
although, aeoording to the rennet Domin.
ion canons, there moot be a large number
of young people of aoho.,l age in Preeby.
tenet bonne not in attendaboe upon our
Sabbath Schools. De. Warden leered
that there is a growing laxity to this mat.
ter, and added :—"There was a falling
off last year, ae for several pneoed
Years, in the number connoted with the
Christian Endeavor and other young
people'e societies, whish is somewhat
significant, The number reported this
year is 26,319.
nom unarm.
"Homo mieeion work Insall smarms of
the Dominion ie moat hopeful and en-
couraging. We have 78 mission fields in
toe Western emotion of the ohnrob, with
231 preaohiug stations, and 428 Heide in
the Western motion of the church, with
1,280 preaching etatione. In connection
with these fields there are 16,474 families
and 18,477 communicants, 1,988 were re•
oaived on ounfeaaion•offaith. We have
missionaries among the Icelanders, Scam
dioaviaoe, Germane, Norwegians, Swedes,
Bohemians, Galicians and Donkhobore,
and rotation day Boboole-among the Gall -
claim. We have two trained missionary
name at Aplin, B. 0. The contributions
of our people lath year for homemieeion
work was $122,731." Lord' Stratliaona
has given $20,000 to the aged and infirm
minister' fundnI the Preabyterian
Brussels Greenhouse.
and` Flowers.
You will find at Brussels Greenbouee
any quantity of Tomato, Celery, 'Canli-
flowerand Cabbage Planto.
Fine collection of Flowering Plante.
A. oboios lot of Geraniums and
Annuals for bedding.
Out Flowers supplied.
Floral Designs made to order.
Miss KeIIy.
oo1 Waiilcd
The undersigned is
prepared to pay the Highest
Market Price for any quan-
tity of Wool. See me before
you sell.
cradles' line
Handsome to the eye
Artistic in design.
First-rate workman-
Made to wear and.
keep their shape.
Be=autiful finish, easy
1 '4F comfort, very durable.
When you discard
them you want another "just like .the last ones.
Then our prices are not the .least pleasing part of
the buying,
Here are a few:-
- Ladies' Dongola Kid, laced or buttoned, latent style, heavy sole, only $1 25.
—We have all etylee at lowest price°.
—On Bargain Counter this week, 22 pairs Ladies' Sboee, all prices, from: $2.00
to $8.00, going this week at 90o per pair only.
— Agents for lovietam Shoes mads by George A Slater, for either manor women,
Harness Department. Single Harneel for next 80 days oheaper
than ever, Dusters, Fly -nets, Rubber
Rugs at low prises,
X. C. 11X t aA1, 91M .
UT1G 11'0711 S7tltliTCl[i,.-» A.
'lboro'•bretl abort lloru. reeleterod
P0410140. TOMB 780, 7'NJ tb:privilege of re -
towing lngif.ttOeooeary, P 0 , Whit,
A1000012 .012 /beth,
UR1=+ FOR S 01W OE, TR1,
un0erelguddwillaa0p,for AMMO on,
Lot 94,Oon, 9, Grey, the there' hoed. ShortsMort, buil, "tl(moral Bullet ,,•a,t)l274
*000 may be 6 uu nu application. Teeple,
01 03, 00 be paid T04,101,3904, with privilege
of returning if uoeesoarv,
A190 the Shorg4 bred Ymproyed Xdi•lreltira
boar '•North ;crime Justice 071" —8072
Pedigree iAA possessi011 of owner if any
breederawiehIQO to Ili e. 1. privilege' Terms,• $1.30, at
11ueoeott,ny,O w1101137MoDON400urutug
45.4 Ethel P. 0. Proprietor.
.4Z' w pen, -40000.00. will buy the McOaa-
ahoy 'Moth in the Village of Brussels. These
OM Sue stores must be sold to oloso opt the
91o0augbey Estate, intending purchasers
aboold utovr tlgate at 01100, dp}�ly bo F, S.
a0U1eP or 0,27.181,8101, Bruoaele,Ont,
laud, , eligibly l an Turnberry
street, Brgaeola, for sola.ale. ill b
we sold en
bloc or house and lots separµtely, to snit
purchaser. Good dairy busineea in 000000 -
bail. Possession could- be ;{vert any time,.
For Woe, Lerma, &w, apply to 01 11001, 81-0-
LAIIOIiLIN, llraaaele.
'WARM FOR �eSALE.--THEtDORnalIED lable oe
farm, Lot, 4, Con, 10, Gray, for sale on easy
terms, Good brink house, bans barn, or•
chard, deo. Farm all flooded aseept 12 agree.
Lelia than 1 mile from Erueeels.. Poaseeslou
eau be given next Fall,- For particulars as
to prise and conditions of sale apply to R.
E. OOATES Op I Pr, rietor Brussels P. O
acre of land for sale, Graham's. Sur-
vey, t mile South of Brussels. The house
contains 7 rooms ; good etabls; well; fruit
trees and small fruits. Possession given at
once. Terme reasonable. If property is not
sold soon, will be rented. For pique, terms,
tio., apply to'WM. RANDS, Brueaelm P. 0.
nnnamxnn offers bis 100 acro fares for
sale, being Si Lot 17, Con. 4, Morrie, TIME.
is a house, two good barna 90x02. feet•eaob, 2
good wells ; orchard; well fenced ; 75 acres
cleared, balance good bush.. Possession
given to suit purohaner. Farm is in good
locality, 4 miles from Belgrave and 5 to
Brussels. Will also sell a Waterloo Steam
Engine and a Clinton "Monarch^ Separator,
two grata grinders and a crusher. For price
and terms appp)p on the premises or ff by
lettertoOLOAKEY,,Pr Proprietor,
•4 P. O.
An kinds of Dressed Lumber kept on
hand from $10 up,
British Columbia, home out Shingle()
and Lath kept on hand.
8. good farm on 18th con. of Grey for
f "All parties indebted to ma are
requested to nail and nettle up before
March lat or 10a%n will be added after'
that date from Jen. let till paid.
A quantity of green cedar poste for
sale on Lot 7, Con. 4, Grey.
The Bodmin Lime Works,
4th Line, Morris, are ready for
the Spring trade and have a
quantity of fresh lime on, hand.
Guaranteed to be first-class.
Price 15e. a bushel at the kiln.
A. Nicholson & Son.
41.001 ' - PROPRIETORS.
If writing addreme Belgrave P. 0.
oes hind
the Test ?
When yap go to $1017WW1'S yob got a Photo. What will
We make Photoe.all:Si700 and finial) in tho lateebotylee,
Family Groote a speoitilty,
7'katg, Bcttona With or without Time.
t Cray:oty Sopla and Water Color ]Jnlµrgingd,
Views of Sohorde, Hottees and Wcddln9 Groupie taken on applioatlgn,
We Dan aatiefy you in any lino of ort, ; Oa11 and see eamplee,
lid ti,e feet.
11. R. BREWER, Brussels.
a oiled a Good Baking
you have many a time by tieing an
iufenior grade of flour. Tour bread will •
atwaye be light, while and sweet when
using tha Venue. It is always of sup.
odor quality, with no variation; and to
carefully trade from tbe beet grown
llfapitoba wheat. Try this eatiefaotory
brand for your bread, cakes and pies,
and you will never nee any other.
ALF. 13.4311tEll
1tICDa&EL 4
une 11�Ii11inery
We have just received
a nice, line of Cool,
Dainty, .Tight Summer
Hats. Just the latest
for the Mid -summer
Weather. Call 'anal see
us before purchasing..
Have sold 52 Buggies and 6 Wagons this
season, already, and are now offering Spee-
ial Bargains for one month as they intend
to make this season a record -breaker in
the .number of sales. Remember the date,
July 12, is the limit for bargains. You
id drive80 or 40e
need not be afraid to miles
se stock, you will be sureto buy.
see our to k, b y.
It will be to your advantage to see the
High Grade Buggies at close prices.
Robt. Thomson has purchased one of
our pneumatic, steel wheel, ball bear-
ing, bike buggies. This is the 3rd
we have sold in Brussels and they
are all giving first-class satisfaction.
These rigs can be bought from
EWAN & C -o.
At close prices at the Up-to-date Carriage Factory.
NxTE are having a splendid season in our large sale of Buggies, and are in a position to sup
ply the wants of the public with a First-class article. We will sell either Wholesale br
Special attention given to the manufacture Of Farm Wagons, either common sized;wheela or
half truck with 2i or 3 inch tires.
Field .hollers and Wheelbarrows with steel or wooden wheels.
Repairing and Repainting promptly attended to,
Our attention will soon be turned to the (latter Trade for the coming Winter.
John Cober 8& ` Sons* Garda s ^o Factory.