The Brussels Post, 1902-6-12, Page 4Lossels. Vest, TJTUR ,DAY, UTNE1'12, 1902. HURQN COUNTY QOUNCIC.. • JUNS SE$S10 The Jupe 60ae1en of Ilnron Go. Coanoil oonvened in the Owlet House, Goderioh,. on Tuesday afternoon of last week. All the mombere present, Warden Patterson In the ohair. • Warden oddreeeed the Council briefly aa to neoeoaity of a Go, Bolioltor being appointed owing to removal of Hon, 1, T. Carrow ; oleo eleoting a member to the Board of County Exam. faere. No eerioae damage wee reported to 00, bridges pwiog to Ireeltete, Minutes of last meeting read and peened, J. R. Tigert resigned his position as one of the Go, Examiners owing to hie appointment as Model School teacher at Goderiob, It waa eons to Edaoation committee who reoommonded its accept. R000. A memorial from the Co. of Waterloo was road asking co operation of Enron in matter' of freer trade relations with Great Britain. Sent to Special Committee. A number of a000nate were read and forwarded to Finance Com- mittee. Moved by Mr. Caotelon, second. ed by Mr. Spackman tbatthis Council visit the proposed bridge site, between Colborne and Goderioh townships, to- morrow afternoon. Carried. Moved by W. H. Kerr, eeoonded by .Tae. Bowman that the gaeetion of Government aid to Good Roads movement in relation to this Co. be considered at this session of the Go, Coanoil. Referred to Road and Bridge Committee. On motion of Holt and McLean Connell adjourned to meet to morrow at 10 o'olook. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION. Connell met at 10, all preeent. Minntee of 'Tuesday's meeting read and passed, Communication referring to commitment of H. Scott, of Goderiob, to Home of Nsgieotei Children, Toronto, was read from J, J, Kelso and sent to Executive Committee. Report of Go.Oommiesiooea Ansley wee read and referred to Road and Bridge Committee. Report of House of Refuge Committee read, with P. Holt in the ohair was oonaidered in committee and adopted. Moved by Mr. Holt, eeoonded by Mr. Hoye that the money now in the bands of Go. Treasurer Holmes and the note held by him in the ease of Mrs. Olendenning, formerly of MoKillop, who was an inmate in the Howie of Refuge for a time, be refunded and that no charge be made against her for maintenance while she was an inmate. Carried. Messrs, Bowmen end Herr were delegated to enquire into the fame of Mies Brown, of Grey. and report later, Moved by Mr, Oaoteloo, seconded by Mr. Connolly that the Clerk be anthorized to procure the Ontario Statutes for each member of Go. Council, Clerk and Treasurer. Sent to Exeoutive0ommittee. On motion of Meson. Miller and McLean Council adjourned until Tbareday at 10 a. m. Oa Wednesday afternoon all the mem. here of the county council except two, together with the Road Commissioner, drove out to inepeot the site of the propos. ed bridge between Colborne and Goderioh townships and were met by the farmers of that partioular locality, on both aides of the river, together with several citizens of Clinton. Those from Goderiob were ferried across the river by Mr. Flick's team whioh made a number of tripe dor the pnrpoee. The party then proceeded up the hill on Goderiob township aide, and inspected carefully the eituation. Tbie hill ie pretty steep, bat a fairly good raid has been made over it whish gives indications of considerable travel. The ladies of the neighborhood had made ample provision to supply the material wants, and the clothe were spread on the grass, and ample justice done to the good things provided, after which Mayor Jaakeon, of Clinton, thanked the Iodise for their kindness, and expressed the hope that ere long they might have an opportunity of oelebratlag the opening of the bridge, T001ZSDAY'6 SESSION. Council met p000000t to adjournment. All members present, minatee of last meeting read and passed. J', M. Field made application to be appointed on Board of Go, Examiners. Sent to Edaoation Committee. Petition from F. A. Hayden and 11 other ratepayere of U. S. S. No, 11, Ashfield and Colborne asking for change in booadaries was presented and referred to Eduoation Committee, Council adjourned aptil 2. p, m. to allow Committees to meet. On resuming the Report of the 0o. Property Committee was read an 1 with Mr. MoLeao in the ohair was passed through Committee of the whole and adopted. Following Nominating Ofdoere for the next Co. Council eleation were appointed on motion :— No. 1—Wm. 8. Stothere, Belfast ; " 2—Jae. Campbell, Londeebora' ; " 3—Fred. Hese, Zurich ; • 4—Geo. Bissett, Exeter ; ' 5—A. G. Smillie, Heneall " 6—F. S. Scott, Bruseele ; " 7—Peter Poterfield, Msrooch ; 8—Joseph Cowan, Wroxeter. Messrs. Hayden, Burrowe and Jewell tedlreseed the Connell relative tosohool matter referred to, Cvanail adjourned and Equalization Committee assembled, P. Holt in the ohair. Several motions asking for reduatioue on equalized 000000. moute were voted down and motion was (tarried that the aeseaements remota the some its per feet year'e sohedule. FRIDAY'S 000010N. Council met at 10 a. zu. minutes of last meeting read and approved. Applioetiou of 0.•'B. Grant, of Goderioh, for potaition of Oo. Examiner read andreferred to E lunation 'Committee, . Report of Road and .Bridge Committee was presented, Mr, Torranoe in the chair. It was adopted, Report of Special Committee was read, Mr. Fergaeou in the ohair. Report adopted. .deport of Equalization was read and adopted, Mr. Lockhart in the ohair. Moved by Mr. Speakman, gaoonded by Mr. Connolly that in ease of appeal from Equalization it be left to Co. Judge. Parried. Moved by Mr. Holt, eeoonded by Mr, Cantelon that this OOanoil oonatruot a bridge between the toweshipe Of Colborne and Goderioh over Maitland river at locality reoently visited by 0o. Commit and that Edgineer prepare plane and epeoifioatione and advsrtieefor tenders. Sent 80 Road and Bridge Gout. ,mittee. Oa motion of Messrs. Keir and BowmanOoanail adjourned until 1 o'olook, u. Cloonan met in theaftaraoon, Report rt Executive was reed and with Mr. Rion in tete chair wog adopted, Report Of ladeoation Committee read, Mr, Bow. Man in the °bait, it was adopted, The eapplementary report at Hood and Bridge Committee woe mounted Mr. Cionnolly In abate. Au amendment to reporttvotod 0600 to Colborne towneltlp lora ening of a abort out Medway, port of w hurt caw exfebe, se soon ae rood' is completed 10 satiefaotipn 01 Bead and Bridge Com.. mittee, Report of Finance Committee read and with Mr. Lamont, in ohair was adopted, Moved by Meeere,. McLean,' eeoonded by Hays that D. B. Grant be Appointed Co. Examiner, Moved in amendment that Mr. Field be examiner. Amendment earried, 00 motion of Mann. Donnelly and Speakman R. 0. Hays Barrleter, of Goderiob, was appoint. ed Go. Bolioftor in euo0eeeion to Hon, J. T.1Garrow, now appointed Judge, The amount of money estimated to be required for Co. purposes for tide year is 986,531,42 requiring a rate of 1 8/10 mills on the 3. By•lawe were read and paned oonfirmiog this, the appointment of arbitrators, &o., after whioh ()outwit adjourned to meet on thefirstTnesday of Deoember 1902, 0PE0IAL COMMITTEE. Memorial from Co. Waterloo a0kipgthe too operation of Huron to the matter of the removal of the ernbargo on Canadian (tattle to England. We recommend that the Warden and Clerk be ioetruoted to sign the game and forward It t0 the proper autburibiee. T. E. HATS, Chairman. ExECUTIVE 0020u0000. We recommend payment for copies of Ontario Statutes to members of Co. Counoil ordered by Co. Clerk, - W. H. Kean, Chairman. 4AILER'0. BEPOfT. There are 2 male prisoners and 1 female at present in the jail as follows: Robt. Wellaor, Tnakeremith, vagrant ; Thos. Shanahan, Springfield, III., vagrancy ; and Mary Fisher, Colborne twp., insanity. I would be glad to have an additional 100 feet of hoes to enable as to water lawn and trees. JooEPu GRIFFIN, Jailer. 00. PROPERTY CO2IMITTEB. We visited the jail and found jailer's report correct, only 8 inmatee present. Found jell Olean and in good order and work of repainting, by inmatee, adding to the appearaoae. Recommend that the request for toga by Jailer be granted. Visited Registry office sod found every thing eatistaotory, Examined Court House and groande and found everything in good order. Recommend that the Treaourer'e office be papered ander the direction of Clerk and Treasurer. Recom. mend that Jailer's report be printed in minutes. D. CANTELOS, Chairman. EDUCATION 001421ITTEE'O REPORT. Io the matter of the petition of D. Hayden and 11 other ratepayere of Union S. 5. No. 11 Ashfield as to change of eohool boundariee we recommend that an arbitration be granted and the following arbitrators anpointed :—Wm. Coates, Clinton ; H. E. Houston, Exeter ; D. E. Munro, of Auburn, be appointed. In re. ferenoe to application of Meeere. Field and Grant for position as Co. Examiner we know both to bo eligible and leave the matter in the Made of the Council. M. Looxoar, Chairman, ROAD AND BRID00 001111ITTEE. Recommend that Engineer's report be pobliehed in minutes. Io refereooe to motion of Meeere. Kerr and Bowman relative to Good Roads grant we adviee the appointment of a Committee of three from this Council t0 Compile information and present a plan of work to be present. ed at next session of this Conned!. The Committee appointed was Meagre. Holt, Heys and Bowman. With reference to motion of3Meoero. Holt and Oantelon ae to building of bridge between Colborne and Goderioh townehie, we recommend that no action be taken at preoeut. a Heron ONAtmone, Chairman. REPORT 01' 0003E OP REFUGE 0OMMITTEE. The Committee met twice since the January session, viz April 25 and Jane 2, all the members present, The number of inmatee is 76, all apparently in good health. Grope have been put in and are looking well. 60 rode of wire fenoe, ordered by last year's Committee, have been built with an additional 18 rode, at 49 Dents per rod, The American Steel Wire fence. A satisfactory job was done. We recommend that 40 rode of the name fenoe be built along the London Road. Alio recommend that timber of any value in the old bridge to be rebuilt near Clinton be reserved for building Longman at Rome of Refuge. Coal has beeo bought, about 20 tone soft coal,LJa 31 02 per ton and about 16 tone hard coal, ci $6.24 per ton, amounting to $183 62, Reoommend that at some future date a building be pot up for howling opal. Management of Hones is very eetiefaetory. Form stook °000late of 3 horeee ; 8 cows giving milk and 3 pigs. A fat now was sold in April for 872 60. A000unts preeented from Jou. let up to dere amounted to 81370 20 18. MILLER, Chairman. 00 0O211IIB0IONER'e REPORT Have agreements and betide ex. anted with the routraotora for bu.l. t .g bridges let loot Januery. About the usual amount of repairing to bridges wall be nece•e try this eeaeoo. Io cowpauy with Junes Cookson, Oommie„tu.er tor Go, Perth, we examined briJkte "u boundary between Grey and E ma t. wi, ships and ordered neoeeaory repairs to Ire made, On May 14 I met the Committee from Coe. of Lurahton and M:ddleetx at proposed bridge site on the Aux Sauule r.ver, where boundary ,.I Huron and Middlee.x 'remote L,mbtuu. The Cum mittee of latter C. is wi.tieg to out with Me other Cpuntiee ,n ereotiug briege, Middlesex Committee waa nut vented With this power but report to June Go. Council. A wooden bridge supported by cedar pile° will be built, the lost to be equally divided between the three counties. Contract to be let next De- cember so that oontraotore would have the Winter to get material ; Lambtoe will have to arrange for road ailowenoa, Amount of orders issued since last report ie 3171.19. Amount required for bridges, approaobee and repairs is estimated at 38,30110. JNa, ANeoor, Go. Commissioner. On Monday, May 261h, Mies Margaret Lynn .paned away et Victoria Hoepital, London, after three woke illness of pneu- monia. The deoeaoed woe a daughter of Patrick Lynn, formerly of St. Angubtine and now of Sault Ste. Marie, She had Irl been living in London only a abort time when she was taken. ill,. The re/amine wore interred iu the cemetery et 8t, Aug. uetine on Wednesday, Rev, Fabler Nan. len, of 13 1, Augustine, OM/Ming. The ppallbearers were Jamie Alexander, arm, Moabite, jr,, Yipoent acid Augustine Iflnahani Miolunsi and Edward . Glaogow, 24t3A4i2 b u r v, MOg*LLOP Tuwooawi Co0N»IL,—Qotltloil met as Court of Revision in Ohrlitopltir White's on Wednesday, May 27ot, Reeve in the °heir. There were two apnoeas as being too high maimed, Barnard Regele mid'1'hnmes Meylaa, the first was an error in asaeeaoment notice ; Thomas Meylan,°Int, 10, eon, 7 woe reduoed'3200 ; Peter O'Sullivan was mooted as tenant in E l lot 8, non. 81 John K'eree wag en. tered as tenant N lot 81, oon. 8, rt $100 { Robert Heas eted .0110 e joint owner int I. 24witt, oonw, 12 ;nJamrgas F. Devic entered M, f. in lot 29, eon. 81 An appeal from R. 0. Separate School supporter, E } lot 8, eon, 3, was put to U. No. 8, oleo W. lot 10, atm. 2, ba put in U No. 8 With the above changes the A .:teemout Roll was passed nerevised and corrected. Court then adjourned. Council then met for bneiuoea, i2Iinutee of former meeting -read and adopted.. A000unts were paid amounting to $84 75. Paeohal Pigeon, work on drain, 3260 00 The Reeve was authorized to have atone abutments built for /bra' small bridves where drains arose and oleo to have the Stratford Bridge Go. to pot a deal railing on Grieve's bridge when they put in the steel stringers. Request of ratepayere of Boundary lino of Logan be. Mg run too far West at N rib end. F. W. Fornoomb was regneoted to run bound• ars' line. Coanoil then adjourned to meet in Dublin on Jane 23rd, in Aaron Hotel at 10 o'olook a. m. Jam. 0. MORRISON, Clerk, Grey Council Meeting. The Township Council of the Town• ship of Grey met at the Township Hall, Ethel, June and 1902 at 10 o'olook a. m. as Court of Revision on the assessment roll, for the oorrent year, alt the members were present and after having beenduly morn, it was moved by Adam 'Turnbull eeoonded by Robt. Livingstone that the Court of Revision do now open, and that the Reeve be Chairman of the said Court. I Carried. The Coort of Revision on the aeeeeement roll was then opened and the following appeals were beard, end decid- ed :—Thomas Stevenson too high seemed for lots 26, 27 and 28, oon. 10, Mdved by MoDonald, eeoonded by Fraser, that the appeal be diemieeed.—Carried ; Walter Innes too high messaged for real proper- ly. Moved by Turnbull, eeoonded by Fraser, that Walter Ionee' armament be lowered 3100. —Carried ; William Mit- ohell's requeet was disposed of without any change being made. Moved by Fraeer, eeoonded by Turnbull, that Court of Revision adjourn till next meeting.— Carried. Petition of Daniel Spillett and forty four others asking for charity to John Ridley, who has been unable to work for the last live years. Moved by McDon• ald, eeoonded by Livingstone, that John Ridley be granted $40,—Carried.—Moved by McDonald, eeoonded by Turnbull that Jonathan Wright be paid 31.25 for dam. age to baggy at lot 28, oon. 8.—Carried. Moved by Fraser, aeoonded by Livingstone that Thomas McDonald be a member of the Board of Health.—Carried. Petition preeeoted by Hugh Lamont and others for a Municipal drafty to be known as the Lamont drain.—Moved by Fraser, second• ed by Toreball, that By Law No. 181 be repealed, and By Law No. 185 adopt. iog petition Lamont drain and appoint- ing John Roger 0. L. 8., of the town of Mitohell, to be engineer to examine and to prepare a report with plane specifica- tions and estimates of eaid drain.—•Garri. ed. Moved by Fraser, eeoonded by Mc- Donald that By Law No. 188 be read three times.—Carried. Moved by McDonald, eeoonded by Turnbull, that Clerk be au• tboriz,d to write for tenders for steel bridge and atone or concrete abatmante at lot 6, oon. 14. Tender!' will be received op to the 30th day of June. Plane and epeoifi• oatione at Clerk's offioe, Ethel: Oarried. Petition presented by Jacob Kreuter and others for a Manioipal Drain to be known se the granter drain.—Moved by Fraser, seconded by McDonald, that the clerk be authorized to prepare a By Law appointing John Roger 0. L. S., of the town of Mitohell, to make an examination of the raid drain and report with plane, epee ifioations and estimates.—Carried Moved by James McDonald, eeoonded by Turnbull, that this council spend $150 on gravel road provided Morrie Council spend ,ttU.c+1d u;T a similar tam. ---Caviled. Moved by Livingetoae, emended by Fraeer, that the Loth/wing accounts be paid and otdere ieeuedopthe0'risemi rforthe eagle.--. Carried. —NY m, Ilraobonridgo, refund of dog tax wrongfully oplieoted, 61 00 ; Jae. Greig, in ttoc. with the Greig Drain By;haw and brides, elluwauee for old drain incorporated f n Greig Drain, 967 00; H. Reitman, repairing rt,adway, lot 84, non. 4, 32 50; John Ridley, charity, 940.00 ; Wiutn & Turnbull, Road tarap ere, 354 00 ; John Molieod, repairing eel. vert aide road, non, 8, 31.00 ; Samuel Wright, repairing Hehfryn road Grey's there, $1.60; Ouhr & Fogul, Municipal drain, 3100.00 ; Joseph Gator, wire fenoe eide read 8 000. 0, 90 28 ; Jonathan Wright, damage to buggy at lot 28, cop. 8, 31,26 ; A. Reymann, salary as eseeagor, 390.00 ; A. Reymann (gnoliziog U, 8. 8., No. 1, Turuberry, Cordell & Grey, A. cayman, equalizing U. 8, 8 , No, 16, Rowlett, Grey and Turuberry, A. Ray.. man, equalizing U. 8. B., No. 4, Grey & W ullsoe, 910 00. Moved by MoDonald, Beclouded by Fraser, that the Council do now adjourn to inset on the 30 h day of Juue.—Carried.. Jona MoINToen, Clerk. fiidit,. There a,e'.eve more weddings on the tapir,. ,lire. T. R Wright, of London, ie visit- ing her father, John Sherritr. Wm. Maaeou tau diept sed of his team of Dream ponies to it gentleman in Strat- ford for a handsome figure, The village flag floated fronIthe tnnni. cipsl pivaaula'on Monday iri honor of the omitting of hostilities in Bootti Africa. N. H. and Mrs. Young are away to Detroit where they will spend two weeks' visiting among relatives and friends. James Coulter end wife, of Morrie, are at p,esent enjoying a .driving trip to London, Thoradale and other pointe. At the gnat terly hoard meeting of Blyth Methodist obu•oh, held last month, Mies Edith Penhell "resigned the position of oreartiet, which eiie has held for the past two years. Mies Carrie Slater has been appointed to the position, her duties to oommenoe Sunday, June 15th. While engaged in the football matob between Blyth and Wingbam on Friday` evening May 30, Thomas Watson had the misfortune to have hie miller Lone broken. A Dr. Bet the broken bone and it is now doing ae well ea can be expected. It will be a month before Mr. Watson will be able to do any work. Prom the Sudbury Journal we take the following reference to au old Blyth boy "H. S. Young has greatly enlarged and improved the appearance of hie drug store, and it is doubtful if there is now one that will excel it iu any plaoe from Toronto to here. A number of haudeome show oneee of the very latest style have been put in. The stook is large and of the beet. " Brussels Greenhouse. Plants and Flowers. Yon will find at Brunets Greenhouse any quantity of Tomato, Celery, Claud.. Sower and Cabbage Plante. - Fine oolleotion of Flowering Plante. A choice lot of Geraniums and Annuole for bedding. Out Flowers supplied. Floral Designs made to order. Miss Kelly. X01 W8111BII The undersigned is prepared to pay the Highest Market Price for any quan- tity of Wool. See me before you sell. ALF. 3AEKER BRUSSELS. UNE 2 1.9I)2 STOCK FOR SERYWE BC L FOR SERVICE.-- A xitpra'•bred skunk 0 r lata o Itedtgrao, Terme 760, I with privilege .of i'e tuning if nooeegary, 0l'I0, Bolin, 88• flxo000le Smith, TERSEY 13ULT, FOR BER- rr yi016„-.Tho miaow/plea will keep for ee00100 en Lob 4, 000. 8, Croy, a tuna' bred Jerea,vboll, Coring 760,4nopuld at time Ofaervloe %rah privilegeof returning it neoaeoery. 8010,: r 4wsov. • 414 Proprietor. B TJLL FOR SERVIOE,—'1H18 undernigaed will hoop for aervio° nit Born bul00, U,.erey, the thorn' bred snort Born bull, Ninneral Bullar” '40274,' row igroe Mui' 00 Been ell appitoatlon, Terme, 31.00, to be paid Jan, 10,1000, With privilege of returning if nooeeearyy, Aloe the thorn' brad 1,mproyed Yorkshire boar 'North Brun Jan ice 0th'• Pedigree in poeeed0000 of owner if "Coy broader wtohou to. Bee it. Terme, 81,00,at time of oorylee with privilege of returning 11 necessary. ROBS. MoDONALL, 404 Ethel P, 0. - Proprietor, REAL ESTATE.. A 'ORIFICE .1,N REAL ES— C% '0001).-06005,00 will buy the MoOau. shay nluok In the Village of Brussels, 'Phase two Bug stores must be sold to close out Mg tlo0uugboy Estate, intending purohaeere should investigate at nano. apply to F. B. 800'Fr or G. F. BLAIR, Brussels, Ont. UN - A: FOR SALE,—THE TJN- UERnIONEn offers his valuable 700 acre. farm, Lot 4, Oon. 10, Grey, for Bale or, easy terms. Good brisk bowie. bang barn, or• °hard, &o. Farm all seeded except 12 aoree. Less Wan 1 mile from Brussels. Poeeeeelou can be given next Full, For partloularans to price and oouditioue of Irate apply to R. E. 00ATEES, Proprietor, Brussels P. 0. OUSE AND ABOUT AN acre of laud for sale, Graham's Sur- vey, ¢ mile South of Brussels. The house contains 7 rooms ; good stable ; well; fruit trees end small fruits. Possession given at once. Terme reasonable. If property is not sold Boon, will be rented. For pride, terms, &o., apply to WAI. BANDS, Brussels P.O. Ti"ARM Folt SALE --THE UN- aERerpxnD offers his 700 Dore /era ton Bale, being Si Lot 17, 000, 4, Wads. There Is a house, two good burns 40002 feet - each, 2 good wells ; orchard ; well fenced - 76 acres cleared, balance good bush. Possession given to suit. purobaeer. Farm is in good locality, 4 miles from Bel rave and 6 to Brussels. Will also sella. Waterloo Steam Plegine and a Clinton "Monarch" Separator, two grain grinders and a crusher. Por prior, and terms apply. on tt,h}�e premises or if by letter. to JA0LE8 OLOAKIlY, Proprietor. 46.4 Brussels P.O. ETHEL SAW M ILLS All kiode of Dreeeed Lumber kept on band from 310 up. British Columbia, home out Shingles and Lath kept on hand, A good farm on 13th oon. of Grey for. Bale. ler All parties indebted to me are requested to oall and settle up. before March let or i0% will be, added after that date from Jan. let till paid. A quantity of green cedar poste for sale on Lot 7, Con. 4, Grey. S. S. OOLE, PROPRIETOR, ET13EL. Line The Bodmin Lime Works, 4th Line, Morris, are ready for the Spring trade and have a quantity of fresh lime on hand. Guaranteed to be first-elase. Price 15c. a bushel at the kiln. A. Nicholson & Son. 41.202 PROPRIETORS. If writing address Belgrae° P. 0. CCBER & SONS' CARRIAGE FACTORY,• BRUSSELS, ONTARIO. WE are having a splendid season in our large *ale of Buggies, and are in a position to sup- ply the wants of the public with it First-class article. We will sell either Wholesale or Retail. Special attention given to the manufacture of Farm Wagons, either common sized;wheels or half truck with 2 or 8 inch tires. Field Rollers and Wheelbarrows with steel or svooden wheel*'. Repairing and Repainting promptly attended to. Our attention will soon be turned to the Cutter Trade for the coming Winter. GIME UB A GALL. John, Cobor & Sods' Carra.a a Factory. Does it tancl the Test When yea go to BRE WEEWS you get it Photo, that will etnod the feet, We make Photos, all eizoe and finish in the latest etylee. p'amily .Groupe a'epoolatty, Photo, Buttons with or without rime. Crayon, Sepia and Water ()ohm Hole/liege. Viewe of Sohoole, Nouns Bpd Wedding Groupe taken ori applioetian, We pan satiety you In any tine of art, Qait and see eamplee, 11 R. Brussels. 0 to wear, and hard to )?en's Walking Shoes. 000• Good solid wear, and. real comfort in our men's heavy street shoes. Built to wear and stand the walking which you will certainly feel like doing when you wear them. All the best makes, in all shapes, sizes and widths, are here. Easy to get a fit—easy shoes wear out. If. you buy from us you carry home money which you expected to spend. How do these prices strike you :- - Men's Shoee, neat and dressy, $125. — Men's Box Calf, heavy sole, latent style, $1 75. --Shoes of all kinde,.low in price and neat and durable. Harness Department - We have just now a large stook of Single Harness, neat and durable, wbiob we are gelling very oheap—oall and see them. Alio Duetere,Bobber Rog+,Plush Ruge, &o. :Trunks and Satchels that will stand travelling. —Repairing done neat and cheap. I. C. NtICILILIEWS.. HOUSE PAINTS ! Wbea you 000eider about the painting of your home thee most important thing to think of is, what le the beet quality of paint obtainable ? The beet paint to stand the weather and look fresh for the longest time? There ie only one tweezer to this, namely, that a point made TRAM E MARK with Brendrem'a B.B. Genuine Lead, Pere Linseed 01 , and .just enough Dryer, must be the beet, ale this B. B, Lead hem for eo mane years been proved superior to all otbete. finch a paint is Anchor Liquid Hoose Paint, and it is the only liquid paint made in Canada with Brandram'o B. B. Genuine Whi'e Lead. U is a mistake for you to We anything bu the very best paint in tainting your home. The coat of patting on the pia is tumidly about the mime as the coot of the paint itself. A cheap paint takes mote time to make a reasonably good jab with than a good paint, and does not last as long, nor look so well. I-, feat the cheap paint is the most expeaeive paint in the end. Ma• a n" mietake. U Anchor Liquid Holies Paint. It is a Pure White Lead, Zito and Livaeed Oil Peu,t, and to se good ae can be made with our choice of the very heat materials. Use it and g t the moat eatistaotory.reeolts obtainable with paint. Sold by— P►1ai'mc'Y' at CO.. Brussels. Spoiled a Good Baking you have many a time by asiog on inferior grade of flour. Your bread will always be iight, white and sweet -when using the Venae. It is always of sup. erior quality, with no variation, and is carefully made from the best grown Manitoba wheat. Try this satisfactory brand for your bread, oakee and pies, and you will never nee any other. ALF. S. ,EKLR, nttuser.L,. MAME 1 VCCIES ! Ewan & Co. Are now ready for this Beason with a larger stock of Buggies than ever. Although we sold 122 rigs in 1901 we are going to try and beat that number this season, as we are determined to reaeb 900. By giving a first -clang rig and your choice from nearly every filet- Blass factory in Canada and along with our own hand -made Bug- gies, at close prices, we ought to reach the 200. - Our Buggies are 1000 mile, dust and oil -proof axles with the solid Parker front %heels and no shaking -off or losing of hub bands as all is solid and there .to'stay. Oil Ewan & Co's Buggies twice in the season and that is all that is required. Call and see our stock of Rigs and you will be convinced that you can't do any better than purchase a Ewan & Co. Buggy. They are light in draft and all first-class material. 14 new Buggies and 2 Surreys sold this season already. We sincerely thank our many customers for the number of Rigs they purchased from us in the past season and we hope they will lielp us along in the years to come. All kinds of repairs done and riga repainted and retired at close prices as usual. All Jobbing done promptly. Horseshoeing a specialty at EWAN & Cos., Brussels.