The Brussels Post, 1902-6-12, Page 3V OOP
Some Tnstancoe Wliioh Show Ho
Easy It Is 't0 QMso
Physical eoui'ago is very largely a
).natter of eireumatemee, and there
are times when a Most trivial intiie
dent is s,UAicient to Cane() at least
Momentary roar in the breast of the
bravest Mans remarked a non-com-
• rtlissioned officer to a writer in `.Cit -
Bits. De not imagine that T wish
to disparage the courage of Tommy
Atkins, 440 Would bo both absurd
and unjust; lust it is, nevertheless, a
fact tliat'I have items whole bodice,
of troops seared, over a, trifle at
which they laughed heartily them-
solves when it was explained.
One of the most trying ,ordeals) tL
soldier ori active .service has to un-
dergo is a eight mareh through an
unknown country, Tlio silence,
darkness, and knowledge of unseen
danger have their effect even on the
nerves al tried soldiers. The, South
African war provided a lot of this
work, and, *to a aonsogeence, several
amusing "scares". have occurred. In
two of these X myself took part, and
1 may as well admit that I was
quite as scared as the yawest recruit'
in the ranks.
Tho first•liappened pretty early in
the war'., A detachment about 500
strong was, making'a night march
through a rather hilly bit of Natal.,
it was very clai'k, and for all wo
knew the enemy might be lurking
witbin fifty,. yards of us. All at
once the report of a ride rang out,
immediately followedby a rapid Ser-
ies of shots, which gradually died
away. Of course we halted, and for
a moment
However, ' no more shots were heard
and no bullets canto spattering
among us, so we went on. In the
morning we le:u'neclthe cause of the
alarm. One of our own scouts had
slipped and, in falling, accidentally
discharged this rifle, the report of
which, repeated numberless times by
an echo, lui'nishod theseeming volley
we had heard.
In the second instance, which oc-
curred many months later, it was a
Private in my own company who
caused the alarm. Wo were a small
scouting party, and were encamped
one evening on the edge of a big
lcaroo'plain. This man was one of
the sentries, and presently he notic-
ed a number of dark objects, which
owing to the deep gloom ho could
not distinguish, creeping gradually
nearer the camp and spreading as
they approached. After challenging
twice and am:Mi fn ' no answer he
fired at the nearest of the black
patches and rushed back into camp
with the news that a party of the
enemy were trying to surround lie.
-After some time, however, as no
enemy appeared, we proceeded to in-
vestigate, and then found we owed'
the fine fright we had received to a
harmless flock of strayed sheep. • Wa
forgave the sentry the more readily
as his bullet had .killed one of "the
enemy," and fresh mutton was a
welcome luxury.
For the truth of the following I
eannot vouch, but it was related to
one by an eyo, or perhaps I should
say an ear, witness. A small body
of man were cliinbing a rocky ridge
when the scouts came in and report-
ed that they had heard voices Whis-
pering in the darkness. The officer
in charge went forward with them,
find sure enough what appeared to
be the low tones of men speaking a
strange tongue could be
Fearful of falling into an ambush -
ryhich our troops had already done
Ieverel times -Abe officer decided to
withdraw and await daylight. Noth-
hlg happened, and next morning on
reaching the same spot they found
the voices still there, but no sign
of human beings. The mystery was
soon explained, however, by the alis-
covery of a little stream, the trick-
ling of which over itsrocky bed pro-
duced in a curious manner an exact
resemblance to the sound of whis-
pering voices.
In case there are, among our read-
some who feel inclined to smile
at the idea of grown Men being.even
dismayed for a moment at such oc-
currences, I may point out that
while marching through a hostile
country, and especiallyat night time,
the nerves of the men are strung to
the highest tension, and very little
is needed to turn the scale. • An in-
stance of thie occurred in broad day-
light during the first Soudan Brass
A mounted force sent out to recon-
• noitro fit adva.ncc of a larger body
of troops was suddenly astounded to
• behold a huge, dark cloud of dust or
sand advancing rapidly across the
desert.iu their direction. Juunpieg
to 'the conclusion that it was caused
by a strong force of the enemy, the
troopers turned tail and scampered
helter-skelter back to tbo main body,
which id once formed up to receive
the enemy; When the latter appear-
ed, however, it proved to be nothing
more formidable than a small sand-
- storm,
Tho death of the Ammer of Afghan-
isten brought out a flood of anec-
dotes (miscalling this contradictory
man -a mall at once so 'full of wis-
dom and ignorance, of gentleness
and sal agory, of humor and mire-
lenting vindictiveness. .A mak was
once condemned to have his ears
SI feed off a punishment regarded a$
rather mild. The culprit, however,
had P. powerful Mend ;vile Went to
.. the Amer unci"begged, as a special
favor, that he might be permitted
to warfarin the delicate operation.
[t'hc A1neer 'eonsonted. The';cupon
rho friend n ked him to ntdlente'how
much Of oath ea!' he wished removed.
The monarch lightly touched the
ears; : of tile trembling victim, Then
the ingeniouo friend, not without
trepidation, proceeded to quote
pasSa.go from the 1'gran, saying
. that anything touched by the retire-
' imitative of the Almighty became
saal`ta:l. 'Phis shliIIII trick amused
tam 1pu,001' so'greatily thpt ho forgave
Miele Was
HE CONDITION P1' i11>c{S, Wlvf,
WESCOTT', OP S'IIA1Q,ft!3'3i(,
Suffered Frew, Eeadaehee and Piz
zlnees •- Could Not Stand.
the -beast Exertion,
From the Sun, Seeforth, Ont,
Mee, Wm, Wescott ie well knowal
to nearly all the residents of Seen
forth, it is also 1ve11 kneWil to her
neighbors and friends that silo paso-
,od through a trying illness, but is
now happily, in robust heisit1i.: To
the editor of the Sun, Mfrs; .Weeeatt
recently, gave the particulars
case fee publication, mer'ely iii the
hope that leer experience might 'ho of
10mo benefit to porno other sufferer.
She said; -"Por some time pest lay.
Health wee in a baa state, lay whole
system being badly run down, 1
was troubled • with headache, snuoli
1111zinese•; any appotito was poor and
I could not ()tend the least oxoetion.
I 'consulted dldferent phyiilelane, but
their treat/Pont did not ;Rem to ben„
01st' me, and I gnu:Nally became so
Pad that, I was unable to. attend to
my household Antic's. I then tried
several advertised medicines, but
without any beneficial 20011lts, and
I began• to despair of getting bettor,
One of my neighbors strongly . ad-
ylsed ice to try 1)r, :Williams' Vials
Pille, and sontowhnt reluctantly I
consented tb db'so, 'After I had
taken a a000lyd box "I, began to notice
a groat lmprovenront 111 my condi
tion, andby the time I had used
five boxoe; 1' Was truly restored to
• my former' good heel Lb, Inucli to tho
surprise of my neighbors and rota-
tions, I do not 01111er the ,least now
from Whose headaches and dizzy
spells; nay appetite is good and I
can attend to my household dutige
with the greatest ouso, In fact 1
fool like a different 'woman, and 411
this I can say is duo to the Imo of
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, All who
.culler from a run -dower constitution
should give these pills e. trial."
When the vitality 10 low; wbon the
blood needs to be replenished; en-
riched and purified; when the nerves
MO weak and moire strengthening,
there le no other medicine can take
the place of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
It is because of their direct specific
action on the blood and nerves that
those pine cure smolt trouble& ns
anaemia, nervous headache, d1zz1-
ness, palpltatlojr of the heart, filen()
matiem, sciatica, .partial paralysis;
St Vitus' dance, lcidnoy and liver.
complaints and the functional trou-
bles that make the lives of ,so many
women a source of almost constant
Misery. 1)o not take any but the
getiutne, which have the full namo
Dr,,•Williams' Pink Pills for Palo
People," on the wrapper around ev-
ery box, Sold by all dealerq, or
sent postpaid at 50 cents a box or
elx boxes for $2,50, by addressing
the Dr, Williams' Medicine Co,,.
Brockville, Ont.
Poultry keeping is one of the mod-
ern delights of society. That it
should be so clay puzzle those who
bee() their ideas on some clisreiiuta-
ble typo of farmyard hen, and who
have never visited a big poultry
show whore fancy fowls are staged
in all their glory. No lover of the
beautiful in nature can, fail to he
impressed by the delicate coloring of
some of these aristocrats Pi the
poultry world, the exquisite mark-
ing's and the quaint eccentricities of
others. The arts and sciences of
breeding may remain a, closed book
to us. But the ,wonderful products
of mdclern fanciers demand aduiira-
tion. The Queen is the first poultry
keeper in the Kingdom, and a regu-
lar exhibitor and prize winner at all
ho groat 5110105. One of her favor-
te varieties is the ankle, a quaint
ittle fowl with white plumage of a
silky texture. The King; if he is
not actually a poultry fender, has
a sincere respect for the Siikie fowl,
or they are wonderful mothers for
rearing pheasants and are much in
()quest at Sandringham: The Queen
also has some of the tiniest and
martest 'bantams in the country,
d their. excellence from ae show
oint of view nl
is proved by the ii -.
er of prizes they loin,
Litigant: "You take nine -tenths.
of the damages? Outrageouel"
Lawyer: "I furbish the skill and
eloquence and learning for the
cause." Litigant: "But I furnish
the cause." Lawyer: "011, any-
body could do that."
Are a Joy to Mothers and a Trea-
sure in the Home.
A.1] babies should bo bright, d
natured and well. If you have a
child that is slickly, -fretful, nervous,
restless at night, or suffers fr'orlr
stomach or bowel troubles of any
sort, give it Baby's Own Tablets
and it will soon be well. There is
no other medicine in the world will
so safely and speedily cure "indiges-
tion, sour stomach, colic, constipa-
tion, diarrhoea arid teething trou-
bles. Thousands of grateful moth-
ers spook of this medicine in words
of warmest praise. Mrs. Fred, Pow-
er, 18 Scollard street, Toronto, says:
"My baby suffered greatly from in-
digestion. She wise pale and very
thin and would cry with pain in the
stomach, and sometimes Would not
sleep either day or night. I got a
box of Baby's Own Tablets and they
have made a great change in shy lit-
tle one, She now digests. her food
readily; is not troubled with the
pain in the stomach, and blas grown
quite plump. I iso not know of any
02011111110 that cart equal Baby's Own
Tablets for little ones."
This medicine is guaranteed t,0 con-
tain neither opl'ate her other harm-
ful drugs, Childrolh take the tablets
s readily y as cantly cold crushed to
a powder they can be given to the
smallest, weakest; baby, Sold .at all
drug stores; or sent poet paid at
25c. a box by addressing The Dr.
1Vj11fams' Mediclue Co„ Broekviile,
Ont,, or Solheaectady, ,N', Ye
Proeeedinge or the ' 1l ety.Fio',$ A1-
nsal,Gieti01,0,1 iy epsgoYtoe
Tho thirty -Arab Anneal General Meeting of
the Dominion 1onk was hold at the Banking
Douse of the 12 etltutiou, Toronto, ou 1Vodnee.
day, may 26th,1909,
Among those present were notimar' 001,
Mneoa li'lestr8. William Ince, William
llp y 1. B. Diller Mi, ,P, W, 1), Mattnewo,
\sa)Ilara lame M. il,, A, W. Austin, Phomas
walendoy, 'flanptl,y Baton, Tie. J. 1. Rose,
3Y, U, Oaaools +)avid Smith, G, W, Lewis,
A, R. 1oslvell 1', Loadla', Richard Brown,
CI, N. lielfnoble. A. Fouls, P, #X. 29, Huiolii-
eon, W. a Brook, M. P, .7, 9, Fey l;,
Jelin T. Small, Anson Jones . Ir, 'Wright,
David 1idri, Wllliotn Davies, ht, 83, L. Stark, II,
ider'len fackerizto, J, tiordgn Jonas, W,
Oroekcr, 4. I1. I oy, Change D. Scott, flag, 33.
Sweetnlrm J. F Cavanagh, R. 13. FTotlgino, Ira
Sternlieb .s, E. ebb, John 91, Bond,'Charles
g(,eokshutt, Jebn Stewart, R. 30. 1'011061, 1. G.
Brough and ethers,
IL wee �m�ol ed by Mr. William,. Moe, seconded
by Mr. W. 1t Break, that Mr. I0. B. Ogler do
take the chair, and that Mr, T. G. Brough do
act as secretary.
510011!m. A. It, 13aowcliand W, O. Cassels were
oppolnlw( Sem:tippers,
The Seeretsry rend the report -,of tho
Directors to the Sharohelders, and !inbuilt.ted the Annual Statement of the affairs of
the Bank, which is as follows-:.
To the Shareholders :
The D4reetors beg' to present thefollow-
lag statement of the result of the business
of the Bask for the year ending. 80th APr'll,
1002 :
Balance of Profit 'and Loss 8e.
count, 30th April, 1901........5100,483 10
Premium received on new Capt-
talStock 50,708 19
Profit for the year ending Roth
April, 1002, Cfter deducting
abarges of management, etc,
and making provision for bad
and doubtful debts 863,172 64.
Dividend 2 .per
gent., paid 1st
August, 1901 ...: 581,400 10
0lvldeed 2per
cent. paid d let
November. 1001.. 61,000 00
Dividend 21 per
dela,. paid 1st
February, 1932., 00,128 00
Dividend 2,1,1 per
eon t.,payahl o est
May, 1002 82,900 00
---6248,283 70
Transtorrod to Reserve Fund 89708 12
8807,995 82
Balance of Profit and Loos (aided
forward 5205,200 04
• R2l$1R'VE FUND
Balance at credit of account,
80t11' April, 1901 52,440,201 89
Transferred from Profit and
Loss Account „ .:....... 69,708 12
92,200,000 00
Branches of the Bank have been opened
during the past yens In Oravenhuret, Ont.,
Wlhgna,e, Ont,; Stanstead, Que., and In
Toronto et the corners of Bluer and Batl>-
urst-streets and Queen. and Teraulaystrees.
Premises have been secured In London
Oat., and a Brasil w111 shortly be opened
All Branches of the Beak have been In.
spected during the -past 12 months.
E. B. 08LER,
Toronto, 28th May, 1902. President,
M. E. B. Osiermeed, seconded by Mr.
W. D. Matthews, and
5518,862 70
Iteso,ved,--chat the report be adopted.
1t was shoved by Mr, John T, Small, sec
eluted- by Mr. Thomas Walmsle , and
ing()Lel given to ttheel' esidentks ,Ytice•ls Peet
dent; and Directors for their services during
the past year.
It was moved by Mr, William Ross, M.P.,
seconded by Col, Mason, .and
Resolved, --That the thanks of this meet-
ingbe givento the General Manager, Man-
agers, 1nSpeetors and other Officers of the
Bank for the efficient performance of their
respective .duties.
It n•ae moved by Mr. Anson Jones, sec -
raided by Mr, B. Cumberland, and
Resolved, -That the poll be now opened
for the election of seven Directors, and
that the same be closed at 2 o'clock In the
afternoon, or as soon before that hour as
aye minutes shall--elapse..yrthout any vote
being polled, and that the scru sneers on
the close of the poll, do hand to the chair -
Mon a certificate of the 1eeult of the poll.
The scrutineers declared the following
gentlemen .duly elected Directors for tate
ensuing rear': Messrs, A. 1v. Austin, W.
R. ]}rock, M.P., T. Delon, 2. J. Foy, N.C.,
William Ince, Wilmot D. Matthews and E.
B. Osler, M.P.
At a. subsequent meeting - of the Directors
Mr. 12, B. Osler, M.P., was .elected 'Presi-
dent sad Mr. W. D. Matthews Viee-Press-
dent for the ensuing term.
,votes In Circulation 52,228,100 00
Deposits not bear -
tag interest..5 2,610 76488
Deposits - bearing
In teres; .., 18,351,795 45
Bolahce due to London Agents.m'893r 282 18
Total Ltnbniiies to the Public.23,484,008 0101
Reservesitru dpafa9"01,000,00 2,609,00() 00.
Balance of Profits
carried forward. 206,805 94
DIvllleud Aro. 78,
payable 1st May. 62,500 00
Former Dividends
unclaimed - 14126
deserved. for Inter-
est and Exchange 180,798 70
itobete on Bills
Dlecounted 08,702 8D_
8,015,568 25
• 828,999,671 29
Specie *1,018,707.44'
Dominion Gov-
ernment D e-
mend Notes1,402,820 00
Depo`oit with
Dominion Gov-
ernment for Se -
corny of Note
Circulation .. . 100,000 00
Notes of and
Cheques on ot11-
or Banks 1,081,680 04
Balances d u e
from other
Banks In Can-
Balances d u e
fr0,11 other
Banks else-
where than In
Canada rind the
United Iihtg-
darn 080,784 09
rovinclal Gov-
erntuent Secur-
Itles 00,024 22.
Canadlau Muni-
cipal Securities
and British or
Fm'elgu or Co-
lonial Public
Securities other.
than Cangdlnn. 712,785 88
Railway arid oth.
er Bende, De•
henturee a n d
Stooks2,010,038 10
Loans on
cured by Stooks
and Debentures 8,012,004 89
).fills Discounted
and Advanced
Current ., $17,101,062 09
Overdue deb t e
.(eetlmated loss
provided for). , 18,801 40
Real li2tnte, oth-
er then Bink
pPpreggtnllgses 44,000 41
a 21001 $Isteto bolt). ,
by the bank,,, , 18,871 10
Pall: Preselects,. 480,198 40
Other Assets not
!included ander
foregolna heads , 0,278 70 i7 .:,ea
• 628,900.671 2A
nto .9 . IMOOU y b Generel Mariam%,
706,603 89,
$11,877,784 ON
PEAOH I'R0 01;,A 13f ATIQN,
The Boor's seemed but a feeble
people when the lvar started, yet
they cost a groat empire muck
trouble to 0vereci a them.
The bores in a woman's fife caused
by soap adulteration limy seen).
50aecely worth taking into account;
but the women who halo overeomo
them by the use of Sunlight Soap
know now how real the bores were.
Try Sunlight Soap, Octagon Bar,.
and you will realize a relief from
boredom like that experienced by the
nation on the announcement of
Furniture needs gleaning as much
as other woodwork. It may be wash-
ed with warm soapsuds, quickly wiped
dry and then rubbed with an oily
cloth. '
Unsightly finger marks disappear
from varnished furniture When rub-
bed with sweet oil, and from oiled wood
if kerosene is rubbed on the spots.
A teaspoonful of good cider vinegar
added to one gulf of pure raw linseed oil
is said to make an excellent furniture.
Bub white spots on furniture with es•
sense of peppermint or spirits of
camphor, or hold a hot plate from the
stove over them,
For cleaning out the dolmen in fur.
niburo and window sashes use Hardwood
pointed skewers, such tts butchers use.
Grained wood should be swished with
cold ten.
New paint stains can be removed lvith
turPentiue; old stains must be flret
softened with butter and then rubbed
with benzine,
If a bedstead creaks at each move-
ment of the sleeper, remove the slats
and wrap the ends of eaeltin old news.
papers. This will prove a complete
If feather pillows have an unpleasant
odor, give them a thorough drying be,
fore a clear fire.
Strong brine may be used to adven-
'tage in washing bedsteads.
Hot alum water is also good for this
Carpets should be thoroughly beat.
en on the wrong side first, and then 'on
the right side, after tallith spots may
be removed by the use of ox gall or
ammonia and''vater.
A tablespoonful of ammonia in a gal-
lon of warm water will often reetore
color in carpets.
It will also remove whitewash from
If oilcloth islaid down where the sun
will shine on it, much. of it will stick
fast to the floor unless paper is laid
under it.
Do not wash oilcloths or linoleum in
hot soapsuds.
Wash them with tepid water and wipe
with a cloth dampened in equal parts
of cold milk and water,
Manilla paper pasted over the backs
of pictures will exclude dust perfect-
Foreigner -"What are they chasing
that innocent -looking couple out of
that house for ? See, they are
throwing things at them 1 There, a
boot has Just caught him under the
ear l What does it clean ?" Citizen
-"Why, that's the bridal pair start-
ing on their honeymoon."
The Ottawa Miracle is Still Being
Discussed at the Regular Meet-
ings of the Doctors of the Capi-
tal City.
Ottawa, Ont., June 2. -(Special) -
To say that the miraculous case of
George Ii. Kent, of 309 Gilmore
street, had shaken Medical Circles to
their very foundation, is putting it
Tie facts of the case have been so
thoroughly and satisfactorily estab-
lished by 114r. ]c'ent's sworn state-
ments as to leave no room ler mis-
understanding or mistake in the
Mr, Kent had 13rigbt's Disease ; he
had been in bed for months, gradu-
ally getting worse ; physicians could
do nothing for him,
His case had reached that stage
wben his body was terribly bloated.
He was so . low that he had con-
vulsions, which were rapidly grow-
ing -:more frequent.
In the interval between than con-
vulsions he was almost entirely Un-
In this extremity the physicians at
last told his wife one evening that
he could not live until morning.
While watching by kis bedside Mrs.
Kent' chanced to pickup a paper
containing an advertisement of a
cure of Bright's Disease by Dodd's
Kidney Pills. It was then midnight,
and 'all the drug stores were closed,
but the devoted' wife determined,
thateven at this extremely late hour
she would make one more effort' to
save her husband's life.
A1cordiilg}y site despatched a mes-
senger, woke up the nearest d1'ug-
gist, Procured a box of Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills, which she commenced to
administer at once.
11;7•. Kent did not die that night,
for from the first dose of Dodd's
Kidney Pills he commenced to im-
prove. A11 other treatments and
medicines were discarded, and the
UFO of this remedy carefully con-
Gradually yet surely this wonder-
ful remedy arPestod the progress of
the dread Bright's Disease,
It took Dodd's Kidney Pills about
six or ,seven weeks to restore Aft,
Kent t0 good health. This is sewon
,years ago, and lie has never lest a
day's worst through illness since.
Little J
alio: "Mamma, my birth-
irthday conies this, year on a Monday,
doesn't it?'Tee, dear." "And
last year it was en Sunday, wasn't
it?" "Yes, replied the mother,
"Dice it cone on Saturday, the Year
before last?" "Yee, doer." "Mam-
ma, how many days in the week was
T born o217`0
?:Milli 19ARS WJl;i1 EIDLI 3V9013..
The form of Meryl )ferryman shook
with suppressed emotion, Her !head
swayed until her perfumed tresses
brushed Geoffrey Cordon's face:
"Poli me that 1t is not true,
Geollrey," anxiously lngii0red tho
"That what is not true ?"
"';'hat dreadful report about you,"
"What on earth Was it 7"
"I heard that you-er-er-aro 11
"A11, Beryl, I'll die for you 1"
"Yes, I knew, but---."
"But what ?"
"Tiley say you dare not kiss a
girl for fear of nderobes,"
"Beryl I"
"Geoffrey 1"
Cey9ol% Tea Is the finest
Tea the world prGclticesp
talcs Is soki, only hi !sad
Black, i' lxed and Green.
'apace tett drinkers try "Salada" Green tali,
A11 Have Pound Out What a Good
Thing Wheeling. Is. -,Popular
Several years ago bicycling was a
giddy fad,, and the erase for it swept
over the country like a wase, swal-
lowing everybody in its track. The
rich and fashionable took it up for.
a seas01 01' two, and everybody fol
lowed their lead,. especially 'the wo-
men But everybody did not drop: it
when the rio11 tired of wheeling. On
the contrary, we all found out how
much utility as well as enjoyment
there is in a bicycle. Truth it is that
there is practically nothing on the
catalogue to take its place, espe-
cially in the country districts where
means of transportation are very
limited, and now that the price of
the very best wheel is within easy
reach of any pocket -book, it is safe
to say that very fell Canadians in
the cities or beyond their walls will
pass the season without one•of these
useful vehicles.
It is no small compliment to the
Oenadiafr artisan that Canadian
made bicycles positively control the
market Hero and inthe other colonies.
They have the good lines
and finish of the best Amer-
icon wheels, but are more
solidly and carefully built. The
"Cleveland," "Massey-Ilarris,"
"Brantford," and "Perfect" wheels
are famous the world over, . Write
to the Canada Cycle *11 Motor, 00.,
Limited, 34 King St., West, Toron-
to,for catalogues.
Dried Califol'nia fruit is usually cook-
ed the wrong way. Even the very best
cool: books tell you to soak the fruit
before cookie', which is to spoil it at
the start, instead, have plenty of
warm, not hot, water, and wash each
piece separately., Use two bowls. Put
the fruit in one, with the water, and
have the other empty, to receive it as it
is washed. Rub each piece of fruit be-
tween your fingers, manipulating it and
pilling the edges into shape. You
want it to look as, much like fresh
fruit as possible. When all the fruit has
been transferred from one bowl to the
other, pout on fresh warm water and
repeat the process. If the apricots are
comparatively fresh, three or four wat-
ers are sufficient; if they bale become
dry and hard you will need live or six.
When the fruit becomes flexible, and not
until then,it has been washed enough.
Peaches must be washed until nos0wn
rises to the top of the water left n the
bowl. This scum is the fuzz from the
peach sldns, which Inc invariably left on
in drying the fruit. Prunes need but
little washing, and very gentle handling.
Washing the fruit in this way softens
it without .extracting the juices, as is
done by soaking.
After the fruit is washed, put it into
a porcelain kettle, with enough bot
water to cover it fully, and granulated
sugar. The quantity of sugar must be
regulated by the tastes of your family
-tastes differ greatly in this respect.
A heaping tablespoonful to a pound of
fruit is the minimum quantity, a tea-
eupfiff is the maximum. The last named
quantity produces better insults in the
appearance of the fruit; a talespoonful
is too littleto ).sake the fruit quite clear.
Cover the kettle and stew steadily,
taking caro not to bail ]card, until the
fruit is clear; about fifteen minutes
from the time it begins to stele.
Utahans). (to wife; who is singing)
.-"My deer, you are a marvellous
singer. You ought to be with Call
Rosa, the great singer." Wife (flat-
tered) -"Do you really think so,
John ?" Husband -"Yes, my clear,
I wouldn't flatter you for - the
world." Wife (after a minute of
thought.) -"But Carl Rosa is dead:"
Husband "I know that."
Millard's' Liniment far Rheumatism
The yearly loss by wear on Brit-
ritish gold coins is 548,000 ; for the
whole world. the lois is estimated at
A3)VICE TO OLD 11xAlxl,a,.-(ilv'o your gentlemen friend good that; 1t in go to India for at
LEAD PACI{ETS. ALL 0-1 001905.
The Dawson Corcunission Co., Limited, Toronto.
Consignments of Produce Solicited,
(D.(5, .0.0o
Q i!r w!9!:fD PAG T
fs worth half a dozen dips goes
stuff. When you paint, get. a
paint .with a reputation, Get the y'
best paint you can. Don't pay s�
exorbitant prices, but do pay a
fair price, Buy tttiti
Rites 8s Paints!
and you only pay a fair price for 4
the oldest and best known paints
in Canada, the most durable, the
best ground, the most economical,
made from purest materials, made
Drop us a card and ask for ei
d t e showing how some homes are
0° tainted.
l . Pk�l
. t A. RAMSAY & SON, Fatah. 1002
ea .- . Palwa
.0egraeogo ogogogege®eggegoge:°e,�'egege ego:). o®o®o:
5,860 tons of salmon, worth
5640,000, is Britain's yearly take.
Stnpa the Ceapli
and 'arils 08' the card.
Laxative Bromo•QuInIna .Tablas onto a gold
in one day. No Lure. No Pay. Pried' 25 cents,
In 1870, 80 words a minute was
the record over telegraph wire. 600
are easily sent to -day.
Lever's Y -Z (Wise head) Disinfect-
ant Soap Powder dusted in the bath
softens the water at the same time
that it disinfects
Greet Britain has 135,000 fac-
Minard's Liniment Cures La Grippe
Charles Dibdin holds the record of
having written more songs than
any other English composer.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that contain Mercury
as mercury will surely 'destroy the sane° of
smolt and completc] yderango the whole system
When entering 10 through the mucous surfacoa.
Such articles should never be used except en
damn() they will do Is ton fold d. you
can possibly dorivo.from them. 0181's Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by F.J. Cheney 8s Co., To-
ledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken in-
ternally. acting directly upon the blood and
mnoous surfaces of the system, In buying
Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genu
Inc. It is tvken internnliy,and made in Toledo
Ohio, by N..3. Cheney dr Co. Testimonials
Ma14yDrlggPitnparriecete0 bpeeer ,bottle.
The first railway at the Cape was
opened in 1860 between Cape Town
and Wellington. It was 58 miles
long and cost 52,500,000.
Minard's Liniment is the best
Newspaper advertisements made
their earliest appearance in 1652.
To tune ,t 00110 EN' ONE 10,80.
Tako Laxative.Bromo Quinine Tablets. A3
dragrzfists refund the money it it fails to mum
E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 2e0.
Jupiter is 1,887 times as big as
the earth, but only 380 times as
llfy mare, a very valuable one, was
badly bruised and cut by being
caught in a wire fence. Some of the
wounds woulcl not howl, although 1
tried many different medicines. Dr.
Bell advised 1110 to use MINARD'$
LINIMENT, diluted at first, then
stronger as the sores began to look
better, until, after throe weeks, the
sores have healed, and best of all
the hair is growing well, and is not
white, as is most always the case in
horse wounds.
Great Britain brews 569,000,000
worth of beer a year,
difficulty of
brae tbing,
tightness of
the chest, wasting away of, flesh, throat
troubles, consumption, coughs, catarrh,
colds, pneumonia and pleurisy.
A SAMPLE FREE 8Y 59AIL to every sufferer.
Put -Mo is for sale by all druggists at
$l.00 per large bottle, and re cents for
small bottle, or direct from •
"50 Sack is married, eh? Do you
think he'll get along troll with his
wife?" "I'm quite surd ho wfll,.
They suing in the sante choir for two
year's without quarrelling,"
Rage Woven Wire Fence
ws wets.
i wwi �L t R e ttiu to he tier dtlopa 1f t210 t o adios lfouco.
1011shit abed al and a ()).nkat , r}"lade iu ate f 01�.• S C:`uas^ ;mars-rrC"„or?">~, for abetraetion and expansion, which" snakes an of•
il:,>-, = -'- - _�=-=0''''•• = = dinar-y�teirefe a6huna rvioenbio,,,0W 1lonitez *panda
�.. ��yy pp dd
10110051500 soloo ees4y0prbv0Oflittlevalue. eNote
the canntinnopa 1m , t1 s costal). it elastic and e91f-r1 statin .. Vie P
W1 F' Is d f "Page
a wire, wlneh ie twiee a Strong es ordinar - vi ire Pridoa are
artrontn w ihianeason 60 000 atlas f P to t e0 1000' in " e. R"e also make Gated°
t@ ayrr16 n
�e e.. Y�fire.�4haa us
ey n Q9 {1 ,j„'£1 t,�il�([s ,��,��Q,i, Oo,.11mlreA, Waikergiilt,Ont,
19 ono ms ole ge
r080tek e 0 A dPoalt
In 1888 the cotton manufacturing
districts of Germany had 717,000
spindles'. The number bas now
grown to over 1,700,000.
For Over Sixty .Years
Matt, 1wil:8Lew's 100TII150 915Vr has heed used by
millions of mothers for their children while teething;.
ltsoethes the oh9d, cottons the mine, allays pain, curdy
wind colic regulates the stomach and bowels, and Is 81l115y
beet renmdy for Dlarrbma. Twenty -nye Dente a botdol
Sold by druggists throughout the world, Ile m re as
ark for tans, Wsosto raS000enio Brant,"
The shortest name possessed by
any town or village in Great Brit-
ain is Oa, the name of a village in
Mleard's Liniment the best Hair Hestorei
The longest speech in the British
Parliaanont was made by Mr. Glad-
stone when introducing the Budget
in 1853. He spoke for five hours
and twee -quarters.
VPC ill 31
P O E R n
Prceerueo the tenth. Sweetens the breath.
Strengthens the game.
.r , rl
lnstrunl encs, Drums, Uniforms, Etc,
Lowest prince ever quoted. Fine eat:do ue
6001llustratfons, mailed free. Wri tons for luy
thing In Music er dinxlenl Instrument,.
WHALEY ROYCE & 00., Limited,
Toronto, Oat and Winnipeg, Man
gprepp raldonmadofromcrudeBRAUMONT'
TF S IL. tireateet medical disc5Pery of
rose et yew. A sure and speedy ours, for all
throat, brouch'al and lung diseases, o0nsump.,
lion in its earlier st4Be%, and rheumatism. •
Large bottle prepaid to any address on rat
oeipt of coo dotter. Address,
Box 609, Beaumont, Terse,
0000a1n0 500 000IIsg wad lOd Glove, oleanac1, Tho.
eau bo Lent by poet, to per 00, 1110 best 51000 la
Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Quebec.,
25c Currency Bilis
A New 250 Currency BM will be sent
to any customer who, after purohasing
o box of Gileadine, falls to find it all that
it Is recommended.
250, eruggldta, or Cileadlno 00, Toronto.
FOR SALE. -Two 2•rovotutlon Campbell
Presses, bed 40x86 inches. Splendid
order. Price 811,000 each. Terms oast',
73 West Rdelaide St,, Toronto
Dominion Line Steoamshipe
Montreal to Liverpool, Bogen to Liver.
pool. Partlead to Liverpool. Via Queens,
Lartgge and Nest Steamships. Superior mr1om01019 on
for. aU of apt omisern. S,)bons and /Referee Q
are 050 Solips. Special -0011 Atop Um has boon given to
second Baleen and it
Tht d Olnas naoohnm d tl
4 4 0
oft of passage Company, or all particulars, apply to any ape
Richard, faille A 00, D. Terrence 4 Oo„
73 State 8t.. neetori, Mon1onl,ai Ito,'fjnntl,
We want at once. truetrtorthy moe and 70m05 i5
every locality,local or traveling, to Intrentge'a tied
(ileo vory and Mop oar show oa de and adroatle{
matter tacked up in co lenlattoiu ppreens throughout tab
town and 00nntry, ).tend omployMeut. y0" item''
'ammiseimt or 801,,1, y .00 par l'lonth and
13x lseb not to tamed ,b0 y crab ',
3s n 1
pwrlte for Pnrt.iafilm•e. Postdate.) box 897,
J, L.JOi33 firo'd
f6{i eve-reert-TOIRONTO