HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-6-12, Page 2TI1E MARKETS Prices of Groin, Cattle, etc Catres. meet,. Tonente, Jitile 10. -"Meet-. The minket le Steady, With sales of No. 2 red winter at 7fie middle freights. No. 2 spring cieotea at 74 to 75c Paiti, die freight., end No. 2 geose at 67d octet. Meuitoba. No. 1 hard eteady 131 0 845e, Toronto and west. Grinding in tranSit priced 25e; higber, No. 1 hard Field at 'Wee, grinding in transit, . Barley -- Trade quiet, No. 2 quoted at 54e middle ereight, Feed quoted: at 51240 middle freight. Buckwheat -The market is nominal at 61 to diie oast. Rye -Tee market is dull, . with pricea nominal. Peas -Trade dull, \Nab No. 2 quot- ed at 75e west. Corne-Trede is quiet, 'lt1 No. 2 yellow quoted at 613 to 640 west, teal No, 2 mixed at 62 to 630 weeft. Oate-The denintel is fair, with sales of No. 2 whIte itt 45c middle freights. They are quoted at 46 to 46e0 east. • Plour-Ninety per cent. Oonario patent quoted at 52.U0 middle freights, in buyers' sacks. Straight rollers, in wood, quote,: et, .5.25 to 53.35. Manitoba flours are steady; lIttagariun patents., $4.05 to 54.25 delivered ou track Toronto, bags in- cluded, and strong bakers,' 53,80 to nutmeat -Car lots in bbls. 84.85 on traek, end in seeks at 54.70. Breton lots, 250 e::tra. iiii.lfeed-Bran is steady at 51.50 to elie outside. Shorts, 520 out - At Toronto bran is 519, and shorts $20 in bulk. Munitobn, bran, 520 in seeks, and shorts 523 in sacks, Toronto. COUNTRY PRODUCE. , Intied Apples -Trade is quiet and prices undimmed at 5 to 51c per lb. Evaporated 104 to 110. Hops -Trade quiet, with prices steady at 13e; yearlings, 7c. Honey -The numket is dull; comb, $2 to 52.25 per eersen. Bezine-Tbe market is dull, with little demand. Prices rule from $1 to $1.25, the letter for hand-picked. Hay-, •Inded-The market is firm, ment -owing to the clearness with with fair demand; timothy, 510,50 . \Mich it presents the conditions now to 511 for No. 1. Straw -The market is quiet. ear obtaining in the two greet diyisions province. In dealing with lots on track quoted at 55 to 55.50, 01 the New Ontario the administration have the latter for No. 1. Poultry -Receipts are small, and the demand fair. ne quote: -Tur- keys, young, lele per lb; do, old, 3.1 to 12c; chickens, 75 to 90c per pair. Potatoes -The market is quiet, with car lots quoted at 72 to 73c per bag on traek. Small lots sell at somshow or other little or no news SO to 850. There are now several forest, re-, icervee set apart, the most import -n seemed to reach the ;garrison. HOG PRODUCTS. ant being the Temiscanting Reserve, 113 the dearth of news •one man in Ladysmith had arranged that twice 1,408,000 acres, or about Dressed hogs are unchanged. Hog. congfrising 200 miles embracing what a week, when he could get Off -duty, products, in good emeriti at unehang- 2, the meet] his ;wife at Intombi should go at considered ed prices. We quote: -Bacon long is tract of white I twelve o'clock and stand in front of clear, 31 to 11Se, in ton and caee valuable lots; mess pork, 521.50 to 522; do, Pine hi New °Mario. The Sibley, it marquee where he could. en short cut, $23.e0. Reserve on the north snore: of Lakit! her through the ship's telescope at 4 7 battery. Smoked meats-Ifams, 513,50 to Superior contains about 45,000 the She went there regularly with ha $14; breakfast bacon, 14A to 1.5c; ucres and the Eastern Iteserve in the .child, and straining ber eyes toward roll% 114 to 12e; backs. 11-11 to 15e; Count Frontentic and Addington! that sandbagged point above Con- ' about 80,000 acres. -These two lat- *cent Dell, sometimes fondly meagre - ter -reserves hae-e been largely strip-, ed that see could see him. And as ped their native timber, but a1 vigor -Mrs new growth is springing! the months passed her child, lac the others in the camp, grew mop up ehich will eventually replace it. sickly, thin and pale, till it seeme The _elgonquin Natioeal -Park of 1,1 te 54.75 per Min There is a fair fielnand for leseed g•raedes of stockers. Sather cowl ere steatly froM 550 to 550 each, end gooa ewe ate wanted. Teeilay ebeeP are tinnier at from 515 to die per le. Ifecpert 00,72113 'are Worth froM 513.50 to 54 per cwt. Lent& ere fetching front 52 40 50 each. Calves sell at Own 52 to 51.0 eagle Ulu) top price for ehoiee hog e is 56.875 per cwt.; light and Pat, /loge are 56,625 Per eerie l'Inge to fetch the toli price meet be of prime (meaty, and scale not below 160 nor above 200 pounds. Following is the renge of quota. thous: ' CATTLE. ShiPPers, per ,,,,, 55.25 $6.25 do., Incline 4,00 5.25 Dutcher, choice ... 4.75 5.50 Butcher, ordinary to Steelier's, per met 4.00 4,50 SHEEP AND- LAMBS, Choice ewes, per cwt. , 8.75 4.20 Spring iambs, each 2.00 5.00 Inteks, per ewt... 3.25 8,75 MILKERS AND CALVES. Cows, each ... 25.00 50.00 Calves, emit .. 2.00 10.00 116(1S. Choice hogs, per cwt6.75 Ilght hogs, per met 6.50 Heavy hogs, per ewe 6.50 Sows, per cwt... ... 8.50 Stags, per ant 0.00 6.875 6,625 6.625 4.00 2.00 THE FORESTS i E ONTARIO THE ESTABLISHMENT OE F'OR- EST R.ESERVES. The Situation in .Southern On- tario -- How Our Woodlands Are Disappearing. 1I1:0 question of preserving the for - 08 CS and restoring the productiveness of large areas ef land unnated for agriculture, which have been et,rip- e'eeourpOrtited by it correepondinfe ineP erfneee In tbe area elaseed rue weSte lame, showing that the tiMber has been Injadielouely reMeveci front eoil thot is unlit Or oultevatioa and eliould have been Rept wooded, Tales ing• the townehipe, there are at letiet 44 in WhiCh the wooded area is lees them 5 per cent oe the whole, wheal aO exceedingly unsatiefeee tory Stete M affairs, The poppet drew& attentioa to the frequeat ina,ecuracieS which prevail le making ulp tbe assessore reletree, under widen land is often iMproperly classified, Creator correctness. in thie pertieular le the first require - relent If any change 111 1.110 law such as will afford eneouragement to fain mers to maintain portions of their laad 01 timber is to be niticle. FORESTRY LEGISLATION IN THE STA.TES. A eummary is given of legislation in the 'United States tvith thie ob. ject which may afford some helpful suggestiOne to Ontario law -makers, In many of the States exemptions from taxation or bonutieS are grant - o(5 to proprietors who Iceelp cer. tain, proportion of their land in n emoded conditiOn. Appended.to this portiton of the report is a valuable impel* by Willitun N. Hutt, of Southend, Ont., on the manage- ment of the farmer's woodlot which might be reaa with profit by every rural landowner. Another special article of interest to timber men and manufacturers, is by J. A. De Caw on the production of tannin which explains how the hemlock bark, now frequently wasted in lumbering operations raight be utilized to good advantaee. THROUGH THE TELESCOPE. An Incident of the Siege of Lady- smith. When the Boers besieged Ladysmith they liermitted it "camp of refuge" Pal of their timber is one which de-, and it field hospetal, to be establish - mends cloee attention at the handsi eci at Intonabi, it few miles distant, of our law -makers. Much progress1Here the non-combatants were in this direction lune been mado in I gathered. And to the hospital, the 10,st few years, more especially : writes George Lynch in the London as regards the lands still remaining/ /1„., , ally Express, came every morniue in the possession or the (frown. Al the train from Ladysmith, bearing great deal, however, remains. to .,be its burden of sick and wounded, accomplished before the sitnationl To the dwellers at laming that can be regarded as satisfactory. train brought the history of the siege 'elm amine report of Mr. T-11°--mAsI the daily bulletin written in blood Southworth, Director of Forestry 101'1 and disease. Women who had bus - 1900 -1901. is an instructive docu- t bands and brothers and sons in Ladysmith crowded round it always to see what news it brought, and went away with it sigh of respite and relief when it carried nothing for them avoided the nnstakes of the past, And yet, after a fashion, these and by the a.doption of protective! wereen itt Intombi were rnore for - measures, agaiest the danger of bre, tenet° than the men in Ladysmith, and the establislunent of forest 1'"i since they' could learn from the new server are endeavoring to ineure the, arrivals how their loved ones fared. preservation of a due proportion of woodland. FOREST RESERVES. Buc men were not allowed to .go backward and forwerd to Intombi then who went had to remain,. and awl shoulders, 15 c. Lard -The market is firm with good demand. We quote tierces, 111c; tubs, llec; pane, 11-1e, com- pound, 0 to 10c. as the sr ing spirit of t TEE DAIRY MARKETS. 109,38;3 acres is not, strictly speak-, Butter -Market is firmer, with al ing, a forest, reservcs, as portiere; 041 miasinie fog had wrapped it round a , its area are 3311(300 'Became to lumber- and entered it, and made it few pound rolls coming forward. ' men, but it largely serves the saine changeling of his own. Tube in gond sempty. We quote: - purposes in many respects. But delicate as the child was,the Choice 113. rolls 17 to 18c: choice mother was the first to fall sick IN SOUTHERN' ONTARIO. , Lind the news of her illness reached' large rolls and tubs, 14 to lec; me- dium, 13e; low grades, in tubs and I The situation in Southern Ontario 1 her husband by his seeing one tiuy 1 dialculties I figure standing alone t ti lo 10 to 12e; creamery prints, 19 preemies much greater t .30c .irel tube 18 to 19c. than that existing in the northern' pointed place, wasingaa hintnclicte'rr-- chief. And teere came a, day when it, too, was no longer to be seen. He could not go to them, but ha,d. to stay and fight on with bitterness ill his heart. F.ggs-The receipts are moriertete, I pert of the province, the title to the end the demand fair. Case kite of lune having paPsed into the hands of fresh sell at lle a, dozen; and chip- private individuals. it be in the old - ped at 11e to 1.2e. I cr settled Sections that the evils Of Cheese -Market is quiet, and mires ; deforestation have made themselves are unchanged. New choice is job -linnet acutely felt and where prompt bing at 10be. action is needed to arrest the pro- cess. The report presents the re- sults of a careful inquiry into actual conditione bused on the municipal The third annual dinner of the returns furnished untrually to the 1 Alumni Association of the Univer- Bureau of Industry. These returns sity of Toronto, will be held in the show the total acreage of each town- Gymnasium on Friday, June 13th, ship and the proportion of wooded 1 at 7.30 pen. The aim. is to make land to cleared, iund and waete. the dinner as int wenn' as possible, A comparison instinct eti. between and to glee all who ettend ae op - the fignres for the years 1896 (111d portunity of renewing old a.cquaint- 1901 indicnte that during the inter- comes and making new Ones. In a Nal of live ,oars the work of defor- word, the occa)5ion will be one when astation has gone on with increased all can be boys again and live over rapidity until in the majority of -- in memory the happy days siteent at counties the proportion of forest re- old Varsity. The dinner is to be it emitting is considerably less than source oi benefit to the Cinversity that required to maintain fevorable a& well as of pleasure eo those at - conditions as regards climate and the tending. Tickets are 52.00 The an - supply of moisture. Twenty per nual business meeting of the Asso- eent of the total area is regarded by dation will be held at 3 o'clock on authorities on forestry ate the lowest the afternoon of There:day, • Juno UNITED STATES MARKETS. Duluth, June 10.-C-ose - Wheat -Cash, No. 1 hard, 7510; No. 1 Northern, 72e0; NO. 2 Northern, 73111c; No. 8 'Northern, 731e; ,Ittly, 721e; September, 701e; Manitoba No. 1 Northern, cash, 711e; No, 2 Northern, 691,c. Oats - Cash, 4110; September, Mc, Milwaukee, June 10, -Wheat - Higher. •ClorIed-No. 1 Northern, 764 to 77c; No, 2 Northern, 754 to 76e; July, 71;e. Rye - Firm; No. 1, 58e. Barley - Steady; No, 1, 710; sample, 65 to 601e. Corn - July, 611c. Minneapolis, June 10. -Close - Wheat - Jilly, 72; to 73e; Septem- ber, 685 to 70e; on track, No, 1 bard, 76.104 No. 1 Northern, 745 to 744'e; No, 2 Northern, 7210. BulTalo, June 10, -Flour -Steady. Wheat -Spring, quiet; No. 1 North- ern, carloads, 77e; winter weak; No. 1.2 red, 8810. Corn -Quiet, and only steady; No, 2 yellow, 671c; No. 8 do, 661e; No, 2 corn, 66ec; No. 8 dn. 66c. Oats eVhite, steady, mix- ed lower; No. 2 white, 4710; No. 3 de, 4704 No. 2 Mixed, 48/e; No. 3 do, 47e; No. 2 mixed 48e0; No. 3e do, '131e. R,ve - No. 1, Ofle through billed. Canal freights - Steady. LIVE STOOK MARKET. Toronto, June 10.- Receipts at the Western cattle market ineday were 08 carloads of live stock, in - eluding 1,200 cattle, 600 sheep end , Umbra 621. hogs, and 60 calves. For good cattle the market 'Was Un- changed, but inferior stuff was from 15 to 250 per cwt. lower. There was. steady demend for export cattle, • the top price being 63(c per lb., though for a few choice lots a, little more was paid. Light; :chippers sold at from cte to 55c per lb. Par a good to choice butcher cattle there Wes it seeedy demand, and prices were up to 5:50 for really choice staff, but the 'Poorer grades, were 11 slow .sale at 'lower prime, Feeders anti Stoelcom are worth from 53,75 VARSITY A.LTJAINI. figure to whieh 'The woodland area can be reduced without serious dan- ger to agrieultitral interests, and in most n°11111108 the proportion ef timbered land remaining is consider- ably less than this, TI1E WOODLANDS STEADILY In 1806 thirty of the Ontario counties had leers timbered area than 25 per cent., whereas in 1001, the ntunber of counties !treeing rose than 25 Per cent. had increased 1:0 87. In the latter year six counties only had mare than 25 per cent, of their erect in timber, ten had less than 25 and over 20 per cent; six- teen had less than 20 and over 10 per cent, and eleven had less. than 10 per cent. The counties principally affeeted by oseteclearance Were in the IVeetern and eficilanct sections of the Province. The counts/ having the largest proportion of, woodlands to tota1 mem in its boundaries is. Rus- sell, where the percentage is, 58.54. In only two couutiee„Prince Ed- ward end Grenville, is there any in- crease . the wooded area. The southern • grimes of Lownehme In 7-7ostings and Lennox and Adding.» ton countiee show slight inereamee indicating that irl these neighbor- hoods: the process of deforeetation has been &melted. Inenaliby =seethe decrease 10 the woodland: hrts been 121.31. Cheap railway rates a.re as- sured. Buy a single ticket to To- ronto, and at the same time procure O standard railway certifica,te, which when countersigned by the Secretary of the Association will entitle you to a return ticket free or at one- third fare. Kindly inform the Sec- retary, Fred J. Smale, 'lemon:to, as 50011 as possible whether you can ettend. • 4-- A HUGE CRANE. A gigantic crane, which is styled by the Germans as "the largest, Crane in the world," is to be seen in use at Kiel. Its own weight le 450 tons, and it is capable of lifting as much as 150 tons, Its arm stretehes fifty yards from point* to Point, nod is fifty yards and more higlt al5ove the foendatIon. It is worked by electricity, TIIE OATII IN NORWAY. Probribly the most cerious Euro- pean Meth is adrainieterea in Nor. way. The witness raises his thumb, his forefinger, end his middle finger. These eignify 011 Trinity, while ,the larger of the uplifted fingere is sup - Posed to represent the S01.1 1 Of the WitlICSS and the smaller to indicate his body., S 1TE 0 Telegraphic Brief's From AH Over Me Globe. CANADA. Ihunilton has fixed •Givie lIolidny on August 4. , The G, r, 11, telegraphers nave Settled their difTereneee With the compapy, About 500 deiegotee will attend the Christian Endeavor Convention to be held in Ottawa in October. 'Another great water-poWer canal is to be dug by the Ciergue synde. =to et Seult Ste. Merle, The Pollee trophy nietch betweeu (Maeda and (ho United States will bo elaot at Ottawa oa 11.ugust,26. Montreal has decided 40 accept Ilfr. Ceenegie's oiler of 5150;000 towards it publie library, provided the city contributes 515,000 yearly. The late Principal Grant, of Queen's, in addition to 530,000 life insurance, which he bequeathed to the university, left 516,000 1:0" his son, W. L. Grant. of Toronto. The Canadien agent at Glasgow, lithe Murray, reports to the Minister of Trade and Commerce that 58,000 tons of Canadian pig iron wore landed in that city during the year. Alehough • the mackerel eeason along the coast of Cape Breton has just emninoneed, the catch already' exceeds the total catch of the post three years, and the fishermen say they ha,vo all they eau conveniently handle. The Dominion Government has completed arrangements with the Allan, Elder -Dempster, Thompson, ;Donaldson, and Manchester lines for an installation of an . entirely now System of cold storage on. their steamers. GREAT BRITAIN. King Edward will visit the exhibi- tion in Cork hi the autumn. The Shah of Petah% is expected to arrive in London on July 13, and will =male one week. A gorgeous scheme of decoration and illumination has been prepared for the front of the Mansion House, London. Every member of the London City Corporation will weer a two -guinea gold badge at coronation time at his own expense. So scarce has nett= wheat become in England that in some of the Nor- folk and Suffolk markets scarcely a sample is seen. „. The Duke of Bedford and the Duke of Marlborough were invested on Friday with the Garter by King Ed- ward at Buelcingheta Palace. Sir Charles Rivers -Wilson's an- nual inspection of the Grand Trruuk Railway has been postponed', owing to the coronation, until July. The Marquis of Lansdowne, Fo- reign Secretary, will entertain. the King and Queen at dinner oa June 27 to meet the principal foreign guests. ; Preparations are in progress to have the British' fleet all over the world take part M. the coronation ;ceremonies, and warships will be sent to the erineipal ports of each station. Mr. 11. J. Roberts, of Towyn, Merionethshire, has made practically aireegift to that town of his beau- tiful estate of Dolgoch, with its well-lcnown ravines, waterfalls, and glens. It is stated in London that coronas tion homers will be bestowed upon Sir William Vernon Harcourt, M.P., Sir Arthur Devitt I-Tayter, ALP., and Sir Donald Currie, head of Donald Currie te Co., ship -owners. , By invitation of the Prince and Prince -ss of Wales, the =Heron of the Merchant Seamen' d Orphan Asy- lum, Sneresbrook, will witness the procession on. June 26 from Marl- borough House, and tvlfl dine there, TINITE.-D STATES. A. mob broke into the jail at Paris, Mo., and lynched Abe IVitbrop, negro murderer. Several strike riots have occurred in Chicago, where the tecuristers of the big packing houses are on strike. Millard Lee, son of a well-to-do fernier, shot and. killed Miss Lille Suttlo in it church rear Atlanta, G a. Moro than half the Connecticut swings banks will form. a State or- ganization to reduce the interest rate on deposits. Senator Gallinger proposes ane vestigation by the Senate Jeeliciary Committee into lynchings through- out the country. Hundreds of clerks in the Chicago post -office nee to get an increase of 5100 a Year in salary and 150 ad- ditional clerks will be, employed. Patrick Francis Sheedy, the no- toriteus Now York professional gam- bler, has quit the trade and is going into the jewellery businese in Buenos AYrlesi Wdo dining around a honey - stickle in his garden, Ward W. Much- more,• of 'Newark, found a diamond ring, lost six years ago by his wife, through which the vine had grown.. Alt effort is being maClo to form it co-oPerative company among the farmers in the Western States to market their own wheat, and six of the largest elevators in the Kansas wheat belt have been purchased, . The British steamer LOUleiallian, s11001.10 Meg en puerto on/ 31011(03 from Trinidad • and Colon, passed throngh the storm of ashes precipi- tated by Mont Pelee, being covered several inches (110017) twi°nriaquett. ii°t1 Samuel Fiore, 8 prominent fanner tee leiera, Indiana, will not allow it snake to be killed on his farm, and has give*m his family instructione if they See any snakes on the pre" mises not to molest therm Mr. Mora, clanns that maces are the greatest Menet deseroyers in mantel CUM. •,• .; GENERAL, The hiring ef lebererfl Norway by foreigriers hits beeri prelabited. FROM/Matt hcw Made it Pet pro- of 51135,000 out of his three inpuths' tour in Americo.. The authorities at lime claim to hallo strong evidenee of all anareh 1st plet egaillat the Pope. :411111e0s; az 0 11411 e oApol turi t e,c1 0 4401 59. 00100 11 10,000. fin' the. relief of the sufferers Of Martielquo, Keltting, Ince making and basket.. weaving. are 11010 being taught sue- cesefully to the glrle in the Boer refugee 583115131., It is reported that ex-Preettlent Siuton Sem of Hayti, who skipped oet recently, stole $8,000,0p0 from the publi0 treasury during las term °n10170 11'11 1t1 output from Rhodesia for 1901. ainounted to 180,888 melee% nearly, double thet of tee preceding yam.. Sonte eight French soldiers are 01 - raged to bow deserted to the Oben, ese clueing the recent campaign ' in the Sal' oast, ; It is probable Filipino labor unione in Manila will all strike for are ad - tart= ef 50 per cent. in teepee, which are now from ilVe to ten tinieS higher than under Spanish rule, All the water in Gm mineral springs at "l'eplitz, ,Bollemia, turned it reddish brown oolor for 100 hour, after• which it cleared, and this change of color is connected with the recent earthquake in the West Indiee, as over 0110 leandred years ago, at the time of the great Lis- bon earthquake, a similar incident occurred, 4 ' TORONTO PAVILION. Totally Destroyed by Fire on Fri- day Kerning. A. Toronto despatch Rays; About 2.30 on Friday morning, flre broke out in the pavilion in the Allan (Horticultural) Cleuelens, and the flames spread so rapidly that all 10 - Torts to save the building from de- struction were unevailiug. • The banquet of tbe visieing Board of Trade delegates had been held in the structure earlier in the evening, and it is supposed that the fire originat- ed In the oulinary department. A Sew moments after the fire was dis- covered the entire structure was in ruins. ;The heat from the burning building was terrific, anel the flames shot up fifty feet in the air, the old woodwork with its inflammable dec- orations inside bunting like tinder. The firemen endeavored to confine the flames to the main °landing, but the effort was unsuccessful, and at . 3 o'clock the palm building was doom- ed. Tho Jarvis Street Collegiate Institute, immediately in the rear of the building, was at one -time in danger, but the firemen turned sev- eral streams on to it, and it was saved. The loss will reach from 575,000 to 5100,000. The pahn house WaS buil4 for the magnificent collection of palms presented to tbe. city by the late Sir David Macpher- son, which was valued at ilia time of presentation at 540,000, and has Since been added to. WERE FOES, NOW FRIENDS. -- Rejoicing Aniong the Boer Prison- ers in the Bermudas. A 'Hamilton, Bermuda, despatch says; The poisoners Imre were de- lighted, and received the peace news with great enthusiasm, shouting, pinging and hurrahing Some of them ruebed wildly about, embraced every English soldier they met and said: "Yesterday we were foes, to- day we are friends."Drinke 10010erC Served out to the Bece Boors on Haw - kin's Island, ancl the rejoicing there continued until it late home The Boers on Tucker Island also received the 110W5 with great joy. IVhen the fact or peace was CoMmuni- eated to them tee prisoners, went fairly wild, shouting and singing volkslied and hyinne until one o'clock in the morning, At reveille the band of the War- wick Regiment moved up to the Tucker Island enclosure endplayed '.'Auld Lang Syne," "Old Hun- dred," and 'Cod Save the King," and in all of these Mrs the prison- ers joined most heartily. The peace news was received by the Boer prisoners on the other is- lands hero with similar manifesto: tions of joy. POPULATION INCREASED. - - 65,000 Immigrants for First Half of the Year. An Ottawa despatch says: The immigration returns prepared by the chnuutment hero shows that there will be at the end of June 65,000 arrivals for the year 115 compared with 49,140 last year. ' For the eleven months =ding May 81 last the arrivals are as follows: leritish 14,200 ag weakest 11,810 for the tWelVe months last year. From the continent of Europe there weee 18,248 for the eleveit months as against 19,352 for the twelve »tenths of 1901. From the Uniled Statea there were 21,877 for the 1,1 months, as against, 17,987 foe the 12 months of the pre- vious fiscal year. The arrivals for May were 0701; 11,000. In this connection it may be peint- ed out that the entries for free lande In Manitoba and the Northwest. Ter- eitoriee were ceeer 10,000, as com- pered with 8,167 for the 12 months in 1901. The reterne aleo for 1901 showed a, large increase over 1e00. • MUD V4LCANO. Sheep Killed, bu- t Human Beings Escaped Death, A. Baku, Meeks, despatch saps: The Gurysgran, a mud volcano, near the village of Kobe Onnea:-,io, lute erupted, aceompanied by cannon -like reporta. The enentry around the volcano for soine distance wee en- veloped in demos, hut, no fatalities have been reported. A few 511051e herds were burned, and sone) floceof of sheep cleatroyed. FAST SERVICE TO CANADA. The Onnarcl, Allen And Beaver Lines Unite, Liverpooi despateh anye e-11110 report le; fully conlenied that tile (lemma Steentehip llorepany hes commenced the forintitlen Of a Brit - lee elapping eernbinalion, The Ilea- eer Line, or Which Sir Allred Ai, Jones is the head, Will Joie forcer; with the thinterd Line. ear Airrea the most; enereetie orgailleer i6 iirit, Ish shinning, Ile le 1110 head Of leo Elder -Derive -ter jJlio, iud the Italie, tor of the recent Line of elennteril 1.0 the 13r1t2*h West Tee 1131,10 liaOnne, WW1111/1011SLITIOPO°tISt 1011,115.1113 11.11TeV t‘ \1(3I'111 35-32' Novel of the 0010111111 0111ce. The obsects of the scheme nes 'twofold, firstly to meet the Morgan 101111einti- tion on American ground, end sec- ondly, to arrange a new tend last service to Clamant, whieh will be largely subside:eel by both the Brit- ish and Canadian Govorements, but nothieg wilt be done • regarding the subsidy question uootIb elle meeting of the eolonial Premiers on the oc- casion 05 the coronation. 'rim lead- ers of the neW scheme any they re- cognive that the light for freight will be severe, The Britieb combina- tion will not be hampered so muct by Mr. Morgan's control of the A -M- 0110011 railWays as by the fact that the principal freight steamers are in the Mande of its opponents.It IS 410/lied that 111r. Morgan okerecl the CunardS. 011,000,000 for the com- pany. •offers 'did not approach that figaire. A Hamburg correspondent tele- grepbs that shipping men there be- lieve :that the .Cmiard COmpany will come to it .working arrangement with the 'Union and Castle Lines in order to secure a monopoly of the African trade, and thatthe resift will he the establishment of 11010 lines from the United States to Africa. THEIR OCCUPATION GONE. Boer Agents Will Ask Britain to Send Them Home. A. Washington despatch says :- Gen. Samuel Pearson, the 13oer re- preSentatiee in this cetintry, • who made "the protest about the British shipments of mules from New Or- leans, says that be imends to =11 at the British Embassy 1111d ask for transportation to South Africa, "Under the peace terms," said Gen. Pearson, "Great Britain agiees to send tho burghers back home, wbere- ever they naay be. I have been ruin- ed by the VOX, and I have not a six- pence to my name." , Mr. Charles D. Pierce, who for the past few; sears has been Consul- G;eneral at New York for the Orange Free State, and who has had charge of the circulation of pro-leoer litera- ture, when asked if tim Borr refugees In this ceuntry would return to South Africa, replied : "They Neill all return and take beck their pro- perty. One of the best known of them, IV. D. Sur -nate is no* at the Union -Square Hetel," Concerning his own status, Mr. Fierce said lie supposed his ollice was a thing of the past. "At any rate," be added, "I shall not make any claini to the title." FATHER SHOT BY CHILD. Nine -Year -01d Boy Kills Him With a Rifle. AA Ottawa despatch says :-News comes from the Eastern Townships that it, farmer from Whitton, in the Lake Mcegantie region, 'named IT, A. Matheson, was killed on Monday by his nine-year-olcl son, with a Win- chester rifle. The report says that Matheson ill-treated his children, and that the boy in self-defence de- liberately aimed at his father with the rifle, at a distance of ten feet, and that the bulle1 went through the heart, causing ienmediate death. The coroner's jury, niter hearing the evidence, and considering the circum- stances, returned a verdict to • the effect tha5, the dereased, Hugh Mathe- son, had, come to his death by gun- shot wounds inflicted by his nine- year-old son, in self-defence. THROUGH A CULVERT. Freight Train Wre- cked on the C. P. R. Near Calgary. A. Calgary, N. IV. T., despatch says: A serious accident occurred 011 the a P. R. five' miles east of here at half -past 6 Wednesday Morn- ing. Owing to the recent heavy rates, a culvert had been undermine od, and a freight train da.shed into the cavort, . which gave wity, pre- elpitatiug the engine into the stemma, Eegineer Mae. Devitt, brakeman Dunn and car inspector .1. Corsey were thrown under the en- gine, and are pinnee there i31 eight feet of water. 'The train was. tele- scoped, and six freight cars piled on top of the engine. The wrecking crews from east anel west went to week removing the debris and tre- e° WAS resumed before midnight, The passenger train was fore:mainly late, or a 1511011 more frightful lose of life Would. have_4occureete SOUTH AFRICAN ARMY. Ten Nen front Eac- h Corps to Be sent to Coronation, A Lemke) despatch. eays: The War Office has issued an announcement Ilia), if, has been arranged with Gen- t:NA Kitchener that ten reserviet men film each corps 24liall be embarked immediately to eepreeent the South Afriettn army at the =mention, The arrangement ineludee representatives of the colonial troops. CAPE REBELS SURRENDER, Commandazit* rancho Has Al- ready Come in, A ISretorin, donee Leh Sap; Ito- p(1rte from 1)111 Crum ralrmy af; the effeel, of the pcnco SVSOMP11 3, SI% very ' ifffnetory. illlilliOIldtLll (1 d jootiehe Inue foirrenderid, anfl ninny oth: re tire rowing into the ilrielelt Ifnes dralY. INITUTUUUS 'WARD DEATH TO rxags ANT, owazg, INSECTS, Tiley Aot as S gets in P11111p., e: pine Mous eorne °=;cis;4 • Very Tame, Throughout the Philipplees the wane ana . ceilings of the spariions old Spooleb houseS are whitewtishecl, millaine anything dark apon the sure fnee eonepleirette against the white 1)71100 Bradford IC„ 11111101)15°018' 5 need for eeveral menthe in one of Owe. barn -like structuree, find my only company, besides it 13)11- 3)11 servime, wore the houSe :110:0de that, ite 50023 de3'1Meas teune and the lamp was. lighted, crawled out of the loosely construct- ed brickwork to feed dpon the num- erous insects that the light attract- °t(1110‘1511Z1411 blyeerotap.7 windows tr°111 At first, as they ran wren the walls and eollings, the lizards all looked alike te me; but 0511132 days went bY 1 ceine to know each one es he 1113 - Peered in his particular locality, from two tiny baby lizards that live ecl. in it crack whith an earthquake hacl opened in the wall above table,. to it big brown one fully live inches long that odeasionally rushed out from behind a window nap up- on some unstispeeting ;moth, lashing his tail furiously if he missed his Each lizard had it portion of the Wall or ceiling Over which it work- ed, end seldora trespassed upon the territory of its neighbor. Regularly after dinner a 5117e1'3' gray lizard came out or a rathole under the window, and after fooldbg about eor a moment, uttered a loud "Chunk! Chunk!" From somewhere in the deep recess of tee window came an answering "Chunk; Chunk!" and soon a second lizard appeared and tlohdogitiNlegos. scampered off tog,ether to where the blue -bottles hal their the corner behind the kerosene stove, BATTLE BETWEEN LIZARDS. • The laanp bung in tbo middle o'f the room, ;and one lizard discovered that within the circle of light which it east upon the ceiling 'was always a cloud of moths. For some weeks it feasted unmolested; nut oue night a . strange lizard found its way into the room nod in the course of its adven- three come upon the chosen spot. The little fellow who had already taken possession was so busy eating a big inoth that he was not aware of the stranger's presence till he heard an ominous "Chunkl Chunk! Chunk!" ' just behind bine The stranger not only had taken a fancy to the locality, but to the half-eateit moth, and WAS preparing to fight for what remained of it. The little liz- ard ran fOr his life, but the intruder folloeved, and for several secoeds there was a. lively scene enacted up- oononathe ceiling' of tee old Spanish t Presently, I heard a deep -toned "Chunk! Chunkl" from over ,the window. And loolcing up, saw the tail of the big brown lizard lashing furiously. The next moment he darted up the well and across the ceiling, and when peace was once more restored the strange•lizard was beating it hasty retreat, mime, a talIf Tic victor helped biniseef to a. moth as if in recompense for the services wreitiaiddeorwec.1 the little lizard, and then wentback to his territory over the INTERESTING PETS. One night I was eating any dinner very quietly, tenon tee" bright little eyes appeared over the edge of my plate, and gradually the head of a lizard emerged from the shadow, till the silky white throat, puffing out at every breath, and the red forked tongue, flashing in the lamplight like a tiny sword, were plainly visible. The litele fellow 100103(1 3110 squarely in the eyes, turned his head irdm side to side with a balf curious, pheail.fed adwoauybting air, and then scam - The next night iny visitor return- ed and ate it morsel of chicken that had placed behind a Male bottle, en any 'guest playing hide-ancl-seek nAecirlien: ygthat, we always dined togete- mill:aid:811es until 1 had finish - After Minter, when the servant, WOO gone and' the room was still, my little friend became bolder, some- times catching all unwary. fly with- in no hich of 11131 hand.; As soon as he spied a fly he would crouch and lash his tail, exactly as it cat does when it sees a mouse. Inch by inch Ito wend creep forward, crouching low and remaining perfectly still if the fly- showed any Signs of 0)0e0.81- 11018, and after a, moment raising his head to see If it was wise to make another advance, IThen about with - ;n six inches of his prey he would hurl himself upon it with 11 =Pita Ly that the eye could not follow, :Few, indeed, WC1.0 1110 flies that escaped - this deadly Male One night My pet brough rt. pot with him. They came down the wall with many misgivings, ecurrying back to their retreat at the slight- est distorbence. Evidently my regu- lar vieitor wee ;the male arid the newcomer nea.s hie mate, He made many trine between the well and the table before lie could persuade las better -half to vetteure over, but in otlteoleuilois,he came ana, ate her share ichi After considerable practice the two lizards Marilee to come to me when- ever T chirped to them. If I held my hand perfectly 5.1l1, the male would' eiet hie chielsen from my fia- gore, bet never; could persuade ide wife to IX SO indiscreet,. While he Nene nibbling the chicken she would wog het tail slowly, repined het. four little bied-likafect in readiness for flight„ and watch dosely 'for any show of treechery on my 'part. The English sovereigtt' was • fleet coined in 1626, , Previous ' that ' date the noble, value 15 shillings, Was the meet voleable 131'ilesh coin. •