HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-6-12, Page 1Vol. 80. No, 48 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1902 New advertisements. Local—J. JaAeon. Lost--Qneeu'a Hotel. Brunetti Oolebration, Potato bngo—Jac, Fox. Notice—Phillip Grandine, For Bale—Rev, G. J, Abey, Summer Waists A, Strachan, June Millinery—Mteeee Habkirk. New Dry Goods Store -0 rover & Co. Carpets and curtains—ltluIiinnpu do Co, Bolting Powder—E. B. Hureley & Oo, ipxstrict ekvs. ti loderi431t. Last week D, MoG(Ilioaddy wee, at Hamilton on a bueineee trip. County Court was on this week and the Assizes will commence on Monday, 16th. Mrs. John G. Stiven, a former resident of Goderiah, died on May 14th et Mauitoa, Man., at the age of forty -aloe years. Last Sondey the members of the 0. 0, F. Court in thie place attended StGeorge'e church in a body and were addressed by Rev. M, Turnbull, the rector, Clan ton. A movement is on foot for improve. mute kt the town cemetery. Quite a quantity of cement walk will be put down here this Summer. Dr. Gunn was away at Toronto and Kingston attending medical examinations. Ha has bought the lot adjoining the Era office and•will ereot a hoepital there it in said. CANADIAN'' 'A C i F;Ifi; WILL RUN • Home -Seekers' i;r„ Excursions TO THE CANADIAN NORTH-WEST AT RETURN FARES Winnipeg , W aekede, Estovan Elgin r le A ao Moosomin Alneonrth BMoosejaw egins } $SU Yorktoa , 28 Pr. Albert1F Macleod .:1 todo "r 001017 g ry Mlnlota Red Deer ...W�� Grand View Shaft - 0011a...1$40 River _ oona,.. Going JUNE Ord, returning •until AUGUST 4th (all rail or S.S. Alberto). Going JUNE 24111, returning until AUGUST 28113. (all rail or 8. 8. Alberta). Going JULY leth,'return- Ing until SEPTEMBER 1610 (all rail or 8. 8. Alberto). Tickets are not good on "Imperial Limited." For tickets and pamphlet giving full particulars, apply to your nearest Can- adian Pacific Agent, or to A. H. NOTMAN, Aest: Gen.Paes. Agt., 1 King Street East, Toronto. The Doherty Organ factory oloeee down every Saturday afternoon during the Summer; Let Week J, P. and Mrs, Ttedall end 50118 went to Toronto on ,the fcrmtr'e automobile. The Jackson Clothing House bee organ. ized a bane ball team and will whoop it up for opposing clubs. Robs, Dian mot with an accident to hie right hand while getting off the train al the depot here, Hie valise ought and be fell, An egg weighing 4 ounces was brought to J. W. Irwin'a store by Mre, Thomas Mair, of Londeeboro. It was in a nompeti• tion and this lady reoeived $1. armee sto wn . e Box Sooten,—Tbe sewing eirale of the W. F, (11:, B. of Melville church, Brunets, held a sooial at Jamestown in Victoria Hall, Tuesday evening of this week. The program was ae follows :—Inetrumentel, T. A. Hawkins ; Chairman's addreee, Time. Straohen ; Quartette, Minn Forbes and Habkirk sod Meson. Strachan and Hawkins ; Recitation, Mies Brook ; Quartette, Misses Strachan and Taylor and Messrs. Straohan and Eokmier ; Solo, Mre. E. Uober;Reading, G: F. Blair; Quartette, "Little Cotton Dolly" Minn Crooke, Habkirk, Ritchie and Roes I In. etrnmeutal, Meagre Scott and Wright; Quartette, Miens Forbee, sad Habkirk and Meagre. Strachan and Hawkins. The sooial was a grand anooees, proceeds amounting to • $20.00 which will be applied on the box of clothing now being prepared by the airole to be sent to the Iudiane. • Belga -rave. Rev. A. I. Brown was away to Sarnia this week attending the annual Oonfrr• enye of the Methodist ehurob. Rev. Mr. McQuillin, of Blyth, will conduct a coronation service iu Trinity Church at 2 80 p. m„ on June 26th.. WEDDING BELLE.—The prettieet wedd• ing of the season took plane in Trinity ehurob, Belgrave, on Wednesday, May Met, when, in the preeeooe of 175 invited Ponta, Min Mary A. Nethery, fourth daughter of Jae. Nethery, was united fn the holy bonds of matrimony to Robt. Owens, a proeperoae young farmer, near Beigtave. The ceremony wets preformed by Rev, Geo MaQaillian, of Blyth. The bride was beautifully attired in white Metre trimmed with white satin and wore a veil of tulle fastened with a wreath of tittles of the valley, and carried a bonnet of white fillies. She wee attended by here sister, Mise Tillie, who wore a most ,becoming costume of oream earth. mere with cream satin and applique trimm(nee, and oarried a bognet of red rosea. The groom was aeaieted by his oouein, Harry McCrea. Tbe wedding maroh was played by Mies A. Nethery, oouein of the bride. After the ceremony the wedding party drove to the reeidenoe o! the bride's father, where a dainty dejeuner was awaiting them on the lawn. Nnmeroue and toady were the Otte bo. stowed upon the bride. They will live on the 9th oon., East Wawanosh, eneidet the Well wishes of their many Meade, W r•oaceeter . Where are our old base bell and football clubs of ye olden time ? Co. Councillor Miller wan away to Goderiah lest week attending the Co. Council. Rey. A. T, MoKelvie was away to eon. ference last week et Sarnia. His pulpits Were eopplled by Mr. Smith, 0f Brunets. Mies Hazlewood it now assistant in tbe offing of W. S. Me$eroher, secretary of the Howiok Fire Insurance Co. It ie a berry spot. ' Rev. Mr, Davidson, formerly of Wrox- eter. now located at Blake in Stsuley townebip, end Ole wife are away to Soot- land on a pleasure trip for a few months, VIr ILP to 111 . Mrs, W. E. Cummings is vieiting at at R, M, Cummings. A large number of Waltoniaue did not • attend the pionio last Saturday. Brussels Celebration on the 26th Inst. will attract a number of Waltoniano. A number from Walton took in the Garden Party at Somerville'; on Tuesday eve. Charles Bennett, of Port Rowan, has been engaged by Humphriee & Son ae blacksmith. Some of the Walton sports will witness the Galt ve, Herons matoh in Sealorth on Friday. Rev. Chas. R. Carsoallen, 13, A., is to be the Methodiet minieler for the next conference year, Mre. Kargee, who bae been visiting her piranha returned to her home in London on Saturday. Her sister accompanied her. Don't forget the Duff's church Garden Party on Monday evening. Extensive preparations are being made for the en- tertainment of those who attend. East Huron Farmers' Exoareion will run to Gnelph on Thursday of next week. Train will leave Brunets at 7.18 a, m., and returning, will leave at 6 p.' m. Return ticket good for 2 days only 0115. Quite a number from here talk of going to the Royal city. At the Preebyterinn manse, Edgmond. ville, ou Wednesday llth inst., by Rev. Shaw, Theodore Holland, one of our popular young farmers was united in marriage to Sarah, youngest daughter of the late David Stuart, The happy coop e will reeide on the bridegroom', farm West of Walton, and a large circle of friends wieb them bappineee and prosperity. At the -Hamilton Conference last week an announcement of muoh satisfaction to the Oonferenoe was made by Rev. R. 1. Elliott, of Norwich. Some time ago Rev. T. J. Sabine, of Otterville, formerly of Walton, wae stricken withparalysteetend a circular was sent out for contributions far the support of hie wife and family. The result was that a abort time ago Mr. E,liott went to Otterville and preeented Coronation Day JUN= 26 WILL BE CELEBRATED IN BRUSSELS IN ROYAL STA. LE 33rd Regimont Band Will furnish • Music during the Day. Two Foot Ball Matches, A Lacrosse Match And Base Ball Match Will be played. Some of the Best Teams in the District will be here that day. Fireworks in the Evening g BRUSS'ELS. -COME TO'- ON 26 Admissions to Park, only 10 Cents. J T. Ross, Prost Grt F. Blalr, Trees ..Jest Irwin, Sec Mre, Sabine with the deed of a home, free of debt, which had poet over 01,,200. Mr. Ssbine'e many old blender here would rejoice to beer of hie recovery. l:3lseevet lte, Whitfield Jermyn, who wag critically ill le alightly improved. Mies Laura Snell intends leaving on Friday for Comic, Michigan, where she hag enured a eitnation, Mre. John Burgess, Misses Mabel 011. ver and Mary King took in the exonroion to Owen Sound on Wednesday. Joe. Burgeee, T. Stewart and W, J. Johnston, of Blunts, are away to Owen Sound attending the Sigh Court of the Canadian Order of Foreetere. There will not be nevem in the Presley, tartan Church next Sabbath owing to the pastor, Rev. W. J. Weet, attending the General Aeeembly e4 Toronto and also viaitipg at Whitby. The meeting of the Obrietian. Endes. vor which was held after the Sunday evening eervioe in the Presbyterian ohuroh has been expended for the Sam. mer months and will be resumed in Sep. heather. A Garden Party will be held on the lawn of Henry Diement, Blaevale Road, on Friday June 20th under the aaepioee of the Presbyterian church a good pro. gram of epeeohes, vocal and instrumental indite also mule by Locknow Band, Tea served from 6 to 9 p. m. A:emit brooIC. Keep your eyes open for another wedding. Model Farm excursion to Gnelph on Thursday of next week. Quite a contin- gent in thie locality talk of caking it in. Our oongratalatione are extended to Thos. T. McRae, over tbe euoceee attend• ing pie exam. in the first year of hie medical course at Toronto. John McNabb is away to Owen Sound this week attending the High Court of the Canadian Order of Foreetere ae the representative of Court Woodbine, Oran• brook. , Sauoor REPORT.—Following is monthly report: -5 Clue—Annie Cunningham, W. Cameron and Rueeel Porter (aqua ) Mica McRae. Sr. IV.—A. McQuarrie, W. Long, R. McDonald, M. Porter, E. Hunter, M. Menarey. Jr. IV. Allie Forrest, E. Hnether, W. Smalldon, F, Hunter, A.Alderson. Sr. III—Amelia McInnis, M. MoDonald, 0. Steles, H. Menzies, M. Spading, R. Ononingham, A, Gordon, V. Alderson. Jr, III—I. Sharpe, M. MoDonald, T. Smalldon. Jr. Dept. Sr. II—H. McDonald, E. Hunter, 0. Schnook, L. Better, M. McNichol, 8, Aldereoo, V. Spading, R. Alderson, J. Fieober, M. Fox. Jr. II—A. Dark, A. Fox, D. Perrie, L. Lamont, Part II—V. Long, D. Lamont, G. Schnook, J. Baker, 0. Fieober, H. Smalldon. G. Smalldon, W. Baker, N. Raymano, • Sr. I-3. Men zie, O. Fischer, E. Smalldon. Jr. I— M. Sperling, B. Alderson, L. McDonald, L. Sperling, L. Perrie, L. Dark, A. Kreuter, F. Fischer,. R. Fox. Mug MARGARET CALDER, Teacher. 80tlee"1. Exoureion to Model Farm, Guelph, on Theraday of next week. Return fare $1 15. Train leaves at 7:28 a. m. Richard Pearson wail away during the pant week attending the Methodist Ooo• Terence at Sarnia as delegate from Ethel circuit, Thin week Robert McDonald ie attend- ing the 0. 0. F. High Court at Owen Sound. He ie the repreeentative of Conrt Ethel. At the next Provinoial election we bespeak the position, of Coueervative oandidate for Eget Huron for Geo. M. Mitchell, of our village. Rev. J. L. Stewart, B. A., formerly of Ude plane, was ordained at the London Conference, held at Sarnia last Sunday and will be eent as a missionary to Chine. Ho will be supported by the Epworth Leagues of Sarnia and Exeter districts. SonooL REPORT.—SohooliReport for the month of May is as follows :—Sr. Dept. —Jr. 3rd. olaes, Examined in Arith„ Spell„ Read., Geog., and Comp. Total 360 M. Slemmon 314 ; K. MoLeod 253 1 D. Wanner 239 ; E. Eokmier 215 ; E. McBee 212 G. McKee 151. Sr. 3rd olaee,—Examined in Arith., Spell., Read., Gram. and Hist. Total 450.—L. Cham• bed 351; N. Simpson, 326 ; M. Imlay 315 ; B. Eokmier 243 ; L. Eakmier 240 ; I. Hogarth 238 ; W. Brown 234 ; T. Mo - Allister 220 ; E. Freeman 219 ; I[, Coates 209 ; H. Wilbee 206 1 M. MOAllum 203, Jr, 41b,—Examined in Arith,, Spell., Read., Gram., Hist. Total 500.—M. Os- borne 387 ; W. McAllister 377 ; G. Wan. nor 302; L. MoLeod 295; W. Badgley 244 ; A MoDonald 240 ; Geo. Dunbar 25. Sr. 4th,—Examined in Spell., Gram., Hist., Read. and Arith. Total 550.—E. Hausuld 830 ; L Simpeon 250 ; E Maeon 248 ; M. MoAllioter 218; G. Gill 197 ; E. MoAllieter 195 ; 0. Reynerd 195 ; B. McKee 162 ; L, Fogal 80. 5th.—Exam. ined in Aritb.,Bk.•Kpg„ Gram., Hiet,— Total500.—G.Imlay 326; G. Eokmier 273 ; D. Davies 272. GEo, Donau, Teaober. Report for Junior Department during the month of May. Sr. IL—Pearl Brem• net 86 ; Grace Me/Glister 85 t Florence Imlay 84 ; Beatrice Bateman 81 ; Nellie McAllister 81 ; Webster Pearson 80; Elele Dunbar 78 ; Lizzie Cooper 75 ; James McCallum 69 ; Winnie Barr 63. Jr. II.—Ruseeil Love 86 Laidlaw Straohan 83 ; Vinay McLeod 74; ; Charles Haneeld 73 ; Oarnel Davidson 71 ; Roy Eokmier 67 ; Roes Fraser 66 ; George Badgly 65 ; Annie Cooper 56 ; Harry Eokmier 48 ; Joseph Pearson 45, Pt. IL -Alvin McKee 85 ; Alva Fletcher 80 ; Irene Heath 80 ; Oeleetine Dane 79 • ' Joe Cooper 66 ;Russell Wilbee absent.Sr. I.— Roy Gill 100 ; Elwin Thompson 80 ;, Ethel Gardiner 76 ; Allan McAllister 64 ; Wilfrid Eokmier 46. Jr. 1.—James' Bremner, Rosie Coates, Herman Fogal, Cecil Eokmier, Aubrey Dobson, Elwin Dobson, Alex Fraser, Wesley Yeo, 0(1!. ford Dunbar, Charles Davidson, Vera MoOaul Florence:McCallum Pearl McKee, Pearl Gill, Virda Pollard, Annie McAllie• ter, Freda Freeman, Alice Barr, Elwin McLeod, Victor Pierson. B; Oe,tnEeoN, ToAelter. W, R. KERR, Prop, LONDON METHODIST CON- FERENCE. SUCCESSFUL MEETING Al' SARNIA, The ministerial session of the London Methodist oonferenoe convened in the Central Methodiet (thumb, Sarnia, Tuee. day of last week, Rev, Jae. Livingstone; of Windsor in the chair, After devotional exercises the roll was called and 103 min. Were anewered to their names. The followicg were transferred into the conference —Rave. A. Brown, 'Toa, Manning, J. H. Oliver, 13. M. Wanting. W. J. Mortimore, by authority of the missionary authorities, 1100 gone to China during the year. Revs. E. Kershaw, T. jar/keen, W, Ayeare, Dr. Willoughby, W Fonaher were recommended to the committee on con- ference relations, asking for permanent enperanuatipn. The following are recommended for one year :—Beve. John Rowell, Wm. Quanoe, Ohae. V. Lake, E. Kershaw, J. Deacon. The conference rose ae a body on the announcement of the peace proclamation - and sang "God Save the King" and the Doxology. Rev, Ralph Steele, of the London dis, riot, sent in his resignation through the dietriat meeting, and was accepted. Credentials of standing were granted to Gerald Willoughby, Rev, D. W. Harvey, a probationer, was granted oredentiala of standing, The following young men were reoom. mended to be received into full connexion and ordained ;—R. Joeeph Coulter ; Rev. J. W, Mortimore, (who was ordained by the conference speoial committee during the year, with a view to mission work in China), was received into full connexion ; A. O. Farrell, J. L. Stewart, B. D., T. Steadman, 0. R. Oareoallen. Probationers of four years :—W. A. Findlay, John F. Knight. Probationers of three years :—Clayton Moorehouae, Amos Thomas, C. R. Mor- row, J. E. Hunter, Anson Moorehonse, Wm. Conway, J. H. Austerhaut, B. A., Thos. Philips. Probationers of Iwo years :—J, H. Beer, Chas, J. Wilson, Wm. A. Gifford, Ed- ward A. Walden, John H. JohnstonB. A. H. F. Kennedy,F. W. Langford, Geo. W. W. Rivera Robt. Hicks. Probationers of one year :—Chas. 3. Wilson, Wm. L. Hiles, A. W. Budd. The S. S. and E. L. anniversary wae held in Devine street church, Tuesday evening. Rev. G. H. Cobblediok was in the chair. Tbe speakers were Revs. J. E. Holmes, of Granton ; Russell and F. E. Malott. Tbe following young men were received as oandidatee for -the ministry :—Geo. H. Tuokey, St. Johu'e ; M. E. Madden, Thorndale ; Chas. Dawn ; Wm. H. Har. ria, Pt. Edward ; R. S. Baker, B. A., Oamlachie •,J. A. Agnew, Rutherford. Rev. Dr. Bnrwaeh gave a most encour- aging report of the year's work at Torun. to. The year enrolled 316 students. The graduating class numbered 32. A num- ber o! the graduating class are going to West China and Japan to engage in mis- sionary work. 'The intellectual and epiri• tual work of the year has been most grad.. fying. On behalf of Dr. Potts he Y � re- P g !anted elle finanoialreport, showing the year's work conducted without a deficit. An addition of property, amountiog to $63,000, has been added, upon which was paid $23,000. The building for ladies' residence has been undertaken during the year. Four yeara ago the assets were $600,000, to day they are $900,000. The library now oompoees 3,000 bound volnmee and 20,000 pamphlets. Dr. Mugge was heartily welcomed, and spoke of the good work of the Theological College in Montreal. .3. resolution was; unanimously adopted expressing sincere regret that through the action of the transfer committee Reve. G. W. Henderson, R. Whiting, B. A„ H. Irvine and J. P. Rine have been transfer- red out of the London oonferenoe to other notions of the work. Revs. G. W. Henderson and R. Whit- ing made very feeling and suitable replies in taking farewell of the conference. Revs. Dr. Leonard and Baldwin, of Port Huron, were introduced, and briefly addressed the conference. Rev. 0. W. Brown, B. D., of Exeter, read the pastoral address of tbe conference to the churches under her care, and it was ordered to be printed in the minutes of oonferenoe. Superanaated ministers :—Rave. J. H. Orme, Jae. Kennedy, W. W. Williams, Geo. Brown, D. Ryan, W. H. Mess, E. Middleton, W. C. Beer, G. Bennett, E. Holmes, L. W. Wiokett, J. Learoyd, J. P. Morden, W. McDonagh, G. Smith, J. Kenner, W. S. Bnrwash, F.M. Smith, R. Paul, B. Sherlock, W. W. Lush, H. D. Newcombe, J, Neelande, W. Hayhurst, Wm. Huggins, W. Willimott, J. H. Stin- son, E. Peasant, M. Griffin, N. R. Wil. loughby, J. Reynolds, R. Sanderson, A. Scratch, 0. Burdette, D. Pomeroy, C. Creighton, J. R. Phillips, R. C. Parson, T. L. Mo0utcheon. Rev. A. L. Ruesel, B. D., was elected President ; Rev. A. K. Birks, Secretary, and Revs, W. E. Kerr and T. E. Harri- son Assistant Secretaries,. There was a goodly attendance of both ministers and laymen. Business was pushed along at a fair rate and Conference closed on Tuee. day. On account of General Conference coming on next Fell considerable more bueineee was neoeeearily transacted. Evangelists Russell, Crossley and Hun- ter conducted Bible readings each morn- ing which were greatly enjoyed. The next Conference will be held in June,1903,, in the town of Wingham.- In the Ordi- nation class last Sabbath were the follow - tog young men :—Joseph Coulter, A. C. Farrell, J. L. Stewart, T. A. Steadman and 0, R. Carnelian. Two of them have volunteered for the Mission field in China. Rev. Jas. Livingstone, ex President, preached the Ordination sermon and Rev. Dr. Candice, editor the Guardian, ocatipied the pulpit in the evening. The various anniversary meetings were largely attended and addreaeee of a high order delivered. Following aro 501320 pnrtiou. Tare concerning Methodist pablioatione —The merohaodlne department eltowed an increase in sales of $2,138 ; the in. crease in tate printing department was $707, and in the bindery there was a depreaee of 272 in the circulation of The Guardian, which, however, reaches up, ward of 20,000 families every week, and an increase of 122 and 434 in that of The Methodist Magazine and Epworth Era reepeotfuliy. The Sunday sohool papere, under the charge of Dr. Withrow, ebowed an increased circulation of 9,643. Tbe increase in the inoome from periodicals from subscriptions and advertisements was $3,900, and with a total increased revenue from all Bourne of $6,892 there was only tin increase of $240 in the net profits. The proportionate reduotion in the net profite Ma due to the large in - omen in wages in every branch of the manufacturing department. The appro. priation from profits of the Book Room to the euperanuation fund last year was 512,000, and for the quadrennium $43,- 500, as against $31,000 for the previous quadrenninm, a total inorease of $12,600 during the past four years. Sarnia town officials expressed cordial greeting to the Conference and the G. T. R. gave the delegates a complimentary trip through the great tunnel under the river. The following compose the examining board for the year :—Rev. A. L. Russell, B. D. ; E. N. Baker, M. A. ; Jasper Wil- son, M. A.: J. R. Gundy, D. D. ; 0. W. Brown, B. D. ; A. H. Going, B. A. ; A. K. Birks, B. A. ; W. R. Young, D. D. The following young men were appoint- ed to attend college ;—Clayton Moore - house, A. Thomas, J. E. Hunter, 0. R. Morrow, Wm. Conway, A. Moorelhouse, C. J. Wilson, Wm. A. Gifford, W. A. Findlay, W. A. Waldon, Geo. W. W. Rivers, B. A., J. Ouetorhaut, J. F. Knight, H. M. Kennedy, Thos. Philp and T. Langford. The report of the board of Alma Col- lege, St. Thomas, set forth that the total number of students amounted to 138, a slight increase on the previous year. The debt had been reduced through benefao- tfone by about $19,000. Considerable sums had been expended upon further equipping the college. It was stated that at the next General Conference permis- sion would be asked to admit women to the Board of Management. In giving the Missionary financial state - mens Dr. Henderson said that of twent - nine dYietricte that had reported d p to all but four had advanced their returns. Seven districts in Toronto had advanced $1,025, seven districts in Hamilton Confereuce had advanced 5569, two districts being behind, four dietricte of London Confer- ence had advanced 81,876, seven dietricte of the Bay of Quints Conferenoe, only ODE being behind, had advanced 51,071, and four districts in the British Colony bin Conference had advanced 5517. There had been an average advance of $160 per district. (Cheers.) The Sudbury die- triot had inoreaeed from $328 last year to $724 this year. The degaoy account amounted to 518,276, an increase of $14,318, and if the advance continued at the same ratio they would come within eight of the high•water mark, $300,000. Last year they owed the bank $80,000, end this year the bank owed them $18,000. The following ministerial delegates to the General were elected Conference A. L. Russell, A. 0. Oonrtice, Jasper Wilson, E. N. Baker, J. R. Gandy, J. Livingstone, Dr. Going, T. F. Scott, A. Hobbs, A. K. Birks, A. H. Going, Dr. Hannon, S. Bond, J. W. Holmes, 0. W. Brown, T. T. Georfie, W. Godwin, Geo. Jaokeon, Geo. Daniels, J. E. Ford. Rev. W. J. Ford was elected as reserve men, Revs. Walter Rigel)), and J. Philp as al- ternatives. The following lay delegates were elected to the General Conference :—J. H. Chap- man, Wm. Wyatt, London ; Thomas Magwood, Poole ; Richard Babb, Mit- chell ; John Joidt, Lucknow ; H. D. Fisher, Tiverton ; R. McKenzie, Gode- rich ; R. Holmes, M. P., Clinton ; T.B. Taylor, Watford ; R. M. Calder, M. D., Petrolea ; W. F. Lawrence, Sarnia ; W. J, Fawcett, Brighton ; Colin Wigle, Areheretbnrg ; J. M. Hicks, Essex 1 A. W. Humphries, Parkhill ; H. P. Wright, Dresden ; W. A. Gienell, Ridgetown ; J. W. Wateworth, Woodgreen ; John W. Hopkins, Brownsville ; J. C. Dance, Kingsmill ; reserve, George A. Stanley, Lncan ; alternates, W. H. Westman, Chatham ; W. J. Ferguson, Stratford ; representative to the Board of Missions, A. Venning, Belmont. Following is a partial list of the final draft of the London Methodist Conference to come into effect on July let next :— Wingham dietriot.—Wingbam, Richard Hobbs ; Kincardine, Joseph Philp, B D ; Luoknow, A G Harris; Brussels, T W Coeene ; Teeewater, G J Kerr ; Ethel, 0 P Wells, B A,13 D ; Fordwich,) Rogers ; Gerrie, R J Garbutt, L L B; Wroxeter, I A McKelvey, 5 'T L ; Bluevale, F Swann ; Ashfield, F J Oaten, M A, (Ltecknow) • Salem, '8' E Sawyer, (Tees - water) ; Bethel, S V R Pentland, (Pine River) 1 Ripley. R I Hooking ; Berme, W R Vanoe 1 Tiverton, E W Edwarde, B A, B D ; Whitechuroh, 0 0 Kaine ; Bei - grave, A • H Brown, B A, B D; reoom• mended to college, 0 J Wilson. Stratford district.—Stratford, (Central) E N Baker, M A, B D; Stratford (Wet• erloo Street), A H Going, B A ; St Mary's, T Manning, B A; Mitchell, 0 W Brown, B A, B D ; Listowel, J H Oliver ; Mil- verton, R H Barnby, B D ; Trowbridge, R Phillips ; Wallace, L Bartlett, (Leba- non); Atwood, Wm Penhall; Monkton, Henry E Currie ; Staffs, John Render- son ; Fullerton, J A Ferguson (Raymond S Baker ; Harmony, G H Johnson ; Embro, Sylvester L Toll, B A ; Welborn, Humphrey A Graham, B A ; Kintore, R L Wilson ; recommended to college, William Conway, Anson Moorebouee. Goderioh distriot. — Goderioh (North Street), G Daniel, Al A, Ph B ; Goderioh (Victoria Street), J W Robinson ; Olin. ton (Wesley Church), H M Manning ; Clinton (Ontario Stteet), G A Gifford; Seatorth, I B Wallwin, B A; Relines - vine, J Humor ; Blyth, John Eolmee ; Dungannon, T R MoNair ; Nile, M J Wilson, B A ; Benmillor, E A Shaw ; Auburn,'1' B Coupland ; Walton, 0 R Carnelian, 13 A ; Londetboro', J Ken. nedy, B D ; Tuokeremith to be tdpplied under Superintendent of Seefortlh; Bay. field, J 0 Yellaud ; Varna, le A. Miller ; recommeodod to oolloge, W A Findlay, W A Gifford. Exeter dietriot.-Eateter (Alain Street), R Millyard ; Exeter (James Street), J Hannon, ll D ; Parkhill, W Rigsby ; Elimville, W 18 Cooper, (one to be sent) ; Centreline B L Hutton • Heneall, .0 Medd ; Kippon, Z' E Mellott, B A, 13 D, (Heneall) ; Crediton, R W Knowles ; Grand Bend, A Thibaudeatt (Corbett) ; Sylvan, J W Andrews, (Parkhill) ; Ailsa Craig, 5 Knott 1 ]3irr; T 0 Sltuderecu ; Lunn, J A Apiarist, B At Granton, 3E3 Holmes; Woodham, J Hart ; Ktrltton, 13 A Anderson ; reoommebded to college, W A Walden. Mrs. Adam Sholdioe ie visiting her daughter near -Listowel this week. Dantean Taylor, 3rd can:, had a barn raising last week. He's a progrese(Oe farmer. The stonework is &niched for the ad. ditioo to be mode to Wm. Work's bout, North of Breese's. The pionio in connection with Mine Downing's sohool was not held on Seeur• day haat owing to rain interfering. H. Attwood, Mies Annie and Amos were vieiting during the past week at Bayfield. Mise Attwood has not been in good health this Spring but we lupe she will soon regain her anal health. Annual pionio of S. S. No. 3 will be held on Saturday afternoon, 23et inst., in the grove on the farm of John Smith, 6th con, The program will consist of games, swinge, refreshments, &c. A good time ie expected. Mies Betz, 121h con., has been some- what disabled by a badly sprained arm occasioned by a fall. She wae euffibiently recovered, however, to attend a wedding of a cousin at Goderioh on Wedneedny accompanied by her brother. RervRT.—Following is the school report for peat month for S. S. No. 1, Grey ;- 6th Olaee—B. Armstrong 62, L. Dickson 46. Sr. IV—E. Blake 80, F. Davideou 76, J. Randa 58, W. Stevenson 50. Jr. LV—M. Boggard 52, A. Glassier 42,Annie Glassier 40. Sr. III—L. Blake 80, S. Armstrong 75, H. Rozell 68, J. Stevenson 68, F. Lawson 52, L. Grant 60. Jr. III— J. Diokeon 88, John Dickson 85, G. Hoover 80, J. Armstrong 08, B. Stevenson 60, M. Duncanson 52. II Clan—Fred: Arnett 85, Fanny A loock 80,L. Hoover 76, M. Stevenson 72, A. Gout 68, 0. Armstrong 62, J. MoOallum 52, L. Switzer 48, R. Gregg 42, Part II—W. Hoover, L. Glassier, 0. Dickson, H. Hoover, A. Engle. Part I—J. Arnett, W. Hollinger, J. Stevenson. Mien ANNIE KING, Teaober. OMT.—Last Sabbath morning ebent 8 o'olook the spirit of Margaret Moses, relict of the late James Gibson, paseed away from the home of ber daughter, Mrs. R. J. Hoover, 9-h con. Mre. Gibson had been ailing with dropsy and Bright's disease since last Fall and despite all that could he done by phyeioians and loving friends proved fruitless. She was in her 70th year, Deceased was born in Glee• gow, Scotland, -and came to America when about 12 years of age along with the family. They lived for 8 years in Maseachoeettee, U. S., where the subject of this notioe was employed in the cotton mills. The familymoved d form there to ov Morrie township over 40 years ago, She was married to Jas. Gtbaon, of Morris, in 1872. Two children survive ber viz.— Peter, who is a conductor on the Hamil- ton and Beameville Eleotric railway, and Mrs. Hoover, who recently moved to this township from Wawanosh. Deceased held adherenoe to the Presbyterian chnreb and enjoyed the esteem of a large oirole of reletivoe and friends. The funeral took place to Brussels cemetery on Tues- day afternoon. 1Morrtrs. Road wont oomee next. Sheep ehearing ie at hand. Brunets celebration on Thursday, 26111, will catch the Morrieites all right. A. Conon', barn ie almost finished. It was raised on Wednesday of tact week. Mice Mabel Hall, of Alpena, Mich„ ie visiting her uncle and aunt Jas. and Mre. Hall, 610 line. A new hog pen bae been pnt op by Joo. Carrie, 410 line, and Albert Crooks, of the same line, is also building one. The barn at K. MoKenzie'e farm, 4th line, has been raised and a atone etabling is being built under it which will be a big improvement. We heartily oongratnlate Don. Me - Kenzie on enaceesfally passing his let year's examination in Medicine and wish bim great enooese iu hie course. The framers are baey gelling the tim- ber ready for Alex. Nichol's new barn. Tbe raising will tette plaoe on Friday of this week. Geo. Heaney, of Blnevale, bae the centred. Mre. Oroxall, of ilsbridge, is here on a visit with her sister, Mrs, Jno. Mooney, and other relatives and friende. She end Mre. Mooney are away for a holiday trip Northward this week. A. G. Easom, formerly of Sunshine, who removed to Goderiah townebip lest Spring, bas been somewhat disabled by a harrow injuring one of bio feet, We hope be will soon be ae well ee ever. A foot ball match was played on Moue day evening between teams representing the 4th and 5th lines of the township. After a vigorous struggle the game re- eblted in a tie, 2-2, George Ferguson was the referee. Game was otphered out on the farm of Wm. Bryahe, At the Methodist Oonferenae, held der- ing the past week in Sarnia, a new Preeident was °looted in the person of Rev, A. L, Rumeell, B. A., of Highgate, known to a good many in the Northerly 000110n of this township. Mre. Bussell i8 a daughter of the late Jonatban Dulmago, formerly of the let line, and Is a sister to Mrs. Leonard Ruttan. We with Presid. ent Rneeell a pleneant and eucoeesful year in the chair. Owing to the coronation, Sir Charles Rivere•Wilsonillnot w visit Canada until July. Rev, 3, D. Freeman of St. John hag ae- oepted the oell to Bloor Street Baptist Oburoh, Toronto,