The Brussels Post, 1902-6-5, Page 8BLU,:STON
9o. per Ib. in quantities. Full direction l3 for,
nibhed for spraying,
• "u;
7�a k•
The Best English Quality for 25e per ib.
00010000 EXTENSION W. O. & II,
Trains Leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows
GOING 8oUTn Gotten Roamm,
Express 708 am Mail 2.10 p,m
Mixed 9:45 e.m Express 8:17 p.m
Io.Ca1 Repas .CTtliB.
A phial's amang ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it,
MARKET your wool at Brueeele.
Do you nee the Pablio Library ?
Tog Pose circulation keeps growing.
Tars ie Enumeration week at Brussels
HAY crop premien to be luxuriant in
thin locality.
New railway time table on the G. T.R.
on Jane 15th.
Beaune Odd Fellows' Lodge is thriv-
ing well Ibis year.
50 oeots secures THE Pon to 1903.
Don't borrow any longer.
HAY On the Agrioultural Park, Brunets,
is offered for sale by tender. See edvt.
Fool Berm match Thursday evening of
this week. Attend and cheer for the
Tau foot bridge has been stayed and
strengthened and thereby mach in.,
RETURN fare to Model Farm, Guelph,
on June 19, from Brueeele will be 51.15,
tickets good for 2 days.
Geo. BEST and D. 0. Roes have re.
moved their fences and thereby improved
the.appearanoe of their groande.
IN the fall of the chimney on St. Johne'
oharoh iu the storm of May 22nd. the
root of the building Buffered a trine.
BRUSSELS Salt Werke received 5 oars
of coal this week. It taken a large
quantity of feel to keep the plant running
day and night.
Masses. GROVER & Co. have moved into
the Garfield House, Bruesele, tbis week,
and their annoanoemeut may be read in
another column.
M. RICHARDSON ie moving his tailor
shop to the McCaughey block as Mr.
Grover intende utilizing the apnteirs of
the Garfield House.
Pao'. HARcoono hoe asked for samples
of the limestone to be found in the Malt -
laud river here for experimental purposes
in couaeobion with the manufacture of
beet sugar.
TEE Public Library will be open
Tneeday, Thursday and Saturday from
2 to 5 p. m. and on Tneeday and Satur-
day evenings from 7 to 9.30 p, m. daring
the Summer months.
B. Dxeoow bas the contract for hauling
gravel for the corporation. He will be at
it in a few days. There is also several
of grading that will ll be attended to ae
soon as the town teamsters have a elaok
day or two.
0. 0. F. Exooreion to Owen Sound
next Wedueeday under auspices of Wing -
nem Count. Tiokete good for 2 days.
Return fare 5195. Train will leave
Brussels at 7.54 a. m., and will start
back from Owen Sound at 10 p. m.
Some systematic arrangement should
be set on foot for keeping the grass out
on the aides of the streets. It should
either be given to people who will mow
it for the value of the teed or else oot by
the town caretaker. The broken maple
treee ehoald also be removed.
Nab G yon, the 7
year old eon of A. Ooneloy, is becoming
suite a gardener along the vegetable line,
following a regular rotation that keeps
the beds working fall time during the
season. The young gentleman late the
proceeds for hie own enriobment.
Con eratex is made about horses 000051-
onally permitted to run at large witbin
the corporation to the deetruotion of
gardens, lawns &o. Straying cows on the
way to pasture eometime9 leave their
footprints in the sands of well kept
lawns and baa not a tendency to iooreaee
the angel spirit in the owner of the afore.
said grass plot.
Tan New Ontario Edition of the Tor-
onto Daily Star is one of the beet things
of the kind ever published by a Canadian
paper. It presents with all the typo.
graphical neatness possible the reeoeroee,
and development now going on, in what
has aomo to be palled New Ontario.
Whatever the Toronto Star undertakes
it parries through in the very beet way,
and thie last evidence of its enterprise is
another proof of the growing etrength of
that lap -to -date paper.
CELEBRATION.—Tuesday evening a meet•
ink of citizens wag held in the Council
chamber to arrange for the annual
celebration in Brosaele, The following
ofiioere were elected :—Chairman, Reeve
Rose ; Secretory, Jas. Irwin ; Treasurer,
G. F. Blair. Committees were atraek as
follows :—Finance—R. Graham, M. H.
Moore and W. M. Sinclair. Sports—Jas.
Ballantyne, W. A, Tripp and F. Downing.
Printing—Jae. Irwin, Jae. Fox and W.
H. Kerr. Moain—W. Smith, Geo. Rogere
and W, Griffith. Decoration—B. Gerry
and T. Farrow. Grounds—Dano. Mo.
Lauohlin, Harry Mercer, S. Carter, Jno,
Wiibee and W. Robertson. The date
decided upon was Jane 20th. A big push
will be made to have the celebration
compare favorable with itapredeceeore.
Commitbeee meet next Mondey at 8
A. 0. U. W. Friday evening of this
Monsen Sohool Board Friday evening
of next week. t
' Sooc Brussels property likely to obacge
bennebefore loug.
Sore farmare complain of this being a
bad Spring to raise foals.
THE brink work on the Central Hotel
stable is well advanced. It will be a
great building when finished.
Tan recent etorm blew down the flag
staff at the Orange Hall. It cleared Mre.
Harris' residenoe by a alese shave,
COUNTY Council is in 2828100 at Gotta.
rioh and Co. Oonooillors Bowman and
Kerr on tbis Division are in attendance.
BLSTn defeated Wingham at football
at the former place on Friday evening by
2 to 1. It is said Wingham will protest
the game.
KEEP the 12th of July oelebration in
Brussels in remembrance and tell your
friende about it. The 12th comae on
Saturday this year.
Ie your subscription paid up ? Our
thanks are due to a number wbo have
reoently squared off arraeragee. It makes
the Editor feel hilarious.
LenT week THE POST received from
British Colombia two samples of leaves
from a tree mach resembling on maple.
They measured 16x17 inches.
Monne morning the school bell was
rung for some minutes as a sort of local
jubilation over the peace proclamation
between Great Britain and the Boers.
A. Hoanos's ofiioial majority ae M. P. P,
for East Huron is 485. It was 498 in
1898, or a difference of 33. The returns
appear in another column of this week's
Tae members of Brussels Macoabee
Tent and Hive will attend service in St.
Johne ohsroh on Sunday, 16th inst., at
7 p. m., when Rev. G. J. Abet' will preaoh
the annual sermon.
Tau reoent wind storm was a very
practical illustration of the old addage,
'It's an ill wind that blows nobody good."
Destine in shingles and lumber have pro-
fited by the "zephyr" that unroofed eo
many barns.
To accommodate all desirous of attend•
ing the Box finial at Victoria Hall,
Jamestown, next Tuesday evening eon•
veyancee will leave Melville ohurob at
7 o'olook. The eoeial is under the
Women's Foreign Missionary Society.
MESSRS. 80317 AND FRASER have enured
000traote with P. Ameot and Jno.
(lobar & Sons for the inetalling of
Francisco's Fuel Saver and Smoke Con•
enmer, for which they are the agents.
This invention promises to take front
G. T. R. NoTEe.—W. F. Stewart & Son
ebipped a oar of floor ; P. Amens oar of
lambert 4 care Balt by Brussels Salt
Works ; 19 oases of eggs by W. Neal,
Walton, to Montreal ; oar cattle by Geo.
Beet ; oar Doge by A. 0. Dames. Inward
—oar shingles for P. Ament ; oar Hoer
for R. K. Ross.
APrLIcerxoa has been made by W. M.
Sinclair for the supply of ammunition
for the target practice and matohee in
000neotion with Brnseele' Rifle Aesooiat•
ion for this season there is a large
memberehip and after last yeare experi•
ence people will bave a muob better idea
of the work cut out for them at the
THE Beatorth Expositor nye of a for-
mer Brnsselite :—A large number of those
who have plots in the Maitlandbank Deme.
tery have engaged D. MaLeonan, of the
greenhouse, to look after and take Dare
of the plots for them. It would be a
good move it the oemetery authorities
would procure the services of Mr. MoLen-
nen as he would be an exoellent man for
the position, and tbere oan be no question
that snob a person is requited, as the
oemetery has been sadly neglected in the
pact. With a little attention it could be
made a very pretty spot.
Honer JANES asenmed the proprietor.
ship of the American Hotel, Brunie,
last Tuesday. The Blyth Standard of
last week says :--We are sorry to lose
Mr, and Mrs. Jamee from our village, as
they were good oitizene and during their
inoambenoy of the Commercial hotel
they conducted it as a first-class pnblio
should be oondaoted. They are no
strangers to the people of Brussels,
where they lived for many years before
ooming to Blyth, and consequently need
no introduction from no. We join with
their many Mende here in wiebing them
the beet of luck and prosperity in their
latest venture.
annual meeting of the Farmer's Inetitnbe
for the East Riding of Huron was held in
the Council Chamber, Braesels, with the
President, Thos. McMillan, in the chair,
Atter routine business the following of5•
Dere were chosen for the incoming year ;
Pres., Thos, McMillan ;
Vioe•Pree., Jae. Elliott ;
Beo.•Treas., Geo. Hood ;
Directors, Howiok—Robs. Edgar, Thos.
Dineen, David Sanderson ;
Wroxeter.--Jno. Brethanr, Wm. Knox,
R. W. MaLauahlin ;
Turnberry—Tboe. Musgrove, Jae. EI.
liott, J2:10.Kirton ;
Morrie—Joseph Smillie, Wm. Micbi0,
Jno. Shorbreed ;
Brunie—W. H. Kerr, G. F. Blair,
Geo. Thomson ;
McKillop—Peter Kerr, Frank Mo.
Qnaig, Jas. Simpson ;
Hullett—Than, McMillan, J. D Hind,
Jas. Watt;
Grey—Jno, MoTaggart, Amon Smith,
Wm, Perris.
rl" a, l i 04,kisitill, IA t;i N U gs
1'rsnsga parties are popular,
4.NNoem Iheurelon to Model Farm,
Gttalpb, Go and spend g delightful time at
this popular point.
Mons JEAN McLecoarr4N intends giving
hl ueleal Reoitat in the Town Hall June
12th, aseieted by her Brussels pupils,
LEeen5 Football , mateb between
Wingham and Brussels on Vigtoria Park
here Tbureday evening of this week.
A NEW warp fangs will likely be put ap
in front of l3rngeels cemetery as the re.
Deet storm rather put the old board fence
beyond repair,
4 goodly number of Bruseelitesaro
taking coneiderabls nine fu improving
their tempo and premien and the results
are very gratifying and pleasurable to
the visitor,
Ten High Court of the Canadian
Order of Foresters will be held at Owen
Sound next week., W, H. Kerr, of Ton
POST, will represent Court Princess
Alexandria, No. 24, Brunie, at that
W. F. SCOTT, A. Coaeley mad P. Fer•
gason were in Goderioh 1021 Friday
returning the ballot boxes and making
their returns to Returning Officer Sheriff
Reynolds. They drove oat together to
Beaforth and took the train.
TRE Lletowel Bennet of last week says :
A orowd of young people from Brussels
open the 24th here. With the aid of
their baseball beam supporters they kept
things pretty lively for thine on the grand
stand. They oats come again when Lie -
towel next wine from Brussels.
TER Direotore of the East Raton and
Grey Branoh Agricultural Societies will
meet in the Council chamber, Bruseele,
on $atarday, 14th inat., at 2 p. m., for
the purpose of revising Fall Fair prize
lief and attending to other bnsioese in
000neotion with this beetling exhibition,
Ton. MoGneooi attended the Oounoil
meeting last Monday evening relative to
financial assistance in the furtherance of
hie manufactory of lumbermen's tools.
He stated that be expeobed Americas
capital pet into the laminae. The Coun•
oil agreed to go and see the factory and
left the matter over.
Penr'Icumea PEOPLE.—All dieoriminatiog
people when going to Ohioan travel by
the Grand Trunk Railway. The "Inter-
national Limited," leaving Montreal at
nine a. m., and Toronto at five p. m.,
lands the and
in the Windy City at
seven -twenty next morning, invariably on
time to the minute. The a000mmodation
on that train leaves nothing to be
desired,—Toronto Truth.
of oar citizens as could be hastily sum
monad met in Jas, Fox's drue store on
Tneeday evening to meet with Mr. Gard-
ner, representing the Central Lynam
Bareaa, the largest entertainment bureau
on the continent. It was decided, subject
to the approval of the citizens, to plane a
coarse of four concerto before a Brussels
audience. The following talent was se•
cured, also subject to change, if desired :
—The Wesleyan Male Qnartetts ; the
Hawthorn Mneical Club ; the Bostooiao
Ladies' Quartette ; the Wilson, Fry
Speoialty Company. These muerte will
afford attractive entertainment for lovers
of music, vocal and instrumental, elo•
ootioaary and dramatio art. We trust
all oitizene will liberally patronize these
entertainments which will be run in the
iotereet of the village.
"How the weak beootne strong" will be
the topic at the Epworth League neat
Sabbath evening,
Rev, Jno. Holmes addressed the
Epworth League last Sabbath evening on
"The purpose of Hie claming."
Rev. R. Paul will preach next Sabbath
in the Methodist Manch. The pastor will
be at Sarnia attending the anneal Con•
"The Council at Jerusalem" is the
topic of next Sabbath's Sunday eohool
lesson. See notes on page 6 of this
week's lanae.
Melville Church Mission Band will be
addressed on Saturday afternoon by Mise
Campbell, the returned Missionary from
India. Gathering will be held on manes
lawn if weather is favorable.
Rev. P. L. Spencer bas given notice
at the Niagara Synod meeting in Remit.
too on June 11, that he will movelt801 the
clergymen be allowed to use the revised
version of the Soripteres in public eer-
The tbeologioal club, inoonueotion with
membere of Maitland Presbytery, met ab
the manse, Wingham, on Tuesday. They
dismissed Rev. Hugh Black's book "Cult-
ure and Restraint." and Tennyeon'e "Pal•
ane of Art",
The County Endeavor and Sabbath
School Cooverbion will be held in Blyth
en the 18th and 19th inate., first day be-
ing given to 0. E• work. A good pro.
gram will be presented end there will no
doubt be a large attendanoe.
The Montreal Methodist Conference on
Thursday ordered the names of Rev.
Foster MoAmmond and Rev. D. 0. Sand
arson, the two divines whoee`esoapads in
Syracuse caused such a sensation a year
ago, eliminated from the books,
Rev. Canon 0. 0. Jobneon, one of the
beet koowo clergymen in the Episcopal
Winch in Canada, paned away at Wind
ear an Wednesday of last week. He was
a graduate of Old Upper Canada and
Trinity Colleges' and had been in the
ministry over 60 years.
It is stated that Rev. G. 3. Abey may
remove from Bruesele to Pre don. Mr.
Abey has been incumbent hare for the
pasts years and has rendered very efe•
oient service, His removal would be a
source of regret to not only hie parishion-
ers but to many others in this vioiniby
wbo hold Mr. and Mre. Abey in high
Rev. Jno Rose, B, A., woe in hie own
pulpit last Sabbath after hie holiday to
Clifton Springs, N. Y., maoh benefitted
by the rest. His morning text was Acta
2,37 end the evening subject "Lessons
from the lives of Principal Grant and
Dr. Footer" the Scripture oboeen being
"Ono thing I do," Mr. Bose is welcome
Last Sabbath morning in the Meths.
diet oherth Rev, Jno. Holmes dieooareed
from the words in the Lord's prayer,
"Thy will be done on earth as in Heaven."
Mr. Holmes is a firet•olass preacher.
The pulpit in the evening was ocoopied
by Rev. W. E. Kerr, of Amheretburg.
His theme vasa "The Strait Gate."
Japan was the Missionary eabjeot et
the Methodist Sabbath school, Brussels,
last Sunday, in oonneotion with the
monthly Missionary service. Mre, S.
Walker read an excellent paper and Mins
M. Brook gave a very interesting talk on
the map of the Flowery Kingdom, refer.
ring,to the physical features, produobe, re•
ligion, &a. The collection wag 54.00
Bxtended report of Dietriot Sabbath
School Convention and Mioejonttry pop•
Yentione may be read Po Vague 1 and 4
of tbie issue of Tao POST,
41 the moelipg of 1170 Methodist Boob•
Committee, Toronto, held lout wash, it
was thudded to ohmage the form of the
Obrietian Guardian, In ire new form the
Guardian will be a thirty two instead of a
uixteen page paper, as at present, the pages
being ball the wee of the ;anentiseos,
Otherwise ao ohaugo will be tna.le, The
alteration necetlsitatee Bowie (Mange in
the meobanioai egnlpmenb, whfgh is bo.
ing pushed forward as rapidly as possible.
The paper will he oat in Ito new dress
some time during the Bummer, before the
General Conference assembles in Sep.
The Presbytery of Maitland met at
Moleewortb on Tuesday May 2018. Bev.
D. 13. MoRae, of Oanbrook, was appointed
Commiesioner inebead of Rev, Mr, Roes,
R. Elliott, of Molesworth was appointed
e Commieeipner. A resolution expressing
sympathy with Rev. R. Fairbairn in hie
severe ilinese was also tweed. 4. gall
was presented from 3orbh Ktaloee &c.
in favor of Bev. B. J. Smith, of Kirkfield,
and was sustained. Larne of aooeptanoe
the induction was appointed to take place
OD July 5th in Riveredale at 2 p. m.
The regular monthly meeting of Brue-
sele Gounoil wee held last Monday
evening all the members present
except R. Henderson, the Reeve in the
Minutes of last meeting read iced pass-
Aoconnts were presented as followe :—
Alex. MaLouohlin, salary 525 00
N, F. Gerry, Fire Dept. and mis10 06
Moved by J. Donaldson,eeoonded by S.
Wilton that above accounts be paid.
Tenders were received for gravel from
W. Denbow, W. Bird and R. Denbow,
moved by S. Wilton, seconded by N. F.
Gerry that R. Denbow's teuder be act.
ospted, eureened being 60 cents and
unweaned 40 cents per yard.
Court of Revision beelines was thea
taken up. Mrs. 0. Sheriff and G. L.
Ball, appealed for reduotion on hoose and
lot on 111111 etreet assessed at 5450. No.
Great North Western Tel. Go, appealed
against $300. No action.
R. & J. Raneford asked that $1000 be
streak off on personal property as the
arrangement was that Aeeesement be
fixed at $2,500 for 5 years, This was
agreed to by Court.
Court was then closed and the Aeesse.
ment Roll was confirmed.
Oounoil then adjourned.
People We Snow.
Mre. B. Gerry was on the eick list last
Mrs, Robb. MoNanghton keeps very
R. Roche wee home from Listowel over
Mee, P. Scott was visiting in Beatorth
last week.
3. H. and Mre. Oomeron spent Sunday
in Listowel.
Mre, W. F. Stewart was visiting at Bine.
vale last weak,
Minn Maggie and Lena Beaker Son-
dayed in Gorrie.
Mise Lyla Bartliff was in Beatorth for
a day or so this week.
Mrs. Babb, of Teeewater, was visiting at
D. B. Moore's Ibis week.
Joe and George Ardell spent Sunday
last at their home in Gorrie.
N. B. Gerry, wife and daugbters of
Blyth were in town over Sunday.
Mies Keating is visiting her sister, Mre.
(Rev.) Abey, at Bt. John's reotory.
E. Bassett and wife, of Listowel, were
visitors at R. Ham's for a few days.
Mre, (Rev.) Holmes is visiting at Exe•
ter with her eieter, Mrs. (Dr.) Rollins.
Jac). Varooe, of Hullett, was renewing
old friendships in Brussels for a few days.
Mrs. C. H. Bartliff was renewing old
friendehipe at Beafortb daring the past
Mies Olive and Jno. Hill, of Olintnn,
spent Wednesday with Mies Mabel Hay-
Geo. W. Mitohell, wife and baby, of
Ethel spent Sunday with Geo. Colvin and
Fred. Wilson lett for Chicago on Sat-
urday where be has s position. We wish
him 8000588.
Mre. A. Simpson and daughter, of
Antigonish, N. S., is visiting her enter,
Mee. A. Good.
Mrs. Jas. Turnbull and her sister, Mise
White, were visibore at Toronto for a few
days last week.
Hugh Williams was confined in the
house for three or four days this weak
with rheamatiem.
P. Hogg came back from a visit t0 Wel-
lesley on Wednesday of last week to poll
his vote on Thursday.
Mies Eliza Oliver left on Friday for
Theeealon, Algoma, where she will visit
her sister, Mre. W. A. McEwen.
Misses Ida and Mabel Naegle, of An.
burn, were visitore with Mre. I. 0. Riab•
arde for a few days last week.
R Owens and bride, of Brlgravr, were
in Brussels, on Monday, receiving the
oongretalations of old friende.
Councillor Hendereon had one of bie
feet pinched quite severely last Friday
while unloading freight at A. Stracban's
I. 0. Riohards wheeled over to Bay-
field on Sunday and name borne on Mon•
day. He had a shower of rain ae an a0•
oompsniment part of the way on the
home trip.
Walter Smith is away to Manitoba for
a holiday. George Rogers will officiate
as Secretary of the Foresters' Ooort in
his absence.
H, and Mrs. Delon and fami y arrived
fu town from Elmira on Monday of thio
week. Mr. Dolyon is the new proprietor
of the Herald.
Dr. Fred. Gilpin left tbie week for
Owen Sound, where he will aasiet his
enols, Dr. Cavanagh, for the Summer in
hie dental praotice.
Mfrs. A. MuNiobol, Queen street, WEB
called to Shakespeare to the bedside of
her mother who is very low. We hope
for her a speedy recovery.
Mrs, Hannah Ballantyne left for a trip
to Manitoba on Tuesday morning, where
she will visit her daughter and other rel-
ativea and o'd friends. 31re, Ballantyne
will be away two or three mouths probob•
IyRev. W. E. `Kerr, wife and obildren
were visiting here for a few days. They
Dame per boat from Amherstbnrg to
Goderioh reaching Brunets on Thurs-
day evening and left for home on Monday.
8.71dX.D4R.D .Z°4XK OF C74N4D,R,
0AP1'1'.I, PAIS 01' (One Wilson Dollars) • 51,000,000
REST • . 5760,000
.45en0565 in all principal pointe in Ontario, Quobeo, Mats{robe, United Stares 41 Rnplanfs,
igit,grS6WAS eVrei.
.A General Banking Bneineee Traneaoted, Farmers' Notes Djmeonnted,
Drat te Issued and Colleotione made on all pointe.
Interest allowed on deposits of 51.00 and upwards and compounded hall yearly.
Every facility afforded Onabomers living at a dietanoe,
Mono! Orders payabeoaowy gbarnieu-ed U1ne5200.,..,..180o0., 520 t°,513::::11:
Mr. Kerr will atop off at Sarnia and at-
tend Contarenoe,
The Brandon Timee says of a former
Broseelite;—"A. W, H. smith, B. A.,
eon of J..151. Smith, now studying law in
the office of Messrs. Campbell & Craw.
ford; Winnipeg, at the recent University
examination paned hie final in the Fara-
laity of Law, enuring his L, L. B., with
fireb.olaes honors. Oongratulations,
Archie," Mr. Smith bas had a brilliant
oatreer all along and his old friends here
will be pleased to see him olimb the lad•
der of fame.
Business Locals.
Eons from beet pen of Barred Rooke,
from now to Jnne let• $1.00 for setting
of .15. ALF. BARKER, Brussels.
A LOT of second-hand organa for sale
cheap, or to rent. Some of them almost
Enure PLowe.—Farmers desiring the
best plow should call on me and order a
Flenry. Jim. LONG, Agent, Brueeele.
You oan get 16 fine photos. for 35o,, in
four different sittings. This price is good
for a short time. Studio in Btretton
To Tan Punnxo.—Ladfee and gentlemen,
all cutlery oan be ground, ehorpened and
repaired by Saw&ler McGregor, Mill
street East, Brussels. Oboioe work at
reasonable prioee,
Eon 14 cents. We buy for oaeb or
trade, wool, eggs and better. A 520,000
stook of dry goods, groceries, ready made
clothing, carpets, boots and shoes to
seleot tram.
GED. E. Hato, Wingham.
Lower.—In Brussels, on May 24th, to
Mr. and Mre. E, Lowry, a daughter.
MODONALD —In Ethel, on June 9rd, to
Mr. and Mre. Jno. McDonald, a son.
GILLESPIE—RIT06IE.— At the residence of
the bride's parents, Morrie, on June
4th, by Rev. Jno. Ross, B. A , to Miss
Elizabeth Ritohie, to Mr. Wm. M.
Gillespie, of Ripley.
Brnmz—Ronan —
e. Ou May 24th, by Req.
D. Rogers, of Fordwiob, at the "Mit.
obeli Farm," Darlington, Mr. Jobe
A. Riley, M. D., Chicago, Mies Mar.
garet 0, Rogere, M. D„ woad daogb.
ter of Mr. Chan. Rogers.
mev�zeme zo.r7,c wTs.
Full Wheal ....... 74
Barley ...... ......... 48
Pees 70
Oats 40
Betbar.tnbe and rolls ,13
Egge per dozen 11
Flour nes' owt. 4 00
Potatoes (per bus.) 36
Apples (per bbl.) 2 00
Hay per ton 7 00
Sheep skius,eaoh ,.... 26
Lamb skins each 25
Salt ) sr bhl., retail 1 00
Hides trimmed .......• 6
Hides rough 5
Hoge, Live 6 50
Wool 12
6 00
3 00
8 00
6 76
PASTURE for stook.
10 or 12 nettle can be a000mmodated
with pasture, Apply to JAB. SHARP, Oth
Lino, Morrie.
old for sale, roan in color. PETER
ROBERTSON, Lot 8, Con.9, Gray, Brussels
P. 0, 80
To Contractors.
Tenders will be received by the under-
signed for the ereobion of either stone or
concrete abutments, 12 feet high, fora bridge
at Lot 0, Con. 14, Greyy plans and epeol8oa.
Bons oan be seen at Clerk's oi8oe,
JOHN MoINTOSH, OIerk, Ethel.
Coming I, Coming
T. P. Smith
Graduate of New York, Phliadelpliie, and
Toronto Optical Colleges, will be at
Fox's Drug Stora,
Wednesday, June llth
Call early and avail yooreelt of
hie valuable servioes.
Wanted, snlseble for ranch purpose°,
Apply to GEO. BEST, Brussels.
land, eligibly located 023 Turnberry
street, Brueeele, for sale. Will be sold. en
bloc or house and Iota separately, to suit
ppurchaser. Good dairy bu einem in oonueo•
Boo. • Possession could be given any time.
For price, terms, &a., apply to NEIL Mo.
LAUoams, Brunetti.
Tenders for Hay.
Tenders will be received by the under-
oignod, up to Wednesday, Juue 18, for the
bay on the Agricultural. Park, Brueeele. All
noxious weeds to be out by the euooesetul
tenderer to satiefaetioa of Secretary.
President. Ssoretary.
PAINTING &c.—The undereigned le
Prepared so attend to the wants of the pub-
lic in house painting, paper hanging, doctor.
Elting, carriage painting, &s. Satisfaction
assured and reasonable pgrieee charged.
Give mea call. T. 8t1ID11R,
Mill street, Brueeele.
J- L.E C R I E ,
Office over Hureley's Drug Store,
Feb. eth, 1902. 00.5m Braaeols.
Notice of Transfer.
NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the
regulations In that behalf, that I, theunder-
signed, have applied for a transfer of the
Hotel License granted to Beattie Jr Clark,
and that the Bald transfer will be complied
and signed to by the Commissioners after
the second publication of this notice, ae re-
quired by law. HENRY JAMES.
Dated at Brussels, June Brd,1502,
Saturday Morning at 8 O'clock
we Launch a .. .
New Dry Goods
In the Village of Brussels. Having purchased a
$12,000 Stock at a Liquidation Sale at
A Grand Carnival of Bargains await the Shrewd
Buyer, Prices unheard of in the Dry Goods
Trade may be expected.
In Addition we have added
a Fine Range of New Staple and Fancy Dry
Goods, bought under exceptionally favorable
We Welcome Inspection and Solicit a Visit
whether you buy or not.
Our Motto : "Trustworthy Goods and Uniformly Right Prices."
Our Principles : "Cash and One Price,"