HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-6-5, Page 4fl'Il URSPAY, JUNE 5, 1902, $E> 'O ,SOWERS IN.: .GO4 VEN- TfONr , • i4o.4i91m(1, 49 0400 l] 1ItI O ones wo onll our owe but other Waldron L. -wholn we come into ceutaat,•end t1'n1Y God Will blocs ee ue we thus falai 2210 eofulm,ud end Parpose ill us. The Second division Of the topic eTbe iufleenee of the Sebbath Sohcol" wee taken by Aliso Elite 11foNsir, of Creu. , brook, in a praetieet tnauuer and 1'ne Poo will present the pepsr to our readers, in the pear future. Thee. Streoban, a well known 8. B, laborer, tippet) on the third department of tee gdbjeot, viz "'Pia infinite -tie of the oommuully ou the ahlitl's oharaoter;' dealt with it along the following lines 1- I11thiesubjeot ellotted.$0 me, I assure you I reale delietroy 411 bringing it before you. AG ply time of life I ought bo know a great dealef the formation of the oharaoter of 'children if I was a men of green observatiou. T ara, sure, however, a more important mat. ussed before this Conven- tion. cannot r disc U e 0 b G tion. Tho riots a gene nded is enol our Sabbath 80hools gran tended to, benefit, for Sabbath liohools must have as lnsuelwe m1. • tyettheypr art y 141411 y are 4ed.fortherising get ehey, are primed y few short d .for the rising generation, which o e Pew short years will of k0 the ppinoo of those llbe now control at will control t very exon will be the aff societyt that win e.and direst the this of ohu fly and 1ok Seeing then hfut this eventually liy will Sabbath ti lioo how he hem the ahube, that 80bbath colleetivell t l and the home should be, tont laid upon they dthewelf the othe rising ng genera1i n. htor-theparents lea of the deepest ' t,erteeat in. 0 welfare parents heir the deeps n iirtarest intim welYare oY tialr children in the position they; may. ocoupy in society. Still the community at large have an interest in them, as an obligation is laid upon them that should not be neglected. It is only a very few years before young man and young ivomen enter upon their career of usefuln000 or neglectfulness. Their obaraoters 4000 ,noalded with that whioh they 001 out to lila and hence the tone of a community is formed. for good or evil influences, The tendency is ' downward, our natures are depraved, and if good is not working iu a community, without holy influences working against evil, It is downward. The Apostle Paul in Boni. 7-23, 'But I see another law in my members warring against the law of my laird, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. All will aeknow- • lenge that this distinguished apostle was no • mean authority but understood human nature in all its phases, aaiural and spiritual, probably had no superior. There lea spirit, nal warfare continuously pending with the powers of darkness and the powers of light. 19ph. 6:12, "For we wrestle nos against iteth. and blood but against principalities, against powers,against the rulers of the darkness of this work., against spiritual wickedness in high places." Seeing then that we have the most unmistakeable evidences that we have these powerful influences to contend against, ' we should tape unto ourselves the whole armour of God that we may be able to stand in the evil day and having done all to stand." Who then are supposed to stand and be champions for the truth ? Those who fight the good light of faith and lay hold on eter- nal life, whereunto they aro also called, and profess a'tlood profession before many wit- nesses 1'lim.0:18, "Itis not the Church of Christ who are saved. them who are sane* Pad in Christ Jesus, which He hath purchased with His own blood." They should"Wax Valiant -for the truth, turn to -flight the 0rmie0 of the aliens." Intim 11111 of Hebrews we have a list of heroes, o great crowd of ' witnesses which stood up for the Truth, in the face of difnoulties, which the church should now imitate. If the church is faith- ful should it not influence the community in which they reside, should they not adorn • the doctrine of their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ? Should not a community be eo influenced by their light so shining that they may see their good works and' glorify their Father which is in heaven ? I believe society or the oornmunity will be what we make it. If the home, the Sabbath School, and the church, are faithfully doing their pert as the redeemed 02 Christ, the moral tone of the community will be ennobling and elevating. Numerically, the church is strong, the into, mice of holy men and women should be so g.eat that open sin at least ehould hide its head. I John 1:8, 7, "If we say we have fel- lowablp with him, and walk in darkness, we lie and we do not the truth, but if we walk it the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, that is with the Father and his eon Jesus Christ." Now the question for us to consider serious- ly and conscientiously as professed followers of Christ, Are we doing our duty 4 Are we truly the servants of the living God; do we set ourselves against everything tial demor- alizes the community in which we dwell; are we ourselves guilty of habits or living ex. ample to those around us would desire to lower the standard of the pious Christian, es demanded by the word of God ? Shall we wound Christ in the house of His friends, and bring dishonor upon oar (sod who calls upon us to be holy, because He is Holy ? We can- not know the inner life of man but Christ in 7111 of Mathew in the sermon on the mount says, "Ye 04,011 know them by their fruits, &a." We have no higher authority than Christ as to what manner of persons ought • we to be in all manner of holy conversation and godliness. This Standard is required of those who profess the name of Christ, and let every one that Sameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. By Christians doing , their. dui the general moral tone of the eommenity lo raised, or lowered in harmony, withthetr standard. If the members of the Church are negligent and, careless, the com- munity will be so. "Ye are the salt of the earth, but if the salt have lost its savour wherewith shan't be salted, thenceforth it is good for nothing but to be east out and trodden under foot of men." This is how Christ defines those who are not living up to standard of their profession. Ido not mean • that self-improvement will make Christians, • butit should bo characteristic of a member o1 a Church, who is )mown as a man of God. Itis sad that profane language is very pre- valent with a great many. klany, seem as if they were nob aware of this sinful habit. Even boys will indulge in this vile habit in the Preaenee of adults, se if they did not know that it was disgraceful. How sad it is to hear so many taking the mune of their blessed God and Saviour in vain as if their tendnat were a merit, "The Lord. will not • hold him guiltless who taketh His name in . vain." How van children avoid being con- taminated with this example before them in ' their community 0 Itis saddening to know • how much of this abomination predominates with the youth of our land without much restraint. Wherever a Christian ix he aheald show that it was painful for hire to see or . hear anything that 04011 dishonoring to our God. For the sake of the rising generation in this professedly Christian and blessed Canada, snob =becoming aonduat should be unknown. For the welfare of the rising generation every nnember of the Church' should stave familyworth) should have au • alter around which we gather our household, „• morning and eventing, earnestly pleading • with God to guldens and family during the day. How can those who follow their Lord and Saviour omit this blessed privilege in their homes? Do we not know that every.. good thing cometh down from the Lord. of lights ? .How 0041 we enpeot the blessing of God in onr faintly, unless We do this, and yet •I am afraid thio bleesodrivilege is sadly neglected.Are we not told to ask and we shrill receive and seely and we shall find. • Gal, he fteoi reap we but he thatseoweth to the sirit, shall of the spirit reap life ever- lasting." For our spiritual benefit, the risin generation and the community, members of ohurch should attend the house of God to promote the Oattae of Christ, and to train up their children in the fear of God. T1110 is of all things the crowning duty of,. parents, if they truly love their children. There is no provision they oon make for them that they should be mote anxious to promote. What will education, fnrms,•busin000 position and wealth do in the hour of death, in the absolve of the love of God in the soul, nothing what- ever.. On Saturday every. preparation Ohoutd be made, mmeunless should on the acreoogoeutli nmi1tod house able to be in the ehuto11, Be that':heareth you tux+ scale te h. e a r tit meoun ,at n dee et y0adnapisothum.and P4hat doeIla9E me a s s t lhr 1 t atgalmo. ata l�4)t1ng !s d142 wo ampler)HudlirGod, n bad exaonpl0 11rolditThe seventh 25027 Of Oar tee10021 given tui, that we anty have the opn0rtnn1(y of serving wet, vo ford With the bread of life, and, days to provide for ourbodlee, Thle blessea d pt'!v!• led and epppol'ttmity 1s 0itdl7 neglected, 3 s 4)243721184001-14e thatl I n 22084 lLwe 0Ers 0f (!artist el n11, when ie eery $obhatlt how eon 0POad ort0•heae in 111110ervtoe hero how Oso WO Vend an; eternity with hint, 11 am afraid the d oke will nay in that day, I tell 700 I knew not whence yon are,.depart from 2110 ye v70rlrere of lnlqufty. 4 spy spend this deg riding sed visiting, De we not rola (lied to 0011024' our awn depravity ? Another sad thing le done by many who profeea to be foo• lowed of Christ by meineerahip,le. 111071teg- tact therayer meeting. It is wad the pra7- er meeting is the pulite of 411.00113roh, where. by you know the health of its member0. If dila is so, and I believe it le why should not those who have the opportunity phew their faithfulness to their children and thele Clod, that their children should grow up in the Mae of the Lord their God, and R101'43,111111 in their bodies and spirits which are His, Mala - 0111 8:10,T11en. they that feared the Lord spoke often 0110 to snottier, and the Lord harkened and lte0rd it and a book of remein- b ranee wee written before tin for them that1 feared the Lord and thought upon his name.' 17 "And they shall be mine ealth the Lord o� heath in that day when I make rap m77 jewole, and I 1111 spare totem, e0 man eaten*i hie owu eon that serveth .him. Shen *bah ye re ck d disease between the righteous and Ekea wiwicked, between him that servoth(}od and him that eervo*h him p00,. Unto you that r my nam0 shall t he sun n 0Y ri uoneosa arise with healing in bis wings and ye stall go forth and grow up as e e tura the calvay of the stale. And h shall t hearts of the fathers the children and the 001,10 of the. childrenrt heir fathers, lest I tomo and smite the earth With a cures," The dieouoeiou woe taken part In by G. ]i. Blair, Bev. P'. Swann, Rev. 3. Holmes, W. H, Kerr and A. M. McKay. Pointe elicited ;—It requires manhood to oppose evil. Bad language is largely a habit 000aeioned by want of care in the home. The infiuenne of the home in bettering the character of the compact• ions of our boys and girle is most important and Christian people should take a lively interest to the young people. The early years are the best training • school for development Of character. The 8. 8. tends to make sacred the Lord's day, by the attendance of ohildren in the school. Good habits are worth cultivating. The 8, S. tends to cultivation of a civic ooneoiep00. Good literature is of great value, Parente should be kindly informed of wrong doing iu their obildreu. Many a hero and heroine are unknown to the world but are recognized by the Master, The eubjeot was well threshed out. "I am Thine 0 I Lord" was then sang. Rev. A. H, Brown, B. A, B. D , of Belgrave, kindly took the topic allotted to Rev. Inc. Ross, B. A., who was unable to be present, It was "How to improve end encourage the S. 8. staff." He said a S. S. is one of the beet agencies in it community. Officials of S. 8. ere s self denying Maas without doabt and might well be called heroes and heroines as they give their labor and time in helping the youth. 8eloot a Supt. who le lively, ap- rl to•date well v i literature and the versed n Bible. He should be enthusiastic, in bis work ; attend Conventions and be ready to self ea0rifrioe ; ehould visit other S. S. and compere notes so es to get a wide survey. Should be willing to take advice. Be millionaires in good thoughts. Shells bands with etraogere and those who are not etr0ngere. Select the best teacbere and have a reserve clave from which to ahooee. Plevien8 training is of value, such a school of Methods. Good workers Mould not be allowed to resign if it eau be possibly avoided. Speak kindly to fen of workers, it gives enoonragement in their work. Attend the eahool ; share the responsibility and Bend the ohildren regularly, Let the lemon be studied al home and aid both child and teacher tbereby. It tends to reciprocal molten. Be loyal to the school. The pastor ehould preach occasionally on the S. S. lessee. Encourage along the line of equipment, literature, rte. Let the staff feel that they hove our confidence and progress both iu the home and ohuroh. Pleety of money ehould be at the disposal of the school. The discission wee joined in by Rev. F, Swann, Rev. J. Holmes and others. From it were gleamed the ideas :—Pro. mote claw with teacher. Give an evening each week for the study of the lesson end eahool teaching points. Rev. R. Paul spoke a few words in reference to the work of the billeting eommitte0. Rev. Mr. Dever, Jae. Streohan, Jae. Cunningham and Mies Etta MoNair were chosen on the Nominating oom• mittee. The forenoon session Mooed with the Benediction by Rev. Joo. Holmes. AFTERNOON 0E99ION. After devotional methane in whioh the hymm "Jesus the very thought 0! Thee, with sweetness idle my breast" was ming and Rev. .F. Swann, of Blaevale, offered prayer. The report of the nominating 0020• mittee was presented and adopted as followe !— President, A, M. McKey, Broesel° ; Vine President, Miss Etta McNair, Oranbronk; Sec: Trees., W. H. Kerr ; Emotive Committee, Mrs. Ham, Brussels ; J Cunningham, Belgrave ; and Geo. C. Barrows, Walton. The past Presidents are also members of the Executive. The retiring President spoke approp• riate words and introduced the uew occupant of the of8ae who made a brief but premium' addreee on assamfdg the abair, "The Life and Labors of St. Paul in relation to the S. 8. reasons for the year" wan dealt with by Rev. Jiro. Holmes, of Brussels, after the hymn "Onward Christian Soldiers" was sung. The Waned gentleman gave a running comment on the eventful Life of the herei0 Paul and Galled 04) in the review leading lagoons to the Bible etudent eking the tinea lived and preached by Pant in hie numerous yet honorable mieeion. It wse full of information. "I need Thee every hone" was heartily sung. "How beet to onitivate a missionary spirit in the Sabbath School" was Rev. M. G. Jarrow's subject. A 8. 8. is e. Divinely appointed institution and ono badmen is to shine as lights in a dark place and represeet Jesus ()hetet. Youth is the newton for the development of the Christ life and the 5. B. is a fine place to develop it, The need for missionary zeal is apparently close at hand. The Bible i0 toll of epiritual evolution. The need of missionary work and the perils of the world ehould be set before the young people. Thio worn does not belong to the pester, and paronte alone bet every abild ehould be enlisted in the oomiot ek a voluotaer under the oroes of Christ, We Should pray for 111143 and 1ab49 Go nee the ri t Workear ed on , The dlgcnetfon eleoit9d the fallowing helpful thoughie :--Eeta111000 S. n,, ltapiain the dementia of the beath43», Glee mieoionary information and Od9gat0 the youth to.reep0ud to the eaUe; Thee,' Beta0han, 13, Gerry, 1i, Mo:ltay and 0211er0, expreeeed their Opi4uen0. A Round Tabiq Oqufereuen them next ou the program. and weeoouduoted by 4, A. Jnoheoa, B. A., Seorotaryof rho provincial Sabbath Sopool Aeeoaration. Leaflets were dietributod bet only three queries were ormeidored a goodly portion of delegates taking a part, 1. of as hath was oeoapiO4 tike way, "Mantua the Perishing" was Dung atter wbiob G, F, Blair, o! Brussels, spoke on "Some teethe aharaoterietios of a good Sabbath Bohooi," (1)'1'hougbtlulnese or 003'880 nee0 on part of teachers so ea to exert reties 'influence upon pupils. (2) Defiuiteueee. Weare largely playing 01 our Witching instead el haviug some reel point In view. A aura oulm should he adopted, (3) The. student spirit is a ueoesoity in a S. S. Let the thought of education be para mount, (4) Have a tame to live. Thie will prove a tower of etrengtb. (3) Parental support. The home f9 the plate for m. aiding the ohild oharaoter. (7) The support of Elle oharoh behind the 'reboot eo that the school will occupy the front rank in our churches. n Mr, Jaokeon, A. Gardiner, Thos. Strachan, Rev. M. G, Jerrow, Bev. Jno, Holmes and Rev. F. Swann, added their quota in the dioouasiou. "Opght ohildren attend the regular oburoh Service?" was the clotting tome of theafternoon'e scallion and was introduced by Rev. F. Swann, of Bloevale. He gave the following reasons wby they should (1) Because of the evil they will escape, There are too may single rigs in use for family attendance at oborcb. (2) For the good they will receive. Teach them that God will be there, and pastors should remember the obi dren fn the sermon. (3) Childhood ie the habit formiug period and attendance at March ebonite be one of the habits formed. (41 Children should grow tip iu the fold of God. The man who takes care of the lambs will preserve the Hook and we ehould adopt the same principle. (8) The future to depeodant on our oaring for the ohildren and very early the tempter gets hie work into the heart. The ohildren ehould not only attend ptblia eervioe but prayer meeting and other Buena of grace, The epeakere gave 6 whole scaled to k and it will do good in the time to tame. An animated dismission followed. Meeting was oonoluded by the Benedict, ion. 342NIN0 SESSION. There wag a large attendance at the evening session which opened with e spirited song eervioe lead by Melville oharoh ohoir. After prayer had been offered by Rev, R. Pant a fine anthem wag rendered after which the President introduced Rev. H. Irvil,e, of Listowel, who spoke on "Our duty tewarde the Temperance question." The address was oatepoken, tall of inform Ginn and oaf• onlated to encourage people in their conflict against Ring Alcohol. The reverend gentleman practices what be preaohee. "0 1 Zion Awake„' was well sung by the choir and Provincial Seoretary Jack - eon woe palled upon. Hie subject was "The Touch of June.” Thie be demon. °tested fn a pleasing and unique way. Thie wag Mr. Jackson's first visit to Brussels. He is a busy man and is man. aging the affairs of the Provincial Asso- ciation in good form. The Methodist Oharob ohoir eats "The Lord is my Light," after which the usual votes of thanks were passed. "God be with yon till we meet again" woo sting, and Rev. Mr. Irvine pronotlooed the Benediotion, oloeing one of the beet Oon• ventions held in Brunie. LITTLE NOTELETS T. A. Hawkins, organist of Melville ohuroh, presided at the organ in the morning session and Miee Jennie Hab• kirk rendered like eervioe to the after. noon. The day was a beautiful one and the turn out of delegates was excellent no lees than 70 persona registering. There was also a large attendance of others interest. ed in Sabbath School work. Brussels District Sabbath School Anima. Minn is a sturdy youngster for an 11 year old. No better program has been presented at past Convention. A pleasing feature wee that every topic was taken by the party to whom it was easigned- Colleotioae amounted to 418.08. The billeting 00mtn0tt90, Oonaiptjng .Of Bev. R Penland 11I100ea line Uavan And MoNab, did their work i4) capital 43ty10 end dolegatee epode in Oomptimentary terrine of the hospitality of the Bruoeele !14304)112. Tile now President is en old and 004411. lel worker in t11e Sande!' school field and a4onlit hle158 41 live Trader, Diloneel000 were hearty. Deeeroato has organized a Board of Trade, with P, Slavin aaPreeidel)t, f The Deering harvester OoMpany e Miami bylaw was defeated at Hamilton. Union 7, 0,, wae'vieited by a terriAo tornado. !'our deatbo and oonelderable lose of property reunited, Res, E. W. Wood, Methodiet mission• try at Contain N. W, T., was drowned oroseing a creek ewolien by rain. Brussels Greenhouse. Plants ane Flowers. You will find at Brussels Greenbaum any quantity of Tomato, Oelety, Oanti- flower and Cabbage Plante. Fine 001180tlon of Flowering Plante. A °holoe lot of Gernniume and Annuals for bedding. Out Flowers supplied. Floral Designs made to order. Miss Kelly. L'Ei11'L'IINTIARY SUPPLIES. SEALED TENDERS addressed "Inoped. ore of Penitentiaries, Ottawa," aud en- dorsed "Tender for BuppLtes," will be re- ceived until Monday, loth of June, lnolueive, from parties deoirens of °entraoting for supplies, for the decal year 1192.1906, for the following inetitutioue, namely:- 1(ineston Penitentiary, Bt. Vincent de Paul Penitentiary, Dorchester Penitentiary, Manitoba Penitentiary, Britian Columbia Penitentiary, Regina Jan, Priem Albert Sall, 8ebarate tenders wilt be reeeived for each of the following oleates of euppllee:— 1. -Flour (Canadian Strong Baket'e), 2. Beet Foragean,d mutton (fresh), 6. 4. coal (aothraclto and bituminous), 6, Cordwood, 9, Graaert01 (i9, 7. Drat. 01n barrels.), B. Dry Goode, 0. Drage and Medicines. 10, Leacher and Findings, 11. Hardware, Tinware, Paints, etc., 12. Lumber, Details of information ae to form of con- tract, together with forme of tender, will be furnished on eppplleetione to the Wardens of the various )u0titutla0e• All suppliers are subject to the approved of the Warden 0r Jailer. A11 tenders submitted must specify clear- ly the Institution, :or institutions, whioh it le proposed to supply, and aunt bear the endoreation of at least two responsible sureties. Papers tueertingthis native without au- thority from the King's Printer will not be paid therefor, DOUGLAS STEWART, GEO. W. DAWSON, Inspectors of Penitentiaries. Department of J0at'ae, Ottawa, May 12, 1902. 46-8 ETH E L SAW MILLS All kinds of Dreeeed Lumber kept on hand from $10 up. British Columbia, home out Shingles and Lath kept on hand. A good farm on 19th oon. of Grey for sale. - ra'AI1 parties indebted to me are requested to call and settle up before March let or 10% will be added atter that date from Jan. let till paid. A quantity of green cedar poets for Bale on Lot 7, Con. 4, Grey. S. S. COLE, PROPRIETOR, ETHEL. fuN2 6, 1002 STOCK FOR• SERVICE BULD FOB ,'S181ZVIOE = A Thoro'.(i ed Short Worn, regietersd 0adtaroe, 'tenet • Ito,iwitll privilege of le• a0ni0g 1f ueo000arf, GI00: 34.!844, 6B• H044030040oD4. rr11a(oRo, 13B]lD. DUIWI2JYt 1 Bull for eerv148, Lot 27,00n. le, Grop, 1!ertue-1].AO w1Ei1 prlvllogo of return n,g If 000005044' .ltegls(Orod. podlgt00 •mav til peon ou app110t04en, Wal, 11114.1, 09.2m Proprietor, JERSEY BULL lo'OB S1011t-.. NJ 7I0E.—'pito nudereigned will keep Yor service on Lot 4, 00u. 0, Grey, a them' bred Jamey Mill. Terms 760. to be paid at tinge o1 se071oe with privilege of retunieg 14 necessary: JNV, LAWBO1I Proprietor, BULL FOR SERVICE. --THE nad0001gned will keep for service ou Lot 24, Oen. 9, Grey, the thorn' bred Short EOM bull, "General Huller" ,'60274= Ped• lgroe may be thou on appileanon, Terms, 0109, to be paid Jan. lot, 4006, with privilege of returning if aeoesgere, Also the thorn' bred Improved - 1014132 ire boar ' North Bruhn Justine 2111, —8072 Pedigree in poosesalon of . owner if any breeder wishes to see 11. Terme, $1 00, et time of seryloo.with privilege of returning ifn000assry. BOST. MaOON ALD, 454 Ethel P. 0. Proprietor. REALESTATE. rr A SACRIFICE 1N REAL E9- TATE,--06000.00 will bay the MoOau ahoy Bloph in the Village of Brunette. These two fine storm' meat bo sold to close out the McCaughey Estate, Intending purobaeere should investigate at 02100, Apply to P. O. SCOTT or G. F. BLAIR, Brussels, Ont. 1:0411M FOR SALE. -THE UN,. 5Eltala113» offers his valuable 100 Bore farm, Lot 4,0on.10, Grey, for sale on they terms. Good brick house, bans barn,' or• chard, &a. Farm ell seeded except 12 agree. Leos than 1 mile from,Brustels. Poeseeelon can be given next Pall. For particulars as to prlge and conditions of sale apply to 13. E. COATES, Proprietor, Brussels P, 0, HOUSE AND ABOUT AN are of land dor Bale, Graham's Sur- vey, 211110 South of Brussels, The house vaunting 7rooms; good stable; well; fruit trees and small fruits. Possession given at once. Terme reasonable. If property is not sold goon, will be rented. For prion, terms, &o„ apply to WM. RANDS, Brussels P. 0. 1'ARM FOR SALE—THE UN. n8ne1ONE0 offor; his 100 acro farm for Bale, -being Si Lot 17, Cot. 4, Morris. There 1s 0 bowie. two good barns 1002 feot•eaeh, 2 good wells ; orchard; well fenced : 76 scree cleared, balance good bush. Possession given to suit purchaser. Faris is in good locality, 4 miles from 13el0rave and 6 to Broeeele, Will also sell a Waterloo Steam Engine and a Clinton "Monarch" Separator, two grain grinders and a crusher. Forpriae and terms apply on the premises or if by letter to JAMES OLOAKEY, Proprietor, 46.4 Brueeele P.O. 'ool Waled • The undersigned is prepared to pay the Highest Market Price for any -quan- tity of Wool. See me before you sell. ALF. BAEKER BRUSSELS. Lime The Bodmin Lime Works, 4th Line, Morris, are ready for the Spring trade and have a quantity of fresh lime on hand. Guaranteed to be first-class. Price 15c. a bushel at the kiln. A. Nicholson & Son. 41-6m - 7110PRIETORS. It writing addreeo Belgrave P. 0. COBER & SONS' CARRIAGE FACTORY, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO. WE are having a splendid season in our large sale of Buggies, and are in a position to sup- ply the wants of the public with a First -alas article. We will sell either Wholesale or Retail. Special attention given to the manufacture of Farm Wagons, either common Biked wheels or half truck with 21. or 8 inch tires. Field Rollers and Wheelbarrows with steel or wooden wheels. Repairing and Repainting promptly attended to. • Our attention will soon be turned to the Cutter Trade for the coming Winter, GIVE US A CALL. Johr, Cober 8 Sous' Carriage Factory. CLOTflINC! If you have not -ordered-, your --Spring Suit do so a: once. Good' dressers have: taken to the.:New. • S rill Pat- P � -,have 1 the latest 1 °u' ' all 1 de i tems in S .1>1ngs. Wee a s n Fancy Worsteds for the. coming: season. Tweeds and Fa V W s o • oronatiou- o-th We have just received the New Coronation Check Cloth: very suitable for your Spring Suit or Overcoat. Best Quality Coronation Cloth— Suit, . $22 00 Overcoat,- 18 00 E. C. PUNFO.RD St SON, TAILORS, OLOTHIER.9 and FURNISHERS. G,rO R R,q ' . ' HOUSE PAINTS . AfN�' When you consider about thepainting of your house the moat important thing to think of ie, what is the beat quality of paint obtainable ? The beet paint to stand the weather and look fresh for the longest time? There ie only one answer to this, namely, that a paint made TRADE MARK with Brandram'e B.B. Genuine Lead, Pure Linseed OP, and just enough Dryer, meet be the,beet, tie this B. B. Lead hae for eo many years been proved superior to ailothers. Boob a paint is Anchor Liquid Home Paint, and it ie the only liquid paint made in Canada with Brandram'e B. B. Genuine White Lead. It is a mistake for yon to nee anything bat Gbe very beet paint in painting your home. The met of putting on the paint le usually about the same ae the Dost of the paint itself. A obeap paint takes more time to make a reasonably good job with then a good paint, and does not last a4) long, nor look eo well. In fast the cheap paint ie the most expeneive paint in the end. Make no mistake. lite Anchor Liquid House Paint. It is a Pere White Lead, Zino and Linseed Oil Paint, and hi as good as can be made with our ehoioe of the very best materials. Use it and get the most eatiefaotory results obtainable with paint. Sold by— ,L. NE. 'K Y at COL,, Brussels. Spoiled a Good Baking you have manya time by using an inferior grade of Sour. Your bread will always be light, white and sweet when using the Venue. It hi always of sap. erior quality, with no variation,and, ie carefully made from the beet grown Manitoba wheat, Try /bie eatietaotory braid fot your bread, cakes and pies, and you will never use any other. .ALF. BA.EKER, 100401$8EL0 . BUCCIES 1 BUGGIES ! Ewan & Co. Are now ready for this season with a larger stock. of Buggies than ever. Although we sold 122 rigs in 1901 we are going to try and heat that number this season, as we are determined to reach 200. By giving a first-class rig and your choice from nearly every & t - eines factory in Canada and along with our .,own hand -made Bug,- gies, at close prices, we ought to reach the 200. Our Buggies are 1000 mile, duet and oil -proof axles with the solid Parker front wheels and no shaking -off or losing of hub bands as all is solid and there to stay. Oil Ewan & Co'a Buggies twice in the season and that is all that is regniree.. Call and see our stock of Rigs and you will be convinced that you can't do any better tan purchase a Ewan & Co. Buggy. They are light in draft and all. first-class material. 14 new Buggies and 2 Surreys sold this season already, We sincerely thank our many customers for the number of Rigs they purchased from us in the past season and we hope they will help us along in .the years to come. All kindle of repairs done and rigs repainted and retired at close prices as usual. All Xbbbing done promptly.. gorseshoeing a specialty at EWAN & Cos., Brussels. • • • We have just received the New Coronation Check Cloth: very suitable for your Spring Suit or Overcoat. Best Quality Coronation Cloth— Suit, . $22 00 Overcoat,- 18 00 E. C. PUNFO.RD St SON, TAILORS, OLOTHIER.9 and FURNISHERS. G,rO R R,q ' . ' HOUSE PAINTS . AfN�' When you consider about thepainting of your house the moat important thing to think of ie, what is the beat quality of paint obtainable ? The beet paint to stand the weather and look fresh for the longest time? There ie only one answer to this, namely, that a paint made TRADE MARK with Brandram'e B.B. Genuine Lead, Pure Linseed OP, and just enough Dryer, meet be the,beet, tie this B. B. Lead hae for eo many years been proved superior to ailothers. Boob a paint is Anchor Liquid Home Paint, and it ie the only liquid paint made in Canada with Brandram'e B. B. Genuine White Lead. It is a mistake for yon to nee anything bat Gbe very beet paint in painting your home. The met of putting on the paint le usually about the same ae the Dost of the paint itself. A obeap paint takes more time to make a reasonably good job with then a good paint, and does not last a4) long, nor look eo well. In fast the cheap paint ie the most expeneive paint in the end. Make no mistake. lite Anchor Liquid House Paint. It is a Pere White Lead, Zino and Linseed Oil Paint, and hi as good as can be made with our ehoioe of the very best materials. Use it and get the most eatiefaotory results obtainable with paint. Sold by— ,L. NE. 'K Y at COL,, Brussels. Spoiled a Good Baking you have manya time by using an inferior grade of Sour. Your bread will always be light, white and sweet when using the Venue. It hi always of sap. erior quality, with no variation,and, ie carefully made from the beet grown Manitoba wheat, Try /bie eatietaotory braid fot your bread, cakes and pies, and you will never use any other. .ALF. BA.EKER, 100401$8EL0 . BUCCIES 1 BUGGIES ! Ewan & Co. Are now ready for this season with a larger stock. of Buggies than ever. Although we sold 122 rigs in 1901 we are going to try and heat that number this season, as we are determined to reach 200. By giving a first-class rig and your choice from nearly every & t - eines factory in Canada and along with our .,own hand -made Bug,- gies, at close prices, we ought to reach the 200. Our Buggies are 1000 mile, duet and oil -proof axles with the solid Parker front wheels and no shaking -off or losing of hub bands as all is solid and there to stay. Oil Ewan & Co'a Buggies twice in the season and that is all that is regniree.. Call and see our stock of Rigs and you will be convinced that you can't do any better tan purchase a Ewan & Co. Buggy. They are light in draft and all. first-class material. 14 new Buggies and 2 Surreys sold this season already, We sincerely thank our many customers for the number of Rigs they purchased from us in the past season and we hope they will help us along in .the years to come. All kindle of repairs done and rigs repainted and retired at close prices as usual. All Xbbbing done promptly.. gorseshoeing a specialty at EWAN & Cos., Brussels.