The Brussels Post, 1902-5-29, Page 3IHE Prices at G iii Tr BREA Tstronto, M enterket is firm, No, 2 white e •hoc middle flail 1 hard dull west ; NO. 1 NO, 2 Norther° end west. Grit 2#c higher, Flour,—Nittet, patent ..quit freights, :in b e•ollers, is woo $3.30, Mento Inengarian delivered on t ieeladed, and to $8,96, Oatmeal—Car on traok, and Broken lots, 25 A'1iIIteed Brax outside, Short 'Toronto bran. i short°$ 20, M sacks, and shoe route. Barley—Trade at SSc middle 50 to. filc ntidki I3uelcwheat-7' 01 to 62e east, Oats—The in White selling at Peas The nee high freights, f T1Th DAI Butter—The i' • prices rule Fine. 1-11i Polls, large rolls, 15 low grades, in 18c; creamery p tubs, 18• to 19c Eggs -Tho re the demand gp to laic per do Cheese—Marko 12c for. new. COUNTR Dried apple, quotations 5i 10,c, Flops -Trade steady at 13c; I3oeey—Tho n to 10c for staau $2.25 per dozer Ray, baleclr changed,• with f $10.50 to $10.i 1. Maple syi;tup prices unchange Imperial gallon to quality, 70 .9ec per lb. Beans—The m prices unchange at 51.15 to $.L n.t 51.85 to $1. Straw—Tho lots on track q the latter for Poultry—Supp the clomand go keys, young, 13 old, 11 to 12c; Per Pair. Potatoes—The ec1. Car lots ti .800 per bag, a . HOG Dressed 'hogs good demand. active demand We quote :—Ba to 11c in ton porkc, 521 to 5 523. Smoked cleats UNITED ST Buffalo, May Wheat, spring, 910 carloads; 1v No 2 red, 49e. ,yellow, &nee; corn, 67,r to 67 Oats, steadier; No. 8 do., 4840 No. 3 do., :45$ asked. Rye, No Canal freigh Toledo, Ma steady, cash, 8 76/c; Soptembe easier; cash, 63 62ea Oats, du May, 421c; J 29lc, Cloversee 55; :October, 55 M£Iwauneo, M No. 1 Nei:thorn, 76ic to'77ec; quiet; No. ,1, 60 Ne. 2, 784 to 7240, Corn, Jit Duluth, May 1. ]rare], 781c,. X No. 2 Northern July, 75ec; Sc lobe, No. 3. No 74{ce No. 2 No cash 43:1c ; S Detroit, May cash and May, St. Louis, Ma cash, 80c Ma September, 72e Minneapolis, wheat, May, 75 tembe•, 714c; of 77ec; No, 1 No Northern, 75e. $8.85 to 53.95' to 53.76 Meet second do„ 5 $14 to ,$14.50. L LIVE STOC Toronto, tiny 'western cattle were 63 car cattle, 1365 she hogs, 88 ,calves, cows. The best expo] sold et from. - twt. The noels steady but not solei out early. Good to choi at from] 41. to 5 being the tote pt Good Stocker I' jjA� 6.A..� ]ding Cd portents, r s allcet lrket stead cedpts 4©t1. s, marltet No. o5. cen, 21.50; quiet; No is y 4c; r, ll, 27:—Wheat, .,7, 0 2,30, $5.85 er, -, 'y'�wanton j� small. at '70 - t a• ob., t 83? m, ' Toronto "mit prim Ontario middle Straight at $0.20 is Steadyr 54.20 : i,Uls. $1,$ at $4,70• at 516.50 519.50, $20 sac$(s, 2 quoted No, is firm firm, No. at f air: c quote'Soufriere , choice pails, 71 20c, fair, , sell at 5 quiet, Evaporated, with prices 7 to Sc. dull at 51.15 18 timothy for new make, 51; old, Sugar, quiet, are jobbing hand-picked quiet. 55.50 to light, 1—Tur- per lb.; 80 to is unchang- et 7$ at With products prices. clear, lots. short 13 to 131c; quiet, X: Northern light; No 690, No doe 67ie• 485.c 46e mixed,69 to at 634c. active, 84c; July, Open„ dull 63;c; July, cash, 480 September.p P 4moth,.90. 2 $$4:50, close, 3 Northern, 74}d: steady GG cash, 751X; 754c 730; Mani- and a Oats,in 29.40. NO. 2 closed, 754;' No. 1 hard, No, patents, do. $8.65 to bulk ETs: at the receipts lambs, zee 11111011 wore to -day $6:20 p rices altd cattle cattle the ]nater stereo , etc TIiR to N. and ane to ba's 3.$0 ,� At .andlows in Ta- 3 at at 2 78c. and :— 14c; to and and 18 at with • 94 to • un- No. with as 9 to with Car $0, find do, 00o to Oec, a in 10i: MOPS cut, 2 2 ; ; 78c' ; ; Rye, ; to No. ; May roc] ¢ c 'tele Sop- 2 $3 ; , the 966 986 per 'at sold and : p°3•. pontid, ec Site» 8 O �; 41i1mz cows sold today a 580 - to 548 each A 'few prune 30W8.are wantod. The best export hulls aro wanted ittp roll. 43 to Se per pawed, olives azo worth iloni $2 to $10 oaoh, Goad veils aro in demand, 7.xnort ewes are selling et from 4 to 4fc por 1'b. Yearling lambs aro worth Yrom 4 to 5f*c per M. 9P1 "g lambs soil at fetes $2 to 50 each. iqugks fetch from $3 to 34 per lb. Hogs to Solei. the top primo must be of primo quality, and scale not, below 160 not: above' 200 lbs. 1f�o11owing Is .thR r'anlge of nota .tie;— Otttblo, ShiiNpOrs, per cwt:,.,,,,,,55,26 56.25 . 4,50 5.50 do light..., .,. Butcher ohofee,..... •..., ..al + 4,75 5.50 l3utehor ordinary to good,+ 1,00:..4,50 c StoCl et s, poor cwt;;, „,,,, 3,00 4,00 Sheep and Lambs, of MOS, per cwt 3.75 4,50byg Yeerlhtgs, per own.. , 1,00 5,50 Bering lambs, each... ,,,2:00 5,00 I1uctom per cwt,..... 3,25 11,75 Afflicts it C and alyos, Cows, each . •', ;25.00 50,00 Calves, oaah..,.;. 2.00 10.00 Hos.the Choice ho s ,per cwt,,6, i5 7,25 Light hogs, per cwt:.:yThein 6.75 7.00; iI°av3 hogs, g per ewe__ 6,75 7,00 sows', per cwt,,, ,,, 3.50 4,00 Stags, per cwt... .•. 0.00 2.00 TORONTO STORM SW1 I'T ',oe Gale �?esta'oye ei'roperty on All Sides,.,. 'Ono of the'41 rcest halos In years swept over toronto Thursday night sdigztl sitar 0 o °lemic. It In rod only A fow aninutee, but during that time a great nanny trees were broke en, tele raph• wires torn down, signs mnr'eolied and 'demolished, fences 0v- oiled, and 4 on lnstnncC iz th?rrcli tower was •• ovoiterned, while the breakages of window glass, evon plate, wm'° nulu°zrous. A fence was blown A8'aiest a boy, broalcing his le The wind blow west by south- Meet. slid rain fell In torrents. Very little electricity wee noticeable, Pho boy whose leg was broken had taken refuge against a fence' oPpo- site the Woodbine rate tree]°.' 'Tho fence fell, slid a Sart of it struck Mini. IIs was cared into filo ho tel course; and AIr. William Shields Passer] a hat around and col ]acted o falcon inl the �a ambulance heSt li'l;icileel's Respite]. IIis name le William Parker,. 10 Tate street. Etslcino Presb torten 'Chun ch tot itstower, vh e fell . oO s wo , \ l h o On McNeil school, adjoining, breaking the win- on the •West side and lama in g g brickwork. Three turrets of the tower fall, and ono remained Ina shak condition. •. church lawn and the' school yard were strewn with debris.. Twenty bre°s or more wore either blown down or partly.,brohen on Queen street avenue and University street. OpPosite.Christopher street a largo ebestnut lay in the street. In fact, wherever there were shade trees the streets were Uttered with branches and leaves, especially the streets running oast and west. Saw oral large trees in the Horticultural Gardens and the Normal School gat den wore' blown 'down, and the same havoc was quite frequent in the paries, especially Queen's,. Broken winnow glass was common. A pop- lar on Silncoe street fell and deinol- .shed the chimney of T. D. Dela- sera's house, and a roof was blown from a house on Bathurst street. An oak on Shorbouhne street, near Wel- lade y gave way. At the corner of is a huge Bay and Temperance streets sign crashed Piom the, of a four -email story factory. Part of tiro roof of one of the Exhibition buildings was ter" away' o ONLY •`rt{A•�r1•(*i n �'µp A U{ItL#..+IA.R NTV .4,��x.'1'10{ l'Ii,.i1 A:TLANVI0 nINER TO T3R$7A TIIXr, I?EOOItp•. Condon nginevr was Doai; naft t4 Vessel on Lines of New Discovery, AIr, xx,. E. J, SJazuPs, pf rho an.� don firm of Campo find 1'iecy, ion- salting CnglnoRr4 and naval arch- tomes, lies designed • no Atlantic liner capable Of beating the Trans -Allan• do romped by almost two days, During the last few rime the sees cess of a few of the Ino llsh typos of water' tubo hollers ilea become assured, and, owing to the valet strdd0s made in the design, and con- struetiori of steam turbines, this- form of engine is now well within g the range 01 practicability. Mr, Caines, has taken advantage of this groat advance and the steam- e• 11X1 3 which he has designed lie proposes g with g .p1104 lslteam turbine waters top boilers. BY using oil as fuel ' he will save Weight and space. 011 will be ear' ried in the donblo-bbottom shiptom oP thR lleifiernee.th the boilers, Tho speed of my vessel," says Mr. Camps, "will not be less than thirty knots, an hour, more than six knots faster than the swiftest liner afloat.' This is got' without sacrifice of strength or stability, This speed will shorten the At ]sell° Passe passage by at least a foil day,' the record being about five arid a, half days, while my steamer will du tel incl them four and a half. By g Proposed route of the Canadian fast Atlantic ser vice the greater part of another day can be retooled .off, en•Lblin g a busy lean tp get fit mr dcapital to capital 1i] loss ay ImefFNSE ENGINE poem/t. "My steamer is over 700 feet longthey —about the salve length as the Oceanic.. To drive her at the stated speed the huge installation of 80,- 000 horse -power has been decided' upon, This is more than double the horse -power in any existing or pro- pose Atlantic greyhound, That of the Oceanic is 28,000, and that of the Deutschland, the Hamburg -Ara- crack, 35,600. "In spite of this I a.n able to save more tlhan. 50 per cent. in the weight of machinery and boilers over the ordinary type of liners. "The boat will be not only the fastest vessel afloat, but the neat -Abroad est. . "Tire present would be the best opportunity for the Canadian Gov- °resent to step in with its fast 1Pae, so long suggested. 1 am will- ,ing to place my services at the ens- posal of Canada and to give the Dominion Government the benefit of my ideas. This would enable them to check- mate the operations of any hostile trust, and to annex the passenger traffic of the North Atlantic ' by feeding the tTnited States through Canadian ports, the reduction in the time occupied for .the -journey being sins to prove •irresistible to the great majority o4stances j Y Passengers:" Mr. Camps is a level ]tended, ex- man. He had his early training' with the great firm of Har- land and Wolf.: Ibor several years he was with :Painters, of Jarrow, and he has also had experience in northeast coast yards. He occupied a position in the lrm of Sir highel Raylton "Dixon and Company. CAMERAS AS CLERKS. The camera promises to he as in dispensable in business affairs as the typewriter. It is now being used in the reproduction of documents, sta- tistical tables, and other papers whose duplication by Aland would be laborious find expansive; In a tory brief period the camera reproduces these things with correctness and with ml1ch labor saved. This is one of the directions in which hoto r a P g - phy has great value, T0BAC0o T t:� imoNs,, Vlue el Smoking in Ei"NE'NS Berate Disease, The laollof that tobacco stnalty is a dlslnfectant had long been popularly held, says the London Lancet. As long ago as 7$88 Dr. Paul Tail. sinar•i, of PISA, eoubjected the germs of xaat'1°us deadly ,di5oasos {such AS anthrax, c• holOza, and. e egos Sever) to the ac. le'n 01 dons° cloud's 01 ltnplaeoned tobacco smoke during periods 0 ' 0 t b t 1 0 and X50 l ours, and he este to.the cobclusiou that when moat cases; and especially when lar. o C at a employedwitut''Hillaiiai' g ig s had been as generators, the development of pa- teny.o who y r see either pare body or wholly arrested, But no body z'0 ains smoke in his moutla for 100pi,date a time 1 An occasion- pipe, indeed, .scat rely counts In toinparlson ,with D. TasslnErir a .1n- seal in B , tense g process, °sedan un der trio mond)tl.ons imposed by the Holten 'invesi gator would a thevatols smoke 0 coalor r reduce t t I f c al woad P od c hC same results as, that of the cigar 2 t is recorded that during the Great Plague children were told to slnoico • In their schoolrooms. Tito idea was ° probably borrowed from the custom of the bwiers a the dead on their way,in charge of dead- gon ,tarts to Holywell Mount. We read Brief Abstract of the Vir- toes of the American Tobacco Plant" published in 1788, that at first these persons only used tobacco as a deodorizer, "little thinking that what they used for momentary relief lvOuld prove a constant Pr'Oventive. Wlran flip pia uR was hep ily •stay- ed, the vf]`tues of tobacco ],ogee to investigated ; it was found that those persons who plentifully used it either fn smolciug or snuiTing; had most wonderfully escaped the dire contagion for though they visited the chambers of the • mol., attended the funerals of cartloads at a time, unexpectedly avoided the in- feetion:" The writer even goes so far as to advance the theory that since Europe took to smoking, epi- demise had greatly decreased and we find hum stating the belief that dealers in tobacco were secure from Plague infection, -Yet he can assign no reason why tobacco should prove so valuable as a disinfectant except in so far as it fortifies the head against "exhalations." • Workmen in tobacco factories are often cited as being immune from cholera and other epidemics. It Is interesting to trace this belief baok. it probmibly received its first impetus in Toulouse, where shortly before the Revolution- the workmen in the State tobacco factory are said to have remained •Immune dor- Mg a deadly epidemic of suette (swearing sickness). The belief may Perhaps, be of the nature of fella lore. The medica1 msn attached to the Bordeaux State factory thought that this local iadustry wits 4 vent- s,blo blessing to a damp and foggy town, "The piquant and ammonia- cal emanations arising from the to- haemo qualify the air •and diminish its insalubrity. Before the establish- meet of this factory the poorer parts o4 Bordeaux had been •ravaged by epidemics and contagions now un - known. The deathrato among the tobacco workmen is, he adds, very low, whits. eery few cases of .]Teens occur among them, although they are in general ill -lodged and clothed and even worse fed." We have no 110W facts to add in evidence of the value Of tobacco stndkin in epidemic disease. As yet,g anyrate, there is nothingPinion at authoritative to be said. ---- 9 EVER WANDERERS. At Lord P.othschild's magnificent house, or rather, palace, in Piccadil- ly, as at his country seat at 'Bring °•nd in all Ilio other Rothschild real- donees in England and on the Oen- tinent, there is always in a con- spicuous place, generally among the cornices, a piece of steno or marble loft undressed, unearved, mad in a rough and unfinished state, which, by reason of the beauty and splendor of its immediate surroundings, at once catches the eye. This is in amen- 3 p once with the rule amore all Ortho- g dox Jews that they should have no Permanent abiding place tllltr1 they a • re restored to the Holy Land, and flus unRmshed • bit of stone is to mark that the abode is merely tent-, porary an incomplete, ITEMS. "'ilel'a ere sen?e asil'b101,"43' b17t trot stilly, Os asiTUiog. 501110110Peetneeiele When so .maUod peoplt°t9 Aredia' Whlmh dines not occur, he los ,.-.., rail1, Cattle, de Centres. " • �'� 'M1 •0 p o Br1e � 111 All (� V!YC'•I• the Globe. The ]elate In i`e>,• The flute is very oldie thC'Au{e'oftorlaylsdiffaie>x p1 the 3neteuts, It has betel noel] from time to lime, n Pe°plo would pz'obnhiY fail f it new„ The flageolet, wide is credited to AT,".1 DSTUFFS,• aY 27.—ti\'heatl with offerings d zed. held ems , ]]lent tit 86 Toronto orthora a t at to tr In per cent, at $2.95 Wet's' sacks. 1, quoted at flour $4.05,tp tick Toronto trop • barmen' g lots en fn "Ake e extra. is steady $19 'outside. 7 $10 to auito�� bran, tis $22, in ' quiet; No, relght, and le freight, he market is 15c east. is clull or No. 1,r (AN h:�. Coronation Iest]t'ftics a Hotline: t I 10111 lirstatvo days, Theproposal tfi create Highland it regiment i ° a I g 1 t ad in Ilamll'ton lies been 3'° vived, Tbel new C. to It. bindgo at iNii]ni- pep, le cp3nPleted and ready for the 3'a11p, Danson City's assessrnollt In real and personal property is dose to $12,000,000, lha Government is being asked by Che Aiantroal Herber Commissponors be to permit the C. T. R. to erect Cie• at 15'indinill POlnt lifontroal, Bev, neither McPherson, Little Bras d'Or, has sold his oxtenSive mineral deposits' at George's River to as American ,syndicate for 1,20U,000. The syndicate will al o ac u're s- session of an extensive deposit PQof d P anthracite coal recently discovered the Island of Boular•deri0, a fete rnilos away hem Little Tara& rotor,g' A Dope of Arsenio The OsuaiIY fatal dose of two el R.neer Beeruty, In New Holland tile tsomo selves with shells and, if Wounds' open a long time, seers In the flesh, 1Pliicli high's' or amental n the Y 11 A q ynutilatfon 1smAde among t rp infnncY they take off the 1 of the left hand at the semen seek. Peck at first meant a'bns ceptacle for rain or other s The expression at lest had encs to size. -,_,_, GREAT BRITAIN. Six thousand terns of obsolete shot and shell are ,ofTored for sale by the War Ofiied. •The •Bisho • of Ipswich has been Dried £2 11a for keeping five dogs without licenses. Tho Mansion House fund for the relief of St. • Vincent sufferers amounts to '£14,000. Mr. Graham ,White . has been offer- °d the post of "Master of the King's Motor Cars," a new office. A shark seven feet ten inches long, found lying stranded on the beach, has been killed 'near Dartmouth. One of the boilers of II. M. cruiser Arrogant is eo be converted to M- low of the consemPtion' of liquid .purl. One effect of the operations of the ]leaf trust has been to send up the price of bacon and cheese in En land. R The Admiralty has decided to refit all the thirty-four torpedo gunboats on the Navy List with new engines and boilers. Reports of the wreck of twenty- nine British vessels with the loss of forty-seven lives wore received last month by the Board of Trade. The gifts and addresses received g by the Prince and Princess of Wales dm- ing their tour are on exhibition at the Imperial Institute, London. The "Rational Sabbatarians" of Edinburgh, encouraged by their' sue. cess in obtaining Sunday cars aro new aiming at a Sunday opening of picture galleries. It is stated , in. English insurance circles that in several notable in- an Americans syndicate has yn tiled to gobble up certain compantes, It has been successful so far as ono important British company is con- -corned. Glrauey Col7are, A cloth dipped in ammoni bed thoroughly onacoat eoIi move the greasy look, Vet may be treated in the same must be held in front of a h redly atter to raise the pile. ST. VINCENT SUFFERS. A r nether Violent Eruption of Pbe La Soufriere. A despatch from St. Lucia, B. W. I., says:- News received here from St. Vincent is to rho effect that there was a further eruption of La -Enormous quantities pp rocks and ashes fell within six utiles of Kingstown, the capital of the ieo- land, At the point referred to, .the covered the ground ashes depth o a ep of two feet. There was also re flow of lava. The volcano was also very active, ejecting streams of lava, and showers of dust. Chateau Belair is deserted, and Tfingstown is crowded with refugees. It is feared a new crater has opened in the Atamaqua Valley, which is nearer to Kingstown than La sone ftdoro: Tho valley is covered with , smoke, `Which looks as if it were coining from the Bonhomme Moult- teen. A great part of the island is threatened with complete ;obliter•a- tion by the low of lava. At several mission stations everybody perished. It is reported that the local au- thorities have lost their heads. There have been over'two thousand deaths so far, and tau of the in y habitants are still unaccounted for. RI MARICETS.. e its '• cep aro We 1 i t. 17 to ae; }uedium, tubs an its, 19to are od., They t is unchanged 11�- PRODUCE. n: -Trade to 940, quiet, yearlings, tarket ie ;lard; comb, 1. -The market an. demand; '5 On track —Marketquiet, 5. Pure OOe to to Sec, nrket is; d. They- 3b, and 4U is toted at 1. lies aro Wu. quote to 131c chickens, market 'o' quoted small lots Potted rtants. It is necessary to supply fc large plant growing in a The soil gets so lull o1 fee that nourishment must be se traneously. A good fertilize the plant -with food quite as E as would repotting. An Ant Mash. n: favorite dish of the East ant mash. The ina0eta are pits pita and mashed by handful mss' To Pres -hen Raisin; If figs or raisins bare dr' they seem chippy, put them In a stennier and set over b ter. In half an hour they will as when just boueet. Allow tura to dry off and rtl3 them timers' sugar beLere putt Myatt SALMON CANNERS COMBINE — Mr. Jarvis• of Toronto Completes the Arrangement. ., Ades etch from Vancouver B. 0. says: despatch y Aomilius Jarvis of To - route, who has, with Mr. Henry Doyle of this city, conducted nego- -tialiens resulting in the completion of the combine of British Columbia canneries, jarvileft on Friday. eeks eel seast spent five wthe coast, and as the result of his ofe forts sonhe 45 of rho canneries have into'the hands 01 a corpora gonet]on, wlhile negotiations furl]. ten •or a dozen more are still pending. Ho paid over a chock for a million and a quarter; completing the amalga matron, Insects In Greece. GYeece uses moi thee G; co p pee a'l lm insects, eslpec ae y loose that the currant bush. x BIG SALVAGE.. Admiralty Court Awards 575,000 to Men o£' Germaa Liner. A despatch from Halifax, N. S., says:.The Admiralty Court has awaf dad salvage damages to the olt- cern and men of the German steam - er Karlsruhe, which towed the steam- or Neckar into Halifax, leo °stint- ated the value of the steamer and her cargo at 31,125,877, and rnade the award , $75,000, the largest ever given for salvage services in the. Ad- miralty Court at 1"lalifax. • The judge commented favorably ou the character, skill, and efficiency of those in charge of both ships,which belong to the North Gcrnian Lino. + Fertile Egypt. ofEgyptian The fertility os {rated by the fact that eve 10,600 square miles can l0 persons, whereas even in den lated Belgium there are only square mile. VICTIMS VICTIMS OF LIrsHTNING• Two Children Meet Death at Pen- elon Falls. • A despatch from penelon Falls says: During a thunderstorm which Passed over this village this even- in little Jennie and Jimmie Smith, g aged about fourteen and ten years respectively, children of Thomas Smith, of this pla(e, were killed.The girl was going out to a neighbor's for mine, and 11ad staidly passed Circ door, with her little brother close behind, when leghtning sbrucic and killed both the children 'instantly, Matchmakers. It takes the constant label people to make matches for t' -- UNITED STATES Gelled, Texas, was swept by a tor- nado. From fifty to one hundred are reported killed, The American Steel Founders Company, with a capital of 540.- 000,000,, is being organized at Chicago, The will of Potter Palmer of Chi- OOt 000, rtually in and leaves A'fsnFalnierueaths $8,000,000,d trol of the estate.- By menses of a great drainage ditch 20.000 acres of swamp land in Cass and Buren Counties Mich., will be reclaimed. The second distribution of profits from the United States Steel Cor- poration1' was sent out on y, Monday by the J. P. Mor au Company. stoner- g in to $10,000,000. g Jean rTewtolr,. once a wealthy member of the New York Stoolc Ex- change, committed suicide in a g ' Pan nilCss condition, and the brokers aro raising a subscription to bwy him. At Atlanta, Georgia, gen, a immbOr of negroes barricaded themselves in a store to resist ilrrest. A lot of pro- shooting took place, and three policemen, four negroes and a whit e citizen were killed. James Underwood, a negro, who boasted that he had killed two men and threatened to kill two protmn- ont • 51esident0 at the ffrst oppoi'tun- ity, was lynched at Decatur, Megfs County, Tenn., on Sunday. The octogenarian brothers, Hugh and Neal O'Donnell, of New York, who acquired large fortunes as coopers, have for the past' 18 years distributed their profits of 540,000 alutually `among 70110115 charities' and note at their death have willed all their property to charities London Likes Vow] It is the o of leading that London consumes no E 15,000,000 fowls a year, ethic ly divided among the popula allow about three per head p RODUCTS. are firrit, Hog at unchanged long aurd' case do., --?Sams, .. 1.IINERALS DISCOVERED. Three Valuable ,Properties in Mich. icoten District. ' P A despatch from Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., says: Local interest has been aroused • bee the Mineral discovery announced by Louis Causley, who has been prospecting on the Michi- picoten range: Ile claims he has discovered three valuable proper- ties, one gold', another graphite; axed the third cinnabar, the last a source of mercury, about 110 miles north of the Canadian Soo." Causley recent] made .]shown his find to re- y putable people here, who made .` an investigation, and returned y°ster day. They say it is a good thing, and will turn out right. They brought back with them splendid specimens of tete three minerals. A company is beingformed to work y the property.. Morocco' Mail Carrie Mail. carriers in Morocco a avoid the risk of losing their oversleeping by tying a stri foot and setting the end On 1 going to sleep. Tho string, t from experience, will burn so when the fire reaches their time.for them to get up, 4 BO1vIB IN HAVANA. Thrown Into Crowd celebrating Republic's Birthday. A despatch from Havana says: Half of the residents of the' city wore on the strooCs nett] a late hour the fireworks at Alorro Castle and admiring the it- Morro lvmuiatlon of the city in honor of the now Cuban Republic. • I)Uring the night some one threw a bomb into a crowd of people, in.- peeing eleven of them. Pieces of erne and nails wore found in the wounds of those who were hi$, ' ,TES DIARICETS. 27.—Flour, No. inter offerings Corn, quiet; $ do„ $n; No 8 No. 2 white, No.. 2 ... Barley, 1 offered Steady. 27.—Wheat, May, 764c. to; May; d,firm; 3(ic; d, dull, steady, .07$ ; No, ty 27,—Wheat, ^rbc; No July, c. Barley, 74c; sample, lv 624c. o. 1 Northern, ,- 7810; lISty,' ptcnthcrl there, cash 1 tllern, 71 Amebae, Wheat, idea 7 26. -Wheat, 7, 79c; July,72 May 27.—Close, to; July, 1 traok, rtheril, 70c; Flour, first • soloed clones, 52,90 Bran—.in K.— : _ 7 '5n -d 27.—.. 27. .. o dee 01155,market ]01t(Is, including eP and and °a d t cattle to aisl wee brisk, ativancecl, butcher ie per Ib, ice. 7 • aro e REWARDS FOR BRAVERY Government Recognizes Heroism of Athabasca's Crew, ti despatch- from Montreal says: mho Dolnhl•:on. Government has d :. °idol to recognize nize the braver of Ca g o Pt. G. D. McDougall and the offl- cels and clew oP the C,I'.it. steam- er Athabasca, which wout to the res- cue of the United States barge Pres- ton on Lake Superior on June 20, 1901, and stived all on board. The Government, through the Minister of Marine, has signified its intention of Presonta g Capt, AlcDougall with a hands ime piece of silver, I rest Mate McPhee• with a binocular Bless, Chief Engineer William Loelcerby with a gold medal, and the members of w•mv WW1 silt*er 1110(1418 suit- ably inscribed. Gents Milk. ' A German sanitarium re r g little use is made of goats' advantages over .cows' mil says, that it le richer, more 11 milli and absolutely free Pro tuberculoses. Cnshine's Way. .+Caleb Cushing, would go street and ask information of blest negro if in that way learn went he wished to kr one• ' who was associated wi Washington. 1 BIRDS AS SHEEP DOG$, The yakamic, or trumpeter, of Ven - ozuola, a [owl of the crane species, is a bird of extraordinary intelligence. Th° natives use them instead of sheep dogs for. guarding and herding their flocks. It is said that, how- live• fnr 11,0 eakalnie umay wander with the flocks, it neem fails •to find •the its way home at night, driving be- fore it all the creatures entrusted to its care. } GOT HIS ANSWER.three It was a village post office. As in many villages, the office was also a general shop. It had, in. fact,.been the shop of the village, but within a few months a rival establishment had been set up. Yes, another shop had been opened, and the Held° villagers were already beginning to flock to it. &latlhers, the post office shop- keeper, was furious, One day a vii- lager entered and asked for a letter, Smit•Ile•s eyed hien severely. He Weis one of those who had gone over to tee now shop. "No, there's no letter for you," Ile •said. "1 told you so yrstor- day.": v t there might be one to -day," the tot unreasonable suggestion. "011, there might, might there?" sneerer, Smithers. \Voll, that, t1toro ain't." "But you haven't looked.": "haven't 1?"able ,,No.,, -y. •"Olt, let°et Rrell,, you've got your answer and that's enough." "But it ain't—" - "Confound ,youI" screamed the ;fur- lobs Smitlle,s' .stepping oil his stool and leingfirg himself all over the 0onnter. "Won't you take. `Nol for an x281701'. 1 t'c]1 you again +- no, no, eel .Arid if you ain't satisfied, you go. and •get your letters - where you buy your• goods!".....----a----.know,' k- -- —. FOUND DEAD IN BED, A des slob from Montreal sale • P s Detective Reid, a well -]mown .nom- bar of the Local detective pored, was found ,lead in bed title morning. He Was 33 years old, and laid been cora meted with the forte since 1898. FILLED IN A FALL. - Traveler for Toronto Firm Meets 'Death at Poterboro. A despatch. from Teterboro, Ont„ says: Mr. A. A. Benson, traveler. for the firm of II, W. Petrie, Toren- to, met death this morning by fall. Mg from a window in the second storey of the' National .Hotel, break- Mg hist neck. Mr„ Benson Came to Peterboro caul retired in his usual good health. About one o'clock fn tiro morning the night-watchman heard tee emelt, ovo dl $Ileround of Mr . Bensmt mire c e bodywas his night robe. _ Lobsters wed Crake In buying lobsters and heaviest are the best. The star, though generally small best Savor, f PATIENT BURNED TO DEATH Fire Destroys Institution Near Montreal — Several Injured, A despatch from Montreal says: The Latmentian Consumptive Sean- tarium at Ste, Agatha, a short din- from Montreal, vee comaletely destroyed by fire at an early hem Wednesday numbing, and Mrs. God- • . ' of .Fitcliville, Vt.1 who teas visiting her niece, Mrs. J, B. Payne, of Granby, and was under' treatment, lost her life in the flames.the 4. '---+— First Traveller(takingcigar from g his case); "]lave you a math on t S c td r 1 you? a o1 Tater of (insltnrnt- 1agly): Yes, I 11070 a match; but I have no pone First Traveller: "Then you won't want your match, will you?" "We realize some dilleulty in find- htg approprut o names for our shi . s," satd • the mu lit, ca lain; p g Y P "they all .rave to end in M.' you know," "Wouldn't Seasic bo a suit- naso for. a ship?" suggested Colonel Moone First "I baro hall Prov- ed to ant that advertising brings re-, suite." second Jeweller: "What was the case?" i5l'st Jeweller: "Yesterday evening I advertised for a watchman, and during the night my shop was burglarized.,, • "Wttat is , meant by the lap of homy?" asicod a teacher of a class at little iris. "P]rnse, lna'nnt, I exclaimed the meanest of the lot, holding u „ R 11 her hand " tt'e11, what is it:, clear?" imx area . ly er jciritl "It's when t ha eat steels elite the l0)'ttet' and 11111s the main off the milk," responded 1.110 little one. And the teacher, on reflection wasn't quite stun that her fit$lr qpupil was wroeg, Big Linrtuworma. Earthworms six feet long ., Gi psland, victoria. Th. P butroms on the sloping sides and are the largest .variety the world It must be a 1 :Which picks . up the worm in 1 GLN I'A.L`' The report a published in Paris that MOUnt Wein-vials is in eruption is without 'foullctation. Khaki is to give place to serge in uniform of the Shanghai volae- g tears, •Jewell°': the Port Admiral at �`oulon says the French navy wi11 shortly pOSge88 suhmftrilles tenable of going eon- Where and doing anything. it Ow tg to the dept 'Press in the . , hien industry on the Continent ila0 cottage weavers in the Bohemian Forest are reduced to starvation, The health conditf011e of ITong Yong •are said to be 111 a threaten .175 eon d9tion, fresh cases of plague having g brou reported. hC. Santos-Dtuiznut, the celebrated nbrcnaut, states that an aership 40 carne 110 pnssetgors 0115 melee the trip Prom Paris to New York 3n two clays is possible, at cost of 000,000. Yawning., It 18 not merely a comm that n " miming is OatChing, highest scientido authorities itis un uesti°nobly true. q - BALLOONIST KILLED. — Fatal Accident at Sheffield, Where r Aeronaut Lost Pier idle* A despatch. from Ldndou says: A woman balloonist, ]rained Edith 13rooks, was yesterday dashed to dCati at SheR]R1 through alto fail- Ura of the •paa`nchttto apparatus to Work properly. TO STOP LETTER STEALING. The French postofice estimates that no fewer titan 08,000 letters were stolen last y0ax from pillar boxes: nexperiments'aro being made by fitting some of the boxes with steel teeth, which prevent the extt'ae- (io11 Of letter's, in the hope of guard- ing against these thefts in the fu- tura. AUSTRALIA'S antrUcitns. Australia has, propor{;imlately` ]]tore climeees titan any ol:her cone- try, the Mather being 6,01.3, or 2:10 Chin'clles to every 100,000 people, England ]las nee cherebes to , pr 100,000; Russia onlyfifty-eve to�thn y same number... The Lnln.Bri'de. The Zulu bride is not mot vied until she hes thrown a el Water over her husband, plea speinkeng the rest of lilts fa must also glue her sistel•in•1 40 chow that hfmCefOrth, lhf tierreSS• `-- r LOST SIGHT •.OF ONE EYE. A .'clespatoh' from Stratford says:R William- (?ase tray worlcin at the Casey g Anchor Lino Wire Fence Cote factory (he .' wire merle' when i areal] piece of tele° flow up and tut , the ball of •,7ho Ieft eye, so tie°ply that the fluid ran out, Dr. ;Deacon found ]tie eight iarom0diably Bono and removed the eyeball. Varnish ttatnn, To remove varnish Nom 1 rub them \vile a little methyl thoroughly ieitwltltsson t and \va I The Turkish, ]res. Pr, Mete! There Is Only one 7 1 ,cos, Misters makes nearly gltiel:isth nnflnnal hefuleear. e:ar s In Ceilslte v f4 ver/. OAle pR t11Cs@ is aft event es his heed. 0711.' Origin, i/i•4 t t'r9111 •tl t 1155-9 ud the 914, O reeognlaua''; 11 is spine•: Tuvlgner,, arsenic 15 n cut them, eepleg'the (erne de41P they deem r singular hemi when lttle finger d joint, ket or re ubstances. no refer• a and rub-' cella will re - vet collars way, but of iron di- od to any small pot: Ping roots pplled ex. r supplies uflCiently, Indians 14 caught iti a 11ke rat• led up se on a plate oiling eve - be plump the mois- il. confec. ing them 000 tons ea for killing feed upon Ills illus, ry one of pport 929 sely popu. 580 to the of 60,000 e world. A, salesmen ewer than ch if even - on would er annum. re said to places by ng to one are before ]ley 10110?¢ long, and foot it is ets that so milk. Its k are, he ke human m germs of into the the 'ehab he could ow," said ih him ie crabs the male lob - r, smile has the are Pound )y live in of creeks found in any bird 3ippslend. n saying': but the say that erly Man tlaba8h of tifully be. nosy, She aw a slap Is to be :he hands °ted 81111.' heti wash ler. rY 111 'Car, all 8f the