The Brussels Post, 1902-5-29, Page 1ru, Vol. 80'. No, 46 B•RU SS L. , ONTARPO, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1902''' New Advertisements. Local G, E, Bing. Coming—T, P. Smith. Farm for sale—R E. Coatoa. Tenders for flay—W. H. Kerr.Plante and flowers—Miss Kelly. Carriage factory—Cober & Sons. Financial agents—.R. G. Reynolds. Eight big offerings—McKinnon & Co. t$tr;C i eba, , •. Be1per ealree. Rev. Mr. Brown has a topic, at the Sabbath School Convention at Brusselti on l ridey of this week. The members of the Trinity church, Belgrave, bad a bee and made some peed• ed repairs to the church. One side of the porch waa shingled and the interior thee. oughly cleaned. A new fence will be add- ed shortly. Ab the,meeting of the, Ashfield oiroaib quarterly official board a complimentary. resolatiou concerning the pastor, Rev. F. Oabeo, formerly of Belgrave, wae passed, tee eubsbanoe of which is asfoflowe : "Re. solved that the past year on our oirouit having been one of Divine blessing in the following particulars : Parsonage recon• etraotion, Zion aharohrenovation, new church built at Haokett'e and marked advance in spiritual things, that we do most oordially invite oni pastor, Rev. F. Brussels Greenhouse. Plants and Flowers. Yon will find at Brussels Greenbouee any quantity of Tomato, Celery, Osuli. flower and Cabbage Plante. Fine collection of Flowering Plante. A ahoiae lot of Geraniums and Annuals for bedding. Oat Flowers supplied. Floral Deeigns made to order. Miss Kelly. CANADIAN`.. >1`'ACLR,i;C; WILL RUN Home-Seekers''>vt, Excursions TO TUE CANADIAN NOW[U-WEST AT RETURN FARES Winnipeg ., Waekada Eetevan Elgin Arcola Moosomin , Wawaneaa Biosoarth Minlota Grand View Ewan River $28 Regina......... 1 t➢o Mooeefaw .,)F Yorkton Pr. Albert,! $35 fleoleod Calgary Red Deer $40 Strath- °Dna Going JUNE 3rd, returning -until AIIGUST 4th (all rail or 8.8. Alberta). Going JUNE 24th, returning until AUGUST 25th (all rail or S. B. Alberta). Going JULY 16thOreturn- ing until SEPTEMBER lath (all rail or B. B. Alberta). Tickets are not good on .Imperial Limited." For tickets and pamphlet giving full partionlare, apply to your nearest Can- adian Pacific Agent, or to A. H. NOTMAN, Aset,-Gen.Pass. Agt., Xing Btreet East, Toronto. v WOOL Highest Cash Price paid for any quantity delivered at my Storehouse, No. 1, Brussels. Also for Grain of all kinds. I,obt, Graham. J. Oaten, M. A., to remain with tis dor. ing the emoting conference year, and that we further express gratitude that Mr. Oaten hes by the Divine blessing been brought through a were Meese and Is no fully restored to health and iabor... ca relate roola. Mrd.. A. Reymann and Miee Mamie Cameron were visiting friends at Paisley last week where the former'' mother and brother five, Nevem; All persona having property in Orenbrook °emeter. are repeated to meet on Tuesday, 8rd e, to d000rate the same. By order( Sees. Thursday eh +et week a polit- ical meeting wee;e..c here. Addreeeee Were give!, by Tho\; Straohen,J. Leokio, and A, Hislop three well, known Liberals. 1VZoleegwortlx. Mise Carrie Mitchell Sundayed at home. We are pleaeed to heard that George Elliott's family is improving after their spell of eiokoese. Ohae. E. Leppard attended the Teaaber8'. 0ppventiQn lest.'Thereafsy and. Friday at Brussels. Jae. Leppard had a narrow escape from being hurt throogh thefalling of a chimney on E. A. MoHee'e houee. A severe of ewept over our burg Thursday of last week and did consider. able damage to baron, Biles and fauces. Joseph MoIntoeh returned last week after visiting in the Northwest. He will move hie family and household goods out there sono. Harvey Mitobell, who has been engaged with the Copp Clark Co., of Toronto, for the past two years, spent Saturday and Suudey with hie parents here. Trowbridge. Mise Ella Code spent Saturday at home. Hildred Code, of Galt, spent the 24th with hie mother, Mre. Geo.Code. Hugh and Mre. McRae, of Dornoolh, are visiting in the village thin. week. Johnston McCormick, of Kincardine; spent Sunday with hie parents here. The foot ball team will play a friendly game with Molesworth on Friday even• ing. Miee Govenlook, of Atwood, spent a few days visiting at the home of 0. Ooeen'e. The heavy wind of 'Thursday or last week did quite a lot of damage in thie vicinity. Quite a number of the young people of tbe village took in the eporte at Lietowel on Saturday. Mr. and Mise Jaekeon, of Peel, aped a few days the guests of Mise Libbie McCormick this week. The eooial held on May 28rd was a decided mamas in every way. The pro gram wee varied and well rendered. Mies Murdook, elooutioniet, wae heartily e0oor• ed to which ebe willingly responded and no doubt all would be delighted to hear Miee Murdock again next year. Prooeede amounted to 042. Bluevale. Mr. Higgins ie visiting hie eon, Frank,' iu Wiarton. Fred. Rogers, of Fortheioh, wee in the village for the 24th. Miee Simpson, of Ethel, viaited Mine Laura Snell last week. Mise Alice Duff, of Elsinore, visited over Sunday at her home here. Miee Elva Adams, of Londeeboro', spent Friday with Miee Hood. Mre. Robert Leathern viaited with friends in Stratford bat week. Albert Denman, of Mount Forest, spent Sunday at his home here. Miee Ina Thomas, of Toronto, was visiting her pareota here last week. Mre. Fred. McCracken, of Brussels, is visiting her mother, Mre. John Gardiner, Mre. Grey and Miee Outhberteon, of Alma, viaited Miee Jean Grey this week. Mre. Dowding and oleildren,of Atwood,: Were visiting her eieter, Mre. John Hall. Victor Jermyn, of Clinton Collegiate, spent the holidays with his parents here. • F. B. Scott and Malcolm viaited rela- tives in Seatorth on Saturday and Bun day. Mien Burdett% Geddes, of Brneeele, viaited her aunt, Mre. Henry Diment, thin. week. Mre, Chriebopber Thornton and Heber Thornton, of Wingham, viaited at John Gardiner's, on Sunday, Mr. Cummer; of Owen Sound, orient a few days last week with hie daughter, Mre. Fawcett, who returned with him on Monday to Owen Sound. Downing Bros. THE PICTURE OF. MISERY- is ISERYie the man with an uncomfort- able or ill made shoe. Anyone buying the Slater Shoe from our high grade stock of shoes, either ladies' or gentlemen's Will never be troubled that way.Our shoes are made on lasts that con- form to nature, and the, foot is made comfortable, whit$ looking aristocratic and stylish.; Prices? You can't beat them for quality. Agents for the Slater Shoe. Bros. O � wnln Mosere, Monziee, of Moleeworth, viaited their untie, George lttgDonald, on Sap• day. Mre, Robt. Mallongh and 11010 Mies. Jean, epent the holiday with relatives in (salt. William and Mee, MDlptyre, and Hlae Jennie Greepway, of Toropto, viaited at Mre Robert Greeoway'o, thie week. Mre; 5, Stanley and her Meter, Mee Millie Mose, of Toronto, renewed old aoqueintanees here on Saturday add Sunday. are. Bberman Stanley and little dangh. ter,•Marjorie, and Miee Millie Mone, from near Ripley were vioiting at F. B. Soott'e during the holidays; Jan>lo;otown. Timm, Beech, beet kiude procurable, may be had at W. Inpee' store James. town. . Rev. D. B. McRae, of Oranbrook, will take oharge of the evening service here next Sunday. We are sorry to hear of the i1100 09 of Mies Katie Wright but hope site will soon be oonvaleeoent. Last Friday evening Rev. Mr. Strachan, of Guelph, preaohed in Viatoria Hall and on. Sabbath. evening Mr,- Morgan, of Philadelphia, officiated. A bustling business is being done on theirroute by..tbe pedlar'° .wagon from. Innes' store, Jamestown, Jae. Ionia ie in °barge and pleases the people. I1 is eaid in his push for business he sometimes even "shoos" the hone off the neat to get - the eggs.' Thursday'sstorm upset the.boree eheda. at Victoria Hall. Tbey will be replaced next week and on a more substantial prinoiple as the poets were not embedded in the ground at all before. The electrical etorm of last week name nearly destroying the residence of James Wright. Lighting.aame into the building at the chimney and shook things up at a lively rate until it wound up by burying itself in the cellar floor. Of wares the iomatea were ..badly frightened but fortunately no ohs was injured. It wae close call. Gorge Johneton'e bank barn bed quite a big neotion of the Eaet aide of the roof blown off Thursday afternoon of last week. It is quite a new building too. Peter Scott's silo was upset ; Mrs. Mulli- gan's driving shed unroofed ; Richard Miller's bush badly wrecked and Nelson Hayden'e barn roof removed, besides minor damages to fenoee, trees, ohimneye, &o. Graffi . Township Council next Monday. Frost ou Taseday in some plaaee. Fait wheat, meadows and paeturagee are making great progreee. A new Olinda root has been end on Wm. Ziegler'a barn, 9th non. Mre. Geo. Hanley, 14th eon., we are eorry to bear, is on the aids list. Mre. Wesley Pepper and children, of London, were visitors at T. Pepper's. J. A., MoKay, merchant, ot.Monorieff, is building a new driving abed and stable. Mre. Jae. Turnbull is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mre. George McFarlane. J. A. MoKay and hie eieter, Miee Florence, spent Sabbath with relatives in St. Marys. Last Monday Mre. Richard Rae re. turned from a short- boliday with her sister at Toronto. H. Johnston, of Atwood, has been drilling a number of wells in the neigh. borhood of Moncrieff lately. The beef ring, whose beadquartera are situated on the farm of H. McNaught, commenced operations last Monday. Miee Jennie McKibben, of Leadbnry, wae visiting her cousin, Miee Jennie Armstrong, adjoining Brneeele, this week. Joseph Amee is now in a position to speak about his daughters. We bid the new Miee Ames a hearty welcome to Grey township. The storm heat Week reminded ne that our climate is very tropical in its nature, In some instances it muted like a Southern cyclone too. • Mies Lizzie E. 5traahan spent the 24th with her parents, "Sunny Brae," 3rd eon. Miee Strachan ie assistant teacher at. Tavieloak.Publio School. • The dredge contractors expect to nom. plate their work in the North in about another week. They have done a good job and will go to the Southerly part of the townebip, Jean, the little daughter of Alex, Ma - Kay, Elma bonudary, had a narrow eecape from being killed last week by a colt tramping on her. The injuries she received are very painful. Nomination day Jno. Grant, 141b, eon., had hie buggy ooneiderably damaged in Brands by the front of P. Scott's blank• emith ebop striking it in its fall. The top, seat and one wheel suffered by the crash. - Miee Anna Straohan lett on Thursday of last week for Kincardine and vicinity. She will visit her brother, D. S., of Kin- cardine, and her Meter, Mre. A. D. •Mo• Cosh, of Pine River. She will probably extend bar visit for two weeks. A pleas. ant vieit and a safe return, Mite Btraahan. Among those who suffered by the storm in damage to barna and silos were R. E. Coates, Jno. Hollinger, H. Clark, Jam. Cardiff, N. Cardiff, Arthur Smith, D. Marsh and Be Armstrong. In some Gnaws the regalia were not verynerione but in others the reaulte were not at all deefr. able, ,Orohurde were badly damaged and acorea of farmers had a hustling time in getting their femme, back to their plume. • 'A Sabbath School eooial was held in Roe's °herahon Teeer}ay evening and an enjoyable time watagelent. The program proved entertaining mud was 8a foliowe:— C6orueea by cheetah allele_ And eobool ; recitations by Miee Lizzie 'Carr and Miee Nora Meanders ; tending by Mien J.•Mo. Do old ; addreee by Rev. Mr. McKelvey, of Wroxeter ; inetrumental selections by Netters. Brewer and Jerome, of Brneeele, on violin and auto harp e Menem. Frain, Brown and Jerome on violin, harmonica 'and anto harp; Bolo, Miss Maggie Taylor. The paetor, Rev, H. E. Curry, made a, good ohatrman. Lando, b ooneiating of oaks and coffee, wser d ab the con- ae vg (+laefon of the varied and well rendered program. Proceeds 016.70. 1-1.K.F4RRi.ProP. The Ross Government Sus. J� stained. by Small Ma■ ority. J II p, m. Report --Liberals 62, Conservatives 45 —OnlyManitoulin to hear from—Majority v for Liberals, 7. East and West Huron elect Hislop and Cameron, Liberals, and Eilber, Conservative—Prer(lier Roes and all Members of Cab- inet Re-elected—Bruce Co. elect 8 Liberals—The Cities all go Conservative, except Kingston. PREMIER G. W. ROSS. The battle in aonneotion with the Prov- incial Election Campaign is over and the Ross Government is reported elected by a majority of 7. Some of the returns will be changed no doubt when the official report is made but the indications are that the Liberals will continue to do business at the old stand in Toronto. A pleasing• feature is that Hon. G. W. Rose and his entire Oabinet are eleoted and in tbie the Government fared better than 4 years ago. Mr. Whitney and his followers certainly made a dead set on securing office but the electors eay another 4 years on the Op- position benches will be their portion. A quieter eleotion 'wae never held in the Province and probably harder work was never done byboth parties. In tbe following returns only the con. etitaenoiee reported in somedefinite kind of away are given and some of these may require rectification in next issue but the majority is likely to grow rather than decrease. LIBERALS ELECTED. Algoma D. M. Brodie. Brant, N W. D. Burt. Brant, B T H. Preston. Brookville G. P. Graham. Bruce, N C. M. Bowman. Bruce, 5 R. E. Truax. Bruce, 0 Dr. J. M. Stewart. Durbam,.W N. Rickard. - Essex, S John A. Auld. Fort Willian and D. O. Cameron. Lake of the Woods} Grey, N A. G. MoKay. Haldimand 3 W. Holmes. Halton J R. Barber. Hastings, E....... , S. Russel. Huron, E A Hlelop. Huron, W M. G. Cameron. Kent, E John Lee. Kent, W T. L. Pardo. Kingston E. J. B. Pence. Lanark, N W. 0. Caldwell. Lennox M. S. Marble. Middlesex, E Dr. Routledge. Middlesex, W Hon. G. W. Ross. Monok Hon. R. Harcourt. Muskoka' . Dr. Bridgland. Nipieeing, E Dr. M. James. Nipiesing, W Joseph Miohand, Norfolk, 5W. A. Charlton. Norbbum'ld, WS..Olarke., Ontario, 5 Hon. J. Dryden. Oxford,17 Andrew Pattullo. Peel John Smith. • Perth, $ V Stook. Peterborough, E W. Ahdereon. Peterborough, WHon. J. R. Stratton. Prescott F. E. Evanturel. Prince Edward... Dr. Currie. Renfrew, B ...... Hon. Latchford. Renfrew, N J W. Munro. Simone, E James B. Tadbope. Simcoe, 0 D. Davidson. Stormont W. J. MoOarb. Wellington, E Hon. J. M. Gibson. Wentworth, 8 John Diokeneon. York,E John Richardson. York,N Hon. E. J. Davie. CONSERVATIVES ELECTED Addington Jamee Reid. Cardwell E. A. Little. Carleton Geo. N. Kidd. Dufferin John Barr. Dundee 3 P. Whitney, K. 0. Durham, E J J Preston. Elgin, E C. A. Brower. Elgin, W F, G. MoDiarmid, Essex, N Dr. J. O. Reaume. Glengarry W. D. McLeod. Grenville R. L. Joynt. Grey, 0.... I' B. Lunge. Grey, 5., Dr. Jamieson. Barailton, W Mayor Hendrie. Hamilton, E - Henry Oarooallen. Heating°, W M. B. Morrison. Hastittge, N 3 W. Pearse. -' Huron, 5 H. Eilber. Lanark, $ 15. -Col. Matheson. Lends ....... W. Beatty. Lincoln Dr, Jeaeop. London Adam Book. Norfolk, N Dr. F. S. Snider. Northum'ld, EDr, Willoughby. Ontario, N W, H. Hoyle. Ottawa - Dennie Murphy. Ottawa 0 33. Powell. Oxford, B ... .D. Sutherland. Perth, N...... J. C. Monteith. Simooe, W J 5. Duff. Toronto, WThoe. Crawford. Potent°, E..,,De. R. A. Fyne. Toronto, N Dr. Beattie Noebitt. Toronto, 5 3 J. Foy. Victoria, E J H. Carnegie. Waterloo, N Dr. Lackner. Waterloo, 5 W. A. Kribe, Wellington, 5Joe. Downie, Wellington, W.. „ J. Tuoker. York, W.. 3 W. St. John. EAST HURON ELECTS HISLOP. SIIMMARY. Hislop. Spotton. Brussels, majority 58 Grey, 257 Morrie, " 88 Hollett, 138 MoKillop, 79 Tarnberry, 46 Wroxeter, 21 Howiok, " 112 632 112 Majority for Hislop, 520. NEWS FROM THE FIELD. Hurrah for Hlelop. Let us continue to "Build up Ontario." Complete returns will be given next week• The pities ere joined to their idols. evidently. Weal Baron was one of the hottest flgbte in the West. Nobonfires as the result hardly jueti• fied anob.a ebow off. Morrie innreaeed its Liberal majority over 1898 vii from 27 to 33. A number of smell majorities are reported and some old whoppers. Well done Grey township, a majority of 257 for Mr. Hislop is a record breaker, Some good each was loat by some of our Conservative friends in Emit Huron on majoritieo. All the Cabinetbfinie!ers are reported re•eleoted end the leaders in the Oppo. eition ranks also. Editor Downey, of the Guelph Herald, made "pi"' oat of the soldiery Col. Mntrie in Sonth Wellington. In Brneeele Mr. Hileop bad a major. iby of 58. No. 1 gave him 5 majority ; No. 2, 17 and No. 3, 36. The three Brhoe'e went Liberal and will send'three good men to Parliament in the persons of Truax, Bowman and Stewart. A. Hislop M. P. P. waa very enthusi- astically received ou hie appearanoe in the Toavn Hall. He returned thanks in a short epeeoh. Monteith in North Perth is reported to only have 2 of a majority over Jno. Brown, the late member. Both are resi• dente of Stratford. Howiok township was counted by Mr. Spotton'e friends as good for 200 major- ity only gave 112, jut nine more than Mr. Mooney got 4 years ago. THE Poor hoped t0 have been able to oongratelate M. Y. McLean on winning South Heron but Harry Silber, hie op. ponent, wouldn't have it that way. A. Cantley and Jap. Fox handled the eleabrioity in the telegraph office for T. Fletcher Thursday night. Joe Good and Alex. Smith were -messenger boyo. The Union meeting in Brneeele' Town Hall for receiving the returns Thnreday night wae a new departure and was quite satisfactory. Cheers alteree ted as the reports were read. We were sorry to hear. of John Brown's - defeat in North Parte and hope for later returnsto the oontrary. South Perth ie credited with returning to the Liberal fold however by Gloating Mr. Stook. The Wingham Advance is a poor guesser... It eaid last week :—"In the - Eaet riding, Hislop namelyknows now wbere to Sod his 498 majority. The indiostione are, he willnever find it ; it he finds one at all, it will be so very mach shrivelled, as to be deemed no. worthy of a "Grit hive" like East Huron." The "shrivel" al not very apparent. CORNER STONE LAYING Of The Dig Sugar Factory at Wiartow on Jane Btu. - gram Rill be the grandest ever offered outside the largest cities, 700 voices will unite in ahem. The Colonial Construction Coe wbo have the contract for the erection of the building, placing the machinery and operating it the Brat season, are making rapid progress ander the supervision of Superintendent Dumont, who seems to be the right man in the right plane, and when completed Wiarton will boast of the largest and most enhetantial buslnese building North of Toronto, end one of the most solid atructuroe in Canada. Crops era doing well in Morrie. Courtbt Revision and townebip Couto- oil was held on Monday. Now that the eleetioo is mesa we will square away for our summer's work. The grader ehoald be got to work be. tore the ground gets too dry and hard. Mre, Jae. Sharp was away at Toronto for a short visit with her sister, return• ing on Monday. Don. MoKeuzie is home from Toronto where he ie takiug a medical course. He will spend his vacation here, The pupils had a holiday in several schools on Thursday owing to the school houses being utilized an polling pleoee, Geor, a Deoyer, who wae injnred by a fall ali ta. Speir'e residence will take a few week's net at the home of his Meter at Wingliam. Allan Ramsay, of Tara, was here for a short visit with relatione and friends. He is still a bachelor bat he wont say how long this state of affairs may exist. We are pleased to hear that Mise Julia Sharp, formerly of the 5th line, is meet. lug with semen as a trained nurse and ie now completing her first year. She ie at at. Thomas. May her success be long eontinned. Reeve Iebister was in the Southerly part of the township the other day in commotion with boundary improvements between McKillop and Morrie. The matter will be amicably settled. Reeve Iabieter carefully guards the interests of the township. - MATnnr001AL.—On Wedneaday of last week, George. Henderson and Mies Joao Ireland, well known residents of the 3rd line, were united in marriage at themaase, Egmondville, by Rev. Mr. Shaw. They returned td the home of the groom that evening. Their many friends wish them many years of happiueae. The etorm on Thursday of leek week did a great deal of damage in Morrie townebip. Thos. Forbes' barn, 3rd line, was burned, Jae. Davin' baro woo blown down and will have to be rebuilt, the roof of Geo. Johnston's, Jno Robb's and Jae. Speir'e barna suffered to a greater or lees• er degree. Fences were levelled and both .shade and fruit trees broken and in many canes uprooted. Hail fell in some 1ooal- itien. For a short storm it was a vioione one. DEATH or Mas. Comma—From the Mount Foreet Confederate we take the following reference to the death of Mrs. Jane Collins, Meter of the Messrs. and Miee McComb, of Blyth, and Mre. Agnea Craig, of Morrie : "It ie with feelinge of deepest sorrow that we are, this week, obliged to announce to our readers the death on Saturday everting last, at the family residence on Wallington street, of Mre. John Collins, at the advanced age of 78 years and six months. Deoeaeed bad been an invalid for the past five years bat an attack - of grippe, which ebe took some time ago, proved to mach for her weakened constitution, and gradually she grew worse until death ended her sufferings on the date mentioned above. Daring her entire illness she wae waited upon with devoted interest by her dangh• ter, Jane, who did all in her power to se. swage her mother's pain in this her last illneae. Mrs. Collins mdlden name was Miee Jane MoComb and 8128 waa born in Paisley, Scotland, in 1824. When but nine years of age she emigrated with her parent° to Canada and settled in Seaforth and Brantford. In the latter plaoe, she met and married her husband, John Coll• ins, who predeceased her some 10 years ago. A family two sone and two dough - tare are left' to mourn the lose of a kind and loving mother. - They are James, in Wingham ; Thomas, in Mount •Forest ; Margaret, professional nurse in New York who ie DOW at home, and Jane, also at home. Two brothers and three efetere are also bereft of her sisterly love and friendship. They are James, John and M'ergaret McComb, in Blyth ; Mre. Craig in Morrie, and Mrs. John Cameron, near Bruseele." MRs. RM. AR000nioNG DEOEAeED.—Last Monday Isabella MoOutoheon, beloved wife of Robert Armstrong, 4th line, Morrie, paeeed away to her reward, from the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. Harkey, of Seaforth, aged 74 years and 4 menthe. Some time ago Mr. and hire. Armstrong, having rented their farm de - aided to make a visit with their children and other relatives in North and South Dakota and Nebraska, where they spent a good ebare of a year. At the latter plane Mre. Armstrong, who bad not been In ooneequenoe of the complications in any too robnat health previous, took which have arisen, owing to the Not cold and was quite poorly so ib was de - that the masonic constitution doee not oided ebe would be taken home but on allow the fraternity to perform the Dere- reaching Seaforth she got so much worse mony of corner atone laying of any build. that after several months trying illness lugs outside of ahnrahes, eduoational or her spirit was beokoned away as stated charitable institutions, hospitals, Mo., above, Dropsy and other complications the idea of having the corner atone of the was the amuse of death. Deoeaeed was Wiarton anger (eatery ]mid with masonio born in Go. Fermanagh, Ireland, and ceremonies has been obandoned,, Dame to Canada with her parents when Artadgemente hove 'now been made to a child. 'Over 60 years ego she was Have the stone laid witli"'imposing cera- married to her now bereft partner and mouiee by President Mills of the Ontario they came from West Gwillinbury town• Agrioultural college, wbiob gentleman has ship to Morrie in 1853 taking up the fine consented. Exaureione by rail and farm on which they continuously resided, water are being arranged for from all then a bush' lot. Their children ere :— available pointe, and a oommittee is Franoie (deceased) James, Robert, Wm. arranging to provide a good day's enter- J., David and Tnomaa, all in North tafnment for the thousands who will be Dakota ; Mre. W. J. Hartry, Seaforth, present. A special train will run from Mrs. Attkiue, North Dakota ; and Met. Guelph on June 5th - leaving there T. Randa, Tripp, South Dakota. The about 8 a. m. returning same day at funeral took plane on Wednesday, inter. single (are. ment being made at the MoOoteheon Tiokete however can be purchased family burying ground, 6th line, Rev. I. by regular seine on Jane' dth B. Wallwin, B. A., of Seafortb, oondaot- at single Lair on all branch lines, good to ed a very suitable aervice and the pall return by any regular train on June 6th. beaten were six nephews of the deceased, A grand program bee been arranged, viz,—Samuel and David Walker, W. H., Speeches will bo delivered by several D., Frank and David Mo0utoheon. Mre. Cabinet Minietero and the mastoid pro. Armstrong was a fine spirited woman induetrioue, kindly in her way and enr' joyed the esteem of a large oirale of friends, She held adheronoc be the Methodist ehureh. Deoeaeed wae a 'Outer to Mrs, S. Walker. of Brussels, and a relative of the Mo0alaheon f notll'es of Morrie. PAID NA'Toip7'e D1tnT.—The call*of' 'the Master to Mra, Obits. Wheeler, sr., 'kala line last Monday was not unexpecbed as oho had been in failing health for totneweelte, and bad passed her 88rd birthday so had not the bodily vigor to fight off disease. Since the domes of her husband, who died laet December, Mre. Wheeler made her home with her son John, and from there the funeral took plain on Wednee. day afternoon to the Brandon cemetery, where she and her life's partner now sleep side by side, Rev. Mr. Griffith sou• daoted the sorvioe. The childrop are Charles, William, John, Lawrenoe,Frank and Mrs. Hughes, of Escanaba, Midi, All the eons are well known resideute of this township excepting Wm., who lives at Alma, Ont. Mr. Wheeler was in. hie 82nd year when he died. Mr. tend hire. Wheeler were both born and married in Dorsetehire, England, and after a sojourn of 18 yeare iu Teoumsoh township, came to Morris in 1864. Deoeaeed wets a faith. fah member of the Presbyterian Cburoh and enjoyed the friendebip of the nom• munity generally. She was a real help. meet to her husband, a devoted mother and a kind neighbor. Elate til. Barisal Dilworth spent the 2418 at Mount Forest. - Charles Davies was holidaying in Tor- onto last week. Jno. Iimey took a basineoe trip to • Seafortlolast week. Mre. Wm, McAllister and family epeub Victoria Day at Kincardine. John Brown and Wilson Evens were at Stratford on Victoria Day. Court of Revision and Council meeting will be held here on klonday next. Wm. Paweon sr and son William took in the sports at Fergus on the 24th. - Mre. 0. Thompson, of Barrieton spent a few days with Mrs. R. Dilworth. Next Sabbath evening Robt. Pearson wilt preach in the Methodist ohuroh. Misses Ida and Eve Cole enjoyed a visit with friends iu Blueva(e thio week. A few of our young people attended the sports in Listowel and Wingham on 24th. Mrs. 5. Chambers has bees at Reepeler visiting her brother, A. W, Panabaker, formerly of Ethel. The first consignment of gipsiee has arrived. '''hey may be seen Damping near the pio•olo grove. Mloeee McDonald and Ferguson and Geo.- Ferguson, of Walton, spend the 24th with the Misses Spence. Ethel will seed repreeeatatives to the Distrait Sabbath Sohool Convention at Brussels on Friday of this week. The Poetoffiee Inspector visited our poetoffioe recently and found everything satisfactory and in Sret•olaes order. Quite an interest has been taken in the election of late. Some of our villagers seem to get very enthusiastic at times. Victoria Day passed off very quietly here quite a number of our villagers seeking enjoyment in neigbboriog tower,. J. W. Pollard, wife and daughter were away on a pleasure trip with relative° to• Grantee last week and had a good time, The sacrament of the Lord's Sapper will be dispensed in the Presbyterian aharoh on Sunday, June 8th at 2.30 o'clock. The wind storm last week gave a lively shake up to a good many properties in thfe section bat no very serious damage was done. Henry Wanner was renewing old acquaintances here for a few days. He is employed in the carriage shop at Palmerston. Mise Martha Osborne, of Atwood, spent Sunday with her parents here. She was a000mpanied by her friend, Miee Elsie Gordon. W. Heath is now settled in hie new barber shop and is in flral•olaes shape to attend to his line of business, His new sign gives the shop gdite a business like appearance. Mies R. Spence sang a sola and assisted in a Ladies quartette at Brussels on Thnreday evening of last week at the Teaobere' Association At Home. She is a fine vooaliet. - Among those who attended the Mission- ary Convention at Molesworth last week from this locality were ;—Mesdames Laird, Dunbar, Routley, Dobson, Barr and Mise Hanna. Last Friday a political meeting was held in the Hall here. Councillor Turn- bull was ohoeen ohairman and addresses were given by Arch Hlelop, who represen- ted East Heron for the past four years, and W. H. Kerr. There wore no opposi- tion speakers. MonoIoomr.—A missionary address on India will be given by Miss Kate Camp. bell, the returned missionary, in the Presbyterian tohnroh here on Sabbath evening, Jnne 8th. Collection in aid of W. F. M. S. Miss Campbell is a very interesting speaker. Clerk Teeple was killed by a fall in a hotel,steble at Woodstock. A little son of John Reynolds, of Paris, Ont., was killed by falling of a bridge. R. S. Little, teller, in Royal Bank of Canada at Charlottetown, committed suicide. The elections in the Northwest Terri. tortes resulted in the return of the Haul- tain Government by a large majority. Mre. Alice J. Hooking was knocked down by a street oar at the corner of Qneen and Sherbourne street, Toronto, and died while beiug taken in the ambn- anoe to her home. Jacob Goldman, oharged with stealing a bioyole, escaped from em oaltville con. stable at Hamilton by running aupetaire in a hotel and jumping from a e000nd +tory window, - The Railway Committee at Ottawa re. fused the application of Toronto City Council for authority to extend the traoks of the Toronto Railway Company, 00 Bloor dna morose the tracks of the Northern, the Toronto, Gray & Bruce, the Greed Trunk, and the Canadian. Pacific Railway+.