The Brussels Post, 1902-5-22, Page 89e. per lb, in quantities. Full directions fur - Waled for spraying. PARIS 'GREEN The Best English Quality for 26c per lb, HELLEBORE MOTH BALLS BED BUG POISON" l Drug and ,� Store GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. a & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows; Gonia Bonne GOINa Senna. Express 7:18 a,m 1 Mail 2.10 p.m lamed 0;46 a,m I Express 8:17 p.m A ahiel's amang ye•takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. ISsPORTED strawberries are here. LEAanc Foot Ball match Thursday evening.,. Woos, seven is at hand. Try Brae. sale market. THE nrospeotfor fruit is promising if blossom is any indication. A NEW plank floor has been put down in the Queen's Hotel stables. BRaes0Le market wants large quantities of wool. See the advertisements of oar denten. Enna Monday Brussels base ball team will cross bate with Wingham sluggers in Lnoknow, Tax Leckie boys reoeived a pair of thoro'bred Belgian hares this week rte a 'gift from a London friend. R.Laaxnann,aa invested in a blaok pony to be utilized by the daughters in pleasuring, thereby adding to the improve. meat in health to Miss Pearl. OWING to ill bealth on the part of Alex. McKay, necessitating a holiday Jno. Olivar baa taken charge of alobt. Gra- hem's storehouse at the G. T. R. Ten chit home on the Bowling lawn was newly shingled this week. A coat of paint and some internal imporvemsnte are also on the program. The lawn is going to be in fine condi/ion this season. W. H. &snit, Secretary of the Fall Fair, bas Bemired James Fax, the beet known humorous vocalist in the Province, for Eset Heron Fall Fair Concert. Other excellent talent will also be engaged for that oocaeion. NEW PHOTO. GALLEus.—N. Ores°, photo. greener, has leased the studio in the Stratton blook, Brueeele, and has taken poeeeseion this week. By way of intro• duction be is offering special bargains in his work for the next month and will be pleased to have you Dail. NOT AS Oonnaoo AS IT MIGHT DE,—The Wroxeter Star, last week, remarked "Brussels and Walton played a game of football, at Braseela Tuesday evening. Before the match Brussels thought they had a enap and when the game stood 2 to 0 in their favor they were sure of it, bat the kickers from the little burg turned the tables and finished the game by a more of 5 to 2 in favor of the visitors." The principal thing requiring correction in above item is that Brussels won by 2 to 1 whioh rather spoils the little yarn. KEEP Tuna OUT THE STnoETs.—By-Law No. 1 of the Village of Brussels, Seo, 21. The attention of all persona in Brussels is oalled to tbefollowingsection.—Seo. 21, "No person shall discharge any gan, fowl. ing piece or other firearm, or set fire to any cracker, squib, serpent, rocket or other firaworke in, or throw any cracker, squib, rocket or other fireworks into any of the streets, squares, lanes or other paths planes in the town and no demon. atration with fireworks shall take plane in the limits of the town without permis- sion Prom the Mayor in writing, and such permission in writing shall set forth the names of the streets, squares, lanes and other public planes in the town in whioh each demonstration shall take place, as well as the day and hours on and ab which such demonstration shall be held," The fine for violation of the above is from $2,00 to $25.00. DIonRIOT S. S. CONVENTION.—The elev- enth anneal Distriot Sabbath School Convention will be held in Melville church on Friday, May 50, 1002. The seseiona Commencing at 10 a, m., 1.80 and 7.30 p. n, The program is as follotds ; Fore- noon seniors—Devotional exeroises • "Formation of the Child's Cheraoter, (e) The influence of the Homs, Mrs. I. Ram, (b) The influence of the Sabbath School, Miss Etta McNair, (o) The in. fiance of the Oommnnity, T. Straoban ; discussion ; •'How to improve and en- courage the S. S. staff," Rev. 0.. H. Brown, B. A., B. D. ; discussion ; ap. poiatment of Oommittees and °losing. Afternoon session—Devotional exercises ; Introduction and address of Preeideub Bleat'; Addroes, "The Life and Labors of St. Paul in relation to S. S. "neon for the year," Rev. ;no, Holmes ; "How best to cultivate a Missionary Spirit in tbe,Sabbeth School," Rev. M. G. Jarrow ; dieoaoeion • Round Table Conference, pounded by J. A, Jaokeon, B. A„ Pro. vincial S. S. Seorotary ; "Some of the Characteristics of a good Sabbath Sohool," 0, F. Blair; "Ought children attend the regular Churdh services ?" Rev. F. Swann ; announcements and oloaiog. Evening seseion—Song service; opening exorcises ; !'Our duty at the present stage of the Temperance Movement," Rev. H, Irvine, Listowel ; anthem by choir ; ad• areas by Provincial S, S. Sanatory Jack - mon t anthem by choir ; closing exernises, Mies Thurso Gerry and Mies Jennie H:abkiik, Organiets. A oolleotion will be taken up at afternoon and evening sea - Bions to defray expenses. It, McKay is the Preeident, and W. H. Kerr the Bea. rotary. SAT•U0DAg will be a public holiday. The Bank and banineae places will be closed. GnonazEDWARDS drilled 'the well at the residence of Mrs. Frank O,iver, Albert street last week. WHAT about our annual celebration of June 2Gtb ? It will soon be time to hustle for it to ensure seatless. Masses. GRovnn at Oo. have leased the Garfield House, Brueeels, and will move a stook of general merchandise into it early in June. The building will reoeive attention from the painters before oo- oapation by the new firm. A. Covsoaa, Geo. Rogers and W.F. Scott will be the Deputy Returning officers for the election next Thereday in Brussels and the polling places will be at J. J. Gilpin's office, the Council ohamber and Geo. Birt'° reeidenoe. GnADDATRD,—Tac POST heartily con• gratulates Damian F. Stewart and Fred. F. Wilson, of Brussels, on their mouse in passing their final examinations as Druggists at the College of Pharmacy, Toronto. Mr. Stewart was in the Honor list. Mr. Wilson is writing now for the degree of Phm. B„ after whioh be will some home for a holiday. Huron Co., students were well to the front, H. 0. Dunlop, of Goderiob, won the John Roberts' scholarship, the College gold medal and the Chambers medal, the latter in chemistry. Wm. Beaker, of Fordwioh, captured the D'Avignou medal for dispensing. DON'T„ SPRAY WHILE IN BLOOM.—The Ontario Bee Keeper'e Association desire to draw the attention of the public] to the fact that a number of members Buffer from persons aprayingfrnittrees in fell bloom and their bees are being killed in this way which is prohibited by an act of Parliament assented to in 1892. (1) No person in spraying or sprinkling fruit treee daring the period within whioh saoh trees are in full bloom shall use or cause to be peed any mixture containing Paris ,Green or any other poisonous sob• stance injurious to bees. (2) Any per. son contravening the provisions of this Ant shall on conviction thereof before a jnetioe of the pease, be snbjeot to a penal- ty of not less than $1,00 or more than $5.00, with or without ousts of proseoa• Non, and in case of a fine or a fine and costs being awarded and of the same not being upon oonviotion forbbwitb paid the justice may commit the offender to the common goal, there to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding thirty days nine the fine and ooete are sooner paid. Foo' BALL.—The League Foot Ball match between Brussels and W ingbam was played in the latter town on Friday even• !ng of last week with John Jaaksoo, of Blyth, as referee. It was a hot time all through with little advantage to either side finally resulting in favor of the home team by their sooring the winning goal as the shadows gathered patting good play ant of the question to those not intimately acquainted with the Park. Braseela bad two of their players, in whom great dependence was placed, viz., Tony Sample and George Fergaeon, laid off by sprained ankles. D. Diosley, of Wingham, was also used np by an injar- ed shoulder. The some was 2 to 1. Some of the onlookers think not a few of the Wingham spectators were wanting in the fairness expected in any town to visitors. The teams were composed of the following players :— WINGHAbi BanSSEL5 F Rash Goal L Earn I Carr E itchy e..,...... v Backe .. A Sample Mitchell ll 1 3 o e � �"1.... P J Plaren . G Ferguson W Pearson i Bache O B a H Ansley A MGN Bhtoache W Burgess F Bootie F Harrison W Good D DinsleY Forwards T McRae R Alkene I W Roche H Thornton .. 111 ... W Cameron The Wingham team while considerably heavier than ours is hardly in it for scientifio football. Retdrn match will be played in Brussels on Friday, Jnne 6. Wool.—From Toronto dailies of Wed. needay the following note ie taken of special interest at this amen of the year ; —The new olip will soon begin to come on the market and the general situation for coarse wools is exoitiog more interest. It is not encouraging either to growers or dealers, There are, it is estimated, half a million pounds of the clip of last year and the year before still to be disposed of in this Province. While the prices of fine and medium grades have advanced in the outside market coarse wools show little or no improvement. Exporters are some. timee charged with purposely bearing the situation at thin season of the year in order to seoare wool at low prima. They say, in answer to this, that while they like to see the growers get good prioee they are opposed to easing the buyers pay higher prime than they oan get for the product. 'three years ago, after the bulk of the Clip had been disposed of by the growere, the pride advanoed handsomely, but the last two years there bas been no saoh opportunity for letting out the holder with a good profit. The export demand at present is about aS dull as ever, and local dealere do not seem to see any ins• pravement in the immediate future for wool. Palled wools are very dull, Fleece —With fine weather good progress sboald be made with the olip the next oonple of weeks. At present the receipts have been largely confined tome!! lots of tnwashed. The demand is slow at present and the market is dell. Looal dealer') are quoting 13o for washed fleece and 7c for ena mehed. Palled Wools—The market ie doll and prices are nominally unchanged eb 3.8o to 100 for extras and 14e to Rio for opera. TIA.N. 0,4002 A.1.4 UuAltAll for Hislop' "BUILD tiP QN';!"ARIO." saw the Foot bail Ibis (Thursday) r 3 evening on Victoria Park, ,Cult Powg weiaopgee the edbool tgoobers of this Riding to oar teWp, /lode RCF?. lee) on Sib eon, of Grey. Finder will mnoh Oblige by leaving 5808 at Bit POST. BsOsseLo Base Ball teem will play' in Lietowel on Saturday with the olub of that town. TWO games aro announced. B005asas Brneselitesattended the Wed, ding of Geo, 13, Ballard, of Listowel, and Mies Tilde ISpRne at Oranbroolr on Wed, needay evening and spent a splendid time, Id. M. SoOTT and JNo. Puna are boom. ing the Freudians Fuel Saver and amok° consumer and have installed a number already in the faotoriss and mills of this oowntq. Da, G. R. Martin, formerly of Brpseels, writing Tan Pear from Croswell, ltl.ioh„ says :—All well es ueuaL Our town is booming thisSummer. The Senilat Sugar Refining Go. is building an immeueo plant. .Over 70 new houses have been about 8 taint in menthe. G. T.R.—Fallowing. are the shipments for the past week; --Geo. Beat car bogs and ear of nettle ; 2 oars bogs and 3oar cattle by A. 0. Dames. 5 °are of coal and a oar of rooksalt were received by the Balt Werke and a oar of machinery for D. A. Oradell. AaouottnEaa AND PEPLUM—Following is the list of licensed 0uationeere and pedlars in Boron 00., ae certified to by Co. Treaanrer Holmes ;—Auotiooeere, Thomas Gundry, John Gerrie, Jas. Stan ley, F. S. Suott, Henry Terraria°, Thos. Cameron, John Gill, Henry Brown, Joe• epb Cowan, K. M. Charles, 0. H. Wilson, A• H. Gorman, Tbomas Brown, John Knox, D. Diakfnsoa, 0. H. Merryfield, Jae, Henderson, David Saadebson, Ed- ward Bosssoberry, B. S. Phillipe, G. Barton, 0. Hamilton, J. H. llavill, W. J. Miller, Philip Sipple — 25. Pedlars, Louis Rasbkopaki, Sam Fine, Henry Hay• den, Jae. W. Gibson, J. E. Harnwell, Jas, T. Ross, John A. MaKay,'Jacob Yaffe, W. K. Whaley, W. J. Miller, Geo. Beatty, J. H. Jobns, Anthony MaDooald, W. J. McCracken, J. L. Frey, Thomas Langan, Geo. French, G. F. MaPbee, T. Wallace, Albert King, W. W. Treleaven, Fred. Gossmad, Fred. Morgan, W. 3. Sander - eon, Walter Innes, D. O'Gorman, L. Gib - eon, Rebt, Powell -28. SAD DEAT[1.—The people of this eons• muoity were greatly saddened on Thurs• day evening of last week when it was dieaovered that William Newsome, of Queen street, Brussels, an old and well known resident, had taken bis own life. Shortly after 7 o'olook p. m. John Hill was fishing from the East aide of the Mait• land, Boma dietaooe above the Mill darn, when hie attention was attracted by the violent barking of a little dog and o0 bis going to aeaertain the sense the body of Mr. Newsome was discovered, lying Floe downward in the river. The sad event was made known very gniakt's and while Rev. G. J. Abey was commissioned to convey the pitiful story to the widow other kind friends attended to the.remov• al of the body to his old home. It would appear that the old gentleman had been worrying a little of )ate in reference to hie health and on Thursday morning told his wife of a peouliar feeling in bis bead as if something bad baret. After breakfast he left home and stated that he would go for a walk but would be home for dinner. He did not return bat nothing partionlar• ly strange was thought of this ae be000ae• ictally visited with the neighbors but as evening approached his daughter, Mrs. McGregor went in search and was look- ing for him when Mr. Hill found him, Mr. Newsome went across Jae. Burgess' farm about 9 a. m. and probably went direst to the river. He had taken his son's razor along and on arrival at this out of the way plane bad first of all made two big slashes at his throat with the r vin fatal the an this not o razor d proving .. keen edged blade wan returned to hie coat. This garment was than removed and pined on the river bank, along with his bat and cane and the old gentlemen evidently deliberately walked into the watery grave. It is supposed he had been dead for hence before the body was found faithfully watched over by the little dog. The ssbjeot of this notice was born in Pickering, England, and oame to Can- ada with his parents when about 9 years of age, locating in Whitby vicinity. 50 years ago he was united in marriage to Mise Susan Faller, his now bereft partner. After Living in Bien. shard for a time Mr. and Mrs. New• some moved to Grey township settling on West d lot 14, ocn. 14, whioh they sold to Jno. E. Smith, before moving to Braseela in 1880, where they have continuously re. sided. The children are ;—Mrs. T. Mo - Gregor, Brussels ; Mrs. McIntosh, Trost Creek, Ont. i Mrs. Jno. Cooper, Mrs. Freak Fieblefgh, Mrs. Ohne. Fiebleigh and Mrs. Schulte, all of Ohioago ; Mrs. A. Stewart, Trout Creek ; Thomas, of town, John, of Notch Hill, B. 0., and Robert, of Toledo, Ohio. Alt were here for the fan oral on Sunday excepting Mrs, Stewart and two of the brothere. Rev. G. J, Abey conducted a short eerviae at the Newsome residence at 4.30 o'clock and the remains were then oouveyed to the cemetery. The pall bearers were o14 neighbors in the persons of John Hill, Alex, Stewart, Jno. Mo. Kenzie, Chas. Howlett, P. Watson and S. Crawford. Deceased was 83 years, 4 mouths and 15 days old ; waa a Oon- servative in politios ; held to the church of England, and was a quiet man who enjoyed the respeot of the community. Mre. Newsome end family are deeply sympathised with in their sodden bereavement. • EAST HURON CAMPAIGN. Polibinal Meetings ill the iolereet of ARCH. HLSLOF, the Liberal (Jantlidste for the Etta Riding of Huron, will he held ae follows ETH17L, Friday May 23rd. LEADl1URY, Saturday, May 24th. SCOTT'S sOHOOt HOUSE, TURN. BARRY, Monday, May 20th, MEETINGS COMMENCE AT 8 P. M. Addresses will be given by Mr, 3IielOp anis others on the Political Questions of the day, The Opposition Candidate or Ills Repro - tali d t tend and take at sen ve invited c part, "God Save the King." PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Miss B. Spence spent Sunday at F. S. Baatt's, John Hill ie enjoying a visit with rel. ativos in Clinton. Mre. Thompson, Tarnberry street, was visiting at Barriaton. Mrs. 0. R. Van'stone, of Southampton, is visiting Mrs. Good. Miee Sadie Maxwell was holidaying with Wingham friends. Rev. J. and Mrs. Holmes were visiting in Wingham this week. Jno. J. and Min 'Libbie Ball, of Wing - ham, Sundayed iu town, Mies Mary Oliver is spending a few days in Toronto visiting friends. Mies Thane, Meadows returned to Lon• don 'on Wednesday of this week. Nora Mee i e o Holmee and Mies MoOan were visiting in Wingham last week. Sydney Dolmage and bride, of MaKill op spent Sunday in town with relatives. Mrs. Philip and Harry Ament ere vie icing in Detroit and Ypsilantifor a tow weeks. Wool Wa�le� . The. undersigned is prepared to pay the Highest Market Price for any quan- tity of Wool. See me before you sell. 1 • ALF. BARKER BRUSSELS. Mrs, J. Ledkie and three sone leave on Friday for a short holiday with Toronto friends. Miss Luella Holmes left Tuesday for Wingham and from there goes for a vis- it to Exeter. Mre. A. J. Lowry and Miss E. E. Kerr are in Wingham attending the W. M, S. Convention. J. R, and Mrs. Goad, of Trowbridge, and Mrs. Robt. Stewart spent Sunday at Eli Smith's. Mrs. H. Stewart, of Morpetb, Kent 00., is the goeet of Mrs. A. Douglas, her sister, in Brussels. Misses Lizzie and Hattie Downing and Miss Edna Guest were visaing in Gods - rich for a few days last week. THE Poem is pleased to see Miee Aggie Donglaoe able to get about after a bons- ing np all Winter through rheumatism. Mr. and Mrs. Sprung, of Colborne township spent Sunday with their laugh. ter, Mre. Jno. Onnoiugham and family. Webster Stitt, of MoKillop, has taken a position with Artist Brewer in the study of catching the shadow before the sub. stance fades. Mre. and the Misses Douglass, a000m• ponied by their visitors, Mre. Stewart end Mr. Reynolds, were visiting in Wing. ham on Monday. Mies Grace, daughter of Jno. and Mrs. Walker, has been bothered with Inflam- mation in her eyes but we hope she will soon be all right, We regret to bear of the illness of Mrs. McLeod, nee Mise Nellie Merrier, but hope the balmy Spring air will tend to her restoration to health. Mrs, Hearn and daughter, of Stratford, were renewing old friendships in Brno - sale this week. The family will remove to Winnipeg whither Mr, Hearn has gone. Mre. Will. Ford, of Detroit, ie visiting Mrs. Jno. McKenzie. Mr. Ford was a former resident of Brussels having work- ed in I. C. Richards' shop at harness making. Mr. Reynolds, of Stockton, California, a brother of Mre. 'Douglas, Elizabeth street, wbo was visiting in Brussels for a week, returned to the Golden State on Wednesday. E. F. MoOromieb and Miss Florence Glover, whowere seen here during the season with the Lyceum Opera Company, and who were spending a few weeks in London, left on Thursday to join the Columbia Opera Company at Knoxville, Teo neeeee, - J. D. Steward, of Raeseldale,Perth 00., known to a good many in Brueeele, arriv- ed at his home from Scotland, where he spent all last Sommer as superintendent of Canadian food preclude at tis Glas- gow exhibition. Since the alone ofthe latter he has been spending the time among friends and the scenes of his early lite in the old homeland. He looks ex- oeedingly well and seems to have benefitted mach from'his trip and visit to bis native land. Mr. Griffin, a wenn to Mre. Watson Ainlay and Fletgjier Sperling of town, is bete 00 a holiday from California, where he has spent the paint 40 years. He favored THE YoST with a call on Weduee• day and we gleaned from his oonversation that there is a good big streak of Old Britain in him yet. Mr. Griffin has been engaged in mining operations. Hie former residence was in Perth Co. where he hue been visiting old friends. A0 he is a bachelor and not tied to the Wen hie old friends here are advising him to make bis home in this locality and we second the motion. M 22 1902 ST, ND !' 2.D .A4.7triC OF 0,fl t t4.D4. xsx, tsZ-j0703 70, • HEAD OFFICE, ' TORONTO 04PITAL PAID UP (Sine Affiliate Gellert() , $1,90,000 REST 8780,000 dgenorto in all prinpfgai pointy in Ontario, Quadeo, Manitoba, PM ted Stater 40 England. A General Ranking Tinniness Transacted, Farmers' Notes Dinopunted, Drafts Tainted and doileetions made on all points. . SAVINGS SANK DEPARTMENT. • Interest allowed on deposits of 01,00 and npwarde and aomponnded bait yearly, BPECLtL ATTSNTOON OMR TO THE QOLgEOTION OF Femme' Bae Novo. Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance. payable at any bank issued boy Or)1 1 at the following rates :— li 9'E$tLS aff*X67110 Under $10.... 8o, $20 to $30....120 819 to $20.,..100. 30 to 40,.,.140 F, H. GRAY, Aor1No Aosta. are resident of the riding even if the oandidate ie nob. Mr. Marler was "Bold enough to be bonast, and honest enough to be bold"— he dared to be a Daniel, and to beard the lion in hie den, and vote according to what he honestly oonaidered in the beet interests of the country,and, therefora he is now outside the palof Conservative power. - Business Locals. Etas from best pen of Barred Books, from now to Jane let. -'81.00 for setting of 16. ALP. BAEEEH, Brunets. A LOT of second -band organs for sale cheap, or to rent. Some of, them almost new.. R. LEATHEIGALE.. Coma 1 Ohio Bailey, Crompton's, North Dakota, Exoeleior and all the rest of them. G. E. Kota, Wingham. tf Fauns Peowa—lrarmers desiring the beet plow should call on me and order a Fleury. JNo. LONG, Agent, Brussels. Enos 14o. Dose it pay you to give the pedlare 4o per doz. ? Good potatoes 85o per bush. What are the pedlare paying ? G. E. KING, Wingham: To Teal anaia.—Ladies and gentlemen, all cutlery oan be ground, sberpened.•and repaired by Sawfiler McGregor, Mill street Eaet, Brussels. Choice work at reasonable prioee. DnEs81aAEINn.—Mise Violet Cooper is prepared to attend to the wants of the ladies in dressmaking, the work to be either taken to her boos or done at the residenoes of her patrons. Satisfaction neared. Several things have been made olear (1) No pulpwood erase have,been given away, (2) There was not a secret agree. mens in respect to any ono of them. (8) The Coneervativee gave their consent to nix out of seven of them and moved no amendment to the eeventh when it was soder disouaeion. The Ontario opposition io on record against the grant of $2,000 lox the farm of the Agrichltural College and the $1,400 voted for the Poultry Association. A motion to strike out these name was made by Mr. Carnegie and Mr. Kidd. This merely ehowe incapacity, not an in. telligent objection to the outlay, Thirteen or fourteen public meetings have been held, so tar in East Huron eleotion cam ai n but the Liberate have been alone in their glory. Why is Nile? If the Opposition policy is as good as Mr. Whitney says and no the Conservatives think in other ridingsby the light they are putting np what hi the matter with Etat Tinton 7 Anumber of good speakers 0RN. Rosa.—In Grey on April 28, to Mr. and Mre. Jno. Rosa, a Soo. a?QARRI>=7D- BALLAED-MCRAE.—At the manse, Oren• brook, on May 21, by Rev. D. B. McRae, assisted by Rev.•A. J. Sanders, of Listowel, Mr. Geo. B. Ballard, of Lietowel, to Mies Matilda H. deugbter of Rev. D. B. and Mrs. McRae. sxIGa. KELLY.—In Morris, on May 14, Jennie E., daughter of Geo. and Mrs. Kelly, aged 30 years and 5 months. Lanthew.—In Tnokeremitb, on May I2nh, George Laidlaw, father to Mrs. Geo. Jaokeon and brother to R. B. Laidlaw and Mrs. Robt. Sbortreed, of Morrie township, aged 78 years, 4 months and 20 days. NEwsoaaE —In Brussels, on May 15th, William Croft Newsome, aged 83 years, 4 months' and 15 days. tT SSS.S 2.a;AZ2C, TS Fall Wheat.... 74 75 Barley 48 50 Peas 70 71 Oats 39 40 Butter, tube and roils 12 13 Eggs per dozen 11. 12 Flour por Oct. 4 00 6 00 Potatoes (per bus.) 85 85 Apples (per bbl.) 2 00 3 00 Hay per ton 7 00 8 00 Sheep skins, eaoh 26 25 Lamb skins reels 25 30 Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 70 Hides trimmed' 6 6i Hides rough 5 5 Hoge, Live 7 00 7 10 Wool 12 18 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. GOOD YEAR OLD STEERS Wanted, suitable for ranoh purposes. Apply to GEO. BEST, Brueeele. HAIR DRESSING.—THE UN. oEnasGNED wishes to announce to the ladies of Brueeeleand vicinity that she 1s prepared to make switches out of comb - Inge and ant hair, at her •home, Mill street West,Bruesele. MRS, HINGSTON. TLECKIE, • LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT VALUATOR, Jno. Office over Hureley'e Drag Store, Feb. 6th, 1002, 90.9m Brussels, MEETING OF THE HURON The Bummer Session of the Connell of the County of Huron will be held in the Coulsotl Chamber -in the Town of Goderich, corn - manning at 8 o'clock p, m, on the first Tues- day in June next. W. LANE, Clerk. Dated at Goderiob, May 21st, 1002. OUSE AND CARRIAGE PAINTING, &n,—The undersigned is prepared to attend to the wants of the pub - lie in hones painting, paper hanging, decor. sting, carriage painting, AM. Batislaation assured and reasonable priori (Merged. Give me a call. T. SNIDER, M111 street, :Brussels, COUNTY COUNCIL. $20,000 to Loan. The above num ; has boon placed with me tar lmmodiate Investment oh, farm proper- ty at 6 per Dont, If (Bliss are eatisfeotory loans may be completed in 9 days, Liberal tome as to r'opayment. Apply at ohne to W, M. BINOLAYR,10 arrlstor, ha.Brno sale, u1 OU U AND 1-k ACRES OF s street laud eligibly ole. it Tu nborr street, Brnsnols,l los unle. Will besolden Woo or honed and lots separately, to suit 'purchaser, Good dairy bueinese In souses- tion. Poeeoosion could be given any time. Forppribs, terms, ka,, apply to NEIL Mo. LABOR/AN, Bref oele, DURHAM BULL 12 MONTHS old for Bale, roan in color. PETER ROBERTSON, Lot 8, con, 9, (}ley, B ruseole 0OURT OF REVISION. v TO 8HIP F , WN G MORRI B Notice la hereby given that the Maniolpal Council of the Corporation of the Townekip of Morrie, County of Eurou, will meet an Court of Revision et the TOWNSHIP HALL Ort Slanday, Dirty Seth, at 10 o'clock a. to. Parties interested will govern themselves a000rdingly.' Waf.'CLABIE, Clerk, 000RT OF REVISION. TOWNSHIP OF GREY. Notion le hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Grey, County of Huron, will meet as Court of Revialon at the TOWNSHIP :HALL, ETHEL, on Olonday. June 2nd, at 10 °'°look a. m. Parties interested will govern themselves accordingly. JOHN MoINTO8H, Clerk. 1'ARM FOR SALE—THE UN- DEnoraNED Offers Ilia 100 acre farm for sale, being 8i Lot 17, Con 4, Morrie, There is a bones, two good barni•40x52 fest'eaoh, 2 good wells ; orobard; well fenced ; 75 agree cleared, balance good bush. Poeseeelon given to snit purchaser. Farm 15 lu good locality, 4 miles from .Belareve and 6 to Bruasols, Wll1 also sell a Waterloo Steam Engine and a OBaton "Monarch" Separator, two grain grinders and a °rasher. For prim) and terms apply on the promisee or if by., letter to JAMES CLOAKEY, Proprietor, 45.4 Brussels P, O. x QEALED TENDERS addressed to the un-' dersigned, and endorsed "Tender for Poet Office, Clinton," will be received et this °Moe until Tuesday. 9rd June next, lnolu- eively, for the erection of a Post Office, at Clinton. Ont., aaoording to plans and epeci- ,cation to be aeon at the Department of Public Works. Ottawa, and on application to the Macpherson & Hovey Co., Clinton. Tenders w111 not be considered maces made on the form supplied, and signed with the actual signatures of the tonderere. An accepted cheque on achartered bank, payable to the order of the Minister of Pub- lic Works, equal to 10 per tient. (10 p.0.) Of the amount of tender, meet accompany each tender; The cheque w111 be forfeited if the party decline the contrast or fail to com- plete the work contracted for, and will be returned in ease Of non-aeoep(ance of ten- der: The Department does not bind itself to accept 011a lowest 00 any tender.. by ardor, FRED. GELI Secret Ory, Department of Pobllo Works, Ottawa,l20h May, 1802. Newspapers inserting this advertisement witboat authority from the Department, will not be paid for it. 45.2 Makes Your Back Lame to got opt these Spring days and dig around in the garden doesn't it ? It'e good for you garden, good !or the garden too probably,' 'Your appetite grows no doubt and as for the lameness opo Of oar Belladonna Plasters Makes Your Back 'Nell in a day and a night. It mate you only a quarter and you feel like a UM man. Yon will want to wed gardepa all the while. Try ape. a'r rte Fo 7e5 DRUGT E. S OR BULL FOR SERYXOE.—THE undersigned will keep for service as Lot 24, Con. 9. Grey, the there' bred' Short Horn bull, 'General Buller" =80274, Pod- igree may be seen on application. Terms, $1 09. to be paid Jan. 1E4,1009, with privilege ofzetureing it neeeeearv. Also the thorn' bred Improved Yorkeblre boar North Bruoe .Justice 91h'� 9072—, Pedigree In poaeeesfou of owner 1f µn7 breeder wishes to 515 11. Terme, $1.00, at time of servloe with privilege of retur11152 it necessary. ROBS. MoDONALD, 41-1 Ethel P.0, Proprietor. PENITENTIARY SUPPLIES. SEALED TENDERS addressed "Inslent- ore of Penitentiaries, Ottawa," and en. dorsre- ceived "Tender for lath Supplies," June,inlalastve, from until a Monday, from p,1or b desirous a ar contr901.10 3, 100 for au ,plica, for the fiscal year 1902.1909, for the following inetitutloaa, namely: lbineaten Penitentiary, St. Vincent do Paul Ponitentlary, Dorobeeter Penitentiary, Manitoba Penitentiary, British Oolnmbia Penitentiary, Regina Sail, Prince Albert Jail, Separate tenders will be received for a ton of the following classes of supplies :- 1. 1'`)oar (Canadian Strong Bakers), 2. Beef and mutton (fresh), 8. Forage, .. 4. Coal (anthracite and bituminous),' 6. Cordwood, c. Groceries, 7. Coal On (In barrels), 8. Dry Goode, ". Drugs and Medlo)aes. 10, Leather and Findinge, 11. Hardware, Trower°. Paints, eta, 12 Lumber. Details of information as to form of con- tract, together with forme of tender, will be furnished on applications to the Wardens et the various institutions. All supplies are eableot totheapproval of the Warden or Jailer. A11 tenders submitted must specify clear- ly the institution, ;or institutions, which it is proposed 10 supply, and meet boar the endoreabfon of at least two reaponetble sureties. Papers inserting this notice without an. tbority from the King's Printer will nob be paid therefor. DOUGLAS STEWART, GEO. W, DAWSON, Inspectors of Penitentiaries. Department of Justice. Ottawa, May 12, 1901 45S J. F. & Co. Strictly O9ze Price The Lowest. A1 Magnifioo t Display of Ladies' White. Shirt Waists We're ready to supply the quick demand that hot weather is sure to create for White Shirt Waists. When we're buying Shirt Waists we're not satisfied with seeing one or two manufacturers' Waists but we examine them all and buy where we get the Latest Styles and Beet Values offered. We saw all the Canadian samples and bought the best values to be had from each maker and now we have good reasons to state that we have the most stylish and best values to be obtained anywhere, And we're satisfied if you look and compare'as we have done before buying, you will buy here. Our assortments "are large. Stocks are conveniently arranged. We invite you to look and compare and we'll , be pleased to wait on you whether looking or buying. . nuoni AdtPIJVpW'll W's,'tr'M'tVd1v FERGUSON & CO.