The Brussels Post, 1902-5-22, Page 7000soeweweeoposo, . iroo-ea. PtlCos of Grain,Cattle, ete in Trade Centres. oilwApsTurvs, Toron t ce, ay 20 ,--Wheat-irtio nmeaut ie unelumgOd. O. 2 white ond rd Winter quoted at 78c nliente freight. Q. 2 opriug at; 75 to 760. Oast, Manitoba ace 1 hard held ae 080, Tor,ollee and west; No, 1. Norelle ern ae 3440. and No. 2 Norehern et Sleete Toronto one woof.. etiologic's in trampit mecca 2i0 higher."' At iitie deiriali and Owen Souod No. 1 hood .ouoteti at 84 to 1344e, ilinicwheati-lio„ 2 nominal at 61 to We &toe, Flour-eleiooty per cont. Ontario patont, $2,90 to $9.92, 'Mettle freight, in bnyere. reitoes. Straight rollers, in woott, 'quoted at e8.20 to $8.80, Monitobe. !Muni are higher ; patents, $4..20 to $4,25 doliverod on tratet ieoronto, bags includod, and string et:thole', $3,110 to e8i95. lealimeal-Car lots, in bbls,, ;44,85 on track, anti in sacks at $4.70. lirolcon lots, 25e extra. 1141Bfeed-13ran is &toady at $16.50 °utile°. Shorto, e19 outside. At Toronto bran is $18,50, and shorts $20.50, • Manitoba bran, $20 hi motes, and shorta, $22 in audio, To- ronto. Barloy-Trade-quiet ; No, 2 quotod at 138e rniddlo (might, and No. 8 at 50 to 61e, - Oato-No. 2 white sold at 431e Middle freight. COUNTRY PRODUCE. beied apples --The market is quiot nt unchonged mites. Small lots quoted at 5ee, and jobbing lots at 5 to 5-10 per l). Evaporated, 10.4c. Hope -Trade ciutot. with prim steady at 1.80; yearlings, at. 7 to So. Houoye-The market is dull at to 10e tor strained; comb. $1.15 to $2,25 per dozen. Maple syrup -Market quiet, with prictis unchangod. Pure new make, inoperial gallons, 9ec to 81: old. as to quality, 70 to 80c. Sugar, 9 to 9e per ib, 13�n8 -Tho market is quiet, with prices tinchangod. They aro jobbing at $1.15 to $1.80, and hand-piciked quoted at 81.35 to $1.40, Hoy, baled The market is steady, with fair demand; timothy, $10,50, -on track for No. 1. Straw -The martot he quiet ; ear loton tracik quoted at $5.50 to $6, the latter for No. 1. Poultry-Reccipta small. We quote: -Fresh killed tur1soys,13 to 14c por Mr chictens, 75c to $1. Molts, 95c to $1. Feeathesi-The inertia is U11011 an ad, Car lots aro quoted at 75 t 78o per bag, and naafi lots at 85 to 00e. - THE DAIRY MARKET. Butter -The offerings coutinue Itu•g and the demand fair for choice <panics. Choke grades in fair de - manta We quote :-Choice 1 -lb rolls 16 to 17ec; choice large rolls, 15 to 16e; second grades, 11 to 13 crearaery, prints, 20 to 21c; solids 18 to 19c. Figgs-Tho market is steady, with a good demand at 13 to 13eo per doeen for new laid, and at 11c for cheps. Letieese-erlie market is flrxu, with oalos of old at 121c, and uow at 114 to .1.2e. Wier cottlo sold at frOm 5 to ffec Per 11,i, init OfiNadiery fend inferior gradOO W000 aint tile encelliry Won dial, Coate). Shippers, per cwt... $5.25 $6.12e do, 4.60 5.00 Dutcher, ••• 4.75 5,3, Btitobor, ordinery to 4.00 4,00 Stockers, por ewtio ...„„8,00 4,00 ' oSbeep and Lambs. Choice owes, per cwt.", 3.75 4.50 Yeerlinge. NW cwt.., 4.00 5.50 Spring hoots, each .. . . 2.00 5.00 Duthie per cwt... ,„ 3.25 3.75 Milkers and Calves. Cow, each., 25.00 00.00 Calves, each... ,. 2.00 10.00 HOgii, Cholco bogo, por cwt.. . 13,75 7,25 Light hoga, per clot .„., 6.75 7.00 Heavy eagle per mote., 0.75 7,00 Some par cwt..... „.. 0.50 4.00 Stags, per mot-. ......e. 0.00 2.00 CRATER ON ST. VINCENT. Fissures Continue to Throw Hot Vapor. A St. Thomas, D, W. I.'despatch screw Advices from St. Vincent ohow that it is impoosible to got neater than tight miles to the now crater that has appeared in the yolo moo on the 'Island of St. Vincent. Tho old crater was Ailed by a beeuti- ful lalco, but this has disappeared, having either sunk into the bowels of the inottotain or been blown iti the shapo of steam and scalding water over the surrounding country. The assure ' that have appeered on the sides of the volcano cominue to throw out hot vapor. Subtez•ranean hoises are .heard . miles front the mountain, and the treintilings of the earth indicate the possibility of fur- ther discharges. On Mondayafternoon great vol- umes of steam and omit° were thrown out, -The whole island is covered with a peculiar mist, and tho atmosphoro is charged with SOXIOUS vapors, which have the effect of in- creasing the sickness amoug the peo- ple. An ambulance and modical as- sietance have arrived from Barba - The poorer classes' from the afflicted districts aro now threatened with starvation, though the Government is feeding 3,000 -of thexueancl giving them shelter. Among tho many vie - time of the disaster aro almost all of tho Carib Colony, who lived . on 'the devastated part of tho island. '. 'MANY OF THE BODIES of those who lost their lives hew now remained unburied so Wog that decomposition has set in, and the odor is so overpowering that many of tho searching portico have been compolled to abandon their work. -In other cases those•ongaged 18 bury - o ing the doted refused to handle the bodies. Consequently, ropes are tied to thera, and they are either dragged to trenches and there interred or are placed on Impromptu funeral pyres O and burned as speedily as possible. Tho Legislative Council of Jamaica has appropriated 01,000 for the , benefit of the sufferers. Despatches by mail froni St. ; George, Grenada, stated that the , Royal mail steamer Taw has taken medical assistance to St, Vincent. A lino drawn from- Chate,au Retain to Goorgetown would (livid° the Is- land of St. Vincent in halves. Thero is probably no human boing living alive north of it. It is conservatively estimated that two thousand have boon sacrificed. since tho first eruption ou May 7. This incluchis all of the Carib Tslaods, which means tho practical extinction of the race that was Mond by Co- lumbus four centuries ago. An old Indian prophecy that the Oaribs would be sacrificed to the fire god which thoy worshipped has thus been fulfilled. Of the Caribs only a •few individuals remain on the Is- lands of St, Lucia and Dominica. HOG PRODUCTS. Droseed hogs aro unchangod. Hog products cootinue in goou demand, with prices thim, 'We quote :-.Liacon, long Lleim, 10Ac, in ton and case lots Amos Imre., 821 to 521.50; do., short cut, 522.50 to 528. Smoked Atouts-liams-13 to 134c; bretaidast Ottawa 144 to 15ci roles, 'loco books, 144 to 15c, and. shout - done .1.1. Lard -Tho market is steady; with good demand. We quota i -Tierces. 11 to 1.110e tubs, 1140; pails, lolgoe compound, a to 940. •1301I1TED STATES MARKETS. St,"Louisi May 20.--C1o8cel-Wheat -Cush, blc.• Nay, 79c; July, 78oc ; Soptionbor, 734c, Neale°, May 20. -Flour -Firm. Wheato-Spring, quiot, spot, 80.0 ; winter, No.. 2 led, 61,10. .eittoog ; No. 9 yollow, 60c ; No.3 do, 674e. • Oats -Quiet, but flion ; No. a while. 4910; eice 3 do. 4e0 ; No. 2 mixed, 47c ; N. 8 do, 4640. Barley, 68 to 72ec aakedi to arrive. etyo-No. 1, 63 to adec in store. Comae freights steady. Melovankete May 20. -Wheat -High- er • eloaa, No. 1 Northern, 78 to 784e; No. 9 Northern. 77 to 774c ; July, 7640. Bye -Higher; No 1, 59e. 3Barley--Eirmer; No. 2, 70 to 74o; Samples, 05 to 78c. Corn -July 08e to 634. Dueuth, May 90.-Wheat-Clo5e, canhi No, 1 hard, 70ec. No, 1 Northern, 761c; No. 2 Northoen, 744e; May, 7640; July, 764c; Sept., 74o; eViamitoba, No. 1 Northern,7430; May, 761o; July, 'Mee; "Soot., 74c ; Manitoba, No, 1 Northern, cosh mid bitty, 751e; No, ti,Northern, 73c, taita-elept. 80c. Corn, 626. • elinimapolia, Maar 20-0108e, wheat ` 76c; July, 7151e; September, 7.2et, lot track. No. 1 hard, Mee ; No. e Northern, 764 to 774c; No. 2 Northern; 751 to 7540. lelour-leirot peewits, $8.86 to 53,95; sewed do., $8.65 to 53.75; iliot clams, e2.(35 seeorol do. 52.10. Iiran-In bulk, 514 to $14.a0. LIVE STOOK eiAlleZETS, Tovanto, Afity 110. -At the Wostern cattlo yards to -day tho ree011ete amonoted to 76 this, including 1,- 870 cattle, 248 sheep mod lambs, 800, hogs, 220 Whim, and a few flinch cows. Owing considorahly to the boniest rub eattlo dragged aoniewhet to-daye and prim' for (Melling but the beat Matti° Woro a HUM off, and scow oi tho stole was loft, over. 'rho export trivia was light, 81 demand, and prices weed Oa a bit botoro 1100t), but chola.) Mate fetched froin rie to di, per poand. Tho best but, - PAST OCEAN SERVICE. Government Has Opened Negotia- tions With the C.P.R. An Ottawa' , despetcli says :-in fit view • of tho probable effect of the , now steritashi,p combine on Canadaea ; trade and trans-Atlantic tranaporlet- ition, it is said that tho Government is tonsidering an arrangement for the °pompon of a fast trans-Atian- g tic stoaniship ' line, in connection t with a tramicontinental railway, It t • is stated that negotiations loom t been opened with the °P.R. lootking to the establishment of a fast At- lantic steamship and freight, service. b The idea la that thoro should be 0 a wetikly passenger scrota) beteveth 11 Canada and Great Britain equal to h the best that, seila from Now 'York. it In order to maintain a good height iv service a dozen freight ateamora. I would bo required, and the total, c cost of the undertaking .would 1)0 1) 520,000,000. Tho Government al-' 8 reedy has the power to subsidizo Il no to tho oxtent of 5750,000 a year, but a poeseoenger and froight woke, it 18 said, would involve a million yearly, The 0,P,1t. is re- ported to bo willing if thd prOJOet goes through to • allow tho east steamship line to be bontrolled by trOstees oominatod by the Govema Mine. el'h6" matter is zieW engaging the consideration of Sir WilfrideLau- rier. and his ,colleagitea, and forthor dovelopmoots aro expeoted when (boy proceod to London 18 June., It ie thoteeht that theeprojoet Will then bo discussed with the C.P.R. direc- tors and rOprestibtatives of the Reit- ish Government with 13 ViCW to handoomo oubaidy, Ti P8ANDLiYE.TOQK ABPOBT CV TEX ONTABI0 BUREAU OP INDUS'ITtIES. The Hessian Ply Has Done Little Detinagie Live StoOlc Have • Wintered Well, Teo following is a sunallery Of Olue roporto mado to the Oidario Borth, of lialustriao by 01/0{' 500 corms. poodent, under date of May flr, eti THE WEATHER, November and December Of 1901 were a little woler than the eyeing°. January a little warmer, and Feb - ropey aliout the avorago, though fivo degrees warmer then a ;veer ago. Dearth was morel ton &glees above the average, paid April opmewhat warmer than Usual, The proolpita- tion for the past oix months was ono and a half inches below the feli- erago. There was little or no rain during January. .The snow fell for February, March and April this year woo only 15,7 1110110S LIB agaillSt an SIN:Wage Of 21.0 inches for the past twonty years. FALL We-iLAT, The November bulletin otated that tho,'e was it considez.a,ble deorease in the area sown ,to fall wheat, owing to tho ravages of the Hessian fey, It 18 satifffactory, however, to note that the injury to the crop by the fly so far has been much leos than was 'feared.' While a year ago oomplainto of losses by Maslen fly were coin 'mon in nearly all tho countlee Booth of a line drawn from liuroo to Wentworth -very extensivo damage haviog been done to the geowing fall wheat in the counties bortioring upon Lake Erie- only a few of the cot. respondonto now reporting speak in a positive manner of actual injury traceable to the fly, and theoo re- port:, aro confined to odd seotiono of Lambton and tho Lako lerio coun ties. A considerable amount of fall Wheat was sown late to avoid the fly, and this has ziot done as woll as that got in earlior. Several correm- pondonts remark that having sown fall wheat on oat stubble it. has done poorly. Tho greatest injury to tlio crop so far appears to have been sustained from, severe hosts and cold winds just after.the snow left the ground, the exposed fields u80r- ing in some quarters. Taking tho crop 'as a whole, how- ever, the prospect is bettor than was hoped for six months ago. The loss from Hessian fly, wire -worm, and other insoct pests has so far been c4emperatively snivel, Them are patchy places owing to trying spring weather and to local' causes, and here and there portions of the cropi have been plowed up or resown .to barley, but, notwithstanding thee° drawbacks, there aro many eields re- ported in excellent condition, and in a 'ribmbet• of sections a large yioid per acre is loolced for, , WINTER RYE,. Although moro winter rye is being raised than 01 rodent years, the, acreage is still ecanparatively That which was -sown last fail came through tho winter in good condi- tion, neatay every reforonce to the growing crop being favorable. ChOVER. Reports concooning clow0 are far- orabio generally, many of them being nuthusiastically so. Hero and them accounts come in of heaving during the winter or spring, but nothing general has been reported in the way of injory to the ci•op, As corres- pondentS wrote tho prospects for hay wore nevor bettor, both old and new meadows promising well. SPRING SEEDING, Most of tho spring crops wero got in somewhat earlier than mune, a number of correspondents reporting seeding as having bow practically oompleted by the first of May. In most cases the seed -bed was in ex- collont condition, and tho "catch" has been ono of' the best for years. As correspondents wroto a consider- able amount of the spring grain was above ground, and gave promise of a first-olass crop should nothing un - °ward intervone. The sowing of eld peas, howover, had been dolaYed n many instances in ordor to escape he "bug." - VEGETATION. Correspondonts do not egret: ro- artling state of vegetation on lie first of Afity, oome assaeling that ho growth in used and forest was hen weli. advanced, and othors that t was about normal, whilo the ma,- ority claimed that the season might e regarded as a rather backward no, In many quartors there was' uffklent grass for pasturing sheep, ut hardly though for cattle ; but woe considered that only a iew arm doya were neoded to make a =orient growth, as the ground °Maine(' pionty of moisture, and Lai and blade were ready to re - pond. -4 PRINCE CHRISTIAN'S ESCAPE Carriage in Which He Was Riding Met With Accident. A London despatch says; While, returiting from tho rows on. Thurs- day tifthrpoon the 03))'i 3t) hi which Potion ChrieLlan .311(1 301110 friends woro riding met with an accident, Oito of tho doors of Lilo 00,11'lagb was litr0110110(1 Oa% 101 1, 1110 0001(p01,111S ON- cwpat With a thaliing up. • LIVE STOCK. All olassea of live otock have come through tho winter good condi tion, A few comparatively light forms of distempor among horses aro reported in several lo- calities, and in the County Of Lan- ark sumo Gasps of stranglesioccurred lent tho ineeloeity of correspondento speak.ot boeses as being in an 1111 - wiener good condition for the Unto of 'the year, aud spring work has hail only •a good afoot upon them, Their chief drawback appears .to havo boon a lathier lighter ration at oats than ordinarily, owing to tho sonacley of that grain. antelo ao a, rido, aro Mao • io excollent foion, Some report them aa boing rather thin, but nono disputo their anneral good lioaleli. Ringworm appoar,ed among several leeds in some of tho Parry Sound townoldpe, and odd etesoo of lumpy jaw ocOuvrod , oise- wham but with those oxcepleoos thoro'io remarkably cloom hill of 'loath to be :damn for cattim Sheep lawn dono oxceOdingly wall, a large ntimber of lambs Mixing been drop- Pedi Width have turned out hoolthy Mid vigbroua. The dog is inveighed agaitiot by soveral cOrreapontionts aa being a petition= Swine luteo also don c well as a Mateo. Cases of die - woe ond elOatel lerioneg yOung Inters haw been enpOrted, 111 Overal Parte Of tee) Province, but thee() .apipetir to Ilavo rOaulted from purely local mom ditiouli, and hi 110L 600t10110 have lowee general, In Met, ro- feroneos to the atoady way In Which bacon hogs WINO boon L fitted for the nutrket 18 a feethro of the report% Fodder generally hos been staffioient, although otraw hao bow rether mace, and the high prices Prevail- ing for comae graina and Mill feed tempted mony raloOril Of 'Ivo Stock 10 eced cloSer than uoual. Mayoral corroopondonto rofer18 tho slio as having boon an coccollent aid in oterrying cattle through tho winter. FARM ,,SUPPLIVS. There in nothing like noitninitty in tlie roports received rogarding farm oupPlieo. Toeing tho provinco as a Wil.Q10, however, tluiro bati been a aufliciency or room of hay, and a scarcity of °eta. Many eorrespozni- mita otato that there is buts lietle wheat loft, although othors olaim that thot•eI 0. fair Surplus yob on band. It is oleo to say that 'while there is not as Math hey or grain in femora' hands ao uaual at WO Mom Of the year, other fording stuff, soh as ensilage, stover, etc.., would enable them to put a fair %mount of beith lia,y and W1108A on tho market should extra bigh prices provide, Fat cettle aro scam in nearly every section, the high 'Prices ruling having cleared them out ear- ly'. Many correspondents also re port a scarcity of otoro cattle, al- though Dome claim that thoro aro still a considerable number on hand, mom esliocially in the East Midland and Northern Districts, 011 1301110 of the western countlea buyers from tho Canadian Northwest bought up a number of .young stoolc for faa ishing off. The high price of grain and other feeding etuffs is also given by oome correspondents aa a reason for tho comparatively small number of fat and storo cattlo kept on hand. FRUTI"I'liEfes. Reports from Um districts where the bulk of oux• fruit is grown aro decidedly' optimistic in tone. Them havo been no ice atoms this year to break off limbs and disfiguro trees, and the general appearance of or- chards is all that could 130 desired. There is promise of abundant biota som for nearly overy variety of fruit, and if frosts ape heavy rnits koep cife during the period of bloom a. record yoar for fruit gonerally may be looked Ion 311 tho counties lying between the St. Lawrence and Ot- tawa rivero, however, there has been a sorious visitation of field micoe which have warmed over the orch- ards and wrouglie much sen.ious in- jury by gholleng young apple and other 'trees. A correspondent hi Fitzroy states that mice ate 44: rods of thorn leeege on bio premises. The only complaints of mice in the Lako Ontario district came from the County of York, and of the western Ontario comities Middlosex eves the only one to send a report of their prosence. Soveral correopondents in the. fruit growing centres express fear that tho tent caterpillar inay do much injury unless actively checked. A few also compritin of the presenco Of the borer. Warninge are also sent in regarding black -knot in cherriese It swam atrango that so few references are made to San Jose Scale. Small fruits ca,mo through the winter in good condition as a rule., although in somo quartors berry busbes were considerably brok- en down by snow. These toports were all mado before the cold dip of May 1011), and thonefore ropreeent the condition up to that time. ELEVATOR SITES FIXED. Ogilvie Milling Company An- nounces the Locations. A Montroal despatth says :--11.Er. 11'. W. Thompson, vicogresicient and general manager ol the W. W. Ogilvie Milling Compeller, on Wodnosday anet flounced the looation of tho '20 grain elovators which it is proposed to eroot dui•in.g the present season in lelanit.oba and the ,North-Weeet 'Tore ritories. Six of the elevators, thOSO at POIICO, 13,31.1g01310. 1111.'1.013r, Zoll, .Arnand, Mariner, auci Carlyko will be situated in the 'Territories, while tho remaining 14 will bo in Manitoba, Ws follows :-Brookdale. Braciwttrdine, Sio1alr, Newcialo, Lo- noro, Arcola, Carnegie, 'Renton, Oakville, Grandview, Afarge.rot, Gil- bert Plain, liainrea, and at the ter- minal of tho Waskada branch of the C.P.R. -4 HAD $1,500,000 ON BOARD. Vessel enRotit e From Chili a Total Wreck, A VaAparalso despatch SaYS :-The Eforritata stiounship SaAricarain Capt. Piening, from this port for Ham- burg, is a total wreck on tho Homo- blln Island, Chili. Tlio cargo in- cludes 51,500,000. which the Gov- ornmont of Chili had remitted to !Mancha agents 10 E_uropo. MANCHESTER TO NEW YORK proposal to Establish a Direct Steamship Line, A Liverpotel despatch says: item livening .Express says. Mr, Morgan, through eis,ropreoentativeit, has been 111111 is negotiating with several com- panies alio uso tho Manchestor Ca- nal, with 0. vim of running steam- ships demob from Mitnoliestio. to Now York, Balton, awl other ports. The schomo hivolvea tho construction of cotton warehouses. ' WILL CHANGE CRUISERS. To ,Be Provided With. Hoeetier Stool Plates, Glasgow deornetch says :-The preparations for layingdown tho keels of four British critheers have beee stopeod for tho moment, 113 tho Admiralty has decithol .to lengthoo elm vessels with a 1-10111 of allowing groatior thieelateizs of armor 1)0000- 11011, 7110 change will lei ruatio be - memo of tho liewly invoitea forged s•teel tap for armor-piereing THE DOMINION PAiiLIAMENT .11-6'xgp or Ing)044PINGS TEE '41111B,A,T4 ncgrsg. seeorel Soasion of the Puglia - Mont of Oalaada prorogued 00 Thursday. Bic Wilfrid LieuriOr laid on the toblo copies of t10 9330110310 which had boon received from vierioua Boards Of 7031(10 with 0efe0ene0 49 preforential erode withiri tem Ene- rare. The Senate bill respecting the incorporatioa of joint stook com- op:at:ales:was di5011500(1 tor it Sow min- utes, and was put through all jto FOUR MONTHS' IMMIGRATION. Dir. Ross (of Oothrio) was loran:n- od by ler.' Sefton teat M the Year 1902 up to May 1st, tbe number of immigrants who come to Canacia was 24,122. Of theta' 5,164 were Britioh, 7,478 were from the Contin- ont of Europe", arid 11,430 from the United Stetes. Tem, settled 4 pee cont. 111the Maritime Provinces 9 per cont. In Quobec, 12 pia cent. In Ontario, aod 70 per coot. in Mani- toba and tho Territories. Tim sot- tiors' effects of thoao lotto came from the United States were valued at 51,261,289. 'Thoteo from Euriepo and tho British Islea wei.o eatimattel to 11.va.obe0>tlght property worth about 1,scs4,00 RAILWAY COMMUNICATION, Mr. Kaulbath urged upon Um Gov- ernmene the necessity of tioing thing to provide raliway cominunica- tioll between Halifax and tho South Shore of Nova Scotia. Mr. Molding roplied that tho needs of this section would be inet very shortly, as the Provincitti Govern - merit had given a loan of 518,000 a mile to a company which proposes to build the lino required. BIGGL'It SURPLUS EXPECTED Mr. Fielding informed the House that since .the budget speech was delivered two months ago tho re- venue of the country had surpassod his exPeetations, and he behoved the surplus would bo larger and the ad- dition to the public, debt smaller than. he had 'expected CLOSING- CEREMONIES, His Excelioncy arrived at the Sen- . ato Chamber sharp at 3 o'clock. He Was eacorted, as usual, by tho Dra- goons, and waa received by a guard of honor. Tho gathoring hi the Sen- ate was not a largo ono. Tho gal - Miles woro well filled, but there were many vacant seats on the nom` ,of the Chamber, which is always crowd- ed at the oponiug. 'The ladies pre- sent appeared in walking 00510030. Attn. Afr. Speaker Brodeor and the Commoners had reached the Chamber, the ClerIo of the Upper House read tho liet of bills. SPEECH FROM THE THRONE. His Excellency then dismissed the Parliamentarians with the following eech from. tho throne :- Honorable Oentlomen of tho Senate : Gentlemen of tho Hou.so of 007.12- 010118 : In rolioving you from further at- tendance in Parliament I desk° to thank you for the care and atten- tion given to your important duties. • Tho unusual number of Acts that have been passed incorporating in- dustrial and railway companice may bo taken as an ovideuco of the rapid progress that Canada is making in wealth 'mil prosperity, Further proof of that satisfactory condition is allot -clod 1)3r tee inertias° in the trade and revenue of tho country. It has been gratifying to note the unprocedentod flow of immigrants from Europe and from the United States that aro now seoking homes In Mitaltoba and in tho North -B'31 Torrtoories. The rapid incroasing population of (.h -'.t fortile section of tho .Dolnixdou moat yearly add to eehe trade of the country. Tho agreement ontored into with the. Canadian Pacific Railway Coto - pithy when aUthOrieing Morons° of its -capital to oxpend over nine million dollarin providing ad- ditional rollin5 stock will, it Is hop- ed, materially diminish in the fu- ture tho 000101.18 1osseti that have arisen. from the in.sollicient eupply of cars to carry the products (ruin the West to Eastoi•n ports. Tho amendments to tho Manitoba tiraM Aet authorising tem formers in Manitoba and the North-West to their grain et railway stations will, itis beilioved, ho found to servo -a. useful purpose, and defeat any at- tempt to depress prices by combina- tion, The growleg population of tho Yu- kon Territory and tho rapid dovoloPo intuit M the trade of that :motion of Canada amply justify tho Act granting to its rosidents represen- tattoo in Parliament who will bo authorizod to speak Mr las con- stituency' in all matters (1130011115 4110 more important intheeete of that re- mote part of the Dominion, Gentionien of tho House of Com- mons I thank you in his Majesty's for the liboral oupplits you have goo.nted for tho publia sorvico. Itonorablo Gontlionen 110 tho &mato : Gentlomen of the Howe of Com- mons : De bidding you farewell, T cloak° to express the impo that when . we moot next yoar 1133 81131 11 1)0 :33110 to again rejohn in the continued prose fierily which now prevails over this wido Dominion. HEAVY SNOW IN GERMANY Creat Damage Occasioned. to ViOes and Crops, A. 'Berlin dospatch Says; The Wen. - flow is tioseasonahlo throughout Goy - loony, . Thorn vois a, heavy snoivfail on Thursday night in tho PrO- VinCee, 11,101 grail, Minoan, was d000 to violet end crops. Snow has fallen IO t1io. depth of 11 foot in Mayenee. Gold villas and ialowors prevail in • :NEWS ITEMS. Telegraphic Briers Prom All Over the Globe. CANADA, Woodstock's police force is to be 4.111130 1) `,VOn tim Yukon is broakieg 41) on th0 tenair reoches. Tho 0.9,34. has granted aii ioCrOeioe of pay to its meow:dots, Nearly a foot of 811011 foil at leather Point, Quebees, cae Saturday. Winnipeg's zeolty asaossment now totals 528,012,060, with 86,558,210 oxemptiono. Population 48,397. Ottawa ki recoiving °Vero from soy - oral telephone companies desiroue of inatallios a System en oppooltion to th°R01)31°1, 61.Leel, the Kingston Calms() latuniryman, who Imo givon liberally to Qiieenio University, tots sub- scribed 625 to the Y.M.,C,A, ' As a result of a. petition of sixty of Brantford's inioiness men, the eitY will colobrato Victoria Day on Mao 26, instead of Saturday, tee 2441). The Canadian Paoifio announces re- ductions en Freight rates beteveer Lake Superior and Manitoba, points. ranging from 40 to 44 cents per 100 P de°:ludedds. to introduce a by-law* ciono- Tile City Couneil 'of Ottawa has polling tho removal of all signa verandahs, 9; " other proje.ceions 1. Ute `The Northwest Commoreial Tra- velers havo purchased a promineut business corner in Winnipeg, and will erect there an eight -storey office building. Owen Sound assessors' returns show a population of 9,414, an in crease over last year of 159, end au assessment of 58,529,991, an in crease of' a. quarter of a million. Somo membors of the Hamilton Board of Liducation objeot to the forming of a rifle club among mem- burs of the Collegiate Inetitute. They should wait till they are old enough to join the 13th Regal:tent. Ron. le. R. Latchford, Mill/star of Public Works, on Saturday turned the first sod of the Bent Government railway in Ontario, which is to bo known as the Tomiska,ming es North- ern Ontario Railway, near North Bay. GREAT BRITAIN. Orders have been Jawed for the Imperial Yeomanry battalions now at Aidorshot to embark for South Africa, Tho King and the Queen with thi own hands pletwel in position soy - oral of the young seplings Nam0,. recently in the groimds of Birekio'l ham Palace. The allow:ill combenittion of Pone:1h Ship -owners to keep up the freights on British goods loth attracted lb' attention of the Government. The Minister of Public Works has decided to reduce the telograph rates between Ashcroft, B.C., and Doevson from 51.50 to $8 for tan words.. UNITED STATES. The U. S. Stool Oorporation em- ployed 158,263 mew during the past year, and paid out in tvages $112,- 829,198. Miss Rebecca French, a public.. school teacher of Marinette, Wis. has gone insano over hor love for cats. James Duffield, elected meyod of Bualiner, O., on a prohibition ticket, has been -fined for selling liquor co t- trary to law. Former City Treasurer Gerst, of Buffalo, was lined 51,000 and dis- missed for complicity in defalcation amounting to $10,000. likcateso o. teacher at a potato school in Philadelphia, sat on a biblo while playing the piano, the stool being too low, a row was stern., which the directors had to invest!. gate and sottle. SiummleiVendoll Williston, professor Goology in the Tin iversity of Kansas, and 'author, of 150 scientific papers one books, has been chow. head professor of palecintoloezi in tho University of Chicago. ,On Saturday Of this weok Mayor Low, Of New York, will make an underground trip in an automobile through the Maga 15-1oot sewer that. is being built to drain the entiro Bay Ridge Section of Brooklyn. Senator Tillman made a violent speoch in the Senate at Washington on WeiliwisdaY, in which he homed the United States would tom from their "gime tee deviltry in the Phil 11)1)1008'. Sad assist the South to rill herself of tho threat of negro dom- ination. GENERAL. The revolt in Portugal is against bad government and oirecreble ad. ministration. A Britith subjoct named Alloock has bow murtiorod in his own gar- den near Tetuan, Moroceo.• e Serious earthquakes hay° 00011rrad 11 81)aill, destroying it lumber of t houses and terrifying the, pooplo. Tho young king Alfopso will wear 11 fifty different uniforneo . during the festivities aLeendant op. his Deco,. I skin, e Two .Austrian Deputies have fought '1 another bloody Mud in Vienna in h which both wero cut and :dashed ter- a rlbly, 11 Frightened by minors that 'Russia '1 is ,preparing for war with Japan, e mew Chinese traders have left. Port Arthur for Shanghai. P Till KING OF BAROTOLANN IZ WX4,1. l3BP,4$5iN9 AT 02alf0 C011.0244TION,, Territory Zarger Titan Gorman); Acquired by the Ampire Without Bloodshed, Colonel Colin XXardinig, late acting administrator of Northwest Rhodesia has loft lihndand for South Africa in order to meet King Lowanika, the Paramount Chief of Berotstilend, fen4 to wort him to Ninglend, whither ha Is going at the invitation of the ICing to bo present at the' Corono- tion. 00400e1 Harding only return' 0C1 a few weekprevious from Bora- seland, where in ido official capacity lio concluded an arduouo journey of ovor ton thousand miles thoough Lee Wallikaeti country, penetrating to within a hundrod and Afty rollea Of the west coast. Tlie diftleultion wero very great, ond Colonol Herding and his brothor, who (lied 01 blaelc-ivalee fever on his return, had to travel foi. prolonged poriode walot deop through water. These expeditions, which lasted for two yoaro, and wero made on foot and horseback„ were under- takeu for the purpose of establishing personal acquaintance wl tho chiefs. Colonee Harding met with unfeeling courtesy from tho natives, some of Whom bad never bofore SOOtt a. width man. They declored them- selves to be loyal to Lewanika and content under British rule. On two occasions only did ho coma on slava caravans, tho leaders of 3013050. bo had to punish. Colonel Harding's journey oxtonded in the north to tho Congo frontior. A considorable por- tion of the area explored was quite now country. Last year ho diseover- ed the source of tho leakombo, ono of the most important tributaries of tho Zambesi, and in the previouo year he visited the source of the Zambosi. ICING LEWANIKA. Some' interesting dotalls of the pre- sent situation in Barotseland have already been obtaloed by Reuter' Agency froni a well-informed source. It is not inappropriate that King Letvanika should come to England,' for there is 110 more enlightened or loyal native chief in Africa. Ile has placed the whole of his empire, which is mooti larger than Germany, under British protection, and it is admin- istered hy the British South. Africa, Company. 31 is one of the few coun- tries which have been handed ovor to the British without bloodshed. The King is a man of fine physique, and is 45 years of age, and hip pro- nounced loyalty has led him to deo everything in his power to assist the .adminiotra,teon. Ile is a 'curious .inixturo of European and nativo ideas. Ilo is a pagan and does noti speak English, but he always dresses in European clothes. Ho lives in a' really 5110 houso in his capital of lealui, and in many respects main- tains the establishment on British lines. The place is built of choico native woods, but it contains Brit- ish furniture. A prominent feature in his dining -room -where ho often on- tei•tains the officers of tho adminis- tration at luncheon or dinner, which is excellent , and well sorved in the European style -is a, portrait of Queen . Victoria. After discussing with the company's citlicials in one of .his well furnished rooms, he will pro- bably repair to his "kortla" or na- tive parliament close by wbero he will bo.greeted by his indunas, who squat on this ground -in the usual Af- riran style. Before entoring his pare liament house, he Is saluted by his native. band, composed mostly of drummers, one of whose duties it is to play near the o king's bedroom through the night in order that they may lull iffin to sleep. Another cler- icals habit which he has is to sum- mon all his iadunixa who may be within rail to be in the room with him during the Progress of a thunder storm. JOURNEY IN STATE, Lowitnika. possesses a .great Stato barge, which during the dry season is kept in rt kind of dock. As Soon th as o Zambesi is high enough this vessel is used to convoy the court to a more healthy site a day' e journey distent, and the king` marches hi state progress to his new headquar- ters. The barge is of immonoo weight, •being least 30 Mot long and vOry wide. It is propelled by eighty rowers, most of whom are dunes, itt- and all attired. in tiger skins round the loins and l(ons' manes on their beads. Even the Prime Minis- ter, who wears Europeen clothes, has to tako off these garments, and, put- ting on his tiger skin, to take his tutu at the oars. Tho king 1110091)15 Boated iindor a canopy, evleitilt is surmounted by gigantic stuffed fla- ures cif elephants or giraffes, usually manufactured by Loivaailre hhasolf of tattoo and cane. in Wing Lowanika's country them tre about twenty 13ritish mostly at tho goyernmont hoadquart- as at lialomo. Tho whole country s very rich in 10111301115, especially in oppor, in the 13atoko and lia.kitorule istriets. A. great 40a1has boon clone by the company in tho 611990305- 1111'.of of- olave trade in tho florin owards the COL1g0 State, when) loom cetravrius coming from tho ores(' &NO (Tossed into British territory., Melly of tho districts holm; t(10 un- iealthi, for European police, It roma. octavo Barotsi 1)5,00 1)000 `hie forco, which ouniboro 250 mon, as bee0 eetablished for two yeam rid has demo mecellont woek, laxly in the. supprossion of slimly. Oro 'tattoos prove to lin moat willing uti rondo, and after four menthe raining' thee attain it Ittgle teepee, of rolloieney. Thorn is in tho counteer 13 olaborato postal service of oatirn molars. AM therm mon wear a Mad khaki uniform mail mooned w((It tho iords "B.S:A. mail." Thor', ta egular weekly serviro botiieen Lee- li'alonto, the V,ielorla 10 and A. Moscow a nra caused ..by. Ilte„ carelessness of a workman has ro- suited in Oa destruction ot 8113,ei steamovs and ooveral workshops: Tim lempreso Downger of China ie credited with having doreloped qui, a 0011.00 for foreign WarS, partiCUI 1111.1:13 in t110 diractiou of suelitl fune- k tions. In Juno it :Danish expedition will P visit Oreettland to maim an exhaus- tive study of the manners, eustoine, and saporstitions of the native pop- sulnwa„vo, tho 011000113do11ng tot 1'('011571 1,111113' miles it 11;))'.'rho Mg to g000lly interosioa tto‘ elope o rt) way, w filch NA' 11 et 01)8 art, Of- /itirtt toOl fuel, lames aro suppomoil to havn loom ulittion. erst dontoolitheted in Chin.' 1100 1 .1.C. 7: