The Brussels Post, 1902-5-22, Page 6Rpt BIN'S GREEN IRE - re$ XIX' MAIL Vilma 'ME Aa1D Ut:''rIIE SI maaooIC. ersom1 azia-Political Occnereness That Will Interest ;[risks• Canadians. The Irish Land League report rho forMatioit oS sixtybranches within the last three menthe. ri"llere died in Retie on tho 20th idle, 114r. Robert Reid, manufacturer all Irish hand embroideries, Queen's College, Cork, it le elaim- ed, sboula bo made a university with the power of conferring de- grees. An Irieb .county jail at Lifford, Donegal, is in tae market for Dale, being no Imager needed for cranin- Atls. I]5vid Dunenn, a young man, was 'remanded at Belfast, merged with .attempting to murder hie wife with a. hatchet. There recently died at Cerebella. four nellee from Catetlorea, aim. Ellen 3TJgen, who had attained the great ago of 118 years. Air. Michael J, Flavin, hC.P., writ - fag from the Canarys, deel'ares him- self "ready and willing for another fight for Ireland," An Irish M,P, lute a theory that if Scotland were treated eimilnrly to Ireland tho Scottish people would not be loyal for forty hours, Sir Norbert Maxwell, Burt., M,E., for 1Vigtownehire, will preside at the annual banquet of the Scottish Bene- volent . Society of St. Andrew, in Dublin in November next. Waterford possesses the only toll bridge in Ireland. After 108 years' agitation a movement is now on foot for the construction of a free. bridge over tho River Suir. Tho King has agreed to present to the 74funster Yacht Club a 100 - guinea cup to be competed for in an internationel yacht race during the season of the Cork 'Exhibition. A sad accident oectu'red in Cork, when 0, horse attached to a jarvoy car, occupied by only the driver, backed into the river, bringing the mall with it. The horse and driver were both drowned. A serious accident occurred to the Irish Horse at the Curragh camp. While a Colt quick-ilring gun was, being used at practice it accident- ally discharged, and a man named Johnson, of the Irish Horse. was killed. Determined efforts aro being made in Dublin to put down tho sale of drink to young children. Children under the ago of 14 are prohibited from obtaining drink unless it is supplied to them in vessels which can be sealed down. The Belfast Linen IialI Library has acquired, at a cost of several hundred pounces, publicly subscribed, a valuable collection of rare editions of the works of Robert Burns. A bronze statue of the Ayrshire poet has occupied for many years a place of honor in the free library. - In Dublin Police Court eleven young glen who disturbed the per- formance of "Dandy Fifth," at the Theatre Royal, were fined in sums' varying 5s. to 40s. The police stat- ed that a heap of Iotatoetwas found under a seat 3n the gallery. . A policeman named Brennan, sta- tioned at Cloracoo]•, County Sligo,{{j sudden; went mad duringtho ab- sence sence of his comrades and fired ut! people coming from church, declar- ing that they were "all Boers." Portun tel DOOR DIGESTION REiv'AERS TE„E LIVE 0y' TIE DYSPEPTIC l4TXSERAl3LE, reed B0coznee Distasteful and a reeling of Weariness, Pain and Depression Ensues. From LeSorclois, Sorel, Que. Of the diseases aWieting. mankind dyspepsia Is one of the worst to en- dure, Its victims end life almost a burden. rood becomes distasteful; they suffer from severe pains in the stonaeln sometime excessive heart palpitation, and a general feeling of weakness and depression(, Though this disease is ono of the most die- tt•ossing, it is ono which, if the pro- per remetly; is employee, can be read- ily cured. Thousands throughout this country bear testimony to the efficacy of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills as a never failing euro. Among them is Mrs, Adolphe A. Latt'ousse, ' a well known and highly esteemed lady re- siding tt,t Sorel; Que. She says; -- ''For two year's,I was a constant stn ferer from bail digestion and its ac- companying symptoms, ;rood became distasteful And 1 grew very weak, I suffered much from pains in the stom- ach and head: I could not obtain restful sleep and became unfit for all housework. I tried several medicines without finding the least relief and 1 continually grew worse until in the earl 1 would vomit everything 1 ate. I had almost given up hope of ever bring well again when one day I read of a case similar to thine cured through the use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. I determined to give these pills a trial and am happy to -day that I did so, as by the time I had taken eight or nine boxes my strength had returned, the pains which had so long racked me disap- peered, my stomach would digest food properly and I had fully regain- ed my old time health, and have not since had any return of the trouble," Dr, Williams' rink Pills are a pure- ly tonic medicine and uulike all pur- gatives, do not weaken the system, but give life and energy with every dose. They are a curtain cure for anaemia, dizziness, heart troubles, rheumatism, sciatica, indigestion, partial paralysis, St. Vitus',lance and the functional ailments that make the lives of ko many women an almost constant source of misery. Sold by dealers in medicine. or sent postpaid at Li'l cents a box or six boxes for 82.50 by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock, ;villa, Ont., PREBEND] if THE WEATHER SURPRISING DISCOVERY 0:11 MR. 111JGH CLEMENTS. Whore Sun and :Toon Repeat Menai selves Weather Will Do the e. Same. 11 Mr. Thigh Clements, of Dulwieh, t England, comes forward with what' he announces as a "coronation your discover ." by which anyintelligent S li person can predict the daily height; of the barometer, the tempo nturc and the direction of the wind in may part of the world for any day in the future. It is a, large order. As lusty be tut -i the Sad is of, no t1.s9, -because we have no reeot'g 'd,'1U l}1S4T]:IER. ON 'TIIII'f' DAY, Then, to be strictly accurate, you Must alleee for the eat'th'e irregtrlaz', itiee, ae well as t#lee° of the nylon, and the earth is well known to hav9 a slight iurehing mevoment which proences the inrpeessi0n of the mpg - Mixes. Taking this late aecount, the sun, earth and (noon, have not exactly repeated. their relative move - Monts since many thousand years be- fore Adana and Eve took possoseion of parttdle°. Tbore is another diifletilty which Would ;rave daunted nay num with less intellect than AG', Clements. Sir Robert Bell told us two years ego that tbtuiges in the distribution of, polar lee caueo the earth to alter her axis, and to hitch the equator UP a few miles hero and there, mach as a seaman acljusts his belt. We was very disrespectful of Sir Robert Ball. The equator lead never been attacked like that before." But it is to be feared the chargele only too true, This business about the equator is the melt awicward of all for Mr. Cle- ments, The other 'notions to be dealt with aro: periodical. • The pt•o- cession of the equinoxes is rather di- latory, taking 25,8(87 years to com- plete, but still it does work round at last. But this hitching up of the equator is an irregular movement, which vitiates all conclusions. It is supposed to have been one of the pritne'causes of the flood, and spine scientists say that the accumulation of ice at the South Polo at present le gettin;; quite top heavy, and that unless the crew of the Discovery are careful with their gune, and tread very lightly, we may have it all slip- ping down into the sea. The effect woull be a tidal wave probably a mile high, and a permanent addition to the height of the sea which would SUBMERGE ALL LONDON except two little islands—one at the Crystal Palace and 'the other et Jack Straw's Castle, Uampstead Heath, Strange though it may seem, the probabilities are that the relative. movements of the earth, the moon and the sun are never' exactly repeat- ed. This has led Mr. Clements to adopt a simpler method than hunt- ing up weather records for a corre- sponding; day in the past that never really existed. he now takes a date in a recent past, writes down its barometrical record, and makes al- lowances for differences itt the posi- tion of the heavenly bodies. The horizontal parallax of the (noon, the declination of the moon and the de- clination of the sun have to be tri= lowed for, and there you are! You have the height of the barometer fpr any day in the future you like to name. One minute of parallax has such an ?deet on the barometer that the mt'ruuny Jumps .08 incl(. What its eine t would be on a human being has met yet been tried, but doubtless these vivisectors will be wanting to find out. A degree of declination af- fects the barometer to the extent of 0.8 inch, and an hour's difference in transit .02 inch. By this means Mr. Clements says that anybody can tell the weather for any future time at any spot on the earth's surface. Meanwhile, the moon, the sun and the earth seem to go on just as be - THE BLOOM 01' m''ALTH. Bow to Keep Little Ones Bright, Active and Ze,,1thy. toy s 1)111. n.;ivied, the moon has , good deal to i Every mother knows that little a no Dae tea The Spectator pathetically pleads, do with it. Mr. Clements has been 1 children( need careful attention—but at work on this subject for tw ente1 they do not need strong drugs. When years, and to a London Daily News qi baby is peevish, cross or unwell, it representative he eonflded some ciiis an nutortunate fact that too many his results.jeuuthers close them( with so-called Ile started out on this great, in-"soothrt,g" medicines which stupefy quiry in the interests of agrieulture,1 and put the little one into an un - and carefully compared the weather natural sleep, but do (not remove the records with the notions of tho cause of the trouble. 'Khat is want - planets, Nothing c 1 o make s, of ut ams of t cal t u a ° the;title one bright, P f, i except tg , t that he incidentally discovered the cheerful and well, is Baby's Own cause of sun spots. But when he ex- `tablets, which will promptly cure ambled the motions of the moon he colic, sour stomach, indigestion, found at once that the weather ex: I constipation, diarrhoea, simple 10- actly corresponded with them. In l vers and teething troubles. They fact, to date the matter in his own give children sound, refreshing sleep, itumortul words, he finds that "met- because they remove the cause of the eorology is an exact science," the trouble. 'These tablets nee Runran- weather is "not an outcome of blind teed to contain no opiate or other chance," but of fixed lows," and is a harmful drug. Mrs James Found, function of the phases of the ,noon." Valente', Ont., say ,-"'Before 1 got Meton, in the sixth rentury, 13.0,, Baby's Own Titbit -1s, Tay baby was mark the first discovery in tneteoro- Vary pale and delirrtte, ami so peel - logical science, when he fouled that Jail that. I had to walk She glom• with. him day and night. The first tablet 1 gave liitn helped hint, and that eight he. slept 91rpt soundly. Since then the, tablets have made him perfectly well, anti he is now a fine, healthy looking baby, and is getting quite fat. ] would not be without the tahlei_u if they Best a dollar a box." Baby's Own Tablets are good for with Uhonist writers and speakers to refrain from exaggerating the state of .troland. and everyone feels the bitterness of the reflection that while peace seems near at hand in Africa, the harmony of the corona- tion celebration is threatened by a sort of chill war at England's very tdn•eehold Yet another member has been ask- ed "to walk the plank." This time it Is Major Jameson. Els con- stituents in West Clare are not satis- fied with his performance of the 'duties with which they entrusted him, and the result is marching or- ders, Like Jasper Tully, the gallant major took no notice of his dis- missal order, and the matter has been referred to the League direc- tors, Mr. Jasper Tully, A.P., who has been ordered to resign his seat by the United Irish League, le no be-! the ,noon has a liever in the policy of turning the!CYCLE Ole NINhTi:IsN YI A21R, other cheek. Writing in his newspa- Then Iiii i , lurehus found that the per, the Roscommon herald, he describes his assailants as "a lot moon's epee moved forward 40 cle- oY cowardly hypocrites and hum- groes each year. After this there hugs, 'who were bursting with per -1 was a break of about sixteen centur- • soma spite and jealousy, and who Ie.,"during which the Monne' mint.; were trying to knife him when he sr•''»led to sb'ep," and then came was clown-' Copernicus, who was followed later children of all ages and are, taken as Clemente. readily 118 candy. Crusher] 10 a It has been left to the latter to NO NEED TO 1001111.Y.piece together' all the discoveries of powder, they can he. given tvit1 ab Dr, Thomas Iiumo, an Irish wit his predecessors in one complete sys- solute safetyto tl ' ynm,g'et weak - and friend sof Thomas :9oore, (veil(' trm. - est baby. Sold by ll druggists or into a newepaper office and siieutl Ilrieny,. 1118 discovci y is that when 'eat eeing- het 25 cents o box, by Y . eddres ,nu the Dr. Williams >icrlleino placed on the counter the announce- u the motions and relative positions of Co., Drockvitle, Ont. the earth, the sun and the moon re- 'ernt o• a friend's death, together with five shillings, the usual charge for the inscn•tioe Of such advertise - 'netts. The clerk looked at the paper, tos- sod it to one side, end' sued, in a sur- ly manner: "Seven and sial" "1 bnvo frequently bad occasion," replied Ilume, "to publish these sim- ple notices, and 1 have never before been charged more than five shil- litt,;e," "Simple!'' repeated the cleric, grumpily, without looking up. You say 110 is 'universally beloved and deeply regretted!'- Seven and six I" Hume laid the additional money on the counter, saying quietly: "Congratulate yourself, sir, that this is au extra expense to which pour executors Will never by put." ]leth--"tato says she is awfully sensitive about her tvl°,•F;ht," Edith e" G eotl l NOW We :Alajl kpnw What u 11)iy alto;,(;, Illtr cilia., We Watll, to seg sontetlting thtt se% won't like," Site—"Why, I wouldn't lnaery yeti if yon were the last 10511 oil earth." 'ole. -"Quite so, 1 could get a hand - sotto wife, there" .:elind-senile 'INagltti'ci 440 mil - 110101 of eggs, in a apea, peat themselves the weather will do the sane All the tides and :Or cur- rents w111 bo the same, and the weather in eac11 recce will be what it was at the corresponding period, 1f the corresponding period were a year ego this would be, easy. Dot you really never know how long three bodies can go on hovering about each other without repeating their motions until yon conitider the MSC of the earth, the sun and the 1110081. The nineteen year cycle of. the eclipses is a mere trifle. There is also the cycle of 1.8.6 years per- formed by the moon's nodes in car- eering round the ecliptic, and the per- formance is done in such a giddy and unstable fashion that the moon oscile idles live degrees on one nide and then five' degrees on the otlher. Then the moon's apse declines to fell into; stop either with the nodes or with the cyclo of eclipses, and makes a round of calls on the plane of the rclilrtici ,which takes 13.86 years to eoleplete, Thus you have to go back a long time to get the least.00lnmon 11811(-' pie of these:vartous cycles, aid if it be a fact that the weather in Lon- don to -morrow will bo the sante as on the cot't'ospondlnp date at the time eft the visit or Julius Oaes:ir, hli011T SH AS A Intreelelleit. One guts, pliaec of the recent trip of the duchess of Sutherland to Rus- sia, in company with the duchess of Marlborough, didn't get into tho pa- pers in ,tended. 'fhe duchess, who is rich and lovely, is one .of the most energetic youngwomen in the king- dom, and 15 eepecinliy intorested in peasunts who matte the Scotch tweeds. leer the sake or promoting their industry elle packed• several of her trunks with samples of the Iligh- land tweeds, and on arriving i0 St, Petersburg spread out her goods like any other connnercial traveler and issued invitations to the leading tail- ors of iai. Petersburg and Moscow to come, sec and buy, She believes that as a result of herefforts a now market, will be opened" for the pro- duct of the I7ighland cotters.. f A GROUP OF IsliOZlN WOMEN. In the Dolomite Mountains three women lost their way is c. snow- storm, and were round froeon togeth- er in a stone-like group, They had to be laid in a sledge together and dragged into the valley and thawed in front of a great Are before tbey could he separated for burial. 4 dk4,IPIAitXPl«S ,ASIS ler the Octagon ;Oar A copy of illustrated booklet "Weekly'Sxponsee Reduced" ;lent free to your address by writing to LEVER BROTRER$ LIMITED, TORONTO ace ,aam,,,wmrasslaan rnrar 'DfA.CTIOITS IDLES SHOD` NEW IN'YENTIo 1 TAXED 'WITI:I SUOOESS. Poemerly It Required Efforts of a Dozen Ileo to Shoe Two Animals, Shooing fractious melee by aid of machinery 1las just been tried at St, Louis with • Success. It was mule versus machine in a shop at Tenth and Walnut 'streets a few, days ago, and the machine won, to the utter humiliation .of two mules, They Were genuine obstinate; cross-grained Missouri mules, that for general "cussedness" have earned more than a local reputation; Mon • have put it down that, 'while it is a difficult thing to convince a woman against hor will, it is next to impossible to convinceea untie. These particular mules were, apparently, of the opinion, that it demeaned. the high estate. of Missouri muledom to 'be shod. heretofore it had required a force of at ;oast a dozen mon to shoe them. Of the dozen it was a. strange -tiling if more than three came out of the .battle unscathed, and horseshoers considered themsel- ves lucky to get off with' less than a. broken arm, With the machine's aid the mules were shod without casualties, Lvlri they came forth from the experience meek and chastened animals. Old Crow and Dynamite are the names of the mules. They, haul a sprink- ling cart, and have demolished se- veral ;heavy sprinkling wagons, to say nothing of pinking at different times with hind leg -uppercuts the. drivers upon the natal SEATS 0P P1111 CARTS. Tlte machine used came from rtens- selaer, Ind., where lives the inventor. The apparatus is a combination of tackle, beams, ropes, a heavy con- tras belt and a sliding lever, with a device at its bottom for grasping the animal's hoofs. The beams are at- tached to the wall about two feet six inches apart; the horse or mule is sandwiched in between; the tackle serves to hold the head and hind legs; the belt is fastened under the body and helps to sustain the weight; the hoof is held by the lever, and the hcirseshoer does his work in safety. When Old Crow was led, out he oolced at the invention askance. Ile held• one long ear very straight and perked the other far back, Then he poked both ears forward and then wagged both wisely, as if to say, "No you don't." There was a crowd of men stand- about—horseshoers from sur- rounding towns and others who wanted to see the fun. Old Crow' was induced to take his stand at what seemed an innocent distance from the beams. Then, in an instant, the beams were swung around toward him and he found . himself buckled between them, Ropes were attached to his ]falter so lie could not move his head in any direction, and an effort was made to fasten the canvas belt under ;nim. Time Old Crow understood that the /natter was serious. he commencer; kicking with all four legs at once. Tlo made the floor shake and the beams creak, and the bystanders sought oat the high places, but it was unnecessary.- in another mo- ment a strap was passed around his hind legs above the knee, and his chief kicking gene Wits under con- trol. The belt was put in place and THE 17OOFS WERE SEIZED, In twenty minutes he had n •new sot of shoes,yet he was not 111 the least proud of then;. Ile realized that be had been beaten, that the traditions f1l of to edom had been transgressed, and such a woebegone animal as'Veas Old CroW whoa he was released from his shackles could not be imagined. Dynamite, with slight variations, was putt through the some Pr'ogr'am. no found kicking 1.0 no purpose, though he temporarily d delayethe adjustment of the belt, Then •h6. simply sat down on his haunches and resisted for a time every inducement to return to all fours: leo looked like an immense dog in this position, and it seemed as 0' he was to baffle his tormentors, i3ut one of the men seized his tail and gave it a mighty, tug. Dyna- mite rose with a lump, and his hind feet shot back and around l.ilce a spring gun. But the loan was out of enema, and soon Dynamite was as contrite in spirit as was his team- mate. iC FUNDS IN OHA.NC1RY, The tlovernnnent announcement is made that the unclaimed funds now amotntt to 01,050,000,- distributed over more than 8,200 separate ac- counts. One-half do not exceed 5150. In solne cans the funds have remained in Chancery ler over a century. 3t is stated that many s0 -called lists of next -of -ficin heirs to unclaimed money are not ofllciet, and sometimes contain gross misre- presentations and cxn tgerations. DTJRING' ills ABSENCk7. Ile—"I know it 1 I feel it 1 You bavo been flirting with seine other man." ' 8 "But m deer, 1 Wag s She—"But, y w s o lorio- sonle without you." Minardls Liniment Cures Barns etc III I I • P1111 1'i$YOXCOL0t T OF DAM Coarse sleek bide indio(iltes power of eharteetcr, With a tendeney oto sene anality. Straight still black hair and beard indicate coarse, strong, rigid and etlalglrtfoi'wat'd .personal- Ity. Fine hair generally. denotes COP, quiltiite sensibilities; flat, straight hair a melancholy but constant habit, Marsh, upright hair is the sign of a reticent and sour spirit, a stubborn and cruel char'aeter• Coarse red hair and whiskers are scconipan- locl by violent twined passions, but same fore° of individuality. Auburn hair, on the contrary, denotes the 1ighest order of eentirneut and Inten- sity of feeling, purity of thought and the greatest capacity for pale 00 pleasure. Crisp, curly hair, we re- gret to say, is indicative of a hasty,' impetuous and rash cbaraoter, and, generally, light hair is chLlracteristfa of e. sympathetic and indolent cone stitution, There is 1)o doubt that the coloring matter of the hair may be in serge way affeetod, 01' pray ef- fect, the disposition, fee it is an odd tiling how often the sulphur in red hair of the corium in bleak appears in the. individual's nets and thoughts, THANKS FOR BOTH. FRENCH GENTLEMAN GRACE- FULLY EXPRESSES HIS OWN AND ITIS ,WIFE'S GRATITUDE. A Strong Letter Written, With the Noble Purpose of Trying to Benefit Someone Else. St. Ifippolyte, Que., May 12. (Spe tial)e-•Mr, L. A. Paquin of this vil- lage has 'written for publication the following letter. In it he speaks for both himself and his wife. The let- ter etter reads: 'After much suffering I had become unable to work, I had Kidney Trou- ble which gave me groat path. "My Wife had used a box of Dodd's I(idney Pills for a similar trouble sometime before, and as they had completely restored her to good health T made up my mind to take a treatment myself. "I was not disappointed, and I can now say that I. have tried and prov- ed Dodd's Kidney Pills to be the greatest medicine in the world. "We are now both quite well, and able to do our work as well as over. "We have found Dodd's Kidney Pills to be a remedy, which saves us the pains and trouble which ive so often see in others, who are languish- ing and incapable of attending . to their work. "We keep Dodd's Kidney Pills con- stantly onhand, anduse them occa- sionally if wo feel the slightest indis- position. Wei have used altogether between us six boxes. "Perhaps X should explain why I write this letter. It is because I I feel there may be many others who have not heard' of Dodd's kidney. Pills, or who, having heard, have not yet given them a fair trial, and to such I would say 'Give Dodd's 1 retinae Pills a fair trial and you i will agree with my wile and thyself that there is' not any other such med- (cine to bo had.' What Dodd's . Kidney Pills have done for Mr. Paquin and his good wife, they will do for any man or woman who suffers from Kidney Dis- ease in any form. POWDERED MILE. Made in Sweden by a Process Likely to he of Economic Value. Dr. Max Elcenberg, of Gothenburg, has invented an apparatus by which tnillt can be reduced to powder while possessing all the qualities of milk in concentrated 000m, except. moisture. This milk flour, moreover, is completely soluble in water, and can be used for all the purposes for which ordinary milk is employed. It does not get sour, does not ferment and in its dry state is not sensitive to changes in the weather. It can bo kept and transported in tin cans, barrels or bags. The Cost of reduction, Dr. E,ken- berg estimates at about 27 cents for every 100 quarts. acid be thinlcs that the flour made front shim milk can bo sold for about 13 cents a pound. No rennet, or acid,' or lye is used in prnng At aorlucirecenit.t meeting of the Swedish Academy of Agriculture Ilr. Ekon- berg exhibited samples of his milk flour and it was favorably com- mented on. In an address to the Academy he said that. he believed his invention to be of the greatest im- portance for the utilization of skim milk; hitherto largely wasted, as in a di'y form it could be transported all over the country without losing any of its original good qualities. Knott-s"I am having at awfully hard time. It's all I can do to keep the wolf from the door." Scott- "Why don't you lot him in Marl train Mtn to keep' your creditors out?" 0. C. RICIIARDS ee CO. • Gentlemen,—I have used MIN- AItle'S LINIMENT on nig vessel and in my family for years, and for every day ills and accidents of life I. contactor it has 110 equal.. Iwould not start on a voyage without it, it it cost 'a dollar a :bottle. CAPT. 3s. R. DL'''SJA33DIN. Schr. "Stork°," St. Andre, Ka• mouraska, The lakes on the Mangishlaho Pen- insulas in the Caspian Seaare sweet smelling, owing to the presence of a Violet -scented seaweed. 1 Liniment a L in Relieves M nds r iNeuralgia, "31 ,yen could coin all the silver in your heir, how etch as old man you would bel" "Not half so rich as 31031 would be, meting ng man, answer- ed elolnh0cles, '17.%vou could only sell 1 the bi'as5 jn goner thee," I have tried CEYLON TEA. and artist sayit is mast delicious. ILt`y husband now rayl ,. that broalcfast issornethiug to, look . forward to, ,t, '.t• w .3Pcevtaswttaletsrao If you have any to sell let us hevrn your price, t vdit, stating quantity, The. 00Mi1M!SS ION 00,, Limited, TORONTO Cozisig'ninents Solicited. :t.lM 1(1018 , than its Weakest Link A Chan is no Stronger and a Wire Fence is no Stronger than its Uprights, ae No one should expect s fence to hold up of itself betwtbo oets. The Feenrostpupright wires are largo strong•, Ths 'ar Yrrost Zeck bolds them In place earland each support • its otvn nllare of the weight. Light tie wires gi0e no support. 13endinr5e to tic weakens them and they are apt to break when the strain issevere. frost reties never breaks. Write for Catalogue, a THE FROST WIRE FENCE C0., LIMITED,. - WELLAIVD, ONT. a.aawoaa n,awaav a,;oww" 3 1] tI ti .i w, ThecfosE Stoniest Lodi Mode. etT00000606000e00000tiofaga00406060Q00000 0010isoei tH23'.a,..CL1%T� �- add do le well with.. the .mesh eiL E 881'1 r.paints in Oaatada Beautify your home` inside and out with. ® economical and, hest for wear 0 83 *1 to 01D 81 s 83 say's Paints the right paints to paint right, I that puts off longest tho.'necessity et for repainting,' and keeps your house Clean and bright through- s out tho lite of pure paint .as no fp other paint ever did before, and at the right price. Drop .us a card and ask for showing how some houses cued 0 painted. BOOKLET "K" FREE. A.R ppVdSAN & SAN, Geab, 1542,� .MONTREAL Paint Makers r+elo®oeo8te8e8et`deCe e06.0.0. .a Long—"Say, Short, I'd liketo have that' 810 you borrowed of me three months ago." Short—"Sorry, old man, but I can't give it to you at the present .writing." Long-- "But ong-"But you saidyou wanted it for a little while only." Short—"Well I gave it to you straight. I didn't ]ceop it half an hour." Lifebuoy Soap— disinfectant is strongly recommended by the medical profession as a safeguard against in- fectious diseases. Kites for observing the weather have been sent up 14,000, feet. A team of five kites was used,and their weight, and that of the wire holding them,' was 13015. Beware of ointments TOP Cittarrh that contain Mercury as mercury w!11 rarely -destroy the sense of smell end c owl otely derange the whole system when. entering 1t through rho mucous striates, such arta'leseboulrl never be used except on prescript Iona teen reputable physlolana, ns rho damage they we11ld0 Istee fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. 110.1'8 Catarrh Cale, nlanua,etered by h'.J. Cheney & l'o..'1.'o. lode, o., contains no 11181'eary, and is taken in. tornally, acting .directly open the blood and mucous turfaoee el the system, la buying Hail's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the germ Ino. It le taken internally and Made in 'Toledo 01110, by 11', 3. Cheney �: Co. Testimonials tree. gd LyaruggietI, price 710 pot' bottle. td Family Pills aro the best.. " A 311511 never fully realizes the wealth of information he doesn't pos- sess till his first child begins_to ask quest' ons. 5I"i.s the enrnt7L and (,arts off She (fold. Las ltvo. Brom0•Qulnine Tablets cure a cold In one day. Pio Lure, No Foy. Pride Id cents. She—''Mr. Daubster, the artist, told me I was as pretty as a pic- ture." he --°"I hope he didn't mean one of his own pictures." Tri . (Dag A COLD It1 ,015: DAT. 'fake Laxative 13remo Qunuoe Tablets. Al druap,lsta refund the money if it fails to mire. Id: W. Grote'% etgnnturo to en call box. 40a. "What seems to bo the matter with him?" risked the doctor, approach. ing the bedside of the man, who high swathed in bandages. "13e found the gns leak," briefly explained the nurses per Over Sixty Veers Thr, WVm:tatr', flooratrto nrnt'r bas bots used b7 militant of mother, roe their children Ann WalingItsnothae the Minhlnd, reft00e the otitis , allays para 51p(1185 IVilia Oahe ro iawo the etomaoh gad betr510, ant) le um boat ramo,ly for Dlerrhwp, 'rtrshly'Ore 51010 a hotrlo, Hold by timselate throughout. inn World, 110 sari and ee'k for" 6hw..Ws80Lotr'e So,,1nIN3 5Ynur," The 'United States exported last year the record number 61.505 loco- motives. ' for sat d s Liniment i eels aver er Minae ywh a Tho largest oyster ever found on British t aunts was dredged up oft Christchurch tread. It weighed' 314 pounds and measured Seven inches across.' �� Cures Dandruff, Minutes Liniment C a f tit ',WOOD a pyoto, ENGPAVIN(i_, J. L,JONES ENG. C9 t' 16tj l3AV • 67tleeY-'• 1bnoldid) W £ 0 1128 THE MMORT POPULAR DEIVTIFRIOE, CALVERT'S CARBOLIC TOOTH POWDER. embryos tho tooth. sweetens the breath. Strengthens the gums E}T3 TO L TE . 'FOR BALE.—Two 2 -revolution Campbell Presses, had 40sO8'inches. Splendid ender. Prloe 81,000 .soh. Terms easy. 3. FRANK WILSON, 73 West Adetafda'3t,, Terttnta Dominion Lino Steamships 14:oateeal to L1,rrpool. Benton to Li,ir- pool, Portland to Liverpool. Via Qn rot• sewn. Large nod Va0t8teatechlpa supyodor atcommodatie0 far all ciaesee of etmemm8l , Saloon, and Sentare, gra nmtdoldaa Special attendee baa been given to Second Saloon and Th1rd.Olana aeCommadatlon. 15' taloa of 00) a and all art mllare apply to a 10 n ea 1 a of the Company, or P ' PP y J Richards, ldilne 5 Co, D. Torrance BCo.. 77 drawee: Bob tom ltanneol and Purlieu.. RELIAOLE AGAINT3 tdV b 0.tl�fT�,� We want et mu0p ttaduorthy mein and -woolen tri rrer7 locality—keel or 111,01188, t0' bllroduoo a nary dlee0rerr arae ;.rep Otlr slow 0,ria Reqd navel tiolo atter tacked a, rl roedl,1508 a 9ylemoa throughout. the rattler awl uanniry. Stoady umplogloeet Tear round mnmleelon or cal r7, •. S6d.00 per dont,( odd •• tixpen9,ee, 'tint to6:00,4'3010 per. der.' tfdte for panieniare. Poetotdue'box 937, IiITEMIAT10111 L 015975IRs GO., LONDON. ONT. • E3viTHER DYEING C1eaoI, a 0,1 Ourllog and Kid d(ogie eln0oed, Thea' eon bo cent 8710001, -to 100 00. rho beat 5(800 fa BRITISH AMERICAN 'DYEING CO. WIDE AWAKE DRUGGISTS 80!! Clleadlne, If yours does not, eeii( 250 and receive 15111 Sized 1308by post prepeld. HEALS ANY SORE. Money re- funded if not satisfactory. Oro Drug,, gists brat ohahoo,' 13111." 1NA18? 011 OILEADINC, 850, erugglete, or elle0Whe flea 'reroute. rass rand Instruments, Drums, Uniforms, Eta, EVERY 'TOWN CAN HAVE A BAND Lowest prices ever eqsoted, ]Vino cataiogue ioeilhuetratione,mailed free. Write us !Or ear Lhingln Mask sr lhtdleal l(nstroutentr, WHALEY I,OY1E & 00., Limited, Toronto, (lint. and FVinnipog,ASan FREE SAMPLE OF LIEBIC'E FIT CURE. ifyouruf'o frorlplley0y,0ita,TellingSfrka05, 0). Vitus stance, Or have tl,ildrea arrainih,w, thgt die tai brirnow s 0 end that is afflicted, thea coed for fres trial lett 8 Nt••dull vafoable TreeNso, and try le, rho sitm3+le801(080(11beseat b mall, prapaid,toyot,l near0atPotOffice nddr0el% It has cured )rheroover , thing else Des frd!ed, When N it hg nenuon d1 Or 110,1 tidos 01!.105, nga. and lu l_atlOzo,e to Ilarel0 co„ 17 k.Ult1''a Wr(at 7'of 0111oeoa!�lr."