The Brussels Post, 1902-5-22, Page 1Vol, 80. No, 46
New Advertisements,
Eaoureione—O. P, R.
Wool—Robt. Graham,
P6uitentia$y Supplies.
}root—X.i okridge Bro.
Tenders—hied. Gelinae.
Bluestone—F. B, Hnreley.
Wool wanted. -Alf. Beaker.
Turnip seeds—A. Btraohan,
New eilke—MoKinnon ire Co,
Seed potatoes—Alf. Beaker.
Farm for 99.10—Jonlee Cloakey.
Belladonna Plaetere—Jas. Fox.
one! .
Bull .!service—Robb. D d
Bu for
Enron County Council—W, Lane,
Men's walking shoes—t. C, Richards.
Home-Sockers'eQ Excursions
AT' Itltt!MRN EABI88'
Wmikado .,
• Arcola
Grand view
Swan River
Moo8 j{,, $8o
$28 MAeobd.t,,..]
Red Doer ,,,1 $40
6 truth- F
con a,..
Going JUNE sr], returning •until ADGDST
4th (all rail or 6,6. Alberta). Going JUNE.
44th, returning. until AUGUST 25th (all rail
et. 5, B. Alberta). Going .11MY 15th,1roturn-
fng until 8EP4'EMBe1R lash (all rail or 8, S.
Alberta), Tickets are not good on "Imperial
Limited." &or tickets and pamphlet giving
inn particulars, apply to your nearest Gam
adieu Pnettle Agent, or to
A, H, NOTMAN, Asst: Gen. P ass, Agt„
11 Eng Street East, Toronto.
Highest Cash Price paid
for any quantity delivered
at my Storehouse, No. 1,
Brussels. Also for Grain of
all kinds.
B►obt. Graham.
istrixi grim
Jamie tato Wee.
Rev. Mr, Btraahan preached last Fri.
day evening at the eervioe in Viotoriet
Hall. Efts disaouree was highly approo.
iated. He will of11o14Ee again on Friday
evening of this week.
Seed Po1lloes
The Bovee, Snow Ball,
Early. Canada and Early
Michigan, imported from
Springfield, Illinois, for sale.
These are among the best
early varieties grown.
25,000 Lbs. of Wool
Wanted at
Brussels Woolen dill
Where 'the Highest Market
Prioe will be paid in
Oaah or. Trade.
We also have in stook, a fine line of
Blankets, . Sheetings,
Yarns, Tweeds, Etc.
All Pure Wool Goode.
Custom Cording done at any time.
Your own wool made into retie at abort
notice. Don't sell your wool or have it
manufactured until yea pall at the
Brnasele Woolen Mill and get prices.
Loclrxi .ge Bros.
We have .the Following Varieties of
Turnip Seeds in stock, viz. :
Hall's Westbury,
Sutton's Champion,
Skirving's improved,
Bruce's Selected East Lothian,
Carter's Imperial,
Royal Norfolk,
Sharpe's Improved,
Bartley's Bronze,
Elephant or Monarch,
Bangholm and White Swede,
Also the White Globe and Grey Stone.
Having bought our Seeds from Messrs. John A. Bruce & Co., the
oldest and one of the best Seed houses in Canada, we can safe-
ly recommend the above varieties to be all fresh and true to
A. Strachet
Downing Bros.
is the man with an uncomfort-
able or ill made shoe. Anyone
buying the Slater Shoe from our
high grade stock of shoes., either
ladies'or gentlemen's, will never
be troubled that way. Our
shoes axe made on lasts that cone
form to nature, and the foot is
made comfortable, while looking
aristocratic and stylish, Prices?
You can't beat them for quality.
for the Slater Shoe.
Last Sabbath evening Rebt. Mo1Cay, Of
tubal preaobod in Victoria Hall,
A largely attended political meeting
WWI held here teat Friday evening, Co
motion Thos, Straobnn watt elected chair.
man and made ,citable opening remarite
after which be called upon W, H. Beer,
and the Liberal candidate, A. Hislop,
who spoke at some length on the policy
of the Government. After a vote of
thanite the meeting eopoluded with the
Doxology. '
Mrs. John Gardiner hi
aid' er ie ill t g week we
t eta
so y, o
Loot Sabbath Rev. 1S, Paul preached in
the Presbyterian Obnrob,
Mica Cora Mesmer wall in Bruseelo last
week visiting Mrs. (Do.) Toole.
Jno, and hire, Pateroon, of Molesworth,
visited relatives hero this week.
Mrs. Jackson, of Buntline, with
her :later, Mies Hood, on Saturday.
Robert Stewart, until teoently Princi-
pal of Guderieh Model Sohool, and his
wife are visiting relatives • in the village.
ears. Adam Oleghorn, of the Blnevale
Road, who has been ill for so long has so
far improved as to be able to nit up a
abort time.
Rev, William Leeob; of Manitoba Con-
ferenoe, occupied the pulpit of the Meth°.
dist Church on Sunday evening and
preached an excellent sermon.
The Willing Workers of tbe Blnevale
Circuit held their Quarterly Tea last
Friday evening. It wag a very happy
gatbering and financially the moat sum
oeeelnl ever held.
. At the political meeting on Thursday
evening of last week, held in the Foreet-
ere' Hall, Alex. Kelly was voted to the
ohair and addressee' were given by W.
H. Kerr, of Tan Post, God Arch. Hislop,
the well known Liberal candidate..
Two oars ,of hogs were shipped this
Mies. R. Speuoe spent Sunday in
Mrs. Conrad Bernath is quitejoiok we
are sorry to say.
Geo. Gill left Tuesday morning for
Sault Ste. Marie.
S. S. Cole took a busineae trip to
Muskoka last week.
Station Agent Beatty le spending his
holidays at Moorefield.
Mrs. Eokmier sr.' ie visiting with her
eon Louie, at Jamestown.
The G. T. R. stook yard it being re.
modelled by tbe carpenters.
Early closing of hueineee places is
being lived up to in Ethel.
Robb. Vodden talks of taking a trip to
Manitoba in the near future.
Base ball ie foomiog np. The play
ground is in G. W. Pollard': Park lot,
Barrister Spotton, ot Harrieton, was
in our village and locality on Monday.
No school here on Thursday or Friday
ae Mr. Dobson and Mai Clarkson will be
in attendance at the Teachers' Conven-
tion at Brussels thoae days.
Oa Tuesday night a number of friends
and relatives assembled at the reeidenoe
of A. Cole to witness the obrietening of
their little girl, Minnie May.
It is reported that Wesley Pollard has
purobaeed the fine home, known as the
Heffernan property and will shortly move
to it. About 4900 is said to be the pride.
Mr. Freeman is tbe present tenant.
A number of members of the Women's
Foreign Missionary Society attended the
annual meeting ai Molesworth on Tuesday
afternoon Mies Katie Campbell, the re-
turned missionary, gave a very interest•
ing address.
Politiool meeting in the interests of the
Liberal policy will be held in the Hall
here on Friday evening. Arob. Hietop,
the standard bearer and others will epeak.
Mr. Spotton or his representative ie in-
vited to dieonee the questions of the day.
Meeting opens at 8 o'olook.; Expect
Ethel polling division will do as well for
the Reform muse as usual.
GOOD OONOnRT.—The Town Hall was
comfortably filled lest Monday evening on
the occasion of the concert under the dir•
action of Miss Jean MaLauohlin, moats
teacher. The program was varied, well
rendered and amusing in many numbers,
and was ae follow, ;—Piano duet, Mieeee
Lily Simpson and Bernice Slammon :
recitation, "The dying oonfeseion of
Father Mo0abe." Mies Winnie McGuire,
Braesele ; comio song "The 13 H'm Ahs
she," Jas. Fax, Toronto ; encore "The
baby rales the home"; motion Bong "The
owl," by Edith MoKee, Winnie Barr, and
Florence Imlay . realtation, "Interrupt.
ed," Mies Ida Gole ; eolo, "There wag a
time," Jas. Jones, lrueeele ; drill, "The
Shaking Quakers,' by Melville Slemmon
and Misses E. Remould, N. Barr, M. Mo.
Callow, F. and M. Imlay, N. Simpeon.
and 1:. Freemen ; song "It never worries
me," Jae. Fax, encore, "Selected" ; High.
land Fling, Jae. Ballantyne ; Plano duet,
"Ooean Waves," Aliso Alioe and Dick
Daviee ; recitation, "Calling Johnnie in
the morning," Mies Winnie McGuire 1
solo, "Tatters," Mies R. Spence ; song,
"At my time of life," Jae. Fax, encore
"Delaney': chicken" ; Faroe, "How Mrs.
Gaskilt did not hire a cook," the parte be.
ing taken by Misses Mary Rose, Annie
Roes, Ritla Hunter, Jean Ritchie, Belle
Irwin, Jean MoLanehlin, Lizzie Moore
and Jae Ballantyne, all of Brnaaels ;
Chortle, "Tommy," by Masters, Bert
Eokmier, 0. Haneold, Jag. MaOallam, R.
Fraser and M. Slemmon; bolo, "I'd like
to bear that song again," Jae. Jones;
dueth, "The Battle Eve," Chas. Davies
end Geo, Cox ; song, "Wing Pee•Wee,"
Jae, Fax, encores,' Ida Dann" end "I
couldn't" ; National Anthem. The
instrumental seleobiona were capitally
rendered • tbe eeleotione in whiab
the children took part were cleverly
presented and were very creditable to
both the performers and the inetruotora.
Seldom is a better series of vocal
numbers pub ona program Rod as the
various vocalists were in floe voice, their
gongs were mach enjoyed ; Mr. Fax was
ae fanny as over and very willingly res-
ponded to the hearty enooreo the reei-
,tations were very heartily received. W.
H. Kerr was the Chairman. Mtge leo-
Lauehlin is to be eongratulated on the
concert whioh no doubt entailed a good
deal of work on her but there is opnalder-
able eatiefeation in pleasing an audience
and tont wee oertainly done,
Via r,►Xte tel.`.
Visitpre to par burg say our eleotrie
igbbing be ilrot•.olass, -
Mrs. J'no. Bray ie improving consider.
ably in health we are pleased to etate,
'1'hthe Dile week 1tev,
ebrfelMIeetidoMngcKelinWingvey liiepmattend.,
A number Of the more enthneiaetip.
Liberate wept to Braesele on Tbpreday
to attend the nomination for Emit
Work will be pushed along
at livelyet
rate on tbe new mill dam. The maul.
oipality should give Mr. Blank a hand in
tbie j. ,b,
Eolidaye in our public school on Tante
day and Friday of tbie week while,
teachers are attending Convention at
Quite a little ferment has been soused
over the proposal to oaneel one of the
hotel licensee here and things are said
that should not be on both aidee of the
Arab. Hislop, the Liberal candidate for
this Riding held a meeting in the Hall
here on Wednesday of last week. W.
M. Robinson oompetently filled the chair.
Mr. Hislop, who gave a forcible address,
was assieted by W. A. Irwin, and J.
Mitchell, of Gorrie. Wroxeter will give
the Liberal standard bearer a tidy major.
TrowJ ridge.
J. It. and Mrs. Code spent Sunday in
Mre, W. H. Medd ie visiting friends in
Hallett this week.
Wm. Bonnett, of Grey, spent Sunday
the ,neat of Mise Mardook,
W. 8. Goodwin and sister, of Brussels',
spent Sunday with friends here.
Rev. 0. Bristol is in Stratford this
week attending Dietriot meeting.
Mise Florence Olvee, wbo bee spent the
last year in Detroit returned home Bat•
A political meeting wag held in the
Orange Hallen Wednesday evening, in
the Liberal interests. Addressee were
given by Jas. Diokeon, of Atwood, and
J. C. Hay, of Listowel. A large crowd
greeted these geatiemen.
The annual entertainment of Trow-
bridge Epworth League will be held in
the Methodist Ohnroh on Friday evening,
23rd foot., for which 000aeion a very in-
viting program has been prepared. Ad.
dresses will be delivered by Revde. H.
Irvine, of Listowel ; E. Fear, of Atwood ;
H. E. Curry, of Ethel ; and C. Bristol,
pastor. Mise Mardook, elocutionist, of
London, will give several recitals and
Mise Cook, of Fordwiob, Mies Spence, of
Ethel, and others will render musieal
uumbere. A Inch will be served after.
This promisee to be the entertainment of
the 0 son.
Court of Revision end Coanoil meeting
will be held in Ethel on Monday.
Jno. Brown's new driving shed Oth eon.,
ie-np and will be quite a oonvenienoe.
Mrs. Thos. Driver, of Blanshard, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Living-
stone, 16th eon.
Sabbath School social in oonneotion with
Roe's church will be held on Tuesday
evening of next week. A good mueioal
and literary program will be presented.
A Greyite 1n docking the tails of the
lambs out the gamble cord on one of the
finest of the floats and ae a reealt convert.
ed the little baba into table nee. It
drsseed 22 pounds.
Joehna Attwood ie working for this
Reason with R. Graham, atone mason. of
Gorrie. He comes home for Sundays.
Joehna is a good workman and may be
Betting up for himself another year.
The stone wall for the new gtraw shed
on the farm of Hugh Lamont, 7511 con„
woe built lost week by George Barkley, of
Brussels, and belpere who did a good job.
In a few weeks the bnilding, 45 feet square,
will ba raised as Thos. Newsome has the
timber ready.
We are pleased to be able to oongratn-
late S. R. Crerar on hie enemas in his
reoent examination at the Sohool of
Practical Science in oonneotion with the
University of Toronto. He is taking bis
course in the department of Mining
Engineering and hie name figures in the
Honor olaee in bis first year. Mr.
Orerer expecte to spend a portion of the
Summer in Northern Ontario with a
company of mining experts. We wieh
him continued emcees.
The sawmill finiehedtheseanou'O run of
timber this week.
?Cos Maud Simian a is visiting friends
in Beaforth this week.
Mies Anna Knowles, of Palmerston,
visited friends in town last week.
Rev. Jostae Green, who tae bean anp-
plying the Methodist pulpit for Rev. A,
Dever,bad his right arm severely injured
by a fall. last week.
On Tuesday evening Walton Football
team played a match with the Blyth team,
in Blyth. During the 'hat half neither
team floored. In the last half 13101 put
in one and Walton two, bat the latter One
wee disallowed, the referee claiming that
time was called just as tbe shot was made.
In addition to Rev. Mr. Dever and Sab-
bath Sohool Superintendent Goo. 0. Bar-
row:, the following delegetee were appoint.
ed to attend the Sabbath Sohool Conven-
tion at Brueeele on Friday of next week :
—W. 8. Neal, Sae, Dennieon, and Mines
Mamie MoEwen, Sarah Grigg, and Dora
QT, BoAUD.—The Quarterly Board of
Walton Methodist Church, met et the
Parsonage on the afternoon of May 5th,
most of the members of the Board being
in attendance. Rev. Jonlas Greene, bo•
ing present, at the request of the pastor,
presided. The finanoial outcome for the
Oonterenee year was of an encouraging
nature. The Oonnexional fonds were
426,00 in advanoe of last year, and mien
ieter'e eatery wag wallets, with good pros.
poets of being fully met. Wm. Pollard
WOG elected to attend the adnnal Dietriot
mooting which meets et Blyth, on 220d
Met. The pastor, Rev, A. W, Dever, in.
formed the Board that, by tbe advioe of
his medioal attendant, he was compelled
to ask Qopforenoe for It move. Tale was a
matter, not of (Melee, bat of expediency.
On motion of Wm, Pollard, seconded by
Geo. Grigg; a motion of sympathy wag
ttnanimonely tendered Rev. and Mre.
Dever in oonneotion with Mr, Dever':
illness and expressive of their hope and
beet wiohee for speedy recovery and
their future prosperity and heppineee,
Ma Dever replied thanking the Board
and oirouit for their kindly inbereet. The
meeting wen brought to it olose by tiie
meter offering prayer and pranou n.
the benediction. After ad"pnrum
Pare. Dever kindly invited the members
of the Board to repair to the dining room,
where all eat down to a bountiful and
appetizing spread to whiob all did jastiae,
thee making a fitting oonalueton to a
harmonious and profitable besinesa meet-
ing, Wtt, POLLARD, Reo,•Stewatd.
Thee. McRae ie holidaying at the manse
team Toronto Medical College. ,
Nov:e.—All persona having property
in Cranbrook cemetery are requested to
meet 00Tneaday, 8rd of June to decorate
the same. By order of Trneteee.
It was deoided on Monday evening that
ae far as Brueeele wan concerned Oran -
brook Metbodiot Church would be at-
tached to that centre for the coming
In tbe list of samaesefnt students at
the School of Praotioal Boience, Toronto,
we are pleased to notice the name of J.
W. Calder, He is taking the Meehanioal
and Electrical Engineering coarse, May
his suooees belong continued,
PRnoTo WEDDING -Before a happy
company of 50 or more the matrimonial
bow was tied on the verandah of the
manse on Wednesday evening of this
week between Geo. B. Ballard, of Listowel
and Mies Matilda H. McRae. The :sere -
many was performed by Rev. D. B.
MoRae, father of the bride, aeeieted by
Rev, Mr. Sanndere, of Listowel, Mise
McNair played,the Wedding Marais. The
bride looked charming in a becoming
ooetnme of white India liven, with bridal
veil, bognet azo., and her bridesmaid,
Miss Minta Ballard, of Listowel, was
very neatly attired in Mall muslin. Dr.
Feild, of Brussels, was groomsman and
attended to his duty like a veteran. After
hearty oongratulatione the guests were
invited to a very excellent spread to
which a hearty response wag made. The
wedding gifts were well oboeen, handsome,
useful and valdable,inoluding a Secretary
and bookoaae -oembined from Knox oharah
choir, of wbiob the bride was organist.
Mr. and Moe. Ballard took the evening
train at Ethel ' for a wedding trip to
London and other pointa followed by the
hearty good wishes of a large eirole of
iriende. The bride's going away suit was
Venetian mode. Mr, Ballard and bride
will make their home in Listowel where
be is in business. Tan Pose throw, an
editorial slipper after the happy couple.
851 or rare.
The sink people are on the mend this
Court of Revision at the Township
Hall on Monday May 26th,
The change in the weather is a marked
imgrovement on that of last week.
Mrs. Patrtok Brown, of Lakeleb, was
visiting Mrs. George Parker lest week et
Mr. Yuill, 4th line, found one of his
horses lying dead in the stable on Man-
dey morning.
John Kelly, 6th line, has a very oink
brood mare just now. One of Brussels
vete. is attending her.
Engineer Roger was here daring the
past week looking over the ground of
proposed new drainage.
The school teaahere well be at Brussels
on Thursday and Friday of this week,
attending the Convention.
John and Mrs. Manning are enjoying.
a trip to Fleahertov, Toronto, cbo., for a
few weeks driving all the way.
Every Liberal is asked to rally to the
polls on the 29th and roll up a big major-
ity for A. Hietop 1n East Huron.
Rev. A. H, Brown will preach a sermon
on political issues in. Sanehine Methodist
church next Sunday at 2.30 p. m.
Mr. Spotton is keeping quiet but oao-
vaeoeing just the same eo the Liberals
had better not be eanght napping.
Harry Goeman, 6511 line, is having a
sawing machine built for cutting wood,
He rune a Waterloo traction engine.
The atone masons started work an
Monday of this week at Alex Nichols,
6th line. Jos. Stonehouse batt the job.
The beet ring fn the Southerly part of
the township has resumed operatiau for
this Beason. William Jaokeon ie the
The showers on Sunday evening and
Tuesday morning were a great blessing
and the growth of all kinds of crops is
something grand.
A new driving shed has been put up
this Spring by Richard Mitchell on hie
farm, Sol line. Mr. Mitchell baa made a
great change on this plane einoe he
pnrobaeed it.
Jno. Robb, Oth line, disposed of hie
driving horse to R. K. Roue, of Brussels,
and has purobosed a more speedy animal
from George Thomeou, of Braesale. Mr.
Robb has a great eye for a good equine.
The Sabbath Saheol held in Anderson's
school house eeleobed Misses Mason, Ire.
land, Bawmaa, Anderson and Jamieson as
dolegatee to the Sunday Sobool Conven-
tion at Brussels on Friday of next week,
3051 inst.
BIa RniORD.—Io three days Peter
Jaokoon's 'sawing maohine was moved
and set seven times and oat 225 oords of
wood, R. Thuell'e engine supplied the
power. This is beetling through work at
a lively rate and few will be able to excel
it, It they can we would be glad to bear
of it.
Last Saturday evening a political meet-
ing wet held in Gosman'e eohool hawse,
ebb lino. An'intereebing address on the
present isenee was made by the Taboret
candidate. There were no Oepoeibion
epeakera. Than. Bielby made, tiret-oleas
chairman. Morris wall epeak out for the
Ross Government,
The new bank barn for Jae. Bhortreed,
91.h line will be raised next Monday,
Building will be 40x08 feet. Donald
a Pat.
teroon is the framer, VOW better farmers
in Baron.
All those who have moved by enotber
riding and have sold out have Po vote on
the 295bMay. Thio means a big falling
off in votkll
es as a greet many farms eve
changed hinds.
The public meeting which was to have
been held a few 006010ge ago at Blyth in
the interest of James Mitchell did not
come off as onlythree persons went to it.
What is that a sign of ? Some say it 10
his Temperance
pledgea aud
J. R. Stubbs, Oth line, is making a big
imp rovement in hie barn premises. Geo.
Barkley, pf Brueeele, has the cement wall
ballding and Mr, Reilly the framing.
Mr. Stubbs will have it fine barn when
completed ae boildiegs are 40x54 and 26
x66 feet. We hope he will often have
them jammed fall.
INJDREn.—We are sorry to report that
George Denyer, of Braesele, had the
miefortnne to fall on Wednesday from
the second etory to the cellar of John
Spires new house, 4th line, striking on
hie Bide on the wall breaking bis ribs.
His bead was also oat and he wag rather
badly shaken up. We hope no perman-
ent injury will ensue.
Wept residents of Tookeremith township
was removed by the hand of death on
Monday 12th inst., in the person of
George Laidlaw, who had reached the
age of 78 years and 4 months. Mr,
Laidlaw had been a sufferer from cancer
for the peat two yeore, so that hie death
was not altogether uuexpeoted, but the
bereavement is none the lees keenly felt
by those who are left behind. Mr. Laid-
law was born in the ooauty of Halton,
where he wee married to Isabslla Gillies,
who died there leaving two obildren,
Andrew, now of Atwood, and Mre. George
Jaokeon, of Morrie township. About 40
years ago he name West and settled on
the farm on the 5th 0000eesian of
Tuokeremlth, where he has since resided.
After Doming here be was united in
marriage to Mary MoEwing who eurviveo
him, together with nine children : Mrs.
John Smith, of Hallett; Mrs. Robert Doig,
Tuokeremlth ; James and Robert, of
Sacramento, Salfforoia ; David and Mro.
Neil Grant, of Stratholair, Manitoba ;
William, of Portage la Prairie, and Isabel
and Samuel on the homestead. The
deceased was a thoroughly honorable
and upright man and will be greatly
missed in the community where he nae
resided so long. The remains were in-
terred in the Maitlandbe.nit cemetery on
Wednesday and the large number who
attended the funeral testified 5o the high
esteem in whish he wee held by hie neigh.
bora and friends. Rev. Mr. Shaw, of
Egmondville, conducted the funeral
service. Mr, Laidlaw was a brother of
R. B. Laidlaw and Mrs. Robt. Sbortreed,
well known residente of Morrie township.
letesars. Hietop and Spotton in the
Thursday afternoon of this week a
large number of Eleotora sseembled in
tbe Town Hall, Brussels:, in oonneotion
with the official nomination of candidates
for the Provincial Legislature. Sheriff
Reynolds, of Goderioh, presided, and
nominations were made of Arch. Hislop
as Liberal atandard bearer, by W. H. Kerr
and W. M. Robinmon, and Anson Spotton,
by Jae. Irwin and Jae. Bowman. Speech
making followed which was in progress
se we went to prase.
Last Sabbath was Whit Sunday.
Rev. R. Paul will preach in the Meth.
odiet church, Brueeele next Sabbath
morning and Rev. M. G. Jarrow in the
evening. The pastor will be away.
Maitland Presbytery and the Woman',
Presbyterial Mieeionary Society oonven.
ed at Moleeworth oo Tuesday of this
week and enjoyed profitable services.
Rev. Canon Smith, of London, will
take °barge of the services in St. John's
church next Sunday. The inonmbent,
Rev. Mr. Abey, will be away at Preston.
The annual meeting of the Synod of
the Diocese of Huron will be held in
London commencing on Joue 17. Rev.
G. J. Abey and Jam. Cardiff will attend
from Brueeele.
Rev. J. Bolmes, Rev. R. Paul and B.
Gerry are in attendance at the Distriot
meeting of the Methodist Obvrob at
Wingbam this week closing np the bed -
nese of tbe Conference year.
Rev. Jno. Roee, B. A., will nob be home
until the Glom seethe month from 0111.
ton Springs, N. Y. Ile has been eon.
eiderably benefitted by the sanitarium
treatment we are pleased to hear.
Last Sabbath morning Rev. Jno.
Holmes preached in tbeadethodiet ohuroh
on "Elijab's Personality" and in the
evening hie dieo0nree was devoted to
"Ohrietian Science'." No one will oall on
the reverend gentleman for a testimonial
for that body after Met Sabbath evening.
Fred. Gilpin sang the tine nolo "Calvary"
at the evening service.
The adjourned meeting of the official
Board of Brussels Methodist church was
held on Tuesday evening. B. Gerry Wee
oboeen representative to the Dietriot
meeting at Wingham, A resolution wag
unanimously adopted aoecptingof Oran•
book as an afternoon appointment which
point will be supplied from Brunelle
aommenoing next July. Looal preaohero
liminess were granted to Eli Smith, H.
Ram, J. Grainger, T. Farrow, H. R.
Brewer and W. R. Herr, Commendatory
words were spoken by the Board eon-
oerning Rev. J. Holmes, the pastor, who
ie completing hie third year in Brussels.
Rep. T. W. Omens, of Westminster
eiroui5, Loudon Dietriot, hag been invited
for the coming torn. Finanoee were
reported as in favorable oondibeon,
WJI. ,ER ., Prop,
The Epworth League of the Brewton!
Methodie4 oharah have donated 025,00 to
Miesione this year.
Follpwing were the delegates to. the
Presbyterial Missionary meeting at Mol.
eewOrtb on lent Teeaduy;—Mies Lints
Rowe, Mies Lizzie Moore, Mrs. Keri, 'T,
A. Rawkipe, A, M. McNay, 1', and Mee.
Watson, 1 a
The sermone of Rev.. Mn, Strachan n t
Sabbath in Melville Dimwit were profit.
able, morning text was The obildren of
Sion shall be joyful in their Ring," Psaltn
140 2 and the evening theme wan "Moses
and the brazen Serpent," Numbers: 21.
and 9. Rev. Mr.. Straoban will preach
i the llama
edifice. Ha
a good reacher,
Political Notes.
Hurrah for Hislop and the Rosa
For a three-year-old government, BOO.
Mr. Rose, presente a showing of progree5
rarely equalled.
Who opened up the newer Outerio
andtime made the province richer, and
more influential ?
Some enthaoimeticLiberals are putting
Mr. alielop'e majority at 000 if the eleato05
do their duty on the 20111.
Whitney would "Build. up Ontario" by
refacing to tax great corporations.
Probably a better plan to baild up Whit-
he Roes Government will be suebained
next majority byilex T
as m o
byaninure ed
Thum -
day's election. Help along'be boons by
your vote.
Every settler in New Ontario means
another consumer for the goods manu-
faotnred by the industries in Brueselo
and other Canadian towns, Vote for the
poiioy of progress.
The most fantaetio pioture in publics
life at present ie the Opposition leader
trying to persuade the people of Ontario
that they are suffering through the eine
of the Roes Government.
The Canadian Freeman says of Hon.
G. W. Roes : "His personality perms.
,tea the great Liberal party, of whioh
he 1s the practical head in this province,
and hie genius giveaft its strength and
AA' number of electors in East Huron
have bean waiting for the silvery tones
of Mr. Spotton, the Opposition candidate,
from the .public) platform so that they
could find out "where he was at" on the
issues of the day,
It is a hard cold foot that Mr. Whitney
and the Conservatives.vigorouely opposed
the granting of manhood'suffrage, but the
Liberals had faith in the young men and
carried the measure through and made
manhood suffrage law.
Mr. Haydock says that until Mr. Whit-
ney comma forward and denannoes the
sine of his own party as well as those of
the Liberal party, the clergymen, the
women, and the religious prase will not
take mooh stook in his appeals.
"Under George Brown, Edward Blake,
Alexander McKenzie, Oliver Mowat and
Christopher Finlay Fraser, it was never
alleged or suspected that each wrongs as
are now perpetrated were permitted to
ooaar."—Toronto Mail and Empire. All
these men warm formerly abused by The
Mail, just as it now abuse, Premier Rose.
The difference between the grant of a
pine limit and a pulp 0000eesion is that
in the former case the pnrobaaer may
hold hie limit as long as he pleases and
never add a mite to ibe fund of employ-
ment of the province, while pulp oonoes•
eionariea most prooeed at oaoe to build a
mill and to employ a stated number of
bands after it to built.
Two pointe present themselves when
judging of economy, Is the expenditure
compatible with the =sane of the spend-
er, and is the expenditure wisely made ?
If these testa are applied to the expend.
iture of the Ontario Government they
can both be answered in the affirmative.
The Government might easily have latd
up money just for the sake of accumulat-
ing a surplus, but it hes oboeen rather to
make liberal expenditures whiob lighten
the burden of local taxation. It might
have ant off the large sums granted an-
nually to maintain the asylums for in•
sane, the deaf and dumb, the blind, and
to assist in supporting the homes, hospit-
als, refugee and other philanthropic in-
stitutions. In moat of the states of the
union, such institutions are supported out
of local rates, and the state revenues are
devoted to other pnrpose0. Out of the
total oetimated expenditure for all pur-
poses for this year, 54,000,000, about one-
half .will be devoted to the maintainenee
of Pnblio inetitntione, boopitele, charities
and schools. All these services relieve
the Ontario ratepayer directly of local
taxation, and in these days of 20 to 24
mills on the dollar, it is a relief indeed.
Thiseexpanditnre is economical, beoail%
the Province has the money, end because
it ie made for a benefiolal purpose.
Mr, Whitney is seeking the help of the
corporations by promising to repeal the
tax under which they contribute to the
Provinoial revenue. He says he is doing
this in the interest of the poor man who
saves money from his wages to insure his
life. Hon. Mr. Roes analyzed the Whit-
ney argument in hie Dundee speech, tttiting
the Canada Life Asourance Company es
an illnere.tion, The assets ot that com-
pany are 522,000,000, tbe revenue tax is
511,596, or 51 on Raab 42,000—one•twen.
tioth of one par mot, 7.'o the mon whose
Weis insured for 51,000 and who pays a
premium of 522.65, the oost would be
eigbb•tentbe of one scut if the Company
paesed the tax burden onto him, the bold.
en of a 510,000 policy would pay 8 Dente
additional. Mr. Rose oontends that the
tax really comes out of the profits of the
stockholders, who can well afford to pay
it, beaenee,the money spent by the Prov•
inotal Government on education and de.
velopment baa added to the profits of the
banks, railway and intim:Mae companies,
The Provinoe obtains a large ens from
this tax, which is spent for useful pur-
poses, If Ibir. Whitney got n bhanoe to
repeal the Corporation tax, he would have
to obtain money in some °thee way. If
yon think Tion eorporationsebould not be
taxed, vote for Whitney candidate, but if
thshould, vote for the
ral Lfb.