The Brussels Post, 1902-5-15, Page 8a.$ BAUG0.4140 1 Wt3T SPECIAL SALE Q� Wall Paper at Reduced Prices. We have made great preparations this Spring for the Wall Paper Trade and we offer you the finest variety of hangings ever seen in Brussels, A glance over; our samples will verify our claims and our low prises will astonish you, Spring . lti MOTH BALLS, MOOT POWDER, HELLEBORE, PARIS GREEN, BLUE VITRIOL, FORMALDEHYDE, HUrSle3e Drug and Bo Store Book GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTERBION w, 6. & n. Traine leave Brweeele Station, North and South, ae follows: GaINe Scapa GOINQ NORTH. Express 7;18 a,m I Mail 2;10 p.m 9;46 6.m Bxpreaa 0:17 P.m rOfa1 Phis 4 .ems, A ahiel's among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll grant it. A Tsrnn butcher shop in town is a probability, so it is said. BATaanAY of next week, Viotoria Day, will be a public holiday. FROST pinched early garden "sage" and in some planes nipped fruit bloeeome. Buenas School Board did not meet last Friday evening ae there was not a quorum. SEVERAL Braaeelitee will assist in Mies Jean MoLanohlin's concart at Ethel next Monday evening. TI1Bno was no eohool in Mise M. A. Brook's department on Wedneaday of thio week owning to the illness of the teacher. Legrippe was the ailment. CO0IPLAINTa are made about doge dee• troying gardens, flowers and fawns. If about half of the canines went to dogdom no very serious disaster would happen. EAST Hoaoo nomination will be held in the Town Hail, Brunie, on Thursday of next week. Sheriff Reynolds will be Returning Officer, There will no doubt be a large attendance of electors. A train of eight single buggies was taken Southward by Eph. Cober, of the Cober Carriage Works, Brngeele,, tact Friday. The firm have sold over 60 buggies already this season and have another lot ready now for ouetomere. BRuseaLe Foot Ball team will play the second of their League games at Wingbam oa Friday evening of thia week. It will likely be a warm 0008888 as each team bae won a match spinet Blyth. We hope to see Brnesels win, ofocaree. FOOT Barna—Thursday evening of next week the fourth game of the Intermediate aeries of the W. F. A., will be played on Viotoria Park in this plane between Blyth and Brussels. Oar team defeated Blytb Int week ea the vieitore will no doubt make a vigorous effort to regain their Ioet honors while our team will as resolu- tely defend their laurels. Game at 6 o'clock. DIED.—Tneeday morning of lbi8 week Jas. E. Thompson died at the residenoe of Aaron Lindsay, Brueeela, aged 86 years. He had been in failing health for some little time hot his decease was quite a surprise to the community. Mr. Thomp. son wee an oil well driller and had travel- led considerably in connection with hie avooation, spending some years in the West Iadiee end the United States, The funeral took place on Wednesday after- noon to Brussels cemetery. Deceased was a former resident of Morris and hie mother now resides at Petrolea. The muse of death was s kidney ailment with other complications. GOOD Gants —A foot ball team from Walton and looality drove into town on Tuesday evening and played a game with our kickers. Several of the regular players of Brussels club were anable to play eo their places were substituted and a good hustling game was put up the re- sult of which was a some of 2 to 1 in favor of the home team. Duo. Mo. Lauohlin refereed the match. Following constituted the opposing chain :— Warm!? BRDeeaLe A Molar, .............. Goal L /Corr G Ferguson Bunke ) W A THpp TMcLaughlin 8 t Z M8A11um A Holmen L Dunford RMoLaughlin :}Backs (8 Baekor J Farquharson .,.,G Cardiff TOoLuughlln - - W Good G MoDonald ... Forwards B Gerry W Neal W Boone J Dennison W Cameron Walton hag some star k okers and oan make it lively for most of the village teems. NOTICEABLE IMBBOVEOXENTs.—Wm. Den - bow bae .wised his dwelling, Elizabeth street, and will put a atone foundation under it and brink veneer the building,— Robert Anderson, of the eame etreet, le also giving attention to the foundation of his home and will pub in new eille, cko,— Geo. Howe has put up a picket fence at the side of the lawn et his residence.— Jno. Long bae improved the front of his wornbe- tween the ss by levelling d f noe. the epWateon Ainiay has set out an evergreen hedge and several ornamental trees on hie lawn, John street that has added to the appear. anoe very considerably.—W. F. Stewart, Janne street, has out down a number of poplar trees at the front of hie property and thereby let more sunlight into the leave,—The Leokie homestead grounds are being laid Oat with driveway, to be gravelled, arraagemente made for Gement walks and the new lawn levelled and seeded down. Druggiet Fox is having his lawn aleo pub in ehape,—Stonemaeone are building the foundation ander the frame bone reoently moved to the corner of William and Albert etreete, by J, Leokie.—Jno, Cober talks Of moving the kouee Weet of the Carriage faotory to the lot reoently purokased from Mre. Frank Oliver and will enlarge and im- prove it,for hls tosiden08. WRDNEBDAY J'. L. Lloyd and men, came to town from Gorrie and are now busy at the cement fluor for the new stable in connection wibb the Central Hotel, Mr. Lloyd does good work. SanteBODY, with no small amount of nerve, gained an entrance luto the Amer. loan Hotel Tuesday night and the till was rifled of about 35.00. There'll be a hot reoepbion if he repeats tbe oall. JNO. STRETroN wen exeroieing a exit in a road cart on Monday. He got off to fix the barons when the animal made off, a wheel giving the driver a bunt as the rig passed. The horse made for the Queen's Hotel stable on reaching town and went in full tilt unbarneeeing itself when the atop came in double quick etyle. Mr. Stretton oumplaine of a wrench reoeived in hie baok. MONDAY Samuel Carter's horse took e UM to itself with a light spring wagon. From Darid'Walker's, 6th line, Morrie, the start wax made, the course being Nortbward anon hia farm and that of the Livingston 100 acres to Queen etreet on which the beast made for town. Near the Hanley drug store it slipped on the cement sidewalk and ware Dabbed. No serious damage was done considering the °banaee for a emaeb.up. GRAND Te ir.—The pay oar was up this line no Tueeday.—Bingle fare rates for Viotoria Day, good going on Friday, 23rd and returning on Monday, 26th.— Seation-manlMiller has not made a great deal of progress yet towards recovery owing to frequent relapses bob we hope he will soon be better. -5 care of Balt ; oar of cattle by A, C. Dames ; oar of (Attie by Geo, Beet ; oar of potatoes to Montreal by Robb. Thomson ; and a ear of baled straw by J, Govenlook were among the outgoing shipments this week. P. Amen received a oar of ahinglee.—We are all waiting quite anxiously for the new time table and the better railway service. Jayse Dana Se. Dean.—James Drewe, of Stretbruy, who died at that plans, was born in Devonshire in 1819. In 1847 he was married to Susana Browning, of Sandford, Devonshire. He was a mem• ber of the London, England, police force for 18 years, and afterwards was a one. toms officer for four years. Re came to Canada in 1876, and with the exception of eight years epeot between London and Brussels, has resided in Stratbroy ever ainoe. He !naves a widow and ten child- ren, six eons and roar daughters, they be. James N. B., of Winnipeg ; George H., of Detroit ; Abraham B., of Minneapolis; John and Stephen, of London ; Arthur, of Paris ; Mrs, James Kelly, of Toronto ; Elizabeth, of London; Susie M. and Alice R.. at home. Mr. Drewe was a consistent member of the Choroh of Eng. land. Rev. W. T. Cluff, formerly of Bruaeele, conducted the faneral eervioee, sod the pallbearers were his live sone and James Drew°, of London, a grandson. Deans or a JOURNALIST.—After a long and very painful illness, Miller J. White,. editor of the Exeter Times, died Saturday evening of last week. Deceased was bora near Toronto, Dame to Exeter when a mere lad, entered bis father's office, and became partner and editor some years ago—a position whioh he has filled credi• !ably. Mfr. White fell on the toe on the let of December, breaking hie right leg. The fracture did not unite, although an operation was performed Some weeke ago to bring about a union. A few daye afterwards a severe cramp, caused by his long confinement in one attitude in bed, broke hie left leg also. 81008 then his recovery has been considered hopeless. Mr. White's father, the founder of the paper, John White, died something over a year ago from the effeote of a broken leg, eneteined also by fatting on the ice some five years previooaly. Funeral took plaoe Tuesday, at 2 80 o'olook. The bereaved family will be accorded wide spread sympathy. Deceased was a amain to W. Clark, of the Amnion? Hotel, Broegele. Mr. Clerk attended the inners -I. BASE BALL —A game of base ball was arranged for Thursday evening of iaet week on Victoria Park between the tren eot year's team and the ball singgete of other days and would no doubt have proven a very interesting match had not rain interfered in the early stage of the play. The "old boys" went to bat Bret with Frank Roche in the box and Walter Roche behind tbe bat and 0 was the result, W. Grower ewang the sphere for the other fellows and Will. Griffith ably. attained him behind the bat, Two rune were scored. In the 2nd innings the "Clippers" eoorad 5 and their opponents added 2 and here the game Dame to a Sudden termination owing to approaching rain. The respeotive players and their positions were as follows :- BnneeOLe CLiealaa Dr Feild 1st bae°....1) 0 'Rose Fred Gilpin and base.. SD M8Lauohlin Geo Arden Ord base 300 Arden Walter hooba eatpheO......... W111 Gri0lth Frank Roche pltober W Grower W A Tripp short ;stop A Ourrio Leslie Kerr centre gold 3 L00808080 F Downing left field H L Jackson W Leatherdale..,rigbb field R Promote Andrew Ooueley officiated ea umpire,, The probabilities aro the matoh will be on deck again when some favorable op - partook worsen itself, What the re. salt may be is not for us to predict as both aides are inclined to be a littlebluffy on the prospect. If the old timers limber op they may make it lively for their euaoeseure on the diamond although the yonngetere are not shaking in their boots very seriously. Tint local Committee fa puellipg the nth or July grange Oelebration 10 Brae' eels, PONT f r sk the Lenge root 3x11 mttch in town Tburedy venlpg Of next weok between Blytb and Brueeela. BAng5Or5n Bialr apeeke Thursday even. ing of Ibis week near Delmore for Mr, Truax, Liberal candidate, In Centre' Bruce. Tncllener and Friday of next week will be school halideyo as the teaohere will be in attendance at their annual oonvoation whioh meets this year in Srueeele. A L1ns8AL organisation meeting was held in the Council Chamber on Monday evening. After bushiees was over short epeeehee were made by probably a dMzett gentlemen, the oaudldate iu the number, Meeting concluded with ghoore for Mr. Hislop, A trio of strolling "musiuiena" paid their Spring visit to town Net Saturday and with bagpipes, kazoo, hand organ apd gaily dressed monkey raked io a few cop pare end eutertolned quitela company of big and little on Turnberry street, Now that the season tom been officially opened let us have Spring, $oroEtre Conn L 0, F,—Ab the trip. nial oo8lerenoe of the Supreme Court of Independent Order of Foreetere,to eeoeian at Los Angeles, OM., the election of ofBoere for the next three years book place, But one contest for high offices developed, that for Supreme Vioe•Ohief Ranger. The Daetern delegates eopported J. H. Cameron, of Ohio, and he was elected by a email majority over the oppoeition of Western members, who backed H. G. MoElfreeh, High Chief Ranger of the California jurisdiction. The Supreme Officers eleoted are as follows r—Dr, Oronhyatekha, Supreme Chief Ranger ; J. H. Cameron, Supretne Vioe•Cbief Banger ; Judge W. Wedderbnrn, Past Supreme Mist Ranger ; John A. Mo. Giliivray, Supreme Secretary; Thomas Millman, Supreme Phyeioian ; and E. G. Stevenson, Supreme Councillor. Tha Finance Committee reported the [ande on hand ae 3687,512 ; funds in the hands of trustees for the order, -8164,806. Mort. gages on real estate aggregate 32,851,169, t the olosfog session an increase of 32,000 in the salary of Dr. Oronhyatekba was deolined by that officer. The other Grand officere also declined to accept increases in salaries. Boston has been selected ae the next plane of meeting. Bar/sena Won,—Lust Friday evening a foot ball matoh was played in Blyth between the team of that village and Brunie eleven. It was not the nicest evening for ball playing that ever was ae the weather wax cold and a bluetsring wind did not aid when combination play was desired. The game lasted 1} hours and remitted in a snore of 2 to 0 in favor of Brussels. In the first half the borne team had the benefit of the "zephyr" but no goals were soored. When Gods were reversed the visitors planted the sphere twine between the flags the score standing the same at the close. A large number of Braeselitee witnessed the match which was well fought out, Blyth bas a good team and play lively boll. The players lined up as follows :— Barra 3008380 s B Mp&r00e... Goal L Karr A Smith B Parlament f tt Backe ff .••. •I Gerr9 �A Sample B Crawford . G Ferguson 0 McKay } Backe G Beaker B Somers A MoNaugbton D Somers FRoobe J Dimas W Good 3 Thompson Forwards B Gerry T Watson W Roche W Bayley 1 - ,... W Oamexon Geo. Irwin, of Braesele, woe referee and gave good eatiefaotion. BRUSSELS PUnuI° LIDRARr,—The follow- ing ie a list of the new books recently plooed upon the shelves of Brussels Pub- lic Library :— Some Women I have Known ..Maartene Four leaved Clover Gray Wolfville Days Lewis The Mystery of the Clasped Hands Boothby At Large Hornung The Velvet Glove Merriman The Way of Belinda Carruth The Serious Wooing Hobbs The Nest of Linnets Moore Betsy Ross Hotohkies The Bean's Comedy Harper The Hound of the Beekwiltee Holmes Every Inch a King Sawyer Warwick of the Knobs Lloyd. The March of the White Guard .,Parker The Portion of Labor Wilkins Cinderella Crooked Irish Pastorals Bullock The Potter and the Olay Peterson The Dark o' the illooa Crockett The Giant's Gate Pemberton A Little Girl Douglas De. Dale Harland Tbe Look of the Veils .. Benson The Yellow Fiend Alexander The Man who Knew Better Gallon Mr. Dooley'e Opinions Dunne Chemiatry Remson The Blazed Trail albite Captain of the Crew Barbour Shoes of Fortune Munro Marna'e Mutiny Fraser The Apostles of the South East „Bull= TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION.—Tbe anneal meeting of the East Huron Teaohere' Ae- eooiation will be held in the Brunie Pub. lin Sobool on Thureday and Friday, May 22nd and 28r0, the first session be- ginning on Thursday at 10 a. m. Fol. lowing is the program •—Opening oxer• (fees ; appointment of Committee ; The pendulum in Penmanship, A. E. Wether• all ; Composition and language in Junior °laeees, Mies Jennie Ballantyne ; &gri0dl- tare, Charlee E. Lepperd; Geography with olaes, Mire Maude Brook ; delegate's report, Jae. T. Dodds ; Nation builders, «, F. Blair ; President's addreee ; The structure of the heart, 0. A. Toole, M, D.; Treasurer's report ; election of offioere ; Nature studies in pnblio schools, David Robb, I. P. S. ; A new ourrioulum for Pabfio Schools, W. R. Lough. Open parliament by A. H. Mangrove :—(a) Is vertioal writing better than the sytem it displaced 7 (b) Would ooneolidating School Soutious be an improvement ? (o) Should formal grammar be taught to Brd oaths pupils ? (6) Ie too mach time pbt on arithmetic in Public Saboots ? (e) Should minors be allowed to teach ? (8) When ie a teacher justified in asking a pupil to give information oonoerning the guilt of another ? (g) Should pupils be required to replace property they destroy, I, accidentally, 2, intentionally 7 (h) Should a teacher have a bobby outside of ecbool work ? Tha teaohere of Bruesele Publio Soheol will bold an "At Home" in the Public School 00 Thureday evening. Mueio will be rendered, abort eddreneee delivered and refreshments served, Wit- liam Watters le the President, and John Hartley the Seoy.rteae, 14A'FlirefOrltI,—The t'eeideuoe of Mr, McDowell,, Weetfield, was 1810 enlineted scene on Wedneaday afternoon of thio u t a t !yank when about lOR lx eg e a ee sob d le . 11 witaese the marriage of Kenneth Qameron, of T„tacknow, brother of J, 13, Qameron, or Brueeela, and KWJoeephine Mol)owell. Rev, Jos, Kennedy, B, D., of Auburn, tied the unptial bow. Oen• gratulatiooe over the company WAS Rented to well laden tables and ample juetioe wife done to the good things wooded, Manny, ooetly and useful were the wedding gilts beepeeking the popularity of'the prinelpale. An enjoyable evening in muslo, story, gong µpd epeeobafylog wag spent when the oompany separated with many good ,wishes for Mr. Oamerou and bride. Poses AND 4nnallas. -On the eve qt his departure for SOntb Africa, George Mo. Collough, a well-known Londoner, and a former roeident of Brussels, being it 000 Of Mre, W. M. MoCullongb, was the re. oipient of a' neatly worded address and a well plied puree, given by hie fellow 001• ployese at MoOlary Mfg, Oo, Following is the addreee, which wee reoeived with meal applause by hie friends, who bad assembled at the home of Geo. Fraliclt, of Hill street, to give him a send-off ;— "Dear friend,—On the eve of your depart - are for South Afrioo, we, a few of your ehopmates, take this ae a favorable op. portunity to expreaes to Some extent, our feelings of sympathy with yon, and ask you to accept this small gift as a token, that you may meet with every Guo- sees in doing your duty for the Empire and help keep up the reputation of the Osoaoke, who have many times proved themselves heroes of the "beet water." Roping you may have a successful oaten and.a safe return to your native laud. we are yours, eto., Jauk Bogge (for the com- mittee)," Mr. MoOulloogh thanked bis. oomradee in a neat epeeoh, and the even. tog broke op at a reaaonabie hour. Mr. MaOullough'e many old friends in Brun sale hope be will not be anted upon to atop any Boer bollen. Business Locals. Boos from beet pea of Barred Rooke, from now to June 1st. 31.00 for setting of 16. ALP. BAEoER, Broegele. A LOT of eeoond-hand organs for Bale °beep, or to rent. Some of them almost new. R. LEATnenDALE, CORNS I Ohio Bailey, Crompton's, North Dakota, Excelsior and all the rest of them. G. E. RING,'Winghem. tf FLEURY Plows. -Partnere desiring the beet plow should oall on me and order a Fleury. JNo. Logo, Agent, Braesele. Elias 14o. Does it pay you to give the pedtore 4o per doz.? Good potatoes 36o' per bush. What are the palters paying ? G. E. SING, Wiugbam. To TooPuDLIO.—Ladies and gentlemen, all cutlery oan be ground, sharpened and repaired by Sawfiler MoGregor, Mill street East, Brngeele. Choice work at reasonable prices. Demsassa INGr—Mise Violet Cooper ie prepared to attend to the wants of the ladiee in dressmaking, the work to be either taken to ber home or done at the residences of her patrons. Satisfaction as eared. ellUtttjif CHIMES. The pastor preaobed in the Methodist (thumb last Sabbath on the "Sorrows of Life," and "Tbe Atonement." Adjourned meeting of the Official Board of the Methodist ohoroh here will. be held on Monday evening next at 8 o'olook. A business meeting of 138. John's and St. George's congregations was held on Mendey. Rev. Raral Dean Hodgins, of Seaforth, was preeent, Wingham District meeting and Wo. man's Mi08ionery Society Annual meet ing will be held lu Wingbam on Wedges. day and Thursday of next week. Next Sunday will be Pentecost Sunday. The sermon in the Oatholio Church, Brussels, will be on "The ooming of the Holy Ghost." High Mase will be at 11 o'clock a. m. The annual district meetings of 'the Methodist church will be held as follows : —For Goderiob District, at Blyth, May 21 22 ; Exeter dietriot, at Centralia, May 20 21 ; Wingham distract, ali Wingham, May 21.22. Last Sabbath morning Rev. Mr, Strachan, of Guelph, preaobed i0 Mel• villa ohutch from the theme "The inner and epiritaal life of Christ" and in the evening his eubjeot was "The children of Israel going to Egypt for porn." ErwOnTB LEAuom.—Tuesday evening the annual eleatlon of officers took place in connection with the League of Brun eels Methodist Mural] with the follow- ing reealte t—Ron, Pres., Rev. Jno. Holmes ; Pres., H. Ham ; let vice, Miee E. E. Kerr ; 2nd vice, Ira Gerry ; 8rd vice, Miss Lily Sharpe ; 4th vine, W. J. MoOraoken ; Reo,-Seo„ W. II. Salter ; Treae., Ira Parker. By direction of Hie Grace the Arab - bishop of Canterbury, and in compliance with a mandate from, Hie Majesty the Kiug, special ooroaation services will be lurid in each ohuroh throughout the Diocese of Huron on the day appointed for the coronation of His Majeety King Edward VII namely, the 2Gth day of June, 1902, Tbe service will be held throughout the Diocese on that date at 10,80 a. m. A Temperance program wee presented at the Epworth League last Sabbath evening. After devotional exeroieee Mies Minnie MoNaugbton recited a very i0• tanning poem on the queatiou of Revenue; the League choir gave a Temperance chortle ; Loniee Davey recited "Two ballots;' which taught tt very practical lesen ; Mies Jean Scott read a portion of Dr. Joseph Parker's lecture on "Aleobol• ism and the brain" that arraigned the traflan for he many digester's ; "Sleeping on Guard" was Bung and an interesting meeting was concluded by the pastor pronoaaoing the Bnedietion. W. H. Kerr took charge of the program. The offioere of the Presbyterian Wo- men's Foreign Missionary Society for the enaufog year are ae follows :—President, BUD, Shortreed ; viae -presidents, Mrs. MoLarn, Mre, Campbell, Miee Robineon and Mrs. Telfer ; recording secretary, Mies B. MaoIdnrolly ; oorresponding secretary, Mies Martin ; secretary of Iudian work in the Northwest and Britivh Columbia, Miee Craig ; seorotary.treasnrer, Miee Parsons ; treasurer, Miee George ; editor of the Tidings, Mre. J. A. MaoUillivray ; home secretary, Mrs, Grant ; foreign eeoretary, Mise J. J. Bell. The etanding committees are as tollowe Exeontive, the officers of the 000104 and Mrs. Harris, Mrs, Jeffrey, Mee: Davey and Miee Smith, of Toronto; nominating, Mrs, Mo63arrioh, MAY 10. ;190:2 ST4r7C LORD ,84,7a OF 04X4D4, D4, HEAP OFFICE. „ TORQNTA CAPITAL RAID MI (ono Mllllpn Dollars) REST Agencies to of( prinefpaf pointe iii Ontario, Quebec, dtanitpba, United States tt' Bnpfand, 31,000,000 3760,000 ftress, &5 li:i$'s80(fJ . A General Dunking Dneineee Transacted. Farmers' Notes Dlgoonnted, Drafts Isened and Oolleotione made on all pointe, SAVINGS RANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 31.00 and upwards and compounded hall yearly. 8P110IAL AnooueuIQN 01058 TO MIR 0000e0T1011 OT FAptil;pe' Bons Nene. Every facility afforded Cuatomere living ak it distance, payable at any bank issued 'Under 310 .. Se. 320 to DIM,. ,,120 g Qfl OrNor. at the following rates :— 310 to 32Q.. „foot 80 to 40,...140 6'. H. GRAY, Aortae AGENT. Mrs, Maolaren, Mfrs. G. II. Robineon,, Itfive Bessie MCOMfurnhy, of Toronto Mee. Fletcher, Hamilton ; Kra, Meolean, Guelph'; Mrs, Ross, Lindeay, end Mrs, Maclennan, Owen Sound. PERSONAL PARAIBA PISS. Garfield Vanetone, of Wingbam, was in town on. Sunday. Bert. Morrow, blacksmith at S. H, Jaokeon'e, ie on the sick list. Miee Lizzie MoNiohol, of Wingbam, spent Wednesday at her home here. W. F. Scott le away to Cleveland, Ohio, atbeudiug a horse eale of fast stools. E. Calder and Joe. Marshall, of Sea. forth, were visiting friends in Brussels on Sunday, Mre. Joseph Pugh and son Paul, of Biuevale, were visitors at Rev., R. Paai'e this weep. Wm. Wilton, who was on the sick list all Winter, is improving as the fine weather oemee along. Wm. Lake, who has been visiting in Ethel looality for some weeks, has re-. turned -t0 town once. more. R. Leathsrdale is able to be about once more after a brief lay-up from a sprained ankle and a touah of rheumatism, Mian Florence Buchanan and Mists Laura Nioholle were home over Sunday , from the Seaforth Collegiate Institute, Hon. Richard Haroonrt, Minister of Education, was entertained at the fine home of J. and Mre. Leokie when in Brussels on Tuesday. Joe Arden is nursing a very Bore finger that was injured while playing baseball on the Park Monday evening. The nail wee torn away wad the digit eomewbat damaged. Mrs, Bed. of Walkerton, wan in town on Monday. Her 'armband is black. smith at the Cober Carriage Works. They will move to town at au early date, we understood. Rev. D, L. McCrae woe in town' for o few days last week while teturning from a lecturing tour in the North, He is a eon of our townsman Jno. MoCrae, Turnberry street. Duna. Stewart is home ou a visit. He is a son of Alex. Stewart, Queen street, and bas that completed hie course at the Sobool of Pharmacy, reealte of whioh will be known sbortly. Mrs. (Dr.) Koeohtel, of Winnipeg, arriv- ed in town on Mooday. She is a dough. tar of D. B. sod Mrs. Moore, of Brunie, and will visit relatives and friends for a few montbe in Ontario. The dootor will make a business trip to thislooality ere long. J, H. and Mrs. Cameron and Roneld MaNanghton and Miee Minnie were guests at the wedding of Kenneth Om. Bron, brother to Principal Oameron, Brun eels, and Mies Josephine McDowell, of Westfield, a relative to Mr. and Mise MaNaughtou, on, Wednesday evening. Hugb Williams, a well known resident of Brussels], celebrated hie 77811 birthday last Monday. He is enjoying a goodly measure of health and ie engaged driving the stage to Seaforth almost every day with Hie Majeety'e mall. Trio Poen wish. ee him many happy returns of the day, Wednesday of this week Rev. R. Penal, a pioneer Methodist Minister, jagged poet his 75th milestone in tip top Beath. Next Sebbaeb he will preaob at Blaevale indioating that inboth mind and body he is vigorous. Mr. Paul has a fine garden in connection with Viotoria Oottage, hie home on Princess street in thie plane, and is an indefatigable worker both in and out of the chorob. He is a universal fav- orite avorite owing to his 5001814y.. The Canadian Paoifle annopnoeeradoo• tions la freight rates between Lake So perior and Manitoba pointe, ruoging from 40 to 44 Dente per 100 pounds. It is announced that the Wolvin syn- dicate has purchased the fleet of the Prescott Elevator Company, aoneietiug of eight barges and a tug. The price viae about 390,000. Representative menSlere of Parliament from the Territories have interviewed Sir Wilfrid Laurier and other Minietere, asking for an immense in the snbeidy for the Northwest Goveroment. 3578 '01'183 0 t 30 Fall Wheat.........:.. 70 72 Barley ...... ......... 45 48 Peas — 70 71. Oats Bettor, tube and rolls'„ 14 16 Eggs per 0nzen 10 11 Flour per cwt, 4 00 6 00 Potatoes (per bae.) 86 86 Apples (per bbl.) 2 00 8 00 Hay per toil 7 00 7 60 Sheep eking, each 26 25 Lamb chine earn) 25 80 Ball par 1.1.'., retail 1 00 70 liidps trap„nen 86 6 Hideo rough Hoge, Live 7 00 7.00 Wool 18 18 8C)RN . Conn.—In Ethel, on May 7, to Mr. and Mrs, Alt. Cole, a daughter. SEAR%.' 21=727, CAtutamt—MoDOWELL.—At the reeidenoe of the bride's parents, Weelfield, on May 14th„by Rev. Jno. Kennedy, B, D., of Alibnrn, Mr, Kenneth Oam- oron, of Luoknow, to Miss Joeephine McDowell. xamria DtaraoO.—len Bloevale, on May 9.1), John Dement, aged 80 years. TNonereON.—In Brussels' on May 18, Jae. E , Thompson, aged 88 yoare. Leatonti—In Grey, on )Ylay 10, Donald D'., third eon of John and Mary Lamont, aged 88 yearn. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. poems TO RENT SUITABLE for 40095.malring. Apply to MRS. 3.. R. SMITH, prnaesis. 49.2 OOD YEAR OLD STEERS \A Wanted, suitable for ranch purposes, Apply to 4100. BEST, Brussels. RDD ANI) WHITE YEAR— LING Steer impounded at Brussels on May lath. Owner -le requested to pay charges and take ben away. TE08. BALLANTYNE. WALL PAPER REMNANTS It is quite impossible to ran a Wall Paper bnelpoao without the accumulation of morn or lees Remnants. We have jeet gone over our stook and pinked oat some very Aloe parole, oonaieting of from 2 to 10 rolls very suitable fpr pantrys, kitchen and small bedrooms. These we offer at loss than half regular prise F o 2re DRUG STORE, DURHAM BULL 12 MONTHS old fon sale roan in color. PETOR 12OB1R2805, Lot 6, 0°14, 0, Grey, Brusoele P.O. + 00 - - HOUSE AND CARRIAGE PAINTING, eco.—The undersigned le , prepared to attend to the wants ut thepub- Ile In house painting paper hanging, deoor- acing, oarrlago painting, ace. Soudan/0u assured and reasonable prices charged. Give mo aaah.T. 8NIDER, Mill street, Brulsets. HAIR DRESSING.—THE UN- $20,000 to Loan. nnnato NEB wiebee to announce 80 the ladies of Bruseele aux violni07 that she The above sum ham been planed with me is prepared to matte switches out of comb- for immediate investment on - farm proper- ioga and out hair, at bar home,- Mill street bo at 6 per oeut. If itttle0 are satisfactory Weet,Brussels. AIRS. 131NG3TON. J"ERS16Y BULL FOR SER- VICE: The undersigned spill keep for Service en Lot 4, Oon. 9, Grey, a there' bred Jersey bull. 'Terme ?Saito be paid at time of 8ervioe with privilege of returning 1f necessary. 3100. LAWSON, 40 4` Proprietor. COURT or REVISION, TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS. Notice 18 hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Morrie, County of Hurcn, will meet as Court of Revision at the TOWNSHIP HALL 00 Monday, May :dant, at 10 o'olook a.m.” Parties interested will govern thomeeivoe accordingly. WU. CLARK, Olerk, loansmaybe completed in -9 days. Liberal terms es to repayment. Apply at once to W. M. SINCLA'R, Barrister, e40 , Brussels. HOFOUSE AND If AURES O land, eligibly located on Turnberry street, Brussels, for axle. WIII be sold en bloc or hones and Iota' separately,to suit. purobaser. Good dairy business In commo- tion. .Possession could be given any time. For price, tarma, Eco, apply to. NOM Ma- LAUGHLIN, Brussels. J— LE CKIE, • LIFE AND FIRES INSURANCE, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, VALUATOR, Ero. Moe over Burnley's Drug Store,' Feil. 6th, 1002 00.3m Bruesele. Spoiled a Good Baking you have many a time by using an inferior grade of flour. Your bread will always be light, white and sweet when naing the Venue. It is always of sop. erior goelity, with no variation, and ie carefully made front the beet grown Manitoba wheat. Try this eatiefeotory brand for your bread, cakes and pica, and you will never nee any other. Strictly One Price The Lowest. .. Magnificent Display of Ladies' White. Shirt Waists! We're ready to supply the quick demand that hot weather is sure” to create for 'White Shirt Waists. When we're buying Shirt Waists we're not satisfied with seeing one or two manufacturers' Waists but we examine them all and buy where we ' get the Latest Styles and Best Values offered. We saw all the Canadian samples and bought the beat values to be had from each maker and now we have good reasons to state that we have the most stylish and best values to be obtained anywhere, And we're satisfied if you look and compare as we have done before buying, you will buy here. Our assortments are large, Stocks are conveniently arranged. We invite you to look and compare and we'll be pleased to wait on you whether looking or buying. ,,,.,t, Wn,'le'tPId4,�tPt,'4,'hrM'tr'I A. FERG 'SON a co.