The Brussels Post, 1902-5-15, Page 7NIE ANOTIE 'S BURDEN hi Helping a Brother We Make the ack Stronger. r4V1,1441irt.'kV:: 1111Mg 11:14417J17slititeiwat or"- " ,A despatch froot 'Chicago says :- Rev, Dr, Prank DO Wilt Talmitga preached from tho following text Galatiano vi, 2, "Bear yo ono an- other's burdensand so fulfill tho laW of Christ." • Pout was, the noblest Christina .nsartyr who ever lived. Ito could Well quote himself .as an example Rn. .aIl Ills contemporaries. From 'the very roomont whi3n his blinded 69eS wero opened by the good Anaidas ois the Damasouo street called "Straight" he never ceased to sacri- fice himself for his fellow men. 13ut so important Is the lesson of vicao rione burden bearing Paul would slot have his friends look to any louroasi guldo. Xio seems to COMO t� tke members of the Galatlan church in the smite way that a stall officer of the commander of a great army delivers his order to a captain, a major, a colonel or brigadier gon- oral, and they are orders of benofi- Mal import, as woro those that the • representatives of General Grout de- livered when they rode' through the Federal lines tolling Sheridan and Meade and Humphreys and Ord and 'Warren and Wright and Ilartranft to oaase firing because tho two nation- al loaders, Grant and Leta were sneotings under a f/ag of truco at Apporoattox. Paul Seems to say: "The duty of boarliag one another's burclons is not my own command, nor is it gly- -ea -to' vs by the command of Peter or John or Apollos, but by the com- mood of tho great Divine Chieftain himself,' Read tho words as they wore written to the Galotion chords. Heap yo tho command as it is spok- en for us to hoar, "Boar ono an- other's burden, and so follIti the law of Christ." The law of Christ is the law with which every Christian should be in harmony. It is the low whieb ought to lospire us all. Like ail Christ's laws, it is reasonable and is devised for TIM COMMON COOD. Mist.. "bear ye one another's bur- dens," because every ono is stronger in same special way than his neigh- bor. Tho intelligent too -yeller gath-1 ows information wherever mi o goes. Wbon tel king' with 0, motor:min upon the street car, W/1.11 1.110 fa.wer in the field, with too Meehan 10 is( hlS bench, with the sailor upon the ,higat (look, with the engiueer in his cob. ho can obtain answers to ques- tions which he himself could never oolve. Ire can always find a man who knows more th at least So1110 sped al lie] (1, than he himself knows. no matter how intelligent the cotes- tionor might tie. The sorvant in the kitchen in all probability knows how to cook bread butter than him ona.eLer, even though the head of on house may bo the chief owner of the great Pillsbury "flour mills, where thousands and toils of otrotsonds of bushels of grain are daily turned into the white substauco whioll forms the staple of every moat The skill of the ominent surgeon is norer les- senocl by seolog a carpenter handle 0 S(LIV, and Otero oever conies a time -when the man of ten talents can af- ford to siestas° the lessons he may learn from tho man of one talent. This is an ago for the specializa- tion of talents. Instead of ono man making a slam, as in oltIon times 11 single cobbler did, 11, now takes idly men to mako the same shoe. instead of one woman spinning hoe own thread and weaving her own cotton mill sewing her own garntents each woman concontrates her poWer 01 mind upon one distinct dart of an industry. Civilization has clevoloped its cotton inills, its cutters, its sow - els, its fitters and its importers and exporters, and the combination Lewis to the general advantage. We buy where we can buy the cheapest, and we sell where we can sell tho dear - ('1.13. All those results come from the specialization of talent. Tho se- alization must 001110 that some men oats tio things better than wo. Wts in turn in another lino of business ought to do some things better than -Giotto who aro not 11001%10111 in our trades. A good gunsmith (loco not .always Ionize a: crack otarksman. An export yacht builder cannot al- ways bo turned into rt. trustworthy 'sea capthin. Proficiouoy being given to us in mental or manual abilities, there is t iloo proficiency given to us in Sl'IltITUAL ABILJTIES. &auto tomptittions which assnil o no mintier do not oppeal to another shines, and vico versa. Ono man may have a propensity for gambling, anothor for drink, another for licentiottsnoSs, another for sloth, an- othor for profanity, another for thoft, another for perjury. Some men ore born liaro. Parento tostif,y that. eortain children in one family hose a tondency to falsehood from - their ciatlies : other chiltheit born in the some family nestle show a tlisposi lion to provaiticat e. /strop is •can ofton domo the lire's weaknesses of t111310 children almost foom the time 113,3se children beton to walk ond 1 nit. They can (11811110,111811 eve - thin tanio chara etoristies o s ((18 11 not ly as tt s tan lige t• con tell tohe- ther a child by the color or tho skin is born from white 03' 17131111 imsento, SR course i1. Is 0(1 00 11 goon t dont harder to tell \tawnier 1,110 tthito obild has a black Hort or tt, Mita okiimod ehIld Imo a white heart limn tO tell Lilo color of Ow outside opi- rs 41ornitil 1111 Wog. et As (matey every mail stronger Inp a opi ri I 1 til 8/01110 801110 0110 0 then his neighbor, ft ought to bo that sarongs man'm duty to use his strongth to compensate for the weak- ness of his neighbor. Door and for- bear iO tho teaching of the 311h10. Phis is 00 reason Liseisi„ soot, forth al his fuesoongorS LW° by !Atm. This le il tho rettoon tre and impulsivo Peter Often waiting by the side of th0 well gmisod john ; the gcintlo Mory living in the Santo houso With her sister, who lost her tesaPer 1130 11.1133,1300, spirltualized by her own sweotnoss of soul thot entire hood, - held. Thls is the Way in which wo can double our loved oncof spiritual usefulnoss and diminish their toalliata- tioste 130 sla. "Boar yo one another's, Inirdens" has a wider and deeper significance than most of tia hove over realized. Agoin the text says, "Bear ye ono another's burdens," because a little belp will often inspire a hopeless, helpless'purposeless sinner to put forth 1118s own anergies until after awhile he gathers strongth enough to I1ELP HIMSELF. Have you ovor soon a team 0( 130)808 hitched to a holivy laden waggon that la stuck in the ruts S horses straggle and pull until thOY become absolutely hetpless and eon pull no inoro. Then have you Over soon a couple of men come with some long, stout bars They place theso bars underneath the hind axle and begin to heave. The Wagon movos. Then of tor tint ruts have boon passod hayo you over seen the' team Of horses which were help- less whorl tho wheels were stuck in the ruts, easily pull tins wagon along the broad highway? Rave you (mos seen a gyeat ermine, fastetfori to tin, end of a long train puffing and blow- ing. With its wheels whirling around and around and yet not moving one inch ahead? That train is stalled upon ail up grade. Then have you. 0803' Been another ongine being fas- tened to that fit•st engtno, dor addition of its powor draw the trate up? Theo utter 13116 up-grado has beett passcsi harts you seen the second 011-' ((1(10 uncoupled, because the first en- gine Was 111011 able to do all tho work? Mile you ever oeen all that? Yes; of course you have. Thu great, trouble of this world is soine nuot are too heavily burdened. They haytt too big o. pack upon their backo. To use tho figure ot the wag- on, or 00 enaitle, they are stalled upon the up -grade. They aro stock ill the -mud. When thoy firot canto to O stand:stilt, they pulled and tugged and struggled, and the (sumo they pullod the more eishitustod they bo - camp, Tho result was inotoad, of get- fing ahead they became disoottraend. They just gasp up all hope nod lay down to die. If you would go to tha.t- weaned and stitrabling 11100 anti 'help hint carry the load up the crossing, help him out of the ruts, you would (101 only do good to the extent to which you relievod Itim o his .superineumbent weight, but you would stimulate him to exert his own energies until after novhilo he though weakly, would be stromothen- oil and encourag,ed 1.0 take caro of • .• Bot the words of the text, "Bear yo one 111101 131')")) burdens, rind so ful- fill tho law of Christ," have still AN'OTi 1E11 APPLTPA'rION. Paul was addrossing the members of tho Christian churches. Those churches were situated in Gal- atio. The mollifiers had in- ternal disstations. 112 the courso of his letter he lays clown the broitd statement that each member most boar with tho faults and frail- ties; of other members. They should especially tlo this because they wort-. brethren and members of a church family of which God was the Isathor and Josus Christ the elder brother. Tho bond of a, belief in ti. cononoo SiLVIOUr Certainly ought to.help the naembers of a church family to bear with each other's weaknesses. World- ly societies help Clair unfostunate menthers. Why should not the children of flofl, bound together by tho game spiritual bond of followshim try to bear the burdens of their spiritual brothers and sisters in Christ? Je- sus "came, to seek and to save that which is lost." Yet sOlne or Its act As if a chorah member who is not always a perfect momber must bo ex- pelled from the church fellowohip, When a minister does wrong or the finger of scandal points tot the (310'i - cal broadcloth„ wo say: "Out with hint from the pulpit." Astray with htmi. Atitly 1 A.wayi" When a church official is weak or indiscrodt Wo procood to deprive him of his churchly office, Wo hove no toter - a(100 for any wrotig-cloing, 00 atoms- sitiou to allow for tho fovea ef his tomp la IS on. Ah, Hutt is not Paul's way; that is not Christ's. "Ilene ye ono anothee's burden" 1/UMW; (.bat [Mooch members have a right to look for their Older help turd rostate fro,n their own religious brothers anti ters. Lastly, "1.3Oar yo one another's burdetis" moons that every ont: should try in a, manful, wonnudy, Christian 1111011011 to bear 1118 Olen biimdens 13'u 10.0 Very apt. to think that 011r 011,11 trOnbICS are herivirr to boar than oily other person'ti trem- bles, BM: if wo were, allowed; ao in tho old legencl, to go'to tho plain or affliction and doposit thero ono own sorroWs and o•oro compelled instead to toko tho SORROWS OS' SCAM 0811 ELSE 111 oll probability Wo would Car- ry away from tit° mountain of diffi- culty the hoodoo pack which our hacks have bean acoustomed to ear- -, Notv, we cammt help our broth- • to boas his burdens by tryilig to Ito upon his of:untold- 5)110ni1e:4s out' wit hoydens in additiom No loon MeV become, a hottithy mom montally or spirittially,‘811w11111,11,1gis. door to door, begging and 111(1(011111111 by cholla, (yowling' from Yet thoso roes some 110 ('(11')))) that ore /solo tely impossible for it to boar 1 011r 01,11 strength, Some of US 111(80 had 00 much tot/table-such an otv11,11, (1W( ii) lot Of trouble! Wo hovo oufferod again and We 113180 bad to go to the faintly plot, as 1 wont two weelto Moo, and to leave thero a loved oils. grotto dld 10011 80 big', and the block hole was dug so deep, .13ut, then, 1 bothink xnyself, thero is a Way Wo Carl all otters, our own burtieno. That way 15 to coot our burdeus 1/1.1011 the Lord, and he will sustain 118. Hellas promised thus to do. If we can on- ly east our burdens upon him, do YOU not see our own hands will be Moe?. Then we eon go forth DWI titillates .stripped for the Mass We eon go forth to holp our brothers and sisters, 0110 p111'91)15 sod dbildron and ollSour friends, carry their bur- dens, Let us go back to the good old country thaw when, by fusee of dr- cunisittitcoo, over,y ono helped ()very othor person in the Fommuulty. In those good old times ovoryono was roady to halve a frioncrs sorrows as (volt as double a. friend's Joys. Whorl the wedding bello began to ring, the young girls, the friends of tho boldo, timid to come from tho tallow: and docorato the church altar with the wild flowers which they had sicked. Friends would SOW the wedding g11(5 - moots; friends would sumo the wed- ding co,Ice; frionds would help the young people furnish the nOW honio; friends would bear tho burdens, Ow floppy bortiono of joy. Then whon trouble came, tho stimo Moods, W011111 cone, in and help tho invalid; thoy would tomo out the medicine; thoy would close the oye-lids In tho last sleep; they would sit up ail- oight loug with the dead; they would sow tho shroud arid carry the, casket and dig tho grave. The 318.1110 friends would raise the headstone. Friends, the same Miends who onoe plucked tho orango blossoms, would plant the cypress. Aye, let um be to enoh other friends of that kind. Together let, liS bring all our bortions root Si(1); and lay thorn tst 1110 bali of the oross, and this Lo tho law of the gospel.: "Boar yo one anotherls burdens and so ful- fil the law of Christ." rHE S. S. LESSON, INTERNATIONA- L LESSON, MAY 18. Text of the Les- son, Acts xiii., 1-12. Golden. Text, Mat. xxviii., 12. 1. Now thero were in tho church that was at Autioc13 certain pro- phets and teachers. Then follow the names of Boom - bas and three others anti Soul, .ilar- 'mhos and Saul, having continotod a whole year at Antioch teaching moth people, weso afterward sent to Je- rusalem with the offeriug for the needy brdthrtin in Julian. (xi. 26-8)). in duo time they retusadd, having fulfilled their mission and brought with them John Mark, son of Ahoy, r Basintilas' sister, at, whose house the P10383' meeting had been held on W- hoa of Peter (chapter xii, 12, 25 ; Col. iv, 10). , 2. As they miniklpred to the Lord and fasted the Holy Ghost sold, Soportile inn Barnablis and Sall for lho work wherewith I have cailed thorn. To stolid before Clod and serve I im and minister unt o Ilim ( II Chron. xxix, 11) should be the at- titstdo and daily lifo of every Chris- tian, limo most ordinary work of the daily routino clone to Ills glory (I (ior. x, 81). 17.5 13arnabas and Stull lived this consocsated life, with fasto mg, giving more attention to the soul than the body, the Holy Spirit dills them to a special work which Ile has for them (l'iph. it, 10). There is real rest In. allowing God to ((11(01" ago us and work out in um Ills plea- sure. 8. And when they had fostea and prayed and laid them hand:, on them they sent them (may. The overindulgence of the body ill any Way 18 not consistent with a holy life. That which is standout, for health God will bless. But tho soul -communion with Gocl, a de- light in Ills tvill and ('00(1) ((098 to do 11, filled with His Spirit for His vervice--if this is earnestly dcsire(1 it will be ours (Pia cots, 10), and wo shall bo channels whereby God rovoals ITimsolf. do So they, being sent forth by the 1 foly (I hos t, departed lotto Seleueitt, and from thoneo they 141111 - ed to Cyprus. Lilco lilooes leading Israel or build- ing the tithe:ma:ha or liko 'David giving 801010(111 tho plans for the toMple, or like Noah building the oda they hose no say In the molter, but are wholly under tho gortittoce and control of tho Holy 5. And scam they wore al: Submits they motteltoci the word of Clod in the synogogues of the Jews. Salamis was at Oa cod of Cyprus noarost the 8010,010, while Paphos of the next verse was at the western ond. Their mission WaS by 1110 word of God..itt the power of tho Spirit 1.0 procloim the good netvs concernitig atoms Christ, and at once thoy set about it, theft segtilar custom being 130 begin with the JOYS Moat. 1, 161 Acts fit, 26; 4(1). 6. And when thoy had gone through the isle unto Paphog they found a certain sorcerer, a talon pro - plod, a jew, -whose Immo was Bar- Jeous. Tim &oil hos his sosvants teary., whore and they aro not idle, 11 the ((01011.11 Is of Christ wort" tts busy sow- ing the good seal as the 801, 801118 aro busy Sowing tares, how much move quickly the gospel might bo given to every creaturo. 7, Tho deputy of the country (gil- led for Ilasnabas and Sant nod de- sired to hens the 1.80111 of Clod, it Is restful to know that whose (lod woo :a Ilis message produ infect TM will give an noon door whioll 110,1110 con 511111 Gino, S). 8. tut Islyinas the 801'e0re1' Wifli- 51,100 111001, or ng 10 111101 awny 1110 (tr)mly from the tai(b, A preachor should ktiow that if ihosr is tin rosfotance to 1118 preach- ing it luny 17.0 1111001180 the (leen roars • 110 Imam to his kingdom from itoand ho ohoold consider and dm If lio is eroaehing that le111011 Cori bids him 111 1.110 p0W00 at tho. Holy Spirit. 0. Thee Saul (who also is called Pald), Oiled with the Holy Ghost, set WS e33e51 On 11 1111. • -Item Is 11 faco 10 fad, onto -tinter bo- twoon 0 servout of Cholot and a ser - vont of 8(54 011. Paul, filled with the Ifoly.tiliost. reminds 118 that wo aro commanded to bo filled with the Spirit (Eph. v, 18), aigi ohould expect it to bo always so with us, saying as Alary said, "Be it mita me aceording to Thy word" (Luke 1, 138) '21115 13, i. i1;ho 110813 ttisin aa ttaecttts811'n'grt al 8 i co 11010 that the (11)111(33')) 1151310 io r 10. 1) 111,1 of all sued:Illy 01(41(11 misehief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousnoss, wilt thou not cooso to porvert tat right Ways of tho Lord? fin Peter WaS enabled by Oro Spirit to road thy Marts of Ananias and Sam -Mira ((1(1313 lei' v, 8, 913. Thug pltiln1y .108101 spoka to the soli - righteous Jows, telling thoin that tbo,y Were Of Hoar tattoor the dovil (.1 ohn vili, 4.11 1. Some .(03111,1 say that this wos not very liborttl, but God gives no permission to bo 11(1400 - al with the dovil or his doctrines, 11. And now behold the hand of ihe Lord 18 1.111011 1110e, and thou 511011 110 blind, 1101. seeing the sun for a season. • Imincollately it onton to pass as 1 l'(1111, by *110 Spirit said. 1(11(1 110 ( sougl.it fos 51(411e one to lead hint by t the hand. Tits outward coalition Was noW 0 sign of the cooditlou of his soul; ha was doubly blind. 12. 'Shell tho deputy, Iviten ho sale ( What 1111.8 done, bolieved, !wing as- 1 touished at tho doctrino of the Lord. 1 'Plie soreores had probably surprised t him by some wondorful things, but s Ito hod never Secri anything liko this. 1.1 wo would. rommend Ohriot h() ()ill- [ ors it must be by such manifesta- tion or his power in us ns (8111 (11811.0 1 It clear that ITo Is greater than Soto s an and that 1118 joys aro grottier 1 than those the, world can give and t that a life with Him Is truly excel- i lent. A 400 o ES o tal o CO 0 el 0.1) QS o o o FOR THI3 HOME i', 11 A o 0 ✓ Recipefor the Kitchen. CS1 O liygients find Othsr Notee • for the Housekeeper, 13) 09019(30$00001009000000(ge TESTISI I1111111'1'24, . tun Ilasty Puilding-The name is hardly outtablo, for it really should not lie cooked Corn 111001 retptires a good 1.1111 !IOW'S 0001(1144 i() 1111(0 1110 gritty, raw tasto, Allow 1 cup granulated corn mold to 1. qt boiling water, tool 1. teassonni salt. Pour (1143 water on Lo the meal gen dually. 11011 rophily wail it thiekons, othring constantly, 'Ilion Covor closely and cook olowly. A doubly boiler 18 1/08( to 1100k it in. finings) OiticosoTten cups sugar, ilo 5111,111 half-oup Maass 2 dips flour, 3's top %tater, yolks of 3 eggs and. v1117'1!d'(a•ItPsti'w):'j 1e31s1101iToOlf utait•.t17 Of .. 01 tuip,e tom the noon of 1 oranges, Boat tho buttor to a C00.1111, adil -the snotty, oratigo and eggs, wolf beaten, 10 %voter and tho floor in which tioci(3 and cream of tartor hay° been enolizrost. li.lialce In shoots , aw nd ha o 'Pho Coeval Left over -That little it of porridgo 140 ofteu loft, from srealtfast is tin addition to Johnny - alto or gems of most any kind, and Ilso to [goad. It gives it 1)10(1SaIlt laVol., 11110 oi course givoo consider- able moisture. Protocting Dolod Thor -To presorve hied boof Moto tanninrob lite stw- ace thoroughly .with powdered sifted 100,51, dusting it well iota .'tory ere - See. Repeat 11 NW titian0 during the 0131,011. Pocking in bran, hay or otts 18 unneeessary; simply Lie in mpor hag. flaked itice Pa/Mug-Allow I tab- esponn won -washed rico, 1. table - pawl sugar and teaspoon Mona, - non to each quart of milk. Placo hese in n, buttered padding dish and rt a. very slow ovon for siV hours, dcl a littlo cold milk from time to simony with a fork. 1 toe as • 113 eVa portals, Th1,1,rii,11 05,1401 Should be 80 810114 that 771313 1110" 1101(11101)' brown lop is formed. 'I'he SucereS of this pudding nit &ponds upon ilia s11)10 cooking. Tho latter 1 part of the Ulna it should not be stirrod at an. 11 Volans out creomyI and dOlicious, and a &Shiite salmon pink color all the way through. It may bo eaten hot or cold. Lemon Jetty -Ono cup sugoe, 1, egg, gratod rind and juica of 7. lemon, 1 tablespoon water, 1, toitemion flour. Cook in double boiler until it thick- ans.'Ponot o ('us Lard -Ono pt Unita- I to,78, stewod and strained, !..1 pis milk 4 eggs nal one te111lr3 sugar. Bak° in small cups quickly. 'Phis la a good clish for invalids. When Cooking Cornorl 133571 for the I table, toko somo of tho, nice solid moat, pack boiling hot from 1.110 loot - 80 in glass eons, and cover with somo of tho boiling liquor. Shako and in other ways removo rill air bubles as in canning fruit. Examine the oans ocettolonally, shako, and if air bubbles noodle, open oat use at once. N.I OBE SHIRT -WAIST. Tho lelohe shirt-wais is distill guished in tho fact that it has titted belt. 'Nothing could be prof: tier than a waist after this desigi made of polka-dotted (amid, havin a tucked front in plain, sort silk o sill: muslin. The design is exceed ingly dainty, and [hero is an im moose amt ounof style to it. The. waist is of course mado with a lin- ing, but without the ltning rimy be developed in wrtsh goods for th woman who wishes to havo an dab orate waist. Quantities of mato! ial requirod.- Thirty-two and thirtyofouo bust mea suro Will require (oar yards of sil twenty inche8 wide, with one ant one-fourth yards of silk for vest puffs, etc, Thirty-six bust monSort will require four and one-fourtl yards of silk,. with one and one fourth yards of silk fm' Yogi, eta Thirty-eight and forty bust measure will regotee four and ono -half yards 01 11(1130100 Wilt, with one and- one,half yards of plithl silk for vest, etc. DISS'ERVISD 17. A trim otory Is told of a youngster in a well-known store who portico - lady wattled it rhos in salary. In this he did not clitler from the vast mujoeity of his kind, but the way Whiell Imo accomplishod Ids ob- ject is unique. First of all he applied to the man- ager of the huge business. That in- dividual, losiog very busy, told the boy in a humorous way to seo tho proprietor, Mr. 011! went tho youngster and met the groat man on ti otaircuSe. Ito asked :- "Avo ;oft Mr. ?" "1 am, my boy. What can I do for you ?'' "Yon can raise my salary, I hove worked a lolig time for three dollars a week." "I don't ntlond to these matters. You will have to soe tho nutuagma" "I have already seen tho manager, sir, and 110 referred me to yoli." 'rho 103t '14 mound' impressed the proprietoo, and Ile sold : "My boy, 3500 aro making three dollars ti, W0010. 971101 18 1101 a. had Wary for a youogoinr. It is inoro than T was making when W118 your "Wi311," vaid tho boy, quick as a flash, "tuaybo you . wevett't woOth any mor0." The boy rod -Stood ineronoo Oita very week, Ito On:moved it, SAVORY SALADS, • Fish salad is art excellent substi-I tuto for lobster so lad. anti is espe-1 eially (Ito:Moine for the spring sea-; son. 111081, any kind of cold, boiled' lish can no 11,30(1 for it. but, carol shoold be talten 1 ha the fish is thor, - oughts, chilled boforo uolog it, Sal- a Ann is possibly the most (testi:301e - fish for salad. Add to tho fish for I ary pita throe tablespoonfuls of g. oil. one tottopoonful of sttiogar and a prinkling of 8011 and poppur. Set atiuln In a co01 plaCe lo Marinate, just hofore sor i 11 o drti 13(140 fish and acid to it hell 1.1,S. 1111101 cold boil- ed potato, cut in smolt mots, mar- iona to in. all mid \Sudan% mix well e 013,1 hoop on a bed of lottueo. Cold, hotted tionS 1110y be (mod 131 place of 1 d _ Ao Paan ‘ix. 5 colloot rollmop salad Is mode 1 1 of ono pint of mid fish, Sod to it a and the juice -of olio -half Mown, ono a toaspoonful cif Joinedl )11l '3.1333' and a e, s' drop or 111',, 11! tabosio7 8111100. DIS- 13 solve one 1 able$Poonfilloof gelatino b and add it to the 1111111,0,3.Cream h two tahleopoonilds of buttor, season' p with snit, voppeisomostard nod a lit- 0 tly sugar and add. three-fourths of a. 9 'Moo with a sOft, Oloth. They must be hot, but not 01013 hot onotigh 1:0 scorch. Pull a collar into liliapo, lay flat on tho table, ond Ikon ou the wrong nide imtil alasot half dry. li the Mon sticks, 117 is either too hot or too cold, oe, the collar is too dlaMn. Ttirri •over, pull into shape+, eroase. and iron on.the right side until quite tisY. If YOU Palled It properly into shape tberrs'oshould not Is) Al stogie A polishing board is ono covered with one thickneos of muslin only, Loy tho collar on tbis, wring I clean pioce of 1711151111 out of cold {waist', l'Ob lightly over tlso right side ; of the collar, and. iron again, p1(e55- 'ging hard 1111 113 is dry and glossy. A 1 proper polishing iron is much bolter 1 3 11.001•11.11:yholsu thlals.0 an ordinary ono. Sponge thom llIgetlaalaylitavriatligactoltdaawad1174• on the right side before boginiiing to HINTS TO T-TOUSEISISEPERS. `Po take paint. spots from windows 1 opply hot Vinegar until reinovoci. ' Alum water will restoro altuost any faded colors If put into the rinsing water aftor the goods aro mashed, Soiled clothing should not bo kept 111 a closet. It is a fertile source of 1 111-sinelling, malodorous closets -that 1 "old" smell that so unpleasantly es juogigheesstsnotuTr•eolii,Loirlipytaticarei;looms and A good cemeut for chino. is made by patting together equal parts of 1 white glue, white of egg, and white i together firmly, and tie in place till lead or lithargo. Paint the edges of tho cuticle to be mended, press them 'hard and dry, then scrape od tho ce- ment. that; was proosed out when the pieces were put together. Brown bread, either whole, wheat or graham, makes delicious nut sanchviches. For filling chop equal parts of almonds and English wal- nuts (our common hickory nuts and walnuts will do), sprinkle with o, M- ilo salt and moiston svith raayon, noise. Lettuce sandwiches call for white bread and are sp•ead with maybenaiso instead. of butter. The rule for soups made from left- over vegetables calls for as ntuch water and twice as much mins as you have of o•egotables and ono tab'. 118(100(111(1 each of butter and flour to the quart of soup. Cook until the vogetriblo can be put through a sieve; add the hot milk and the thickening. Thio, soup is clelleious in sumnter, whoa ono wauts a delicate rather than a strong soup, and when 1110013stockcannot be kept any length WINTER IN JAPAN, The Javanese winter is ntost try ing on itecount of its continuo, dampooss, hot the Japanese ar conteot. to remain cold. They mak almost no effort to ovoscome it. Th old "Bushido" (chivalrous) idea o TITAGEDY 0 1/74R.. Dramatic Inoidelvt of tato Penis/. Mar aWar. • ' After Sir Charles James NaPIOS had boon wounded in tho ASO At Busaco, during the 3301111114105,1'in 1810, he 211181138 to have holm Is potion* most difficult to ho 05(1)0108- 51011,'nen tho shot toolc offoct on 1(1311. he was carried into the convent of Bust:WM 111(0 finally, tiltiog of in, action, Ito got up front' the 30111(1)1,where lie had loom laid, and With blood flowing (11.017 from Ids wounds went to the door to look for MO horse. Ono of bis comrades soloed him and 1141.111113book, saying : "Are yOu 3111(11, Napier, to think you can go boa to lighting In tido stole 9 Be quiet I" So he 7101110(1 and tom carried; way to Llobon, Wher0 ho reOted some months In ((1011(1(41(110010(1fron1 WS") 15001811118tid that my sight may be lost," he wrote. "But if it goos, whY, Hannibal had but ono 0307 1" Dot when his division began to pursue illao.sona, 011d 01I1( combat, followed another, ho could to> longer hour to remain 111)0)1185, 18111) hi.o wound still bandaged, 130 rode (11(1013'miles to rejoin tbe amity. .1-10 found his corals, 45111) 300511(3(1fooworcl to support; the Light Divislom Tholt °amoral ono of thosts tragic hap- . p011111034 which are tho connuonplaceo cdrfWealknew that fighting wits going on in Mont, and hourly he asked for news of his two brothers. He 'did not than even know Loot thy ovals) living. Thus ado -naming, lie mot a litter of branches borne by 'soldier and covered by o, blanket. "What. wounded officer is that ?" he (15101.)."Captain Napier of tile loifty-see- ond. A broken arm." Another litter followed. , "Who Is that ?" "Captain Napier of the Forty- -third, moru tally wonded." Charles Napier looked after the litters, and passed on to the fight in front. Cantata Napier of the loorty-third was seriously wounded, but he lived until 1860, , QUEEN'S TRAIN BE.ARERS. Part of Two Pretty - Children in. the Cor °nation. All convorsation hero ultimately turns to the King's coronation. Ono of the latest and most interesting de- tails of that royal spectacle Is the se- lection of the two littlo daughters of Lord Burgholero, pronounood "Bur- elair," to attend Queen Alexandra tit the ceremony. They will sorve in the _ capacity of train bearers, and two 1 prettier children for the distinguished d task cloald not be found in all Eng; • laud, says a. London despatch. The Ladles Juliet and Althea (lard- ner, for their father is bettor known tho 'samurai ' *kni(1hts) was tha it was effeminate to feel cold an such is their severe training tilt), t MI. Norbert Gardner than as d Lord Burghclere, are espeolal fasor- ites of the Queen. She is fond of they do not really feel it as wo do. Thu A -oaring of some extra "kim- onos" and the use of a "hibachi" or boozier which aro a few tiny sticks of lighten oluit•coal are the only canoed -nous to winter weather With the "hibitchl" they neves pro teal to heat 11100e 1 1111 11 1.1101v flood tips, which Guy Sold (ray the cools. It is used vstao the Mosso is otaisti- ly 01)0(1. nato fn.! 1 ,1,0 7knows, are boilt of ad- 3. •..1, and the silting p1111119'T- or doors 0.114 1V/111101V:4 httle pto. 01' lanes. Thoy aro ns opt, to be 01.00as closed duringhe tday. The cool- ies W1.'1(1'thin blue cotton clothes and are always paddling through the mud, The storekeepers Sit out in their open booths anhe d t, women go bareheaded tiliout the streets. To. tho houses of the rich the still cold behind the closed panels is often more intense than thot outside in the sunshine, where the air is stirring. -+.- FORGED PASSPORT FACTORY. A. curious 113381010145 1(1(14 just been 15(500(315311 by the Russian police. For onto tono it has been known that a argo number of political prisoners sal oxilos succeeded in escaping cross the frontier '1855400 coven they 'ere out of tho clutches of the police IR their method of doing so has eon 0. mystery. By an accident, °wooer, 11 soorot factory for forged rissposts has been discovered at dessa. The factory was admirably rganized, noid did. a vast and lusti- ly° business. A big- start of print- rs and engravers 'W05 employed, as ett as a serretory who 1)00508512t tho oculitir quif,thication of being able forgo the signature of any police trivial is litissia. The owner also ob- ained goattine passports from poor itizens in his employ, who had, of mrse, no difficulty in getting them Inn tho pontos anti from those the riginal 111111118 worn ornood lov choud- al mentos A profit of 832.50 suid (3 1511.80 been made on each passport, (Id the demand (8(1.5)Mt/Irony hating them around her, and it was this desiro togother with hes e0ges- 111288 to delight the childish mind, that dictated their 501170110a for posts , of honor in the coronation tOtices- Sion. _ As Rembert Gardner, Lord Burgh- . elere, sat in the House of Commons as Liberal member tor Saffron Wal- den for many years, lle was Kest - (tat of the Board of Agriculture dur- ing tho whalo tonore of office of the . last Liboral Govornment. Eris wife lit the oldest sister of Lard Carobs. - von. They have one other (laughter besides the ttro who hove boon hon- ored by the. (looms Coronation echoes are heard front all directions. We soad of children who havo 'been born in these early days of coronation yoar being namod Coronius and Corooa. And, rotor - ring to this subject of names, a (laughter of Sir Francis Knollys, privato secretary to the Xing, bears the name of Louvima, which is fortito ea from the lettovs of the nastios of tirlaendrer.hireSSeS LoniSa, VietOrin and I Sir lovancis' sister, the Hon. Chars lotto Xnollys, has beea Queen Aiox- mottoes companion for twenty years and will act in an important onpas city at the coronation, 1 The now Japnnese hottleghlp, the "Nlikasti," it, Ow heaviest, warship aliont, displarenteut 101 1:3,1200 10118, en -plot 01 1101 milk. Stir until blend- ed, Cum pont. gradllully OVer it the yolks of two toms. Placo In a bowl and pot 1.15,7 bow) in a saneepaa of boiling Water. Whell 110 Mixture be - to thicken add throoteaspoon- fuls of hot vinegar. -Mix this with. (ho salmon and put in•to small molds. When firm and very (aid Waco on lettotta loaves and soma with either mayummise os n. Manch dressing. A dolidotts salod is outdo from 3581'.' (111(08, Scald nrst ono dozen bone - loss Fortnum, drain thont and placo thom on tho too 1111111 -Limy heroine tvoll chillea. Cut two hard-boilorl oggs in dice and cut oevoral olives into small pieces, 'Mix with levench (10088111g, add tho sarditios and serve 0(1 lettuco loavets COLLAR. 1RONINO. Stipposing the collars hove beta washed told starchod 111 hot oturc11 io the usual way, and thoroughly dried. Notv soe that Limy aro bone dry - this is important. Inalsolve Milt a toaspoonful of bor. In 0, very little boilitig Water. 1 Moisten a slightly boo pod 1 ablespoon- ful of starc11 with cold water, 800 limo th000 are -no Monis, Stie in the (11151(11 '(1 booms, kayoing back any pitoltings thoro may bo, nod add en- go 0)1(1 11 ('0 1(1 (rotor to 131a110 the Whole I ono pia. th 1/iyotie Natal's in this, robbing Lo 011011i 140 (111l13 it 111(13' he 11)004311(11117 'Nat nrai/..11. Sin/aele a8 dry 1.18 1108- di itiblo, Amami ibt, on ii. dry towel - In singlo loyors-and voll 00 whole t igh tly up. Start•ii late in tho -evening and thoy Will ho ready to iron oorly 11e5113 morn ims, Semis sontr fletirona bof000 toting by robbing on 0 11000d 011 Whit+ 801118 batlibrick has been Sera peel, then A 'PEW POIN'Ss. A. Imehelor's tolvico is wastetl on It married man. The milk of human kindness isn't put up in bottles. 'rho man who is faintest is apt to thina that $uccoss aceidontal. .An undertaker lower hos occasion to do tho stiono job mose than once, Why is it that grey hairs are more often respected than bald hoods? Itemember that n man may bo a dwarf and still be mess, inch a goo- Helnan, 15. Plan has to Make 0, name for himself. All a W01011111 11115 1.0 (10 iS t madled. 31 18 better 10 havo 0 light purso an a heavy heart, but mina (10111 - Utah% to login neithor. It is hard to holiove that the good o young whon you orsior svring lamb in a, clump rostuotrant. Whon Mlow is about, to ma- gnum ant1 tho girl is norvous, it is generally 1300111l40 S110 is ofettid soluo ono wilt intosrupt thorn bofore Ito g1'Il1 it. out. 171.ro oscapeo weoe first used in rnr1,9 111 17131. CURES POR RHEUMATISM. -- There Are 1,437 Remedies for It 'Op to Date. Tho latest computation of the num- ber of distinctly rhetunatisin cures puts it at. 1,487. It is one of tho pecultarities of rheumatism that the, curea prescribed for it are more num- erous than tho vartotleo of the ail- ment itsolf. A brief enumeration of remedies in- cludes horsoehostnuts. wintergreen tableto, eloctrio rings, magnotio Wil1C11 0110.0111A, 00(1 flannel bandage% -white flannel is considered of no ofileacy-goats' milk, calisaym horso tioulticco, raw 0111.0101 carried in coat pockets, anti tee cream 5011(1. 711080 are only o few of the best known somedldt, and do not include several which owe their fame to coin- binotioos of sondry iogyedlents. One old-rashioned cure 18 mado up of to pint of old ato and 11, smolt measure of grated hosseradioh put in a jar or demijohn and allowod to Amid over night, atter which a glass is drunk botore 00.011 meal. In fat 00 of many of the establish- ed Whimsical rheumatism remedies, It is to be said that they are 1181181)35 palatalile, can 17e bought cheaply nod alto generally harmless, recalling in this particular tho cam) of tho patient for whom rock -caul -rye waa noosed:130d and who deeltund that it: did bi3n groat benellt-ovea 'with tho soots candy let Ont. Rheumatism appears to so many forms, it alTects or afflicts so ninny porsons, it. 114 (4l) readily eonneeteli Wills weather eondit ions 1111(1 the Ittiowleclgo of Its 0011805 is 80 Inds.- anito and on 801110 points so much clisputoil, that the provocation to Woo rellledies 10r r11011111litiSln Is 10(1(11 13' 1111 /1 01•810 1111 , 111)1(1)41) this foe& does not 111 1)11111 to the, g000ral con- victioll of mode solderers from Mien. 1031 1.18111 that the 04110.71d3 so freely antral them vorssitoge .afgrnvd. 11011 of the tlisoost.