The Brussels Post, 1902-5-15, Page 6A JUSTIFIED BURGLAR, PALE AND LISTLESS, Anode ',1'odtt must 11000 become ao- ouatomed to it, for periodieatlly bur- glars relieved him of all his poehot anonay, diamonds and other personal bxie-se-brae without. over being oaught. in the act or leaving any Clow to their diseo't'ery, Nothing was ever takon belonging to Mrs. Todd, but, as that woman pathetically Said, elle had nothing they could tuico.ex- rept her wedding ring, which was on her finger, of her clothes, which would not 11150 repaid 0110 Walt. Tor 1t2ra. Todd was a veritable household drudge. Hier husband had houses and lands, as well us money in several banks, but he never gave her any of his wealth; and she had to beg for enough . money to buyshoes and . rtO0,k1I1ga 401' the a,itldA'OI}, Their clothes she made over froxu her own and their father's worn-out gar- ments, and in making Mr, T odds trousers into jackets for the little TOddr site uiways managed to work the knees that bagged into the un- der site el elbows, The burglaries did notworry Mr. Todd --if the truth were told -as Much as they did Mee. Todd, He us- ually waited until sure the stoleu goods could not be recovered, then he purchased a new outfit, and, af- ter hiding them carefully every night for a few mouths he would grow careless and the burglars would give hip another ca1L Mrs. Todd con- sistently promised to lie awake and watch, but she declared she must have been chloroformed, otherwise she would never have closed an eye. "I should think, ]Mary," her hus- band complained, "that your anxi- ety about the children would keep you awake. Think what an effect it would have on tbom to see a burglar in their room?" "But the burglars never go there" said Mrs, Todd, faintly. "Children never have any valuables -at least ours hn.ven't," she added with un- cOaer10Ul2 sarcasm. One night the unexpected happened. It was the turning point in Rfr. Todd's destiny. At the hour when he sholld have been sleeping the soundest he suddenly awakened and saw by the dlin night light a strange figure in Ills room --that of a Mall ramified in a black cloak with a iitoucll hat drawls over his face and •, silk mailer around hie neck and chin. fie was rifling; Mr. Todd's poekel.s. air. Todd did not own a revolver. Ile would not have killed a man to save all his wealth, much as he loved it. IIP lay still for a moment, thinking how to surprise the burglar, then, having made up his mind to a plat:, he put it into immediate execution. tie leaped from the bed with a bowl(' that took him into the middle of the room and pinioned the 1 l2Tglar from behind. A terrific serrata rent the air. Todd held in a mighty grasp a limp, trembling form from which he tore the (lisglIising deal:. revealing the pnriner of his joys and sorrows, Mrs. 'Fold. "Mary!" he gasped; "Mary. you?" "Yes, Mo. Todd, 1110.', She turned slid 1120921 11.10, "oh, you needn't he .;,,rpt isrd. 11lu ro ,lid you sepposc 1 got any melee.. if I didn't either sten! it or begit, seeing that you 111V91 gave }me any. 11 I wanted a dime to put in the routribut.ion box on Sunday 1 had to ask you for it, aucl explain what 1 was gr„mg to do with it. You actor ga:e 11(2' a 101- 1.,2 i11 your life wit12)0t expecting :,0 cents back in change.” 'Mary!" "It's the truth, and you know it, Arnold. Instead of making me a re- gular allowance, as any husband ought to, you make me save and scrimp and go without everything but food. ?Jany a time I've left my emp- ty pocket book lying around hoping you would take the hint and till it. And you never did. And all the time you carried silver looney and hills in your pocket -and bought what you wanted." "You might have taken it without disguising yourself as it burglar. "You would have 9.ojoeter' ane, and how Iong could I have kept the money? No, the her}lar 02(0 more welcome to it that I would hate been. But I never dreamed that yee would waken. 1 meantto jump out of the window if you did see me. Now, I do not care for 1nyte11--1 ant only sorry for yon. 'rho man who can drive a woltin11 10 such Straits is to be pitied. I have 'as good right. to the money as you have ---T helped to make it, and there is no law to eon vidra wife for stealing from her own husband." Mr. 'Iadcl was seeing things: post and present, and in those fete mo- ments of time ns the dying (lo- feeerly and without prtjurlire. Iie took his wife in his mons. -You are nervous and 1ireil, clear" he said. "Lie down 1111(1 compose yntit•sself to rest. I see, Mary, that. I ant the real burglar --I have robbed you of your earnings and your law- ful dues. Before I Wrap you 9121111 have a bank account in your own nano), and 1 will never ask what y0)1 do with the. money. And you can give up being n burglar for good a(n(1 all." CLASS WALLS S'I'Ol' ElftiNII, \%ho would have u n o at e a 11P s,.d that a partition of sheet lead would prove less effective in cutting off the pas- s0g0 of sound that rt partition of glass of equal 11liekues57 one in. etuetivelg expects Ills voice to be carried through a sheet of gloss to the 'ears of a person seen sitting en the other side, while load might. well be thought to exercise a diet h:Meg effect on s0tn111. Yet experi11m1ts ah0w that a wall of Jeal transmits sound better than a well of glass. The conclusion drawnfroth tbn ewe, intents h s was that, other ti n things being g a c! ul 7 the all0di, .117Y5 whit* ltl;g tar =eat v pressurel bosh _ rwii 11,)15 80221(11, - -+r "What a pleasant 111011 1.1110. wits (,r "light r 'nn wel0 tact s , ukitl to j C it n reps "Why, I nt the creeps." you gives) I1. Y S i g My -eight him very polite. Ile in- (mired n-euiry iI so sfut0)tly after ;roue hr rrlt.h, mud tint of your Madly." 'Yes. 11o's an LL242„'1rtelrer."- A CONDITION THAT AT'II'TIOTS VERY MANS WOMEN, The Appetite Trails -Strength pal, parts and the Sufferer T'eele That Life is Really a Burden, h•S'om the Topic; Parolee, Ont, It is Impossible that It medicine can be so widely known and used as are Dr. Williams' Pink Pills without striking results frequently becoming known and the merits of this groat remedy for the common ailments of man and wornankirld being published. Mrs. Thos. Mottle, of Parolee., Ont., is a case in point. Mrs. Kettle is an old resident of this district and is well known. Chatting with a reporter of the Topic the other day the conver- sation drifted on the euhj00t of medi- cines, when Mrs. Kettle spoke In the highest praise of Dr. Williazus' Pink 1'ille, which, she said, had cured her of a long illness. Our reporter, being naturally interested, made further en- quirle1. when Mrs. Kettle gave him the following particulars:' -"1 am the mother of twelve children a1,d in spite of the constant straits and worry the raising of so large a family entailed 11)01 ono, in addition to my house- work, I was for many years blessed with splendid health. however. after the birth of my last child my strength seemed to fail ate, and 1 felt that my health was gradually going. 7 con- sulted a doctor and Continued under has treatment for some months, but the only result that I could see was that I grew steadily wurso. I could not name any particular ailment. t)1ut I suffered from, but I was all "run down." My appetite failed me, MY strength seemed all gone and I becalms pale and listless, 900rc'ely able to drag myself around, nod mutts of the time in bed. I because alarmed at my long continued In health and as doctor's medicine had clone me no good I de- termined to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I pnrrhasod (t box and thought It did ate some good. so 1 got six box- es 111000, and before 1 had finished tak- ing the see011d 1 fell, a lot better, and by the time I had finished the seven boxes I bad perfectly regained my health, had gained weight and felt better than I had for some years. 1 consider the pills a splendid medicine, a rear godsend to weak and ailing women, and have frequently recom- mended then to my friends and used them with my children. always with good results." Judging from Mrs. 'Celtic's healthy appearance to -day none would imagine she had ever known what a day's illness meant. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills nee at posi- tive cure for all disease.- arising from Impoverished blood, or a weak or shattered condition of the nervous system. such as epilepsy, fit. Vitus' dance, paralysis, rheumatism, aclnti- ca, heart troubles, anaemia, etc. These pills are also a cure for the ailments that make the lives of so many women a constant misery. Sold by druggists or sent by mail, postpaid, at 60 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by nrblressaug the Dr. 'SVIlliams' Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont. 4-- SQA?LATHING NEW Ili SIDS GEORGIA PINE IS THE BEST WOOD TO USE. Mr, F, W. Hodson Tells 'How to Make a Proper Building for Silo. Much has been written in regard to silos and silo building, and numer- ous plans have been published, but in actual ' experience none of t110(11 has proved entirely satisfactory. Some aro too expensive for ordinary fanners, others are cheap, blit last only a few years. The round slave silo is one of the cheapest sorts, liable ca11,11se and if it were not b.be to i on account of shrinkage of the stave., and the expansion of tbo iron hoops, it would he very satis- fact.oy. There is (10ty a prospect of these dis ad •eutllge9 1)911)8 (002001119, A 11111111(02 of It1'110•ri 11i 11331 United .fates hitt( adopted the plan of using woelell 11)01 which cannot shrink 00 heigti(0,1 eude lee. The in - 11 de 9)11')111g is 01 one inch Georgia pine. which "•••10114 to be the best kind or binder for silo::, on n01011112 of its 110it- i.hria): gc Character. it is so full of pine) that moisture has practically NO EFFECT UPON IT. This lumht•r has been recently laid down at Ottawa for $27.00 per M., and at that price should be are of the most ecauoluical our formers court use. The foundation of this new sort of silo is in its wooden hoops, six incl,eo wide, ttud made of half inch elm !umber. sprung around a form, and built up 201(21 well hopped joints, using a tribe longer 1ei1 each time, until tine hoop has a t.hickuer•s for the 211.00 bottom hones of five lay- ers. The remaining five tap hoops require only four layers each, '1110 average silowill not require more 1 u saw fent of lumber, and 20 that) e , pounds of nails, fur the hoops wlu .l aro e0.911y and quickly made and (humid 11ot cost more, than $1.25 each, or $10,110 for the lot. This 18 a, good deal lees than the cost of the usrtul iron hoops and lugs. A three cornered frame 9s creel ed at the exact (),1131(I0 circumference of the silo, and tin hoops placed In posi- tion and fastened. The lining; of the silo is then put On, and should be of 10011 Georgia pine lumber !liven inches wide, matched and nailed to the hoops Lho 51111211 as the flooring. When the lin- Ing' 2s OY1 SVlthju 09,0111y 11111100 of sue sterling piece, 12.011, Mit l 11(11, 1/1 294. stn 11 dz ng' p u and dove be- tween the hoops on each sale of the dour for (four stays and jambs, Make 10 doors ofthe the t h same lumber n PS the wane, 1 e, ruLting them m alto 'j, 1111S' on the 1N57711, 011 THE I300rc+. 7f the silo is nat:si10 the barn, it Can he covered with tarred paper, and cheap siding, t'un both tap and dolvn as a protectl011 against beet. The roof c411 foundation is the sumo as for slay Allo, and the outside covering 00uld he of any sort tate owner washed, or it Might go with- out eadilag, the same as any other tub situ. If 'protected from the weather the wooden hoops should last for year's, and if at any time the inside lining became "dory" it might bo lined with tarred paper, and then sheeting, thereby making It serviceahle again for a, number of years at dural cost. John Gould, the well know': Ohio Delrymtt1 and Farmer's Institute lecturer, who has seen a number of these silos in uperatiol, thinks iliglt- ly of them. 11. W. HIOPSON, Lite Stock Commissioner. WESTERN ClLITTCI.2A1'. This is the sort 01 criticism great singers have to face when they warble in the pr0Se1Ue of Wild West- ern nnisieal. critics. Ono of them writes thus of the stilt of an opera company .- "Iter voice was a ('('095 between the buil of a cyclone and the screech of a 1ot:emotive under full steam. It trembled away in cat -like endgame. and rose again like the wail of a hound in distress. Again it rose in mellow tones not uullk0 the wind dallying over the mouth of an empty Jug. s "Stoppi11g only Idng enntlgh to take wind• she rose aiowly to her tip -toes, and with gyrating mans and heaving chest gate a fair imita- tion of the roar that foretells a Dakota blizyal'd. Old dim linker's pet panther, chained to a post in a yard at the back of the 'teem house, heard some of her high notes, and they 5119109/1 the poor beast tart of a year's growth. It was Lao first time our town was visited by a genuine female Calliope, and WO hope she'll come again." A IHSS. The plutocrat -"I alt $100,000 richer 11a 11 I was yesterday." His wife -"You don't seem happy over it." "No. I'm two days older." 172 species of blind creatures are known to science, and many more are constantly being discovered in great caves. BABZ'S OWN TABLETS. Mother's Best Help When Her Lit. tle Ones Are Ailing, Livery another needs at some time M. medicine: for her riffle ones, and Baby's Own 'Tablets are the best medicine in the world for constipa- tion, sour stomach, indigestion, diarrhoea, colic, simple fetors and the troubles of teething children. 'l'lte 'l'e.i,ieta have been in use for years unsd thousands of mothers say that nothing 0itc nets so (luielcly and relic,,.;; acrd cures little ones se surely. 4)".....11. Lultue, Mountain Ont., simply voice;; the experience of other mothers when she says :-"I can recommend Baby's Own Tablets to all pito. 1011,, who hove t'os8 or. delicate . .11dren. 1 do not know how 1 1,al(2 get alarg without them.'. Chile:;• 1, (2.1,e theca Tablets as e,tiely, and if crashed to a 1.0921101' 3.20y can Le gi'.en with absolute safety to the tiniest, 200111,1) 1 ! uh1a. lel ds a erne; 111 100);) '1'ui.k1 sad they ate guaran- teed to evutain no opiate or other harmful (1111('. Fou can get the Tablets from any dealer in medicine or they mill be sent post paid at 15 cents it box by witnessing the Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. OVER THE SAHARA. Aeronauts Planning to Send An Airship Across the Desert. The project of crossing the Sahara Desert by balloon is being seriously debated by French ael'0uauts. M. Fes, :fleburaux believes it practicable to make the passage from 'Tunis to the Niger by utilizing the north- easterly winds that prevail in that. region and with Count eastillon (1e Saint. Vlet Or, another prominent aer- onaut, is elusions to make the exper- iment. The expense attending such 0. proper, is the prinehml handicap to its mttempt. To despatch a large balloon with several aeronauts would entail a cost of $60,000, 1t is pro- posed, therefore, to make a trial first with a balloon controlled by an automata. device. This 021'11 1e done for $d,lnb0. 4"his haliuon planned for this trip is to be kept in equilibrium by a heavy guide role of steel cable weighing 1,- 300 pounds, 72 110s an automatic ballast discharge consisting of a tank rmtaining 5,000 pounds of water ballast. An automatic device ensures that if the balloon falls to within 150 feel. of the ground the Lank will discharge 150 p0tutds of ba]la:d. nt once. In the balloon is an interior airbag whiff!) will lce0p it in shape in splt9 of the leakage of gas. 11. is estimated that. with the aid of 1111:+ the 2)111non would .slaw in the air at. 1,•a(f twelve, days. The northeast winds winch prevail over the r (entuil Sahara 'almost constant- ly between April old October would propel the balloon at the lute of at least twelve hilus nn hour. In uncle rho 1,al10o1 sholtld 1)0 wrecked it ds calculated that it would he picked ala by 501110 of the nomads of the desert who would be sure to sue it and to follow such a phen0u,er•nc so that atewe of its 11110 - hap 20011211 (prickly leach civilirtltion, "I want •a dog -collo'," said the customer, "Yes, sir'," replied the absent-minded man behind the couh- tweera "What size shirt do Yon ar?" nue mole lessugge Nem Tis s the Page b . tondor I1ia r P cn. b mule o f "Page, a wire h" ie s ! a twice1 C 0 M strong on o common cairn. T10 b ti)111005 coil nota wavy 411 Paranetl allows or o- asion caul OOn treat Onw1dOhisimportant owln t0 Canndien 0le, one uri rlgtt wires ruinono piece and have strength of about bUCpcanda Ifmade 01 pieces at agbhhdrtzontai, they woiniHvo astreeBth of on1 about 'retinue, we nano make area, urnamoatn Senate, , Vmti trnetting,Halla aridato los llsp(d WraFaao n, L ollgor la, n rroe—Grafts—IFoI' Nothing 3'ou psirxor Logo Poet 4 WonAx, Whoa the whitti 111021 10)1(2120 rile black melee land he appl'0aehes the innocent blank with ' pre0ents " 01 beads, Colored cloths, ribbons, and other ueeleee trllticots that oatolt the eye 01 the poor blacit-but that are no earthly use to Ilam. Theca are all gtfte-ir'ee-gratis--for meth - Ing 1 1 i" We all know who soon 0,0)15 the hlacic man's land, Yet this system of conei)lating the len0cent is not practiced alene on the nogre. Flow many women read that they can get a certain " present " with it Certain purchase and forthwith they make the par - cameo to get the Present" -free - gratis -for nothing I I 1 Tho pres- ent may or play not be useful -but in this twentieth century are there tbose who believe they have not in the purchase paid for and often dearly paid for the "present"? Wlleu You want a home you can• net buy bis teeth at ten gents a tooth, and get the horse thrown into the bargain. When you buy a dress you do not buy the buttons, and have the dress thrown in. And no more than you can thus get the present of a horse or a dress can you get a " present" -free - gratis -for nothing --of diamonds, gold, Jewellery. and cutlery, with the purchase of a Lar of common soap. When you buy Sunlight Soap you ai•e presented with pure quality In the soap itself. You do not pay for Ioadiug refuse at the price of soap, You don't wear out your clothes in half the time, and ruin your hands with Sunlight Soap, as with common soap, If you want soap, buy Sunlight Soap -Octagon Bar -and you have paid for nothing but pure soap, 1f you want something else than soap, buy It Independently of the soap, and you know what it has Cost you. You may fool some people all the time ; You may fool all the people some of the time: You cannot fool all the people all the time 1" You cannot long fool a woman. 615 C01.TJ11111A PRO C1{. An especially pretty design for lit -1 Llo girls. Jr, has the wide turlled- ovet' sailer collar which so admir- ably • r f'o • The abiv tans the bael. 1f the frock, skirt is circular fitted with a dart on the side and has an inverted box - plait at the middle of the back. Nar- row braid and buttons provide thr necessary decoration, 131ue silk gin. ghnms, with white vest and braid, and pearl buttons, would make a dainty frock. Percale, pique, cham- bray and woolens generally are also in good taste. Quantities of material required: Th size for six years will requite three and one-fourth yards of goods thirty-six inches wide, Or two and one-half yards of gnods forty-four inches wide. The size for eight years will re- quire three and one-half yards of goods thirty-six inches wide, or Levo and three-fourths yards of goods forty-four inches wide. The size for ten years will require three and three-fourths yards of goods thirty-six inches wide, or three yards of goods forty-four inches wide. One-half yard tucked vesting, eigh- teen yards of sou.tash and two doz- en small buttons will be required to trim. C. 0, 111011AIIDS & CO. Gentlemen, -t have used AIIN- A.liD'S LINIMENT on my vessel and in my family for years, . and for every day ills and aceidents of life I. consider it has no equal. I would not start on et voyage without it, if it cost udollar a bottle. CAPT. F. 11. I)ES.7ARDIN. Schr, Starke,' St, Andre, Kw m0uraSka. The Azores Isiands have no beast of prey native to them, MinerdIs Liniment Cotes Dandruff, It takes 3,000,000 grains of oats to sow an acre ; 2,8110,000 of bar- ley, and only 1,000,000 of lvhcat, •'ITave there been any symptoms of insanity in your family 7" asked the medical examiner of an applicant for insurance. "Yes, sir -or -'that ds, .toy sister once refused a man worth fifty tlntsa nd dollars." ATISI?LAC2)1A S'SrAHI.'A'I'IIY, In the days of the Indian Mutiny it was the barbarous custom of many of t1112 rebel ch101(2 to throw all 11:uropeans who 20020 unfortunate enough to fall into their hands Into pits containingtigers, who, of (Perm, fell upon theist and devoured thou}. A.=ether was showing; her little son a picture of ono of, these tore I'ible scenes, and was talking very solemnly to him, trying to make him feel what ail awful thing it wee, "Ma," said ho all at once -"Oh, ma, PSI, look at that floor little tigerright behind there 1 IIe won't_ get any I" Ceylon Tea Is the lineest Tea the world produces, anti is sok, only 6n lead packets Black, ick, Mixed and Gren. . span tent drinkers try N$: Lada" Green tea. a.ARnr .tee xvrs,as ,wassawmrxcogrsaascom ',NEW USES FOR ALCOHOL. The Germans, having no native supply of petroleum or natural gas, have sought a sdbetitute for those fuels 10 alcohol, which they can pro- duce cheaply from the potatoes that luxuriate in the sandy plains of their country. The result was seen, in the exhibition of the industrial applica- tions of alcohol at Berlin, opened in February of this year, where wore_ shown alcohol -driven motors for sta- tionary engines as well as for auto- mobile carriages; portable alcohol engines for farin work; domestic utensils, such as fiateirons, heated by a1001101; alcohol cooking ranges; in- candescent lamps for house or street use, In which the Welsbach mantle is combined with an alcohol flame; and many exhibits of chemical prepara- tions derived from alcohol. Although as a fuel alcohol has theoretically only three-fifths of the heating value of petroleum, it has been found that for motor purposes 28 per cent. of the theoretic energy of It1101101 eau be utilized as against only 15 per cent. In the case of petro1etlin, LUMBAGO, .A NOVA SCOTIA MAN HAS FOUND A SURE REMEDY. Claims That Lumbago Can Be Cared. -He Himself Sad Suffer- ed for 25 Years. -Hope for Ap- parently Hopeless Cases, Economy Point, N.S.-May 5. - (Special) -'121r. George S. Mr.Laugh- lin, of this place, da910s to have found a remedy which will cure any case of Lumbago. Mir. McLnughli t111280lf his been •a great 9u.11erlr ... . x, and has sought relit', in very many treat- idents gild remedies. At last however he came across a medicine which completely cured him. and which be cla)1ns any su1erel• from Lumbago should ho told of. ale says :- '2 was troubled mitt) Lame Back for 25 years or more. Sometimes it was 80 severe I could not turn my - s 11f in bed. "A slight cold or hard lifting would bring on a fearful attack and give me awful pain. "I had tried many medicines and treatments, but never found any- thing to do 111e any good until I heard, of Dodd's Midney Pills. 'My brother, who kept a small grocery store and sold 'some medi- cines, told mo that he had heard that they had cured a great many people .try Lumbago, and he advised rue to try them. "I commenced a treatment and ie a short time all the paid left my back and it became as stout and strong as ever. "Wonderful to say 'f. have had no return of the terrible Lumbago ni11Ce. " It i3 .11 ty S01110 ;reals 1,111(10 0 was cured, and I have :.'aid nothing about It, for I was afraid it would come bade, and that 1 would have to keep on using the Pills in order to be wolL "But now I am satisfied it is gone forever, and know that T nm safe in malting tide public rietelnent. "1 believe Docici's /Kidney rills will cure any case of I,un(hngo or Lama Rank. for they helped 1110 out and nobody could have it. north worm) than 1 had." Mrs. henpeck (bantering) -"That old name of )nine hes become so at- tentive that I. fancy he's like Lo ('2111 a10a3r with me," I7cnpeck-"I'd just 11lm t0 see him do it." TO crag A COLLI 08 ON PAT. Take Leandro Stem Quinine Tablets. A 1 druggists refund the mono? 12 lb falls i0 euro ID. W. Groves signature is on cath box, Sao. Mrs. Cr tv at ford -'.7 suppose you 5111502 it great deal tikes' your dye,. popsia 7" 118's, Crabshaw-"Not half as much as .1. did 1911011 my hus- band had it," The sun is 1* times us hoal',v ns WI bulk of water, and tv01(1(1 0uL- weigh 326,000 of our planet. Monkey Brand Soap cleans 112121111) utensils, Steel, iron and lintyare, knives end fonts, and n11 icfu(15 '22 cutlery New 1t0onun'---"ls this 1011 the soap there is in. the room ?" Landlady (decidedly) -"Yes, sir ; all 1 0nn allow you 1" Newrltoomar-''Well, 7'11 tale two rooms more (2)1(1 have two more pieces. 1'vc got to wash tae in the *morning." 111 C C y Mlnaid's liniment Sefleves NeuralBla; .+ %l%C/PG£/ A" ..ed 0000e0.(9002300090€9004,00 '1 � y��,� tp O r. 4' 4 n, t7 tSbt r E- 1 W WELL.a (1) e PD 91) 0 oeeeeefeaglisecSOSOofiseoCatleet Paint up your house, your to buildings, yours barns, your SS fences with paint thee paints woll alzd looks cleat) and 1)01011't$ iii spite of the hot SUand storm a br rafu, Cds 0) 0 0 • 0 e es0 AMSAY'S PAINTS I ere matte from the best pigments, pure oil and turpentine ; wear better than white lead, more ecolomleal, easier to work, beau- tiful colors, handy packages, and at the right price for the beat paints. Drop us a card and ask for elif BOOKLET "IC." 101U0111. O allowing• . how Donne 11011108 are painted. "1°"""25 A. R>��iSiiv & SON, ' W,,CNTFENL Paint Makers 0 0000 30006,00es, 0000060 (1,000 `)0e0e•er itzz mama, 3423' cab it: nveci, 'ibf If you havo any to sell let us have your price, Co,b,, stating quantity. The DAWSON OONINLISS!ON 00., Limited, TORONTO Consignments Solicited. 4-14+44-14-14++++++++4•444-1441-1-1•44+44441-44,144-1-1 '�""�""• The finest matchpeIn I Lvo ry p/ 11 theworlda)mad°from 725fat ask E d i '011 porky pane,. and 0& 01al a Ottep 66 Headlight h )00 - put neat baxes,notorted colors ' oath boil oontatnlng about 600tn(tt0heo:- three boxes In amok. age, ,.1. 4. Non - Sulphurous. Odorless. Every gtlak— A Match arkkL r Every Match— tt A Lighter y t: arches "There's been another engage- ment," said young Mr. Holley, who had been rending the latest war news. "Oh, dear," sighed Mils Frocks, "I wish I could be i0 one." And in a few minutes she nits right in one. For Over Sixty Years Mas. WINSLAw'a 008mnNo $rnvr Iles been used by millions of mother. for Oar children abile teethiaz. lt)mthea the child .uncus the urs, ,Love pain pure,, �u , b' et Nolte regulates Pia the a. Pave and he cen and Is the olt remdru for , throughout 't the world 31,, , e et d Reid L7 d 112. 2tr throuxhoue the r;ortd. ne etre nod ret for"D1 ns. tt'Ivatutv1pOTliaNu ora Ut:" "A lean is known by his emits' declared the irrepressible orator, 15'110 wa0 addressing a large and enthusi- astic 1)1022i-astic audience, "Yours must be '1. gas 100r1t8,'' shouted a rude, uncul- tured person, who occupied a back For Oslo by "F A11 Flet Vows oa,tare. r 4-I-1-1-14+++++++++++4-14-14 W I° (C 1127 THE 510ST POPULAR D0NTIFn1OS CALVERT'S CARBOLIC TOOTH POWDER. Preserves the tooth. Sweetens the breath. Strengthens the game TO PRINTERS FOR SALE. -Tura e-reuelution CampbeI Scat. I Presses, bad 00x56 inches. Splendid - - " order. Prion 31,600 each. Terms easy, Stop. the Corea 1 S. FRANK WILSON rind tooth). err the Cold. r Laxntive Brame -Quinine Tablets cure a cold 1 73 1Yost Pdelaltle St., Tor'anto in ono cloy. 1110 Cnre, No Pay. Prion 16 cents, The ?loyal Duel: at Portsmouth, with all area of 2173 acres, is the largest in England. Deafness Cannot he Cured q local npslicntiOns, an they eannetrenah the diseased portion of the oar. There /goal? oat way to caro 48520 v0, and that is by C0ns21111. clonal rnnlod100. D0)fneae 1. ceased by an awned condi' ion ofthomerrily; lining oftho (iso anhtan Tube. when this tubo in in. lamed you have ante-Me09 somtd or Miele feet hearing. and 'anion it is entiroly closer: den/nose Is the resell. Dud 1(11100, lbs inflate• leaden can be Wt. u ,Alt and this tuborestured eo 114 normal cnndititn,heating 99111 be do. -frayedf.,revor: nine MOOS out 0( ton aro 9:usedbycwhtoh is nothing but an in. teamed malt: ion of the muco,),, SIT 171¢•0'. We wilt giro One hundred Dollnre for an? °090 of Deafness (roused by enterrhl that can n t be atone by Ball's Catarrh Cure. Send or alccularo, free. 1". J. CFI 1.b 9' Y k 00., eseces4 o Sold by DPuggist',f71e. rdatl'anuntrPltl tow be<1. Airs. lieuharu-"S'0tt u((.21 to say that 1. was the tipple of your eye." Ilenhaul-"9\'011, what of it 1" Airs, 11Cn11« 1n -"Nothing -except that: y)U 21011' s(rm 10 C1100 0.0 much Por fruit as you once (lull' Mlnard's lielme^f rot sale emotive ere "No mall with any 801180 tat. 1111 10001)) (1.pproc0 of y0111' nrti011s," said iho 011gry 1111111:M12, "Hal, ply 111.)1•," (111)1(ly inquired 1i% hotter half, "hon' do you know uhal, u. 1utu1 wi111 any eens1'. 9000111 too ?' Mleard's liniment Cures Burns) etc, Wii.L CUM di11)0ulty of broot Mug, tightness of the a test, wasting away of flesh, throat Ironb es consumption, coughs, catarrh, colds, pneumonia and pleurisy. A SAMPLE FRE1 137 MAIL to every sufferer. Put: AIo is far sale by all druggists at $f,00 per large bottle, and is cents for small bottle, or direct from T111, PC1.-110 CO„ TORONTO. ONT. BOYS BRIGADES tinInstruments,Bugles, gist, FfiOt, Ort,mg, Caps, etc. EVERY TOWN OR SCHOOL Can haven Fl 6 and Drum Or Bugle 0x011, Lowest prices eVerminted.Illustrated p pace -list t molted fine. Write for \"r llhstUS10 or M10h1C,ti, INS )'It1,11} y 1'S. WHALEY, ROM O CO,, I Iitllicd Winntpeil, Man. Toront), Canada ARPET DYEJN and C: cauina. Tills is s sp,0)0111' 4412, 01. �'•" BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO.. Send part hullers by po.t and we are cure to salt,fr. Address 001 1)11, Montreal. Dominion Line Steamships Montreal to Liverpool, }too(on W later. Pool. Portland to Liverpool. Via Queens. town. Largo and bast Steamships. Superior sucommetlntlpp. ter alt dance of Py&'ocntnr$. Saloons and Htatereenet are amidships. Special attention has been saran tohe Second Saloon and Third•Claee accommodation. or r➢)eantta'asuge and all pertl0nlars, apply to guy at 61 of the Company. of Richards, 20(110 3 (1,, 77 deato81. Suttonn.hTnmrnk(dNo rden& RELIABLE NTS WANTED We tout let o(a9' trustworthy Imo and women In cry .,,taatut•.1410 ! lon)P or rnehtgortdos era05nI Iunteartod.uuh('c,t,n inl(aewx lip m enn,p(ruo,u Vlaooa tlitnnttbout ike 1,x11 nod country. K,nadr employment tont rcund, 'oma elSes or 061.1,. $03•oo per Month 1204 lh)Write , 5 an errrrnd 5110Pot,Ioy. 50,11. for par,)unlen. rostoNes but 337, :11TE9NAT10Nf,L 1215111)11 00., L01221. ONT. 's oop x O'O. t1GR,4,,� JJoP5AiESr._1RiG.00b3flr 1 'ab1, L.a13AY'STRtet..-1t0.10N1O 1 U00 011end(ns. This Salm of (Mout preparation is positively rho greatest heeling voracity known. { F. 11, nura)oy & 00 , nrug(let0, Sena/leis, ay 1- n Oifoudine s oollir • wail. A ovatattier r000nt)y pu ah asd (Ivo bozos et aco. ase auama I eery. WahteitlyroeommandIV, . 2 to, erugg)ots, or 11)0ad1d0 Oa„ Toronto. To Cure Ary Sores • •4• I•1 1,.1..1,.1" r•1..1..;.,1,., i -l--..1..1..1..1..1• '- 2 Ourilaben- 1 • 'i• • )15)15 Atte f: dd. tures come bine 'itn ab lu 140111 Iy safe coeur'. ity with a• p, 0111111110 1'e)11111 f(11' tile money . 1112(Wted. They are issued in. .. stuns of 9(24(1 nnul 1p10ards, • • ion' tonne of one, two, three,. •• four or lite yel.'8, (.1111 inter- est tat the raft of • FOUR PER CENT. PER ANNUM •• Acc1'a9H from the de1t0 on wl" e I i tt the money sreceived i. by the ltwupn.ny Write for furl hot 'Morino -;4 . 1ioe. E • H CANADA PERMANENT MAN NT and WESTERN CANADA • MOt2T AGE CORPORATION POItI4TION 0"1c1cs'Toronto. 't'tinQalTO aTpCET,