The Brussels Post, 1902-5-15, Page 5•a { MAX. 111, LOOS 'ROSINESS CARDS. t/FONEY TO LOAN AT S PER +r+ Pent, F,fi, 80071T, Braeeele, ZA0010.0KI bi--e 11 f • IMO of Marriage Licenses, 01, nae at Grocery, Turnberry street, Bruoeele, N. BARERT T.— w•Tonsorial Artist. Shope -Next doer Northofthe ad Bank. Ladiofsand Children's hair oubfing a µpooialty. M. MORRiSON, baler of Marriage Licenses, WAI.TON, ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCiILIN —TEACHER OF— PIANO - AND ORGAN, ROBERT OUNNINGHAM1 INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE,. GUELPH. Wellington Mutual Pere Inqure:lee Co., EaTAnmeant) 1140 n on the oaeb and remlum I.o system trtka p IIx or. ivsur- nog9loewhe e0allo nt round. fore lug elsewhere Dull on. thounderslgned Agent o1 6110 OOmpany. GEORGE 110GERS,Brnsee10. MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L. O. M.. Academic graduate of London Conserva- tory of Music, also Member of the Associated Mueiolane of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited number of pupils for Inotruotion on -the piano. Qual toed to prepare pupil for Use Principal's Form- in the Conservatory of Music. Brueeele, -Ontario. A HUNTER— Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Oo. Huron 'Conveyancer. Yanc of . Notary Public, Land, Loan, and Ineuranoo A6entiAuotion� eer. Funds n and to ]Da. C1N8- tone'made. Office in Gruh341m's'B1ock,Mrus- eels. AUCTIONEERS. S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - .1• BED, will sell for batter prices, to better men, in less time and lees chargee than any other. Auctioneer In East Huron or he won't charge auytbiug. Dates and orders can always be arranged at Cale aloe or by personal application, VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK— t?J • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all dle- eaees of domesticated animals in a compet- entmanner. Parti'mlar attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. Calls promptly at. tended to, 0ffioo and Infirmary—Four doors North of bridge, Tmrnberry et., Brussel°. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. W�/ M. SINCLAIR— r • Barrister, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer, Notary Public, dro. Office—S tewart's Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. CIF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, v• i • Bolioitor, dao. Office over Mand- e) d Bank. Solicitor for Village of Bruooele. Money. to Loan at lowest rates. MEDICAL CARDS. DR. C. AMBROSE TOOLE, RESIDENCE AND OFFICE — BILL ST, EAST, BRUSSELS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M. 11., C. M., Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member College of Phyeieians and Surgeons Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Surgeons, and Licentiate of Mid. nifery,Edinburgh. r 'Telephone No.14, Residence—Mill street, Brussels. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, DENTIST Graduate of Rite Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Eiret•clase Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Office next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. 1902, Lisrow(L is moving forward. Spring term eagles Mon- day, Aprli 7. Our rates are reasonable—our Courses of Study thorough and practical. Sand for our Journal to Pee wllat we teaah: Students may enter at any time. Two Courses of Study—Commerolal and Short- hand. 0. A. F (AIMING, A. L. MoINT,YilE, President, Ileoretary, Owen Sound. Listowel. SHINOLES British Columbia Bed Cedar Shingles 4180 -- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR BALE AT THE Brussels Planing Tills Also Doors and Snell of all Pat ternson hand or made to order at $bort Noting. E0limete0 Furnished for all kinde of Buildings, Workman. ship and Material Guaranteed, P. AM +'N'T. IF NOTHING T1JRN$I flf?, ,I%Jorrow, srs,l6dward Barone null ° il'red TORN sora Th►/N_ G UP 1 , l,ho radttateB ea id the ap esker, would endeavor to Wear their a.lna mater and tber?elves Ily f 1101714,g lhair °hosen. A Conran of `1'ralnUlf, lli 1110 DE'NTRRL t- lam/ OLL enables y0ppg 1000 and Women to 0006x0 employment at good wages immediately on leaving College. Thle 1e the 0012001 that enjoys the reputation of doing the best work in buetneoe education. Tho araduateo Of the solute' are in strung demand ae teach- ers in buttinoee colleges in Canada and the, United states. This le the school for you and yourjrleode, . Writo'for °stologae. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. .istxxxt galas Forel weoh. The Epworth League purpose holding their usual entertainment on Victoria Day, Tea, program, eto. The Royal Templar[ held an open temple oonoert and supper on Mondayevening.Aflu fine program was fu niched and a good 'sapper. The Newbridge or. cbestra furnished mask'. John Wiggins and family, of Soper, North Dakota, have moved to Howlett again and taken up their 108iderme on what is known as the Wiggins homestead Hebas pnrchaeed the farm, on which be TM born, from Daniel Harris and in• tends remaining with us. L1[rtoweal Mre, D. H. Marshall has returned' to town after epending a few weeks vietting friends' in Philadelphia, T. A. MoDowell has returned to town after writing on his final examination at the Dental College, Toronto. T. E. Hay . has returned from a trip to Sault Ste. Marie. He reports everything booming in that quarter. Listowel Furniture feotory i0 kept busy these daps filling orders. 7 oars ware shipped, beeidea several smaller ehipmente. The front of the Arlington bar+ been mnoh improved by putting theraiingo on the new balooniee and repainting the brink.work. -' The 24th willbe celebrated in town with a baseball match in the Huh park in. the morning. Ranee will take plane In the driving park in the afternoon, and sports are aleo being arranged. The by-law granting a loan of 516,000 to the Hees Furniture Co , of which Wm. Hese and valentine Sohinbeio, of this town . are promoter+, was voted on at Braoebridge on Monday, and was oarried almost without opposition, there being only a few votes aiming it. Mies Draper, first assistant teacher in the Listowel Public School, has seat in her resignation to the Board, to take effect at the holidays. Mies Draper has taught in the eohool for about ten years, and has beep Doe of the moot e000eesfal teaohere. Her resignation has been determined upon in order to take a reef for a time. Voting on the By.law to authorize the town to borrow the sum of 57,000, to be expended in putting io a trunk sewer along the river and for the purchase of land and erection of disposal worke, took plane on Monday of last week. Consider- ing that little or no oanvaesing was done, there was a fair votepolled, 173 votes be- ing oast for the By.law, and 157 against, making a total of 880. The majority for the By-law ie 16. Giotto rite it . A new hall for the A. 0. U. W. and 0. 0. F. lodges has been opened over J. Wilson's store. The long and tediona coal oase, Gods. rich v. Holmes, has Dome boa oloee, the Supreme Court at Ottawa having decided in favor of the town. Stuart Pritchard, who has been attend- ing Trinity Medioal College, has secured a eitnotion for the Sommer months with a Toronto firm ae traveller and leaves for England and Scotland. W. H. Stewart, of the Lumen High School etaff, lac been appointed eeoond assistant master in the Mitchell High Sohool, at a salary of $700 per annum. The board hoe released him and appointed his brother, Robert Stewart, formerly prinoipal of the Goderiob model school, to complete the term, Mise Shannon, organist and choir lead. er of S6, Peter's church, who reoently re- signed for the purpose of proceeding with her mother to Dawson City the coming Jane, has been presented by the choir of Bt, Peter's with a gold etiok pin and a pretty fleur.de.lie gold br000h, as a re membranoe of long and p'ee0801 ae0ooia. tione of leader and choir. A. Moll. Allan sailed on the Parieian from Montreal for the old land, where he will remain tin the end of the year per• forming the dutioe of hie appoinment, that of Canadian Government commissioner in the fruit deparments et the Wolver• bampton and Cook exhibitione, both of which will bavedepartmente_or Canadian fruits,grain and manufactures. James A. Straahau has returned from Winnipeg and intends to locate pelmet+. eotly in Goderiob. He hoe taken 0000 the Victoria street machine and blaok- smith shops, formerly aonduoted by bio father, .the late D. K. Strachan, and will continue the lutetium in all ice branches, He intends to refit the ebope and to en• large and improve the plant, Rev, A. E. Camp having declined the oall extended to him by the Manchester and Smith's Hill aongreglttione, a joint meeting of theca oongregati0oe was bald ab Auburn Wet Monday, when Rev. Jas. A, Aoderaon, who ie interim moderator, moderated in another pall to Bev. J. L. Small, B. A., late of Keewatin. The 891613 promised is $800 and a manse. A specie' meeting of tb9 Presbytery of Huron will be held at Goderioh on the 20th inet. to deal with the oali. Our young citizen, Perot' H. Tom can now write M. D. after hie name, the de- gree of Doctor of Medicine having been oonferred on him by Bishop Baldwin, at the annual convooati0n of the Wegtoro Medical Sohool in London, Dr. Percy H. Tom was the olaeeic valedictorian, and in his addreee referred to the kindly aid of the faculty to the students through. out the course. Hs said that the elms of 24 students who entered Upon their stud. les in 1890 had dwinbled down to 15 from various Ganeee, two of whom were sets. ing tbeir country in south Aide°, Mee. profession in a use 08,00 40 ,441400, looking not for wealth, but mac fur tra a fame and the d their 0 0 geed el fell Ws. We o0 - n to theulete Dr. TOM on nobleprefeeefpn, hi being chosen heto deliver t valedictory l he . v ledlo Dry' .and the able addraes be delivered before the Western Medical Bohol. We understand Dr. Tom' proceeds to Winnipeg to pose•the M, D, examination, as it hie intention to praobioe in the Prairie province for the present. ...1, Vt' 0)1(041. Some of our local pagiliete ere wearing trademarke of tho'eport on their lama. The Elm, Cheese Co., sold 200 boxes of Aprilratfoheeae to Ta. Ballanty, no & Sons, Stord, at70g^, 903301 Geo. ?Granter, who has been in the employ of Geo. Anderson einoe last Summer, bee gone to Durham, where he has seoured a position. J, A. Mitoball has disposed of the frame store and residonoa on his property recently occupied, by J. J, Johnson, tbo store to John Stewart and the bone to Dr. Kidd, for $100 each. Mr. Stewart Imo had the store moved onto his lot ed. j ,fining the Pubilo eohool and will' have it made house. Dr. Kid dth d has aha e houed moved onto Iiia recently acquired ICE apposite tB ltnbt. Anderson's. pp sou a. Be has bought the stone of Mr. Mibohell for the foundation. J. A. Mitchell has let the contract'for the oellar of his naw building t0 Chas. Keno, who will oommeno0 opera none as wen as possible. The new block will be 85x44 feet, cement foundation and brink superstructure. The council of Elam met in the Hall, Atwood, oo the 5th May, 1902; Members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and signed. Moved by Mr. Goatee, seconded by Mr. Boyle, that orders be issued for the payment of the share of $4000 granted by Government for im. -provement of the Maitland river to all parties assessed for p outlet under Boyle drain and river im rovemeat. Carried. Keyed by Mr. Oucry, emended by Mr. Wherry, that the, tender of Wm, Donnelly end Thos. Nioholaon bo aooepted for the oonetraction of tbe Greig drain (exclusive of culverts) for the sum of 51,616, provid- ed they furnish satisfactory security. Carried. Moved by Mr. Boyle, eeoonded by Mr. Wherry, thatJae,Diolteoabeptid $7, expenses to Toronto in 1000 fn 008000• tion with the $4,000 granted by Gov- ernment for improvement of Maitland river. Carried. M.,ved by Mr. Coates, seconded by Mr. Curry, that orders be issued for payment of the following ao. ooanbe :—J, Logan $6, tile and tile drain eon, 14 ; A. Rae $10,40, gravel ; Mre. J. Roger $4, eight weeks' allowance to Mre. T 2Tontgomery : i, Ramllton 51 26, plowing eidoroad 6 and 6, con, 6 ; O..vioNioitol $1, filing w5sh"ub, 0011 0 i ,1. 78111, 5169, coecrete Ilulverl T, L 17, tit p1 W, T. Alexander $1, 0098101115 emirotohee t0 bridge eon, 5 ; J. U10mlaehaw $3, tale and filodr i 1 Didorasd $O and8 81, son.6; >s, Burnett $2,95, tile and the drain Oen, 4 ; 0. A. Brongbton 02 76. tile drain gravel road i J, Peebles 51:25, tile drain side. road lobe 20 and 21, sop, 101 J. Hamilton SOD, work gravel road ; F, Candler $1.40, work on gravel road. Parried. Moved by Mr. Boyle, seconded by Mr. Wherry, that the (atmeil do now adjourn t0 meet on the 26111 May 34008, ue a Court of R,vieiao on the a06eeement roll. Carried. Wlonnup.—On April 2401, 1902, at 2 80 9, m , the home of U. 13. Barris, Brandon, Man„ was the [mane of a very pretty wedding, when his 000ond daughter, Mies Jeaeie 3611th, was united in marriage to William J. Draper, by the Rev. W. H. Emelay. The bride entered the drawing room leaning on the arrnof her father, preoeded by the groom and hie assistant, J, P. Wedge, the whole presenting a very pretty and animated anon. The Wed• ding March was played by Mies Ada Speen. The bride was attired in a pretty travelling suit of dark blue cloth, trimmed with mom silk, chiffon and applique lace, and carried a baguet of cream roses. She was attended by her Pieter, Mies Lottie Harris, who wore white4rgandie with pluk ribbon trimming and carrie dloh rosea, After.the Dar e, p many and usual oongretulations, the guests eat down to a delightful wedding breaklast The young couple lath for a short honeymoon trip East, amid ahowere of rice and the good wiehes of their many friends. The bride ie a former Atwoodite, C7Ilia. ton . W. Plumetell underwent an operation at the hospital and is now doing well. Walter Coate left Friday for Dolling. wood where he has accepted a splendid situation. At the last oomooil meeting it wee deoid• ed to obeerve Coronation Dity, May 26th as a publio holiday. p y Mre. Ed. Dinelay, Milla treat who is about 80 years of age and feeble in health, fell down on the -sidewalk the other day, injuring her arm, A. MoBrien has disposed of hie her- niate business to A. McKeown, who .has been employed by him for gems pears, and inteoole to go to Alberta where be thinks there is more mope for money making. Vary interesting was the event wbiob took plane at the organ factory, at 5 0' olook-the time when work ceases for the week — Saturday afternoon, 3rd inet, I' was previously known that W. N. Manning, manager of the factory, had tendered his resignation adenob and was about to leave Mr. Doherty's employ. Do You Necd a uggY? The Spring display of Buggies is new, neat and nobby. Your choice of the best makes. Reasonable prices and terms and satisfaction assured. Don't buy until you see our stock as you may save money by so doing. Special attention given to Repairs, Repaint- ing and Retrimming. We also handle Road Carts, extra good Lumber Wagons, Wheelbarrows, &c, EDWARD SPERAiN. John Wynn's Old Stand, Brussels. tttcr Ila1M10(11111u111uUllm'A�II inumnunir � pit ltll(UiIiU11,11111 ltUIIjJIIIIIID T Cy 11 r.: S1 '1. , /// l tl.e lillllllllllU�' :r- •'.) rte:. "fen's 'reess Shoes must be fashionably correct. Ours are. These" shoes are comfortable because they fit inside. The outline is handsome and the shoes are made to keep their shape and appearance till worn out. Id Prices are right for right goods if" Sole Agents in Brussels for the Inviotus Shoes made by George A. Slater. Our Repair Department is in charge of Mr. Peter Ritchie, well known to you all. Harness chewer than over. tDastes, Lap Rugs, Rubber Bugs, Trunks and Satchels at Lowest Prices. X. C. BLICIEJAILUDES. • POST R me The l3odmin Lime Works, 4th Line, Morris, are ready for the Spring grin g trade and have a quantity of fresh lime on hand, Guaranteed to be first-class. Price 15e. a bushel at the kiln. A. Nicholson & Son. 41.940 P1t011tfl7TOns. If writing addreee Belgrave P. 0. FLAX! Cameron Broom Have a limited number of busbols of the BEST DUTCH SEED for farmers io the viointty of Oraubrook who intend raising flux during the coming season, which the- e •e red r prepared to deliver In au p Y quantities ties to snit P 9 flax growers: Seed may be got at the Craubrook Flux Mill ut1,65 d per bushel. Order early and 000008 For flax grown from this seed $10 PER TON will be paid if of good growth, baryeeted in proper season and delivered at the flax mill as soon as Astor threshing. We will oo1 a number of good sod fields for thepurpooe of growing flax. CAMERON BROS., Proprietors Crnabrook Flux Mill, The employees gathered in the large assembly room adjoining the offioe and Mr. Manning vee called, who 0o making his appearance, wne greeted ad with a . plaints, which lasted for Rome few m1- ut1e, and after quietness reigned Geo. Rorke read an elaborate and oomplimen- tary addroea, while et the proper time W. Menne) made the presentation, con- sisting of a valuable and hand -oma gold headed Dane and treveiliog companion. The address expreseed the great progress that had been made at the factory dur ing the time Mr. Manniug had been at tbie ioetilgtion, the kindness always shown by bite and the general regret at his departure. Mr. Manning made an appropriate reply. The Manitoba Election Frauds of 1896. Io was proved before the Pablio .s.o- counte Ci.mmittee that wholesale frauds were perpetrated in Manitoba during the Dominion General Election of 1898. The conspiracy was intellect in. Winnipeg. One, Freeborn, went up from Ontario, stating that he Dame from the bbief organizer of the Tory party, N. Boyd, the Conservative candidate in Marquette, to whom Freeborn wag sant, telegraphed to the organizer, and received in answer —"He was a fire6•clase man in North Bruce." Freeborn was thereupon em• plotted in the election, and hie employ ment was for the express purpose of teaching deputy retnrniog officers bow to manipulate ballots. In this nefarious baelnees be was helped by two men named Anderson and Waller. These three worthies went through the Province into several oouetitnenoiee, and it was proved by incontestable evidence that they inebrnoted many deputy returning officere, through whose.orimee hundreds of Tory ballots were eubetitnted for Liberal ballets, Several of the orimi• nate confessed their guilt ; proseootione were entered against others, and some of them were Convicted. This man Free- born more that be got certain inetr0olione from one Turner, who told him they were given him by the O000ervative or. genizer in Toronto. The instructions read :--"We have the printing of the ballots, a suffioieob number should be printed extra 6o enable the deputy re. turning officer to bave them marked for our candidate and ready to nae after the count to replaoe those read out wrongly to the scrutineers. Or the deputy re- turuiog officer atm bees them marked and folded in his pooket to Blip into the box in pace of an opposition ballot if the opportunity happens. Thie, of course, will odour quite frequently if we have con. trol of boat scrutineers. To get control of both scrutineers have one of our men, not a prominent one, bat a euppoeed kicker, for instance, apply to the opposi• tion to be pat on as sorUlineer inside. They are generally abort of workers, and a few plausible man will turn the election in a alone 000etituency. Or the men oar write to their headquarters for eorntioeer papers if he livee in the aouutry. Efforts should be made to make these methods work in wards that give the heaviest of eppooition vote. Having control of both scrutineers, a large vote can be polled— dead said obseut voters, eto., Dau bave their ballots marked ; there is no redress if both eorutineers were present. A friendly oonetable ahonld be present to keep the poll clear of tonneau+ and in guieitive people. The deputy returning ofoer should be a reliable, sharp and plausible man, so that if we do not get aootrol of the oppoeition scrutineer, he 080, when the eventing time arrives, salt both sorntineere to bake a piece of paper and record the vote of thole oaudidate as be reads the ballon, which have been emptied on the table, , He will thus have a thence to read oat wrongly, so that a majority can be eeoutedfor our candidate, The ballots ebould be put bank into the box ea quickly es they ate read, The extra ones will do to fix things correctly when he goes home. Spoiled ballots Dau be made aura by a little doctoring. Op. position ballots Dan be spoiled by the lead out of a pencil fastened ander the finger with beeswax, drawn cornea op. octane our oandidete'9 name in opening the ballot. If you cannot get oonbrol of oppoeition scrutineers, have your deputy returning officer announce that he is against you, so as to lead him astray if possible," In the oily of Winnipeg where 6,000 or 0,000 ballote would have been enffoient in an honest eleotion, there were 10,000 printed, and yet all had been used up at two o'olook and the pone bad to be °lotted while more were printed. Altogether the Manitoba eleotionefennel. ed an inetanoe of the boldest and moat ool0eeal eleotion fraud in history, Under the auspices of the "party of purity," Ar atmnon :,l 048H STORE, MILLINERY May is always our big month for Millineryy and this emcee we have made great preparations for it. We have just received and passed into stook a large assortment of the newest thboge 1u Sailors, Walking Hats, Ready to wear Hate, Uutrimmed Hate in 0007 deeigne, oleo a full assortment of FIoworo, Feathers, Backbit, Chiffons, Mpu00liooe and Trim. mines of all kinds, Mies Stewart luta obarge of the Millinery department and will be pleaded to take your order for any acyls of Hat yon with and trim it in the latest style on abort notice, We will be pleaged to have yon visit our show rooms and inspect the new styles whether you are ready to buy or not. We show a great range of Comte this season. We do nob confine ourselves to any one make, we examine every manufaotarer'e samples and 0eloot the beet from each one, which makes oar stook of Corsets second to none in the (aunty. We (tarry a full stook in all qualities, and buying in 1 large quantities eve get a redootion in prioes.—Laches' Good Jean Corsets, all sizes, worth 850 fur 250, Ladies Summer Corsets, straight front, at Z1 25a, 85o and 600. B. ce 0. Oorsete, in long or &hurt waist, ereot form, in satin 'eau a coo '1 and ti e ata ,1 503,75ond. L. D & $ A. Corsets, B in all the 1 n aw styles, ltd y e, at 504, 75o�and 1. The E. T. Corsets, $ e e in all styles, incl In the ONIr C b Ste d watob spring on t n res at 608 760 L � n P $ and $1.26. acomptan'e ill Celebrated Comfits, at 75o, $1 and $1.26. �r w. �r ii� j�l .I1 t ta.latYol t t �.�... I 99P Irusil AE'at V is never so will ng to perform its labors as when the Paint used yields easily in application. The work becomes a labor of love if you use our reliable Ready -mixed Paints. We'll supply you with an article that Stands on its Merits Alone i—Tbe BEST and the CHEAPEST. The SHERWIN—WIL- LIAMS PAINTS saves you Money, Time and Patience and never fails to give satisfaction. Complete stock of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, &c. "llto :. a: & Turnbull "LIO SL AND Clothing Boy's School Knickers It is astounding how quick the average boy will go through his Knickers unless you buy him the famous "Lion" Brand make, got up especially for the lively boy. Made with double knees and double seats, seams taped and double sewn with linen thread, will outwear 2 pairs of ordinary goods. Once a customer, always a cus- tomer. You are safe in 'every way when you get this make, be- cause the goods sold are all wool. You will find no shoddy or cot- ton in goods bearing the "Lion" Brand. Then again look at the make and finish of the goods, they are not equalled. We are the only people in town handling this famous make. Black Cat Twi KNEE ylEATtlElt3TQSt3(i'f. rEnositt time iilack lid'" tlranll, osiery 15 rrlHE Best Hosiery in the World is none too good for the average boy who seems to take great delight in wearing out his Clothing. No. 15 in the Black DLACIC CAT BRAND Oat Hosiery is the best goods in Chicago -Rockford Hosiery Co. the market for this kind of a boy 0013NOSHA, NIS. —wears better and washes better than any other make. Has triple knees and triple heels. Is made in such a manner that they cannot fail to give the utmost satisfac- tion. Once a customer, always a customer. See that you get No. 15 when next you purchase Hosiery. We are the only agents in town for this famous brand. � ;1 ear r ' •r, ,✓` a Leading Clothier Furnisher, ypRVSSMLS.