The Brussels Post, 1902-5-15, Page 31
Prices of Grain Cattle etc
Al Trade Centres.
a'oronto, fatly 18.---W11eat-a1le of-
ferings ere light, and bids of 76c for
red end white fulled te draw sellers
10-tlity at outside 'points; twitters flee
'esking 77e oust and Middle freiglies.
Cerise is steady at. 70e for No. 2 1.
0,11, vessel east and fiN to 07e lOr
1.1110.. Spring is dull at, 75e'foe
No. 2 (teat . 011.0 It rather (teeter;
No. 1 Northera sokl to-aay at $5 to
le54e grinding io trottit. No. •1
hard is quoted, at 88 Lo 88§e and
No. 2 Northern at 89 to 8.94e grind-
ing in trausia
1010111 --The 1)111 'I,14. is steady; 99
Pee cent. Patents were bought to-daY
at equal to $2.85 in buyers' bags
middle freighte. Choice amends aro
held 15 to 20c higher, Manitoba
ilour is steady at $8.85 to 54.21J for
cars of Hungarian putents, at 88.60
to 83.00 for strong bakers', bags in-
cluded., on the track, Toronto.
eleady, at 510 to
519.50 for cars of shorts and $16
for bran in bulk . middle freights.
Manitoba, millfeed Is firmer at $22
for cars of shorts and $20 for bran,
leaks included, Toronto freights.
Barley -Ts quiet at 530 for No. 1,
1321. for No. 2; 50e for No. 3 extra,
111111 4ect, for No. 13 east and middle
freights, and le more at lake ports.
Bye --Is scarce tend firm at 57, tp
aeSti east and middle freights.
Corn -is steady at, 00 to 603e for
Omuta yellow west,
Oats -Are steady at 4 :lc bid east
for No. 2 white and 483e. asked,
They 01.0 quoted at 42 to 42Iat mid-
dle freights.
epanteal-Is steady at $4.50 for
cars of bags and 54.65 for barrels on
the track, Toronto, and 25c more
foi• broken lots.
Peas ---Are steady at 80e for No. 2
east and 184C to 79e west.
Peckere are very generally of the
opinion that the present prices for
bog products are too low, and that
there is every likelihood that an ad -
'Lance will occur before the end of the
Pork-Cannela short cut, $22; hea-
vy mess, $21; clear shoulder mess,
Smoked and Dry Salted Meats -
Long, clear bacon, tons and cases,
10 to 10ace 'breakfast bacon, 14c,
bents, 13 to lflae; rolls, 11c; should-
ers, 1 Nye ba.cas, 14c to 15c; green
meats out of pielcle aro quoted at. le
less than smoked.
Lard -Tierces, 111c, tubs 13.3c and
palls 11 le. •
Butter -late demand for ereninerees
01 011'Ong 1011 may be expecael to les-
sen in proportion to the increased
:offerings of choice fresh -made dairies.
The latter nre °tiering more freely
every day alai will be on the markel
iti liberal supply before long. This
will alter the relative prices and
weaken the deneand for creameries.
Creamery prints... ... ...22e to 253e
do solids 90e to 21e
Dairy lb rolls, choice ...16c 17c
do large rolls, choice...16c to 17e
do medium_ ,.,14e to 15e
it() low grade- ..... ..1.0e to 12c
leggs-I'rices are well maintained
at 1 8, The' offerings are large, but
there is an excellent demand.
Po etocts-0 ilerings cout lane light,
but the large demand from the Unit-
ed States has fallen oft slightly.
Prim:, however, are steady. Cars
on the track here are quoted at 85c.
Potatoes ou1 of store are quoted .at
flee to 51.
Poultry -There are only small re-
ceipts end the demand Is light. Pri-
ces are eleady at (10 to 90c for chick-
ens; inrkeys aro steady at 11. to lac
tar old "toms" and 13 to 141 for
freell killed hens.
Baled Tray -The demand is strong
end offerings are liberal. The mar-
ket is steady at $10.50 for No. 1.
timothy on track here.
Baled Strew -Demand is light with
fair offerings, at $5 on track here.
Buffalo, May, 18. -Flour - Firm.
Wheat-Sprieg dull:. No. 1 Northern,
rateloads, 781;c; winter, No. 2 red,
Sitic asked to arrive. Corn -Lower;
No. 2 yellow, 6651e; No. 8 do, 66.0;
No. 2 C0111, 06e; No. 8 do, 65c, Oats
--Quiet and weak; No. 2 white, 481e;
No. a do, 47c; No, 2 mixed, 4.5ae;
No. 2 do, 4.5c through billed. :Bar-
ley- -Nothing doing. ilye--No.
(Piece Canal freights -Steady. •
Loudon, May 1.3, -Close-Wheat,
on passage steadier. Maize, on pas-
sage rather firmer, Wheal,--Pleglish
country markets of yesterday firm,
French country markets matt.
eerie, :May I 3.-tilose.--1Vheat, tone
weak; May 221 10c, September and
December 201 25c,
London, May 1 EL. -Close -Mark
Tante miller nutrket--Wheat, foreign
steady, English Men, maize, Anteri-
tan nothing doing, Danubian steady;
flour, American steady, English stea-
law.) sTocx MARK -rear.
Toronto, Stay ).'l. -Al the Western
• Cattle yards to -day the receipts were
59 carloads of livo stoelc,
1,050 cattle, 500 bogs, 128 sheep
and lambs, 126 calres and a few
milch cows. There was no quotable
thenge for good cittale, but the poor-
er grades Were slow of sale and weak-
er, while all rotted there was an eas-
ter feeling, Good to choice export
WC were steady at from .53 to Gee
per 1115 light, stuff eold at from 44 to
lac per 111, The best butcher cattle
are wady atol enclouneed, but there
W118 11 lighter demand, nnd Micas
were 0111001' foe atlythieg but the
best. co 1 Ors
F0110Wing Is 11 (1 range of geota-
, Cattle,
ShIppeee, per OWt... 86.25
Do „.„., 4.50 4,75
lintelier, choice,. ,.. 5,00 5.50
Butcher, ord. to good. COO 4.50
Sloelte, H, per ewt- 8,00 4,00
Sheep and Lambs.
011oice ewes, per cwt.- 0.75 4.50
yearlings, per ewt 5.00 5.50
.813r133f leMbs, each 2.00 5,00
331.11101, per cwt.,. ... .,,. 2.75 .8.50
Milkers and Calves.
Cows, each- , 23,00 50,00
Calves, 2.00 10.00
Choke ,ofeft, per ewt0,150
Ugh( Togs, per cwt, 6,50
Heavy hogs, pee cwt6.50
Llows per cwt..... 850
Stags, per cwt.. 0,00
Recent Experiments Throw Doubt
on It.
A London despatch sayst-Ali le re-
sult cif Dr. Koeh's startling state -
mate respecting consuraptiou at the
International Congress on Tubercu-
losis in July last, the Royal Agri-
cultural Society of England appoint-
ed a special' conunittee to supervise
ducted at the Royal Veterinary Col -
some important experiments, con-
ing bovine animals with tuberculosis
legs, (18 to tho possibility of infect -
material from Menem subjects. These
experiments were carried out 011 11,
COW, IWO 01510(18 and two yearliegs.
The results aro Of great import-
ance. In the case of tho COW tither-
eulosis material was injected in •tho
the month, and in the yearlings 11,
udder; in tha calves it was given by
was injected into the veins.
lit et strict sense of the word, it
cannot be seed that the experiments
proved the impossibility of infecting
cattle' with human tubercle bacilli,
for 111 the case of the cote the human
bacilli had multiplied in her body
and had indicated a maulfestly dis-
eased eondition• In tile other cases
also auctions to tuberculin, after the
would appear to indicate that infec-
tion had actually taken place. ln
the of the cow the recovery was
not comnlete six months after Wee -
attempt, to infect with human bacilli
Taking all the facts into account,
the experiments indicated that the
risk of cattle becoming infected nat-
urally from consuraptive human be-
ings must, be very slight_
The Royal Society, however. does
not feel justified in drawing from the
results of the experiments any con-
clusions as to the risk of Infection In
the opposite direction -namely, from
cattle to man.
Gots Entrance Into Chicago by a
A Chicago despatch. says: - The
great Canadian Pacific system is said
to have acquired control of the Wis-
consin Central Railway, and will use
it as an entrance into Chicago. It
has been the aim of the Canadian
Executive for years to have a
Chicago terminal, and the move on
their part. in securing the Wisconsin
Central is called in railway circles a.
G0Ou'hi1e, Wisconsin Central will give the
Canadian lino an entrance not only
into Chicago, but also into St. Paul,
The Canadian Pacific owns the "Soo"
line, Lied also the Duluth and South
Shore Railroad. The latter con-
nects with the Wisconsin Central at
Ashland, )('is, and thence rens direct
to Chicago, with a road on good rail
lines front Abbotsford to St. Paul,
The Wisconsin Central operates
1,043 miles of road, and has passed
through a receivership, but of late
has been doing a fairly good best-
ness, showing a surplus on the right
side during the lest three years. It
is caPitalized for 817,500,000 com-
mon and $12,500,000 preferred
stock. It does a gross business of
about 86,000,000 a year.
Ily this combination the Canadian
Paciee will be able to malte through
rates from Chicago to Pacific Ocean
pointsa as it operates a line of ocean
steamers, end it will also furnish a
new and good line to Conarlian
points both In Eastern and 1Vesteen
Instructions Issued to Russian
A London despatch s11315: -'Phe'
correspinident of the Atorniug
Post sends the text of orders which
have been issued to the ilitssian
troops forbidding them to parley
with mobs whee the military is cal-
led mit during* disturbances, and say-
ing that aimless shooting' over the
1(01(10' 01 I'iOtel'8 . a okra,
Weapons must be used conscieetiously;
and /.0(1.1 ((((513' 110C0i'llilliCe 111111 11 Ord -1
OrS. The orders were remarkeble 08
confirming the tappets that the sol-
diers are disinclined to act against I
the insurgents.
. —
Indication That Company Will
Not.. Change Hands.
,A despatch to the London Central
News from Liverpool says that the
1,11.01111.111 of the White Star Liae will
not be issued for some days yet. The
shareholders Will probably not meet
before the end of the month. The
despatch adds that the Cueard
has derided 10 Melte tenders foe a
110W steamer for the New York SP0.-.
vice to cost Z1,000,000. This de-
cisieri is taken to indicate that the
oempany will not change hands, and
that it will maintain he forward
Imports Show a Decrease, Ex-
ports Inerease.
A London despatch Sayia-The
1111110 Willed by the Board of Trade
ellotv that elnriefe the month of April
the imports derreateir1 4105,680. While
the exports increased z1,r0)5,49i1,
The increase in exports amounted to
The Iludeon Bay and North-Wese
Ilaii,Way bill wee Considered by the
Railway Committee of the Senate
and approved of. The propoffed lhie
will inn frone the head of Oheeterneld
lnlet to Edmonton, Chesterfield In-
let extends inland for 250 miles, and
le navigable te its furthest Poiat lee
the 1 a rges t steamers. Favorable
eonsiderallon was also given to the
bill of the United Gold Fields of aleite
kat Columbia, authorizing the CI:in-
struct:ion of a line from Frank, Al-
berta to Grassy Mountain.
The bill to emend the Yukon Ter-
eitories Act, giving an adtlitional
judge to the Yukon, wes read a so -
cold time. The bill to amend the
Unorgenized Territories Gaine Pre-
eervation Act was passed through
conanittee, and reported without
amendment, and read a, third time
and passed. The bill to further
amend the North-West Territories
Act passed through committee, Wan
read a, third time and passed.
The Lill to amend the Civil Service
Retirement Act was token in conunit-
tee. Ile, Macdonald (13.0.) said it
was one of the most proper bills
which had passed the House for
many years. The bill was reported
tvithout amenchnent, read .a 1.1111.11
time and passed. The bill to emend
the Rocky Mountains Park Act was
taken in committe. Tomplemaa
said tho town of Anthracite and
Bann' were within the park atepre-
sent, The park now covered some
2,500 miles, and the object of the
present bill was to increase it to 4,-
900 miles. Mr. Ferguson did not
think that this bill would inteefere
with any settlement or vested inter-
The bill was reported without
amendment, read a third time, and
The Yukon Pacific Railway 13111
WaS read a second time and referred
to committee. •
On the resolution empowering the
Govercintent to boerow $15,000,000.
Mr. Fielding stated that the last
Loan Act was passed In 1895 and
was for $15,000,000. The outstand-
ing borrowing power of the Govern-
ment at that time, including the
$15,000,000, was about $23,500,000.
Out of that the Government raised
something less then 510,000,000 in
1897, borrowing it from the alenk of
Montreal, at 33 per ceat„ with the
exception of a small suiro for which
O trifle over that iitterest was paid.
In addition the Government had
floating indebtedness of about 86,-
000,000, and the savings bank bor-
rowings had increased to the extent
of $9,500,000. The result was that
the outstanding borrowing powers
of the Government on the 80t0 of
April War° $2.829,000. It
was . necessary that •there
should be o, borrowing power
available to the. Government froni
time to Clue. Ile did eat anticipate
that it would be necessary to go in-
to the market for a loan during the
current calendar year, but it might,
be done if the conditions wore favor-
able, Otherwise the money required
could be raised by an increase of the
floating indebtedness.
Mr. Fielding further explained that
the other clause of the bill dealt
with the renewal of loaus that were
falling due.
The resolution was passed, and the
bill based upon it was given its first,
Mr. Blair introduced a bill to
amend the Railway Act. ITe ex-
plained that under the present law a
spur built from the main line of rail-
way to a gravel pit cannot cross a
river or other body of water that
may intervene. The bill is intended
to remedy this defect.
Mr. Fisher explained the bill to
amend the :Fruit Marking Act. He
said that some confusion had arisen
as to the definition of the word
"packer." The bill provides that it.
8111111 mean the person on whose be-
half the fruit Is packed and 11011 the
individual who does the work. The
bill also permits the placing of one,
two or three x's, or or the ouitihem
71, 2, 3, on the peel:age, to denote
the grade of the fruit, the former be-
ing the favorite method in the Mat•i-
time Provinces, and the latter in 1
Ontario. Individual paceers nage; leo
allowed to put their priNatteKnarks
on 1 110 !tankages, provided these
marks nre not inconsistent with, nor
more conspicuous than 1110811
111111'0d by law.
lit anstvee to a, question. Mr, Fish-
er explained that these changes in
the law are being made at the sug-
gestions tif the inspectors, who had
confollted the truit exporters 011 the.
sehjeet. The URI WilS read 11
1111(1' and passed.
Me. Mak dented the rumor thee
lir. Russell, reannger of the Interco -
10111111 railwny, Wan going to resign
and thee ('021 (1111 other ellauges in the
personnel would follow.
The 1100811011 of dilapidated bun30!
bills in ciretiltttion wee brought ilp
by 1)0, Sproule, 00 the consideration
or voto for the retire -al or the
Ontritet for i lig bank notes,
stumps. cite., to the Allierlean Rork
Note Company for five year:: longer.
cued after n short digression Mr. Mit-
lock 101111 Halt t110 1111ent1011 11591(14 be-
ing ennsidered by the Government,
bet that Ole people could tend to
It 'dee the condition by dentoraling
eleati bills of the banks, The (love
M1111110111 18 lartv inereasing the Issue
SO as 0 Amply the bunks,
al IN TSTERS NAS[1513.
Sir Wilfrid announced that Meows.
Pleldiug, Meanie and Paterson Would
reproseet Canada at the colonial eon -
foremen during coronation, and ex -
pin Med that it Watt hoped taint 5,13110
of subsidized stettmere running be -
tWeerL an eastern Part 111 ennilsin
and Australia by 170.31 of South Afrie
eft Would he one of the results. An
item of 512,000 'to defray 00 118-
pCatien et the Minieters paseecl:
The vote of $30,000 for tho eoron-
ation contingent passed with little
disetteeion. The hlinister of Militia
explained that, le 010111 tic 000
strong, ofacers and men, half (Taal-
ry and half infantry, representatives
of the Stratliconit horse to be in-
cluded in the former. The distract
°Mears commanding will choose the
men, four from each cavalry corps,
ono from each °litho smaller Maui -
try corps, and two from each of the
larger infantry corps. ahero Will be
22 Officers, and the force will nail
frorai ()Amber. on Juno 'Tilt The War
°Mee will supply the horses on the
other side,
On the third reading of tho hilt to
incorporate the Montreal, Ottawa
and Georgian Bey Canal Company,
Mr. Tarte proposed an amendment
to the effect that this 0011190.1131 shall
not exerelte its power fa the district
between Lake NiPissing sild (00
Georgian Bay, known as the lorench.
River section, until or unless the
Governor -in -Council authorizes other-
wise. Mr. Tarte said that 11 11 was
not for a renewal of a ehartee, he
would be clispneerl to vote filmiest
tho bill. The 000erament sholdil be
careful in granting charters, iti hie
opinion the French RIVer 811(3.1011
should not. be called a canal, it was
a navigable river ice every pert. The
sante did not apply to the dietrict of
the Mattawn. and Ottawa Rivers. Ho
undottood, and Ile hoped it was
true, that this company could carry
on, its undertaking without subsidies
from the Government. He thought
it was sufficient at the peesent time
for the Government to have full con-
trol over the French River district,
as the Government 1100 1)08011; to
take over at any time the works of
the coMpany by paying damages
covering the amount of motley spent
on construction. He was satiened to
vote fee the bill as amended, as the
company had vested rights in the
Tho bill, ELS amended, was then
read a third time and passed.
Supplementary estimates for the
year ending June 30, .1 908, were
Presented to Parliament. They total
$5,730,801. Of this amount $3,-
386,201 is chargedto consoliafteed
fund, and $2,858,106 to cepital. For
bite Intereolonial there 111 an item of
51,816,000. There is $175,000 for
the St. Louis Exhibition and $20,-
000 for the Wolverhampton Illehibi-
tion, $50,000 for the coronation
military contingent, and $31 15,000
for Halifax Garrison. Point. Ed-
ward, dredging, 810,000; Port Bur-
well, improvement to harbor. $40,-
000; Port Elgin, lauding plea 55,-
000: roctamolith, to eomplele re-
pairs, 5500; Port Stanley, to corn,
plete repairs, $34,000; Richard's
Landing, wharf repairs, $5,500;
Rtviere Aux Pucer, repairs to pile
work, $1,800; Ilondeatt Harbor, re-
pairs to piers and dredging, 510,-
000; Salgog River, dredging at
Lindsay, re -vote of lapsed amount,
52,800; South Nation River, im-
provements $1,000; Sturgeon Palls
improvements to wharf $500; Thorn-
bury, repairs to henbour works, $4.-
000; Trenton, Trent River, dredging,
$5,000; Wenclovee Wharf, including
ice-broakers and :storehouse with
waiting-roorn, $:3,000; Andierstburg,
dredging, $5,000; Bell River, repnirs
to sheet piling, 81,400; Big Bay, re-
pairs, $500; Bowmanville, to com-
plete repairs to breakwater,
$4,000; Bunk's Falls, Magnelawan
River. wharf, 54,500; Burlington
channel, repairs to piers, $50,000 ;
Callender, repairs to wharf, 151,300;
Chantey reptiles to western
breakwater, $3,300; Cobourg, re-
pairs to piers and dredging, 510,-
000; Collingwood, dredging, $(5.-
000: Cornwall, repairs to and ex-
tension of wharf, $4,800: Georgian
Bay, improvement. 53,000; Cloclerich
harbor works, $6,000; Goderich har-
bor, dredging. 810,000; Harwood
wharf on Rice Lake, $1,000, (Tilton,
St. Joseph's Island, $1,500; Hunts-
ville, new wharf. 53.500; Einear-
dine, repaire, 81,1100; regor's I
Creek, new pile protection, 34.5(10 ;
Midland harbor wharf, $10,000;
Newenstle. to complete repairs to
piers, $5,000; Orillia, new wharf,
53,000: theltalea 1111(1001', improN11-
.111.011tS, $1,250; Pelee 'Island, To1(im-
81011 of wharf, 55a000; Penclau-
guishene, dredging, 510,000. piaci,
inix. repairs to plees and drolging.
88,200. Toronto post crAlce repairs.
$20,000; Toronto drill 11011, 86,000;
Toronto eustont houstL, a15,000; To-
ronto post oftice alteretions, 131 (1,-
0(10; Toronto .1 enetion post, °ince,
55,1010. St Catharines public huild-
ing, $10,000; Yukon public* build-
ings, $36,000; canals, 828:1,000 ;
Port Colborne, 5100,0(10; clefeeces of
Esquimell, for !maltase of hunk
550,000; arins, ammunition and de-
fences (1-'121 0,000 13(100,1100:
for parchese of rifles, 5130,110(1,
Eartiegnake Destroya Oiter of St.
Pierre, Faer,I,
A deepalch to the Lotaion Tinwe Telegraphic Briefs From All
Over the G:obe,
from St. Thonete says that the elty
of St. _Pierre, Martinique, French
West Lanett, and ite Inhabitants,
with all the shipping in the harbor
1i11110 been totally cleetroyed bv
volecone eruption. A despatch to Thorold will hale a 81 0,0110 Car-
lin, London Pally Mail from St. negie library.
Pierre, Martinique, dated Thursday. Orilli-t's t I ti r les
Norwegiari Vessel Leaves Sydney
for Copenhagen.
A 51011 trral 111011011.011 8ll3101--T110
steamer VrerlerIcta has sidled front
Sydney for Copenhagen with a cargo
of 050 tous of Cape Breton coal tor
Denmark. She will be followed dur-
ing the (1011.0011 1131 Sererill 13111111' V00-
Se1s, Principally sailing under the
Norwegian flag, whielt will carry;
seated that the eruption of Mount Imre:Ise of firer 300 In yCar.'
Pelee Mild Illied. The Guerin feature- Sault Ste. Marie will spend 531),-
0(1111 overwhelmed with boiling mad 000 in 11,19,.0, 11113 it, 11(1(3 d(111r1n10(ll,.
0(1 14011th1y. „ .
are 1010,a,(1 0 1101a peen '',rhe' The steamer Foresthohne Wan dam -
despatch added that there bad been ctie;eLl to the extent of $20,01I0 by lire
no eareldeualtee up to the •
deeput oh was eon. There are twice., 11:4 inane- students
lt was nunotinced from eit• Thomas this year 115 last in the Kingston
on Saturday, May 11, thut St. School of Silinteg•
Pierre had been (fevered with aehes British Columbia's budget shows
to the depth of quarter of (La 1)1011. lin Overdraft of $1,600,000. Stle:re
40 a result of the outbreak of the is a propose, to borroW $3,000,000
MOUlli, Poke volcano, and. the town to retire matured debentures.
appeared to be oneloped in fog. It is said at Moitteeal that the in-
creases which the traelonen of the
Canadian Pacific Railway are do-
10011011113would cost the road $2,000
a day,
The tota7 number of British and
American Immigrants that have ar-
rived in Canada this year is 10,069,
;tattiest 5,821 the first three months
ftleittl observation of 00101)11-
(1011 day in Coenclit will take the
form of roynl salutes by artillery at
the leading centres and a mired° of
the militia.
A report says a leading elergyman
in Hamilton employe a Chinaman ea
a domestic. servant. The local Trades
and Labor Connell has passed a
strong resolution condemning such
A sceond despatch front St.
Thomas, dated biay 6, .said the flow
of lava from the Mont Pelee ;Jai-
camo, had completely destroyed the
Guerin factories, situated about
two miles from Se. Pierre. It was
also reported that about 150 900-
00118 had disappeared, and that a
great panic prevailed at St. Pierre.
Another despatch from St. Thomas
dated, MIK, 7, said that adteices re-
ceived that morning from the Island
of St. Vincent, B.W.I., announced
that for some days earthquakes had
been experienced in the neighborhood
of the Soufriere (muter, which had
been smoking and )'umbling. The
people 01 the vicinity of the vol-
cano were leaving for places of
safety. This St. Thomas drematch
snicl further that cable comnutnitte-
tion with the Island of Martinique
was interrupted the morning of May - GREAT BRITAIN.
7, and that cable communication
southward from St. Luria, in tie
Windward Islands, ceaeed suddenly shortly be issued by the Royal Mint,
the same afternoon. New propeller blades of gun-metal
St 18110 repotted that the volcanic are being made for 14. M, cruiser 1Iy-
craters of Dominica, 13.3V,1., Were acintli.
showing signs of actis Ifondoe, Eng., Presbyterians will
town of the Island of Marti/Mine.
Piarra was the PrilwiP"1 erect a ('1(11(1073 house, costieg 51,-
I1, was the largest, town of the
The will of the late Sir Leng,
'French West Indies, mid the chief
of the Sheffield Daily Telegraph, has
entreport. of those islands. it (('05
divided 11(18 1170 tr„,thra by a been proved at .1116:3,000,
ri•enlet over which were some hand- To the aarious battalioes of the
some bridges. lt had numerous pub-,Matropolitan Velunteers the War
lie buildings and schools', a hand -1 011ice has issited let 11(15 011(110 guns.
some theatre, and a botcittic garden. I3y order of the Admiralty a naval
Its roadstead ,wae defended by see- brig,ncle 3,000 strong will atteed the
eral forts. The Illinpress Josephine coronation proceedings in London.
1411.8 born there in 1763. Sir Charles Rivers Wilson, prcsi-
The Island of Martinique contains dent of the T 11 will visit Mon-
extinet Naleattoes, the highest
point beteg Mont Pelee, with au wtrielitilbeinovJeunieide: when the new °dices
altitude of .3,4110 feet. The King will inspect at Aldershot
TOTALLY DESTROY ED. on June 16111 the militia infantry
A St. Thomaa, D.W.T., despatch battelions assembled foe training at
gays :-The 'British steamer liodilion, the several camps.
01114• Freclaall, which lorl .741. special Italian detectives are to
Imeia Wednesday, for Atartintimo, re- keep StriCt 1711(1111011 all the Ital-
turned to St. Lucia on Thursday 1(111 4
111111archists (in London during the
afternoon. The Rocklam brings a re
coronation festivities.
port tha1, the 1011011 of St. Pierre,
Bering 1001 41,1178,3411 toits of
Martillique, the commercial centre
coal were experted from the Celled
and largest city of the French Weet
Kingdom, a decrease of 2,e10,852
Indies, with. a population of et •
tons on the previous emir.
A limited number of .52 pieces will
25,000, has been totally destroyed
tot a result of the volcanic dititilr1,-
111100.5 111 the 101011(1. Almost all the
inhabitants of St.. T'ierre are said
to have been killed. T110 Iloddnin
reports that all the shipping in tie
port has' also been destroyed. The
Q110110(1 Steamship Company's :noon -
or Roraima is mentioned ns having
been lost with all on board. The
Roddaill Wail almost completely
wrecked. Iler implain was seriously
burned, and Serellteell of her crew
are dead.
Priest and Nuns Leave Montreal
tor :nucleon's alay.
An Ottawa despatch sayst-litiv.
rather Fitford, 0.51.1., left on Thurs-
day afternoon. for Fort Albany, thul-
ium's Bay, to organize and complete
the erection of mission ami school-
houses and a. hospital. Four grey
1111118 acrompany him to take charge
of tho school :11141 11000i lal. Tliey
are Sister Ste. Martine. who tviis for-
merly Superioriess of the Mont St.
Antoine Orphanage; Sister Ste.
petite, Sister St. Felix and Sister St ,
Jules. The establishment tic this
11115510o *ill be the firm in the (101"
15011 in which Fort A.lbany is sheet- reWard.
ed. The party Will 111110 to travel An .'111(1('1'1('1) 1) company with a rand-,
500 1111100 in canoe. from Fort Tem-, lel of 51(1.000,00(1. will dineitM :11/11 1
10011211 (1310, where Indian Will; Ore 011 (110 NOrtregiall
Lake Temiscanyingue, Lela- A bittibi 111 an effort to cure a comae on her I
and River Abillibi, to Moose Fuca 1101.1e by fani ing Mrs. Mary Hall
transport their baggag•tt b'y Way of (li(1n') eat foe fifty days and 01 deed
tory. at let Orange, Ind.
4— Mae use his wagon a evident ally I
• ' • ' L.
CORONATION SIGHTSEERS. elieved OVer it that he died, at
derma\ Shore, Peen.
Stratheona, Cables GOO Seats Are
at His Disposal. The lathed111,1108Naval ,Appro-
PrIution bill before the 3100(10 calls
.0(1 1)111)1111 despatell 51(13 '/-011(1 101' bat 110011111S, cruisers laid 131113'
1711012 Laurier has ereeived the fol- boats, two 00011. 3,0110 11/131, all Ut
10Wing Cable 00111 1.0111 34(1%1 1 heolla; cost of 577,131111.08(1.
--• 11 un i al 01)11',' has placed six
TWO fishermen caught a remarkable
hundred setts at my disposal to vie*
mutiny animal mete Vox riill, Va.
ho coromitioli and Royal precis -
It is 1111,1111 four feet long. hes
(11,5111, .T111111 231 11 101(1 27111. Price of
st.1 es J. hat ;Ill igatoi.
tickets :Aland ten shillings ('0,11 (10y,
1;.•1 051 1101V0 of teeth, and line, which
3,11.1e., lave pubticity to ettealmint:
reeenilee liftman hands.
111111 persons wiehlitg to have (melee
tieeirded nitre Write 1110 at Mill; giv- The Preseleut of the United States
ing particulars and stateng whether has ordered the trial by ecniet-nete-
tielcete are (1118111011 11011 0110 day or tial of Major Edward W. Glenn, one
both. If appliratious ()Naafi the of the officers referred to as a 31111'
11101(11111 of seats must resort to bill- tirip,IlIt. ta the adatioistration of the
lots. No 11001111e promises yet possi- water mire to Philippine insurgents,
(1:10 1, 111:*1111.111 071\11 s, 1 1111111 1151111itnililontl.vidaLl./Iiiiillii gar, uhr,
been a familiar figure
Peter 5', 0)101(1, an aged blind beg -
A Mtge Stock of fagots, tar barrels
Lon8 other combustibles has already
been erected on the top of Snowdon
for the bonfire on C.oromition night.
A collection of insects, including
butterflies and dragon flies from Asia.
and South America, has just been
presented to the borough of Hellen-
stAeacaburch has been erected at Alder-
shot in memory of the 0,000 Roman
Ctetholic soldiers -mainly Irishmen -
who have lost their lives in South
Malcolm (I, Gramm, residing in
'South Kensington, has successfully
performed the feat known as rein-
ing oneself. In less than four years
he squandered 4120,000.
Because his face WaS disfigured by
smallpox John Fitzpatrick killed
Maisel) at rrent on, N.J.
From thc Adirondack fur-bearieg
region 4,5110 pounds of valualde
skins haee been received 1.11. Roston.
Mrs, Chas. F. Da Costa recently
lost a 53(1.000 pearl necklace in a
street 'car at Philadelphia. The rota
ductrir finInd it and was given $251.1
"i".I Paid a'1' Jana 211 win ha 'II' around the Crand Central station
(5(111(1211111 coal to difteriad 1100(14in
mirope. 1.11111 year the Imminitin 13
()oat Company exported over 50.01mi
tons of veal to the mime side of
Atlanta', atul orders he 1, been fie -
cured foe Itearle• double that enema
this e•ear.
1111(1 ed. Reply. (Signed ) Steal 11 -
nue m the Deuteay 11111 district, New
York, ostensibly selling pencils, but
molly beggiug, necidentally poisoned
Tile 11011007111(1 Emilreaa or (71111111 151 himself to death, lio was worth
reported to be Hulloing from nervous ecio,o0o,
'11111(1111 1(11(1 and persistent. lesomnia.
Two hundred blind men have Med
rt, seeeeeseil athletic meeting nt.
Yokohama. The eonteete '1110111110 ;
rarell 111111 Lulea-of-w(ns
()wing to their refusal to ate meet
the rioters during the recent disatta
leinees 1i Sloecow tamer link -inn
regimeet has been sent to Siberia.
'11 o' Kokor has ordered that the
1 1 0* "Emporia* 11,1111nm t he til Feat ,"
not. "Emperor Will3,m, I.," be
inscribed on all internments to his
1Torr Kole:cher, 11 3111011111w111. maim -
lecturer of Vienna 1' 90(13011113 In the
lifetime:1th on Ttiesday, said Ariel eta
11001 hate a prohibitory term oe be
devoured by Ainericatis.
It is said 311,1t the Celle 111111 ehere,-
ly issue a reserlpt, givieg liessia, a
comet it 11 t lon .
ISte nee 10011101 511, the '311111(111(150
Imperial Commissioner to the coro-
nation, luve left 'Yokohama
The P0111111'5Seffrage 11111 114 to he
submitted to the New South Wules
lateliameet, whiell meets May 27.
11,0710:11 LOVE ATT,AIR.S
acrs Arm wuxim SOME QR.
/nterestin,g Gossip About
and Queens of ISu-
Many people aro posseseed 61 the
iden thaL, as royal marriagee Imre
gem:rally to be urranged W1a118
of Stale, the prospeethe britlegrOola
has no occasion 10 11000 hie bride Its
the 110011.1g0 01101 Would (10. Thin,
hOW0V0r, is a totally erroneoue idea
Its will be found en reading the fed -
!revile,: authentic accounts of hoW
end where emote royalties proposed
to those whet ultletately become
their wives, says Tit -Bite.
It was at Rosenberg; the palate: of
the Daniell royal family, that King
Edward VII', proposed to and 3800
accepted by our gracious Queen. His
Majesty --then, of course, Prince of
Wales -first saw his wife in the
cathedral of a Continentel town,
and west so imPressed with her
beauty that Ile determined to secure
en Introduction on learning who the
Princess was. The result of that in-
troduction was that 0 short time
Inifetiennrwaaritt•dematIdae nplarai Tan Won-11aolverclaitmo
for the hand of the Princess.
A charming story that told re-
gardiug the mannee in which the late
temperer Frederick of Germany, than
Crown Prince, proposed to the Prin-
Cent Royal (the late Emerges Fre-
derick). The two became separo.ted
from the rest of a royal party, who
were taking a walk over a Scotch
moor in the vicinity •ef Raltneral.
Suddenly the Crown Prince spied a
bit, of white heather, and picking It
up gave it to tho young girl beside
him -for the Princess was barely
eighteen years of age at the thne.
She knew, however, the mowing of
the simple gift, and whispered "Yes"
loud enough for her companion to
hear, During the remainder of their
lives Balmoral always had great
et.t.ractions for the
EMPEROR AND r,lirriEss.
White Lodge, Richmond Park, was
the place where our preeent Prince of
Wales wooed and won the heart of
Princees May. The Prince went on a
visit for a few weeks to his sister,
the Duchess of Fife, who lived at
Sheen House, near the Park gates.
Every day Ilea Royal Highness could
be seen strolling clown Sheen Lane,
leading to White Lodge, and it was
in the gardens round that mansion
that he put the all-iniportant ques-
In describing how the Marquis of
Lorne. now, of course, the Duke of
Argyll. proposed to Princess Louise,
one cannot do better than quote the
record mede of the event. by Queen
Victoria in her "Leaves from the
Journal of Life in the Highlands."
Our late Queen wrote :
"This was an eventful day. Our
dear Louise became engaged to Lord
Lorne. The event took place during
a walk from the Glassalt Shlel to
Loch Dim. We got home by seven.
Louise, who returned seine time
after, told me that Lorne heel spok-
en of his devotion to her and propos-
ed to her. and that she had accepted
him, knowing thnt should ap-
Is at the 51111)0 place, i.e.,
Rosenberg, the seat of the Danish
royal family, where our King pro-
posed to the "Daughter of the Sea
Kings," that the present Czar asked
Princess Alix of Hesse in 183)4 to bo
his wife. He had made up his mind
long before that if he married it
would be to whom he pleased rather
than one commended to him by his
counsellors for State reasons. alis
choice fell upon Princess Alia, and a
party was arranged at Rosenberg to
allow Nicholas to meet this royal
hale. Aceounts flitter regariiing the
actual spot where the proposal took
place. Soule say the Cram proposed
during an evening party', others
that Int did so in the garden round
the palace whilst out for a. walk
with the Princess. The letter ac-
count, however, is generally regard-
ed as correct.
Notes of Interest About Some
Prominent People.
02.1 of the mos1 decorated men
in Europe is Count von hulenberg,
Master of the German Emperor's
household. Ile is a great favorite
with his Sovereign, 1111110 110.0 con-
ferred on him no fewer than sixty-
three decorations.
Queen Alexandra has a collection
of tiny animals, birds and insects,
cut out of precious and rare stones.
They are necessarily very small, and
001101 are eel replete' heau . The
collection is quite unique. and the
items 10110 Conic from all parts of
the world. 1111713' of theee most
valuable and dainty treasures are
cut frann turquoise and jade.
The youngest, peecees at. the (01(1110-'
tion will be Baronees Cliftou, of
Leighton Broluswold, -who is two
Lied a half years old, llei• diminu-
tive robes, which will be exact re-
presentations of those preecribed by
the regulations for peeresses attend-
ing the 0000 11 a 1011, have elready
been ordoritil. Baroness Clifton is
one of the ten peeresses in their ow11
right in the realm.
Mr. Frank '1'. Billion, the wen-
t:leave writor of sea stories, went
011 a Whaling elVedi 1 1011 some years
ago. '1'110 boat he was in was
(11111151101!' ((9, and the intrepid author
only saved himself front drowning by
elimbing on the beck of n live Whale.
Ito was reseue2 by one of the other
boats, but did not get off soot -free,
for the title brought him many
bruises, which necessitated his goiug
to bed for lama treas.
The Klieclivah had never seen snow
In her life end remained this winter
iu Constantinople to see it. The
winter has been mild, and she wee
growing very diateppointed, when
one day a !leery fall (elem. 811e at
once ordered out her carriage and
clrovo through lier park to have a
good look. When slat got htene ,the
sent mit for large treys of slum,
with which she and her ledies etude
suowlialls and pelted the little blaclf