The Brussels Post, 1902-5-8, Page 8SPECIAL SA.LE E OP.,, aper at Iteauced Prices, We have made great preparations flats Spring for the Wall Raper Trade and we offer you the finest variety of hangings ever seen in Brussels, A glance over our samples will verify our claims and our low prices will astonish you. Spring Specialties MOTH BALLS, INSECT POWDER, HELLEBORE, PAIS GREEN, BLUE VITRIOL, FORMALDEHYDE. Hursle Drug and Book Store SRAM) TRUNK RAILWAY. aoneanRN EXTEN8I0N W. G. & a. Trains leave Brunets Station, North and South, as follows: Gome 801Ta GOING MORTIS. Fixeren 7:18 o.m I Mail 2'10 p.m Mixed. 0:08 a.m Express 8:17 p,m goad Ran bins, A abiel'e amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Lore of rain. BRUSSELS market leads. 0. 0. F. next Tuesday evening. WILD May flowers are plentiful. 7 oars of salt were shipped this week, vEaETAT1on is getting a greet "move on." Saloon Board Friday evening of this week. PHILIP Ament Shipped a oar of cedar poste, WEDDING stationery, nice stook, on hand at THE Pon Publishing House. Tan well at Postmaetere Farraw's was drilled this week with good results. Two care of cattle and a oar of hogs were forwarded to Eastern markets thio week by Geo. Beet. STnETTON BROS. have purchased a fine pneumatic tired buggy from the Caber Carriage Faotory, Brasaela, LAWN bowling is one more ma the program but the olnb lawn ie a trifle soft yet owning to eo mnoh rain. Ion Dream and Summer drinks second to none at Mre. Kirks. Try them and be convinced. Also lonobes at 10o. SEEP the 12111 of July Oelebratioo in Brueeele in view. Interested outsiders say it will not materialize bat that ie inaorreat, LAST Saturday evening Jno. Lott found a lady'e gold watoh on the Main Street. It was claimed on Wednesday afternoon and restored to the owner. Tan agency for a patent tying arrange. went for oattie in tbe stable has been taken by R. T. Hington wbo will canvas the country for ire Bale. He may also manutaotnre the useful aratiole. DREeBMARINe.—Mise Violet Cooper is prepared to attend to the wants of the ladies in dressmaking, the work to be either taken to her borne or done at the reeidenoee of her patrons. Satisfaction assured. BRoseELe Foot Ball team will play the first matob of the Season at Blyth on Friday evening. It ie in theIotermediate series. We hope to see our boys win although the season has not been favor. able for praotioe. Genre,—If you want work write to the Forbes Knitting Mills, of Heepelet, Ont. They are advertising for girls, or families with boys and girie from thirteen years old op. Nice work, good wages, your pay every week no. Write them. Tan conduce on the streets a couple of nights Iaet week on the part of some young men was simply diegraoeful and if repeated they should be made to smart good for it. This is eappoeed to be a civilized uonntry and not a rendezvous for profanity, drunkenness and pugilism. A $10 fine would 000e off Some of the smart youths who are evidently looking for trouble. LEarnan.-The feature on Friday even- ing of last week by Rev. Jno. Holmes, on Marriage, was an interesting and in- etruotive one. Ira Gerry, President of the lepworeb League, ander whose anepioee the.leoture was given, occupied the chair. The following program wee given in addition :—Solo, "Thy Will be Done," Leslie Kerr : reading, "Samantha Allan," Mies Minnie McNaughton ; solo, "The Choir Boy," Mies Lily Sharp; "The Lend of the Maple," H. Ham. The rev- erend !enterer handled his enbjeot in good eeyle and gave many words of counsel and advice along the line of matrimony that shored be borne in mind. A Goal= correspondent writes "Geo. Brown on Wedneeday packed up hie household effects and bee moved to Brasaela, where he goes into the hotel bueiness again. Mr. Brown ie an A. 1 hotel mac and will no doubt soon get a good brads at Brunie. We are sorry to lose so good a citizen, but we wish him every semen in hie new promisee." Mise Brown, daughter of the above named gentleman, was the organist in the Gerrie Preebyterian ohuroh, Me. Eider, Mre. Brown'e father, bas come to town with the family ae be makee his home with hie daughter. He i8 98 years old, yet quite hearty for snob an age and reads his Bible or the newspaper without the aid of spectacles. Dleulees»,—The one of the Orown ve. Cunningham, charging perjury, was heard Tueeday afternoon before J. T. Roes and W. H. Kerr, J. Pe. Witnesses were examined in the persons of A. Hno. ter, Division Court Clerk, A. Hewitt, S. Berke, Wm. Smith and R. Porterfield, after which the bench wag addreeesd by Barrietere Sinclair and Blair, After go• ing over the evidence the Magistrates noneidered the abarge not sustained and diemiseed the 0585 The information was sworu one over an affidavit of °este in payment of witness fees in the snit of Kreuter vs. Cunningham, Quite an in. tenet was aroused over the one and it will probably load to greater mare in the payment of fors in the time to Dome. A car of onto was sent Eaebward by Alf, Backer last Friday. A. 0. DAMES shipped 3 oars of cattle and a ear of bogs einoe last week's issue of TETE POST. JOHN LOTT has the milk hauling on the 9th con. to Brussels cheese factory this enation. He will attend to it well. Benny dosing came into effect last Monday. The town bell le rang ea 7 o'clock each evening 08 notification, Senora railway rates for Vioboria Day, single fare for round trip, good going May 28 and 24 and returning on the 26th. lost. Jae. BerntheYNE, grocer, bas engaged the services of 0. P. Harper, of Listowel, ae baker owing to the chases of Mr. Ritchie, of Fergus. By notice elsewhere it will be observed that Thompson Snider is booming paint- ing, paper banging, decorating, &o., and guarantees satiefaotion, MEe. F. OLIVER bas disposed of ber residence and lot on Queen street to Jno. Colter and bas moved to the house lately vacated by D. A. Lowry, Albert street. STEWART SCOTT and Art. Irwin are Oap• thin and Mate of a new novae craft, called the "Maitland" that ekime the waters of the stream after which their boat ie named, Cunene Harmon is now in charge of J. Ballantyne's bread van add also aeeists in the store. He is developing into quite a busineee man and appears to be at at home in hie work. GEORGE Beer bought the black mare, formerly owned by Geo. Cardiff, from G. L. Walker on Monday, paying $160, She will become the property of Jno. Soott, the well known cattle dealer of Listowel. A BABE BALs match is on deok this (Thareday) evening between tbie year's team and the old time "Clippers," as far ae they can be got together. Vioboria Park eboald be a "bot" plaoe for an hour. EAST Hann Liberal Anneal meetiog in the Town Hall, Brussells, next Tuesday afternoon. Hon. Mr. Haroonrt, Minister of Education, comae by afternoon train that day. 11big rally is expected if weather is favorable. TEE License Commissioners met ae the Central Hotel on Tuesday. Repro. eentatives were present from Wroxeter in the interests of continuing the seemed bone] Hoene in that plane. A special aeons will likely be taken. TEACHERS' Convention in Brunetti on Thursday and Friday, 22nd and 23rd -'nets. An interesting program will be presented and a re -anion entertainment in the Town Hall Thursday evening with the musical and literary bill of fare largely provided by the birch wielders. MUNICIPAL STATISTIos.—Aeseoeor Oona. ley baa Completed his work for this year and the followiog are some iotereetine notes from the roll with a aomparieon for 1901 1902 1901 Real property $273,935 $278,216 Personal „ 34,500 34,950 Taxable income 2,900 2,700 Total $311,885 $310,865 Population 1,189 1,166 Children from 6 to 21888 No. of births 12 " deaths 11 Steam boilers 18 No. of doge 58 45 e oattle 104 102 sheep 8 7 „ hogs 80 28 " horses 144 145 As will be observed by above statement there is an inoreaee in total assessment of $470 but some alterations may be made at Court of Revision. Our papa• lotion shows an inoreaee of 23 and with increasing usefulness of factories and other indoatries the prospeots are favor. able to inoreaeed growth. We notice tint the canines continue to thrive and now number 58. Mr. Coseley bad his roll in tidy shape. 85 Soo,,a BEET PLore.—The restate of the experimental auger plots in this lo. oality, under Government inepeotion, should prove snaaeeefn, as the instructor, R. Little, of Toronto, who was here for several days giving out the Beed Says that the land is adapted to this elan of roots. Of 0oaree 130 special preparation wee made for sugar beet growing as the re- quirements were not generally understood and there was no certainty until ibis Spring that an experimental station would be located here, 85 plots will be 'cultivated, however and the farms on which they are to be grown belong to the following ;In Grey—las. Lynn, Jae. Sbraobau, Joo. B. MoLanohlin, Chris, Eokmier, Jae. Burgess, Wm. Armstrong, Ohas. Rozell, L. Hollinger, P. Roberteoa, J. Danoaneon, Chas. Knight, Jno. Brown, Robt. McDonald, J. X. Baker, 0, Michel, J. M. Knight, Geo. Spatting, L. McNeil, Oliver Harris and Neil MoTaggart. For Morrie—Alex, Mataactilin, Joe, Shortie, Allan Spate, Jae. Reuel], Allan Adams, Jae, Bpeir, Robb. Niabol, Jno, Hall, Wm. Pliable, Alfred Batton, Lawson Bros. J. Skelton, Thos. Bielby, Geo. Kirkby and D. Farquharson. Mr. Little will be back in about a month or eo.to inetruet the growers in thinning and ooitiveting the Crop. It means a good deal to this com- munity if it can be demonstrated by the analysis that the eager beet oan be grown here for faotory purposes. Mr, Little in well np in hie work and hoe another. able experienne. He made a good many friends here on Ibis hie fleet Visit 10 this looality. Ael example ehgld be made 01 those who psrsistently net over the iron bridge. Our townatolk are the greatest elution in the 000-obsereenee of the law, 001SehRTe refutes of the Iirehibition referendum in Manitoba give the total in favor 01 enforcing the liquor Prohiblbion antes 15,669, and agalaab entoreemeett 22,081, Majority against, 6,499. AT a meeting held In 13rnente last Sat, Malay afternoon 10 was tinuiled to saga n Temperance Convention for the Last Riding of Enron about the middle of Jane. Date will be announced later. Mae. Wee. BEVMLL DEan,—The Toronto News epeaks ae•followe of the decease of Mre, W. Revell, ofTorooto, known to a number of our readers "From her late reddens, 018 Ontario street, the funeral of Mrs, William Revell took piece Friday. Mrs. Revell, tete wife of Wil. Liam Revell, pf the Crown Linde Depart. meat, 'died very suddenly Wednesday evening. 00 Wedneeday she was down town chopping and appeared to, be in excellent health. Ou returning home, however, she took enddanly ill and died teat evening. g 8eart failure was the souse of her sudden death. Mre. Revell was well known in local =teethe! tenter]. At one time she Was a favorite oonnert Binger and wee also a prominent member of the Metropolitan Church oboir. Let- terly Mre. Revell was a member of the Zion Congregational Mamie. She was very popular, and her largeeirole of friends will mise her genial pereonality very much," Mr, Revell and family will have the sympathy of old friends in Brussels in their unlooked for bereavement. De• ceased was noted for her jollity and was a weloome visitor everywhere she went. Tun Windsor Record of May let con• tains the following interesting society note, the Leatherdale family, being related to le, Leatherdale. of Brussels ;—There is no snab thing as "Too mob Johnson" in the family of Jobn H. Leatherdale, of 51 Bruos.ave. Four Leatherdale dieters ban married four Mesere, Johnson, the latter all being from entirely different families. Three charming and a000mp. fished daaghbers remain, lent if there are any eligible young men desirous of joining the army of the benediote and whose name is not Johnson,—"Well1 They needn't some 'round,,, The name of Johnson is not the only requisite, either, for the young men who have taken ants themselves LBath erdalEIS are industrious and dutiful husbende. They are: John Johneon and Fred Johnson of this oity, Richard Johneon, of Bothwell, and Will. cam Johnson of the local fire department, The latter wee one of the principals in the last Johnson Leatherdale motrimonal venture. Mr. Johnson and Plies Harriet Leatherdale, whose likenesses we present herewith, were married last night at St. Andrew's parsonage:by Rev. 3. 0. Tolmie. The bride was attended by her eieter, Mise Mary Leatherdale, and David Moyne assisted Mr. Johnson. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Johnson went to their home at 76 Tnsoarora•st, where they were tendered a reception by the immediate friends of the two families. ADDRESS AND PzEeENTAr10N.—The Am- beretbnrg Bobo says :—Last Thursday evening the members of the young men's oboir of Wesley Oburob, accompanied by their wives, palled at the Methodist Parsouage and presented Mre. Kerr who has been the leader of the choir, with the following address, accompanied with a very pretty musio cabinet.— To Dirs. W. E. Ierr, The Parsonage, 4viherstburg, Ont. DEAR MADAM:—A0 the time approaohee for you to remove, along with your estimable husband, our pastor, to another circuit, we begin to be oppressed with a feeling of the lone We Shall sustain by your going away. Of late months, slime our oboir of young men was organized through much perauasioo on your part, we have much enjoyed nor persistent efforts to render us proficient iu the musical services of the church. The instructions we have reoeiVed from you have been of very great value :to ns, and, we trust to the church, On our own behalf, we wish to make known to you our gratitude for the interest you have taken in ue, not only in developing and dlreotlug our Innate. al talent now, but in putting se in the way of serving to better advantage in the days to come. Will you aeoopt from our hands an emblem of the appreciation we bear towards yon? All inadequate though it be to (m- orose our personal esteem and thankfulness. The prayer of our hearts shall, be, that wherever your lot may be east in the future the remaining year. of your life may be as full of inspiration as the brief time of your stay in Amherstburg has boon to us aud to many, by the members of the Melee Ohoir, Mr. Kerr responded very fittingly to the addreea on behalf of Mrs. Kerr, end the evading was spent in social enjoy- ment. Mrs. Herr has been the embodi. meat of all thee is beet to a leader among the young people of the Wesley Churob during ber three years residence in Am- herebburg and the men's oboir are greatly indebted to her for many hours spent the past Winter in musical instruction. Mr. and Mre. Kerr have only another month to spend on this oiroait before conference. People We Know. Harry Mercer ie back from Palmerston on amount of ilioeee. Will. Leatherdale is here from Beaforth assisting in bis father's bneineee.' Mies Emmet MoOanl, of Durham, is visiting Miss Nora Holmes, Brasaela. W. H. McCracken was in Toronto on Monday and Tuesday on a business trip. Mrs. John Barnbill, of Henfryn, was renewing old friendships in Brussels this week. Fred. Gilpin ishome on a visit from Chicago, where he graduated last week AS a Dentist. James A. Ward, formerly of Honest!, has gone bo Merlin, Ont„ where be bee a situation. Mre, Wm, Anent and son, Warren, of Seaforlb, are visiting at Philip Ameht's this week. Jno. McDermott and family have re• moved to Blaevale. We wish them prosperity in their new boron. C. and Mre. Leppard and Miss Grain. ger, of Molesworth, were visitore at Jno. Grainger's, William street, Braseele. Mrs, Jno. Simmons, John street, has been quite ill during the pant week but we hope she will soon be oonvaleseent. Wm. Miller le still in a very poor state of health, EIe rallies nicely at times and then takes relapeee that pat him bank, Thos. Thermion bas moved bis family and household furniture from Listowel to Bennis. We weioome them bank to town, Rev. R. Paul wag a prisoner to the bonne fora day 0r eo from rheumatism in one of his limbo, H0 Will soon be all right we hope, J, 1), leloDonald, of Buffalo, is the eneoeeeor to M. 0, Diokeou au Tiietriot Passenger Await On the G, T. 10., with headquarters at Toronto. Al B3 V 131 .@6 IAS' (b 13 fi Mre, Bertliff and son were Visiting in Wieglaam on Monday, Bishop 'Wavelet wee oonduotlpg service in the Lnglisb obareb there that (ley, J, D, aeld Mee. Itopald are now set Donver, Colorado, end Will 111101y be book bu Brasaela after enjoying ashort stay in that invigorating entente. Tboe, Rredwoll and wife were in been on Sat.nrday, Their bottle 10 in ROwiok township near Olifford. They are old time residents of Rennie, Fletcher and litre, Sperling and Mre Watson Ainlay attended a wedding re. option Wednesday evening, tendered to their main, Sydney Dnlmage, p1 Me Kelm), I i p, and hobride, Mies Lizzie M. Donagh, of Wingham, at the groom's residence, C. Seel and wife, of Cadillac, Mirth., are renewing old friendships in town and looality. et is 10 years since they re- moved from Brunetti bub time bee dealt very kindly with them. Mr. Seel le one, ployed on the railway and evidesbly enjoys his work. Mrs, E6, Sperain, of Brunie, is a relative of Mre. Seel's. Robert Menzies left Brussels on Thure• day morning for Montreal where be smile on the fine Allan steamship "Tunisian," on Saturday, on a holiday trip to Soot - land. We wish him a pleasurable time. Some hint that Ile may bring a Bootoh housewife bank bat be did not say ee to. TETE POST. Mr, Menzies was ticketed by W. II. Kerr, agent at Brussels. Anthony Sample talks of going to the "Soo" in the near future. His brother, William, is a resident of that bustling town and is doing well we etre pleased to hear. "Tony" ie a good tradesman and will be right in it with their bast brash wielders, 'The local foot ball team will miss him es he was an entbneiavtio mem. ber and aided the boys in winning many a victory. -.. Business • Locals. Ben from beet pen of Barred Rooks, from DOW bo June 181. $1.00 for Betting of 15. An. Banana, Bruseele, A LOT of second-hand organs forsale cheap, or to rent. Some of them almost new. It LEATnERDALE. Conn l Ohio Bailey, Crompbon's, Nortel Dakota, Excelsior and all the rest of them. G. E. Knee, Winghem. 11 FLEURY Prows—Farmere desiring the best plow should pall on me and order a Fleury. Aro. Lona, Agent, Brussels. Eon 140. Does it pay you to give the pedlars 40 per doz.'? Good potatoes 850 per bush. What are the pedlars paying 7 G, E. Kine, Wioglram. To Tan Pon01o.—Ladies and gentlemeo, all cutlery oan be ground, sharpened and repaired by Sawfiler MoGregor, Mill street East, Bruseele. Choice work at reasonable prioes. Brussels Council• The regular monthly meeting of Brae. eels Council was held on Monday even. tug in the Council Ohamber, Reeve Rose in tbe (their, and Councillors Don. aldeon, Henderson and Wilton in attend. 'awn. elinatee of last meeting read and pave. ed. Following accounts were presented :— A. MoLasoblin, eatery 826 00 J. Beattie, fire dept 2 00 Ie. Leatherdale 2 25 A. Ooseley, Assessor's salary, deo43 90 Moved by J. Donaldson, seoonded by S. Wilton that above amounts be paid and debentures termed for the same.—Carried. Moved by R. Hendereon, seconded by S. Wilton that the Court of Revision in oopneotion with Asseeement Roll be bell on June 2nd, at 8 o'alook,—Carried. Moved by S. Wilton, seconded by Jno. Donaldson, that tenders be aelted for gravel, screened and nueoreened, np to next Cannon meeting.—Carried. Assessor Coueley returned hie roll, par- ticulars of which may be found in anoth- er column. Connell then adjourned. WlUfteell l II IMI1S. Sabbath Sohoo! Convention in Belinda on Friday, May 30th. Last Sabbath Rev. ,'oho Roes preaobed on "Martha's Bervioe" in the morning in Melville church and "Moses on Mount Sinai," in the evening. A temperance meeting will be held next Sabbath evening in oonneotion with the Epworth League in the Methodist Church. A program of addressee, recite,. tions, mule, &a will be given. The Lay Workers' and Sunday School Teaobers' Association of the Dienes of Huron have aoeepted an invitation from Ingersoll to bold their next annual eon. ventiou there in October nexb. Last Monday Rev. Jno. Roes, B. A., Left for Clifton Springs, N. T., where he will spend a few weeks health building. His pulpit will be supplied by Rev. Mr. Straobao,of Guelph, who has been here talars. At the Aiethodfen Sabbath' School last Sabbath Mise Nora Maunders gave a fine Missionary recitation and Mrs. J. J. Gil. pin read a paper on "Mission work among the Indiana." The monthly collection was $5 42. Mre. A. J, Lowry and Mise E. E. Herr were appointed to represent the W. M. 8., of Brueeele Methodist Ohureb, at the Convention to be held in Wingham on the 23nd of May in oouneotios with District meeting. Last Sabbath morning Rev. John Rol. mea read the rules of the ohuroh and com- mented upon them instead of preaching a sermon, The communion and testi. mony meeting was held at the close. "'Pte optimism of the apoette Peat" was the evening theme, the text being"Rejoin• lag in Hope." The annual convention of the Women's Missionary Society of the Methodiet oburoh, Wingbam district, will be held in the new Metbodiet obaroh, Wingham, c)0 Wedneeday and Thursday, Mny 21 and 22 1902. A pablio meeting will bo hold on May 21st at 8 O'oloolt, wbeu addressee will be delivered by Rev, A. G, Harris, Luck now, and Mre. Manahan, London, President of London Cooforenee Branch. Mania will be fnraiehad by the choir of the. oburob. Collection Will be taken up, RevSeereb. DRogers,ary. Chairman of Dietriot, will preside, Piro. R. .1. Oayler, le the Sew Dn, Atecran'e Gnnyr ,—H. 11. Her. soy writes, to the Globe from Singapore to the effect that be visited the grave of Dr. Maokay, the famous missionary of North Vermont, on Ohristmes day. He !aye that "Almost in eight 01 hie former residence, and now that of hie family, Peet thehremaias 01 Gar }sorgon e L. Mackal y, MAT 8, 1902 STill. tf Y .4.r%li,L ,f.J4Xf„1, OF 0.4.1 s4,D4 r H20' '.freeeimrZlexzeinan te704,. HEAD OFFIog, TORONTO QAP1TAL PAID VS' (One Million pokers) 111,009,000 11590'1' • ,- , 9760,000 4genoice in all priftcipal enfant in Ontario, Queen, Manitoba, United Statee tb England, eiV.P. Ii°MB 111ft74 X +"d17. A Gsnoral flanking leusjnees rTranoaoted. Farmers' ,Motes Discounted: Drafts legend and Oolleotione made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Detoreeb allowed on dopoeite of 81,00 and npwarde and compounded boll yearly. Semen Memnon ornEN To Twit OoLLEOTroN Or FARMERS' SALE NOTES. Livery facility afforded Cuetolnere living ata distance. mom7 payable a6 any bank Wend Under 910.,,, 8a. $20 to 450., ..12o Orders at the following ranee :— $10 to $20....leo. 80 to 40....14o 1', H.,'GRAN:, ACTINO AGENT, '•+ams entroended by then of his Chinese disciples and native preachers who were called away before ISLE summons same. Quite aloes by le the European cemetery, walled in on all sides, but Dr. Maokay's wish to die and lie aide by aide with the natives for whom he had lived and stiffer.. ed to uplift bas been granted," No stone as yet marks his last resting place but something of that nature will be erected shortly. Mr. Horsey adds, however, that the whole of North Formosa is a living monument to the great .missionary, for be was tbe greatest power for good that ever touched Formosan shores, After describing the great work. wbioh Dr. Mackay a000mplisbed Mr, Horsey says that one elan namely realize, not baying visited the country, how deeply seated is the prejudice, euperetitios, ignorance and vine egainet which be went single handed. Unlike many missionaries be was beloved and highly respected by all foreigners as well as natives. Crtnmdill u1 e,a. Senator Deohenee is dead. E. Ormandy died suddenly et Smith's Falls. Several of Brantford's factories are being enlarged. Pare, the Napanee bank robber, died in Kingeton Penitentiary. A seven•year•old lad named John Haat tinge was drowned at Kingston. Nominations for the Northwest Legis- lature take plane on Saturday next. The new House of Providence at Dun- das, was dedioated by Bishop Dowling. Rev. Dr. Mango Fraser bee reeigned the pastorate of Knox Chorah, Hamilton. The steamer Foreetbolme was damm. ed to the extent of $20,000 by fire at Mon- treal. Lord Strsthcona has sent a check for $500 in aid of tbe Grant Convocation Hall, Kingston. Alfred Neville, of Hamilton, took a drink of carbolic) aoid by mistake, but was saved from death. Dr. Porter, of North Bay, a patient at the Oakville' Sanitarium, was drowned while bathing in the lake. Erie Sharp, a Kingston boy, was teem. mitred for trial for manslaughter for ebooting a girl schoolmate. eare.Robert Murray, whose husband was killed on the Grand Trunk at Ham. ilton, is smog the oompany for $5,000. Mr. Carnegie has oonsented to give Thorold $10,000 for a free library, and W. J. MaoArtuey, of Thorold, will give a free . site. E. A. Caweey, contractor, of Stratford, was killed at Renfrew, a derrick cable breaking and a heavy timber falling np• on him. James Edgeoomb, of Buffalo was run over teethe Grand Trunk yard at Romil- ton and fatally injured. Ha was visiting relatives. The Advance Thresher Company, of Battle Creek, Minh., have purchased the John Abell Works in Toronto and will parry cu business there. The resignation of James L, Hushes from the position of Inspector of the Tor- onto public Bohnole has been placed be fore the Sobool Board. A Rat Portage merchant named W. A MoLeod was arrested in Wiouipeg on the charge of baving defrauded the Bank of Ottawa of the sum of 97,000, A fire ocaorred in the Union Stook• yards, Toronto Junction, iu which about 600 tone of bay and eeveral buildings wore destroyed. The loss ie about $7,000 A ooarae of military ioetruation for school teaobere of high schools or col- legiate institutes in Ontario will be held at Stanley Barracks, Toronto, aommeoe- ing on the 7th of July. enemata. Conn.—In Brunetti, on Meer 4th, to Mr. and Mts. Jas. Oooper, a daugh- ter. Ooarne.—In Gooding, Idaho, on April 27111, to Mr. and Mre. J. J. Coates, formerly of Grey township, a daugh. ter. BMW/I.—At 46 Garner avenue, Buffalo, N. Y., on April 24111, to Mr. and Mre, Artbor M. Emigh, a son. MaDONALD.--In Blnevale, on May 51h, to Mr. and Mre. George McDonald, a 8011. 8 tor, .—In East Wawanoeh, an April 29tb, to Mr, and Mre. Robb. Shiell, a daughter, Blue.—In Blyth, on April 30th, to Mr. and Mre. W. J. Sims, a daughter. WRex.—In Tarnberry, on April 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. John Wray, 6111 con., a eon. sa:.A.M.ISx:oa, DDLaIAOE--MODONAen.—In Beafortb, on May 7111, by Rev, T, B. Wellwin, B. A., Mr. Sidney Dalmege, of Meath lop, to Mies Lazio MaDonagll, of Wingbam. Haln1ReoN—LAND"non017013.—Ab Portage la Parairie, Man., on April 80, Me. Geo. S. Henderson to Mise Eva Landeborougb, both of Pottage la Prairie, Alan, , OLAmt.—ln Morrie on Prey 4, Agnes Mo. Oullongh, beloved wife of Alexander Claris, 6111 line, aged 54 years and 8 months. FIIAIN.—In Detroit, on May 8, Margaret .Mooney, beloved wife of W, T. Frain, aged 58 years, 11 months and 13 days. Mexerintre—In ",Grey township, on April 28rd, William i''itobell, aged 71 years. lionL:-'.Entered into rest, at her late national, 018 Ontario Bt., 'Toronto, April 80th, Catherine, beloved wife of William Revell, in her Met year. mors win,, bi'all When t,,,..........60....... 69 Barley „ 50 60 25s." • , . ........ ,• 70 Oats 39 Butter, tube and Falls 15 Egge per iloeen 11 Flour per owt. 4 00 Potatoes (per bus.) 80 Apples (per bbl.) ......, 2.00 Hay per ton ..... 7 00 Sheep ettino, earth ...... 25 Lamb satins earth 25 Salt per bb'., retail1 00 Hides trimmed 6 Hideo rough 5 Hoge, Live 6 00 Wool 18 70 39 16 12 6 00 80 8 00 7 50 25 80 70 6e 5 6 16 18 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ROOMS TO RENT SUITABLE for dr*ee.making. Apply to MRS. J. R, swam, Brunets. 48.2 GOOD YEAR OLD STEERS Wavtod, enitable for ranch purposoe. Apply to 0000. BEST, Brueeele.. SIT YOUNG SOOTOH SHORT Horn Bulls for sale, from 9 to 20 months aid. Also *owe in call to imported "Red Duke" and a few heifers. D. MILNE, Ethel, Fr Ain DRESSING.—THE UN- Daneraearn wishes to announce to the ladies of Brussels and vicinity that she is prepared to make switches oub of oomb- Ingeaud out hair, at her home, 80111 street Weet,llrneeele. MRS. HiNGSTON. HOUSE AND OARRIAGbi PAINTING, &o.—The undersigned Is prepared to attend to the wants of the pub- lic in house painting,aper hanging, 'decor. sting, carriage painting, &o. Satisfaction assured and reasonable prlooe- charged. Give mea call. T, SNIDER, Mill street, Brussels, BULL FOR SERVIOE.—THE underetgoed will keep for service the Moro' bred Durham bull, Village Boy," on B4 Lot 24, Con. 1, Gray. Pedigree may be seen on applioatiov. Terme, 51.00, with privilege of returning if necessary, and charge will be made for firer eervioe if thio le not done. JAB. LYNN, 49.4 Proprietor. WALL PAPER REMNANTS It ie (Nita impoesible to run a Wall Paper bnefneee without the aooamaiation of more or lees Remnants, We have int, gone over oar stook and pigked out some very nice parole, welding of from 2 to 10 roils very suitable for pantrye, kitabene and small bedrooms, These we offer at lose than belt regular prise Poz's DRUG STORE, DURHAM BULL 12 MONTHS old for sale, roan in Dolor. P1T81R ROBERTSON, Lot 8, Oon.9, Grey, Brussels P, 0, tie $20,000 to Loan. The above sum' has boon planed with :no for imam dlate investment on farm proper- ty at 5 per oonb. I1 ititlsa 000 eatiefaatory Mane may be completed in 8 days, Liberal terms as to repayment. Apply ae tonne to W. M, SINCLAIR, Barrister, &o , Brussels, HOUSE AND 1+ ACRES OF street, Bruseeis, for Bale. Will be eoldr Turnberry or house and lots separately, to snit pnrolinear. Good dairy business In oo0vee- tion, Possession could -be given any time. Per price, terms, &c., apply to EMIL Mo. LAUGHLIN, Brussels. T. LECKIE, LILR7 AND pnoio INSilRAN017, LOAN AND. REAL ESTATE AGENT, VALUATOR, No. Office over Bureley's Drug Store, Peb, 5111, 1902. - 90.8m Brussels. Lime The Bodmin Lime Works, 4111 Line, Morris, are ready for the Spring trade and have a quantity of fresh lime on hand. Guaranteed to be first-class. Price 16c. a bushel at the kiln. A. Nicholson & Son. 41.8m PROPRIETORS. If writing oedema Ittelgrave le. 0. owning Bros. . Agents MISERY �PIICg�TURE OF iSB� R Py is the man with an uncomfort- able or ill made shoe, Anyone buying the Slater Shoe from our high grade stock of shoes, either ladies' or gentlemen's, will never be troubled That way. Our, shoes are made on lasts that con= form to nature, find the foot' is made comfortable,r while looklpl, aristocratic and stylish. Pricesk" You can't beat them for quality.; for the Slater Shoe. Downing Bros. We wish to draw attention to the Splendid Range and Special Values to bo found in our Ready- made Clothing Department. —Two piece Suite for bele, flee to eight years, at 92.00, $2,60 and 98 00 that are well made and extra good value. —Three Piece Suite, age 0 years and upwards, at 93.60, 94 00, 94.60 and $5,00, also some very pretty novelties for etnall boyo, — A largo range to select from in loathe' Suits in Navy Serge, Navy and Black . Worsted, Grey Stripe, Dark and Light Mix P'weede et $8.75, 94.00, 94 60, 95 00 and $6.00, jest what will please the boys. — Our Men's Snits at $5.00 are all rlobt, but if you want Something better we have thorn at 97,00,48.00, 99.00 and 910.00. SPECIAL—A. Man's Light Mix Tweed Balt, with D, B. Silk Btltobed Vast, Stylish for young men, et $9 00. SPEOIAL—A Man's Plain Grey Clay Worsted Suit, extra good value aud dressy at $10,00, We have ar la ge assortment to choose from. The stylus are right ; Materials good ; well shade ; and best of all we have mark- ed the prices low. No bother but a pleasure to show you through. 'trachan. ..:`