The Brussels Post, 1902-5-8, Page 7DOOM ARE BAFFLED,
Terrible Itavages of Cancer -tell,
resy Is Spread Over the
1 L �ut which
1 s it.' 0 1
Tllel'p is no S p S4 Ali
Medical science knows less than
Omit cancer; and none which le in-
creasing more rapidly. Whereas in
1850-11300 there were only 43 deaths
111 every 1,000 iron candor, there
hero 19 per .1,000 In 1900. Last
0a1 1,251. people died in London:
alone of this sulfa malady Cause
turd t1u1'e are Neatly wtknpwn. Sone
I1OCtore argue that salt is the prune
cause of cancer. tiavages, they say,
who get little salt, 10(1 never affected
by the disease ' and whereas most
d011300 ie animals suffer from cancer,
the pig, which alone of theme does
not get .salt la its food, is neve!'
afflicted, Cancer is rare in prisons
and Workhouses, where animal food
in limited, but very prevalent in
districts wher0 the people eat /argil
quantities of bacon.
On the other !land, news has re-
cently come from Bombay that the
Microbe 0f cancer has been discover-
ed by scientists wise have boon mak-
ing invcstigntiolis into the disease.
This statement quite contradicts the
belief held by most physicians that
cancer is not due to a specific mi
As for cancer curds, they are end-
less, Professor L olller injects mos-
quito virus;. another doctor believes
that cider is a sure
X-rays, ltowever, seen to have done
more real good tllau all the other
remedies together.
When Queen Victoria came to the
throne, the 'famous physician, John
Minter, divided all illnesses to which
flesh is Moir into three divrstons--
those which sulphur could cure,
those which mercury could cure, and
those which nothing could cure.
Medical science has made enormous
strides since that period, but there
are still other diseases besides cancer
which doctors freely confess they are
unable t0 cope with.
No cure, for instance, lips yet been
discovered for leprosy ' and; like
cancer, leprosy Is steadily spreading.
It exists in every country in Europe,
except Great Britain, Holland, and
Denmark. Australia has it, New
Zealand, Mexico, all Africa, Japan,
China, and the islands of the Pacific.
British India has 125,000 lepers,
and even the United States has many
hundreds of cases. Although the
bacillus of leprosy has been recogniz-
ed, doctors are stili divided as to
whether the disease is infectious or
not. In India
separate ; in most other canaries
they are,
.As for cures, many have been tried
—solve of them very curious ; but
it is doubtful whether a case of
tubercular leprosy has evar been
bured. the latest remedies are the
poisons of the cobra and of the
rattlesnakes. Dr. de Moura, of Sao
Paulo, Brazil, is the latest experi-
menter to light leprosy with snake -
1 011 0111.
Some year's ago a number of the
inmates of a lunatic asylum fell ill
of a mysterious disease. They be-
came drowsy, refused food, and,
finally, slept constantly till death
ensued. The medical attendants
identified the illness as beri-beri, the
dreaded sleeping sickness which kills
whole villages of natives on the
steamy West Coast of Africa, Beri-
beri Is another of these diseases
which baffle physicians. Cause and
cure are alike unknown.
The extraordinary vagaries of in-
fluenza are a standing puzzle to the
medical profession. .Between 11339
and 1889 the disease was almost un-
knowe. In that year it mild
circled the whole world from East
to West, and in 1890 returned, and
took a reverse course—from West to
East. in 1891 influenza of a moro
severe type seized New Orleans, cov-
ered tho United States, reached Eng-
land in April, stayed there all the
summer, and thee radiated S.L. to
Spain and N.M. to Russia.
It never readied Asia or Africa,
-but In December carne back, and
carefully covered again all the
ground it had already been over. It
is not known why the journeys of
this 'disease should be so eccentric,
nor why it should be so much more
severe ie. type in some years than ti,
others. Other smaller puzzles coo•
necLed with influenza are why Jcws
almost entirely escape its ravages,
and why artisans working in high
temperatures should he also exempt.
Can a human being be infected
with consumption from a cow or
other a nimni ? is 'ion
n This a quest
which has been debated by experts
all over the world during the past
year or two. Dr. Koch, tho great
Cornton expert, thinks not ' most of
the British schools of medicine do
not agree with Min.
As for consumption cures, their
variety is endless ; but
Dr. hall' succeeded in curing several
mild cases with LL medicine composed
of arsenious acid, carbolate of pot-
ash, cinanlyllic acid, and opium.
Another physician has perforated
some renutrlcttble cures with injec-
tions of 3013010 acid, which seems u,
sterilize the poison that is destroy-
ing the lungs. But it appears pro-
bable that prevention, rather than
cure, must be the atm of .science in
the case of this disease.
The earth. -gating disease, which
hue recently broken out afresh in
North QC 151E d
most luvs-
torious'lnalady. Numbers of people—
principally Children—ha't'e developed
nn ahem -mai appetite for a kind of
clay found on the river bu.nits. O110e
the habit is formed, the fate of the
earth -cater is scaled. Tho cont-
plexiol becomes, yellow, appetite for
ordinary feast disappears, the pa-
tient wastes away, and dies. 1:6 15
not only in Australia that the dis-
ense is known. it is ceenmon among
the poorer people in Florida and
Urorgiu, and among val•I01113 Indian
tribes in mouth America. The only
eure in to keep the earth -eater shut
tip., -London Answ0rt,,
rho Trouble at All Times an Ex•
trenisly Dangerous One—Bow
to Promptly Relieve It,
7 t
' a forms heart s
herearem nyfrm a ear di
,Ilse, some of which manifest thorn -
solves by symptoms which are misun.
,lerstood by the suleser and ascribed
to indigestion or some similar cause,
when the heart is really affected. The
slightest derangement of this import-
ant organ is extremely dangerous. 1f
at times the action a1 the pulse le
too rapid and the heart beats vio-
lently, resulting in a suffocating feel-
ing, or, if the heart seems Destined to
stop beating, the pulse becomes slow
and you feel a faint, dizzy sensation,
you should take the best course In
the world, and •that is to take Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People.
You will Stitt that the distressing
symptoms promptly disappear and
that the heart at all times acts
normally, Afr. Adelard Lavoie, St.
Paeoule, Que., bears strong testi-
mony to the value of these pills in
chses of heart trouble. Ile says:
"For nearly three years I was great-
ly troubled with a weak heart and in
constant fear that my end would
come at any time. I pieced myself
under a good doctor but did not get
the desired relief. In fact I grew
worse; the least exertion would over-
come ale, and finally I- had to dis-
continue work. While in this condi-
tion a neighbor advised me to try
Dr, Wililanls' Pink Pills and I pro=
cured a supply. They simply worked
wonders in my case and when 1 haat
used six boxes 7 was again enjoying
good heaith, I have had no sign of
the trouble since and I can cheerfully
recommend the frills to similar suf-
Blood troubles of all kinds aro also
cured by these famous pills, If you
suffer from headaches, dieziness, lan-
guor, boils or skin diseases of any
kind, your blood 1s L1 an impure con-
dition, and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
are what you need, These pills are
not a purgative and therefore do not
weaken like medicines of that class.
They aro tonic in their nature and
make new, rich, red blood.with every
dose, thus restoring health and
strength to hopeless and despondent
sufferers. But you must get the gen-
uine, which always lies the full name
"Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People," on every box. Sold by all
dealers or sent post paid at 50 cents
a box or six boxes for 59.50, by ad-
dressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine,
Ca., Brockville. Ont.
^— r
Very Hard on the Nerves of the
To -day a mall may die as soon as
the enemy's long guns, hidden away
in the distant cloud -topped moun-
tains seven miles away, begin to
.talk. And over that seven miles he
must wall: with caution, with a wide
interval between him and his pals
on either hand; he must lie down et
every short halt and scratch the
ground hurriedly with his little
spade at every long one, for the
great shells are sailing toward him,
and he sees by his officer's eye and
hears by his comn100ds that it is
considered that ho utast perish at
any !moment, and that precautions
are necessary to preserve hint. Leo
Sees, Moreover, how futile those pre-
cautions must be if 0110 of those
010115181'8 !fowling overhead should
land as near to him as the last one
did to that blasted tree, for in-
stance, with its scorched, dangling
limbs and the huge charred fissure
in its stout trunk, or as the ono be-
fore did to 1:110 thane of mules in the
ambulance waggon, now a scream-
ing, struggling jumble of harness
and bloody flesh.
All this is dispiriting and appears
unnecessary. The country on all
sides is as peaceful as his native
dale, not a sign of an enemy. Even
the great blue hill ahead, on which
he is told the enemy's long guns ore
posted, looks as quiet as the moun-
tain on .'t Chl'lstnute card. Yet for
two utiles ho walks through death,
thinkingonly of it because there is
nothing also to think of, and then, ne
twilight fails, bivouacs in extended
line, sees his friends run for their
Lea between the fall of the shells,
notices ono of them time his rust
back badly and Meet a projectile in
1311 career, to part front it an awful
and disgusting offence, and then iicas
down in thedarkness with 5
c .hotels_
nerves and the thought that five
worse miles still intervene between
11031. and the guns ho knows he is in-
tended to taice.
Next morning he is 03valcnuc1 by a
shell, is marched with infinite cau-
tion for two more miles, shelled the
whole way, is shelled even hi his bi-
VOLiaO by tho light of the moon, and
as he watches the projectiles burst-
ieg like waLet;apouts of fire along his
hillside is glad when he is told that
to -motion will be the battle, after
which if he wins and if he lives, he
may be able to walk and sleep In
peace for 1, Space.
The 'Belgian railway authorities
are desirous of minimizing the effect
30111011 the ear-splitting screech of the
locomotive produces upon the nee
V0118 systems of passengers, The on.
913105 rm'n to be furnished with lvhis-
1108 ltrodticing INTO tones, and setter
in effect than the nrdinnry signet,
the former to bo used in railway
stations or when the train 18 passing
platforms crowded with passengers.
"Yes," ,said the aristocrat, „1was
indignant, aiul I wrote hint that the
clandestine maLr:lege of our son to
his slaughter was n, blot on the fam-
ily 'Set:Whcon, and his only replay
Wee to send DA an advertisement of
a now brand of soap he is Just pet-
ting on the market,"
Dominion Live Stock Commis-
sioner Gives Saone Valuable
As means of converting the raw
products of the farm into ,more
5110ab13 forms, the good dairy cow
is without a peer., The good beefing
animal will pay very little filo 1n
than mar3tet prices for food fed from
birth to shambles. 7313e snoop, with.
her fleece and her Jambs gives only a
very modest profit on feed consent
ec1. The rig and the hen, if wisely
fed, do much better than either of
the above, but it is very seldom
that the returns from either of
thein go beyond one dollar and fifty
cents for mm dollar's worth of food
The dairy cow, hewever, frequently
goes as high as two dollars worth
of product for 0110 dollar's worth of
food, and many a cow has been
known to give two dollars and fifty
cents worth of product for one dol-
lar's worth of food consumed. Afost
herds fall far short of such a high
return. The reasons may be 9um-
marlied as lac!: of breeding, 3)1:1 -
proper or insull]ciont feeding, and
lack of judgment and management.
should average over fifty dollars'
worth of products per Cow per year,
If your herd is not giving you such
a return you are vat doing it jus-
tice. Possibly, every individual in
the herd is not a number one dairy
cow, but do you know which are
really doing good work and the 're-
lative merits of the different cows ?
in brdcr to know your cows you
must keep It daily record of the milk
Yielded by each cow. Wo would like
to see you do this. Wo are willing
to help you do it. During the past
year a, number of dairy farmers, at
our suggestion, made an effort along.
this line. 'Ciro results were most
satisfactory. In, our possession arts!
many farmer's letter's, emphasizing
the importance and Talo° of • such
records, both its. a guide i11 selecting
cows and as an effective means of
Directly improving the actual herd.
The extra outlay required is very
small. We would supply you with
record forms for a time at least.
The ]seeping of such records takes
about One-half minute per COW per
day. The outlay for a balance
would, be from fifty teals to five
dollars. -
The increased flow of milk due to
keeping such a record where ten
cows are kept would pay for the
balance of the week. Keeping milk-
ing records induces a spirit of in-
terest 011 f competition among mill-
er's, and, in the mind of the milker,
among the cows minced by the same
milker. Rapid, clean, and careful
vlilkf119 will raise the average re-
turn from a cow by from two to ten
per cent. according to tire. cow—the
better the cow the greater the in-
the ability to give an accurate milk
record will, generally speaking,
raise a cow's value, and facilitate
the sale, Especially is this true if
she is a pure bred. further, know-
ing the rel:urns from ea011 cow iu
any herd, you are in a position to
easily select for breeding, besides,, in
almost every Hord are found "board-
er's"—cows that pray a very low
price for their food, leave no pro-
fit, and frequently aro kept at a
loss. They should be detected and
fed all for beef. Keeping a milk re-
cord is a sure way to discover them.
To the breeder of pure bred stock of
any of the Milking breeds, Jersey,
Guernsey, Ayrshire, Canadian, or
milking Shorthorn strains, the daily
mills record should be quite as im-
portant as the breeding record. We
venture the assumption that in a
very few years, every breed putting
forwardany claims as a dairy
breed, will be making tt specialty of
milk records.
The reasons are obvious. Beauty
of style. color, and conformation are
very important, and where the
breeder makes his money in some
other line than farming, he may be
able to keep animals for their looks
alone. We, who are farming ior mo-
ues-, must look to the profit side of
u '0cything. With us, 13lndsomc is
ns haul1811110 d,"
P1Ill I',t1ocsLS7'U]N MEN.
have moue a 11301etuu111 i.0 the right
direction with their Ravel:ere Regis-
try ' the (]tiernsey breeders are
woring along similar lines. It
would 51101 to be a good thing for
some breeds, and we are sure it
would be the most important step
for improvement that yon ever made
do you o decide introduce it.
t o 0
Let us urge upon you, therefore,
the tidvisnbillt;y of keeping such n.
record. We would be most. happy to
sen(] you forms for keeping the
daily record, 0s well us foetus where-
on Make ,t summary o beloopt
o to lu a 1 1 1 ,� t. Jt
for reference, When you write for
the forms, please state the number
or Coles kept 01,11 address ill1 letters
to "3. IT. Gr]5dale, Agriculttu'iet,
Experimental 1'arnl, Ottawa, Ont,,,
Letters 80 addressed come post free,
1'. W. 110DSON,
Live Steck Oonmhis51oner,
Wielters--"What's the matter with
your junior partner - nowadays ?"
Aihukers—"In what way 1" 1t—
"He has become very absent-minded,
never nerals to notice what is going
m1, and appears to be drifting into
a condition of chronic melancholia."
'blinkers—"Oh i that's all fight. lie
recently became It proud and happy
Teacher—"Willie, what is a quad-
ruped ?•' Willie—"A thing with four
legs, ail'." Teacher—"Nome 0170."
Willie—"An olephnnt." 'teacher—
"Aro there any feathered quad-
rupeds '1" Willie—"Yes, sli',,' 'resell-
er—"What ?" Willie—"A feather bed,
Ol1SiOrder —"Are ]hese n01kt108
strong ?" ('31)09111011--.'Stron9 1 Why
sir, 1 sold ono last week to n. gentle-
men who was '0nkering niter suicide,
and h0 liked it so 1nu1h that 1131 used
it to '11113 'isool3, and it bore 'is
Weight beautiful I"
if your Grocer cannot Supply write to
ranto, sending the name and Address
of yourgrocer, a trial sample of
Sunlight Soap will be sent you free,
4@rstor tbo Oelatrpa 985 0vs
She Will Have Post of Ironer at
The honor of walking next to
royally at the British coronation
ceremonies belongs to the Duchess of
Sutherland, one of the handsomest
and most talented women of Eng-
land, She will hold that distin-
guished rank because of the fact
that the Duke of Norfolk, the here-
ditary master of ceremonies, is a
widower, having lost his wife several
years ago.
The Duchess of Sutherland is slot
of English birth. She comes from
the land of the heather and carries
a, soft burr in the turn of her
tongue, which is no manner of de-
traction from her manly charms. Sho
was Susan Margaret McKinnon, the
daughter of Charles McKinnon, be-
fore she assumed a coronet, a11d one
of the richest heiresses in tho Brit-
ish Isles.
The duke is a landed proprietor
who counts his acres by the thous-
ands. Ily actual count he is lord
of 25,400, his estates being among
the most splendid in the country. He
is now in his fifty-sixth yen V.
The duchess is the most democratic
in the whole Seymour (or St, Maur,
as it was formerly written), 00113)00-
HShe has a most winning and
! affable nature, is gracious without,
trondescension and possessed of a
broad cliarity that argues an optim-
istic view of the world. Fashionable
society has at no time had groat at-
traction for her, and it is a humor-
ous irony that the proudest distinc-
tion of the forthcoming crowning of
the sovereign should fall to the wo-
man who least desires It.
Outdoor sport has at all times
been her favorite recreation. Sho
was awheel 1019 before the bicycle
became the fad of the smart set.
She is also an excellent shot, aid
has been her hufiband's;comrado in
many an expedition for- big game.
Tho duchess has, as well, no mean
reputation as a litterateur• Ilex
name is familiar as a magazine con-
tributor, and her account of the
beautiful Dart, known locally as
"Tho British 'thine," is accounted
the best description of that silver
The Duchess, should the priority of
rank be ,strictly followed, will have
for her immediate associates as at-
tendants on her Majesty the Duchess
of Loaufart, the Duchess of St. M-
oans and the Duchess of Leeds.
While it has been definitely an-
uounced that Queen Alexandra will
have a quartet of dnchessos in her
train, there was a rumor (tile mesh
in some quarters doubtless mother.
Ing the thought) that she O'onl,1
choose the lour youngest or most
beautiful. This would bring the
American duchess of Marlborough
Into the coveted position with the
Duchesses of Sutherland, Westmins-
ter and Newcastle,
The lines of no two human hands
aro exactly alike. Tyholever a travel-
ler in China desires a passport, the
palm of the hand is covered with
fine oil paint and an impression is
taken on thin damp paper. This
Paper, officially argued, is his pass-
The Landlady—"It paius me to
speak about your board hill." The
Boarder—"Then don't do it, my
good woman ; I can't bear to see
anyone suff01,"
Can Se Cured Without Resorting
to l9arsh Purgatives. •
Coustfpation is rt very common
trorble am0119 infants and small
011011 en—it is stlso ono of the most
distressing, The cause is some de-
rangement of the digestive organs.
and if not promptly treated is liable
to lead to serious results. The little
viclitn sn0'ere from headache, fever,
pain in Lite stomach and sometimes
vomiting. While in this condition
neither baby 110x' baby's mother can
obtain restful sleep. If proper care
is token in feeding the child find
]ruby's Own Tablets are eyed, there
will be no trouble found in euu•1ng
and ice?ping baby free from this dis-
order. Airs, T. (lbym04', .London,
Ont., says :--"My baby n'an it great
sufferer from constipation. :She
cried continently, and I was shout
wor13, out ntlending her, 1 tried set"
e,'al 'remedies, but none of 1hent
helped her till 1. procured some
Baby's Own Ta310.te. These tablets
worked wonders, atitd now she Is in
the hest of stealth. I can now go
nbollt 111y wore without being dis-
turbed by ball)"s crying. 1 1011513101
Baby's Own Tablets a great mc81•
eine end would advise mothers to
keep them in the Memo for they will
:ogee baby from much suffering by
1111.11113 and prevt'ntlee' the minor ail-
ments common to infants and small
13aby'8 we Tit Wei 14 are 501d ander
att alleol110 gunman en 10 contain no
opiate or other harmful chug. They
are easy I:o take, sviid in cotton,
promote 'helpful sleep and will 130
fnnnd a tleterfeilitl9 0111'8 ter eau-
sblpittlorl. baby indige.5tio11, 511117p10
fever, clfalr'ho8a, sour et menrll, colic
etc. They allay the irrlla(a0n ac•
conipanying the rutting cd teeth,
break up 001(15 and prevent croup.
Price 25 cents aL box 411nil ch'11tf-
gistet or sent by moil, post pair!. by
addressing the ilr. Williams' M'edi4
01115 Co., L3r'ook'villt, Ont,
Thousands. of Men Guard the Rail•
way in Siberia.
In Siberia 41101'o are neatly good -
conduct convicts who spend tiled'
lives in little buts rtlong. the line of
the new railway, always a vest
apart, whose duty It is to signal.
with r' f'
i green gage that tho road is
clear. At night they 8191101 with a
green 1an111,
"Many all flour toward midnight,"
says a wr'iter In the North. China
Herald, "1 have stood on the gang-
way between the carriages anti Licked
off the green lights es We spun clung,
Away down the blacic avenue would
0pp31(1 a tiny green speck. Ae the
carriages grumbled over the metals
it would get bigger. Just distin-
guishable in the darkness was the
figure of a man holding the lamp
high up.
Ho and his light would be lost
the instant WO passed, But when
the traill had gone by ho turned and
showed the light the other way. One
instinctively turned and looked
ahead again. And yonder in the (us-
tanee was another tiny green speck."
Just in itself there is not much in
such a simple signal. It is when you
think there are t110usauds of these
mon, and that a signal started to-
day in Moscow runs for eleven days,
until it is broken on the banks of
Lake Baikal, beyond Irkutsk, that
the twinkling green lights take on a
peculiar interest.
On the faces of Ml these 22)011 is an
abiding sadness born of the loneli-
ness of the lives they lead, with ne-
ver the shadow of hope for the fu-
ture. 1f one drops out another takes
his place, for that long, green line is
never broken:
A New Brunswick Postmaster
Tells of His Efforts to Cure Eis
Kidney Trouble.—He Suffered for
Years and Tried Many Medicines
But Only Recently Found the
Right One.
Lower 1Vindsor, N.B., April 7.—
(ilpecial)—,Air. T. 19. Bolyea, post-
master of this place, bas made a
very interesting - statement of his
experience in his efforts to be cured
et Kidney Trouble which has bother -
hint for many years.
At times he would have very bad
spells, and when these clime on he
was almost laid up.
He tried several doctors and used
many medicines, but nothing seemed
to help him in the least.
Plasters, oils, liniments on the
outside and doses of all kinds and
descriptions taken internally seem
to have but one result. He was no
finally through reading an adver-
tisement he was led to the use of
Dodd's kidney Pills. Be says
"Dodd's Kidney Pills were so
highly recommended for Kidney
Trouble that after reading some
testimonials, I concluded to try them
according to directfons,
".i had tried so many things that
I was very skeptical and had but
little faith that Dodd's Kidney Pills
could or would help me. However,
f did not use them long before I
found that they were all and more
than was claimed for tf,em,
"I have received more benefit from
them than More any other medicine I
have ever used, for they scene to
have made a complete cure of my
"I feel as well an ever I did and
have not the slightest trace of the
Kidney Trouble that bothered me
aver so lung,
"I want to say that I believe that
Dodd's Kidney .!'ills are the right
medicine for Kidney Trouble."
Air, llelyea is very well known to
everybody in this neighborhood and
there:are but few who hale not been
aware of his 80110118 illness.
Everyone is delighted at his im-
prover!' 11001111 01331 his published
statement 13as dole much to make
Dodd's 1(641130)' Pills even more
popular in this neighborhood than
+hov Save been,
Pot- " irez may say wot you plaza,
efnt.lemek ; it's not olywhore yell be
feint -We braver men nor iii' Irish!."
11011ter—"Come off, Pat ; it was only
the other eight that I made live of
there rue.'' Pat --"Was it long
/010111119 30 they were ?"
Deafness Cannot be Cured
or local applications, as they cannot mush the
diseased portion of the ear. There is only cos
BAG b on to•
Linn to cure remedies. sa, and t 1e caused eby
dmlul cl ced(I'i Uf he 111 ie 31ln(lO11s
metaled condyle. ofi hen tills linins of in.
lamedBust/in310 Tube. Wherumbling tills tri011 0 Ie in.
1886 (4 you barn o 310011 11 otone or elated
tone hearing, and e when It is less the e)1,im
deafness pito keult, tAnd endtl unless beresto ed
t ,ellen oar lieal taken out as this tube for
hearing dib de•
n dill: n aria 1v 0
d ye normal n a s
4161304 turere1 nine cases oat of ten Arc
mused by 0,tarrh, which in nothing hut an tn•
flawped condition at the 1131105311801113,3105'.
WO 8
11 (0e One Hundred Iloilpas for any
maceetrees (clanged by catarrh) that Can
it be oared by llnl s Catarrh Cure. Send
or (grouters, tree.
1', ). 1113931931 t CO., Toledo, O.
Sold bF Druggists lin.
hInl1'01011mt y Plllu era the bast.
Of large merchant steamers 'Britain
owns 7,740, and the United States
2,081, (lemony has 1,1 50 and
France 507. ^—
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere
'1'110 51Oclisll 11(110, with 11,700
yards, is the longest used in Eu-
rope, The 1in5511111 versa, with 1,165
yards, is the shortest.
Isar Over;Baty Years
Sia,. Winslo w's Sesio lxa Stan. has beer mad by
Onions of mothers for feel, Children ahl1e (eo,hla5.
3tee0Lhes the child, (51130(16. ani, 04lo o ppin, Aman
vied colla reauleres rho Sonoma and bowels, sod Is 160
6.'L (.50.11114,1 Dlarrkere. Txeoty0re card. a bMtlo.
Sold 44m/risk throughout eke world, No cure and
ark for "iotas. D't71alarre 500'301180 Brad r."
There are 1,800 sorts of snakes
known to naturalists; but of these
Britain has but tlu'ec•-the common
British snake, the viper, and th0
corm -milk
eki :041 itec 4*ivit % l t77x
0 Y, e -14
�3 iLa
The, Frost 10 Wire and 6 Stu Fence
is the strongest and heaviest wire fence made—good gpeniogk
for good agents ; write us at once for terms. Ask for catalog..
We are handling large quantities
We can handle yours to advantage,
The Dawson Oommissien Co,, Limited, Toronto.
Consignments of Sutter, :Eggs, Apples and other Pratlue* 8.1101tod,
THE re E S
To make you glad when you see
it 011 your house, and how It
wears as paint never did wear
Are made from materials that
do wear, that outlast all others,'
that stand up clean and 'Might
for years, easy to worth, ecohq-
' mica!, handy cans, and at the
right price for the best paint.
Drop us a card and ask for
showing holy some homesare a
A. RAMSAY & SON, Estab, 1342 ;
MONTREAL Paint Makers Io oSam®e®o®egt®®® o(pot'9ot.;soma
"Will you marry me ?" he asked.
"I told you once tbat 1 would not,"
she answered, "les, but that was
yesterday," he urged.
TO ('(211.9 A 9001) IN air: D.1.Y.
Take Laxative Br0nro Quinine Tablets. All
de:malits refund the motley it 1t falls to cute.
N. W. Grove's signature is on oaeh box, 200.
Six of the planets have between
them 20 moons.
Stops the Ceaxb
and works 06 the gold.
Laxative Bromo•Qainlne 'Tablets care a cold
In ane day. No l ore, No Pay. Pries 25 cents.
5,654,092 children are on the
registers of British Board schools
but of these 1,018,000 are constant-
ly absent.
Minard's Liniment Believes Neuralgia,
In washing woollens' and flannels,
Lo1•er's Dry Soap (a powder) will be
found very satisfactory.
A fish swimming at a depth of
100 fathoms is subjected to a pres-
sure of 259 pounds to tile s(11)010
C. C. Ri01'iA.TWS & CO.
Gentlemen,—I have used MIN-
ARD'.S LINIMENT oil my vessel and
in my family for years, and for
every day ills and accidents of life I
consider it has no equal,
1 would 11pt start on a voyage
without it, if it cost a dollar a
$Chr, "Storko," St. Andra, ICs
mouse slca.
The best age to iruy an elephant
is between 40 and 4.5. Such an ani-
mal works well up to 80 or 90 years
ftp{�,�$f1 �= '
.ry F� '.}.c LY
Prevented and Cureda
Pour marvelous free remedies for all
sufferers reading this paper. New
gurctorTub4 rculosis,Consump.
tion, Weak Lungs, Catarrh,
and a rundown system.
]3o you rough?
Do your lungs pain you ?
is your throat sore and inflamed?
Do you spit up phlegm?
floes your head ache?
Is your appetite bad?
Are your lungs delicate?
Are yoo losing flesh?
Are you pale and thin?
Do you lack stamina?
These symptoms aro proof that you
have in your body the seeds of the 01041
dangerous malady that has ever damss
tatted the earth—consumption.
You are invited to feet what kids system we11 do for
you, if you aro sick, by writing for s
and the pour Pres Preparations *111 be forwarded you
at Coen with 0emeieto directions for use,
The Slocum System is it positive ewe for Coneump,
Vim, that moskttnvidlona d;0e00q And for all Lank
Doable. and mianrder,,, comptreteted by Le., o7
flesh, Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis and
]hart Troubles.
Simply Svrlto la the T. A, Slocum Cbceilcal
Company, Limited, .363 King Street West, Tomnto,
giving past office and capreco address, nod the frog
nudienne (the Slocum Cure) Will Ye proMptly sent.
forums in Canada seeing 8(010lil o free otter 1
American paperswill please send for tramples t
Toronto, Mention clue paper.
A man of 70 has eaten in his lite,
time about 58 tons of food.
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns. etc,
Sixty per cent. of all the sugar In
the world is extracted from beet-
Binard's ifnlment Cures BandruIf
coast of England and Wales he
would 001'01' a distance of very near-
ly 2,500 miles.
WG 11128
Pr0eorros the tooth, Scosetene rho breath.
Strom -thorns the Zunis.
Instruments, Bugles, Flies. Drums, Caps. etc.
Can Lave a Meant, Drttnl or Bugle Band.
Lowest prices ever quoted. Illustrated pries -list
mailed fres. Write ma dor ANY'1%ING in MUSIC
WALB, BOYCE 6 Ce., Limited
Winnipeg, Man. Toronto, espeds
FOS SAT-E.—TM 2.l'auolution Sanlpisen
Presses, red 4000 inohes. Spleedld
order. Pried 31,®BO each. Terms easy.
S. P31APitt W(LSOfi,
73 West Adelaitfe St., Toronto
This nauooatin gd e
saes Id
duo to neglected med comb cane.
Intl Ion mad membrana.
alleA0ue carve all tn,,, 03
MAn,e0, de I44*
rritation, 114
pain, oeMlwv Immediately,
euros ordinary nacos In one
200, emaciate, or
etteadins So., Toronto.
Money refunded If not satle,
fa otery,
Get 0Sv Jt Fled
or Dyed; Alan Ladies' wear of ell kinds,
and llama Massimo et lam description.
Sioutre.h Toronto, Ottawa t Quebec).
Dominion Live Steamsahips
Montreal to Liverpool. Aosta, to Idiot•
pool. rortiand to Liverpool. Via Quoena.
Large endrast steamships, Supperior aoaounrhadatttan
sissy* all sisss of pase.nyera alsleons -nee Staters tee
ere amidships, 058(633(631.30,113(603. been given te.
Seems& Saloon An 3(6(1.4.0(0.01 *000m0100(6l04,
tetra of ae rad all natoulals, apply to .s Ih
of the Cmaa
ompany, or p Y pie
Richards ICUs k Oo
D. Terraria. k Oe..
77!1(.10314.Sentes, 9aniraaland rerneed.
Wo want at once trustworthy men and women u
ovary locality, teem or (raveling, to Introduce a nevi
Moiler00, nod Atop our $810 nsrds and •drortistn4
wetter tacked up In eonsplouaue 'elopes throughout tee
town sod 0on0try. Moody ompluynwoet, goer. t4On't11
0801010el0,1 or salary, $65.•• per f.nath 00Y
expenses, Prato 41X0. $050 pardny.,
RRIra for ch . ,1014011 box 317
y arMare. Po
INTENNAT.O@3AL 3130101343 00., LONDON. ONT.
I06 BAN' 5'f#2E tT,'.'TQ33t➢N1Q