The Brussels Post, 1902-5-8, Page 5MAY 8, 1DO BUSINESS CARDS, MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER oeut, 1Y, e, SCOTT, BruaBele, H. 1'IvORA OKEN— YY• HIssuer of Marriage ae, Of- opat Crgaory,'1urperry, atrereb, k3ruetel8, -p N. B,ARRETT-. • TonaorielArGist, Shop—Next door Northof the Standard Bank, Ladies' and Olithlren'e hair eattiug a ePeetaltl', M.- NUIRRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. • MISS JEAN M'LAIICILIN, —TEACHER op— PIANO '- AND - ORGAN, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM: testuadeeni FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. Wellington Mutual Fire .insuranoe Co., nOTAnnIBnren 1810 Insurance taken on the each and premium: nate system at current rates. BPtoreiuenr- fng elsewhere call on the undersigned Agent of the Company. GEORGE;ROGE1RS, Bruise's. MISS: SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L. 0., M., Academie graduate of London Conserva- tory of Mesio, also Member of the Aeeoalated Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited number of pupils for inntruotion on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupils for the Principal's Formin the Oonoorvatory of music. Brussels, Ontario, A. LEX. BUNTER— Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co, Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Pnblto, Land, Loan andinsuranoe Agent; Auction- eer. Fonds invested and to loan, Celiac - ti ens made. Office in Grabam's931ock, Brus- eele. AUCTIONEERS. T.-14 B. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION• J. • nun, will Boll . for batter prices, to better men in lase time and leas charges than any other An otioneer in East Huron or. he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this 003o0 or by personal application. VETERINARY. TD. WARWICK— Honor Graluate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all die - eases of domeetloated animals in a 001008t- ent manner. Parti'mlar attention paid. to Veterinary Dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to. Office) and Infirmary—Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. [XT M. SINCLAIR— y v Barrleter, Solicitor, ,Conveyancer, Notary Public, ba. Office—S tewart'a Bleak. 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solloitor for the Standard Bank. G. F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, ,4a. Moe over Stand- ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Breesele Money to Loan at lowest rates, MEDICAL CARDS. DR. 0. AMBROSE TOOLE, RESIDENCE AND OFFICE— MILE ST, EAST, E1tESSELS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M.. D., O. M., Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member College of Pbyeiciana and Sugeone Ont, Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of 1`dhyeiolane and Licentiate of Mid- wifery,Edtnburgh. t3Tolepboue No.14, Residence—Mill street,. Brussels, DENTISTRY DR. R. P. 7rEILD, DENTIST . Graduate of 'the Boyal College of .Dental Burgeouse' Ontario. and Giret.olaee Heuer Graduate of Toronto 'University, Omoo next to Brewer's Photograph Gal ery, BRUSSELS, 1902. SL/stOWEL / awee, iemoving forward. Spring term begins Mon- day, April 7. Our ratoe are reasonable—our (Mums of Study .thorough and prnotloal. Sand for our Journal to see whet wo teach. Students may enter et any time. Two Ooureeo of. Study—Oommereial and Short- band, C. A, F1;EMING, A. L. MoINTYt3E, President, Secretary, Owen Bound. Listowel. SHINGLES British! Columbia lien* Cedar Shingles ASn-- — North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Ham Mills Aieo Doors and Sash of all Pet terns on band or made to order at Short'Notioe, Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildinge. Waltman. ship end Material Guaranteed. P. A1\ C ThTTr IF NOTHING TURNS UP, TURN SQMETHING UP Q Celine Pt'i'rnblllll; Ill the41,00V gill ''. ENTRAI. Shot J I ,tel © L enables youngmen and women to Bemire employment ab goad wages immediately on leaving Ogilege, Wide Is the school that enfoyo the reputation of doing the beet work in bueiaeae education, The araduatee of the school are in strong demand ae teach. erg in bueinesa collogee in Oanada and.. the United States, Thiele the eehool }or you and your lrlendo. Write for catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, principal. Ixlitl" d Reba. 1 on.torth. The Ladies Guild of St. Thomas' ohuroh purpose bolding a hendkerohfet bazaar on the 14th of May. _ Luoknow. A violent disease known ae hones clean. ing, ie epidemic in the village. The Bruce County W. 0. T. U. con- vention will be held in Teeewater iu Jane, Alex, C. Loohead, druggist, preeeoted the laorose° club with a beautiful pair of goal nets, A Buooesefdl mase meeting wae held in the Methodist ohuroh Sabbath evening in the cause of Temperonee. Frank Gordon, of this village, sold hie four year old bay roadster colt to Mr, Aitoheson, a horse buyer from Gloderioh, for the handsome sum of $175. A bear seas erten paeaing through Geo, Huber's farm, inCarriok, a dew days ago, The animal was maenad by a dog but es no guns were handy the bear made hie escape. Lir:ito wet The new pipe organ for 0briet (March arrived on Monday of last week from the firm of Lye da Sone, organ builders, Tor- onto. Drs. Bruce and McDowell, dentiete, have dissolved partnership, Mr. Brace is opening a new dental office over W. Spears' store. Oswald Gibb., of this town, is now in. Toronto 0e a salesman in the wholesale firm of the J. F. Harty Co., eurgate' In. etrnmente and pbyeioiane' euppliee, W. A Phillips, Principal of the High Schools, got a telegram last week telling him of the death of hie mother, in Mary. born. She was eixty.tbree yeare of age and an old settler of the township. Fred. Jermyn, Bun of Mrs. Jermyn, Elma St., met with an unfortunate aaoi. deut while driving the delivery wagon of R. A. Climie'e grooery. The lines got be. neath the horse's tail, and in trying t0 get them loose the animal started kicking sending his heels through the daehboerd and etrtking young Jermyn on the leg below the knee, which was badly shattered abd torn, the lad's stocking and some of the splinters of the dashboard being driven Into the bone. ' Exeter, The Government has given notice that the Poatoffioe at Devon will be gloved and cancelled from the liet on, and after May 18ib. Au old and well•koown reaideut hae been removed from oar midst by the death of Robert Spicer, at the age of 76 yeare and 7 menthe. A tramp of unsound mind was given a berth in the opoler Saturday and Sunday nighte and wan removed to Goderiah jail by Detective Weeloott. Percy Tom, 'who has been writing on his final medical examination in London, spent Tuesday of beet week here with hie grandparents, James and Mrs. Tom. He intends going West shortly. The hoteliers of town have raised the price of beef and to all probability it will go higher. Choice auto have been raised here from 14 to 16 oente a pound, round steak to 1211 and other outs proportion. ately. During the heavy wind aorta on re- liant Saturday the large windmill at the power house was badly wreaked. The iron frame about halt way down was so badly bent that the bead of the mill touched the ground. eaoalerich. Richard Phelan bas been appointed day constable. The G. T. R. has shipped over 3000 ton of wheat through the Goderiob Ele. vator last week. Fred Davie and family, of Mitchell, arrived on Monday of laet weak and touk poeeeeeion of the Bedford. Judge Maseoo's health is again giving hie frieode grave concern. At present hie illneoe prevents him from attendings at hie office. We regret to learn of the illneoe of R. W. MolIenzte, which hae confined him to bed during the past week and hope Boon tosee him about again. The Goderioh Township Rifle Mamie, tion will oelebrate May. 24th by a shoot. ing metob in the"morning on the range be. low John. Newoomb's, and a plonio in the al bemoan. Dootor and Mrs. Galloty were called to Torouto, On account of the serious illneoe of tbe dootor'e father, and they were in time to be present at his death which occurred early the follwiog morning. Mise 73. Rumba% who was book-keeper and stenographer for D. Holmes, bee taken a similar position with Mal&enzie & Howell, who find that with their rapid- ly growing bueinese they require mob en assistant. Op Taeeday evening of last week Jona. than and Mre. Miller were presented by the boardere of the Hotel Bedford with a handsome oalendar cloak, a000mpanied by an addreee expreeeing regret that their relations were to be eased by the change In proprietorehip of the hotel. Mr. Miller made a fitting reply to the testimonial. Chao. Autbet/and was tent np for trial, from Clinton, on a charge of stealing a borne, a baggy, heritage Rud a robe, which had been hired from Hamilton & Hallidey'8 livery id this town and gold to some One is Clinton, Sutherland le not a Haronite, but hails from the North and had been working in the inmber camps all Winter. He came to town on the Ste. Mylee, Iran Fort William, and bein without money tried to taiga me by !bso ring and then stealing Dr. llamil. NS: ton's borne, On TinPd'ty Sutherland was brought before flea !Honor Judge Doyle for election. fie elowerl to be tried 37 his Honor with nts jury, and pleaded guilty t0 the ollarl's at hone stealing and theft. He was remanded till Friday, t th' t e h n howill p to ubrought 9 wbbe wp for senlenoe, The long adjournment is to alibw the Crown to maize enquiries ea to previous chamber, at plume where be easter' be wee employed, W 1-4rxsd Miss Maggie Miller left Thureday morning of last week for Toronto to not as hookeeper for her brother there. Mee, Jolie Davidoon left for Montreal where she eailodi on Saturday by the Parisian for a few months' trip to Soot. load, The Star gays 1—Co Friday' evening' doting the heavy thunder storm, the lightingtt y ate ale a tree in the vleinit of Dn Fisher'sbouse, and tore thiugoup generally round the premieres. The pmnp was damaged, and a wooden walk torn up, the earth and gravel being thrown over the hoose. A oouple of windows were broken bat no other serious damage was done there. The lightning however ran along the electric light wires and played hayoo with the teaneformere, three of wbinh were burned out. As the lighter breve not yet been turned on again on all the South side of the bridge the damage is not yet known but the loos to Mr. Ries will be considerable. The lighting also ran into the Walker Hoose and puuo1 ed a little hole through the plaster, giving those near by atthe time quite a mare. It also ran into the reit*. denote of W. M. Robinson cracking the plaster of a ceiling. The oracle of tbun. der was p800310r and sounded like the oraolt of a rifle. .FoleaLwioh. Thee. Gibson has been offered 104 aeon for the firet half of the May make of oheeae. Rev. D. Rogers attended the funeral of hie oouein, Rev. F. E Nugent, at Mitchell on Taeeday of last week. John Barber, 9th eon., is at present suffering from a severe attack of sedation, and is confined to hie bed, but it is hoped that he may 'loon recover hie newel good health, Robert Wal are, 9th con., bas received the smell reward of ten dollna' from the C. P. R offieiale for saving a train from being wreaked two mites East of here, on the morning ofMarab 20th, he having noticed a broken rail, waltzed up the track for some distance and flagged tbe traits, thea hindering a costly, if not a eerioue 'incident. The 0. P. R. paid a very email reward seeing that the oom- puny might have lost hundreds if not thousande of dollars besides the lose of life, had not the train been flagged. POST A. B been encased has Inc the cash alx rya? 'qfr years .M eon,wh 00 oho the past at .pw' j�[,. the S ritigbault faotory, line left t takeAdd• ohargs of a faotory at tlarhugtvn. Wwlkey Broe, had a bee Qu '4'needay send Wednesday al ernpons of laat week, taking he framework the old 'fa o ale 1tg c fr of bpa ry down, They will begin ,the erection of the new furniture faotory at once. Letitia) e•y. It ie with regret we announce the death al Henry Wnllaoe which' earl event 000um ed at the residence of hie con is -law,. Johnston Kinney, on Tuesday morning of leaf week. Deoeaeed fold reached the %dyauced age of 82 years, While a young mon Mr. Wallace emigrated from Ireland and settled in Mountain Township, Dundee penalty. He lost hie wife lest rail end shortly after came On a visit t0 Mr. Stoney's. Pur many years be was a member of the municipal oo nail of Mountain and tilled many other import. ant and influential positions. In religion 100808ed was a Presbyterian, and in politics.' a staunch Conservative, On Wednesday the mooing were taken to Hallville and interred in the Presbyterian oemetery there. The deaeaeed'e family have the heartfelt sympathy of everyone in their bereavement. IF31 e' t la . James Heftron le oondoed to lila moth- er's home with an abscess on hie right knee. Contractor Prior is pushing the brick- work for Dr. Milne's new office and drug store, Quarterly meeting services ware eon - duetted in Blyth Methodist ohuroh loot Sunday. Albert Oakley left last week for Idaho, where he purposes spending two yeare rauobiog. KJ. G. Moser ie recovering from the in. juries be received when he was enddenly tb+own from his delivery wagon. S H. Gidley has sold hie residence on the corner of Queen and Drummond streets to John T. Hamilton for $1200. The Blyth Alerte opened the Iuter- mediate series of the W. F. A. in this diatela! at Wingbam on Friday evening, where they lost by 2 to 0. The next game in Blyth will be on Friday, May 9th, when the Alerts play with Brussels in a W. r. A. scheduled game. Hrs. Richard Sellars went to Toronto for her eon, Albert, who has been in Grace hospital for the past four menthe dolt with typhoid fever. The young man is now better of the fever and has reoov ered his eyesight. He ie very weak but with careful home nursing he will soon be himself again. It is with regret that we examinee the serious flloese of M. H. Hammond, of O+kville, a former Grand Trunk agent et Blyth. For the past eight months he hae Do You Need a uggY ? We Wagons, The Spring display of Buggies is new, neat and nobby. Your choice of the best makes. _ Reasonable prices and terms and satisfaction assured, Don't buy until -you see our stock as you may save money by so doing. Special attention given to Repairs, Repaint- ing and Re trimming. also handle Road Carts, extra, good Lumber Wheelbarrows, &c, EDWARD SPERAIN. John Wynn's Old Stand, Brussels. ` 51(''' -1' tllllllillgidllllllllNlOW L Ft .. ut110uiet lNtilumtd fIR11 tnM y;iam►UIlpuuiwllLIiIIIIIII MITI P a. %�� , .011111111140. aln011111iltltn i i;l111sfliH1 )Wen's cress Shoes must be fashionably correct. Ours are. These shoes are comfortable because they fit inside. The outline is handsome and the shoes are made to keep their shape and appearance till worn out. Prices are right for right goods f Solo Agents in Brussels for the Invictus Shoes made by George A. Slater. Our Repair Department is in charge of Mr. Peter Ritchie, well known to you all. IIlarness cheaper than ever, Y Dusters, Lap Rugs, Rubber Rugs, Trunks and Satchels at Lowest Prices. Ciar81'031 B `os. Haven limited number of buebele of the B018T DUTCH SEED fpr farmers in tho vicinity of Oran brook or'k who World redoing they are punas prepared ermine eo qua, which t nit are pr awsoo, to deliYor in quant!ties tp salt Hex grower'', Seed may be got nb the Cranbrook A'inx Mill at 91,60 per bushel. Order early and 8000rq a supply. Per 1100 grown 1rOm this Seed $10 PER TON will be paid if of gond growth, harvested in proper season and delivered at the flax mill. as soon asfit for threshing. Wo will rent a number of good sod Heide for the parpoee of growing Ilex. CAMERON BROS., Proprietors Ornnbrouk Flax Mill. been seriously ill with 000enmption of the bowels end all hope of reooveryie now given op. During the 14 yeare that Mr. Hammond was agent here be made warty friends. 1247 ham . Meir ck 0e. ebipped their stook of mer. ohandise to Oweo Sound, where they will continue bushing. Geo. A. Stokes, the new G. T. R, agent, will weepy the residence shortly to be vacated by Conductor John Quirk. G. E. King has Bold his driving horse to a Mr. Trotter, of Brandon, Man. Mr. Trotter le shipping a oar load of borne from Seaforth to Brandon, Aeseeear Otegg hae returned the roll for 1902. It ehowe the following totals 1 Real property seine, $536,407; personal property value, $78,500 ; income $5,060, total $021,057 ; population, 2,131. The anniversary ser0io50 fn oonneotioo with the Wingham Presbyterian (Thumb, which were postponed from February, will be held On Sunday May 18th. Rev. W. A. J. Martin, pastor of Z,ou Presbyterian ohuroh at Brantford f0 to preach the ser. mons. Ephraim Downing, J. H. Woreell, Jae. Yates, Chas. Blake, F. Smooth, R. J. Mo. Gaw and G. Aobeeon, of Goderieb, were in town on Tneadav of last week, taking a look at the new Methodist church, ewer- tainiug partionlars in aonneotion with the building, 'I'lle Goderlob Methodists intend erecting a new ohuroh in the near future. R. J. MaeMath who has the two axone. elan to Sarnia in charge has received word from the G. T. R. authorities that they have deoided on the dates. Minerva Encampment, t, 0. 0. F. will run their exonroiou on June 21st and Wingham Lodge, L. 0. L. will have August 23rd ae their date. Paeeengero will go by rail to Sarnia and from there to Detroit by boat. The annual busineae meeting of the Epworth League of Wingham Methodist ohuroh was held on Monday evening of last week. The various report,' presented showed the 'moiety to be in a healthy and proeperons oondition. The membership has largely inareaeed, and the different departmente have been actively at work during the year. Over $300 was raised for all purposes, $83 of thie amount be. ing for missions. The following are the offioere for the coming year 1 Hon. Presi- dent, Rev. R. Hobbs ; president, E. H. Raiser ;let vioe•preeident, Mee. F. Hogg ; 2nd vioe.president, W. Thompson ; 3 d vice-president, Walter T. Hall , 4th vine - president, Mrs. W. Allenby; secretary, John Park ; reoordiug eeoetary, Mise Maggie Tibbs ; treasurer, W. Allenby ; organist, Mies Reid; assistant organist, Mies Edith Hall. eJ,_tw coal. Elate 0ounoil met lest Monday, 5th, for general bueineaa. The many Meade of Hugh Porter will be pleased to note that he i0 again able to be around. Harry Wileom who bee been studying photography at Efflugham, III., for some months, is home. The yonog people of Trowbridge Meth- odist aburoh intend holding an entertain- ment on May 23rd. Joe. MoKuy left last week for the Soo, where ite will spend tbe Snmmer.at hie trade, the carpentering. The Rims Home is undergoing repairs, the bar being obanged to South aide of building, and o'her much needed repairs being done. Wm. Shearer has rented hie 200 acre farm to his two Bone for $500 per year, and hae sold the stook to them. T. G. Ballantyne hae purchased the two corner building lots of 0.H. Holmes, merahant, and will ereot thereon two brink etoree this next Sommer. Some iota of April oheeae were shipped out from the local factories last week, having been bought at 104o. Ooneider able May obeese hae been oontrieted for at 103(80. Richard Gray, an old Eima boy, who hae been connected with tbe Whyte Packing Company in the oapaoity of manager of the retail store on Wellington et., Stratford, for many years, left for Montreal this week to enter upon hie new duties of manager of the Whyte Packing Co'e new wholesale bneineee there. Ton LATE Mae. Nrauons.—The oom- innnity were eurprieed and pained to learn ot the Bodden death of Mary Ellen Uookwill, wife of our reepeoted townemao Wm. Nichol'', on Friday morning, 25th alt„ aged 47 yeare, 8 months and 23 days. She had been poorly for some time, and for several weeke previous to her death ebe wee confined to bed, but the end wag not thought to bo eo near by her family, in fact Mr. Nichola was in the country when ebe died, Deoeaeed wee born, in Devonobire, England, in 1853, and cam to Canada with her parents iu 1855, and hen resided in Elma nearly ever 03000. She was milted in marriage to Mr. Niohoie in Lietowel, to 1870, and ae a result of the oniou eight children were born to them, viz t—Jemee, at home ; Wihiam, ot Wiarton ;• Walter, of Gris. wold, Man. ; Mrs. R. Ctnningbam At. wood, Out,; Wesley, of Wallace townehip ; Wardel and Ella A. at borne, and Norman, of Norwich, Ont. Mre, Nlchole was a member of the Atwood 1 aptiet ohuroh, having united with it to 1882, and eo tar as we knew lived a eonoietent Christian life. She wae a good wife end mother, and was mnob reepeoted by her large olrole of friends, as wae evidenced by the large funeral on Sunday, The service at the Baptist ohurob wa000nduoted by tho Rev, Mr, Saundere. The husband and onildren are heartily sympathized with in their boroavement, 6 L -t- . SPECIALS FOR THIS WEE, We quote a e oma ver. o Mile bow rices t ' 9 q p We week for goods whiQll are 10 demand, which should interest oloee cash buyore, a) ,.New Prints, foot oolors, regular 70 far lo. —New Prints, in light end dark fast oolors, wide width, good value et 10e t for no. ipt) —Art Muslim, with borders, new pattern, in light and dark calorie, regular Be for In. 141 —New Gingbame, in b'uo and white cheeks end bright plaide, fest aolore, very epeefal 6o, --Printed Ginghame, yard wide, tact colors, good value at 12710 for 9710, —White 11'Ioelia, in striper' and cheek'', at 5o. —! do .rn ee Rtbbedobt U an Hoge, feet bleak, seamless, good value nt 12 for 10c. —Ladies' heavy Ribbed and Plain Cotton Hose, feet bleak, regular price 15o, 2 pair for 26o, —A. very special line of Ladies' Black All -wool Cashmere Hose, wide and narrow ribbed, with plain ankles, good value at 450 for 30a, — Ladies' Vests, great value at 5o, ea, 10o, 150 and 25o. — Crash Towelling, 18 ioohee wide, a snap at 40. —Men's Heavy All -wool Soaker, seamless, ribbed tope, regular pride 18e, 2 pair for 25o. —Ladies' Colored 'Underskirts, in a full range of colors and patterns, Very epeoial at 50o, —Don't bey Carpets or Curtains till yea have seen our stook. We down them all on Carpets and Lace Curtains. — Butterwiok'e Fashion Sbetite tree. ARK for one. r is never so willing to perform its labors as when the ,Paint used yields easily in application. The work becomes a labor of love if you use our reliable Ready -mixed Paints. We'll supply you with an article that Stands on its Merits Alone —The BEST and the CHEAPEST. The SHERWIN—WIL- LIAMS PAINTS saves you Money, Time and Patience and never fails to give satisfaction. Complete stock of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, &c. ' urnbu11 66 D t i ing Boy's School Knickers It is astounding how quick the average boy will go through his Knickers unless you buy him the famous "Lion" Brand make, got up especially for the lively boy. Made with double knees and double seats, seams taped and double sewn with linen thread, will outwear 2 pairs of ordinary goods. Once a customer, always a cus- tomer. You are safe in every way when you get this make, be- cause the goods sold are all wool. You will find no shoddy or cot- ton in goods bearing the "Lion" Brand. Then again look at the make and finish of the goods, they are not equalled. We are the only people in town handling this famous make. lac mr 'natel,� gat TRIPLE BEElutterarame• [l'EIYoseL; ItH11M` Drancto osiery 15 TEE Best Hosiery in the World is none too good for the average boy who seems to take groat delight in wearing out his Clothing. No. 15 in the Black ALA= CAT BRAND ' Cat Hosiery is the best goods in Chicago -Rockford Hosiery Co. the market for this kind of a boy 015Nos0A, wls. —wears better and washes better than any other make. Has triple knees and triple heels. Is made in such a manner that they cannot fail to give the utmost satisfac- tion. Once a customer, always a customer. See that you get No. 15 when next you ,purehaso Hosiery, Wo are the only agents in town for this famous brand. D. C. Leading Clothier & Furnisher, 'x 1v ss zls0