The Brussels Post, 1902-5-8, Page 111•4.1110001.11.1.101111641.0.1111/ rit Vol. 80. No, 48 RUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1902 New Acivertisements. Pontine tueetinge. Flour -Me Beaker, Local-A.1f. Beeker, Peinting-T. Binder, Looale-Vioiet Cooper. Opeolele--)MoKinnun a Co. Bull for service -Jame Lynn. Rooms to let -rare. 3. R. Smith. Picture of mieery--Downing Bros. 1Plotrut ttnt4. amanefato 'w11. Rev. Mr. West, of Bluevele, preached in Viotoria Holl last Sabbath availing giving a fine sermon, This 'entity will be largely repreeent. ed at the Liberal annual meeting in Bruit. eels met Tuesday afternoon. We all want to hear Hon. blr. liareoutt, ettin• deter of Ddaamtion. Some of our I ferment are telling a hand in the experimental sugar beet a gate plots. jas. Streoban and Jae, Lynn are he representatives in thie section. The inetrnator was here last week. • POLIMAL.-Ou Friday evening of next week a publics political meeting will be held in the hall here in the interests of: the Liberal eandidate. Addreesee by Mr, Hislop and °there. lIr. Spotton or hie repreeentative invited to take part. PelEolonswortle. Onte.-We are sorry to record the death of William Mitchell, Grey, one of the first settlers in the neigbboehood of Melee. worth. In font had there not been a place called Mitchell in those early dap Moleeworth wonld be Pain:hell to day. As a oitizen of this community hie good sense, sober judgment and uneelfiAmess have won him a place and name that will not soon be forgotten. Ete was a loyal citizen ot his country and a life long Be. former with oonviationg that strengthened with his advemoing years not from mere sentiment bat from hie thorough know• ledge of good government. No men ever endeared himeelf more to the hearts of his family than did he, His meekness his tenderness, his forgiveness, and his Java, entwthing about him most true and loyal hearts, are testimonies of his abid- ing faith in Janne Cibrisb. In that truer, higher and more noble sense he wae a man among men. In those things that are more enduriteg, in those things that abide he won a place and name for him. self and we cannot but think that as a -BUILD UP ONTARIO." EAST HURON cAlyipAIGN„ Political Meetings in the interest of ARCH. ElISLOP, the Liberal Candidate for the East Riding of Huron, vein be hold as follows t-- LONDESBORO', FRIDAY. HAY SOB WALTON, WROEETER, BELGRAVE, SATURDAY. ILLY loth HONDAY. MAY 12th TUESDAY, MAY 13th GLENANNAN, WEDNESDAY, NAY 14 BLUEVALE, THURSDAY, MAY 13th JAMESTOWN, FRIDAY, MAY 16th GOSIMA1113 SOBOOL, wergey, stay 11 MEETINGS COMMENCE AT 8 P. M. Addresses will be given by Mr. Hislop and othere on the Politioal Queetione of the day, The Opposition Candidate or hie Repre. mutative invited to atteud awl take pare "God Save theKing." 100MONONOMINIMIMMIII=1.11•• friend, husband and teener itis Dime will ever be eherislied With the greetest gra. Wed° End deviation, Truly hie wag Nile larger heart, the kindlier One Meson lab us keen in mind, To Meld our loved °fleeciest: and fast ; elinee Jaye) hearts are hard to end, And life end love 00 mon are Past. Interment wee made Rt Molesworth oeme• tery, Ettentewittle. Mies Annie $wann returned last week from Fergus, Mies Mabel Snell visited relatives in Wingham tine week, The Meanie Batter Motory oommeno. ed operations on Holiday. John Diament's condition it not im- proving, we are sorry to my. Harry MoHardy went to Goderioli on Friday where he has tenured a position. Obriatopher and Mrs. Thornton, of Wingham, visited et John Gerdiner's this week. Percy Patterson left last week or Milverton where he will •work in the Meese factory during the Bummer, Mines Maggie McLean and Minnie Big. gins, of Wingbarn, visited the former'e annt, Mrs. John Jobneton, We week. J. McDermott, of Bennie, moved his household effects into the hones lately vacated by Alexander MoEwen, last week. WEDDING Beam -On Wedneaday even. lug of tbie week, at 6 o'oloak, the matte. menial knot wae tied by Rev, L B. Wall win, B. A., at the Parsonage, Seeforeh, between Sydney Dulmege, a well known and highly esteemed reeident of thio township, and MiSB Lizzie MoDonagb, of Wingham. In the evening a reoeption was held at the resideuee of the groom where a large number of relatives and friends assembled to the number of 50 or more and spent a first elan time. After hearty congratulations a sumptuous sum per was served to whittle ample jnetioe wee done. A very enjoyable evening wag spent in vooal and inetrumental music, recitations, oomplimentary epeeehes by Connolllor Brown and others, garnet' and natal chat. The wedding presents were numeratee and neeful. Par. and Pare. Dull:nage commence married life under auspicious eireumetancee and with the hearty good within; of a large oirole of relatives and friends. Gents were pres- ent from London, Seafortle and Brunette ralthel. The briok work at Robert Bares new residence will likely be pushed along next week by Wateon &inlay, of Bruesele, 'Robert McKay praaobed an Interesting discourse in the Methodiet church bat Sabbath evening in the element at the pastor. The township papers and intake bave been transferred from the boom of the late Clerk to an office opened by Olerk MoIutash, where he may be found. Thursday morning John B. Smith and family, well known residents of Grey, left here for Guelph wbere they purpose regiding. Their household farnitnre was also shipped from this station. We wish them proeperiey. EARLE OLOSING.-The Busisess men have agreed to akin all places of business at 7 o'alook every evening except Satter. days or evenings before holidays from the 15th of May. TM; purohasing pulella will please take notion. This week Robert Dilworth and Min Dilworth left Ethel for ()Weary N. W. T. whither they go to aid the letter's health which bee not been very vigorone during the past Winter. Mies Dilworth's many friends wieb her speedy convalescent:a. Somme REPORT. -Following is the Bobool report for the month of April :- 5th alase-Examiued in Comp Alg., Euclid and fit.ng. total 350-D. Davies 221, G. Imlay 171, G. Eokmier 162. -Sr. 4th-l1xamined In Comp. Lit. & Rea. end Geog. total 850-L. Simpson 172, E. Hansuld 171, E. Mason 148, M. McAlister 121, B. Mollee 114, El MoAllister 99, G. Gill 81, L. Foga! 68, 0. Baynard 67. -Jr. 41h -Examined in Clomp. Lit. Rao. and Geog. total 800-W, MoAllleter 248, L. MoLeod 211, A. "MaDonald 187, G. Wan net 184, W. Badgley 122, M. Osborne 122. Sr. 4rd-Examined in Comp. Lit. Rea. Spoiled a Good Baking you have many a time by using en ieferioragrade of flour. Your bread will always be light, while and sweet when using the Venue. It le alwaye of sup. erior (panty, with no variation, and is aerefully made from the beet grown Manitoba wheat. Try this satiefaotory brand for your bread, aakee end pies, and you will never use any other. ALF. BAEICE11, DRUSeELS, P011.119[022504.8.026.2 MM.= Anchor Liquid House. Paints When you consider about the painting of your bone the moot important thing to think of is, what le the beet quality et paint obtainable? The beet paint to nand the weather and look freeh for the longest time? There is 'Only one answer to this, namoly, that a paint made with Brandram's B. B, Germine Lead, Pure Dinned Oil, end jun abeugh Dryee, mum be the beet, an thie 13. B. Lead has for et) limey years bean proved superior to all others. Stioh a paint is Anaber Liquid Hone Peint, and it ia the only liquid paint made in Canada with Brat:dram's 33,13. Genuine White Lead. It is 0 mistake for yon to nee anything but the very beet paint in ;minting your home, The mat of putting on the paint ie malty about the same as the met of the paint iteelf, A oheap paint taloa more time to make a reasonably good job with then a good pent, end does not last aa long, nor look 00 well. In faot the oheap paint is the most expeneive pint in the med. Make no mistake. Use Anobor Liquid Henn Paint. It ie a PUre White Load, Zino and Lineeed Oil Pettit, and ie en good 05000 be made with our choke° of the very beat materials. TJae a and get the Moat eatiefentory melte obtaitteble with paint. Bold by-- TkfrliZAVIC CC.. Brussels. and Geog. tgtel 200,41. Simpson 227, L, Cleanebere 221, a. Wilbee 212, 1, Hogarth 179, E. Freemen 177, 101. Imlay 176, B. nokmier 101, T. Meditator 151, L, Elaktnier 139, W. Bowe 96, H. Coates 90, 111, MeAlinm 29. -Jr. 3rd--13mulined in Conep, Llt. Reo, and Geog. total 250- M. Snowman 138, K. MoLeod 187, 33. Eokinier 115, 313. IlleJiaa 108,33, Wearier 98, G. MoKee 77. Geo, DontON, Tetieher. junior Departinent.-Sen, IL -Beatrice Batman 94, Graee McAllister, 04, Pearl Bremner 79, Elsie Dunbar 87, Floreeee Imlay 64, Jamen MoCallum 58, Nellie bloAllister 56, Winnie Barr 40, Lizzie Cooper 45. Jr, IL -Rose Fraser 72, Vinay McLeod 66, Annie Copee 60, Rue: eel Lova 57, Gharleg Eiansold 52, Roy Elehmier 44, Carnal Davidson 42, Hartle Ealtrnier 85, George Badgley 20, Laidlaw Strachan and Joseph Peareon, absent, Pt. IL -Alvin McKee 88, Cane. Dane 88, Busied Wilbee 67, Irene Hanle 60, Joeeph Cooper 45, Alva Fletcher absent. Sen. I. -Elwin Thompson 90, Allan bleAllister 73, Wilfrid Eakraler 68, Robbie Tbornp. min 25, Roy Gilt and Ethel Gcrdner, ab- sent, Jan. L-Taines Bremner, Alice Barr, Ronde Costae, Charles Davidson, Aubrey Dobaon, Elwin Dobson, Cecil Eakmier, Fleda Freeman, Alex. Frsser, German Fogal, Elwin MeLeod, Vera MoChtul, Floret:co MeOellum, Annie Mo. Alliater, Pearl eloKee, 'Pieter Pearsoe, Vert), Pollard, Wesley Yeo, Mme 33, CLARKSON, Teacher. WEE I 00111. Work bee commenced on Win. M. Smith's new house. Miss Lizzie Stewart, of Monet Forest, is visiting friends helmet). T, and Mrs. Clark, of Stu:whine, tears visiting in town on Sunday. it -Mrs. James Carter and her mother are visiting the latteree Meter in Mitchell. Marin and Mfrs. Demme& of Moles. worth, spent Snuday at Dr. Armstrong's. Alex, Smith and family, of Seatortb, were visiting friends in Walton thie week. Rev. end Mrs. Dever have returned from e short visit to friends in the North. Our hunting footballer, who has few equals, Gordon McDonald, will play with the ',Hurons', of Seaforth, the; season. Geo. and Mrs. Patina, of Seaforth, Frank Baer, of Clinton, and Mrs. H. Pethick, of Orillia, spent Sunday at Pars. D. Campbell's. Walton footballers Were talking of go- ing to Benesele on Tuesday evening for a warm op game witb the neighboring team lint Old Probe. was opposed to it and the heavy rain put a stop to the proposal. Saturday evening of this week a pont. Mal meeting will be held in Walton to be addressed by A. Hislop, the Liberal can. didate and others. By the bill we notice the Opposition aa,ndidete le also invited to be present. Meeting opens at 8 o'clock. tr'srr Serrinel Orerer is home from the Bohool of Saienoe, Toronto Inc his bolidaye. Mr. Palmer ie putting a shingle mill ims oonnection with hie saw mill on the 16th oon. Mr. Munn, the Mondrieff blacksmith, h as the catpenters at work on his new residences. John A. Mollay and bis sister, Mies Florenee, spent last Sabbath with friends in Belroore. 3‘, W. taaTaggart, 16th 0011., has gone to Port Arthur where he expecte to spend the Sommer. Fred. Smith was away last week to Clifford attendine, the funeral of hie unole, Alex. Weir. Jamas Denman watein Bluevale Sunday last week etteuding the funeral of the lute Mrs. 3% J. Denman. Our oongratttleaions go to J. 1, and Mrs. Coates, of Gooding, Idaho, former. ly ot Gray, iu the arrival of re baby though- t: r. This week Donald (Jeerer wee here and shipped hie household furniture, &o, to Stratford where lie intends making bis home. W. L. MeQuarrie is home from Dollen. ton, le. W. T., wbere be taught school. He is a Meyer young man and a good teather. Oue day recently Heater IlloQuarrie 4th oon., watt kicked by a horse and slightly injured. The rig WOE also dame- ged somewhat. Good prices Ware realized at W. J. Janklin's attation sale on Tuesday and despite the unfavorable day, through ram, there NOR R good attendanoe. Mre. Than. Dodds and eon of MoKillop, toed Mre. (Dr.) John BlaFadzecon and son, of Dat Norte, Colorado, were 'Minns at W. alaleadzeau'e, Oth oon., on Weans's. day. The Gregg drain debentures amount- ing to 6519 90 ware handed over to G. A. Stineson, a Toronto broker, this week. He pays 0601 tor them The debentures draw 4% and run 20 years, On Arbor day considerable "home Meaning" was done in the school prem- ises in Grey townehip. The pupils take a great interest in this work when wisely directed by the teaohere. The dredge is working now at the rear of Robb. illoAlltater'a farm, lot 6, oon. 3. There ie two or three weeks' work yet with the dredge. The contractors go from the North of the townthip to the 14th eondrain vthere they: have a 4 mile contemn from Reid & (Mende, ilia oon. 16001008 of tbe drain. BOROOD Enema. - Following it the grehool report of S. B. No. 1, Grey, for month of April ; V.-13eatrioe Ann. strong 35 ; Lizzie Dickson 32, Sr, IV. -- Frank Davidson 71; Edith Blake 00 ; Willie Stevensono45 ; Jennie Rands 42, Jr, IV,-blabel iloggard 70 ; Alfred Glassier 80. Sr. IIL-Sidney Arm. taming 78 ; Eland Revell 75 •, Lizzie Grant 72 ; Fred, twinge 64 I John Stevenson 48, Jr. 11L-Grece Homer, 90 ; J3180 Diokson 85 ; Marjoty Dun. can 84 ; John Dickson 88 ; Baxter Stela °neon 130; Joe Athastrong 50. Jr. II. - Fred. Al000k 90 Maggie Stevenson 90 ; Fanny Aettook 82'; 011a Armstrong 80 ; Addle Grant 76; Leslie Switzer 78; John MaCelhern 70. Pt. IL-Willle Hoover, Liezie Cannier, Chrietina Voltam Her. me: Hoover. Pt, L-Arahle Drigel, John Alecek, Willie Hollinger, James Steven. eon, Moog Anna IIINO, Teacher, Mee Bella MoKey, daughter of Alex, 15th coo., wbobaa been ill lately, is able to be Remind again. One of the °Meet men in the township of Grey ia &MIPS Hogg, 8ra 000., who is now 91 years of age. Mr. Hogg le quite an motive roan able to go to Bennie, attend Aline en, Ile la one of the real old stook. W. '2, Frain, of Detroit, was here this week at his brother's. We are sorry to blear of the demise of big wife. Mies Julie Frain, who bag been living witb Mr. and Pare. Frain in Detroit will come home shortly tee Mr, Fridge will probably break up home ninon the death of hie wife. THE LATE MRS, EDWARD. -Con Wedeln. day, April 23rd, oaourred the death of Sarah Wilson, wile of George Edward, at the itge of 74 yeare. The deceased wee one of the early settlers here, having bean to resident of Goderiell for ementy yetre. She wee born in Carliele, Blighted, in the yeter„1827, the daughter of George Wileou, end with the family came to Canada in 1832, end Battled at Goderioh. She saw the little community, then in its infantry, grow from what was little more than a clearing in the wilderness to the leading town in a populous and wealthy county. In October 1867, she wee married to George Edward who eurvivee her. Last Fall, her health leaving failed, she went to spend the Winter with her nine, Mee, Hutchinson in the townehip of Gray, sellers ber death incurred on Wednesday April 28rd. The remains were brought to Goderictle and were interred in Maitland cemetery on Friday afternoon, The funeral took plan from the home of her, sister, Mrs. James Breckenridge, Bayfield road, Mr. Cullum, of Woodetook, wended - ed the services, and the pitlabeerers were Jas. MoOranen, J. Dunn 0. Vanstone, Alexander Henderson, G. P. Montgomery and James Oolwell.-Huron BMW: Township Council will meet on Monday 26th inst. Mise M. Sellers spent &couple of weeks with friends in Wingham. Mies Green, of Wingham, wae the guest of the Mieeee Mathes, let aoa,, on Sunday last. Miss Mille, of Tottenham, is the guest of her sister, Mee, William Robb, 6th line, Bome of our fermata finished seeding last week and others will wind np this week, Mine Alioe Peal, who has been quite ill, ie able to be termed again we are planed to state. Mrs. Alex. Wilson, who has been visit- ing at John Wightman'a and Tomph Walehni Ent Wawanonh, returned to Elma townebip this week. The school teachers and soholare have had a busy time in giving a Spring olean up to sohool yards and premises generally cionneetion with Arbor day. Last week William Lam:bland and wile arrived from Peterborce owing to the serious illness of Mrs. Gilbert fipeir, 4th line. Mr. Imuohland ie a brother of the dolt woman. Saturday leveeing of next week, 17th inst., a political meeting will be held in Goeman's wheel house, 8th line, to be addressed by A. Hislop, Liberal °gouda date, and others. Opposition :Tinkers also invited, Smoot, REPORT. -The following is the report of 881. No. 9, for the month of April : Sr. IV. -Maude Jackson 849 ; Manson Taylor 811 ; Wm. Farquharson 810 ; Harvey Skelton 267. Jr. IV. - Roes Jac:keen 240; Nellie McArthur 221; John MaArthur 2/7 ; Oarrie Jackson 194 ; Mary Fear 180; Richard Gray. Sr. III, -Jennie Bell 148 ; David Jaokson 126 ; Carrie Shortreed 76. Jr, III, --Stella Stubbs: 170 ; Edmund Farquharson 152 ; Bile Evans 1.47; John Taylor 142 ; David McLean 100. Sr. IL-Artbur MoOttll 195 ; Prank Bell 187 ; Frank MoOeughey 170; Norman Jackson. Jr. IL -Albert Skelton 180; John Rose 180 ; Harold aloaall 160 ; Joseph MaCionghey 168 ; Ruth Gray 1(30; Wm, Sholdloe 108; Po. IL-Gertia Fear 82 ; Robert Bell 80 ; Iet,-Amanda Witteon, Robert Bird, Myrna Jaokeon'Mary 5130aughey, Fanny Stubbs, David Sholdiae. Aver- age attendance 80. Mese 107. BEILBT, Teaeher. ENTERED INTO REST.-Psaaatul Were the Mooing beers at the earthly pilgrim• ole of Mrs. W. T. Praha when early Friday morning last, at her residence 108 Lovett Ave., Detroit, the silent meson. ger beckoned her spirit away to man- sions in the skies. Deaeaged had not en- joyed rugged health for nearly thirty years owing to inflammatory rheumatism, yet was a bright, cheerful, energetic per- son alwaye anxione to ba about her Heav• only Father'e business in and ont of the abaroh. She was 0 daughter of the late Wm. Mooney, formerlyof Morrie and Bennie, and was born iu Riney town. ship, Leech; 0o., on June 15, 1848. Along with the family the subject 01 11,18 notice came to Morris township in 1854 and was married to her now bereft partner on Oot. 6, 1870. They have melded in Penn- aylvenia, Blyth and Detroit eines then, spending the peat 22 years in the latter oity. A memorial serene wae held in the Methodist Mardi she belonged to on Sabbath, by Rev. Jno, Ceoeby, who paid a just tribute to a wortthy women. The beautiful menet was covered with wreaths presented by the Church, Ladies' Aid, Mrs. Frain's Sabbath Bohool olass nod other friends indicative ot the respect and esteem in which she was held. The re- mains were then conveyed to the depot where they were forwarded to Bennie and then taken to the residence; of John Atoeuey, a brother, from whence the funeral took place to Brnesele cemetery on Tuesday afternoon. Rev, Jno, Holmes °midi:toted an appropriate service mid a beau tifnl selection of inneio wao niaely sung by nephews and mins of deoetteed, The pell Manes wave Johu Wynn, Mark and Jas. Oardiff, B. Gerry, S. Crawford and Trueman SMith. The cane of elre. Teraina death watt pneumonia, She was vety greatly. beloved in this looelity by many old Mende who deeply eyeapathise with Mr. Frain in hie lonelinne. They leave no family flying. A photo wag tak• en of anoint and wreathe by 33. R. Brew. GO, W. H. KERR, Prop. Liberal politioal meeting at Belgrave next Tuesday eVening at 8 &Week. Mr, Hislop will be there. 'Phe farm of N. Fleet, ath line, bag been reined by D. Pipe, formerly of Morris, We have net learned what Par, Fleet in• tends doieg. Let Sunday afternoon a ram fight was on the program in Richerd Corley's field oeonioreed by the visit of the King .of 3, Campbeine limns. The result of the QOM' bat was the breaking of the neck of a 825 animal belonging to Mr. Corley. Aa will be Been by notice eleewhere • Mies Eva Lendeboroagh, a aonsin to Wm. Robb, 6th line, wae united in marriage to Geo. El, Henderson, eit the home of the brideet sister, 'Portage la Prairie, Mau.. on April 80th. They purpose going to Oolorado to live. Organization meetings were held in the interests of A. Hislop, the Liberal eandi date, at Button's, Genese's, Olegg's and the Stone school house on Thursday and Friday evenings of last week and Mon- day evening of tine week. The atten• demon was representative and evinced a large share of interest in the result of the oampaign. Onee.-At 4 o'olook laat Sabbath morn- ing the spirit of Agnes MeOullough, be. loved wife of Alexander Clark, I3anehine, took ite flight. Damaged was only ill about a week with pneumonia and pleat, ley and the combination with a week heart soon acoomplished their deadly work, illre. Clark was born in Lower Canada end moved to Teeswater locality whereshe was married to Mr. Clark some 22 years ago. They came to the 5th line of Morrie in 1882 where they have eon- tinously resided and enjoyed the eeteem of the community. Mrs. Clark was a true wife, an affectionate mother and a good neighbor. She was 64 years and 3 months old. In addition to Mr. (Beek there are 5 obildren, two of them in British Colttrabia, left to mourn the de• raise of wife and mother. The funeral took plan on Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Mr. Brown, panne of deceased, taking the service. Interment was made at Sunshine cemetery. Great sympathy is expensed for the sorrow stricken fain Ily. Ciro uloroole. MiseAggie Calder is visiting at Sear - forth. Arbor Day was observed bare last Fri. day by teachers and pupils with marked improvements. The new residence of George Spading is being pushed along toward completion. It will add very ooneiderably to the oon, fort of the family and the appearance of the village. Jno. Hunter bas the job. On the completion of the term at the School of Science, Jae. °alder went , to the "Boo," from Toronto, where he will assist P. surveying party in their work in New Ontario. D. MoDivem of Hansen, a friend of Ur. Oalder'e goes to the Yukon on a mining experimental trip. The properties of Jacob Long EMI A. McDonald have been muoh improved by new wire fences and other tidying up. Mr, Long has made a big differentia in the Hall and with a new roof, metallic skiing and eome internal improvements it will be quite a comfortable plaoe. A. deputation consisting of F. Reddatz and Ches. Switzer were at Brunets on Tuesday evening at the official Board of the Methodist °beech there relative to the joining of Cranbrook Methodist °Mania to Brunelle and have the minieter from that town preset] here on Sabbath after- noons. The question will be dealt with on Monday evening 19th inst. Souoor., RFIPORT.-The following is our report for month of April :-5th Olass- R. Porter, Mina MacRae, W. Cameron, A. Camaingham. Sr.4th-R. MoDonald, A. MaQuarrie, W. Long, Flossie Beal, U. Porter, M. lelenarey, Norman Sperling, Ernie Butner. Jr. 4th-Allie Forrest, Annie Alderson, Fred. Hunter, Emma, Heather, Willie Smaildon. Sr. 3rd - Amelia. Matinee, Myrtle Sperling, Hart. ley Menziee, Annie Gordon, Martin McDonald, Vina Aldereen, Roy Cunning- ham, Q'ars, Steles. Jr. 80d -Lia f3bare, Tom Smalltime Myrtle MacDonald. Pan L. Cermea, Teacher. junior Depart. meet. Sr. 2nd -E, Hunter, O. Sohnook, 11. MoDonald, J. Fischer, 5, Aldermen, L. Baker, U. Sperling, M. PacNiehol, M. Fox, R. Alderson. Jr. 2nd -A. Dark, A. Fox, D. Barrie, Part 2-G. Sohnook, V. Long, G. Smelidon, E. Smelidon, E. Lamont, J. Baker, 0. Fisolen, 12. Rey- mann, W. Baker. Sr. let -C. Fiedler, 3. Meuzie, E. Smalldon, Jr. let -61. Sperling, L. Sperling, L. McDonald, F. Fischer, B. Alderson, L. Dark, L. Perrie, R. Fox. MI8E3 MARGARET CALDER, Tea0110I, Grey Council Meeting. The regular meeting of the Grey Coun• cin watt held at Ethel, on Monday, May 5tle. Present full Oonnoil. Minutes of laet meeting read and passed. Moved by MoDonald, emended by Turnbull, that Mr. Bell be authorized to Dolled all 1110n188 from private panne for nee of grader. - Oarried, Application from ,Henry Fogel to hey° Menai of Silver ()ornate' drain deepened from lot 85 itmlasive, to outlet, Applioation from John MeNeught to bave the mad on oote 17, opposite lots 26 and 27 to be pnt in a travelling thane. The Reeve, Fraser and LIviugeton to Wend to it. Moved by MoDonald, seconded by Fraser, that the following eminent be paid e-Hogh Lemont, oulvert at lot 5, side toad 1,000, 10, $5 00 ; George Brown, tile and dig. ging drain on side road 5, eon, 2, 06 50 ; Wm. Anetin, repairing roadway on Bdy. Gray and Wallace, Grey's share, 25a. ; John McIntosh, Olerk, supplies, 66.00 Armee McKay, repairing road lot 80, eon, 18, 97 80. -Carried. Moved by illeDon. all, amended by Fraser, MUM the Connell do now adjourn to meet at Ethel, Mon - deer, June 2ncl, as Court of Revieion 06 Atiseesment ROIL All parties who have impaled ageing their assessment, to ap• pear at the Township Hall, at 10 o'olook in the forenoon.-Oarried, bee Mormon, Clerk. Arthur Bwaatman BIM of Bishop Sweet. mea, T0e01110, wag intently killed at the entrance to High Peek, near Minlloo, by the fast latrand rank Mein frene the West dm et Toronto at 12.26 Monday. Mn, Se/entrant, who was 80 rims old, had jun some home from California, where he had bees ranabing. He was nen to week out from the park (Intranet) and deliberately tbrow bimeelf in front of the gain aiming train, It la seed thee a note was found pinned to Sweatman's (nothing avowing his intentiou to oorramit A Brussellte Writes From Red- lands, Dal. To the Editor of Tne POST Tbia town has a population of Menet 7,000, only 12 years old, some 1600 feet above see level in bbs oentre of beautiful valley 20 man broad, surrounded by high rnoantains eorne ot them snow mopped, and name to be the oentrt of mimeos and lemons whioh bring e, pearly rich return, from $200 to $800 per more. One of the beet groves, 10 years old sold for 0400 per acre, buyers doing all the picking and peeking. The groves or orohards have to be cultivated end watered each month ; the orop manna in December and not all gathered yet. Trees now all in 1011 bloom and the fragrance le Sellebtful. Lots of Easteru men buy 10 to 20 aorea, build a fine home, etay here only in Winter, marketing the fruit, going bank East for the Summer. Eastern trains, sow ere fullof enah men, including Winter tonrists going baok borne. We tore 90 miles in. laud, reokoned the best climate for fruit and health. Several orange packing warehouses we visited alongside of rail. way depot) with maohinery for elevating than brushing and assorting into separate bine the various eine out of these bine young girla will paper and peek, /merle, 100 boxes daily. All railroads nixed to their utmost to carry Ent this freight. Senator Clark, the Montana Oopper King, te going to baild another transcontinental road said to reduce the emissive $800 oar freight. California farms have just been valued at 6798,000,000 ; their prodnots $95,000,000, in Soatbern portions 11 10 a vast salt valley of 1000 acres and 250 feet below sea level and is plowed out jun as we plow ioe, with teame of horses. We passed this spot comiem here ; it bad a forlorn, deserted tower region appearance. Heavy black oil le leveed over the sandy roads outside the town, whish covers the sand making it a hard eaky enbatanoe, pleasant to drive over. 4. good electric oar service rune out several miles along handsome avenues lined with oriental poem trees, pepper and other graceful specimens of vegetable life and beautiful residauees, almost all surrounded with fragrant rose bashes, some reaohing np to roof of two storyhouses. The oar syndi. attte is also going to sprinkle its whole line with black oil to subdue the sand dust. A leading feature of this town is its quiet, rental appearance. Owing to Probibition not a saloon allowed ; botele dare not toaoh, taste, nor handle. Outside the town nnoultivated land salla at about $50 to $100 an aore. Full of bearing oranges Belle for shout $1000. California street oars are all oorestruoted one half full open seats, the other het! enalosed. President Roosevelt le known to be an opponent of all trusts and syndioates that prove iuimioal to the peoples' interests. The Beef Trust has been locoing in large treats of Government Western lands for their exclusive use depriving the settler of the use of same, the fiat has now gone forth that all mob femme must be levelled. The beef oattle =goatee are now invading Washington to aounteraot, but the Presideut stands firm, like a true friend, ',with, for, and by „the people." Next week we go to Denver. Colorado, on our way homeward. That city is jest one mile high above sea level, clear, bracing atmosphere and ex. oellent Bummer resort. Our next letter will deaoribe that big wealthy city bat feat the gold will be all picked up before you or I oma seoure any of it reneetnberiug its not ',the gold" that makes the man as Burns sang about before we were born. The Federation of, Women'e Club from all over the Eastern states have just arrived, 4000 of them at Los Angeles to have a grand aoufab-re Wornen's Rights and other mole matters of great import. anae to our 'better halves." Newspapers are now declaring that their eity in now in reality tm well an name the city of the Angela. The railways tieing overtaxed have haft eide4raoked 1,000 trunks, and the dear ones daily beniging the baggage. man for their lost apparel. Miss Flora Morlinasey repeated °Nettling to wear" and a terrible hub bub remelting. Yours tee., Jen. 13, Ronan, Redlands, California, May 1 1003. What the Government Has Done For The Farmer. It °mated a Department of Agrioultuee, administered by successful farmers. It expended 8264,000 on Agrioulture in 1901. It has expended 01,982,725 on Ageitata tun since 1872. LI has handed over 41,982,725 to 479 A.grionitural and Herticulturel Booieties Mum 1872. It has nested the Fruit GIONVOT8', Dairymen's, Horse, Sheep and Swine Breedeese Poultry, Beekeepers' and Eutomologioal Assmiations, and the Ontario Experimettee Dune, to the ex tent of $512,204 during the same period. It has carried on the most successful Agricultural College in Amalie°, with an attendanoe of 509 daring the oollege term, September, 1901, to April, 1902, Seventy per cent. of ite greduatee, so far as traced are engaged in agriculture. The College Into eareled on an extensive series of field and feeding experiments, Travelling dairieg were seat through the Province for eeveral yeses. Three deity schools have been establish. ed, atleatled time far by 1,010 persons, Fifteen Fruit Experimental Stations are being mallet:mined. Preetioal instreatiOn in fruit spraying hits been widely given. Yeatieble WOW; have been publiebed ; twain reporte are issued Annually. It pollute and publiehee valuable natio- tios (agrioultural aud xnunialpal), rt established 98 Farmers' and 62 Women% Ineitutee. 131,000 attended 730 meetings in 1900.1. It provided oheap money for tile drainage for the farrnere, 11 eneblieleed a Pioneer Farm in Rainy River Dietricte, which has been an un. doubted emcees. It has fostered the dairy industry until, the value of oboes produced in 1900 reached 018,000,000, and of creamery butter nearly $2,000,000. Ib has aseteted in developing a profitable trade with other Provinces bo purrabred stook, It has set apart 0225,000 to aid the sugar beet induatry. It started the most eutionefal Farmers' Fele in Ameries-the Live Stook Show at G neigh. It to 'misting in improving Fall Fairs by aiding in securing experj t udges. Ontario won a large share of the chief prizes in live Moak, hortioulture, bee- keeping and poultry et the Pan Ameri- can Expoition. No less than fortyalve important Acts, effecting agrioultural and kindred in. termite, have been placed on the statute books since 188B, Mr. Whitney and his party have op- posed many of the important steps pro. pond by the Agricultural Department for the improvement of our Ontario agrioul• tura. And yet The Mail and Empire stated (March 10, 1902):: "Mr. Dryden has pottered in the Agricultural Bureamo with- out effet: 1" Political Notes. The Provincial elections are now only three weeks distant, but there are no Beldam indioaelons of any great excitement on the part of thepublie despite Mr. Whitney's trentio beating oi tomaones. The upheaval of opinion which he predinted would confront the Government when it went to the country must be nomesietent, or working so quiet- ly that even politioians with their eare on nue ground unmet hear it. His attempt to create a moral Mane is regarded as mare political melodrama and his per. fervid appeals to "clergymen and all good people" excite a mild hilarity, as be is so 915017 etnitfiad by the record of his party. If Mr. Whitney were leas violent in his language he would be taken more seriously, ever/ by hie own followers. The people of this Province refuse to be- lieve they bays been governed by a set of scoundrels, or that nubile virtue is entir- ely bowed up with the moan of any one patty. The abeenoe of excitement in this oam. paign is explained by the simple feet that there le nothing to get exalted about. Iu other elections attempts have been made to inflame sectarian paseion, and a good deal of beat was engendered, but bumpily appeals te religions prejudice have been dropped by the Oppositioa, for the present at least. The Lame now remains a purely bueineas atm, which is not oat. °Meted to raise any profound emotion in the human breast, though Mr. Whitney is laboring hard to pump nee a strong feeling of some kind. The contrast be- tween the vehemence of the language, and the 0001 matter.of-faet electorate is ridionlous. The etaanobest Conservativ. es mat oonfess to themselves that Ontar- io has been well governed for the last 80 years that the administration of the !lemmas haat been clean and without eoandal, and that no serious indiotmena can be brought Gement the Government on its reoord. The oampaign resolves itself into the question, Which party is better fitted to carry on the affairs of the Province at the preeent juncture? On the one side is a party with experienced men at the head, who have performed and are performtne'the work eatiefeetor• ily. On the otberhand is a party with- out experiences, and to be candid, without any considerable talent in its parliamen. Lary ranks. Apart from Mr. Whitney, Mr. Foy, and in a pinch, Mr. Misoamp- bell, 0E411 anyone point to a single mem. ber of the Opposision qualified for even a portfolio in even a Conservative adminis. nation? The Ross Government has been making a apeoial effort to colonize New Ontario mod attrtoot indnetry to ite natur- al resources. Now that the development plane for both older and newer portier; of Ontario are becoming matured, and are yielding splendid results the people of this Province will hardly ohoose this aa a time for making an experiment in government at the risk of ansettlingpreeentloonditions through the unskilled and uninformed direction of new men at the head of affairs. Ate we said before the issue is a business one, and the eleotore will take a brduoitaineme view of it and let well enough ONTARIO'S 8103IID EINANOTAL DOSIT/ON. Ontario is without a dollar of debt presently payable. Ontario had $1,868,492 of cash in the been on December 81st, 1901. Ontario's annual receipts in interest wonld retire its total liabilities twice over, Ontario, for twenty year's peat, , has shown a surplus of assets, after deducting liabilities presently payable. Ontario's enrpine of aunts December 81st, 3901, was 02,671,292, The interest paid annually nn the Pro. vinoitel Tenet Funds (whiah are valued at 96,212,497) moments to more than aufa• meet to meet the entire annual moment of.tbe Provinae for ite liabilitin for rail• way aertifioates and amenities. Out of a total proposed appropriation iu eighteen years of 461,681,338, the Op. position objected to only 0488,996,60 -or only threeeparters of a cent on the dol. late The Supplementary &Venue Aot, pro. vidieg for the taxation of (entail ()lessee of corporations and brewers and diatillers, hem produced 0871,676 in three yeen. Onterio's position la a proud one: That ita :divert; have been so managed as not only to create no debt, bub to leave a stir, pine of interesebearieg assets that yield an manual income that meld be oapitalls. ad at nine