The Brussels Post, 1902-5-1, Page 8TAX l' U1 SZIAt3 kOt3'P
SPECIAL, SALE ®33`1.,.
Wall Paper
at Reduced Prices, We have made great preparations
this Spring for the Wall Paper Trade and we offer you the
finest variety of hangings ever seen in Brussels, A glance
over our samples will verify our claims and our low prices
will astonish you,
Spring Specialties
Hursley's Drug anal
Book Store
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows;
Gouge S000'u GOING NORTH.
Express 7:18 axe I Mail .........2:10 p.m
Mixed0:45 a,m Express 8:17 p.m
rand Betas Jiems.
A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
TEoge fiobing is legal now.
A. 0. U. W. Friday evening.
BRueeELS Council will meet next Mon-
day evening.
Mn. MONTGOMERY sent a oar of eorap
iron to Brantford this week.
Samoa Board will hold its regular meet-
ing on Friday evening of next week.
Dm it ever oaanr to you that when the
robing arrive the trees should leave?
THE free use of a garden will be allow-
ed to suitable person. Apply to Mrs. J.
L. Kerr.
R. LEATnERnALE has pnrobaeed a fios
span of iron grey horses from G. L.
Walker, valued at $800.
Oven% to the boost in the prise of beef
mar butchers have advaaoed sirloin steak
to 15 oents per pound.
TRADE is quiet in town while farmers
are busy seeding and the women folk in
town and ooantry honseoleaoiog.
Ica cream and Summer (bloke second
to none at Mre. Kirke. Try them end be
oonviooed. Also lunches at 10o.
THERE ie trouble ahead for the chalk
artist who feels it hie duty to "ornament"
windows and doors with speoimens of
bie work.
A. SPAN of Norwegian cream ponies is
now driven by Walter Lowry, He got
them at Palmerston. They attract
considerable attention, partionlarly the
younger portion of the community.
THE Central Hotel passed into the hands
of the new proprietor, George Brown, of
Gerrie, on Thursday of this week. Mr.
Zilliax and family have moved into the
apartments in the Graham block.
Immune POSTPONED.—Owing to the
weather the lecture for last
Friday evening on "Matrimony," by Rev.
J. Holmes'
was poebponed until Friday
evening of tbis week, in the school room
of the Methodist church. A mustoal
program will also be rendered.
Ream Onetime—The business people
,Brussels have agreed to follow the
custom of former years, viz. to alone np
their reepestive stores at 7 p. m. eaob
evening daring the Summer months ex-
cepting on Saturdays or evenings preced-
ing a holiday. Next Monday, 5th inst.,
this rule will come into vogue so all
concerned should govern themselves
TUESDAY of thio week an information
was sworn oat before Magistrate Rose, of
this village, by William Kreuter °barging
Hugh Oaoningham, of Grey, with having
committed perjury in making bis affi•
davit of witness fees in the case of Kreuter
ve. Cunningham, to which judgment was
recently given in favor of Mr. Cunning-
ham. The ease will be heard at the
Council Chamber on Tuesday the 7th
May at 2. p. m.
MED o' Teraoxs.—The following speaks
for itself :—D, M. Robertson, Grand Seo.
B. 0. S., Torontu, Dear Bir.—We, the
undereigoed, beg to acknowledge receipt
of oheque of one tboasand dollars in
settlement of beneficiary claim of the late
Daniel Stewart w and to t batikO
your spatial promptness in forwarding
same, the cheque Doming to hand within
three days after the completion of the
claim papers. Yours very truly, Alex.
/Stewart, J. D. Stewart, Executors, Bras -
sale, Ont., April 28tb, 1902.
SUGAR Rance—R. Little, the sugar beet
arrived in Brneeele on Wed-
nesday nesds an
d will spend the balance of the
week inetrnating the 80 or 85 farmers
who are taking Beed for the aore expert.
mental plots in Grey and Morrie. The
seed is also being delivered by Mr. Little,
He is an experienced man at the business
and Dame here from Bb. Catharines
wbioh le the centre of that looality in the
experimental test there this season. Mr.
Little will be back here about the
thinning time so ea to farther aid those
who are experimenting. He is very
favorably impressed with the soil and
surrounding oonditione to this auction
for the growth and development of the
sugar beet and sxpeote good results next
A KINDLY NOTE.—The following letter
explains itself and is a very comforting
epistle to cecelve ;—"Dzen,Sne—Enolosed
find $1.00 to pay for one year's suboorip•
tion to your valuable paper, THE
Pon. My father bas been taking it for
a great number of peers and is never
tired of bearing the home news every
week. Now that they are leaving Blan•
shard and taking THE POST wibh them, I
would Mies it e0 much were I not to Bab.
scribe foe it. Hoping it will always have
a wide olroulation I am, Sincerely yours
MRs, NemoMaQAUoncy, Grantee, Ont.'1
Mee. MoQaulley is a daughter (leather)
of Wm. and Dire, Pollard, well known
residents of Ethel, Mr. and Mes. Pol.
lard lived with Mrs. D, Tyetman, at
Granton, a sister et Mre. Mo0aulley'e,
A OAn of crate was shipped on Thum,
day by Alfred Baeker.
THE well at William Cameron's resi-
dence was drilled this week.
A. 0. DAMME9 forwarded a oar of hogs
and a oar of cattle this week.
Ertl. Gonna is building a stable on hie
lot ou Prinoeee street at the rear of hie
A NEIv shingle roof has been pat on the
blaoksmith shop in oonneotion with the
Oober factory.
EAST HanoN Liberals will bold their
Annual meeting ea Tuesday, 18th inst.,
in Brussels Town Hall.
BEATING carpets is recommended BE an
excellent method of physical develop•
meat at Ole moon of the year.
6 Cans of salt were shipped daring the
peat week from Brussels Salt Works. A
oar a day keeps things moving lively,
A Mn, BRaueroN, of Walkerton, has
been engaged as blaoksmithby the Oober
Carriage Works. He is a married man
and will probably move hie family to
QUITE an improvement has been made
at Thos.'MoLauoblin's residence, Turu•
berry street, and R. Williamson's, Church
street, in the removal of front fences mud
levelling up the lawns.
GIeLe.—If you want workwrite to the
Forbes Knitting Mille, of Heepeler, Out.
They are advertising for girls, or families
with boys and girls from thirteen years
old up. Nice work, good wagee, year pay
every week eta. Write them.
H. E. Maddock, of Newmarket, a for-
mer merchant in Brussels, has gone to
Toronto where be has gone into the ready
made olotbing baainese on a large scale.
He's quite a hustler and will suooeed
wherever he goes if push will do it.
Mre. Robt. MoLeaohlin and eve, of
Stratford, have moved to town this week
end will take np residence in the house
purchased, corner Queen and Prinoeee
street. They were former residents of
the 10th coo. of Grey, where Mr. Ma-
Laucblin died. We bid them weloome to
W, D. Conley, who attended the
Strathroy Dairy Sobool, stood 4th in a
fist of 81 students at his examination,
He has taken a position as manager of
the Stratford cheese factory. W. D. is a
eon of Juo. and Mrs. Coueley, of Brom
eels, and known to a good many of one
readers who will be pleased to bear of We
Goon ADVXOS.—Don't bet on the elec.
Hone. Aside from the moral principle
involved it is foolish to gamble on a sub.
jeat where your enthusiasm impairs your
judgment. If your party wine there ie
joy enough in the victory, if your party
loses, wby give your opponents the doable
happiness of a party triumph and your
money besides 7
BIOYmese Som.—Following is a list of
the E. & D. sales made by A. Conley
this season :—Obas. Eakst, Herb, Onn-
ningham, Ed. Tolmie, Jas. Cott, Geo.
Ooambe, Grey Jae, MoOraoken, Sam.
MaOraoken, Morris ; I.O. Richards, Miss
Hattie Downing, Mies McNab, Brussels ;
N. B. MoLanoblia, Silver Corners. Other
wheels were sold not inoluded in above.
Anti FEAaTERnD.—Arthur, the 17 -year.
old•son o1 Rev. S. J. Allis, pastor of the
Hamilton Road Methodist Church, Loo -
don, formerly of Brussels, met with a
very painful accident Thursday evening
of last week. The boy was playing in a
game of base ball, and while running
after the ball, he tripped and fell heavily
on bis left arm. A dislocation of both
bones at the elbow was the result. The
fracture is a very peculiar one—the first
of the kind seen by the Dr. who was
oalied—the bones being torsed outward at
the elbow,instead of
backward. Art's
old frienda rd
a here hopei
k e will soon be
"right aide np, with oars."
lee Oonnea.—Taeeday afternoon the
Editor of THE POST had the pleasure of a
brief shat, at Brussels depot, with Train
Master Lynch and Freight Agent Dewey
and 1n an off band =inner they spoke of
the oontem laced ohaa a
a and improve-
p g
menta in the service of the
Theeo le of our looalit
p P y and bh' oe line
would have thought themselves well
served had the old service of three brains
each way been restored but the proposed
schedule will out -do that by a good deal
both as to running time rad convenience
in getting to points now diffioatt of aooese.
While all the parbieulars are not worked
out yet it looks as if our new train service
will be something after the following
Morning and night trains same as at
present ; mixed train from Palmerston
will likely oroea the present mixed from
Kinosrdioe at Brnesels about 10 a. m. ;
afternoon train will be purely for parson.
ger, mail and express service and will
arrive earlier in the day owing to the
neoeesity of present delays handling
freight being obviated by the additional
train ; a train will retard from Kincar-
dine reaching Bruseels early in the after-
noon by which a quick run will be ensured
to Guelph, Toronto and other Eastern
pointe. If a plan something like above
outlined is parried out we believe the
travelling pgblio will rejoice ; the beef•
nese people along the route will sing the
praises of the G-. T, R., in the quicker
reoeipb of mall matter and express par -
stele ; and the railway oompany will reap
oorresponding benefits rad prove to the
bonus paytng maniafpalitiee that they
are deairoae of giving fall value for the
money invented. When the new order of
things is initiated Tun Pose hogea the
G. T. R. will give Agent Gema "lift" in
bie salary as bis duties will be increased,
Brussels wee paver better starved at the
depot than at prase%) ee tar e@ the Stabien
Meister le eol merited•
James Ballantyne wag in Gelb On Mon.
Jno, Long was in Kincardine on Wed.
Dr. Feild and W, A. Tripp anent San.
day in Listowel,
R,21oAlpise, of Toronto, enjoyed a
few days In town.
Jno, F. MOOrae, of Montreal, le spen&
ing a little while in town,
R. H. and Mao. Green, of Trowbridge,
were in Brussels on Wednesday,
Nies Bueen Forsyth, of Wingbam, wee
renewing old friendships in town..
Mies Ethel Vanetone, of Marshall,
Missouri, is the pleat of Mee, A. Good,
George Thomson was in Walkerton on
Monday. He pnrobaeed a fine driving
horse there.
Webster Stitt, of MoKplop, bas come
to Brussels to take up the study of photo.
graphy at H. R. Brewer's.
Mrs. A. H. MoNeil and ohildren have
gone bo Luoknow for a visit to her aunt
and nnola, Jae, and Mrs. Nichol,
Gar f, Vanetone, of Wingbam, and Al.
bert Vanetone, of Obicago, were visiting
Mrs. A.. Good and family last Sunday.
Mies J9an MOLaaohlfn, Dr, Peild and
W. A. Tripp attended a party at Wing.
ham on Thursday evening of laet week.
A. MoEelvey, of Mt. k'oreob, was visit-
ing his parents in town for a few days.
Be is attending the Collegiate in the first
mentioned town.
Dr. Snider and family, formerly of
Brussels, are now residents of Coyne,
Haldimaod Go., moving there reeenbly
trona Port Dover.
George, thei little son of George and
Mrs. Edwards, has been quite ill with
pneumonia, and brain fever but is making
favorable progress now.
W. F. and Mrs, Stewart and N. F. and
Mre. Gerry attended the funeral of the
late Mrs. 3, J. Denman, formerly of
Brussels, on Sabbath last.
DeWitt Holmee bae gone to Oreemore,
Samos Go, where be bas taken a altos,
Men 10 a boot and shoe store. He left
on Tuesday morning's train, THE Poor
wishes him agCoeee.
Brace, eeoand son of B. Leppard,
Toronto, and grandson of Walter Jeek•
son, Brussels, was bitten in the fade by a
dog he was playing with the other day
but will suffer no serious consequences.
We are pleased to state that Fred.
Gilpin bae oompleted bis come in Den.
ttetry at the Chicago Oollege end is ex-
pected home this week for a vacation
before going permanently iota the prae-
tioe of hie profession, His prospects are
very favorable.
J. M. Thompson was home from
Fergus over Sunday. He has purchased
the Record, the Liberal newspaper of
that town taking possessionon Tbnrsdey.
He hes had a good experience and will
do well we have no doubt. Tian Pose
wiehes bim. prosperity.
Tuesday morning Mre. Frank Beene¢
left for a visit with her sister at Viotoria,
British Columbia. She may take a trip
to Californian relatives before she re-
turns. The visit is made in the expecte-
tion of proving health invigorating and
her many friends hope it may prove
Wilber Baker, who served his apps o.
ticesbip in the tinemithiag, &o., with
Messrs. Wilton & Turnbull during the
past three years, left for Portage -la -
Prairie, Man., on Tuesday morning where
be hoe a situation. He is a good msohan•
io has an will an
agreeable manner do
well we believe. If he does well in the
West he will send for -- but we are
not going to give away secrete.
CHl1Reit fell INES.
Members of the First Methodist church
chair at Hamilton, wore gowns on Bun•
Barrister Blair took the servios at Vie•
toric Hall, Jamsetown, last Sabbath
Last Sabbath Rev. R, Peel preached
twice in the Oongregatieoal oborab,
Wlogbam. The pastor was at Sarnia,
Melville ohurob ohoir was most pleae-
aotly end boepibably entertained at the
borne a William Ross, on Thursday
evening of last week.
The old trombone instrument in the
Methodist Sabbath School oroheetra will
be exehaoged in part payment on a new
one being parahased in Toronto.
Monthly missionary oolleotion next
Sabbath afternoon in the Methodist
Sunday eabool. Short program along
missionary lines in addition to lemma.
Next Sabbath the Quarterly Oommen-
ion eervieee will be held in the Metbodiet
cherish and the official Board meeting
will be held on Tuesday evening.
Rev. Jno. Rome, B. A., the well known
pastor of Melville ohaoh Brussels,
send a few weeks at Clifton r'
p Bp loge, N.
Y., Sanitarium as an assistant in building
np his Strength after last Wiuter'e ¢bake•
op. He has been there before and found
the treatment very benelioial. His pul-
pit will be eupplied daring his absence.
"Walk in wisdom toward them that are
ithoat" w Ool. 4.5 was Rev. Uno. Holmes'
text last Sabbath morning in the Meth.
odist church, from whish be gave a
practical dis000ree along the line of
Obrisbain Example, Rev. Ne G. Jarrow,
of Walton, preached in the evening from
the words "What think ye of Christ 7"
He ie an earnest epaulet and pressed the
personal application of the interrogation,
By nobioe elsewhere it will be observed
that Rev, F. E. Nugent, of whose illness
we spoke last weak, died on Saturday
morning at Platteville, in hie 60th year,
Be was striokee with paralysis some
menthe age resulting in his demise. Mr,
elegant was well known in this locality
baying been stationed at Luoknow and
Listowel at one time in the Metbodiet
oharohes. He was a good preacher and
highly esteemed. The funeral took plane
on Tuesday, the burial being made at
Mitobell, with psblio eervios held in the
Methodist church.
The Preebyterien Synod of London
and Hamilton held the -first meeting of
its anneal session in the First Presbyter•
fan oberoh, London, Monday night. The
moderator, Rev. E. W. Panton, of St,
Andrew's Church, Stratford, opened the
meeting with prayer. The attendance
waa large, ooneisbing ohiefiy of Presbyter•
fan ministers, although laymen were also
fairly well represented. In bie annual
sermon to the Synod the moderator took
for his text I Corinthians 8;9, "For We
ere laborers together with God." Rev.
Alex. Henderson, of Appin, was ohoeen
ae moderatoe for the coming year, Rae,
17, W. Penton was heartily thanked . by
the meeting for his thoughtful sermon
as well se for his efdofent serviette no
moderatos daring the past year, A
oommibtee WAS appointed to draw np a
remit regerdiog the death of the Rev.
Dr. Laing, of Dundee.
Ab the anneal examination of London
Conference probationers to the Methodist
miaithey, held Iset week eerbifioates were
handed to the following probationers by,
Rev, Joeeph Philp, of Patt•,ilea, bents.
Lary of the oopferonoe ;—Third yew:—
Harvey Kennedy, Oakdale, s000nd•olsa0
honors ; Anson Moorehoase, Dorchester,
fireb•olaso honors. First year—A. W.
Budd, Florence, first olage boners. Oen.
didates—John A. Agnew, Edy's Mille ;
Charles Dopn, Exeter, flreb•olaes honors i
Morley D. Madden, Thorndale, second.
class bonors; George H. Tnokey, Feria
neon, mend-ohmhonore. Loom preach.
ere—• Albert J. Elson, Loudon, Drat-elates
honore; Nathaniel McDonald Oopleeton,
firat•olase honors ; W. R, Osborne, Oot•
tam, Clayton Moorehouse had the hon-
or of leading the elites, obtaining an ex.
oellent standing in all sobjeote and writ-
ipg one perfect paper, i. e., obtaining
100 per meet.
I. 0. 0. F. AseNlvensAne.—The 88nd
anniversary of abs Independent Order of
Odd Fellows wee oelebrated last Sabbath
evening in Brussels when members of
western Star Lodge, No. 149, to the
number of 40, marched to Melville church
With Bro. W. Grewar as marshal. The
pastor, Rey. Jae. Rose, B. A.., was in the
pulpit and preached a very flue and welt
reasoced out discourse from the topic
"Rousy for the soul or Sweetness for life."
The text seleobed wee 1 Samuel 14th
ohepter and 25th verse ;—"And all they
of the land mamato a wood and their was
honsylapon the ground." After giving an
interestieg sketch of Jonathan, Saul, the
Israelites and the Philistines relative to
the incidents of the chapter the speaker
dealt with the teat under the following
sub•divisioos, largely illustrated by the
work of the I, 0. 0. F.: --The honey or
sweetness of life is to be found in (1)
Worthy Friendebipe ; (2) Noble Attain-
meote; (8) Unselfish Ueefulnese ; (4) A
buoyant and abiding Hopefulness. Rev.
Mr. Rose gave a brief outline of the Order
before launching into the well prepared
diacoaree. Excellent music was rendered
by the ohoir, under the capable leadership
of T. A. Hawkins, and the anthema "We
Praise Thee 0 God," and "Rook of Agee"
were well song, The three linked
brethren were not slow in expressing
favorable comments on the services of the
83rd anniversary.
Business Locals.
A LOT of seooel.hand organs for sale
cheap, or to rent. Some of them almost
Conus I Ohio Bailey, Crompton's,
North Dakota, Excelsior and all the rest
of them. G. E. Kum, Wiogbam. tf
FeesansPeows —Farmers desiring the
best plow should call on me and order a
Fleury. JNo. Lauo, Agent, Brussels.
Emile 14a. Does it pay you to give the
pedlars 4o par doz. 7 Good potatoes 35o
per bash. What are the pedlars paying ?
G. E. KING, Wingbam.
To THEPUBLIO.—Ladies and gentlemen,
all cutlery can be ground, ebarpened and
repaired by Sawfller McGregor, 21111
street East, Brussels. Oboioe work at
reasonable prices.
C7ntsaa.cltstn 5 ewee.
A bush fire in Kent County covers a
treat five miles square.
William Hare, Grand Trunk inspector,
waa mu over and killed at Cayuga.
F. L. Hill & Oo'e elevator at Markdale
with 1.600 buobele of grain, waa burned.
The baildiog known as ',Wright's
Oastle" at Brampton was destroyed by
Another case of smallpox is reported
in Hamilton, brought by a traveller from
the Nortbw,et.
Aa eleven-year•old boy, of Hamilton,
named Roy Williams bad both lege brok-
en in a wagon wheel.
Fire destroyed $75,000 worth of prop
erty at Metapedia, Quebec, inoluding
the Catholic ohurob,
A portrait of the late Rev. Prof, Mowat,
D. D., was presented to Queen's Uni-
versity by hie old students.
Alex. McDonald, amused of choking
his mother to death in November, 1900,
was aognitted at the Ottawa Assizes.
Pte. Frederick Kraus, son of T. Kraus,
Palmerston, was reported missing from
Klerkadorp, in South Africa, on March
"general O'Grady Hely is to take a
month's leave at the end of May, and will
then retire from the command of the
Canadian militia.
A Calgary company has struok oil on
Oameron Creek, in Alberta. It isthonght
that oil exists in paying quantity at
depth of 1,000 feet.
Express Messenger Robert Murray was
killed at the Stewart Street Station at
Hamilton, two trains wedging together
on converging treats.
The boiler at the Hold & Cullen mill
Stratford, blew up Monday; aompletely
demotishiog the bailer room. The lose
is estimated at $5,000.
Ten oars os an eastbound n d feelg bb train
on the Michigan n antral left 0 E the track ra k on
the iron bridge over the Grand River at
Cayuga and were hurled into the water,
50 feet below.
Alexander Mellhinney, a tinsmith,
attempted to commit euipide Tnoeday by
jumping from a 0. P. R. bridge into the
Rideau River at Ottawa. He had been
on a prolonged debauch.
A By-law to raise by way of loan the
sum of 910,000 for the puspose of extend•
ing and improving the waterworks and
electric light plante in the town of Bt.
Marys, will be voted upon.
Sir Ohariee Rivers Wilson,presilenb of
the Grand Trunk Railway Company, will
arrive in Montreal early in June, and
make an iaepeotion over the entire Sys•
tem. He will also formally open the
new general offices in Montreal. His
stay will be brief.
At 9.30 o'clock Friday last weekfire
was notioed in the storeroom at Arnett
Slpling's flax mill, near the 0. P. R,
station, Wingham. The storeroom woe
totally consumed by fire, together with a
large quantity of tow in store. The lees
is about 98,000. The 0, P. R. buildings
had 0. narrow escape.
It is the intention of the Government
to pleas on the fres list all teals and
maobinery net, made in Canada for mann•
feature in Dile ooantry of rine for the
Dominion government, also all rough or
unfinished parte of rifloa, emulating of
einem, nate, bands and springs, imported
for the same parpoee.
MAT 1, 1812 .
ST4XD4&D )34J1rE OF C4Xf1,114,
p,E,A e•M. wnl+pa 3.W72.
PAID 02 (One Million Dollars) $1,000,000
rtnsipal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United ,Staten Wv Ragland,
Agencies to tit
A General Banking Business Transacted; Farmers' Npbee Discounted.
Drafts Issaod and 0ol1eotins made on all points.
Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and opwarde and compounded half yearly. .:
Every fertility afforded Cantonment living ph a distance,
payable at any bank issued Under $10.... 80. $20 to 980,..,12o
Mersey MOO at the following rates;— $10 to $20....100. 30 to 40....14e
F. H. GRAY, Aarred AGENT.
Stratford's ineuranee rates are to be
considerably reduced.
The appointment of Bir Chas. Parsons
as Oommaodsr of the British formai in
Canute has been gazetted.
New Brnnewiok Government officials
are in Ontario buying horses for the im-
provement of stook in their province.
J. B. MaDonoough, a Montreal paint
traveller, has been missing striae March 1,
and hie friends have given him np for
W. V. Hutton, of Westover Park, St.
Marys, who broke a leg by falling down-
stairs, is not improving as rapidly as hie
friends would wieb.
The mortgage debt on Trinity obprob,
Mitchell, is $2,500. Inenrune° on rectory
and stable, $1,100, and on church and
and fixtures $4,800.
The total number of British and Am-
erican immigrants tbat have arrived in
Oanada this year is 10,069, against 5,821
the flret three months of 1901.
The British Oolombia budget epeseh
was delivered Tuesday afternoon. The
province is in good shape financially with
good credit, and inoreaning indusbriee.
A new proposition for theconetrnation
to the meet of Kootenay Railway was
made to the British Colombia Govern.
ment by a firm of New York capitalists,
Theodore Parker, of Eliioe, Bold an 00 -
usually large bleak steer to the Whyte
Peaking Go., Stratford. The ani-
mal is three years old and tipped the
market scales at 2,140 pounds.
Chinese gene oaptnred at Tien Tsin by
the British are to be brought to Ottawa
and planed in front of the militia depart.
ment, fasting towards the street. The
gone are braes and will considerably
ornament the hill.
Rev. James Elliott, who haeAooupied
Methodist pulpits in Toronto, Kingston
and Ottawa, has been appointed to
summed Prof. Harris as professor of
theology at the Wesleyan College in
'Montreal. There is to be a rs-arraoge-
ment of the staff, and another branch
will be added to Prof. Elliott's work.
Charles el. liaye, eeoand viae president.
and general manager of the Grand
Trunk Railway, Bays that if the Gompan.
fes interested in the constrnotion of a
railway bridge over the Detroit River at
Detroit will agree upon a location, the
bridge would soon be built. Both the
Michigan Oeatral and the Grand Trunk
Railway are interested in bridge projects,
and each advocates a partioolar site.
Negotiations are in progrese for s com-
promise and if an arrangement can be
made, a anion station will be built at
Detroit for all lines.
The New Hambarg Y law ha
b which b aar-
ried Monday by 115 votes to 31 is for grant-
ing the New Hamburg Manufacturing
Oompany a bonne of $6,000 and a loan of
$5,000 repayable in ten years in inetal-
meets of $500 a year, oommeoaiog in the
year 1907. The company agree to esoare
the corporation by a first mortgage, to
erect a substantial briok building with
10,000 square feet floor space and to em-
ploy for a term of ten years ab least ten
months its the year not fewer then 40
bands, of whom not more than fifteen
shall be apprentices.
A banana expert, A.F. Spawn, dealares
thatthe bemuse ie the true solation of
the beef problem. The possibilities of
the banana as a food product are without
scope. That simple food, according to
Mr. Spawn, can be made into inumerable
tasty dishes, ranging from banana bread
to banana chops. Coosa breakfasts,
course dinners, course suppere, coarse
luncheons, afternoon teas, cafe alateohet,
in fact, every oonaeivabte conventional
breaking of bread need have no otberin-
gredient in its make np than the prepared
produot of the banana.
Tavietook and Milverton played the
emoted schedule game of tbe W. F. A.
aeries at Milverton Monday evening
oommeoaiog at six o'olook. They played
the full time and neither side soared.
Milverton bad the beet of first
but the Tavi tsok boys played better
Combination and especially Murray and
Case. Petrie, at full batik, and Loth, one
of the forwards of the Milverton teem,
distinguished themselves. They Battled
down aiad played an excellent game at
the finieb, and narrowly missed the goal
twin. w oe. Theg ams stands a draw. Taal -
stook ran a (motel t t
tarn to Milver on and
about 126 tioltets were sold. Quite a
large number of the fair sex were on the
epeoial, wbioh remained at Stratford for
some time on its way to 11filverton. The
referee was H. M. Jackson, of Seafortb,
and goal umpires Robert Lemon, of Strafe
ford and Mr. Rnddell, of Berlin. This
gems ltae vastly increased Tavisbook'e
(thanes in the league, as it was felt that a
Milverton viotory was assured.
soxzmc .
HnnrTAOE—At Sn5nylawn, London town•
ship, on April 8th, to Mr, and Mrs.
J. B. Heritage, formerly of Grey
township, a daughter.
PEnme.—At the Maass, Wiogham, on
April 18th, to Rev. D. and .Mrs.
Perris, a son. (Still born,)
MITonELL.—On Friday, April 26th to Mr.
cod Mrs. Geo. M. Mitchell, of Ethel,
EbwAan.—In Grey, on Wednesday, April
28rd, 1902, Sarah Wilson, beloved
wife of George Edward, aged 74 years.
&Ibanez.—At the Metbodiet Personage,
P atteville, on Saturday, April 26, at
8.15 a. m., Rev. F. E. Nugent, ex,
President of Hamilton Oonforeeee in
bie 60th year.
DENttaN.—In Biaovale, en Leal 26, Mize.
beth Yeo, beloved wife of J. J.
Denman, aged 45 years and 14 days.
AVc xoxT fw.s.x.on.
TUESDAY, MAY 6.—Farm stook, imple•
manta, &a, Let 12, Coo. 5, Grey. Sale,
unreserved, at 1 o'olook. Elijah 0. Jaolt.
lin, prop. F. $r Scott, nue.
20 tr,'c:554'1,.r., 12..0Tv'r,-•= `I?Fs,
Fall Wheat 69 69
Barr' y 60 50
Pens 70 70
Oats 89 89
Butter,tihhs and rolls .. 15 16
Eggs per dozen .. 11 12
Flour per cwt. .... 4 00 5 00'
Potatoes (per has.) ...... 30 80
Apples (per bbl.) 2 00 3 00
Hay per ton .. .., ..., 7 00 7 50
Sheep shine, sada ,.., ., 25 25
Lamb skins each 25 30
Salt per bi,'., retail 1 00 70
Hiles trimmed 6 64
Hides rough 5 5
Hoge, Live 6 00 6 15
Wool 13 18
Connwoon wanted. Oober Carriage
Fsotory, Brussels.
PART of a seed drill found, apply at
Tun Pose.
PARCEL found, eenbnining ekiri and
collars. Ask at Ton POST.
Fon sale, three good building lots.
Apply to JOHN BANSDLD, Ethel P.O. 89
Yeaso pigs for sale There' bred Yet k-
ebiree. WM, MaIADZEAN,Lot 8, Oen. 9,
Wanted,. suitable for ranch purposes.
Apply to GEO. BEST, Brussels. -
Horn Bulls for sale, from 9 to 20 months
old. Also Come in calf to imported "Red
Duke" and a few heifers.
D, MILNE, Etbel.
Office over Burnley's Doug Store,
Feb, 8th, 1002, 80.8m Brussels,
It is quite impossible to run a
Wall Paper buolnees without the
aoonmelation ofmore or .lees'
Remnants. We have just gone
over our stook and pieked'out
some very nice motels, (imitating
of from 2 to 10 rolls very suitable'
for panarye, kitchens and email
bedrooms.. These we offer at
lees than half regular price
0 S
old for sale, roan in color. PETER
ROBERTSON, Lot 8, 0on.0,, Grey, Brussels
P, 0_ 36
DERBIaNED wishes to announce to
the ladies of Brussels andvicinity that she
is prepared to make switches mit of comb-
ings and out hair, at her 'home Mill street
West,Brussels. MRS.HhNGSTON.
$20,000 to Loan.
The above aura has been placed with me
for immediate investment on farm proper-
ty at 5 par cent. If tttle0 are satisfactory
loansmay be completed in 9 days, Liberal
terms as to repayment. Apply at 'once to
W. M. SINCLAIN, B arrleter, &o , Brno sale.
NOTION is hereby given that a Bylaw
was passed by the Township of Grey on the
third day of Marob, 1002. providing for the
issue of Debentures to the amonntof. 8519.90
for the purpose of drainage and that such
By-law waa registered in the registry oi0oe
Of the County of Huron, on the 25th day of
Marob,1902. Anymotion to quash or set
aside the same or any pert thereof must be
made within three months from thedate of.
registration and cannot be made thereafter.
Dated the 14th day of April, 1002.
40.9 JOHN MaINTOSH, Clerk.
ST0015 IMPLEMENTS. &o.—Mr. F.
S. Scott, Ao otloneer, bas received insbrnc-
tionsfrOm the undersigned to sell by Publio
Auction at Lot 12,Con. 5, Grey, 00 TUES-
DAY, MAY 6, 1002, at 1 o'clock, the following
valuable property: -1 horse 10 years old, 1
horse 11 years 010,1 driving mare 10 years
old with onit by side, lidera 7 years old, I
two-year-old colt, 2 yearling colts, 4 cows
supposed lo calf, 0 steers rising 8 years, 5
heifers rising 9 years, 8efeor riding 2 years,
9 heifers rising 9 years, 4 yearling heifers,19
well bred ewes. 1 ram, 20 young lambs, 1
well bred Berkshire sow, 8 store pigs, 1 wag-
on nearly new,1 seed drill, 1 set of iron. bar-
rows, 1 plow, Isaias plow, 1 set light bob-
sleighs and other aitiolso. Positively with-
out reserve as proprietor has Bold his farm.
Terms—All 14000 of 35 and under cash; over
that amount 8 menthe' credit will be given
0u furnishing approved joint notes; 4 per
sent. off for Dash on credit amounts. ELI-
JAH 0. JAORLIN,Propriebor; F. S. S001T,
If you have not ordered your Spring Suit do so at
once. Good dressers have taken to the New Spring Pat-
terns in Suitings. We have all the latest shades in
Tweeds and Fancy Worsteds for the coming season.
• • •
We have just received the New Coronation Check
Cloth, very suitable for your Spring Suit or Overcoat.
Best Quality Coronation Cloth—
Suit, $22 00
Overcoat, 18 00