The Brussels Post, 1902-5-1, Page 6WARMS 4111) FISHER' S Tldkl LATEST REPORT QF THE DEPARTMENT. Number of Wrecks and Dives Leet —126 Persons Net Death— Sable Island, The report of the weenie section of the Department of Alarine and Fish - edge, recently issued glow' some in- Lereeting details concerning the. branches cif public work under the ■uporvision of the department. The amount expended on the vac - lone branches of the public service M the control of this department during the last fiscal year was $1,036,269.96. The total number of persons in the service of the marine branch, includ- jng the crews of marina and fishery steamers, is 1,941, Canada's registered mercantile steamships have increased during the past year by forty-five. The .gross tonnage represented by the 1,860 steamships inspected by Canadian inspectors aggregates 212, 807 tans, as against 226,170 tons Cor the previous year. The total number of casualties to British and Canadian sea -going ves- sels reported to the Department of Marine as having occurred In Cot - eaten waters, and to Canadian ves- sels in water other than those of Canada, during the twelve =Alm ended June 30, 1901, was 186. This represented a tonnage of 47,181 tons register, valued at $285,782. Thir- ty-two of these casualties occurred on inland rs wate and about two- thirds of these wore destroyed by fire, demonstrating that., on 'Mattel waters at least, fire is by far mere destructive to shipping than shoal and gale combined. LIVES LOST, One hundred and twenty-six lives wero lost in these disasters. Thirty of these unfortunates found their graves in fresh water. Of the re- mainder the stormy, rock-bound sea coast of Canada claimed the major- ity as a sacrifice. Ara compared with the previous years, the registered tonnage de- stroyed was considerably more in the year ending 1900, but the loss of, life occasioned by the disasters of 1900 was mush less than in 1901. The lighthouses and other aids to safe navigation throughout the Do- minion were administered by this de- partment last year at a cost of $578,012.72. Seven hundred and eight light- house keepers aro employed at salar- ies aggregating $21.3,890.67 in keep- ing the Lamps trimmed and burning in 708 lighthouses throughout the Dominion. The salaries of these Government servants range all the way from thirty to one thousand dollars a year. More than one hundred thous- and gallons of oil were consumed during the year, the cost of which wins $19,339.50. in addition to the lighthouses, there are several lightships main- tained in the Gulf and River St, Lawrence, at contract prices relining up into the thousands. The extended coast int lin c of Canada fl a and the numerous great lakes and other navigable waters, require a large number of buoys, which are maintained at an average cost of 855,000 per annum. The work of repairing and replacing these buoys is let out by contract. SABLE ISLANh PLANTATION, The report contains some interest- ing information relating to that lit- tle but highly important litt,e sq,eek on the ocean, Sable Island, situated ono hundred miles or more from the Nova Scotia coast line. It is a mat- ter of common knowledge that, the i b extent of Sable Island is rapidly be- coming less year by year, from the d combined attacks of wind and waves. It is anticipated that the ultimate r fate of the island will be entire Strb- m mergence. This would create an in- visible shoal which would be much d more dangerous to navigation than the existing island, with the long sandbars at either end of it. The 0 Marine Department has for many years been considering practicable methods for delaying or preventing the ultimate destruction of the is- land. In view of the immense coast. line to be protected, a system of breakwater groynes was reported on as impracticable. While visiting the island in 1899, Lieut. -Col. Gourdeau, Deputy Minister of Marine, observed that the island was treeless although the abundant growth of sea grass proved that the soil was not utterly unproductive. Adopting a French scheme, fifty thousand young trees and shrubs were planted on the is - lane. At the end of a year the re- port says that the trees and shrubs h were, generally speaking, doing very t'0 Cell, About ninety -live per cent, of Pe elle transplanted young forest trees were in the pink of condition. Evi- dence of the effectiveness of the trees in arresting the disorganization of the island was apparent at the last inspection, -----,- DIDN'T WANT SORTINCI, A. TALK WITH GIRLS. HOW TO OBTAIN BEIGII' EXE AND 11Qi"a'X' C#iEB:S, Pale, Anaemic and Easily 'J;ir Girls Often Fall a Prey to Oonsumption. In young girls we look for abu dant health este strength, ro cheeks, bright eyes, firm, plu flesh and constant cheerfulness, II often, however, we meat young gi who seem prematurely old, feel) pale, listless, thin and irritab These abnormal and dangerous co dltlons are due to a general wen nese of the blood, and should cured just as promptly as possil or tile whole life of the patient w bo ruined, if, indeed, decline and co gumption do not speedily follow, D Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Poop aro the natural, logical and so cure for weak girls. These pil make rich, red blood with over dose. They' strengthen the nerve act upon the whole sye'tent an brie e g health, strength and happinc to dross who use them, Mrs. Hiram Reticles, South Pe1ha township, Welland County, Ont says:—"It is with pleasure that give this tribute to the health -r storing virtues of Dr. Williams' Pin Pills, When my daughter Lena b gan the use of your medicine she tva In a most wretched condition. 1 fact we were seriously alarmed les site might not. recuver, The syrup toms were 34 feeling liar of languor h m tau neakuess, r du g u idly growing worse She e• lac b_tarur pale, lost'tlesh, had lit tle or no appetite end was apparent ly going Mtn 0 decline. Finally til trouble became complicated with persistent sore throat, Whitt gay her great difficulty in swallowing She was placed under the care of a doctor who said her blood was poor and watery and her whole system badly run down. The doctor's treat meet nt did not help her mush and then acting on the advice of a neigh bor, I began to give her Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. The confidence with which this medicine was urged upon us was not misplaced, as I soon noticed a distinct improvement in my daughter's condition. The use of the pills for sone weeks cnrnplete- ly restored her, and from that time she has been a cheerful light-hearted girl, the very picture of health." These pills never fail to restore bealth and strength in eases like the above. Through their action on the blood and nerves they also cure much diseases as rheumatism, sciatica, Si. Vitus' dance, indigestion, kidney trouble, partial paralysis, etc. There are many so-called tonic pills, but they are all mere imitations of this great medicine. Be sere that you get the genuine with the full name,. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People" on every box. 11 your deal - or does not keep them they will he sent postpaid at 00 cents a box or six boxes for 82.50 by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. e4 11- sy alp ow cls le, le. 11 lt- be )10 1(1 n - r.. 10 00 Is s, d S5 m 0- k o- s n t d a e PULP AND PAPER Canada is Pre-eminently the Great- est Pulp Wood Producing Country in the gorld. Tho prospectus of the Atlantic Pulp and Paper Company, Limited, Just issued by the brokers, Messrs. Sutherland & Cameron, Ottawa, con- tains some interesting reading mat- ter. The stills of the Compuny will e situated on the .Little Cascapedia River, at New Richmond, on the Bale es Chaleurs, where it is proposed to eroct a paper mill with a daily cape- ity of 54 tons, a ground wood pulp 111 with a daily capacity of 50 tons nd a sulphite pulp mill with a ally capacity of 40 tons. The wood sed will be principally spruce, and tis believed that pulp and paper an be more economically manufac- tured there than at any other place In America. The properties and lim- its acquired by the company contain about 302 square miles. The com- pany has reports on the property made by fire different rangers, whose reports show that. there is sufficient wood to afford a. perpetual supply of timber. Ono of the r•angess who has traveled and examined limits in the State of Maine, New Brunswick and Quebec and worked In 'Wisconsin end Minnesota., says It is the best pulp limit he has ever traveled over. The water which will be used in 1 the manufacture of paper is pure and clean, the Little Cascapedia River Bing fad by springs and is suitable ✓ making the finest grades of pa- ✓ without the expense of filtering. W. C. Edwards, 31,P., of W. 0, Edwards & Co., Limited, lumber- men, Ottawa, is the president of the' company; R. Y. Ellis. director of P. W. Pllis & Co., Limited, manufac- turing jewelers, Is the vice-president, and the other directors are: Charles II, Waterous, president of the Water- ous Engine Works Company, Limited, Brantford; R. 73. Thompson whole- sale paper merchant, Buffalo; A. H. Etku.rdt, manufacturer, Toronto; Cheales Lyman, president of the 'Ls, - man -Knox y - man -Knox Company, Limited, Mont- real; ontreal; J. W. Wardrope, director of the New Richmond Lumber Company, Limited, Montreal; Wiiliam H. Iric- Intyre, paper manufacturer (late me- chanical superintendent Laurentide Pulp Company). and W. R. P. Parks er, barrister -at -law, Toronto. The subscription books are now, open, and prospectuses, with full In- formation and epplieat(on forms, may be obtained from the office of Sutherland cat Cameron, Ottawa, Can. ads, or the National Trust Company, Limited, Toronto, Montreal and Winnipeg, TABLE =OF I1I,5'K$ B. C. Iusur'auee, Systems Ft'aeticed the .Early Ages. Accident insurance companies bas their Oweuds on systems ul statistic that are supposed to be the out growth of iilgl,ly modern research All companies of any importance support a highly paid staff 01 ea - Mots, whose sole duty is to figure worth to hits. The wonderful melee out what a man's left leg, or three fingers on a child's hand may be of figures which is necessary to these computations to un ordinary mind would be us sttcggor'ing as the hightr calculus to a boy in cotnmon trace thus. The expert can figure the pre- cise difference in the risks of a rail- road Wool and those of a lady teach- ing school. (lis tables take account of habit, temperament, diet, climate, occupation and various other con- ditioning clemeautances. All this is supposed to be the out- come of scientific investigation r'oaching back only some fifty years, but though the method may be! new, the idea of paying for Injuries according to it carefully adjusted scale is old, and was practiced ini England and C'ermeny long before Caesar conquered Gaul. When those enrly globe trotters, the Phoenicians, returned front ven- turesome trips along the west coast of Europe and told strange stories of a strange people who were giants in silo and had light hair, these same blonde giants practiced elabor- ate schcrnes of justice that wore based cm tables of leeks. They did not rate the price of t } t man as high as he may tete himselfina modern insurance company; he was worth in Saxon computations about 100 shillings; if he lost an arm or a leg, he could make the offender pay hint something like 50 shillings, while a severe tt'ouad might. bring him S6 0 a • Rai•]DIIGEs L:Sb PIZINI1yf C Mfg for rife octot;oa Mar A copy of illustrated booklet "Weekly Expenses Reduced" sent free to your address by writing to LEVER 6NOTNERO LiC11T80, TORONTO goy P1113 .WONDERFUL X-RAYS IN CANCER OASES. Recent articles have appeared in the press announcing the wonderful discovery by a celebrated Europetu, surgeon, of the cure of eaueer by the A -limy treatment, and while it ap- pears as 0. 170W thing is the omedieal world it Is not geneeelly known that during the last two yours several wonderful ewes have been effected In our own country, in tko City of Ham- ilton, by one of Its well-known phy- sicians, Dr. Cummings, who was one 01 the first in America to introduce the Y -hays in his practice, and Itas ollectecl severe] remarkable cures in eases whore the (Knife and Plasters beset failed entirely. Two Hamilton cases 111 particular might be men- tioned, ons a Mr, John Langton, who had cancer and had tried all kinds of treatments without avail. 'Hearing of a wonderful cure in the City by Dr. Cummings, he placed himself in his hands with t the result tat to- day -day rre is not a trace oftS he dis- ease oft he left. The other case was (bat of a widow, Mrs. Wm. Gleason, who after several operations both by Knife and Plaster, found the disease recurring. Iter physician -recom- mended her to Dr. Cutnntings and he is now permanently cured. One eature of the X -Ray treatment is that eo scars or traces of the disease areof loft. From this it will be seen that Canada is not behind the older countries of Europe in the wonderful developments of Medical Science. shillings. To -day an arm or a log s is worth usually about $1,50t), and f a wound varies in proportion to its severity and to the closeness of your friendship with the attending phy- sician. Ears in those days were looked upon in the light of superfluous or- naments, and the loss of one brought 12 pence in compensation, while, strange to say, you could indulge your wrath by biting off an enemy's thumb, if he would permit, at not greater expense. A finger was mark- ed down yet 2 pence lower. The insc i'nneo expert is the life of the company, and his figures and theories are part of the boast of civilization, but the idea of these piecemeal estimates originated with those inventors of beer and mystic- ism, the Teutons. A NATURAL MAGNET. A scientific professor was once lec- turing in a provincial town on nat- ural philosophy, and in the course of his experiments he introduced a most powerful magnet, with which he at- tracted a block of iron from a dis- tance of two feet. "Can any of you conceive a greater attractive power?" demanded the lecturer, with an air of triumph. "I con," answered a voice from the au r dtcn e. "Not a t uttural, terrestrial object?" "Yes, indeed." The lecturer, somewhat puzzled, challenged the marc who had spoken to name the article. Then up rose an old countryman. Said he: "f will give you facts, Pro- fessor, and you can Judge for your- self. When I was a young man there was n little piece of natural magnet done up in 0 neat cotton dress as was coffee Betsy Maria. She could draw me fourteen miles on Sunday, over plo'tglted land; no matter what the wind or weather, there wasn't no resisting her. That magnet o' yourtt is pretty good, but it won't draw so far as llet:sy Maria." TEETHING TIME. Is the Critical Age in the Life o€ A11 Little Ones, During the teething period great care should be taken of baby's health The little one sutlers greatly; the gums are hard and inflamed and any disorder of the stomach or bowels increases thu peutisluress of the child and ufiroc fetal results follow. Mo- ther's greatest aid at this period is Baby's Own Tablets -the surest of all renlerlies in curing the minor ail- ments of children. Among the many mothers who testify to the vuluo of these Tu)dets is Dirs. It. B. Ilickford, Olen S'.Lton. Que., who says:—"My ittle baby suffered much from teeth - ng and i„ lige t ion, 1 procured a The inhabitants of a small village not twenty miles from Bradford, England, are noted for a peculiar fondness for currant cake, A strang- er who bad obtained work In one of the factories there, had an example of this, He had taken his breakfast with him, tied up in a cotton hand- kerchief, and 071 arrival at the mill be was looking round for a place to put it until the meal -hour should ar- rive. The foreman, seeing, his di- lemma, called out to hire: "What hes to,' 1' thf henkerchee, lad?" "Currant - cake," Was the reply, 'Well," said he, pointing to a whole pito of break- fast handkorehlofs, "alta can chunk it tut that heap wi' t' others; they're all alike!" TLI. eal Adorer (bashfully) — "Yon didn't go to Millie Meadow's party. ,bon's: you like lcissin', games?': Pret- ty 1iinid—"No, I don't." Mural Ad- mirer (Weakly --"Wiry don't you?" Peel.{,v ltIaic1 (encouragingly) -- "t'auta there'd So many looking on." "I am not wealthy," he said, "hut 1t rho devotion of it, tree and tender heart goes for anything with you, Miss Clara---" "It goes very well with me, Mr. Spoonbill," interrupt- ed the foie girl, with a pensive look in her facie ; but bow will it go with the grocer and butcher ?" MISSES' SHIRT WAIST. Waists with deep tucks at the shoulders, aro in the height of style for young girls, as they are for their elders, Pique, duck, chambray, madras and Oxford make the favor- ite washable fabrics• buttaffeta, La peau de sole and such simple wools albatross and veiling are all in use for the cold weather waists. The admirable model shown is of white mercerized dusk with handsome pearl buttons, used for the closing, and is unlined, but the fitted foundation is advisable for all silks and woolen materials. To cut this waist for a miss of 14 years of age, 8 8-8 yards of material 21 itches wide, 2 5-8 yards 27 Inches wide, 2 yards 82 inches Wide, or 1e yards 44 inches wide will be re- quired. :r SINGING 'BREAKS GLASS. Russia noasts of the world's great- est reatest choir. It is 111 the Cathedral of Alexander Nevski, in at. Petersburg, and is attached to a convent erected in honor of the patron saint of Russia. Its members, of which there aro about thirty; are all monks, and are chosen from the best voices in all the Russian monasteries. When a fine singer appears among the no- vitiates; he is sent to the monastery of Alexander Nevski, where he is trained as carefully as an opera - singer, and remains there doing no- thing except assisting at the music at nines in the morning and vespers in the afternoon, until he becomes aged, when he retires on a pension. Some of the voices are of marvellous strength and sweetness, and it is said that some members of the choir& can shatter it thln glass into frag- box n1' Baby s Own 'Tablets and it tnents by singing into it, so power - yolked orked wonders in baby's condition— fol are the vibrations of ttieir• tones. n fact I believe it slaved my little The monks are all vegta.'ians ' they one's life. I sincerely believe that never eat meat. The rules of the where now many a home is nucleic/led Montan Church forbid them to uhavo hrouglt death of a little one, joy and their hair is worn like a wo- man's. Unlike ordinary monks they are fastidious about their appear- ance, and put up their hair and Whitt}ccrs in papers every night, so that they are wavy and curly. would bo supremo it these tablets had teen used. I consider theta baby's best doctor and would not be with - thein." I1aby's Own Tablets when given in esmord, i.t with the directions pre- mut ro-ent r•estiessness and nervousness-• tire simple fever, dtln'rhoea, consti- pation, colic and all stomach trou- le. Guuruntecd to contain no ()p- ate or oilier harmful drug. Ily dis- easing a tablet. in stater it can be given with absolute safety to the cry youngest baby. Sold by druggists, or direct by mail, past aid, tit 25 cents a box, by address - ng the Dr. Willietns' Medicine. Co., Brockville, Ont, "Then, when you hate ilnishod 000 lecture," said the professor of locution and deportment, to young Dullc, "how gracefully, and leave the platform on tip -toe." "Why on 1p -toe 7" queried Delle. "So as not o wake the audience," replied the rofessor• —4 - The Oaths Act, 1888, provides that "if ally Person to whom the oath is admiristet'ed desires to swear with 1plifted hand, in the form and man- ner in which the oath Ls usually ad- ministered in Scotland, he shall be permitted Lo do so," It is evident (says the Law Journal) that this provision 15 among the things not generally kunwu, for it Is certain that if it were better known ,nary more Witneltses would avail them- selves of it, Those whotte duty it is to administer the oath might be in- structed to at:muslin any witness that be may be swore with uplifted hand, Perhaps a better cones° would be for the Legislature to put an mid altogether to the nenctice of hissing the Book. NOTE CLOSE MESH AT BOTTOM sed- Page Acme Poultry Netting ld of enaeehelt at bottom end deo; nob require taller boar supper/ tit !lean, hoeing carting ebraieht wire (15 1 Image) et tog, bit 0015tad in centre, bonnet gap nu oto may to erect The "Page Aaron" netting laofnet1t oppaeranon, 5ery dnreltto mod Ori 5 c. o a en mn a eearrtpn tarl of frpagele tease, gotta, anile and ataploo, The same otPogo le your gnerttO0o of quality. The Page 'Mrs Sanest Oo., Limped, Walkorrilin, Oat, t IIiJ1 DOZ111)N RICIIIIST MEN, '!'here Is just a round dozen of sten in: the United Kingdom who pay tax on incomes exceeding 480,000, eleven in Great Britain and one in Ireland. The eleven Englishmen are assessed ou Moro tilttn 4.1,400,000, 'so tuoat of theta meet pay income tax on much Imre titan 460,000, Their gross income, equally. divided between them, would give thein each to nice little sunt of ,0127,000 a Year, with more than 4;600 over to melte a private secretary uncommonly happy. Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produces, end le sole only in lead packets. Black, Mixed and Greven. tpan tea dttnkan try "Selads" Greta tea, .;+awe OrilrOwO„x,OSNOOK,enw-.aaa.:r,eavemixan+naesrtO.50 CHANCE FOR INVENTION. "Shall I clip your hair a little at the ends sir?" asked the barber 01 his customer, who posed as a wit among his friends. "I suppose you'll have to,"" was the sober arrawer, "unless you've ht- vetlted sumo method by which you can clip it out from the middle and save the ends, which aro .curly. I should prefer that, of course." A RAILWAY PIAN, EXTRAORDINARY IIL ARY UNPLEAS- ANT SYMPTOMS OF KID- NEY TROUBLE IN THIS OLSE. Tortured by A11 Kinds of Pains And Aches He Tries Everything but Fails to Find Relief Till a Friend Advises Hint to Use Dodd's Kidney Pills—They Have Made a Well Man of Him and He is Grateful. Ottawa, Ont„ Drar. 81. (Special,— L'rank Chartrand, a railway man, whose home is at 130 Little Chaud- iere Street, has acknowledged that Dodd's Kidney Pills have done more for him than anything else in tate world has ever done. He says:—"I suffered with backache and was al- ways drowsy and had a very heavy feeling in my limbs. "I had frequent severe headaches, and more times very sharp pains in the top of my head, which gave me much annoyance in my Worlc. "My fingers would cramp and I would have an uneasiness 111 my legs and occasional pains in the loins. "1 was dizzy in spells and short of breath. Iflate ahY nice! e al I would have a Pain in my ]eft side. My appetite would sometimes be very good and sometimes I couldn't eat anything. "I had a constant soreness and tenderness over the spine and tired feeling in the region of my kidneys. "I strfiorcd quite a little with a dragging heavy feeling across the loins. "Dodd's ICtdnoy Pills were recom- mended to me by a friend of mine who had been cured, and I began to use then{. "Almost from the start I began to feel the wonderful improvement, which continued as the treatment proceeded, till the unpleasant symp- toms had one by one entirely disap- peared, "Dodd's Kidney Pills have worked a wonderful cure in my ease and I cannot speak too highly of this great and good remedy," What Dodrlfs Kidney Pills have done for Mr. Chartrand they have done for thousands of others, .and they'll do the same for you if you give them achance. Thom are many railway men In Canada to -day who find Dodd's Kid- ney Pills indispensable, They aro the railway man's surest and best friend. The constant vibration on trains and engines is very hard on the kid- neys and Dodd's Kidney Pills slake these organs well and able to resist disease. Keep Minard's Liniment In the House If all the houses in the United Kingdom were grouped together, it is eetimated that they would cover about 480 square miles of land. MInard's Liniment Is used by Physicians In England 188 in 1,000 people are children ; in Greece 144 h1 1,000, and t.1 France only 97. Por Over Slaty Years Ma. Wrustnw'a aoornrvn !Iron. has boa timed by million. of mothers for th01r children radio teething, Dumdum the bhIld, Porten the damn, ahayapain cure. wind Wolin regulates the ranraaok 5011ltouel., and is mud hest remedy for Diarrhea. Twenty -are vena n berths, Sold Lt.druggla. throughout the world. Be sure and elk for "Mn%, WlttiLom a Soarspo Bratrr," Negro children art never glossy black until quite six years old. (flop% Ma Canal. sad works off the Cold. a 01d' Na Tabloid, .a,0 eZesure,oP57, (OlMot &---- Perth was the last British town to abolish the tax of births. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. P' (IRATEFUL.- OOMFORTINQ, ;e,• ,t ,yJ `/tag "�3. SREAKFAST-.SUPPER. A W • Aeries 75 A MRIDE-laq't {aha arlY chances et the apteot of your marrlq 1100, give hire APLESYRUP VWee can hhaanndelinygoulrasrgedvnaga The Dawson Commission Cao., Limited, ToroX t9, Canotgnrnanta or nutter Sags, Aaptoa nnq other Preemie I011oltad. A PA NT !SURPRISE (scene600600000e 00000o0®t, DeoGi®®aoeetagBe®oRD0Bota0®0 It will surprise you to see how it 1 ole' o s, how it wears, how easy it • works, how economical it is 0 when you paint with • RA » SATS ,tar* I ! • • ` . r h\5' bJr � ' kl ,y ' ? ; the oldest and best known palate 40 t. ,. rJ ' 1 x • .3- in Canada, • ,.I + vO' ,r• a to day, made from the e O " r l'Vt ,,k:•c4c.•a.%, 3 '-. beat r� cr�tt,•. .Paint material to fight orf yr., A ,' m..r1 T O fi. ',� .. i' hot suit.and storm,to outlast ail o r a others just , and at Ju the right pries for pure paints. Drop ue a line and ask for BOOKLET "IV FREE, l7 Drop 0 'u c s a card n r+ � A 0.;k O F o •. -a. d for sit FtY'. •n. t � . T r ® `�.... a f, Jt: M, t •t : ^:+ ... G t?". �:'''ta 8 o V �f. J <�t*_c+,v.,. t�rw''.: ..t.. ?•, �l: A . R A7Jy Y & SON, . 6rR I r } u Y^.• 3 eu (11tfTREPaL Paint Makers @fit0900310 i0®90060@o,traBeseet seeBeOo®o6Qtt efilaeogot --- T44+44+++++++++4-14++++++1-1-4-1+++14-144-14-4-4444 Non- Eo, k . y ' Sulphurous. Odorless. 6 6 Head I i g h t" • Every Stick— A Parlour Match Every Matcher Matches A Lighter TMflaoat mat " ase ata thr wortd,fraado from eat aarlcy Woo, and 1 i� aepo0lally wnable ver ,lunsaue ues— putup.In nra0 eliding her merit pried calor° taap be, arntalnlex about Odd mutation.— throa Yraaa Ina peak. a=a. For sale by All Plret Cta.. Dertere. +44+1444444.4444-4-14444++ 44.1.,{4.4-144.4.4.:-1-44441°4"4-4-I- .4f China devours nine million caible birds' nests yearly, L'ifty of these make a pound. To e'1R8, 1 COLD 0Y'' OI;R toil. Tnko Lomat ire Brame Quinine Tablets. 61 drugg8ist., refund rho money 11 11 toile to eves. E. W. Grove's signature le on each bon Sia The average weight or a grown man is 1401b. 6oz.; the weight of his skeleton is only1418. Deafness Cannot be Cured y local applications, a. they cannot roach Cho .&,nosed portion of the oar. There Leanly orao o cure deafness, and that is b • Dewitt tu. ( t o n t T tonal r+meadS,.irI DfrhoTa 0 01t5le f he h..flonted cehiti ion of rho ibis t tote the ';;ugic china 'lute. tmhen eh(a tatty 1. tn. :arced you 12100 o rumbling attend er neper oat heariaa, ;tad when 11 le can:rely cloaca •uafeess is the result, anti lieloal the halloo radials eat be taken tint and ;Ma tube restored a r& normal ootditir n, Roaring will be do treyed ftmovar; nine ,:Oslo ant of ten Of,• -,acrd by c..ferrh, tvhloh Is lathing but an in• named condition of Clio muco;. aurtace.. 17e will sirs' One Hundred. Dollar. tot an:. nee of Deafen.. (cooed by catarrh) that one n t bo oared by Haire Catarrh Cn'e. Bine OT blreater.:, frro. F. J. CH ENEY S 00., Toledo, 0 Bold byDruggh.tp, no. hall's Falai r Paine re the best. The greatest price paid last year for any article of jewellery was $100,000 for a necklace of 424 fine pearls. t1es5rs, 0. C. Richards & Co, Gentlemen,—After suffering for se en years with inflammatory rheum- etism, - so bad that I wan eleven months confined to my room, and for two years could not dress myself without help. Your agent gave me a bottle of MINAIID'S LINIMENT in May, '97, and asked me to tray it, which I did, and was so well pleatrod with the results 1 procured snore. Five bottles completely cured mo and f have had no return of the pain for eighteen months. Tho above farts are well-known to everybody ht this village and uetgh- borhood. Yours gratefully, A. T)AL(tT. St. Timothee, Que., May 16th., 1899, The first piece of underground rail- way constructed in London was that between Paddington and Farritgdon Street. Lever's Y -Z (Wise ilead),Disittfee- (ant Soap Powder dusted in the bath softens the water at the same time that it disinfects. Westmorelancl is the most thinly populated of any British county. It has only o110 inhabitant to every four acres of its surface. �•no Ask for MInard's and tate other The largest Parliament in point of numbers is the Hungarian House of Magnates, which hes 751 members, Britain's comes second with 670. W1'0 1125 HE MOST POPULAR DENTIARIOE, CALVERT'S CARBOLIC TOOTH POWDER. Palet vee the tooth. Swootone filo breath, strengthens the sumo. CARPET DYEING nml (toning. '''hie is'n creamily with the BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 00, Vend parnetilare tyyoat and fro manure totonaly. Addroli (05 151*, Montreal, The earliest mention of a double Christian name is that of John Philip Ourpel, of .lsineham, In 1863, A.D. Mirard's Liniment Lnmberman'sfrlend About 41 in every 1,000 men to the British army are six feet In height, or over. BOYS BRIGADE nelera+ Instruments, Bugles. F',iav D,vma Caps of: EVERY TOWN OR 50H00=. Can have a Fits and Orin et Miele Band, Lowest prices ser quoted lllustrotee prite.tter moiled free. Write 0. for ANYTHING it 1105(8 or MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. WHALIEY, ROYCE ti CO., Limited Winnipeg, Man, Teronte Cana*. TOP INT R ('38 W.I.—Two 3 -revolution Campbell Frasses, bed a0xg0 Inohoo. Splendid soder. Pelee 01,00e each, Terms oases t, FRANI{ WILSCAI, 73 West D.dolalde 88, Toronto Chaffing A10THbR9 WAIT A BIto TE 1 don't put powder an Sores. Charting Boren N simply .assn for rime Nate. Cng. acres Nate ChafnnR attar. It relieves pain at anew and elves tato oeroneaaitpp Any mother who trios Otloadlne mini never wllllnpip bo without It. 201,, Druggists, or 011oan,n. 00., Toronto. Money refunded H est 1atutactnry. Dominion Lino Steamship Mnbreal W Liverpool. Beaton to 1',Irx. pont ?Ortisod Co Id'e,poel. VlaQueom- :wo, Isom end Featst«ensabtia. 0Peoria,4,00. ,15 Ormedatlee far .tl dawn of naessagott getouha and !Patera Ity are amldrhlsr. Borate attention hu ton don tol�t� Booed lateen nod Tatrd•Olue a,ouremodeeea. D� rate.; ra Band all rtlexla a 1 to an a N +'f Ur Y ! !Patera of she CAmWy, or Alot.r.l, nue 8 0., 1), errs et b 0a, yi titsloBa . Basta.. Montreol ud rorawa RELIAAQINTS WANTED We scant .t °roc trialecal y man and rumen hs 10017 lryoobd f01at er otrhw nspli nlutteadmit u5aoonantoumm plate.. iranthroughoutnateiptt r Iowo and ,entry, atoodr .roplormeot year roup 'mnmbdsn Of Imlay,dd.JJ..or per Aanth and Otpeneea, not to exceed MAO per der, Write for pontoalar,, rolWNeabox 53!, INTERNATIONAL MEDICINE c0„ LONDON. ONT. Woos. PHOTO, hIGRAVlNC. J. &.JO ES (NG.C9 -168 BAV:571/BET.--TORI)klt/ • .r. ,f. • THE CANADA PERMANENT and WESTERN CANADA M ORTCACE CORPORATION Invites investors of large or small amounts to investigate its Four Per Cent. Debentures with half -yearly interest cou- pons attached. They aro is- sued for :fixed terms of not less than on, year and are., secured by assets amounting to $23,000,000. TPp'1C89,. aTneeT, 'Toronto, . TORONTO 1;4•1•.++.1-1-1-1444.14•1+,.I,1-1•444