The Brussels Post, 1902-5-1, Page 51902 Talc BRUasELs O s' MilaseammIMMISCRIII BUSINESS ES SANDS, eyy' Q r Er11,7.1 IF NQTHII}1Q TURNS UP, QanojpghamapdtaDornGrafkopaxbond• ed for three months, Jiaaa4H -W, 1i pastor's residonee and presented with a°° purse of @0Q in gold with whipoh to enjoy �•**^+ 6 ' A ? 9 CASH 8i7 •yam rn J :7 «!— ONFiY TO IiQt�1V AT G PER TURN SOMETHING VPI ziedging Dad Qo'rge Soots. Stanley,.•-• Henry Shafer and 0. I!. Li tla, 'i'noker• himeoll better while on hie tri 1), (i, polotnau dlapnee t of his house Dena x,s;H9orT, Iiruaanld. .• A Coal'se of '1'ruiat1 is the —Q gmjth, hue. Wilson ape Geo. M. bold 9fleete by auction, told h•avee shortly l Mr, Uolemun Wtr H. MoCIBA.OKEN�-= W • Issuer of Marriage Licensee. 01. nae at Grecerry, Turngerr street, Brossals, y DENTRAL tip i r t -t ,- r r 'ill 13rgn6. Bayli9ld uild Varna upplo t attone let over until meeting at fleneail op , a Anal 24th, with hie Nosily for Seattle. was eutertmereityiped at afarewell dapper at the Oommerolal hotel on Monday night. pW Pnpat has dlepored of the fenny 1d 8 r � i�0 ■ ova n Hmitad numuer of buahols of ti1, kka�ttlfJJ 1� '6c j'j�l{jI'�nfR,(\y*Uhildrepe yr�LRVNIJ to Our D4'86! Goode trade this Spring has exceeded expeotntinns. We muds preparations torn large eon wag fairly opened we found aeveraI'liae0 were into the market and . bought heavily in Drees. Goods, Willett had jest appeared in the market, and today Deese Goode second to none in the comity Lodiee Goode where they have a large assortment Of new know from.experience they always find Mora. J net a few price hints ; All wool Fiena1 Berge, double fo'd, in 'bluets and suite and skirts, gives satisfactory wear, ab Storm Serge, all wool, 42 inmhee wide, in blaok ficlsh, very epsofal 50o. Bleck Cheviot Serge, 46 inches wide, good weight, and serviceable suite and ekirte, 75o, All wool Broadolobh, 52 inches wide, firm weaver vales 76o and 81. Satin Cloth, 44 tnohea wide, all pure wool JJJ two qualities, 86o and $L10. Black Freuoh Venetians, bright finish, 60 inches very stylish positions, 01.60. All wool El mappens, in blank and Oxford grey, fi°fah, per yard, floc, 8L and 50.10. -'C, 3,� $'e - �. ••M. our moat •!an al yy trade, but before the sea. 1Ii Bold np, We again went f in severob new styles we show a stook of I'. like .to buy their Drees ebylee to select from mud the beet assortment at this (, colors, makes up well for I 264% yard. 1, and navy, bard worsted f' all wool, makes stylish 1' 1 bright $Dish, !peals! I 11 and rich satin $Wish, in 1 wide, all pure wool, make I. 54 inobes wide, cheviot (t s;k- —4 mac ^ BARRETT- Tonsorial Arist, Shop -Next door the standard Sank, Ladies' and hair out6iug- a ■,�j E..flIof SI ,,,�1 (Jgenral, DDI_L'1iIN_ CJ Grdenin o eratione ae clow rets g 11p ywill go0dn rtlOn Cf hla stook t0 T. V. Fear. P r. Fear hae Canted Mr. Papot'g dtoro and move IOD 9t09k there alcor the $ret of May, B.o will alae boys' chare o1'the n81 1•." 0 fiNUM) for :ncore in titsN. vain#ty of f abrook who lutand 00101011 Ilx quring he 00 lIing season, Whiau thBY nreBx4WBYa,tp dellyer Ip gnptltles to calfjE'(l, MORRISON 168L1e1' Of lVlarPlar,t? r�iCC1lH8Hr WALTON, ONT, ��'I. ,,The Y„v,Y1i'�Ti/,+a•1;h/1'I 11 il'Ti ! kY. 11vUU 11ififi99, W 0x,00 oe3plostnout ab oadnnoimireim tlatolymouth 01 leaving College,gT4tewages athe school that anjgye the reputation of doiag the boat loroee boy! are pactiing on the Arioultaral Park, - The Ceeldenae of Wettdtee Broo., Week qua, f '• undergoing extOpllve C9 otocnetable R, Moore, of this village, left on Wednedda 0f last for Fort telephone. - as nI11ieln kilo late Charletfriend° of ; 111, 0pa keen, and for.many yeltre a 00110ielt of Se11• -firth, will be pleased to kiwis;he has passed the "senior examination at the Seed may be got at the-Orenbrook I'la0�•"�I Mill at 81,50por bushel, Order. ear*Y andJ 800�ra a seaply, Per 111Y flrown from tido Q l� !� TON w r ! I 1 t,srl v W111bu pale if of good barvonted. In RL t1 py�r��tl /.1 MISS JEAN M LAUCHLiN ! Oto— .Work {n bneinass eduoatiou. The ¢raduatae 81 the school aro In eteoug demand as Moon. ere In business colleges in Oauada and the United States, This the .week Erig as Grazed Trunk Railway detective, , y Joseph Weuwood, of ()Wroth, County .Dental College, Toronto, and is admitted to the degree of L, D S. growth• Proper mean and delivered at the Rax 1n111 s g a soon ns fit for threehin . will rent a number Of good sod $aide —TEACHER PIANO - AND - ORGAN. eRV po-aLe, oNT. Bohol for goo and your Irlends. Write for catalogue,they W, •J, ELLIOTT,E1LIO'I'TPrincipal. iWe Coibm aeloner, hag been stetted as one of Dirsotore of Huron (twenty Cold Stors a Qo, g The the Oddfellowe' Lodge • Ill a OA. is Jose h Stotbere to bnild;n • a brick fur the purpose of growing flax. pAMFiRgN IIROs„ Tru n I fetors Cranbrook Flax Dill. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM! Iz?eoaexaa, 7� C3}} 'hat 8i7Zr�AT�4Atka, members of in this, village, attended eervtc0 to a body. the Methodist eburol? on Sundry morn• : ing, where a sermon was preached to G. Hartle. kitohep bo the rear Zilerestaurant.building C. A, Hawe has.udded a summer kit• Oben and wend shed to hie residence. 'rhe roof has oleo been re shingled. Adam McKenzie ; first engineer, J. F. Niv• g ins ; second engineer, W, J. Mediger ; sec FIRE AND MARINE GUELPH. Wroxeter. - The Junior E worth 'Lea ne of the them by the'Relb A. Anniversary services will be conducted in the Presbyterian Church, Luoknow, in May by F. M, and Mrs. Vander000k, of St, Louis, Miohf{ an, are visiting at the home of Elam Livingstone, Mre. Vander000k •R.•v, •of relay J. A. Jnokeon ' firemen, Thomee WsGaou R. M. Malley, James Barr, George White, James Ifefron, Arthur Sime, • Wellington Mutual Fire Inanranee 00., Eszsurremen 3840 Insurance taken on the cash andpremlum note system stall current Ina else the rBefore Agent of the Company, - GEORGE ROGERS,Brussels• Methodist ohnroh Gere at the meetiA on Wednesday afternoon of last week elected yalenture off mer0 ae follows :—Supt., Mise Bray ; Amt. Supt., 31Ble Malin/lag' ; Preeidept, Effie Goodfellow ; Conveuer<of yookout some., Ella Smith;Prayer meeting Oom., Bert Tdwnseod ; Temperance corn , Ada Goodfellow •; S. S. and Oom„ Ada Morrison ; Kaaieal and; Literary, Sophia on he second. Sunda y �r' Mullan, of Fergus, who well also •give on the [allowing Monday -uvea- ing The reeldenoe of Councillor John N. Browo had a narrow. escape tram are On Sunday night, April 20th, shortly. after ' Ibe congregations had left Lha different ohurohee. A wood box that was left tooeesarein le 0810001 Mr. Livingstone. The veporo0ae and treacherous pole. •over has a aln visited the barna Edward Ha it, This time the barnyard were a sow find her titter and a :y0unq Dolt. Coraplainte,have •bean made to Chief Barr that some of Our merchants and throwinge gazer Hoose abm(0001 T. B. MoArEeraud A. D. West, The two engineers will get B65 between them per gBlack gannum and the rest of the brigade will m. 13a1Ot u10 n Brae, areer makinggood rag• -rase with their pew tannery. Work ou the interior ie almost Dom latae and ae p soon ae the weather becomes warm will be on ex erior. raRevBDon MISS SARAH LOW SE ' MOORS L..O. M.:. ' Academie graduate of London Conserve- tory of music, also Member of the Aeaooiated Robmeoa ; Vtattmg and Sower Dom., May Trttho Minuet! $a canker", ata eon�aOegaW etlbow 1 Treao'yie ;.'Aest:,'Efi3;a':Goodfollow. '` . • close to the stove tools fire and in a few minutes the blaze eremod to envelop the whole room. The fire alarm use sounded and the.brlgade gatokly reeponded, bat fire`Wae noon got under montiol and ex• and other onthe etre et. J. G. Moser was thrown from his deli. very wagon- Wednesday of last w,ek by the horse sodainly bolting.' He etiuok IdaK uVioar, late pastor of the Vtotoriatown, Que., Presbyterian Church, has been intfacfed paet01 of the Presbyterian Church at Fioob, Ont. Mr; MoOVioar was born near Strathroy . ' + ea V Cash Store. S'-uit -urts I •Y� F O M N A ilk O Y S • We are showing a'magnificent range of Ready-made Clothing which arrived this week direct from the manufacturer and can now offer you a New and Nobby Suit at a remarkably low price. Also a nice assortment of �q, s —a �— t HATS CAPS Mulioiansof Ontario, laprepared'to receive. for Inetruotlon � Ford' -Ieh. anguished with water from pails. on hie left shoulder. The. shoulder wag. in the County of Middlesex. Hereoeived alimited number of pupils on the Plano. Qualified to prepare pupae for tualified he slPerinaipaps Form in the Ooaeervatory of Brueeele, Ontario. .— ,, The briokworli of the'pew cheese fee tory otithe Ford:Mob Chelsea and Butter Company baa been completed. - Senior Large quantities of coal are being delivered around town for next season's broken, the left arm fraotnred below the shoulder and two rlbe lraotured se a re• cult of the fall. A KINDLY DEED.—Tehn Sherribt re- hie preliminary education at the Colle• p y and fora teacher he Normal School, Tor- onto, holding that position for nearly ^ LEX. BUNTER— A clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co. Horan; Conveyancer, notary Pubho' Land, Loan investedand ae to noe Mi ; Allek,BrI Collets-- Ler. Loan acid Insu and Ageat ;etlou- tions made. Office in Gratora'siBlook,Brne- eels, �.-- William Wallace, who went to Bt. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, had an °per. ation performed on his forehead on Bat- nrday,.April !9th. r John Duna h and famil R Donaghy 9+ Who left o Tuesday morning train last week for Vancover, 13. 0., were met at the station here by a large number of frionde to bid pee. Fred. Broadfoot, eon ofJ. H. Broad. foot, left for Philadelphia, whore he expecte to eeeure employment. The Beaver lacrosse club recently made y applicationto the Canadian Lacrosse Association for admission tothe senior aeries, but, at a meeting of the clubs at calved a great surprise. A committee of representative citizens, oompoeed of Reeve Sims, Chief Barr, J. B. Tiernay, Prank Metealt, Harry Jamee and others, waited on him with a ur.e of $6`2.. 'Mr. p Sherritt loot all hie tools when hie shoe shop was burned a few weeks ago and this money was collected from our five years. He entered McGill Universi•,-.`� ty ie the Fall of 1886, and graduated ine arta in 1590 ; studied theology in the Presbyterian College, and graduated io 1892. In May of the came y year Mr, M' enV'icar woe Rimmed to preach, and was called to the pastorate of Amos Oburob, Dromore, and Knox Ohnrob, AUCTIONEERS. Goodbye and wish them numb happiness and pro,perity in their new home. John Wright and family of the 4th Don, present in that league, their app'foation was refused. Rev, Neil MoPbereon, St, .Citi- sena and given to him titaid him in par- chasing new toole. Mr. Sherribt thanked the for their kindness and Normandy, Ont„ in July, 1898. During hie oouree at McGill, Mr. MeeVioar taught for 1 B. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • BBB, will eel for bettor prime, to better men in lees time and leas chargee than any other Auctioneer in Eaet Hu100 or ebtchys a gee anything. Dan won't yt d g,t tats sande or by portional application. were burnt out of bowie and home oR Monday afternoon of last week. There was no insnra000 on either the hones nor contents, but ae the house was an old one. Wm Wade, the owner, will not he much of a -looser. As for Mr. Wright he looses everything he possessed exoept what pastor of Poul'e church, Hamilton, eon -in-law of Rev. M. Burr, of$eaforth, and well known 13 many here, left on Wednesday of last week on a three menthe' trip to Europe. He was a00ompanied by Mrs. MoPhereon. Prior to hie departure, the managers of the 000gregatiou went quietly to the committee ales thanked those who contributed so liberally towarde aiding him in getting started in busineee again. Blyth fire brigade has been reorganized with the following members • Chief, R. MaWiliiam : captain, Harry Jamee : first lieutenant, W. J. Sime; second lieutenant, one term as mlhemabioai teacher in Mre. Lay's eobool, and for months as eeound headmaster of the Royal Arthur School, Montreal. He won the Balfour eoholarehip in 1891 while at tbe Pceebyterian College, and tbe Gree- cent street sobolarehip and a prize in architecture at his graduation. Mr. If you need a WATERPROOF COAT we. have lots of them at prices that will save you money. clothing he and hie family had on at the "�'� MaoVioar was married in February, 1893, VETERINARY. time. Oa learning of the removal of John to Mise Maggie McLean, daughter of Rev, A. McLean, of Blyth. JD. WARWICK- 'Honor Gradnace of the Ontario Vet- ornery College, is prepared to treat all die- eases of domesticated aeimals in a armrest- cut manner. Particular attention paid to Donaghy, who bad been in business in Fordwich and Gorrie for about twenty years, the members of the Royal Black Preeept°ry here held a meeting at the ol0se of which an address and resents• p Hand rovv _ - s that xe-ter•. Joe, and Mre, Oenbledi°k have one to g Riverside, California, where theywill visit for several weeks, �y g ;6� �j `Zr/ are you can E ' J -y-- �1 �,+ e Uh.7 Some special values in our Carpet department. It always pays you to buy Carpet here, for get choice and you have the advantage of prices. New Goode arriving ever few days for our y y Millinery Department. ® i § It+ BLYTH. T Cd EATH Veterinary Dentistcy Calle promptly at. fl tended to, OSftceandIndrmary—Four doors North of bridge, Ternbetry at., Brussels, tion of a cane were made. After this Sir Knight D-naghy replied, reviewing his connection with the Preoep:ory since its inception here, and thanking the _ f 111111111/ . �� .•ice - U� I I i lU H. Beckingham ie having three he interior of hie uommoddioua dwelling remodelled and otherwise renovated. LEGAL AND COWVEYANCINO. members for their esteem and memento. The L, O L presented a Pest Master's . • U 1 hL W. J. White, Of Ottawa, spent a few days in town visiting his brother, M. J. Jewel to him.White, who still remains in an unchanged — 1--1°''' i�����11' is never so willing to perform oond.eigre M. SINCLAIR— W Banister, aolleitor, Conveyancer, Block -- ' Y.9intow n1 �lllllll= f• al: P� ,l its labors all when the Paint need The treetfn °n the South wing of the Main street avyhodkst church way Notary Public, tee. office—eteetart'e 1 door North of Central Hotel, - Solicitor for the Standard Bank, Mre. Moon has returned to her home in Bone, , after spending two or lie, her o - r �1� RIII'a1. yields easilyin application. The 1111i2eat ( ' 3' p_ Ala ill ff by the heav winds of Tueedu ni ht night of last week. The Independent Order of Foresters L F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, 1� • Solicitor, Do. Office over Stand. three with potents, Jae. and air. Bogeys, town, F. W. Hay hae•retnrned 1 f town after II 1��WDianna cum u r work becomes a labor of love 1£ you • use our reliable Ready -mixed y attended divine service in a body in he James street Methodist Church ou Sun "' a 6' 19 , k; ""' `" "" Pf ® y �. ,r d' ,;, r,' ' l Clothing Y ,l S -?s.• tr°• �q 5r ,3l RA tsj r) and Bank. :Solicitor for Tillage ofBrneeele. Money to Loan atloweet rates. a pleasant trip to the. coast. .Mrs. Hay vitt remain in British Columbia with , Paints. Well supply you with an '' .-� day morning. The p,etor Rev, C. W. grown, B. A„ •ocuup• d thepWI 'It Mrs. W. J. Hawlcohaw, who has been. MEDICAL CARDS. her brother dor a abort time. A. Grover, of London, as taken over the Carson & McKee stook, and opened ant in the etore on the North aide of Stands article that • �y y� itsMerits Alone i ill at St. Joseph's Hospital, London for some time and of whom mention was made in these columns last week as be - DR. O. AMBROSE TOOLE,y RESIDENCE AND OFFICE-• MILL ST • EAST, EItUS8P.L8. Mein street,recent) fitted a by0. Tab p hornet. The amount of dpty oolleoted at the Listowel Customs Office for the week end. 23rd, About ®n. s _The BEST and the CHEAPEST. The SHERWIN—WIL- LIAMS PAINTS Time Patience never log on a fair way to recovery, teak a torn for the worse and has efnme been t i a. very preoari°Ws condition, having since then suffered several hemorrhages of the Lange• y4' tl Ill v ti ir,,. t • ti d" ;t } , , �, 3 ;, ,o, Boy's 1 School >?r „ x • M�_-`-_ F Knickers --- -- - J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M, D., O. M., Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical College,: Member Collegqe of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont, Licentiate 06 the Royal Col- lege of Phystcianeand Licentiate of Mid- w,fery Edinburgh. ts-Telephone No,14, Residence -30111 street, Brussels, ing April was 57,264.38. 56,000 of this large ambient was paid on machinery imported by the Canadian Portland Cement Co., of Durham. A. Yule. has bought out J. S. Huston'szation. bakerybueinisa and block, and is now iu possession. The deal repreeanted (dose apoo 55,000. Mr. Yule has seemed an expellent property, the block having been built especially fora bakery. Mr. savesyou Money, and and y fails t0 give satisfaction. Complete stock of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, 8i.c. r -: e . A large and entbusiaetio meeting of those interested in baseball was held in the Town Hall for the purpsee of orgeni- After the usual perliminariee the following admire were elected: Reeve Levert, Hon, President; 0. H. Sanders, President ; Councillor Davie, let ViCle President ; N. D. Hurdon, Sad vice•Pree dent; Wm, Brooke, Seo'y•Treas. ; Man.r ✓ ° his Knickers unless go' upespecially g p y double Seats, seams outwear 2 pairs of tomer. You are cause thegoods sold in goods bearing Then again look b are not equalled. We are the only --=,•—� It the average y011 buy him the famous for the livelyboy.Made taped and double sewn ordinary goods. Once safe in every way are all wool. Yon the Brand. "Lion" at the make and people in town handling Cat t:.•,y': is astounding how quick boy will go through "Lion" Brand make, with double knees and with linen thread, will a customer, always a cus- when you get this make, be - will find no shoddyor cot - finish of the goods,they this famous make. F •}•' 'e • ��yy V t ,, t����_1 fd DENTISTRY Hnetou pr°posee leaving shortly for Chi• Dago, where he hae two sena in business. The bakery and °oufeotioaery business 1. .1t®ie 0 i 'I I(1� �i Sa iii i.ir iKK� aging •Committee,; President Sanders, Seo'y-Treaa, Brooke, w. J. Heaman E. J Christie and Ieaao Bieeett, __... DR. R. P. FE/LD, whiob Mr. Yale hae oarrted on ap to the reseal hae been ornhaaed b J°hW p p y 'of r`? :" ,y� 5 ?.,. ^' •.'a•.a 1n iturttluirelWli + �{ t }: �'g X41 < d„ ,,._ The home of Wm. and Nara. Jones has been saddened by the untimely death of .their little daughter, Irene, who mese with DE'NTIS'T Welch, .Stratford. .•es* eti . st l»to ttli��iii(i*r t '" ''�'"` ` an the hems her College surgeoeeol Ontario and Flrat•olaee Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Office next to Brewer's Photograph Galter', BRUSSELS' . Cliurob, Listowel, will be held on Sunday, May11th, when the Bishop of Huron will preach. both morning and evening... The new pipe organ, which hae been built by Lye & Sone, the well known ;�,� f"� `! n _=�'G +'' l�, u� y ��ry .,' �,� -TAr. asci +RIIIIIIjIiWIIIII(t flLfljIIilrll .,`• y,: ,.-. ftf Ut{Kr 1Niljl{il •'{ ° l( >bi1.. .f r s; i- jy .� > r / ^' �,:wt r t c t�+ It 1 �, ;'?t� i f l� t t t • ' <.,,� - r • ,� t { ,; accident at of grand- mother, Mrs. Levy, whiob resulted in her death. From infanoy she bad been a delicate child bot on Tbardeay was particularly bright and was allowed to go p y gton out into the yard. In some manner she 1 9 0 2. LIS TOWEL de //, organ builders of Toronto, will be -instal- Ice it time for the opening. The vestedq choir will take part at the nnnivereary srrvicee which promisee to be notionally , p Y nEtraativo. 7Z�A. _ r f , i ,,.,: — c I '.4"..y %> '�' mi ,/� .N4i4 t11 rl + r mil fit got into a buggy and while there took a tainting spell and fell upon the bard ground. The shook rendered her ancon- salons from which she never rallied, pass• ing away about one o clock. REST HUDON LIOENeae,—The license /� ,., e, / lemovinp forward. Spring term begins Mon- day, April 7. OM rateeore•reae0noble—our Courses of Study thorough and praotioat, Send for our Journal to see what we teach. Students may enter at any. time. Two Courses of Study—Commercial and Short- band. O. A. FGEM4'ING, A. L. MOINTX1t1C, President, .Secretary, • Owen sound. Listowel. IIemsttli,••; Webeli le er00bing a kitchen at the rear of ,the MoleonBank reeidence. Duncan McMartin hoe returned to Hensel) end will move his family here from Litman ebortly, Y Geo. Trott, leaves in a few days for the 001 Country and dnring his absence, till about, July 12th, hie photo gallery will beolois r It is rumored that the G.T 10 moo L IWul11 Qlllluftllilh *- - 111/11111111110 i fjlir.q.'',�I� i-- ) MI • i � % J % ' ' 4}"•k �' -_ r � ? k t� t ';`s' ` , i 1 ag i, 'I''it4+ ii �,j ill il. , •7 it i .ilia _ ,,•) , `' , oommiesiouere for West Huron met at Iuepector Paisley's office, Clinton, on Thursday, April 17th, When the appiica•lac Moos for tieei•soefurhe year 1902 were considered. Last year there were 90 hotels and two eho lieeneee ranted and this year there were applicabiooe for 31B(��p hotels and two shops, 28 of the former being granted and two to be considered at the adjourned meeting held on There- day 0f last we, k. That of S. Pike of the Waverly house, Clinton, was not granted i�9�8f 1U1 a t�, fAmE� 'Q�' - r} . , 7� tr.. t, 15 �i.4 d , r '�it. • ." Nr Kl:h�sa t; it a� z v �1tt aA" agement talk of ereoting a new passenger Station Rouge bare and taking the present freight. one foHugh , .r.- �n fCSFr. owing to inea ioieut population. The lieenee of Ed. Swartz, of Goderich, Was over ; ot of ~l r , .. � r � ! M F14 , BLACK Chicago -Rockford ERNOSHA, than any other make. in such a manner tion. once a eietomer, See thatyouget are the only agents me Lea,da.n Leading �� 4 + t THE Best Hosiery in the World 19 none too good for 1110 1 average boywho seems to take } g " great delight in wearing out hie .. i I w, Clothing. No. 15 in the Black 3mii , Cat Hosier is the best goods in ND y Hosiery Co, the market for this kind of a boy WIS, —wears better and washes better Has triple knees and triple heels. Is made that they cannot fail to give the utmost satisfac- always a customer. , y No. 15 when nextyou purchase Hosiery. We b y in town for this famous bland. . f am Clothier & Furnisher , ^Ip -�•� �--�v �--�^.t^�f B 1_V IJ •J SHINCLES Hugh ay oflast end Chae. Molise ltt on ere they of last week tar Port Stanley,u where hays token a lob at commit 9 low, wasof aleft low, ole° lett over, a petition fir the left over, masa signed tion t. by96V�Y1nd'f" names and a contra petition of BG names ____ l British LOILI111bitlpp Y lied Cedar Shinglesy 11iD--- p7., North Shore Cedar laying with a firm having a ()entreat. flirt. R. Bonthron has been gaits ill for a couple of days and Wednesday of lest week ib was found neuesear to reform. p an °partition whiob was euoceeefully con, ducted. It speake well for the superior quality of our Cement walks' that so many of the beet to /kyr/� ® A/, en s treses Shoes white must be fashionably correct. urs are. These shoes are - comfortable because . - they fit inside. The outline is handsome and was also handed in, 20 of these mimeo appearing on esmYl petition. Those r9 g p aiming licenses were :—Olinton, J. Rm. tenbnre' H. ,P..Gan, J. MoOnnenoe0 Charles Milne, R. Graham ; shop license, Thomas Bell ; Goderioh, J. Miller, Thomas Tilt, Wm, Craig, B. Sanaa, George Baxton,Michael Farr, Wm. Babb, Pine and taapayere, who year were opposed them being laid, are now strop set in the the, shoes are made to keep their shape and shop license, W. Benito ; Wingham, George B. Roe, John Carr, L. Hanson, James Mrs, Mary Dip9ley. FOR SALE .T THE Brussels Planing Mills ileo Doors and Bash of all Pat erne on hand or made to order' it Short Notice. - Eetimatee . Pnrntabed foe all mebeittion. Ata meeting of the License Commie. tionere, held at Heneall °R April 18th, the following lieeneee were granted for Booth Huron :—Sealorth•—Ohrieuoanosh, Sbephene, James Weir, James Diok, Hen. dereon & Detoaoy and W. & J. Hunter, for Tavern ; for shop, Edward Dawson and Joseph Weber. Exeter, -U. Gun. uingham, W. Hawkehaw, W. T. Aalteeoo, Geo. Kerner, extended for three months. appearance till worn out. "' Prices are right for rig -ht goods i ' • Sole Agents in Brussels for the Inviotus Sb08g made by George A. Slater. Our Repair Department is in charge of Mr. Peter Ritchie, well known to you all. Broadway, Blyth, Mrs. Pramual Mason, H. Jamee, Hallett, Alex. Robinson, Auburn, and Thomas Hill, LandeBbnr° ; East Wawa. John McDonald, Whitechurch. Ashfield, W. J. Mountain and Mrs. J. Maflough, Dungannon ; James MoDoo. Old end Alex, Young, Itintail ; Neleon Pearson, Port Albert. Ootborue, Wm. Glazier, Dunlop. kinds of Build[nge. Workman- ship apd Mater• ; GnArantcoa ID A m Shops. Farmer Broe. and F.11. Knight. Usborne,—Joseph Stephens, Stephen.— Wm. Moffatt, /ingest Hill, Wm.Pritz,Canadian Simon Debtrioh, Jame Shalldaok, James Harness cheaper than ever. i 'Dusters, Lap Rugs, Rubber Rugs, Trunks and Satchels at Lowest Priees. la T izz -rim The Lake of the Woode Milling Com- palsy hat teoeved two big orders for floor, aggregating 43,536 barrels, One order°amsfrom Australis and the . am.a.vr•u wv M,'. t rlsApan,. *5005 R Isreuntlr, v„u, (0000(,.x, oe re ■ other from 300011 Afrlap, 1,100,