The Brussels Post, 1902-5-1, Page 4»U3143Ori (Ct't xxCte10 THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1902. BEIM) ❑r .ONTARIO AND RFAffa3IBLN MOSS. At n0 general election in °uteri° for marry yearn peat has the Oppoaition created lees stir or intermit then on Ohm present occasion. There ore eeverai reaoono for thin. One ie that the people as a whole are prosper. oma Sud contented, Work of all kinds is abundant and wages are good. People as a rule ore too busy making money to bother math about'eleotions. Then there is no grievance 8801000 the Rose Government. He it aptfve, progres- sive, watohfal of the oounary'e interest°, and a eats man totted in power. When one is satisfied with a trusted eervent one does not worry about him. Whenintermit in the campaign is not keen beoanoe Mr. Whitney hoe failed en. tirely to give anything like a good reason why a ohmage should be meta. He has no declared policy, he says he will not deolare one for fear somebody might steal it, The reason he keeps at the game eeeme to be that he would like to have a turn at the head of affairs. There le too mach at stake, however, to take the risk of a change without good reasons, and any reasone Mr. Whitney may have he keeps oarefally concealed. The friends of the Government moat not, however, rely on the weakness of the Oppoeition. They must be ready for the fight or they may lose the day purely through carelessness. PULP WOOD. ONTARIO VERSUS QUEBEO. Some newepapere continue to make the etetement that thousands of square miles of land have been ceded by the Ontario Government to pulp syndioatee. Bluntly speaking, this is not true. The feats are that seven different oom• ponies have been granted the right to oat pulpwood from oertain limits. In con. sideration of this' permission the oom- panies have contracted to spend large amounts of money and employ large nom - bars of hande—to open up and develop the new country. The purpose of grant. ing the right to out le to ensure an ade- quate supply of raw material, obviously an absolute necessity to any company which proposes to expend millions of dollars before a single dollar oan be earn ed. The land remains the property of the Crown, and is open to the settler, who will find abet he has a market at hand for 011 tbe pulpwood he oan out from his farm. This it is tbat makes some people Bay that the attracting of capital to build peep mills is the only policy of Immigration for many parts of New Ontario. Ent it meet not be supposed that the compenfee acquire the pulpwood for nothing. On the contrary, they must pay the Province 40 rents a cord for every cord they out. If the seven com- panies which are now organized ran to the full capacity called for they will nee 316,475 cordo annually, upon wbich the dues would amount to $136,590, as an. noal income which,, if napitahzed at 3 per cent., amounts to $4,219,666.66. The statement has been made that if the areas had bean sold at auction, as in Qoebeo, tbey would have yielded the treasury $1,900,000. Thio is no criti- cism at Mfr, bat a remarkable commen- dation of the busiaeseacnmen of the On- tario Government. Furthermore, in Quebec, the 91,900,000 represent all the Province can hope ever to realize from 1 z the sold limita. In Ontario, it is by no means certain that the oompaoies will require all the timber on their limits, in which vase other companies may be granted licensee to 00t o0 the same mond—Mao paying 40 cents a cord. Aod, stili furtner, if at any time the Government wishes to increase tbe dues 10 may do so in the same way as they wereinoreaeed f0 1900, when they were raised from 20 cents to 40 oente a cord. Tho appointmentt of It drainage rel. gree, 9.'be building pf the aoylam et Brook, Ville, Che passing of the l3u000eoion Dago Ago, The appointment of a superintendent of neglected end dependent o1 ildrep, The pro9eetion of forts4s by the BP. pointment'of 0 superintendent of foram. try. W i oat,•ham- Among thous who radiated in the 0. ki Rifles at London for South Africa was Robb. MoDonogh, of WIngham, Jamee MOKelvle has purchased the restaurant stook of W. A. Johns and at preee04 is holding the fort at botlapleoes, Dr, Chisholm is having hie oil stable pulled down, and will build a new one. There will be an improvement in the appearance of that part of Patrick street, when the doctoral new house is oomple. bed. Sometime ago, A, D. Lloyd pnrobaeed the brink bones 000upied by Robb. John. eton. He has, now eold it to Mr. John. eton, and porohased the frame bowie on Leopold street, the late residence of Mre. Coad, deceased. Wingham branch of West Huron Pro. hibition Alliance will begin the oampaigo for the general eleotion at thee, by open. Ing committee rooms, for the purpose of studying the voter's lista and preparing for a . oan ae of their territory. y Wiogbam Baseball team organized electing the following officers :—Patron and I'atrooess, R. and Mrs. Clegg ; Hoo.. Pres., Dr. J. l0. Maodooald ; Hon, Vice - Pres., W. Corboald ; Pres„ T. J. Mo. Lean ; Vtoe Pres., R. A. Douglass ; Man- ager, J. D. Barns ; Secretary, 0. Inglis ; Treasurer, H. Wightman. The team oxpeote a successful aeaaon. The School Board held a epeoial meet- ing on Monday evening of last week. The resolution accepting Mies Robert. sou's resignation to take effect atter two months' notice, was rescinded, and it was deoided to allow ber to leave May let. To 1111 the vacancy, the Board engaged Ed. Uonitee, formerly principal of Ripley eobooi, for the months of May and June, at $50 per mouth. 4..tWOO<I. Three oar loads of potatoes were chipped from Atwood last week. Dr. gidd bas had a neatly lettered gilt sign pat up at hie surgery. A very good hatf-toue likeness of R•,v Dr. McLeod appears in last week's Mon. treal Witness. Sam, Petrie, an old Atwood footballer, will play with the Milverton team this mason. He has sooepted a situation in Torrance's drag store. Following are the hotel licensee granted this year;—Nat. Oougblin, Atwood ; A. Huggins, Moukton ; A. H. Wynn, Newry ; S. F. Dietrich, Atwood. In spite of the threatening weatbor, almost thirty members of the Atwood Royal Temp:are drove to Listowel on Monday eve0ing of last week and epenta very pleasant time with the slater lodge of that town. THE Lara JOECc Var.r.raca.—It is our duty to annonnoe the demise of another of Eims's old settlers on April 7th, in the person of John Valiance, sr, 12 con., after a somewhat prolonged Illness. Deoeased was bora in Rotboro'shire, Scotland, on Marin 6th, 1828, and came to Canada in aha Snmmor of 1521. Ou-Feb. 4th, 1863, be was united in marriage to Isabella J. Armstrong, of Dundee, Ont. They moved to tot 18 con. I3, Eima, in 1863. Six i chrlaren were born to tbem, all of whom survive, viz :—Jona R. of von. 10 Elms ; Iesbel and Cbarlee, at home ; ears. Thos. Inglis, Moncrioff ; Mrs, Dothan Mo- Intyre, of Okotoke, N. W. T., and Reales, of Regina, N. W. T., who with their mother mourn a kind husband and father. Deceased was a life-long Presbyterian, and in politics was a Liberal. He was very highly respected, which reepeot10 equally ebared by hie estimable wife and. family, and althongh in the eooree of human events, life death was not woes- peoted, hie removal is uoivereallyregretted and the family are eympatbized with in the first break in the home circle. Inter. mem was made in the Fiona ()entre cemetery ou Tuesday, witneeaod by a large con000ree of sorrowing relatives and friends, Rev. Dr. MuLeod oocduoted the service. Some Things the Ontario Gov- ernment Has Done. The acquisition of territorial rights in the greater part of what is now known ae New Ontario. The possession and development of New Ontario. Vote by ballot. Trial of election petitions by judger'. The establishment of the Sohoot of Practical Soienoe. The milking of the Agrioultnral OM. lege more efficient. The separation of the liquor traffic from manioipal control. The appointment of a Minister of Education. The establishment of Normal Schools at Ottawa and London. The extension of the franchise to farm• er'9 sone. The building of oolonization roads In many of the new dtetriote. The establishment of a reformatory for females. The extension of oarveye of crown lands. Encouragement of immigration. Fatalities for settlement. The erection of new parliament build. Inge. The assertion of the .right of the Provinoe to property in rivers and streams. The eetabliehment of a Normal Col- lege. County Connell reform. The appointment of a Good Roads Commieeioner. The appointment of a Provincial Muni- cipal Auditor. The taxing of 0orporati0ae. The eetabiiehment of a Western Dairy School. The ettabliehmenb of a pioneer dairy farm in order to toot the agrioultaral oharaoter of the lands of Western Oo. teeth between Port Arthur and Rat Por. tags. A vote of $1,000,000 for the encourage- ment of good roads. The right of property of the Provinoe in the timber and minerals of the dis- puted territory, The provincial control of liquor lion, nes, Improvement in the Separate Schools Aot, The oroation of a eeparate department of Agrionitaro, teeocee riot it. J. P. Brown, jr., left for York too, Asea., wbere be expecte to procure a eftuution. The Goderioh Knitting Co, ie ahead of orders as oompared with this date last year. Arobiteot Fowler bee prepared plane for the erection of the new Baptist church at Wallsoeborg. Ex -Mayor Fred. Davis was banqueted at Mitchell on Wednesday of last week, previous to removing to Goderiob. The Goderioh Organ Co. made large shipments of their manofeeturee to England and to Aoetralia last week. The Goderioh Organ Co. has organized a football team with Geo. Lorree ae captain and Thos. Elliott as se0y.treao. Oounoillor Marney had the misfortune to tread on a nail the result being a badly injured foot that kept him from business for towered days. Geoffrey Holt returned to Trinity College, Toronto, after a stay 00 several weeks at home, the result of a rather severe case of vaccination. The stook, plant, eta., in connection with the Goderioh brewery were sold to Heather Bros., brewers, of Berlin, and are being removed to that town. Mrs. Maloomeon and Mee. Heodereon re. turned Tuesday night of last week from their trip t0 the (oast, where they spent several months with Sidney and Mrs. Ma'oomson, of New Westminster. The aooidontal death of Angus Mc- Donald, 000 of Capt. John MoDooald, of the Bohr. J. G. Kolfage was sudden. The young man was in His twenty-first year, and had beth Bailing with hie father eines the opening of navigation. It seems he fell from the oroeetreea on the sobooner and received snob injuries aa to canoe hie death. The body was brought here for interment. Friday afternoon April 18th what might have been a very omelette aeoident Happened at the G. T. R. yards. George Murray, of the station aleft, was standing by the outer track when he was bit by the tender of a l000motive ae it was book- ing up in the yard. Re received a bad out on the arm, and was knocked against Monro lumber, breaking his cheek bone and taking a portion of the skin of hie face. A Dr. was called and put five stitches in the erre and dressed the fans. The asci. dent will keep Mr. Murray from working for a rumple of weeks, 3, M. Turnbull,' o. D. B„ hao decided to go West, and will reeve in a•few weeks for Priem) Albert, N, W, T , to praotioe hie profession go dental surgeon, Wm, Y. Hayden bee ptosed hie sinal examination of the Ontario Dental Cal. lege and has been adrni4ted to the degree of L. D, 9, Mr, Hayden will practise in Goderioh, taking over the bueipeee of J, M. 'Turnbull, who 10 leaving for the Wear, Q400rri,t, Thos. Wright, baker, is hating it new bakeo built. van alit.. R. Cgnuinghtam moved his family tp Rentryn, where he has eecured s lure. tive position in te brickyard. Iovitatione have been sent out by the Rowiolt Dietriot L. 0 L. far a nefebra• tion to be held in Gerrie en July 12th. Mrs, Alex. Laird left on Tueoday morn. fag of last week, for the Boo, Mien , wbere ehe went to vent bar slater, Mee. W. 11. Clegg, who ie at present on the siok list.. A, A. Deep° who hoe carried en a gen. era! store baoinoes for the past eighteen months, dlepaoerl of hie stook to Mr. Barber, who is at present running a store in Mb, Forest.. On Tuesday morning of last week, about 200 ()Means pi oar town gathered at the depot to say Good-bye to eotUi Donaghy and family, who left for Vancouver, B. O., on the morning train. They have been residents for the past four year during which time he carried on a general store beelines. They are very highly reaped. ed by all who knew them and were al- ways willing to lend a helping hand to anyone in need. They are members of St. Stephen's Church and ware hearty workers, Mr. Donaghy having been a Warden for the past three years. To show the high esteem in wbiob they were held the members of the societies to which they belong preeented tbem with some beautiful presents which are :—Chosen Friends, a marble olook ; Bleck Knights, a beautiful engraved gold headed cane ; Fordwioh L. 0. L., a Past Maater's badge. The choir of St. Stephen's ohnroh also preeented'1'rank and Mies Amy with two beautiful presents to show the high esteem in which they were held by the members of the choir. L. 0. Armstrong, eldest eon of Jas. Armstrong, V. 8 , of our town, who has been working io Gourley's drag store of Galt for the path week baa enlisted and passed hie examination to go to South Africa with the 4th 000ttngent. Len. came home and bade his old friends good. bye and on Thursday morning a large crowd gathered at the station to again see him off. To show the high esteem in which be was held by hie Galt friends they presented him with a bandeome eyebolt, ehafa avid revolver. The Galt Reporter in giving the write up of the boys bas the following about our boy to South Africa :—Leonard Mules Arm- strong is a produeb of the Mame county from wbeneo mune Col, Otter, the Doan* ty of Buren. His bomele at the little village of Gerrie, in the towuebip of klowiok, About twelve montbe ago he 00010 00 Galt and mince that time be .bee served ae eierk in the e'0re of Lang Gleurlay, He line made a large number of Wanda in that tirne, who will every pray for hie Mate return trona the war,, Celan tem. A. Forreeter fe taking (Marge while R, B. Crewe ie in Toronto taking an ad, Vanoed oonree in optive. The workmen in a number of the de-. partmente et the organ factory are work. rug overtime until 9 o'clock at nights, The Metropolitan Life Iueurauoe 00.0 of New York, will open an .agency here, having Olinton as headgaartere for eine district. Mrs. Thos. Holloway le reoovering from a siege of pleurisy and erysipelas, Her condition bee been eerioua and elle is still confined to the bowie. Some pettytbievee have been pilfering, fr,.m different flowers beds in town, some one going into 3. Stephenson's the other night and pluoking a number of hyaoin. the. J. Raneford left on Monday of last week on an extended business trip for acme months. He went to Montreal, from there through the maritime provin- 080 to .Halifax and than 0000000 the non. tinent to British llumbia before hie re. tern. As J. McGuire, who was 'the efficient freight agent here, bee been promoted agent at Shakespeare, this can le being' looked after by Ed. Rowed, who may re. oeive the position permanently. Walter Baird, of Braootield, is nevi baggem0n at the depot.. John Emmer0on, ar,, was in Goderioh and while et the depot left a small valise and a basket with some plants o0 the platform for few minutes nu hie return the yahoo was mioeiwg. It contained valuable papers, bank book and about 936, making a serious lose. The assessors T. Cottle and H. Stevens,' have made up the roll for 1902 . last. year's total asseeemeut was $689,982, and we learn that there is a deoreaee of $14, 666 thioyear. The population of 2484 is the Dame as last your, by werde being : St.Andrew's 034, St. James' 784, St. Joha'e 006, and St. George's 620. The junior baseball club organized with the following offreers : Hon. Pres. J. W. Moore : Pres., F. Howard ; viae, Jae. MCRae ; oaptaio, T. McRae ; Sea., W. Stevenson ; Treas., P. Johoeton, manager, Lew Doherty ; committee, N. Bloott and Wallace Irwin. Alfred E. Walker, father of B. E. Walker, Geuerai manager of the Bank of Oommerce, died in Hamilton, Herbert Easton, a messenger boy for the G. N. W. Telegraph Company, Anchor Liquid imouse Paints When you consider about the pai06ing of year house the most important thing to think of is, what is the beet anality of paint obtainable ? The beet paint to etaod the weather and look fresh for the luug.et time? There is only one answer to this, namely, that a paint made with Brendram'e B. 13, Genoioe Lead, Pore Lioeeed Oil, and just enough Dryer, most be the beet, as this B. B. Lead has for so many years been proved superior to all others. Snail a paint is Anchor Liquid Hoose Paint; and it is the only liquid paint made in Canada with Brandram's B. B. Geonine White Lead. It is a mistake for yon to nee auythin4 bat the very beet paint in painting your home. The Dost of putting ou the paint is usually about the same as the coat of the paiot itself. A cheap paint takes more time to make a reaeouabty good job with then a good paint, and does not last as long, nor look so well. In foot the cheap paint is the moat expensive paint in the sad. ;ate no mistake. Use Anchor Liquid Hoose Paint. It is a Pare White Lead, Zino and Linseed Oil Paint, and is as good ae oat be made with our choice of the very beet materials. Use it and get the moth satisfactory malts obtainable with paint. Sold by— v= CHO, Brussels. Sold by Here Are The 20 Tints Church's Alabastiae comet in a0 beautiful tints and white, too—here is the tint card that all up -to -data dealers bave to show you. We sell Church's Alabastine because It gives universal satisfaction to our customers. It won't peel, ruboff or scale. It Is recommend- ed by eminent physicians on account of its healthfulness. Itt grows harder with color wall and ceilinis the only g twaterermanent coating that made to use with cold water. It will not fade. It can be applied coat over Coat if you wish toebango the tint, Itis never sold in bulk. That which pays our customers pays us, and that Is another reason why we. sell Church') ALAEAST! N E. N. R. GLRRY, ar® Do You Need a Buggy ? We The Spring display of Buggies is new, neat and nobby. Your choice of the best makes. Reasonable prices and terms and satisfaction assured. Don't buy until you see our stock as you may save money by so doing, Special attention given to Repairs, Repaint- ing and Retrimming. also handle Road Carts, extra good Lumber Wagons, Wheelbarrows, &c, EDWARD SPERAIN. John Wynn's Old Stand, Brussels. NAY 3;.. 1902 STOCK FOR SERVICE BUL114 FOR STIR -VICE. a. rhor0'-bred short Rare, registered pedfgrog, Terme Tao, !with privilege Ore, rm alaegif 0003seary, 0100, BOSH, 08. Brussels eogth. rrHOEQ' BRED DUBRA111 Nun for sorvice Lot 27,000, 00, Elroy. Terme-83AD with privilego of returulue 11 eeeesasry. Iteelatered padtgtee ma, he Moen ou aliplioa lea, Wa[, BRA ., 6025 - - Proprietor, BD0IU FOR SERVICE.—TIIE underslgnod will keep ter eervloo 00 Lot 21, 004,12 eroy, the well known Tam. worth hag, "being teatime 801h," purobaeed. from Robt, McDonald, 0th eau, Terms 81,0D to be paid at time or service with privilege of returning if necessary. pedigree may be seen on application, T. M, i.si8aT, 40.4-. Proprietor, REAL ESTATE. HOUSE•. AND 1+ ACRES OF land, eligibly located on Turuberry. street, Bruesola, for tale.. Will be avid en, bloo ex bottom and lots separately, to suit purehaoer.- etood•dairy bueinese is 000000+ tion, Pooeeesion could begiven any time. For ptboe, terms, &o., apply to N1018 Mo. LAU000LIN, Brussels. SACRIFICE 1N REAL 135- mt.wg.-48000.00 will buy the McCau- ghey Bloott in the village of Brussels. Meet. two ane stores must bo sold to close out the ete0aurs 'mould bey Astute. !nee. A Apply to F. should or G.10'. Lt on,0. u Appply n . B. 800TT or G. F. BLAni, Brussels, Ont. OUSE AND ABOUT AN acre of land for sale, Graham's Sur- vey,.3 miie. South of Broeeefe. The hones oontains 7 rooms ; good stable ; well; fruit trees and small fruits. Possession given at once. Terms reasonable. If propertyie not sold soon, will be rented. Por price, benne, &o„ apply to W.M. RANDS, Braeoele P. 0. -. TJ'AR1I FOR SALE AT A BAR- 1 GAIN, beiug Lot21,0oo.17, Grey,con- taining 100 sores more or len. There are 5 sorsa oleared,10 or 10 aoree partially Clear- ed and balance- timbered with ash and elm, prinotpally, Frame stable .15x00 fent 00 promisee, also a well. Poor dearth le the reason for selling. For price, terms, qa., apply to GAO, SEIp11 5, Jia., Oranbrook P. 0., or F. S. SCOTT, Brussels. 09.4 ETHEL SAW M I LLS All kinds,of Dressed Lumber kept on hand from 910 up. British Columbia, home out Shingles and Lath kept ou hand. A good farm on 13th von. of Grey for sale. C-s'All parties indebted to me are requested to ,pall and settle up before Maroh rat or 10% will be added after that data from Jan. 1st till paid. A quantity of green cedar poste for ealo on Lot 7, Con. 4, Grey. S. S. COLE, PROPRIk1TOR, ETHEL. Guelph, while riding along Quebec street Wednesday, wee run over by the wagon of the Amerioan Wringer Company, and knocked off hie wheel. One of his lege was broken just above the. ankle. The wheel was emaehed. Hon. Mr. Ross Tells About the Canadian "Soo," Well, what have we as the result of the support given by the Government to lbs Algoma Oontral Railway, Lot me par. tionlarize : 1. We have the pulp works, whioh were to be bni't before the grant to the Algoma Central was made, at a 0oet of $400,000, expanded into larger works, coating over $600,000. Without the land grant to the Algoma Central the area for pnlp would not have been eaffiuieut for worth of the present magnitude. 2 We have sulphide pulp works, not originally contemplated, erected at a oval of 9700,000, producing 60 tone of eulphlde pulp per day. I 3 We have rolling mills capable of prodnoinp 600 tone of steel rails per day already in operation. 4, We have the opening of the Helen mine, which already supplies the emelt tog formless of Deaerooto, • Hamilton, Midland and the Sault, 5. We have a fleet of eighteen steamers engaged in conveying the ore from the mines at Miohipiooten to the smelting tummies already named, and elsewhere. When the land grant was made to the Algoma Central it was thought Mr. Olergue had entered into a heavy engage. mens when he undertook to plane two steamers on the Northern lakes in 0onneo- tioo with his works at the Sault. 6. We have fifty miles of a railway track of the Bret gpeltty running North from the Sault, and seventy miles graded ready for the rails, with the proepeot of. seventy more being completed daring the present year. 7. We have charcoal works capable of. ooneuming 800 oorda of hardwood per day, to be inereaeed to 600 cords, 8. We have oar shops that turn out font oars par day, worth $1,000 each, to be inoroaaed in the near future to twelve care per day. 9. We have the foandetioue being laid for a veneering mill, with a contract already signed with J.pan for 600,000 tea °heeta. 10. We have a aompony with a pay roll amounting to 9160,000 a month, em. ploytug between four and five thousand men, 11. We have village eitee:being laid out and homes underoonetruction for eettlera on the agrionitural lands along the line of railway. 12. Wo have a company that has ex. pendod $15,000,000 on thee° enterprioea, Which would have been strangled had Mr. Whitney's views prevailed. 18, And, lastly, the population of the Sault Imo increased from about 5,000 five years ago to 10,000 and over. Sow can a man be treaded to direot the development of Ontario who watt opposed to this Railway and the hauls of this en- terprioe as the one I have just d000ribed ? The land grant to the Algona Central Railway was the basis of this enterprise, and it was owing to the action of the Government that its 0000000 was made possible, (Load epplauso.) t —,rte .•..-,,,,,, .,..44„ .44, . ..,.,,. ,ao, Downing Bro s. At the Po slap Shoe Store, which is synonymous with Down- ing's Shoe Store, no one can fail to find the very latest Spring novelties in footwear for both sexes. Whether the acme of your requirements ie style, comfort or durability, the climax is reached here. It's an old story, mayhap, but we beg to repeat it t The best Shoe for the money is to be had at ,Downing's. Agents for the Slater Shoe. • o�'�l 1n Bros. MILLINERY UR Millinery Opening was a great success and the resulting rush of business would indicate that our Customers were pleased. We have Ready-to-wear, Ready -to -trim and Untrimmed Hats, Flowers, Ornaments, Ribbons, Silks, Millinery Novelties, etc., in complete assortment of the Latest Styles and Designs Call and see our Cheap Hats. MISSES HABKIRK, STIIETTON BLOCK, BRUSSELS. BVCCIES 1 BUGGIES Ewan & Co. Are now ready for this season with a larger stock of Buggies than ever. Although we sold 122 rigs in 1901 we are going to try and beat that number this season, as we are determined to reach 200. By giving a first-class rig and your choice from nearly every first- class factory in Canada and along with our own hand -made Bug- gies, at close prices, we ought to reach the 200. Our Buggies are 1000 mile, dust and oil -proof axles with the solid Parlfer front wheels and no shaking -off or losing of hub bands as all is solid and there to stay. Oil Ewan & Co's Buggies twice in the season and that is all.that is required. Call and see our stock of Rigs' and you will be convinced that you can't do any better than purchase a Ewan & Co. Buggy. They are light in draft and all first-class material. 14 new Buggies and 2 Surreys sold this season already. • We sincerely thank our many customers for the number of Rigs they purchased from us in the past season and we hope they will help us along in the years to come. All kinds of repairs done and riga repainted . and retired at close prices as usual. All Jobbing done promptly. Horseshoeing a specialty at EWAN & Cos,, Brussels. Wagons Arrived A DANDY LOT. Our Spring stock of Wire Wheeled Children's Wagons of various styles and sizes, Children's Carriers, Dolls' Car- riers and Carriages, Wheelbarrows and Carts have come to hand. Sales are lively. Goods are A 1 andwill Wear Like Iron. Rocking Horses, Toy Brooms and Dustpans, Tin Pails, Dishes, Rubber Balls, &c , &c, Post Bookstore, .L.7I V SS,.Lj]..JS.