HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-4-10, Page 8rieserieweettairelarineenerwalnitenelleseetweaveveoreemsmatiew SPEOIAL SALE OF.., Wall Paper at Reduced Prices, We have made great preparations thiSRpriug for the 'Wall Paper Trade and We offer you the finest variety of hangings ever seen in Brussels, A. glance over our samples will verify our claims and our lov? prieee will astonish you. Formaldehyde for the Prevention of Smut on Grain. Ours is the strong- est that can be made and gives great satisfaction. There is no better brand o'n the market. Satisfaction guaran- teed, Pints, 65e. ; Half Pints, 40o, Hursicy,P=I4m, Drug and Book Store GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTEEBN EXTENSION W. O. & B. Trains leave Brneeele Station, North and South, as follows : GoINOTIouTtl GOING Houma. Baproes 7:18 am I Mail 2.10 p.m 9:45 a.m 1 Expreas 8:17 p.m acal gehrs Pino, A °biers atnang ye te,kin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. LARGO quantities of hay coming to town. House cleaning is approaching. 0 I dear, ILLUSTRATED Leature next Tneeday evening. Senor, Board will west on Friday evening. Tee Spring egg trade is ooramencing to boom. Jew WYNN is having the diteb tiled up in front of hie reeidenoe, Tornberry street. J. H. Kentresir, Mise Elabkirk, Mies Little, Geo. Giver and Tae Pon have invested in new awninge. Pant townie rubbers left in Odd Fellows' Hall Tuesday evening. Owner may get them at TED Pose Publishing House. A New plate glass window will be put in the Kerney grocery, Stewart blook, to replene the one damaged some months ago. The gime is here now. Tin Foot Ball boys are waking a move to procure a new uniform for the team for 1902, old ones having served tbeir day after 6 or 8 years' Berme. Hun Miss Griffin, of Wingham, gag "The Holy Oity" next Tnesday evening In Bruseele Town Hall, at the Illustrated Lecture by Rev. Thou. Wilson, of Lon- don. Reeve Ross bee been asked by Capt. MaTaggent of Volunteer Go, No. 5, Brus- sels, to eapply a room at the Town Hall as armory headquarters for the Go. The uniform, arms, &a., are now etored at Goderiob. A grand Heintzman piano, upright case, was eold tbie week 10 .1. D. Warwick. V. S. by R. Leatherdale. It was deliver- ed on Tbnreday. Another of the same olaee wee sold bv Mr. Leatherdale to James Grille, of Elora, this week. M. G. Oareitow, of Ilkoderieh, wae nom- inated at the Liberal Convention for West Heron last Monday and j, T. Mit. obeli, of the Goderich Star, was chosen as the Conservative candidate on Wednes- day. CYCLONE WIRE FEN011.—I bave the agency in Grey townehip for the service- able wire fence known as the “Clyolone." Partnere intending to do any fencing should see it before placing their orders. 11 18 woven on the poets. Get partiaalare from J. W. FOAL, Agent, Ethel. WEDNESDAY Mrs. R. Leatherdale re- ceived a telegrana notifying her ot the decease of her aunt, Mre. *Wm. Grille, of Galt on Tuesday in her 86th year. The funeral ie on Friday afternoon. Mr. Leatherdale will likely attend. MI. Grille died a good many years ago. Banners Cheese !eatery will oommenee operatione about the first week of May. Proepeote are good for a lively season both ae to patrons and prices. W. I. Goodwin bas returned from Palmerston and is getting everything in ebip shape about the factory for °emcee:ma:meat. W. W. Hartle, the hulling proprietor, will oontione on the road ae buyer for Meson. Ballantyne, of Stratford. GRAND Tengx.—A general tidying up is being given to the Station yard after the passing away of Winter.—Among the in- coming freight was a oar of hardware for A. IL MoKay & Go.—Outgoing there were 6 oars of salt ; a oar of ilex from Brunie mitt ; oar of ashes ; oar of bogs by Geo. Best ; 2 me wheat by R. Gra- ham ; oar cattle by E. Watson ; 29 ORM egge, W. Neal , 7 barrels butter, 11. Thomson ; oar wheat, A. Baeker ; oar cattle and oar hogs by A. O. Dames.—A new sidewalk from Turnberry street would be greatly appreciated by the gen. oral publia. The G. T. R. :Would take the hint and keep in line with the improve. route in the town. Booms 1 Booming 1 Ewan & Go. are now ready for thie 8800011 with a larger stook of boggles than ever. Although we Bold 122 rigs in 1901 we are going to try and beat that number thie etiaacm, as we are determined to reaob 200. By giv• ing a firet.olase rig and your olioioe from nearly every first -Wan fernery in Canada and along with our own hand made bug. Wes at close prime we ought to remit the 200. One ,uggiee are 1000 mile, duet and oil proof melee with the gelid Parker front wheele and no shaking off or leer ing of hub bands as all is solid and there to stay. Oil PWan & Co'e buggies twine in the ecuteon and that is all that is re. Milted. Call and eee oar Moak of rigt and you will be eonvitioed that you ()isn't do any bettenthen parahage a Ewan & Co. boggy. They are light in draft and all first -clue material. 14 new buggies and 2 surreys sold this eueon already. We sincerely thank our many clastemere ter the number Of riga they purehased from ue in the put: eueon and we hope they will help till along in the yeare to dente. Ali Janda of repairs done end rigs repainting, rebireing at °Wee prime:Is usual. All jobbing done promptly, Horehoeitig we make a eperdality at HWith & cos., Waseca, • Nue line of wedding stationery M Tan Poen Publiahing Honee. A New tar and gravel roof was put on the Swale briok blook last week. ILLueTRATED Leatare next Tuesday evening, 75 beautifully lime light views and illustrated songs. TSE residence) of &Ire. Griffith, Tarn berry street, is being improved by the carpenters and paintere. .81,Va1tal, Bruseelites attended the Lie. towel Hone Fair last weak and some of them made purohasea at the Kidd wile. READ the advta. in Tan POST. If the bneinesenmen have bargains they will tell yon of them, SO be on the teat& each week. CODES & Solis, of Bruesele Carriage Works, are rolling out the bag- gier; and are Spring on ti big wholesele trade. Gun rimmed epeotaolee in oese lost. Pinder will be rewarded if sputa:ilea are left at Toe Pose Publiehing House at Ono& OWING to the rneh in orders for salt an extra team wae called into services last week so as to got the nee loaded in time. The Balt blank is quite a hive o! industry. SANITARY INSPECTOR 1110LatIORLIN 18 on his annual rotunda notifying our residente in reference to the Spring clean up. May let is set ae the date of bis theme*. tion so es soon to good weather comes everybody will have to get a ripple on. Rom. Twang, Brunie Egg Empor• ium, has purchaeed the large barn whiab he recently leased from W. F. Stewart, and also the house and lot adjoining on James street. The prise was said to be $400. Fires the oage and then the —. A REOEPTIoN was held at the reeidenoe of W. F. and hire. Stewart, James street, on Monday evening for their son, W. H. Stewart and his bride. There was a large ooropany and an enjoyable time spent, with the expreesion of many good wishes for the future happineee of Mr. and Iffre. Stewart. THE Gore District Mutual Fire In. snranoe Go., of Galt, bas a most unusual record. For twelve years put it bag paid an annual dividend of 20 per cent on the monies °attributed by wernbere each year, and cheques for 1901 are now in the bands of Robert Oanningham, general agent, for distribution. The company wae organized in 1898, and ite position has been steadily growing till at present time it bolds securities amounting to $466,000,00, tbe bulk of whiali is in oath and oath inveetmente. Tee Annual meeting of East Huron Conservative Association wait held on Saturday afternoon of last wrek. After eleotion of &Boers the question of contest. iug the riding in the ooming Provincial election wee dismissed. It wae agreed that a candidate should be plaoed in the field and a Convention will be called Fri day afternoon of next week to publicly nominate a standard bearer. Various names were mentioned but no real de- cision arrived at. Offioere are t—jas. Bowmau, Pres. ; jno. Saarlett, Vice, Pres. ; J. Irwin, Sew ; and W. M. Smith, Treas., with wunioipal chairman. In a write up of business men in the Mitohell Advooate we notice the following baying reference to a former Bruseelite —Among the numerous pointe of interest to visit is Bargees' Art Studio. Mr. Burgess stands among the beet artiste of the Dominion. Hie apartmente are equipped with the latest improvements. His work 19 =questionably of a high standard. Hie large portrait photos are superior to many of these called °rayon portraits. He also does a very good bueinees in enlarging photoe in India Ink, etc, Pictures framed as well. He is renowned for hie large work in which he brings out the faces of different complex. ions so web. The perroancenoy of bie work has proven itself in the laet eight years that be has been engaged in bud. nese here. It epeake for itself, ae none of Mr. Bargeee' work bee ebown any sign of fading. )1 liSLO rOtir r9Itm goir bweitibes49491 rhoeotit With 80 MUPh Rev, IL El, G. AnOttileorn_ of WrOXeter, Will deliver 0 feature in Melville 01m0b, nu Monday eveoiug 21st 1n01, Topic: is o4Pitgrina in SeOtiand," Lauteria views Will 010 be gieen. IN the Spring tbe wily stranger comes to WI is patent oat ; And he Oa the name of vietime Toa hundred dollar note. Imr:mew Inweratit.—.Don't forget the illustrated Leotnre id the Tows Hen, Bre:reels, by Rev. T. Winton, 01 London, in wbioh 76 fine colored lime light views will be introdtwed, In illustrated dodge the following program will be rendered ; "Lend lIloOly Lie; Belle Smith ',Throw out the Life line...1440 Quartette "nether dear father stoma borate with nWnere le my wandering boy to.nleht. me now' tor:liso "T/ae 5 Holy Oily" Vies Griftin, WIngbato veSy Old Kentucky Howe,'. Barrister Sinolair "The Old Folio atilt:true" Quartette There will also be a Temperahoe set en. titled "The Bottle," "The Seven Wondsre of the World," "Rook of Ages," dm. Ad- naieeioa Ise LEI only 15o for adults and 10 outs for children. Doors open at 7 80 ; leoture at 8 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Wilson id a pleading epeaker and Ole enlertisolmout promisee to be both enjoyable and in. :nutritive. Remember the date—Twieday of next week. Srennteseun.—The entertainment given in the Town Hall Friday evening of last week, under the auspicwe of St. John.' Guild, attraeted a good house and aplees ant evening was enjoyed. Mies Pauline Jobneoo, the Mohawk Indian Poetess, acquitted herself very satisfactorily in the renclition•of poetry of her own com- position. Her patriotic numbers were well done and evoked very hearty ap. planee. Mr. Itialtaye's epeothlty is the rendering of Dr. Drummond's Habitant etoriee whish be dose in a very realistic manner. All the honors did not fell to the outside talent however. The intro- ductory duet by Mies VMS Cardiff and Mies Jean MaLanahlin was well done. Alia Cardiff sang "The isle of Dreams" in a pleasing style that places her in a favorable light ae a popular vocalist. "The devoted apple" woe the title of a pretty little romancei in Bong, by Billie Lyda Crooke. It wae received with marked favor. Jae. armee song in good voice "I'd like to bear that song again." Mitre Jean MoLanohlin as watorapaniet performed her part most efficiently. The Guild profited to the arnowat of about 825.00 after all expenses were paid. Mies Johnson and Mr. leloReye spent a few days in town leaving on Tuesday for Clinton where they were billed for an entertainment. I. 0. 0. F. AT Home —The members of Western Star Lodge, No. 149, T. 0. 0. F., Brussels, are credited with carrying through to a suatteeeful Rue anything they undertake and Tuesday evening's At Home was no exception to the rule, There was a large attendanee ; a Elome‘ what unique program ; an elegant lonob ; and altogether a thoroughly pleasant time. Program wae ae follows :—Sev oral selections on Mr. Duda:Ian's doe gramophone that were thoroughly enjoy ed; reoitetioo, in the Irish dialeat, by Winnie MaGnire, given In gennthe Paddy style ; well sung solos by Jae. Jones, N. G. of W.stern Star, Leslie Kerr and Miss Lyda Crooke; 10 minute %dateline, well pointed, on "Friendahip" and "Love," respeotively, by Bros. W. H. DitoOraoken and H. Ham, illustrative of the firet and second link in the Simiety'e emblem. G. F. Blair was to have spoken on "Truth" but wae unable to be present ; instru- mental selections by W. Grewar, H. L. Jaakeon, Miee Sean MoLanohlin and T. A. Hawkins that were encore unwire ; trombone solo, "The Holy Oity" by W. Grewer with T. A. Hawkins as 5.000121• petish, wae done in tiptop 'style ; Innoh, whiob consisted of sandwiches, bread and butter, sake, pie, honey and =flee ; last but not least as far as amuse- ment was concerned was a visit from "Jerry" and a daring bareback equestrian. The amoompaniste for the evening were Miss hfoLanohlin, Mise Etabkirk and Mr. Hawkins. A vote of thanks was pro. posed by Bro. W. H. MoCraoken and seconded by Bro. F. Lambie, to all who took part in the program. W. H. Kerr was the Chairman. Tbe National An. themoonoluded the proceedings. A brief atatistioal statement was made by the chairman concerning Odd Fellowship in Ontario that may not be uninteresting :— The Elooiety is 83 years old ; hew .289 lodges, with 26,000 members, in addition to 4,000 Reinikaltithe ; 1190 members were added in 1901 and 909 in 1900 ; 8,018 received eiok benefits amounting to 988, 290 or 6228 each day of 1901. Benelite are paid for eioknese, surgeon's fees, arming, relief of widows, burials and charity. No. of deaths last yeat 181 f mural benefits paid by Order, 940 where brother dies or $20 if his wife paean away. $18.000 in band for Odd Fellows' Home winch will be prooeeded with when $7,000 more is available, Western Star Lodge hae about 80 members, 10 or 12 of whom have been reoeived in 1902. Lodge meets every Tbnreday evening. 013IT.-4 Port Albert oorreepondent writes :—"Oo Monday evening, March Met, Thomas Hawkins, P. of this village, passed to the bourne from which no traveller retutns, at the age of 78 years, 1 month and 5 days, aftena short illness. The deceased was a native of the county of Wioirlow, Ireland, and emigrated to tbie °wrathy With his father, the •late John Hawkins, who first settled in Lon- don, atterwardel moving to this village in 1840, wbere he became engaged in the milling businese, which Thies, followed for some time, afterwards starting up bueineas en general werobant and became poet master. This he followed till about two years ago. He wae the eldeet of a longe family. There are left to tnourn, besides his wife, eight children :—Thos. R., M. Do Cameron, Wig. ; Willie, Ohl. oage ; Harry 0., Suit Ste, Marie, Minh.; Wolter, teaoher, Mafekiog ; Mre. Geo. Brieter, Vananda, B. 0, ; Eire, Albert Jordan, Fruitland, Tenn.; Mrs. Wm. Grey, of thie village, and Mies Pena at honae. Also three brothers, John, 131119 RiVer I.Jas, and George, of thie and a ender, Km Thos. Joy, Nashville, Tenn. In polities the deceased was a Ooneervative, and a member of the Eng. filth Chetah. The funeral took piece od Wedeeday to Port A !beet wiroetery. The pall hearers: were hie six nutmeg, Win. G., Harry, Jt10, A. and Will. Hawking, and ;John and Harry Bennett, of thie village Rod rieigithorbood." Doc:eased gentleman wae an elute to T. A. Hawk. in s, 05 Btheetile, Arun, 10, 190 scrilINDJIZD 134X1 Q! 04X4D4, wzgw.4.3zzatempop 1,e72. READ OFFICE, •• TORONTO ° OAP1TAL PAID UP (One Million Pellarej • 91,000,000 REST • 9760,000 npowies in on prienifpoi points in Ontario, (Nebo), Manitoba 9nite4 Rtalee nEngland. • er.artegar4,17, BeatVe.C. Getaeral Banking Buteineee Tranectoted, Formers' Rothe Dieeeninted. Pratte lotted and Golleptione made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Inteteet allowed on dap:sate of 91,00 and upwarde and compounded hell yearly. Sweeten ATTENTION GWEN TO TIIIAJOLLEOTION o FOAM& SALE Nona. Every fealty afforded Customers living at a distance. . Macy Orion 4wITY1g1"g,, ItOes:te Under 91.0,,,,90 to 80 12, 910 to $20 .100: 980 to 940, 14a • F. PI. GRAY, Aorract AGENT. Mise Maggie MoNanghlon hoe gone to Toronto Where she ban a fliI5044011 80 Mantle maker and lady tellorese. A. E. Treleaven and wife, formerly 05 Brussels, left Dangannoo for Alberta, where A. E. intends going into business. We wish them health and prosperity. Russell Wheeler, and employee in R. Leatherdale's furniture etere, bas been quite ill with pneemonia, He is a Goo of Lawrence and Mrs. Wheeler, of 4th line, Morrie. William Miller, of W13000 Moose TEE Pose spoke last week has been very ill duringthis week and even yet he is in a precarious condition owing to heart weak - :39W combined with pneumonia. It ie said Anguet Guhr bee a good offer from a Company in Alberta, Northwest Territory, to take charge of a dredge in oonneetion with an irrigation eyeteni. Ms may accept. and would be an A 1 man for the job. 0. E. Turnbull arrived in town on Wedosedsy from Ohioago, where he was attending the Northern Illinois college of Ophthalmology and Otology, a practical 8013001 of Optical. He took his diploma from said institution. ' We are very sorry to hear that Gerald. ins, daughter of W. A. and Mrs MeEsven, of Thessalon, Algoma, 'is ill with small. pox. The little lassie is a grand danglater of James Oliver, of Brussels. The many friends of the family hope the patient will soon be convalescent and that it will be the only ease in the family. T. A. Wardell, of Dundee, late M. P8'. for North Wentworth, who died suddenly in Hamilton from the effects of a weak heart after administration of chloroform with the intention of having an operation Performed, was well known to a number in Bromine as he officiated an etar oatober on several orioaeions one season with oar bees ball team. He wae a very genial fellow. The Blyth Standard Editor, who re wetly visited Ottawa on a Prue Aserwia. tion trip eays t—Dr. Macdonald, the -member for East Huron, and deputy Speaker of the House of Commons, late handsome apartments in the main build- ing. They were furnished epeoially for East Huron's It -mutat member and corn. prise an offiae, reception room, bed room and bath room. The genial doot'or occupied the Speaker's Asir for a short time while I was in the Commons chamber and with bis robes of office maim a good looking and exoellent pre- siding officer. PERSON AL PARIG RA PHS. Jno. Crich, of Seafortb, was in town on Sunday, W. H. Willie, of Seafortb, we in *Own on Sunday. Mute Mary Rose was 'felting at A. Mofiall's, Dlorris. Barrister Blair was in Galt on legal businese this week, Mise Field, of Listowel, wits a guest at St. John's rectory. F. S. Butt went to Toronto on There day on a businees trip. Mies Jennie Forbes attended a wedding in Stratford last weak, Mrs. R. T. Hingeton spent eeveral days in Wingbam last week. Charlie Leckie wee visiting in Listowel last week with bis mother. Hilton Planter left on Friday for Bar. ole where he has taken a Situation. Organizer Townsend hi here in the interests of Brussels Maocabee Tent. Z. 0. Danford bas been rather oneder the Weather" but is Reproving now we one pleased to state. Mrs, 8. Garter, Mill street, had the mit: fortune to weld one of her Net bet week and bas been °enticed to the boasts as a reenit, Mre. F. Baines arrived borne tut week from a visit with frietide near Belgrave. We are pleased to hear of her iMPIOVO. went after her long Rhine. Mies Pilafs Outnininge, who hes been visiting here for several month:: With Mrs, EL Swale, returned Hi her home in Duffel°, N. Y., ott Teeeday. Business Locals. Gran wanted, at once. Apply to Mrs. G. F Blair, Brussels. Fitaten garden seeds, mammoth and sager ngels at McCracken's. A LOT of ail:deed-hand oresube for sale ` °beep, or to rent. Some of them almost new. R. Lnesseim,the. We are sole agents for the king of silo urns—the genuine and only "Ohio Bailey." G. 3. HMG, Winghern. Funny Phowe.--Fartnere desiring the beet plow should oall on me and order a Fleury. 3NO, LONG, Agent, Bruesels. Watinew—Eggs 12e. Bring your Bat. ter and Eggs to Wingham and get that $50.00 Parlor Suite. G. E. KING, Wingbam. To GARDENERS. -10,000 6 cent packages Beads, 10 paokagee for 26 aente. Glover, Timothy, Speltz, Goose wheat &a., for sale. 51.3. Knew Wingham, Para FIANOBL—B, Oloee, Ethel, bas the agenoy for the Page fenoe for the whole of Grey township and Morrie township from the 3rd line and se far West as the. Centre eicieroad. A. U. McKay & 00., of • Brussels, will receive orders for Mr. Oloee when more convenient to those deeiring it. mown= - Clohn.—In Ethel, on April 8th, to Mr. and Krt. EL in. Cole, a daughter. gad.9..M.Taxasrla.. RonliavoN—MoRAire.—In Olintqn, on April 2nd., by Rev. Dr. Stewart, Mr. George Roberton to Mies Nettie Mau, all of Clinton. onxmani. Gnxbre.—In Galt, on April fith, Mary A. Littlejohne, relict of the late Wm. Grille, and aunt to kin. R. Leather. dale, Brueeele, in her 86th year. Hamm:Ia.—At Port Albert, on Monday, Marob 310, 1902, Thoe. Hawkins, P. Pd., aged 78 years, 1 month and 6 days. llifeDotvano.—In Grey, on April 7112, Marion Stewart, youngeet daughter of Alex. and Ann 3. WiaDonald, aged 2 years, 9 months and 18 daYa- Maluntarn,.—At Brampton, on April 4th, Mrs. Wm. Marshall, mother of Mrs. of Toronto, formerly of eon. 16, Grey, in her 86th year. no'..720R953 *anal. xisswantrie , Fill Winne: 67 68 Barley ...... 45 48 Peite• 68 70 ()ate....... . 86 87 Itutter,'Culie aol rolis15 16 Ego per dozen 9 10 Flour par cwt. 4 00 5 00 Potatoes (per bus) 25 • 80 tipples (per bbl.) 2 00 8 00 flay per ton 7 00 8 00 Sheep skint, eaoli 25 26 Lamb thine saab 25 80 Salt per bbl,, retail..." 1 00 70 liidee trimmed 6t Hides rough .. • .. . . . 5 Boge 6 90 • 6 00 Wool' .. e 18 18 ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. German servant wanted. • Apply to Mae, W. EL SINCLAIR. PUDE bred Blank Minoroa wigs for sale, MILTON Itesnolt, Huth of Breath's, Oonnwoon wanted. Caber Carriage Factory, Brueseie. WORRIED hones for Bele. Apply to. TM:MASAN SMITH, Lot 8, Con, 0, Grey. roa sale, a young DOW miloh oow. 3.9501,91156. Two bioyalea for Hale, one new laet year. Choice for $15. EL A. DEADAM N. Fon sale, three good building lots. Apply to JOHN ELANSIILD,11thel P.O. 80 SEED Barley for sale, good rand well °leaned, nod free from noxious weed eesde. D. WALKER, Lot M 28, 8th Line, orris, or Breathitt P. 0. 88-2 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN, THORO' BRED DURHAM .a. null for service, Lot 27, Oon. 10, Grey. Terroe-51.20 with privilege of returning IR neoessary. Registered pedigtee may be seen oe application. WM. BRAY, 88-201 Proprietor. TOR BALE, OHEAP.—GOOD frame bowie 22x213 With stone founda- tion, kitchen and. woodshed ; bard and soft water. Alga front shop 147 00 feet; good stable 18 x22 and 6 acre of land. Per towns and price, apply to .70 0, IMLAY, Ethel, 08.2 orm-al-de-hyde • SOLUTION SPECIALLY ooNoeNroAret, The Great Germ killer, forkilling the Smut Germ on Oats and Barley. The many expreesione of fletiefaotion from tbon who used oar Forroeldo- hyde last :mason gives tie renewed eaeuratue ae I01t9 excellent qualities 10 ilo all that we claim tor it. We take pleeenre in giving the experienee of two well known :vinare i this neighborhood ;-- Ur. Itobt. Niohol, of Morris, Rays wed youe Fermaidebyde last 58l 09 land from which it WW1 almost iwposeible to threete oats grown on preview: yeare, atall Quid :warmly Mad a head et mut. I will certainly use it again this season. Mr. .1,73. 114oLanohlin, of Grey, elates :—In Order to teat the oueliliee of your Formaldehyde last season I used it on ell my seed trate exempt one bag•and found the 0818 gpow, tram that bag vary badly smutted while the root of the field was almost entirely free INTO IA, I Can reoommend it very highly. ib. Bottle, sufficient for 80 to 100 bushels 65e. Ib. Bottle, sufficient for 40 to 50 bushels 400 At s Drug Store • URHAM BULL 12 MONTHS old for gale, roan in eolor, METER ROBERTSON, Lot 8, Con. 9, Grey, Bruseels 9,0. 88 l'ULL FOR SERVICE. — A LJ Thorocbred Short Horn, registered pedigree, Terms 75s, • with privilege of ro• turning neoeseary. GEO. 10817, Bruesele South. nOMFORTABLE HOUSE AND N../ lot for sale or to rent. Good otabte ited 20 three of land. ' Immediate • posies - Mon." For further particulars apply to 111103, /a, A. LOWRY, ,Brussele. QSX YOUNG SCOTCH SHORT Li Roth Bulls for sale. from 9 to 20 months .010, Also cowe in oaf to inthothed "Red Duke" and a few heifers. D, MILNE, Ethel. 1741ARVI FOR SALE AT A BAR. a.' Gam being Lot 21, con. 17. Groh Con- taining 100 acres more Or less. There aro 5 aores cleared, 10 or 15 acres partially olear- ed and balancer timbered with ash and principally. Frame stable 10780 feet on Premises, also a W01). Poor health 10 the reason for selling. For 07105. terms, ae., apply to GEO. SEIDL% Ofitnbrook P. 0., oi F S. SCOTT, Brussels, 394 OUSE AND STABLE WITH 10 aoreo 01 land to rent, adjoining Brussels 26 three in orchard and enroll fruits.House will be rented withotit land if (Wired. GEO. ROBB, Mamie, • $20.,000 to •Loan. , • • The above sera •lrae. been placed with nee for immediate investment on ferm.prepert, ty ab 5 per omit. If ;titles are satiefutory loansmaY be completed 10 11 daye. Liberal terms as to repayment, Apply at 'entre to W. M. SINOLA7R, Barrister, tto , Brea eels. HOUSE 'ANDil ACRES OF land, eligibly located 011 Turnberry street,Brussels, for onle. Will be sold on bloc or house and loth separately, to suit purchaser. Good dairy business in connec- tion. Possession could be given any time. Sth:price, terms, dre., apply to NEIL Mo- LAUORLIN, Breese's. _T LECKIE, v., • LIFE AND FIRE INSTJRA0011, LOAN AND REAL 15574.731 4015817, VALUATOR, 90. 011the over Hursleyei Drug Store, Feb, ath, 1902, 80,13m Brueselti. var.. 311E°11., MC. 4110o. STRICTLY ONE PRICE - ALWAYS THE LOWEST. The Annual Sale of 1=1110111HEIMEN11011011811 111011111i111111111111 Women's Undermuslins • On Friday next, April Ilth, we will start our Annual Sale of Women's Ready-to-wear Muslins, White Goods, Embroideries and Laces, The importance of these Annual Sales of Underwear and White Goods cannot be over-estimated for these sales are so carefully planned and organized that we are able to offer standard articles at much less than ruling market prices. This would be an impos- sibility were it not for the fact that in anticipating tremendous trading this month we are satisfied to accept the smallest margin of profits, and. in making our purchases we have been able to secure every commercial advantage that belongs to the large buyer. This year our Ready-to-wear Garments will far excel anything ever shown in BrusFiels. We can make the largest display because the trade for Ready-to-wear Garmentsis rapid- ly increasing and.we're bound to keep pace with it COME AND SEE THE DISPLAY. Our Gowns are all long and full size ; our Skirts are made in most generous pro- portions ; our Corset Covers are designed not only for beauty but for perfection of fit. Here are Some of Our Prices. W0111021:5 Cotton Drawers full size, made of fine ottrobrio, embroidery trimmed, at per pair 26 —Women's Cotton Drawers, with cluster of 8 tucks and laoe trimmed, at per pair . ... . ......... 26 —Full eize Drawers, with cluster of 8 tucks, embroidery flounce 2 inohee deep, at per parr 95 —Fall size Cotton Drawers, with oineter of three Woks, embroidery donne% 5 inobes deep, at per pair... 60 full size and ample length, with yoke front and baok, 8 °tuatara of tuoke earth aide, oatnbrio frill on collar e.nl ouffe, each 50 —Extra epee:lel Gown with yoke of tucking, embroidery on collar and cuffs, at 75 —Empire Gomm, triinmed with line embroidery • and insertion, hem. etitohed and line tuella on oollar and °dee . 1 00 —Goatee at • 1 25, 1.50, 1.75, 2 00 Corset Covers Speoiel V shaped front, with em• broidery trimming, sizes 82 to 88, at each 25 —8 very special lines of Corset Covers, with embroidery, lace and tuck trimming at 60 —Corset Covers at 65o, 750, 1,00 White Skirts —Full Mee, nueorted lengthe, with embroidery frill 5 inohee deep, and °luster of tuoka, at 90 — Here are two extra 'veinal White skirts, one with 20 inch deep double frill of fine lawn, with 10 rows of tucking and oembria duet frill ; the other with 10 inoh satin 'men frill, with Torehon Lase and three incite, oambrio duet frill, at eaoh1 00 White materials of every description will also go with this Annual Sale. Over 100 pieces of new, White Goods to select from, including Victoria LaWns, Satin Checks, Organdies, Namsooks, India Linens and Lansdale Cambries. —New Valenoiennee Laces 21 200, 260, 80o, 8814 405 and 600 per dozen up in edgings and insertione. • —5 dozen Ladles' lino White Lawn Aprons, with bibs, embroidered trimmed, Worth regular 408 each, sale price 26e. J. FERGUSON & Co.