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The Brussels Post, 1902-4-10, Page 6
8111TE TillIBLE ItOW $IGUAZillieVN EXPI,OY EX T. ay Iav Gained Good, Posie 'hone by Working in Their Off -Moment% • JAenee Reel, TVae a sigiudinen em;. ployed in a lonely quiet hex on what wae uDtjl recently, the Seiner - opt Doreet line, in England. Not beviiig any greet number of treene to attend to per hour, Hall apeet ids spere moments in provenghie ediumelon, and in mae- Mg pretty little modele o locoino. Uwe engines Out of wood : and tak- ing into conalaeratiou that Hal/ was an excellent servant, his superiens :winked at, this pro aim. Ono day a gentle:non who helm the signalmae offeWeel hina live shililegs for one of bLs modele, and then the idea CO' OuVred to Hall that be 111101at, 3.134. tevielly ineeease 14s slender income by maltipes such things for hula, says Pearson's Weekly. 3ae had neade more than fifty, and *old most of them at prices ranging from $L25 to $4, when ho thought he would make a complete train. On • the lines on which ho considered RD Ideal train eoe long distauces should ' be. Mo spent six months of his spare mennents and all his savings in carrying out his Wee; and when he bad completed his train he showed it to a gentleman who was interest- ed' in ,hint, and who strongly ad- vised him to protect his moael, and ' submit it to one of the big railway - coach builders of Anierica, in pre- ference to a British firm, as railways in this country were too short to justify the expense of transforming the stock. Hall acted on the advice, sent his model to America, and wont on making more nifnlature trains. Four months elapsed before he heard any- thing from the American builders, Then he received a letter offering him a post as designer to the Arm at $80 a. week if he would go out fet once. lie went out, and proved hinae self a valuable acquisition to the second largest firm of railway -coach , builders in the United Statee. By occupying his spare moments only in this way he raised himself from $235 to over $1.,000 a year, and did it in TeNDER TWO YEARS. For some years, the Great Western Railway Company had in its em- ploy n signalman, named James Cooker, whose duty it was to at- tend to the signals oe a particularly (inlet branch line, Cooker objected to the idleness which seemed to be forced noon him during his "shift" in his lonely little signal box, and being naturally industrious, he set to work to fill in his spare time by educating himself. When he knew all he 'thought he could teach him - sell', he joined some correspondence educational classes, and evert turned his attention to Latin and Greek. After a time, however, he gave up the dead language and took up French instead. Alone in his little box, doing his duty to his employers to the letter, Cooker worked hard at his studies, and progressed so well that in a few years' thne he found 'himself in a Bristol coal office, earning $10 a week, instead of being in a signal - box earning $6.50. During a period of two years, as vacancies occurred, he moved up stage by stage uneil he became Manager of the office and the receiver of a salary amounting to 81,300 per annum. The head of a firm of advertising agents who do a big business in sending out company prospectuses and are:dare, inforneed the writer that some of their most regular envelope addressers were signalinen, who were glad to all in their empty hours on duty by addressing en- velopes and wrappers at so much per thousand; and, although not a very remunerative occupation, the work, if systematically done, ma- terially increased their earnings. Strictly speaking, signalmen are not allowed to take up any occuna- tion during their duty hours, but when e. man is in charge of a box Passed by very littIe traffic, and he Proves himself to be a reliable ser- vant, no one says much if he turns his SPARE MOMENTS TO PROFIT ; indeed, when a man ex:de be can make nearly as much money by us- ing instead of wasting his leisure, his temptations to risk consequences are not It was by running such risks that O signalman on the Caledonian Rail- way followed an occupation . which brought about a remarkable im- provement in his earnings. Ile had a taste for inventing improvementS on anything which seemed to him to Cull for improvement, end during Ids Idle hours of duty he used to =Use hinmeit by making models of his „inventions. To do this he neces- sarily had e quantity of tools In his box, and one day he was detected by an official wbo told him flatly he would lose his place it the practice of constructing models during duty hours were not edlscontlimed. Prom that time torward he Was More secret in his labors, but he eoneinued turning out queetionable improvements on dozens et different articles for the real lore of work. After working secretly for many months without being detected, he turned out an improved kettle which • he believed would save nearly tte much heat ae an ordinary kettle Wastes, end boil the water it con- tained in shorter tline. Never be - fere ha.t.1 it occurred to him to try and dispose or any or his inventions, but he took it int o his head to pat - cut his kettle and apply tbe prineiple ot it to saucepans. Fro then tried to sell the patent. It was declined Vino after thine, lintel at tIve: seggestion Id a patent -agent he sent it to Gave mane/ and dispeSed of it tor nearly 5000. After that be disposed of Zany a hie other ieventione. and :With the ffinde thee realized he set • ichnself lip fti the ironmongery bus] - 1 11 Aberdeen. There are, by latest statistics, 8,- 520 inilae of inland navigation in • England arid Wales, NElilf =PP STATISTICS, Show That Piret-Boree Childre /oiate Zongest. wtiy VvooLeNs vvEAR FflItNc A SCENE IN A 4itootteeS Selene, 44 Sirhave Alet Donee roung "Not only life insuranee exPerts, but a greet many other People alai) lieve observed that longevity Or the reverse nixie in families," said en in- ellrallee ?rant. "$01120 110080115 ha'v'e !larder constitutione than others end they are apt to transmit tiiem to their children, A mar* both of whose parents were lcieg lived hae a promise of a good old ego himself. This, of coerce, is an old story. A neleela less Meander principle affecting tho duration of lifo hoe been pre- sented by Miss Mary Beeton, of Cam- bridge, and Prof. Earl Pearson, Of London, in a now perlodicae eal1e0 Bionietrika. eolnliterieon was made between the lengths of the lives' of two adult brothers and two adult sisters to ascertain ir there was P. perceptible difference between the old-, er and younger members of a pair. The figures here given represent the eVerage of over 1,000 ceses, and hence would soul to point to a gen- eral law. It may be added that the particular persons under investigoe :Leon belonged to the Society of friends. That organization placed its recorde at the disposal of Miss Beaton and Prof. Pearson. 'It thus appears that the average age of the elder brothers was 58.56 years, the younger brothers 54.575, the elder sisters 59.92a and the younger sisters .55.637. There is a difference of over four Years in favor of the older brother or sister. . This does not signify that the older bro- ther or sister will survive the young- er. The mean interval between the births of all members of 0,1 1 the pairs under consideration Was about six and a half years. Mence the older brother or sister would ordinarily die first, though attaining a greater age. "The first inquiry here mentioned was limited to pairs, the volinger members of winch had attained the age of at least 21. A second come Parlson was made that included Min- ors with adults. It gave results closely resembling the other. The mean excess of lire in 8,855 pairs was 4.6 years. 13ut the interval leo- tween the birth appears to exert some influence. Diometrikci's con- tributors furnish a formula by which one's expectations can be computed and adds: 'Thus a brother born 10 years before another brother has probably seven years' greater dura- tion of life. A sister born 10 years before another sister has probably about six years' greater duration of A GREAT FEUDAL LORD. Lord Rosebery lives the life of a great feudal lord on his estates, Ile has a. host of retainers, splendid equipages and everywhere his coronet is, in evidence. Ile travels from ono of his great houses to another witb postilions as it railways had not bean invented. The British Liberal leader is a great noble, and the people like him all t he better for being apart from them in the 1)03.111) and circum- stance of his private lifd. ---es- Reacl of I3usiness-"What position do you desire in our establishment sir? ' College Graduate -"0.12, somee thing like confidential adviser or gen- eral manager." Mead of 13usiness- "Goocit You may have both jobs, will make you an office boy." THE SPRING- FEELING, VARIABLE SPRING WEATHER DISASTROUS TO WEAK. PEOPLE. Even Usually Robust People Feel Run Down and Out of Sorts at This Tirae-Dr. Williams' 'Pink Pills Are the Very Best Spring Tonic. The spring months are a trying time to most people. At no other time of the year do health and strength seem so bard to gain and to hold. You do not feel that you are really sick, but you feel obout as bad as you could if you were ser- iously ill. That feeliug ought to be got rid of -and it can be. What you need is a tonie to enrich the blood and free it from the impurities which have lodged in your system during the winter, and which ure responsi- ble for your present condition, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is the only re- liable, never -failing tonic. medicine. These pills make new, rich blood, strengthen the nerves and bring health and vitality to every organ in the body. They are an ideal spring medicine and the best thing in the world for all diseases having their origi11 in impoverished or impure blood. The caee of 'Miss Belle Co- hoon, White Reek Mins, N. Se le a strong corroboration of these State- ments. She says: '"I'llrec years ago this spring 1 was very much run down. The least exertion exhausted me. 3 seemed to lose ambition and a feeling of langour and sluggishness took its place. My appetite failed Inc and my sleep at nights was dis- turbed and restless, ln faet 7 was in a pitiable condition. After trying LW o or three medicines 191 hs Out beeefit, I began the use of Williams' Pink Pills and they speed- ily worked a change for the better and by the tinie I had used a halt dozen boxes I felt stronger than X had done for years. I have siece, used the pills th11 spring and X find them an excellent tonic." Because of their thorough and prompt action Oh the blood and nerves these little pills speedily cure anaemia, theumatisin, sciatica, par- tial paralysis, St. etittie' dance, ecrofula and eruptions of the skin, erysipelas, kidney and liver troubles and the functional ailments which melte the lives of eo many women a eource of eonstant mittery. Other so - tailed tonic pills aro mere imita- tions of thee sterling melody, (let the genuine with the full name "ler Williams' Pink Pine for Pale Peo- ple" oti the wrapper atound every box. Sold by all medieine detticee or !lent postpaid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2,50 by addressing The Dr. leillitons' Medicine Co., Broeleville, Ont. , to tell you that You lin.yo ebeolutply PPOiletl A Pair a blankets on me. I have: Yes, sir, you bevel' Surely you are mistake, madam! I ant xiot mistaken. I tient Mine rny little girl a few days ago tor a good etroug soap to watill out some heavy things. In all Innocence used what you sent me, and the :•e - Suit is that my blankets are 1 !1St the ekeloten of what they were. alley are ruined, sir, and it's your fault! Yes, but I sent whet 1 esuelly send in such CaSeS. Whet yell usually soull No won - dee Mese Moor, My neighbor, com- plains or hey clothes wearing out; I find you usually send her the eame eoap. But, madam, i owayti give my customers what they ask for. • Mad YOU named a particular brand of soap yot; would have bad it. Named a particular brand! RoW was I to know anything of brands'? but 1 know better now, and I know what ruined my blankets -and • my hamds are in a nice plight, tool I can assure you, madam. that It Is not my desire to sell anything that will be injurious to either the hands or clothing of my cestomers, and X shall be glad to know how you prove that what I sold you in- jured your bla»kals and your hands. Well, I was tolling Mrs. Neill iny trouble, and she lent me a little cut- ting, and here it is; yen cae read it: "DY. Stes7031S0.11 -31711efida131. Lectur- er cm Chemistry,. Surgeon's Hall, Edinburgh, deseribes the destructive propeviy of soda upon wool very graphically. "After mentioning how strong al- kali such as potash and soda. disas- trously affect cotton, linen, and wool he says; "On one occasion 1 employed this property of soche in a useful way. There was a largo quantity of new blankets sent to one of our hospitals Iwhich, when given out, ;were said by the patients to be not so warm as Ole old blankets were, and that led to an investigation as to whether the blankets were genuine no not. They looked well and weighed pro- perly, and I got a blanket sent to me for examination and analysis. We found soon that there was cotton mixed with the wool, and the ques- tion eves ne to separatime the twee becaueo they were thorieugh/Y woven throughont, and it WAS Only by Cl' teching the fine fibres from each otb- er that yon, ideal:Hied the Cotton fibre. I fell On the device* of using Soda. I took a bit of blanket anti put it in a. veseel With mode., end boiled it there, and very qeleitlY the wool got eeten away by the soda, and there was left bellied thn cotton es a kind of ekeleton-ie Sort or ghoste-of, the oviglittel blenket 001 of which it was taken, I mention this Ineeely to inclicete to you the pernicienie effects of usieg caustic nut- terials, wheal, when employed strong by themselves, • affect woolen arti- cles in thie way, and which, even when not very strong, will more slowly, but with equal certainty, tend to destroy the woolen fibre," low, 1 want to toll you that we neighbors have bed a talk over the matter, a.nd we are not going to have our clothes and hands :mined in this way. Several of our neighbors who koow have ProVed to us that. Washing Sodas, Potash, Cbloride of Lime, and "soap substitules" aro most injurious to clothes end hands. "Free alkali" in soaps is practically (he caustic soda, that burns the clothes. Why, you dare not keep Caustic Soda in a tin canister; it must be in an earthen jar, or It will, even corrode the tin] Now, it's for you to provide us with P11143 soap without free alkali, or • WO‘ must find it elsewhere. Madam; you enlighten met So manY soaps are advertised as pure, that I really took little heed to any difference between them. *I have 0110, however, that has med. kat certificates of its freedom front free alkali. It is guaranteed pure; and the makers offer 55,000 reward to any one who can prove it is not Imre, and further, 1 am aiftliorized to return the purchase money to any one finding cause for cm:lel:lint. Let me see itl Why-, Sunlight soapl It's a beautiful, clean, fresh - looking soap, and thia Octagon shepe is very handy. Give me five bars. Nubs by the Groaer.--This whole neighborhood h its ingthinlisht Soap now. 'hare no ream complaints, hove ne Mere in my stow nosy for resinons coneoe. Mons or alkell 50(00001 but 110 001 the armor's fault 115* p:1114,c ciorro =CA 1,412 croontra maps, If the p ctegon bar -wo sire rtutheur The LE filial Life ©f Canada,. Head Office, - Waterloo, Ontario. (Formerly The Ontario Mutual L(fe.) 32N0 ANNUAL MEETING. 'File Company Solid and Progressive.- Another Year of Substantial Gains. The Thirty-second Annual Meeting of this poonlar and prosperous life company took place at its Read Office, Waterloo, Ont„ on Thursday, March Oth, 1902, at 1 p.m The Company's spactone Board room was well filled with policyholders ,who evinced deep interest the proceedings which were throughout both harmontous and in. structire. The President having taken tlie ohair, on motion, 111r. W. II. Riddell, Secre- tary of the Company, acted as Secretary of the meeting, and at the request of the President rend the DIRECTORS' REPORT. Y0111' Directors submit for your consideration and approval their reporb, with financial statement for the year ended Dec, elst, 1901. New Business They (200 pleased to inform von that the business of the year in all respects has been of the most satisfactory character, euabling them to make the same liberal distribution of surplus to policy- holders as in the pase. The volume and character of new business: were all that could be desired; tile death rale was much below the expectation, and the lapses and surrenders, in proportion to business in force, very moderate. Amount of .applica- tions for new assnraace received was 34-403,000 accepted and policies issued 81,071,609, ell of vrhich with the exception of 336,100 was sectIved in Canada. Canada First The Board of °hectors have not men any reason why they should depart from the rule hitherto followed of confining their operations to mu: own eorentry and Newfoundland, Insurance in Force The number of policies in force was 21,785, assuring 131,718,081, the reserve on which, based on one own standard, Actuaries 4 per cent., on all business previous to 1900, and Rm. 14 per cent on all business taken since then, is 10,801,100.41. Assets and Income 'elle ewe> asset,: are 10,439,541.64, and the total aesete 61,757,822.17. The surplus on Government son:tiara, over all liabilities, is $305,470.00 1 on the Company's standard 079,07.1.58. The net premitun income wee 6900.619.06 ; interest and rent 1214,817,02 ; annuity premiums 828,200 ; total income $1,277,680.08. Paid to Polloyhoiders The amount paid to policyholders was $4410,132.45, of which sum 1005,021.90 4008 paid to flying policyholders. The Death Claims paicl were $1133,810.00 ; Matured Endowments 0103,480 ; Purchased Palk:its S52,62'3.37 : Surplus 832,253.131 1 Annuities 16,763,07. ' Investments During the year the clemend for money hes been active, and the funds of the Company have been fully employed. The rate of interest has been good, and payments on both instalmen0 and intereett have beets promptly met, the interest overdue being much less than in any formeryear. The manager, officers and staff continue to discharge their duties to the entire satisfaction ot the Bolird, and in the liest interests of the company. The 'executive Committee have carefully examiueil all the Secdeities, anel corn. pared them with the entries in the ledger, and found then: to correspond therewith. • You will he called ueon to eleet four Directors in place of Teti Ron. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Alfred Hoskin, h.. O., E. P. Clement, and Ron. J. T. Gettrow, whose term has expired, ell of elioni are eligible for re-election. Waterloo, Mardi 0, 1002. ROBERT MELVIN, President. ABSTRACT OF ACCOUNTS FOR coot. iNcomu. premians, . 908,630 06 Interest, Rent and Annuities . 270,067 02 ...$1,277,686 08 DISBURSEMENTS. Death Claims, Endowments, Profits, etc... ...$ 408,5:32 45 All other Payments.- ... 215,676 94 Total ASSET:3. 717,011010 on Firgb eforegages and Bonds Municipal Debentures and Bonds Loans on Comm:lily's Policies Real Estat e, inelucling Company's °ince- .. Cash in hand and in Banks Other Assets... Ll A3311,1TIES. Reserve, 4 and lle per cent • ,,,,, -.$5,803,100 41. All Mho: Liabilities.. ... ..........,...,.,75,75l 23 1 , ^ • ...$ 700,209 89 12,650,566 61 2,012,449 Oa 648,301 98 128,720 01. 14,812 25 818,403 84 $5,757,822 17 ... - .45,377,851 04 SURPLUS. On the feeompany'st St00001,d, 4 and 84 per cent....$ 370,070 33 On tho government Standard, 44 and 8e per cent... (305,470 00 In moving the adoption of the Directors' and ether reporte sribm [Retie to the meeting, the President Ably reviewed the husines8 of the Company during the ilecul oar etide lie Deeember 8181, 1901. thowing that steady 1)105000s 1100 been nutde la all that denotes strength end stability, while. the ratio 61 expense to income Ives tee lowed, in the bestrew of the Cosimany, helms 00,01 less than the pvevious Year. 31 was gratifyilig to end that the Interest and rents front inveetenents exceeded the amount, redd tor death losees fn 10e1 by $67,907, and thnt the large stun of $'305,021 was reid to living policyholders during tire eaMe veer for endowments, anntsities, 011v1- deod, 610. On tho whole the businees ot the Dmnpaey for 1901 Was ln all respects most satisfactory, and if everyoue intereetecten its welfare will rlo- hie dirty the year epon which we have entered will be tI1 more seem/tern' than the one just paesed. Mr. A. Hoskin, X, C., Fleet Vice-Peesident, having supported the motioe at Mem length. the reporte were adopted unite linottsly, The sceutineers reported the tinsie bonze re-election et the Right Ron, Sir Wilfrid Lanrier, Hen. T. Grivrow, A. Iloskili, IC. 0 „ and 31 P. (Bement ne Direc- tors for the ensuing term of thvee years. Tim full Board ia 1102. weir:egad of the following members i-Rehert Melvin. Peesidenie Guelph ; Alfred 'Hoskin, It. 0, 3st Vice•Prosident, Toronto : the 'TOM Ur. justice Britton, end ViteePreddent. 0.. 3d ; Itifebt Roe ;Sir Wi tried Laurier. P.C. le Premier at Canada, Ottitwa; Francis Ce Bruer, M.P., limn ilton 13. keer'Fleken, 13. A., Teroneo ;1ii, P. Clement Berlin: 'W. a, Rim, 13. A., Ohl -Awe; Geo. A. liontevville, Lonrion : Rom he W. Borden, M. D., Mir:hoer of Militia end 'Defence, Ottawa; Ron. ,T, T. Garrote, 11, 0., Godereh, and WM, 'Snider, Waterloo anel the oteieers of the Competiy ere We ad, Manager; W, If. Riddell, 'keret:tea: T, It. Rate Supt. of Agencies 4, „e1/17,1.H, D.,,Medicel Director ; and Millar et feltneeSelleiteee, , , •• • „ • . • , • BENEDICT'S CURFEW, Men 1114151. be ITonnt 4340/ ore IscleVell 000104 at Nfght, WOO 7.13413`1041 74011 of leeleen, in Ilanever, Clerelany, aro no longer permitted to Spend en 'evening With "A sick friend," noe yet. are they ale loWed to tell their wives that thelY W01'� delayea at the ()Mee by iMpore tent InieltieSe, The city authorities have recently eilacted a law whicle has met with the warm approval of the womee of the place awl the ie- dignant proteets of the married men. The passage of this law shows whet, lovely women win do in the WaY Of law-inalring, even when she floes not Possess a franchise, 11. eeems that of late mewled men ot Veleta bay* been much given to staying oue late of nights. Tbe women reeolved to ace. They oxercieed all their intloonce with the city fathers, and finally got a law passed recluiring that all married men be home at or before 11 o'clock oVery night. The penalty for a vie - 101.1011 of this law is Omni at a fine of 58 for eaah offence. Half of the Ono goes to the person making the complaint, who in all eases under the act so far has been the wife. By means of this law the homes of Uelzon are expect:eel to 130 ill Ell ideal condition before long, end the wife's authority therein unquestioned, If a man. forgets himself and stays out tfter 11 some night, the wife can either have him fined and get her share of 1110 proceeds, or she ean (114 what is better, she ean 11010 the knowledge of his law -breaking over his bead as a club evith which to en- force obedience and good behavior. Needless to say the marrien me11 of the neighboring Gorman towns are much exercised over ehe fiction 01 the eity authorities of Uelzen, for the law is working so well there that they are afraid it will prove con- tagious and spread to their 01V11 1)01'011g118. The unmarried men of Ireleen, of course, are as 21111011 pleas- ed with the law as axe the women. They can now stay out at nipht and enjoy themselves free from the old fogies, who heretofore have insisted in joining in their festivities. CHEAP EXCURSIONS To CALI- • FORNIA. FOP the meoleng of tho Inclep.ndent Order of Foresters at Loa Angelee, April 291.4)., ehenp round 'trip rates will be in effect via. the Chicago, Mi- lian Pacide North-Weetern Line. Rate from Toronto $62.00, and pro- portionately low rates from other points in Canada. Three through trains daily from Chicago, with Pull- mans, Tourist Sleepers and Free 310- clini11g Chair Cars. Select the best route, affording finest scenery and quickest time. Choice of melees re- turning. Full- information a•nd spe- cial folder of this excursion can be obtained from B. R. Bennett, Gener- al Agent, 2 East Xing Street, To- ronto, Ont, Johnny Itenpec-"Pa, you am' nta's oite 'cause yeere married, ain't yer?" kir, Henpec--"Yes, my son." Tolm- ny-"Wal, which one are you?" lir, Mamma (cautiously) -"7 rather sus- pect we're your mother." Ask for Min,arti's and_tate no Other •"What!" exclaimed the doctor, "are you Dick -----es son? My dear fellow, fling that prescription into the fire and sit down and tell me what is the matter with you." For Over Slaty Years Mica Maness's SO00/311M SYRUP Ms barn used by milliene of mothers for their children while teething. Issoothes the child, softens the gums. :dime pale, auras Wind chile, regulates thanes:inch and bowels, is the beet remedy for Lnarrhsen. Twontydlre min a bottle. !:litiolnagsg.fkitilaVag eg" 's7i0g3: 04 "Young Brown Is asking every- body what he shall call his new bar by." "Better call it Gimlet!" "Why, who over heard of such a name?" "Well, he's an morel little bore." ANOTHER HAPPY KoTEEB. Tells 110S37 HerBaby of Eight I:Tenths Profited by Wise Treat- ment. • Teething time is the critical ageln a child's life. Any slight disorder 111 the stomach or bowels at that Mine greatly increases the peevishness ol the little ono anti may have serious and even fatal results. It is impos- sible to take too gveat care of your baby's health during this period, and no better remedy than. Baby's Own Tablets is known for the minor ail, ments ot childhood. Among the 1110- thers who have proved the worthof this medicine is Mrs. It. Isiekinster, Cookstown, Ont. Her little baby girl was sufforieg from the com- bined trials of indigestion, nonstipa- tion and teething, and the mother's etrength was severely taxed by the continuous care the thild needed. •A box of Baby's OWn Tablces, however, made sech an improvement that Mrs. McMaster is now mithuslastie in their praise. "Xt gives nee great pleasure to testify to the value o' Liaby's Oven. Tablets," she writes. "My baby of eight months was much troubled with oonstipation and digestion and wee very restioes 114 night. 7 procured a box of Baby's Own Tablets, end the results were so satisfactory that, X have not tieed any other neediciee S /Dee. My baby girl is now regular and healthy, and getting her tooth similes much easier, end she rote a great deal better. These Tablets are a great help to 1111.10 mies :NI1013 teething." Babyht • Own Tablets are gitarans teed to contain no opiete or other harmful drug. They pi:ode:ea nateral sleep, because they regulnee the stemach and bowels and comfort the nerves. They promptly cure such troubles as colic, sour stomach, con- talpietion, diarrhoea, worms, itidiges. tion and simple fever. They brook up colds, prevent croup and allay the irritation accompanying the mite ting of teeth, Dissolved in vector, they can be given With absolute safe- ty to tho 30012110121 infaht. Sold by all druggists, or sent postpaid at 25 cants a box, by addressing the ,Dr. Williains Medicine Co., Brocla • Ativiou 10 a young flitieband-Don't start out by giving your wire advice, bol bring her 3 01115 5 packet of ememeereeereeret ner7o11.,01.„ rorarawFweres-710,,,peernearpreartojapaiRee eeRfalEfle-rdrarararaIROP:r174ar° VraCD Don't use clime) paint oe 504111' bouse, or 111011r01 blast of storm 95 ZiPeifie„ SUM,. .. and rain or It look shablqe Cheap paint with het summer nun .nuckee no reputation is dear Pairit. RAMSAY'S PATI is the purest paint, the oldest and best knowe in Canadre, Made from pure materiels -made right to preserve yoer house to• beautify it, to maim it look fresh and bright. Ready for use and sold by all dealers it the right price for the best that goes in point makiag. Iirop es a card and, ank fere noograir "IC" FEED • showing cuts of beautiful homes, A. RAMSAY & SON, estah, 1842 asS1_,L1. MONTREAL' Paint Makers fRfMS-8.1811800.1E.MmefereiffeelVAiaalalVfOrafaINORIN 1)3 111 ; ARSb t , .*-hskcritiroztai4iLtatlEnkt7OOL,..,W,..lrecchti,mtrirr Nit . A Chain is no Stronger than its Weakest Link and a Wire Fence is no Stronger than its Uprights. No one should expect fence to„hold up of itself ece between the posts. ' l The Frost upright wires, 6,gare large and strong. The 44 .,41Procit Zock holds' them '1`• in place and each support „see its own share of the weight. • Light tie wires N give +i4sno support. Bending to de weakens them and they are apt to th • break when e strain is severe,Strong'-Kade. toS. cite- never breaks. Write for Catalogue. e Tweims,HS F50104' om:woroWii12 reNcE Co., LIMITEDwmfmriemgov, • WELLAND, ONT. 00000000, 000-.------ The.FroJr Lodi IF YOE WANT 0000 PRICES FOR YOUR Butter, Eggs, Poultry Apples Ogor Produoe CONSIGN TO 17M TO MC DAWSON COMMISSION 00,,, Limited, TORONTO orwresponeence solicited. The Duchy of Lancaster yields the Xing ail annual revenue of E60,000. Deafness Cannot be Cured ey local applIcatIona as they ealanet reach the diseased portion of the ear. There (8 0842 one war tc cure deafnens, and that ie by constitu- tional remedies. Beetnese is caused by an inflamed condition of the =COUR lining of the Is.ludlachian 'rube. When this tube is in - domed you have a rambling sound or impor feet hearine, and when It ie entirely closed deafness Ls the result, and 'unless (ho inflam- mation can lia taken outland this I ube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be do. stroeed forever: nine cases out of ten are ctusedby ottarrit, which is nothing but no in. flamed condition of the mucous surface+, We will giro Ono Hundred Dollars for Am- man. of Deafness (calmed by entente that can nit be oared by Ball's Catarrh Cure. Seed 100 0100111050, free. 5'.3. 011E041(1Y 00„ Toledo, o. Sold bvDruggiets, 72.. 'Hen iPatrity Pills are the best. If a woman ands that her deess does not match hav complexion, it is easy enough to change her com- plexion. Mir ard's Liniment Lumberman'sfri end - Mamma (at the breakfast thenc)- "'You always ought to else your kin, Georgie." Georgie--"1 rtm usin' it, immune.. I've got the dog tied to the log of the table with Bev 're 11111B .4 COLD IN ONE DAV. Take Laxative promo Quinine Tablets. .4.11 druggists refund the Mone' ff it fails to mire. El. W. Groyo's signature 18 00 each box. 260. De slinks -"Why do you. think Miss Carrington will ultimately decline 1113' proposal?" Merritt-"Beceuse she asked my advice on the subjeet." -• Messrs. C. CI, Richert's & Co. Gen Llemen,-A.flee suffering for se- ven yeare with inflammatory rheum- atism, so bad that I was eleven months eonfined to my room, and for two years could not dress myself without help. Your agent gave me a bottle of MTNARD'S LTNIME,NT in May, '07, aud asked me to Ley it, which I dice and was so well pleased with the results X procured more, 11`i VC bottles completely cured me and 7 have had no return or the pain roe eighteen nom tbs. The above feels are well-known to overybody in this village and neigh. borhood. Vcruee gratefully, A. DAIRT. St. Timothee, Quo., May 161,1,, 1899. Cladys--"Why is it that minteters usually itiarry so young? Harold - Olt I That'e the only game of :Menu they're ailoWed to playl" • Stop+ Ilse Canal. 01131 NY011403 orr tile onld. Laxative Dronto.Chilnino Tablets cure or cola (Sons day. Ito Cure. No Pay. Press eti acute V1itor-"7ou have a boned:lad place here, but d00.91193 0110 become 'very muc35 bored living in the coun- try aloe?" lIostess-"Oh, 11 0 I T1) dal( g0 (Amiss, we have few callers., ' • • THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. E P P • OFIATEPut.-00mFoRTINO. 00/ gclea.tiOonnt., zferaeteiosnana„ tablet sReanttercon ti alt4krr Aff-EUPPER• The In3perIal standard yard is a brass rod on which the distance is marked with pies of gold. Mlnard's Liniment is used h Physicians Before using, the wick of a ltunD should always be soaked in• vinegar, and thoroughly 'dried. This precau- tion will prevent the 11111111 situ/king. Keep Minard's Liniment In _the House The cholera plague of 18(16 was emst fatal at Rome end Madrid OE Sundays, at London and Berlin on Wednesdays, and at Paris on Satur- days. W P 0 1122 THE M osT POPULAR DENTIFRICE. VOLEILIC,,IST3E.I3M,UCPOS C:144,1EtzECaCe31.....1.-C:; °MCA CeultnEm 3PbtO411171irroXillEC.. Preserves the teeth. Sweotons the breath. arsenal/sine Rio gume. FARMSSplendid bargains. • Sena for printed lists.-WDSTERIO REAL ROTATE EXOIYAN130, London, Ont, Cents' Sults Cleaned or Dyed : also Ladies' Wear of all kinds, , and Home Rankine, of every description. cow AIRDALIST MERE BRITISH .A.P.VIRIOAN DY8112,10 00'Y3 Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa0 Quebec; TO PRINTERS FOR SALE,-Twe 2.r0volutIon Campbell Presses'bed 40356 Inches. Splecidlcl order. Price $1,000 each. ' " Terms easy. S. FRANK WILSON, 73 West Adelaide St., Taranto BOYS BRIGADE ogle Band Instruments, Bugles, Files, Drums, Cape. etc. EVERY TOWN OR SCHOOL. car:have e Fifa and Drum or Bugle Band. Lowest priced 05e0 quoted. Illustrated price•liel mailed free, Write tis for ANYTHING in MUSIC or MUSICAL INSTRUMBNTS. WHALEY, ROYCE 8 CO., limited Winnipeg, Man. Toronto, Canada ' IS YOUR LEG BETTER'? Hundreds suffer from bloom and Run. icing Sloes. Cileadlne will cure the worstcases, ivire. L., Lindsay, says: "I have doctored sine° last Auguet, found ho relIof, never had a good nights rest till last night. One aliplioatIon had marveleus effect, gave me unbroken night's rest. 280,11raggiSts, Or Cileadisie So., Toronto, Money refuntleilif not - y neetory, Dominion Lino Steamships. Montreal fo WNW!. Boston. te /Awe.. pool. Portland to Limns% Via Queens- town. • Large end kat Stem:nohow. St:eerier Meominedistion for MI MOM, of mongers, Saltines and Statements •, oon mrstestecee Speelel attentlen Inui been elven to the Second Baleen and 71iird.Olass Meoindiedatian, Het retM nterioseire end all aartioulers, apply to 11»!Mint of the Onniamin or Itiehards, ds Torrentle tea. 77 Mete SLIMS/OM Montreal and Perlis:A ,SVOOD4 Puaro.t No/4pm._ J IL JONES ukv•eTneet.-TeniAilf •