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Cbe Srrood$
THURSDAY. ,f.P•Jt. 10, 1902.
Tete Prince of Wales play pay a visit
to the United States and Oeneda during
the Domini; Stammer.
4 P1OHrerrIoe Convention edit likely
be held in the Emit Biding of Heron
shortly to elect offiee•beerere,, mark out
the ground for the coming campaign and
attend to other manors that may be pre.
Tito Canadians onffered heavily in
Herta river battle, South Afrioa, on
Maro1131 when they met Datarey, 9
were killed end 44 wounded. None the
lean severe was the Ioee to the Bone who
were compelled to retreat,
Ir Toronto newepapere would call their
boxing bouts by the right name the eagle.
eyed police would be able to make a haul
for prize fighting. Morality lovers in
the Queen city have ample room to make
a name for themeelvee along this line.
"Toronto the good" and a regular prize
fighting combination don't mix well.
Ir ie said the majority against the
enactment of Prohibition in Itfanitoba
will be over 6,000. The Temperenoe
peopie were not united by any means,
many of them declining to vote ae they
objected to the referendum, Crooked-
ness ie also charged in the duplication of
votes, &o. The vote was taken on Wed-
nesday of last week. There were up.
ward, of 13,000 Prohibitionist votes oast
with about 20,000 against the enactment.
Souza HURON is already in battle array
for the reaming Provincial election. M. Y.
McLean, of Seeforth, ie the Liberal stand-
ard bearer, and H. Eiiber, of Orediton,
who has represented the riding for the
past term, is in the Reid ae tba Conser-
vative candidate. It will be a warm con=
teat bot Mr. McLean should win and will
if South Heron Liberals do their daty.
He is well acquainted with the riding, bee
been a member of the Legislature for 4
years and hag a wide experienoe that
should be of value to him on his return
to the House. Mr. Either is an active
politioian and will put op a game fight
and hence there will be all the more neo.
oeeeity of the supporters of the Rase gov-
ernment being on the alert, and giving Mr.
McLean united and enfilades tie gapped.
Meaennei, of 13enettli, teed Mee Beide.
Werth, of Relweeviile.
Ike Rattcuburg bee returned home
from a two Monts' eojonrn In the annoy
Booth, 021e ioogeat atop wait at Rivereide
a peveler Winter resort in Oaiitorgia,
bet hevieitod a number of other 'Goleta in
that state as well, Be Demo home by the
Seethern route and spent several deye in
New Orlorine.
The hoard of Lioenee Oommieeionere
Will meet at tbeluepeotor'e ofliee, Clinton,
on Thureboy, April 17th, at 5 p.m. to on.
eider tbe applications for the Moose year
1002 3. Last year the holders of lipenees
were 30 hotels and 2 ebbe and thie year
there are appligatione ter 81 hotels end 2
,hope, the new apptioent being S. Pike,
of the Waverley Hetet, The Board hag
decided that no license will be granted 30
any betel athlete hoe any kind of a slot
machine or mesio box on its premieea.
The Record says :—Wbileon hie ronnde
et four o plgok last Friday morning
Watchman Webb game somas a stranger
who carried a bundle and was going
Northward. As was hie duty, Mr. Weleb
questioned the man and receiving no
satisfactory answer, but inetead abusive
language, be errested him and planed him
in the lookup where be remained 'until
about the middle of the forenoon when
admitting that his name was Hanby
and that he had left the House of Refuge
without Ieave,.Mr. Weleh took him baok
to that iaetitation. Hornby Dame from
Grey and was heading for his old hauate.
The following is the report of Brussels
Public School for the month of March :—
Boon 1 & 2.
SEN. Pr. JUN. Laevrsa.—Examined in
Alg., Hist., Lat., Fr. ; total 475 :
M Skene 363 C Zilleax 226
F Armstrong ..382 G Richardson 199
t J Strachan ..255 E Walker 52
L Holmes 278 t Omite Frenoh.
JUN. PT. 2, Jus. LaevmNa.—Examined
in Alg., Hist., Let., Geo. ; total 450 :
A Roes 418 B Howe 294
B MoKelvey, ...385 F Ham 252
R Zimmer ....371 B Scott ..198
E Fenton ....351 M Wilson 194
K Telfer 851 8 McNair 164
H Gooding ....322 W Wright 142
L Ross 814 B McNair 132
P. S. L. --Examined in Gram., Geo ,
Hist., .Lit. ; total 400 :
N Irwin 375 M MoArter ..,.239
L MoArtbur. , 311 R McKenzie. , ..281
A Maelillan308 E Baeker ......226
G Roes 304 W Zilliax 221
M Thompson ..301 B Hiogoton 214
B Henderson ..300 H Ainley 204
E McKinnon .488 A Smith 202
E Wilton 286 J Thomson ....178
B Bone284 E Pugh 175
A Scott 279 B Beattie 154
V Dunford ....278 J Bryant 148
S Soott 266 W MoGnire....127
0 McCracken .,241 M Scott 79
There is at present a scarcity of honer
in Clinton to rent.
The (limon lodge of Royal Temp'ere
of Temperenoe is increasing in member
Mr. Bioe bee sold his hone and lot on
Huron etreet to Rev. J. Greene. The
property ie a comfortable one and realized
in the neighborhood of $700. Mr. Bice
end family will reside near Centralia,.
The announcement that the degree of
D. D. bee been 000terred by Knox college
hie Alma mater, upon the Rev. A.
Stewart, the loved end highly respected
pester of Willie obnroh, Clinton, was re.
ceived by the whole community, bet
especially by his own flock, with mnob
A concert whiob onr oitizene ebould
not fail to attend, will be the Oddfellowe
grand concert to be given in the town
hall on Friday evening, April 25th. The
entertainers are Harold Jarvis, tenor,
Detroit ; Mies Selway, eoprano, Toronto ;
(leo. Fox, violinist, Toronto ; Mre. Mo.
HardySmitb, pianist, Clinton.
13.13. Cooper has rented ail the etoree
in the Sloan block which he is building —
one to H. Wiltee es a grocery, to R. & J.
Raneford as an office, to W. Brydone,
barrister, es an oMiae, and to J. T. Em
merton as a tonsorial parlor ; Dr. Hol-
mes hae rented several rooms lip-etaire
for a dental parlor.
The etndente of the Collegiate Institute
did not allow Mr. Treleaven, their late
classical teacher, to leave here without
showing their high regard and apprecia-
tion for him in a way which will be re.
membered by him always. Oa Thursday
afternoon they presented him with a hand.
eomeand valnable gold -headed cane ao-
oompanied by en addreee.
AN Arum Wannnee.—Onpid scored
another viatery on Wedneedap of last
week, when precisely at high noon, at the
reeideooe of A. W. and Mee. McRae,
Rattenbory street Weet, their eldest
daughter, Mise Nettie, wee joined in
wedlook to Geo. Roberton, of town.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. A.
Stewart, pastor of Willie Presbyterian
Church, in the presence of about thirty
gneete, breeding a few intimate friends
l asides relatives. Hone decorations
were pink and green. The bride ooe
Slimed in a gown of muslin de Bole over
white, and Berrying a aqua of white
oarnatione, looked eweet ; her bridesmaid,
Mite Merle Roberton, 'deter of the groom,
of Brussels, in a drese of the eame, oar.
rying pink carnations, Mao look pretty.
Geo. McRae, a brother of the bride, now
of Blenheim, aeeieted the groom. After
the important part of the ceremony aver
and oongratalatione extended the; merry
gathering partook of a deliaione luaoheon
and been the newlywed aoople were driv-
riven to the depot and lett on the afternoon
express for Toronto and other points on
a wedding trip. Very pretty aid vain.
able presents were received by the bride,
who ie a very popular young lady and a
favorite among her nnmerooe friends.
Me, Roberton, who oondoote a barber.
ing perlor, ie One of our prospero0e young
men and well liked by all, her, and Mre.
Roberton -are young people Who are high.
ly thought of and etart their married
life nnder favorable aoepicee, and with
the beet wishes of all who know them,
They will shortly return and tend tip
housekeeping on Albert street North.
The naive of Tam Pose, eking with their
many frfeude, is that they may have a
long, happy and proeperone life together.
Among bite onteid° guests 0'08001 were :.
Dr. A, R. And Mrs, McRae, of Detroit ;
el. and Mrs, Ballantyne, of Brassie ;
Mies IL McQueen, of Petrolea; blies
Miss E. 0. Scow,
J. H. Oearzioz, Principal.
Roots 3.
Eland= Curia.—Examined in Lit.,
Geo., Arith., Spell. ; toted 500 ;
B Roes 460 L Turnbull ....893
A Rose 424 E Currie 387
M Rpss 416 L Danford ....383
A MoQuarrie 418 R Deadman....372
J Armstrong 408 J Mooney 356
A Scott........407 0 Ham 850
F Thomson ....400 J Thomson 327
Jvmoa IV OLesa,—Examined in Lit.,
Geo., Arith. and Spell. :
G Zilliax .362 L Edwards ....265
R Pugh ..... ...823 E Cameron ....250
M Ament 304 W Roche 240
N Forbes 298 H Richards ....228
RSinclair 297 E(eber 108
SEN. III GLAM.—Examined in Arith.,
Geo., Spell. and Lit.; total 500 :
E Colvin 476 G Roes 485
G Ewan ......470 HBrothers 435
E Adams 469 N Harbottle....399
L Leatherdele467 J Bloomfield ..368
J Doll 461 E Ament 867
T Zimmer ....455 H Avery 810
M McNichol....445 J Wilton 302
W McQnarrie ..440 H Lowry 300
O Wilbee 440 JMoore 298
L Sinclair 439
JUN. III Cuss. —Examined in Arith.,
Spell., Comp. and Spell. ; total 500
F Stratton 480 0 Scott 420
W Straohan....480 A Thomeon,410
L Strachan ....465 A MoMillan896
W Turnbull....566 W Scott 270
V Wilbee ....,.429 F Scott 250
131 Miller 425
Mdse .af. L. Bang, Teaaber.
Ja. III MASS.—Examined in Arith.,
Geo., Spell., Writ. andDraw. ; total 600 :
PBaeker 442 G Armstrong ..367
S. Deadmen,420 L MoArter ....352
B Dark ..... 420 V McKenzie....350
T MaKenzie408 0 Holmee,.....328
M Brothere406 F Oampbell,...310
J Amen 389 0 Gerry 297
K Harbottle....381 L ItfoOracken 206
0 Bell 880 J Canninghane..194
W Henderson 377 K Clarke 196
S Campbell ....307
Sn. II Ouse.—
Birt 446
W Bell 425
P Speiran ;418
T Friendship ,.410
T Armstrong ..402
J Leckie 400
O Denbow 394
P Ament 891
J Wilbee 379
S Ament 873
W Wilton 878
E Colvin 870
E Slitpin .. ,.274 W Deng .,,,4228
L DeeeY ,, „271 R Roo.. 228
Y Ainley .,....327 7f Friehdeldp ,.564
Cease III.--7otal 300 :--
—B Barrie 286 II Mooney ....243
0 Leoltie 270 S(iorry.....,,.244
J MoNiohol.,.,257 G Wileee.....,230
S Bnrgeee , 249 H Gad 226
115 Burgeee . , ..243 W Sparliog ... , 90
Or,4es II.—Eicoel'elit ; . Ii Wilboo, B
Warwick, I Strachan, Fairy Robb,
G Kerr, G (tousles?, E Ocoper, H Arm-
strong, Good ; H Ament, R Davey, W
I r
Moleitdzoan, 1
FStretttoou Lowry,
l Thorn
Ones, I,- Ezeellent :—E Burgess, 11
Fox, HLowry, 0 Shaw. Good :—E
Barkley, Fair ,' 0 Boll, P Tnuell.
Mesa JUN Rlxouro, Weather,
A Bartliff 881.
B Leckie 852
E Ewao. 347
J Wilton 346
H Moore 329
A Bishop 817
E Currie 302
F abeeprize294
E Good 204
H Barrett 200
G Thomson198
T °ober • 193
L.iretee eel
Lietow0l Spring Shpw, wilt be held on
April let b.
Juhn Bauer, lately of 0areon & Mo.
Zee, hae, taken e. situation with Walter
8allowe & Dippel'bave sold out their
furniture and undertaking bnoinee in
town to. Alex. Broaafoot, of Seefortb,
wbo has taken possession.
A concert will be given by the Listowel
Male Quartette,•aeaieted by George Fox,
violinist, in MuDcneld'e mato hall, on
Thursday evening, 17th inob.
Bishop Baldwin will oonduob the an-
nivereary oervieee in Christ, Clinch on
Bentley, May lltb. The new pipe organ
will be installed in time for the enniver-
eery, and the vested choir, wbioh has
been in training for some time ander
Prof, Sellar, will take part.
Mr. Stoddart, who has gone to Clinton,
was made the recipient of an expression
of appreciation, by the ooegregetion of.
Koox °beroh,bo whiob he has been an
active worker during his presence in
town. The presentation consisted of a
gold watch chain, acoompanied by a
suitably worded addreee, to whish Mr.
Stoddart made a feeling reply,
Tbe annual Easter vestry meeting of
Ohriet. Ohnrch was held on Monday even.
ing of lest week, in tbe pariah room, at
which there was a fair attendanee of
members, Rev. A. P. Moore presided,
and F. R Sterrett, warden, presented the
financial etetemeet, whiob elbowed the
past year to have been Dae of the most
successful in the history of the oonere.
gation. The receipts from Easter 1901
to Easter 1902, -were 62,060, the expendie
tare shoot the same, leaving a small
balance on hand. The reports of the
Guild and Sunday School were aleo high.
1y seri,•faotory. R. C. Bamford and F,
R. Blewett were re -sleeted Wardens ;
A. J. Collins and J. B. Gunther were
again ahoeen Lay Delegates to Synod,
and the gentlemen who acted ae Sides.
men last year were -elected, namely, 3.
M. Oarthew, John Watson, J. H. Stuart,
A. 2. Collins, B. Witter, J. B. Hord, J.
H. Gunther, G. Rainee, H, Goddard and
V.O. Bamford.
Jo. II CLess.—
F Scott 421. W Adams 885
E Wilbee ......404 B Carrie 872
M Jonee .400 K Ameot 370
A Roes ..400 V Walker 869
0 MoSAillan....899 E °ober ..,.,272
O Ament 386
Mlee M. T. Dowaar, Teacher.
neve 4,
Mese A,—Total 426 :
N Ewan .,408 R Roche 281
A Robb... ...405 J Cooper ....,267
Z Lindsay ....400 W MOKety 264
I Barkley...... 400 J Uendereon 242
F Gerry 370 R McOmoken ..101
W Ainley 846
C1,3ae IV.—Total 300 :
E Death -tom 300 0 Lowry .,.,,.284
J Armstrong ,298 S8ox 968
E Mo8edzean..287 W Long267
S Speiren., ,,,281 E Somers 262
E Piam..,, . , ..278 II Oempbell r .452
(Drama) rook.
The following is the report of Cron
brook eohool for the month of March :—
Sr. IL—M.
—Sr.I1.—M. MoDooald, T. Smaildon, H.
McDonald, E. Hunter. Jr. II. -0. Soh•
nock. L. Baker, M. McNichol, V. Sper-
ling, J. Fischer, 8. Alderson, R. Alderson,
E, Love. Sr. Part IL—A. Dark, D. Per -
be, L Lamont, Jr. Part II —G. Small.
don, 0. Fieober, M. Love, J. Baker. Sr.
L—V. Long, 13. Smalldon, W. Baker, E.
Lamont, N. Rayman, 0. Fischer, Jr. 1.
Ed. Brandon, M. Sperling, S. Love, L.
Sperling. MIss Mennen 0l,LDER.
• Teacher.
The Sherburn (19fin.) Advance of Merck
14th speaks of Rev. 3.0. Carry, formerly
of this looatity ae followe :—Io answer to
a call from the First Baptist Churoh of
this plane, the pastors and deacons of the
various Aerobes of this aeeooiation met
with the church on Tueaday, Meeob llth,
to ordain to the gospel ministry their
pastor elect, J. 0, Curry, At 8 o'clock p.
m. the meeting wee called to order by 0.
E. Everett, olerk of the thumb, and the
Rev. M. A. Summers, of Mankato, was
elected moderator and Rev. E. L. /lets,
of St. James, clerk. The candidate was
thea celled upon to give an account of his
Ohrietaio experienoe, oall to the ministry
and views of Bible doctrines. After an
examination of two hones the candidate
wee asked to retire, Tbe council then
going into an exeootive session voted on.
animoas eetisfeatiob with the candidate's
Chrietain experience, call to the ministry
and views of Bible doctrine, and proceed
ed to ordain him. At 7 o'clock the
ordination services proper opened, when
the following program was carried out i
FIRM minutes' Pang oorvioe load by
Ree. Spare of ,the anvil par ; 08081699
and reading of auripture by the erten,
Bev, $isnende of the AL E. Churob deed.
Ing le prayer •; ent1etn by ebcir ; acting,
tions sermon by Rev, lt, C. Mother, of
Alklert Lea laying on of halide of the
ponboll ; ordieelian prayer by Rev, R. L,
Viete of 80. Jamoe; band elf fellowship
by Rev. Marcus Health ; presentation of
Bible by Rev, N. J. Peterson ; Ortega to
the 0 04141to by Rev, 0. 0, Itu.t ;charge
to oburoh by Rev. E. R. Pope ; song by
Rave. Rt,et end Spoare ; beuediotign by
Rev, J. O, curry." The manyold frieade
of the reverend genttentee will be snap
in wishing him abundant 81100008 in hie
work in the Maeter'e vineyard.
Forth county.
R. 3 Swanson, a pioneer of Fernie, was
accidentally killed at Elko, B. 0., Fri.
day, by being oruahed betwoeu two loge.
Doomed wee born in St, Mary's, On.,
and canoe West in the early wealth.
GLirears.-000 of the moat exalting
and laughable oonteet, that ever took
plane in St. Merge neared at one of the
hotels on Thursday evening of last week.
Two well known gormands of the town
met at one of the hotels. A wag suggest.
ed to some of hie Maude present Boasting
and driokiog',outset between "Pete" and
"Tom," A well•koown reelanrent keeper
bad two handed sandwiches left over
from an entertainment. These wore
bought and Bent lip to the hotel. The
gormands were quite agreeable to the
contest between them. The contest be.
gen about nine o'olook and ended about
eleven o'olook, two boors being consumed
in the oonteet,. "Pete" Dried out enough
when be bad 000anmed eeveutyeight
eandwiehe and one gallon and two glasses
o4 beer, "Tom" oo01100ed the oonteet
until he had oonsumed eighty•five and
Notice for Creditors.
In the Surrogate Court of the County o!
Huron, in the matter of the estate
of Hub Mckinnon, late of the Town.
ship of Grey, in the County of Huron,
farmer, damaged.
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Re-
vised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, Obap. 129,
Rection 88, that all creditors or othore hav-
ing anyclaims against the estate of laugh
Ido$lnnon. late et. the Township of Grey, in
the County of Huron, Farmer, deoeaeed,
who died on or about the 10312 day of Feb-
ruary, A. G. .1909, in the sold Tewnehip
of Grey, ere bereby required to send by poet,
prepaid or to deliver to G. P. Blair, of the
Village of Brussels. Solicitor for Robert Me.
IIay and Isabel McKinnon, both o1 the said
Township of Grey, the Executors of the
said estate, on or before the 11111 day of
Anvil, A. D., 1902,their full names, addresses
and descriptions and full particulars at
their claims and the nature of the securities
Of any) heldbythem. And notice 1e hereby
given that atter the said last mentioned
date, the said Executors will proceedto
distribute the assets of the deceased amongst
the persona entitled thereto, bevlug regard
only to the claims o1 which notice shall
have been given as above required, and the
said Executors shall not be responsible for
assets, oranypart thereof, so distributed to
any person of whose claim notice shall not
have been received at the time of snob dis-
tribution. G. F. BLAIR, Brussels.
Solicitor for the Executors.
Dated at Brussels, March 20th, 1901
License District
East Riding of Huron,
The Diet Hume License Commissioners
will meet at the
Tuesday, April 22nd,
1002, AT 10 O'OLOOII A.M.
To take into consideration the appliaa•
etobe for Tavern Licenses for 1902-08.
Tbe number of Hotel Lioenees granted
last year in the Riding was 18
The number of applications this year
is 18. The new applicant is Mrs. George
McKim, Royal Hotel, Welton, for Beer
and Wine Lioenee.
J. It. 3211,1,8lt.
Jet1EBToWN, April 204,1902.
i)ry Shod.
Y • •
/9 When you wear a pair
of our rubbers you know
_ you have a good thing—
because they keep the feet
dry and they wear well.
We sell only brands
.et it s
that have stood the test.,,
They are made of pure rubber.
`Will fit any shoe.
'Will stand rough usage.
We buy the best and sell at money -saving prices.
Men's, women's and children`s--all kinds, all prices.
Those that are dry and those that are both dry and
Some prices:
rices-Men'e Fine Rubbers,Yiret quality, eine 8 & 9 -only, regular $1, reduced to.. „850
Latta," Fine Rebate from 26o to 66o
Obildren'e. Rnbbere at 80o
—Harbese, Trunke and Setohele at loweet prioee,
--Repairs in Llamas, Celine, Boots and Shoes done promptly.
N�6w Cw%3h �a`114 b9w
4'00 erne Willett .Of beer, The umpire
ell/eider! khat Tom .had wen the eating
PeOteot by eeyee aandwiebe9 and awarded
bile a modal, The drinking:aantoet wee
won by two glaeade of beer over the gallon
Ped the medal for driuking awerded to
"Feta,"' Thoth ail immense crowd
ge3beoed during titsoouteo%arid exaitment
tau edge. Na mediate aid wag reguieed
ter either of the gurmande after the
contest wag over. It le said that "Pete"
ie dleoatieded at "Tom wincing the
(feting 0081001 'mod ie williug to swept
another ohelbe»ge from "Tan" ie Mende
pay for the feed and driolt.
An important meeting of the Transfer
Committee of the Methodiet Ohurob wee
held deet Thursday fu the Wesley build -
loge, Toronto. Rev, Dr. Cameo, 'General
Superintendent of the Methodist Church,
000upied the chair, end the Presidents of
the various Methodttta Conferences were :
—Rev, 3, F, 004103, Toronto 1 J. Laying.
stone, London; W. P. Mem, Hamilton;
3.0. Wilson, Bey of Quintet ;13. P. Rose,
Montreal ; W. G, Lane, Nova $coria ; G.
W. Fisher, Now Brunswick ; le. B, Stagey,
Manitoba ; W. H. Berraoloogb, British
Columbia. After the regular busmen had
been tianeaoted the following interim
traaefere were mode ;—Rev. Walter L
Sheridan, from Hamiltod to Britieh
Columbia ; Rev. R. Afalotyre, from Mani•
Ube to British Columbia Revs. A,
Brown, J. H, O•iver and T. Manning,
from Toronto to London ; Reve. H. Irving,
R. Whiting and J. P. Rice, from London
to Toronto ; Rev. J. J. Lidey, from
Bay of Qainte to Hamilton ; Rev.
R, Burne, from Hamilton to Bay of Qninte;
Rev. A, P. Misner, from Hamilton to Tor.
onto; Rev. J, 3. Rice (superannoeted),
from Bay of Qninte to Toronto ; Rev, J.
Heandereon (euberannnated), from Humil•
ton to Manitoba ; Rev. G. W. Hendereon,
from London to Bay of Quints ; Rev.
Time, Manning, from Bey of Qainte to
London; Rev. J. Rogero,' from Nova
Scotia to New Breuewiok ; Rev. R. W.
Weddell, from New Brunewiok to Nova
Scotia ; Rev. C. W. Finch, from Moubreal
to Manitoba ; Rev. 0. T. Oarrelley, from
Manitoba to Hamilton ; Rev. W. T. Hee
penny, from Manitoba to Montreal ; Rev,
L. R. Macdonald* from New Brunewiok
sod Pane Edward Island to Maoitoba
Rev, 8. A. Bailey, from New Brhnewiok
to Manitoba ; Rev. F. A. MoGee, from
Toronto to British Columbia; Rev. W. L.
Sheridan, from British Colombia to
Hamilton ; Rev. L. L. Meech, from Mon
tread to Manitoba ; Rev. J. W. Bowering,
from Manitoba toBritiah Columbia ; Rev.
A. E. Heatberington, from Manitoba to
British Columbia.
Cetntttltetn Newre.
Hon. James McMullen was bengeeted
at ktount Forest,
The first party of teachers for South
Africa sail 0o the Ooriuthian from Hali-
fax on April 14.
Mies Mary E. Jackson, a Brookville
nates, took poison in mistake for made•
eine, with fatal t ffeots.
William Peer of Bell's Oroseiug hanged
himself in his barn, the result of egaar-
rel preying on kis mind.
A charge of posting indecent plauarla
egaioet a hill pouter at London,
was d30miesed by the Police Magistrate,
It ie now stated that Chief Jostles Sir
Henry Strong has arranged to retire from
the Supreme Court Bench in October
Edward Laurin was sentenced at Mon.
treat to fourteen years in'peniteobiary for
killing hie father's colored eoaehman.
The Allan Liner Parisian, at Halifax
from Liverpool, brought over 400 Eng-
lice and Irish farm laborer, to Bottle in
Several bridges in New Brunewiok and
a lot of lumber have been swept away by
the Boode. One woman was drowned ib
York (Jaunty.
0. R. Roemer and F. W. Thompson
have pnrahaeed the buena of the W.
W. Ogilvie Milling Company, the pride
being between three and four .million
dol lar,.
Stewart Oampbelt, marine ineuranne
holler, of Montreal, was fr:und dead with
a revolver in hie right hand and a wound
in his head. The shooting is thought to
have been accidental.
Sir William Macdonald has planed
$125.000 to the credit of the Rural Sobool
Fund iu the Bank of Montreal for the
sreotiou and furnishing of the balding.
in connection with the Ontario. Aerial.
tiara! College at Guelph.
Albert Earley, a miller, living at 875
Carlton street, Toronto, who has been
employed et the flour mills et Newton-
broke for a number of years, fell into a
boreetrougb neer the Rosedale Hotel on
Sabdrday night and died a few hours later
from the effeote of ebonk, '
rAT3.—Se000.00 will buy the MoOan-
ghey Block in the Village of Brueeols. These
two flue stores must be sold to close out the
Moteangbey Betatn. intending purchasers
should investigate at once. Apply to F. B.
8007T or G. F. BLAIR, Brunets, Ont.
acre of land tor sale, Grahame Sur-
vey, 1 mile South of Brussels. Thehouse
contains 7 rooms 1 good stable ; well; fruit
trees and small fruits. Possession given et
ono,. Terme reasonable, If property is not
sold 80011, will be rented. ,For prloe, terms,
d:c„ apply to WM. BIROS, Bruasele P. 0.
Byetem Ilenovator
For Impure, ,Weak and Impoveritbed
Blood, Dytpepeia, Sleepleaaneeo, Palpgita-
bion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neu,.
algia, Loth of Memory, Brouobitie, Can.
anmptfon, Gall Stone, Jaundice, Kidney
end Urinary Dieea000, St. Vitus' Dance,
Panama Irregularities and General De
Prop. and Matinfaotnrer,
Sued ley Jae, Fox* Druggist,.Rrntsela
AVAIL 10, 1902
UR Millinery Opening was ft great euccesa
and the resulting rush �oF bllsinesa would
indicate that our Customers were pleased,
We ha veReady-to-wear,
Readytoatrim and
Untrimmed Hats,
blowers, Ornaments, Ribbons, Silks, Millinery
Novelties: a complete etain assortment oi' the
Latest Styles and Designs
Call and see our Cheap Hats.
Newspring Hats
Our stook of Spring Hats is now complete. We are showing
the Celebrated
Barrington Hats
In Black, Pearl,Slate, Chartrense, Cuba, Victoria, Vicuna,
Neutria and Drab Colors at $2.00 and $2.50 each.
Woodrow Hats
In' BIack, Grey and Slate Colors at $9.00 each.
We are also showing a complete line of Boys' and Young Men's
Crush Hats at 5Oc, 75e, $1.25 and $1.50.
Our New Spring Neckwear
Will be to hand for Easter. Call and see the Newest Crea-
tions in this line before purchasing elsewhere.
Downing Bros.
At the Popular
Shoe Store,
which is synonymous with Down-
ing's Shoe Store, no one eau fail
to find the very latest Spring
novelties in footwear for both
sexes. Whether tbe acme of your
requirements is style, comfort or
durability, the climax is reached
here. It's an old story, mayhap,
but we beg to repeat it : The beat '
Shoe for the money is to be bad
at Downing's.
for the Slater Shoe.
Downing Bros.
The Great Cash Store.
In our
You will find the Newest and Most Up,to-date Goodb that are in
the market and it has become a standing fact that Prices are al-
ways Right at this Store.
If You
Oil Cloths or
It will pay you to
to look through our
Carpet Department.
Something Very Special
in Boys' Clothing this week.