HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-4-3, Page 8Gil X ki R'OO SPECTA•L .A.LDI OF... Wail Paper at Reduced Prices. We have made great preparations tljlat Spring for the Wall Paper Trade and we offer you the Bleat variety of hangings ever seen in Brussels, A glance over our samples will verify our claims and our low prides will astonish you, Formaldehyde for the Prevention of Smut on Grain, Ours is the strong- est that can be made and gives great satisfaction. There is DO better brand on the market. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Pints, 65o. ; Ralf Pints, 40o. HursIey ° Drug and Book Store GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN METENSION W e, & 8, Trains leave Bruesele Station, North and South, as follows GOING SaoTN GOING Noso'a. Exprose 7:18 a.m Mail ......2:10 p.m Mired 0:40 a.m Express ...... 8:17 p.m Xa dz Meas c JtcrLL A ehiel'a amang ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Aram. MoNees was a Bank holiday. SoaooL ea.opans next Monday, 0. 0. F. next Tuesday evening. A. 0. U. W. Friday evening of this week. REPORT of Foot Ball Association may be read on liege 4 of this ieene. BRO88ELe Donnell will bold its regular monthly meeting next Monday evening. MABOH, true to the old addage, name in like a lamb bat rather did the lion sot in its exit. HORSE Fair Thursday of this week. This Wee the last Fair of the season and was largely attended. EAST HURON Cooeervativea will hold their annual meeting on Saturday after- noon of this week in Brussels Town Hall. BRUSaaLtTEa who attended the wed• ding at Jae, Casia's, 15th eon., Grey, say it was a veritable tea -meeting for crowd and oboiae edibles. FOURTH Division Court was not held on Wednesday as there was only Dna case and that was traversed to next Court. Judge Doyle did not acme. ROBERT DENBOW is filling up the apace between his lot and the sidewalk on Elizabeth street and has made a oinder roadway from the street to kis ateble. Jr the parties who load ap with grog in town were asked to spend the night in the lock-up and were assessed a few dol. fare next morning it might have a good effect. Masses McLaren, who were dress- making in town and recently took pod - Hone in Toronto, have been succeeded in bueineea here by Misses Ritobie, formerly of Cranbrook. Tae arrangement with Jno. Lott in hauling the Canadian Express Co'e par. cele having terminated the Agent, A. Ooneley, has purchased a horse and set of harness and looks after this department himself. Ir is reported that W. F. Stewart baa disposed of hie farm land East of the Maitland to Jae. Burgess whose farm adjoins it. There are 40 aures in the new purchase and the price ie said to be $1,400. This will give Mr, Burgess a fine farm. Mee Huron License Board will meat al the American Hotel, Brueaels, on Tues- day, 22nd inst., at 10 a. m. to deal with the applioante for new hotel linens. There were I8 licenses granted last year but the Lakelet House was destroyed by fire. This year the number of applioante is 18, Mra. George McKim, of Royal Hotel, Welton, being an applicant for a Beer and Wine lfoeaee. OoNTReare Lar.—George Brown has let the aontraate for the new brick barn at the Central Hotel, Braeeele, as follows : —Excavating and filling in to Denbow Bros. ; stone work, A. J. Lowry ; briok work to a Gorrie mai ; oarpentering to Dan. MoNanghton ; roofing to Wilton ds Turnbull. The bnildiog will be 38x100 feet and will be put on tbe Southerly aide of the lot with entrance form both Tura. bury and John streets. Mr. Brown gets possession of the Oeotral on May let. Tox New York Sun Saye of Mise Johnson wbo is to appear in Broseele Town Hall on Friday evening : Mise E. Pauline Johnson of the Mohawk Tribe of Canada, has taken Boston by storm with recitals of her poems. She is perhaps the moat unique figure in the literary world of this country. The Oobourg San- ter( -Star epeake of Mr. MoRaye as follows :—"Hie work was admirably suited to oall forth cheers from a British audience. He brought the hoose down with hie aketohee and selections from Dr. Drummond, proving himself a master of the "Habitant" dialeot." Vocal seleo- tione of music, will be rendered at appro. priate intervals daring the evening by Mies Lyda Crooke, Mies Vina Oardiff and Jae. Jones. Admission 250„ no reserved Beats. Hum' FOREnAaTe FOR APRIL.—Irl R. Hicks' the "weather man" of St, Louie, prediote the following for April ; "A xeaotionary storm disturbance, beginning the teat of March will expend iia force by April let. The Vulcan storm period cen- tral on the 6th and covering the 3rd to the 8th, will bring a deoidely warmer change about the 6th, 7th and 8th, with froetynights. Look out for atmoapherio unrest about the lith and 12th, Active end possibly, dangerous storms will visit many sections the 16tb to the 19th. Look out for Molted storms of rain, bail wind and thunder about 22nd and 28rd, with feast and probably agestle of snow in the Northern part of the ooantry. The iast storm period ie central on the 28th, extending from the 26th to 80th. Ott Elie whole we believe that April will prove a nide month for general outdoor work." Paste thie item in your hat for future guidance, MONTHLY e0bo01 report is crowded out this week but will appear is] nest issue. THERE were 102 paseeugere ticketed from Brussels daring the Easter fugitive. New awnings have beeu procured by Reeve Rosa, Downing Bros., and A. Oonsley, WILL the party who has a sheet of mneio (one of Beethoven's Sonatas) be. longing to me, please return it. T. A. HAWEINS, Brussels. 0onAluNr0ATIoNa Or correspondence is no nee to THE Pose toilets the uame of the writer accompanies the same. This is a rule of oar office. Tars Johnson—MoRaye entertainment in the Town Hall, Bruesele, Friday even- ing of this weak, under the auepicea of St. John's oburoh Ladies' Gaild. The talent le o. k. Tau psper hangers and kalsominers are having their annual Spring roab and often desire the gift of Omnipreeenoe ao as to keep the women.fotk fo passable good humor, Tan buildings to be utilized as atora• rooms at the Cemetery and Bowling Lawn were brought in from the Bean - champ creek by Denbow Bios, on Wed• neaday of last week. Tan yanetone residence, Jamas street, has been purchased by W. F. Stewart, the present leasee. The property is par. tioularly well located as convenience to Messrs. Stewart's flouring mill. We hope they will enjoy many pleasant years 10 it. I. 0. 0. F.—Toeeday evening of next week the annual At Home will be held by Western Star Lodge, No. 149, I. 0. 0. F. Brussels. A program of vocal and intro. mental mastic, short addressee and e few phonograpbio selections will be given after which refreshments will be served. SPECIAL rates are being given to the Annual Horse Show at Toronto next week. Single fare oo Thursday, whiab means 93.00 plus 50o. for ooapon which admits to Show. Oa Friday and Satur- day tbe rate will be 1} fare, 94.70 and 60 cents for ooupoa. All tickets' are good to return on following Monday, 14th inst. Dian.—Rev. J. B. Taylor, of Blyth, father of Mies Annie Taylor, formerly a teaober in Brussels Poblio eohool, passed away to his reward on Tuesday of this week, in his 79th year. Funeral took plane on Thursday afternoon. Rev, Mr. Taylor wasa Presbyterian minister but had been on the retired list for a number of years. WENT 00 PETBoLEA,—Teeadey of this week Samuel Cantelon, who bas been a student in the bakery of George Thomson, left Brussels for Petrolea where he has accepted a situation with Mr. Sterritt. Mr.Oantelon is an industrious young man of good habits and oompetent to attend to the duties of hie position, He wee a member of the oboir of the Meth. odist Ohnroh. Some folk say that Sam, has oertaio ties in tbie locality that will mean an occasional visit here nnleae be takes the "ties" to Petrolea to keep house for him. He has the good wishes of a large oirole of friends for e ennoeseful future. Wrote Jesse INanaEn.—The following item refers to a former Bramalfte who served his apprenticeship in the; Ronald Fire Engine Works here and the shops referred to now turn oat the same engine :—With hie right arm drawn completely around a Iatbe; on which he was working in the ebopa of tbe Oaoad• lea Fire Engine Co., London, Ont., William James, of Van street, was found by hie fellow employees. James was cleaning ont a pump with the aesiatanoe of e. lathe and had only been at work a short time after dittoes when the piece of iron Blipped. Before be was aware of it hie right arm was in the grip of the mach. (nary and was drawn in until it made a circuit of the lathe. The machinery was beatify stopped and James extricated from his unenviable position. The result was a severe fraotare of the wrist, whish member bad almost been torn from the arm. The fracture was reduced and Mr. Jamea has returned to work on a job only requiring the aeriae of one band and arm. Mr. James' old friends here hope he will suffer no permanent injury from the accident. ANNUAL SAWING 4AT010,—On the after. noon of Good Friday the annual pawing match took plane on the square at the Town Hall, Brussels, in the preeenoe of a large number of people, notwithstanding the threatned rain. The beech log was 20 and 19 inohee reepeotively in diameter and some olose contests were on the pro. gram. Prizes were awarded as follows :— Barrie & Ramsay, (}ley..,.••... 87 ase. 801-071 MaFadzeaa Bros 41 ,801-70 Gorealitz tiros, n 415 86 —705 Gilmour & MoGulre, Luoaa,,475 88 —861 It will be seen by the above that Weems. Harris & Rameay still maintain their banore ae the star oroea out sew experts. The ohne for 2nd and Brd prizes was close bat the team from the South could hardly be said to be very seriously in it. For the ownership of the new B&W don. ated by Koeere. Shirley & Deitrioh, of Gait, there was a lively competition with the following record for one out : Ramsay & Rltahie 88 aetoade Gorealita Pros 04iy Mo8adzoan Bros' 871 Saw conaegaently goes to the fleet men - Maned couple. W. M, Sinclair was the official starter and R. Iioohe and W. F. Scott timekeepers, The Committee of management wee Reeve Rosie and A. (Jahr, Some eaggaet that a book saw content be added if match is beld another year, by way of variety. Wm. Alilier, of Breakage G„ T, R, see. than, bee been quite ill with pneumonia thio week, but We hope be will SOAR he all right. Poatmatter and Afro. F'errow were et Palmereton pit Wedneedey attending the Wedding of 11, W. Ferrer? and Mies Mary E, Johnston, emelt beet meeting Monday afternoon et 3 e'olook Ip Ceunoll Member, Prof: >Iareourt, of the ()Mario Agi, O011ege, Guelph, will address the meeting, Avery farmer ebould attend, G, T. R,—'The following are the ship. mints from Breeeele station daring the past weak; A, 0, Demee, ear bogs ; Salt Works', 6 oars salt_; A, Hewitt, or harem; J. Jaynt, 2 Dara aobee ; G. Beet, oar cattle ; W. Neal, 82 oeaee eggs. Hrnlmosere—Raalioleg the oorreutneae of the Scripture) injnuotion "11 is not good for man to be abase," 11, W. Farrow formerly of Bruesele end 0011 of Nat. meeler arrow, of this piers, Made Hilae Wary E. Johuaton, one of Paltnaretou'a popular daughters, has bride 00 \\'oboes• day tuoruini; of thin week. 'l'bo bridal knot way uestly:fa<tettedby Rcv. A John. et00, of We.dateok. brother to the bride is] the preaeuee of near relettreo of the ctutrebtfng perltee. Mies Stafford, of Palmeralon,aud Fred, Johoet rn 0f 0.11.1e, were the etleudautr. The bride end bridesmaid wore very beaotuing ooettimee. After yore Nearly a0m,ratnlati0a0 the wedding breakfast was served and a short program of toasty atiertied the ex- preeaiou of complimentary words end gaud wishes. illr.aud lire, Ferrate left uo a wedding tour to Ottawa. They will make their home in Chatham as Mr. lrarrew'e mail ruu is sow from that point to Sarnia and return. Mr. Farrow and 1 bride eommeuoe married life with the hearty good wiahee of a wide oirole of re€atives and friends. ILLUSTRATED LEorras•—'.rueadey even. ing, the lath masc. Bev. Thos. Wileou, Presbyterian minister, of Loudon, will give an illustrated Lacturein Brussels Town Hall in which 75 beautiful colored lime light views will be given. Among the number tbe following hymns, eonge and sooner] will be illustrated while being sang or explained Hymo, "Lead Kind- ly Light" •, Hymn, "Throw out the Life lino" ; "The Bottle", a Temperance set ; eoog, "Father dear Father oome home with me now" ; Hymn, "Where ie my wandering boy tonight" ; "The seven wooden of the world", explained ae each is shown ; solo, "The Holy Oity" ; song, "My old Kentucky Home" ; song, Tbe old Folks at Home" ; "Rook of Agee." Lecture will oommenoe at 8 o'olook and the admission fee will only be 10 cents for obildren e.nd16 Dente for adults. Lecture ander the aaepiues of Methodist Sabbath eohool. Rev. air. Wilson is an entertain ing speaker and quite an expert in the use of his fine exhibit of views, Keep the date—Toeeday, 150b ince., in view aa the Lecture will be both instructive and pleasing, partioularlyto young people. SUSAB BEET GROWING.—Hon. Mr. Dry. den, Minister of Agrionitore, has asked Prof. Harcourt, of the Ontario Agrionl. tnral College, to take charge of the experimental growth of anger beets in Brussels locality this year. A public meeting will be held Woodsy afternoon of next week, in the Cannoil Chamber, Brussels, at 3 o'clock, to be addressed by Prof. Hammitt. The plan will be ex. plained ae to neoeesary work required, and rules governing the teats stated. Quantity of land required is j sore from each farmer desiring to join in the growth of the sugar beet. Seed is furnished by the Government and two or three visits made daring the meson by the instructor. Outside of the small quantity required for experimental testa the crop will belong to the several farmers engaged in it so that it means possibly a good quantity of sugar beets end lees of some other root crop meetly cultivated. Every farmer in the looality will be welcome al the meeting an Monday afternoon whether he accepts the offer or not. Those de - airing to take part in the work may hand their names to W. H. Kerr, Secretary of the AgI, Sooiety, at any time before or at the meeting. 011010011 ClilMI;S. Quarterly Review Met Sabbath in the Sunday Schools, Missionary program next Sabbath evening at the Epworth League. Next Sabbath's Sunday eohool lesson will be "The Ooovereion of Baal of Tar. ane." It ie a fine lesson. Rev. Fr. Nortbgravee, of Seaforth, con. dratted service in the R. C. Oburob, Bruer Bela, last Saturday evening and Easter Sabbath morning. The many friends of the Rev. Francis E. Nugent, Platteville, will learn with regret that he has been seized with another paralytic stroke and ie net ex• petted to recover. Arrangemeate will shortly be made for tbe annual onion Sabbath School Con. vection of Brussels Dietriot. Tba Pro- vincial Secretary, J. A. Jackson, B. A., of Toronto, is expected to attend. A Cradle Roll Department will be in. etituted in oonneotion with the Methodist Sabbath Sobool in Enamels. Mrs. H. Ham will be in obarge aided by Ira Gerry, the Primary elms teaober. Tbe monthly mieaianary oolleotion will also be resumed in May. Last Sabbath morning Rev. Jno. Holmes eloquently discoursed on an Easter theme his text being "0 I death where ie tby sting, &o." In the evon,ng the sermon wee based on Acte 2 24. Tbe choir rendered the Easter anthems "Awake I for golden glories break," "The Reeorreotion" and "Christ the Lord ie risen to•day," There Wag a 0hoioe display of flowers, Rev. Mr, Abey preached two very snit. ab a Easter sermons Mat Sunday in St, John's Obnrch. The text in the morning was "The Lord is risen indeed" and in the evening the topio was "The Wall, to Emmaus," A floe solo, entitled "Hosan- na, was rendered by Jae. Jones at tbe evening service. The Easter decorations were neat and attractive, over the arabea erected were the words "Glory to our risen Lord," in gilt lettere. Among the flowers was an azaelia and Borate calla Wiese ST, Joan's VESTRY MEETING.—The an. nual vestry meeting in connection with St, John's Charoh was beld on Monday evening, Rev. G. J. Abey, tbe highly es- teemed incumbent in the eheir. Reports of a very satisfactory character were pre. aented and the following office bearers chosen r —Minister's Warden, Dr. Foild ; People's Warden; Frank M000tche0n ; Sldeemen, Harry Bartliff, Prod. Cardiff, Geo, Manning end Chan. Pollard ; Veetry Clerk, Jas. Jones ; Representative to Synod, Jno. Cardiff. Synod will meet next June in London, PRA L 1902 isra✓ID./.a„R4D 134X 4 OF tJt/.I.XFi.t-r4, HEAD OFFICE, e TORONTO CAPITAL PAID OF (One Million Dollars) • 01,000,009 8.88 0760,000 Agencies it; art prinefliat points in Ontario, Orebro,.4tanftoba, United Stater t9 England. 4•a'�Xd L'•v`,5 nes, li's.2a4'' 74 . A General Baniting Business 'Transacted. Farmers' Nokia Dieooueted. Drafts Reined and Colleotione made on all pointe. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. INtoroat allowed on deposits of 01,00 and upwards and eompeunded half yoariy, SPEOrAL ATTENTION 01705 TO MN COLpaoTloN 01 FARAfgge' BALs XMAS. livery facility afforded Ouetom,erg living at a'diotanoe. p'tyable at any bank issued Under 010„ ,. 80. $20 t t 990,..,02o onop Orders 01tbefoliowfng rates:— 910 to 020,, ,,300. 80 to 40,,.,lda Ir, Ii. GRA',', Aerate Aetna. Dx ontive of Huron Co, Uh i C titian En• Beevor and. Oo. Sabbath Sobool Aseoaia• lion met in 011nton on Geed Friday to arrange program for next union Cou• eoution, which will be held at Blylb is] June• Last Sabbath etternooa WWI Missionary day as well as et artorly review in the Methodist Sabbath School. 'file follow. ing wee the progrwnt:—Opeuiug hymn ; responsive Bible reading, St. John 20:1 18 ; prayer by Rev. R. Paul ; duet, "Beneath the Banner," by Misses Eve. Denbow and Ella Fnnetott ; let part of review, T. Farrow ; ohorne by school; address on Wisdoms, Rev. Jno. Holmes ; Missionary oolleotiou, 910.58 ; seoond mouth of re. view, Ira Gerry ; Temperauce reading by Mee. A. J. Lowry ; third mouth of re. view, R. E. Coates ; chortle by school ; address, "Easter thoughts," H. Ham ; solo, "Joat for To•day," Mies Maggie Beattie ; olosiog hymn. Attendance was 210. VV to 1 f Mre. Wm. Neal is away to Tara on a visit. Nothing ie yet daoided about tbe cheese [eatery. Mre. Wm, Blaahill spent Easter in London. The lumber and heading mill is run- ning in full blast. A Dumber of new books have bean add- ed to the Public Library. A new house will be built by W. M. Smith next lot to M. Morrieon'e. Mr. and Mre. Kerney have been visit- ing at their sou.in law's, Mr. Hoye. Mise Laura Spence, of Ethel, spent a few daye vieiiing at R. H. Ferguson's. Joeeph Cumberland, of Auburn, paid a flying visit to friends in town on Mon- day. Wben the weather has a little change at this time of the year it usually blown BOMB MienFlo. Oampbell, who has been at home for a few daye, returned to Loodoo on Mooday. Rev. Mr. Dever is still on the poorly list. Mr. Shaw, of Olinton took his work last Sunday. Bert. Cummings, who ie attending the C. B. 0., at Stratford, is spending Easter vacation at home. Public service was held in St. George's Church on the evening of Good Friday, Rev. Mr. Abeyoffioiating, Application has bean made by Mrs. McKim for a Beer and Wine license at the "Royal" in this village. W. 3, and Mrs. Jobneton, were at Gor• lie this week, attending the funeral of the latter's brother•in-law, the late 0. H. Sanderson, Mies Kate Ralson has arrived home after nursing her sister, Mre. Tom Will- iamson through a very severe attack of pneumonia. Welcome home Kate. VESTRY MEETLYG,—One Of the most enoceeefal and satisfactory vestry meet. Inge in the history of 8t. George's (thumb, Walton, was held on Easter Monday at 11 o'clock, the incumbent, Rev. G. J. Abey, presiding. w. M. Smith was re. elected Minister's Warden and James Bolger People's Warden. The Sideamen are John Bolger and Wm. Bboldioe. The congregation has grown, finanaea improved and the out -look ie of a hopeful obaraater, Business Locals. Guy, wanted, at anon. Apply to Mrs. G. F Blair, Bromide, Fezau garden seeds, mammoth and. sager mansels at MoCracken'e. A $50.00 Parlor state given away with a 92 00 paroel of goods. Call and see G. E. KIND, Wingbam. A roe of mooed -hand organs for Bale cheap, or to rent. Some of them almost new. B. LEATHERDALE. WE are sole agents for the king of silo corns—the genuine and only "Obio Bailey" G. E. KIND, Wingham. PLEURY PLowe.—Farmere desiring the beet plow should oall on me and order a Fleury. 31.1o. LONG, Agent, Brussels. To GABDENEae.-10,000 5 cent paokages eeede, 10 packages for 25 acute. Clover, Timothy, Speltz, Goose wheat &o., for sale. G. E. Kine, Wingbam, PACE FENoE.—R, ()lose, Ethel, bas the agency for the Page fence for the whole of Grey township and Morrie township from the 3rd line and ao far Weet ae the Oentre eideroad, A. M. McKay & Co., of Braeeela, will erosive orders for Mr. Close when more convenient to those desiring it. FARROW—JOHNeroN.—At the home of the bride, Pe mereton, on April 2, by Rev, A. Jobneton, of Woodstock, Mr. H. W. Farrow, Mail Clerk, for. merly of Brussels, to Mies Mary 15 , daughter of tba late Jae. Johnston, of Palmerston. ala:ta. CLARE.—At Auburn, on Maroh 26th, Matilda Gormley, beloved wife of John Clark, and mother to Mre. Jae. Armstrong, Grey, aged 74 years. TAvzoo.—ln Blyth, on April let, Rev, J. B. Taylor, fn hie 79th year. Same/M.—At Dyeart Oottagee,Pitloohry, Scotland, on Feb. 16, Peter Stewart, 0n0e of the township of Grey, aged 79 years. ON CENT A WORD COLUMN. GENIIIAL Bervant wanted. Apply to Mlt8, W. M, flINOLAIIt, Connwoe» wanted, °ober Oarriage Factory, Brugeole, Bor wanted at ouoe to work on the farm. Auplyto WM, B0BB, Lot 28, Oen,o; 01orrle. Brussels P, 0..tf Sago Barley for stale, good and well 11, \VAG1lr72i ILot2�8ttOM Line,Atorrieator Brussels P. 0, 08.0 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN, DURHAM BULL 12 MONTHS ROBERTBON,for aLLot 8, Oean n, 0, rotor. rey, OPrtoeNo P. O. 86 BULL FOR SE17VIOE. — A Tbaro'•brod Short Hort,, regieterod pedi oe, Telma 78o, twlt,t-privllege of re• thrums 11 n0asesary. GPO.. 0001113, Brussels Booth, S1X 'YOUNG SOOTO,H SPORT Horn Bulls for sale,from 9 to 20 months old. Also cows lu calf to imported "Red Duke" and a few heifers. D, MILNE, Ethel, HOUSE AND 71 AORES OF land, eligibly located os' Turnberry Street, Brussels, for sale. Will be sold en bloc or house and lots separately, to suit parohaeer• Gooddairy business in connec- tion. Possession could be given any time. For Woo, terms, &o„ apply to NEIL alo- LAIIOHLIN, Brussels, EASY- WORK easy Werk to Paper when you buy the right etoolc, Our etoolc tine yearoomprleee many new and bewail. ful design° and ooloriaga, made of the very boat ,quality of etoolc and at prime that we Icnow will pine° you, Fnrivaldeliyde It may astern a little epon to speak Of Bowing but then the eeaeon is much earlier tole year, Wore Yeti fortunate enough to use our Form- aldehyde on year grain last year ? These who did Were mach pleased with the reeuite. We offer It a tittle cheaper this year. —1 lb. Bottle sufficient for 80 to 100 bushels 65o. ib. Bottle sufficient for 40. to 50 bushels 40o. quality the same Every bottle guaranteed Drug Store HOUSE AND STABLE WITH 10 nates of laud to rant, ad oinlog Bruesele' 24 Corea In oreload and email frufta H' ouse will be routed without land if desired. 0710, ROBB, Brussels, TOR SALE, OHEAP.—GOOD frame bones 00x28 with atone foul/da- te's], klto0eu and woodshed ; hard and soft water. Also front shop 14 x 50 feet; gond stable 10 x22 and 1 sora of land.. Pur tonne and prigs apply; to JNO,IMLAY, Ethel 88.2 NOTICE TENDERS for d,alne inMcllllop, about six miles in length, will be received by deo, 0, monism, Ole, k, to be opened at the naoii Meeting at Leadbur Oay, on Thursday April 10th, at 1 o'oiock 1p1. m, Plans, profile speoideatious may be seen any time in Olerk'aoffioe. The Work is near Winthrop sad eau be seen any time now. 5200.10 cheque to be sent with tender until eeourity is given. JNO, 0, MO81119014, Winthrop P. O. $20,000 to Loan. The above 8001 bee been placed With me for immediate inveatmeat on farm. proper- ty at 6 per cont. -If pities are eatlsfaatory loaua may be completed in 8 days.. Liberal terms as to repayment. Apply at some to W. M. SINOLAIB, Barrlater, &o , Bruaseia. HOUSE • AND ABOUT • AN acre of landfor sale, Graham'sBur• • vey, ie mile South of - Brussels. The bourse cottuf is 7 rooms ; good etuble ; well; ,Trutt trees and small fruits. Possession given at once. Torres reasonable. If property isnot sold soon, will be rented. For price. terms, &c., apply to Wal, RANDS, Brussels P. 0. JLEOIKIE, • LIFE AND PIRO IN80021N08, LOAN AND BEAL ESTATE AGENT, VALIIATOR, &a. Omoe over fiureley's Drdg Store, Feb. Atli, 1902. 80.8m Brussels. la". , 11110o. STRICTLY ONE PRICE THE LOWEST. Never Weary In well -doing but always doing better. Our best efforts are in placing before you the best values to be obtained in Canada or anywhere else in keeping this store at the top for reliable merchandise, the latest styles, the largest assortment of the Newest Materials and Lowest Prices. Spring Opening of Dress Goods, Silks., Dress Skirts, 'Waists, Gloves, Ribbons, Neckwear, Etc. Our Opening display of these goods for Spring and Summer is by far the largest and best we have ever shown. Never was more time or more care used in the selecting of new goods. Dress Goods. —Black Lastres, 86, 38 to 44 inches wide, fine brilliant finish, all the very beat blank, A 1 values, at per yard 26o, 40o, 00o and 750 —Stylish English Cheviots in ebadee of Black, Navy, Gar- net, Brown, Mode and Castor, 54 inches wide, at per yard 750 and 1.00 —Fine Vegetian Suitings—Oar assortment of these beau- tiful 8oitinge is by far the largest we have ever shown they come in the newest shades of Grey, Fawn, Brown, Mode, Oadet Blue, thoroughly ebrnnk and guaranteed not to spot at 750, 9100 and 91.40 —Colored Lustree, 42 inohee wide, very fine finish, ie in great demand for Waiale and Dreaeee, in ebadee of Cream, Cardinal, Pink, Sky Blue, Old Rose and Navy, Special at 600 par yard Wash G-oods Opening For the moat beautiful aeeortment of everything new and wanted in Cotton Fabrics you should visit thio store where hag been gathered the finest colleotion of Ginghame, Dimities, Organdies, eta., ever shown in town, —Gingheme in Checks, Stripes and Plaids in aeeorted oolore, and all warranted fast colors, at 120 and 15o —Dimities, French Musline, eto., in beautiful ooloriogs, also white at 20a, 25o, 30o to 85o per yard The Newest Silks A display that ie wonderfully beautiful, that inoludee the very latest. We've taken apeoial pains in preparing for this Spring's business and feel assured that nowhere can you get a better eeleotion in the beet qualities. Tirench Dyed Silks in all the noweet shades, 20 and 27 inches wide, at 25o, 86o and 50o —Ta colica Bilk, a very soft rich Silk for Waists; that will not out, domes he Pink, Blue, Dream, Mode, Brown, Light Blue and Black, spatial per yard 500 —Taffetta Silk in all the vary newest shades, also blank at 50o, 75o and 91.00 per yard —Elegant Waist Lengths of Silk, with tho new lace atripe effeot, no two alike, at 91.00 and $1.25 per yard New Gloves for Spring p g Styles in Gloves do not vary noticeably from year to year. New ideas In embroidery or etitobing, new olaeps or en 000oe. iota! trick in cutting may be tbe chief point of distinction between the old and the new. But a new Glove ie handeomeet and weirs beet. We have our new Gloves may. Prime per pair 91,00' and 91.26, all guaranteed. New Dress Trimmings and Laces This season we shall mare than make our reputation for seliing the beet Laoee and Drees Trimmings that oomo here, and giving values greater than eau be found in any store in town. Our new Been for Spring are all ready, you are invited to oomo and see the new things that will be used so much for the trimming of Spring and Sommer dresses. Special Corset for Spring Nearly every Corset we sell to a new Domer means a. new Ouetemer and it ehonld. We Bell only good Comte, the beet that can be found for the mon• ey. The Comte you get here will fit well and give good weer s]0 matter if you only pay 50o you will get the worth of your money in wear sod oomfort. Oar new Corsets are all ready prices are 50o, 750, 91.00 91.26 to 32.00 per pair. Values New Ribbons for Spring Those who know predict that ,hie will be the greatest Ribbon season yet. Ribbons seem to be wanted for almost every Bort of trimmings, They are 909010r for neok fixings and Oollaretiee, Corsage, Bows, Sashes and Hair Ornamenle, Our etoolc of Ribbons is by far lite largest and finest we have ever shown. Prices per yard lo, 2o, 2ao, 40, 8o, 10o to 50a —10 pieces 6 inch Colored Silk Taffetta Ribbon in White, Cream, Pink, Blue, Old Rose and Torquoieo, worth regular 800, special at 200 A.11 we ask is a comparison when buying as to Values, Styles and Assortment, J. FERGUSON & Co.