The Brussels Post, 1902-4-3, Page 6NEW Telegraphic Over Stratford B reorganized, An America, tabllah a big f The Corn lir having ce bar Board of Trad :change [IRS ng Court, will teen n. sty ed don. lander ce e, g ambassadors oust e, men )nmcr. States r k Pa. E1{�� dl## lOY " ohtLlgad $lt)0,000 js slaniosl. they Charged oily $f)O+UOQ, GI�NERAL.' The st7'iko al farm laborore. ie spread}n throuh lt K y Parisian poce force is to bfi jnereaSed by one thousand euen, Three officials are on trip] at Remo chargee! with theft from the Vatfeten treasury, In a collision between fish boats fleas Nuzaritth, Portugal, eleven len were drowned. 1° The I In • of Siam will znal{e h •h tour this summer of Ieurope, Nolt Amelia end Japan. Twenty cases of bubonic plague are reported from Sydney, N.S.W. There . 179, t9 is a crusade there against t rafreight The Afghan army is in a state of htalrb03'(linlAtiOn, awing to rtlrears of pay, Only the Anloel s body guard has been paid, An American Syndicate will build a metropolitan railway in St. Pot- ersburg to supersede the horse cafes, at a cost of $`10,000,000, As Rusk's activity in the Far East is curbed by the Angio -Japan- ose treaty, it is feared in India sho will renew her inerigres in Afgeanis- tan, ee cabman in Paris in an effort to find a Woman whose purse, contain- ing $140, he had found, lose 0 hull a day's work, but refused a reward from the grateful loser. An agreement has been concluded between Persia and Russia by which Persia gets n loan of 10.000,000 roubles and Russia a 10)1Cea5i011 over a new road from Tabriz to Te- hemp, •'A 1Iryf nO`,MN' uN N' PARLIAMENT I (1� T N �� I1lJ.i11lI1Ioil 1 �bll 1 , ,, 1TOTIIS 071 P1tOCBDIS I1PFrom . x11 FEDE1Al 139vsPries •-- NEW 13ANK, Dsce'Poratien of the O,rown Bank of Canada to do a general banking busA7ae55, is sought by: Messrs, 11 11.. Hardy, M. P, Davis, Ottawa Icicle(. -001, J. A, AfeGillivray, To- rorito, W, Vaadusen, and Senator a. _0, McAfailen, SUPPLIES, The Public Aceounts Committee examined Dr. Martineau, lnadicni Superintendent of the quarantine station at Grosso Isla'with re"-.." encs .0 .lie system of purchasing supplies for the station. Mr, Taylor y examined the wftliosses, 1)r, Marti- (lean-teStlflerl that Mese 'of the sup- plies wore bought from local dealers, 'a list of whom were furnished to him by the 'Governmeet, Two steam- boats ar0 kept at the station for the purpose .of visiting incoming Steamers, Dr. Martineau gave evi- donee at considerable length with reference to the pricespaid for sup - plies. IIe was unwilling to admitQueen that in any instance these prices nese extravagant or that an excos 'fvo quantity was used. Eggs at 20c a dozen struck him as being about the right thing, Col. Thompson asked him if. he thought ilio liens were thorough- Ured•and Dr, Martineau was unable to give any information on this point. He e. pressed the opinion that on the the Supplies could be perches- ed cheaper from the local dealers than they colli(' Me brought from g Quebec, on accouet of the :distance: )ifs. Ewart, chief architect of the Public Works Department, was ex- nminecl U Mr. Kemp with reference p to a boiler at Grosso Isle, forment flitch $84 was$1.20 paid. Mr. Kemp wascertain wider the impression that this was a standard boiler, for which the re pular price was $37, The witness explained that this particular Moiler was specially made. MORE TIME FOR TRAINING. It is probable that a bill will be introduced by Dr. Borden this ses sion to amend the Militia Act. It will extend the time for training for 12 days, It is also probable that the permanent corps will be inareas- ed. LEVEL CROSSING MEASURE. Mr. Kemp presented a petition from the corporation of the city of Toronto against the level crossings nuisance. 'Ifo petition asks for leg- islation to compel railway cons- panics at their own expense maintain •gates or wntchmen at level crossings in cities and towns, also to reduce the rate of speed of railway trains crossing streets. The petition also asked that statistics be prepared showing the number of accidents an- neatly at level crossings. CANADIANS MUST CONTROL. The Railway ay Act Mr. Amendment Bi]] to be introduced by Mr. Blair will stipulate that a majority of the di- rectors of railway companies locos- porated by the Parliament of the Dominion must be Oanadinlls. METIS OF Tee NORTH WEST, •I Mr. LaTliviere, of Provencher, call- ed attention to the seventh bulletin issued by the Census Bureau, in which the Metis of the North-West are described as Indians. Mr. La- Riviere pointed out that while these men wereproud of their Indian blood, still et the same time they do not wish to be described as In- diens, because they are not. He did not wish to provoke a discussion on the question, but he mere] desired 1 Y to point out the difference in order that officials of the department P might ia1 future govern themselves necordbrgly. The following billswerecad the 500011(1 time :- Respecting the Ontario Power Company, Niagara Falls -Mr. Ger- 11011• Respecting the James Bay Rail- way Company. -Mr. McColinjck. Respecting the Klondike Mines Railway Co, -Mr, Morrison. TO incorporate the Cosmos Cotton Co -Mr. leant, 0 TO1•01Ato, hare! without forest 58-1b 59-18 2 white' G.T.NO, oast' freight 'Barley- side, Peas OUtaie, 87e Oats white whit 410 wanted t oUa bids. for ori Corn 66?fc wasbid Dried prices Hops ET3o Honeyor to 10c 1 $2..5 Maple 1(01 Sugar'' quality. Beane quality. X1.40. '- Cranberries with to $10 Onions $3 per Hay, with at 10,50 route, for No, Straw lots $6, Poultry-Offerhhgs prices ed turkeys, chickens, Potatoes to 60c store, Butter paces We quote prints, 17 to rolls, 18c; cleaxnery solids, Eggs offerings at 12 Cheese steady HOGS Dressed Ho steady.!Wo clear, lots.. cut, Smoked breakfast 3.1c; backs, ors, 1.07c. Lard quote `Ole' UNITED Buffalo, easy. Northern, wheat -I3igher low, corn, Good 8 white, No. 8 69c. Minneapolis, Wl)Cnt-IvTny, track; Northern, ern, 53.65 $3.55 $2,90; bran, 'Duluth, Cash,' Northern, May, No. •, 40r. 40r. 11111W Higher; K No. 2, Rye -Steady; 66e; sample, 507e• Detroit, 015No1 Cnah alul fit Louis, 7ticsh, Harry money T arriet-"oh, who tried couldn't," 'She—"Stopl to -night had an that teen ('liferent was before 1500, to be t1,nt.." offend at offered at R., and to without -No, outside, -A on offered east at white -No. tvest,'wi.it COUNTRY ps-Bt P -Business at forstrainefl; per P °Syrup 90c; -Tho to stocks per barrel. baled fair for 2. -The on firm. per bring T15E -There firm 19 177c; 15 27. -Th° Lo -Tho at makes. products 10 Mess 21.50. -Tile :-Tie pails, 1V17°t higher; 647e; 637c; enquiry; do, Rye No, 7paa to to second in bulk, No, ilea; 1 Northern, No. Corn-S9c. tike�, close, do., white, MERE y -"I 3e -at explanation. you my sur{'. Cattle, en red freight, oetside, 727c offered at without offered White bids: 2onwhite Toronto, Bey, bid, is to is gallon, per quiet. hush, on at is quiet. at limited, _: -Fresh 14c on lots, per Mest grades, 22 to weaker, in is per i11 demand, ton 127 to and is 11.7e; 1 ouvd, MARKETS, dull; asked. 88a. 687c. mixed, -Spot, 1. 741c; No. first $12;75, 2 doe r0 7 67]c. • 1 c; Corn 1 77Zc; - WORK. evil.” 0nha1py money, before hoard TTe-"7111; your --"So thou route minter bids, east ee. 66e at at No, 37 offered while dull Gc flit!! at 8c, dull $1.15 Wino 1M„ $1.3a unchanged Cod, $2.50 is track, $9 to $5.50 track, bag. trade: qualities. largo 23c; case quiet Tb. car and do„ 14c; firm, •Np.' Np, 640; 44)c; - 7270; " 2 patents; patents, $2,80 to -Wheat Manitoba, t, May, May, Burley -Closed- No. 777c. -Closed said k155 ut, it K -NO, ) 7 ee at middle 67e 1)145, GOC at eyes sold No, and 2 mixer! Mani- ills,; without , per prices P at $1.10, as Irises, as $9.50 quiet, quoted $9.25 per out with 1-1b, rolls, 12 whir lots lots. long case short to 1,3c; rolls, should- Lulls, 9 and Winter Corn 2, yen No Oats e7 -Se 66e Close No. ,Oa atorth- $2,20 ho• 68 Oats- 72c 727c. -May, 2 July, that plan and I have t0 -d six- flat angel ryas, bt ec 1 N,13'., , of- G,']'., and No, on oast 72e low out 80e at at 8 at - of GG•1c ec with lb. 5 t7 to gal- to to to 6 to To- Car to and kill- lb.; 58 of in to do, and fo and We tr 1 2 - No. to - 011 1. to - 1 ; . - rad Avo aY of PEOPLE GR Af�t + ( A. 1 GO$I ABOU7 TN nND saxlNTeo .- Characteristics end ; of Some Well Kno • Senegas, Baroness Burdett -Cot Plied with Pai'Ihtmentan and carefully reads . -thus cern philanthrojiie inters Tl)o Sul tan QS Turl gives away; a great inn most ref which ara.)nacle WOl'1{HllOp 111 GOliSta])tllll iiPty worllnen are kept, Sir, 1i0nrY Irving _posse clerk.' Shnkcspoaro Jibe of aliriast ate .brit have ever been t i wol'ka: of tire groat di well as all volumes of cr (lieu. Lord Gose a a s• Il n s y s the Dame over 1,0 England ire With ono friend and one and that he was obliged banking firm; which has wine so famous, becalm( such a bad !ilio(' that 111 employ him as a clerk. Aurelio of Pc 01011(ed contrast to many decesso•S m1 the throne ter of dress. She make hats and .bonnets, and 1 work -room ;fitted up in Isaias° at Lisbon, to we est Parisian fashions copied, Th° Itti1{ado of Japan; gy and enamel much energy fond of outdoor sports warmly encouraged the 1 of football into Japan, k ter and fisherman of no 11 tion, and is a good shot iiia devotion to leo tea marked. Mr. Asquith dates the of his brilliant care dinner -ileo U' tl Club to Mr. Gladstone, power said elo u@nee of q end unknown chairman tv a surprise p se and delight to statesman, who .was s the verbose platitudes 01 your politicians, . enry Scott 'Puke, A,R,A,, is a young lool moustached man of forty follows his beloved art gularl y happy condition mouth, His days 'aro del sea, either in painting it on it, with an o1casi; stolen for a spin on his for his hobby of stamp 01 That Xing Edward In wit everyone knows. A 1 dent once occurred at A House which well illustral cuss of humor possessed jesty. Agreat eerelnan place, when some journa to ask if they could be pa request was conveyed to he was Prince of Wales at who replied : "Certainly, in. If they'll they can't got in i y' get in through 1 tor." Mrs. Fawcett, who is vi refugee camps in South longs to a family which. some remarkable wo world. Her daughter was the Senior Wrangler sun0 and her sister fs a well doctor. Mrs. Fawcett he widow of the blind Post oral. She was a neat husband, and aided hi olrk jtlShe riis political woman o energy, and cycles a good It was in larroh, 1857, Duke of Devonshire was represent North Lancaster ment, so that his Grace, 1 entered upon hie sixty., y p has been concerned in p for fort forty-four ,years, His office is a remarkable on ho served firs! as a Loi'ct Wainitlu alMr Lha0ladston men( of 18G8 he filled ' office of Postmaster -Gs Irish Secretary ; next he • leader of the Liberal pa 1880 he became Secretes and afterwards returned Office, In. 1895 be became of the Coimeil. As is known, the Cornea a keen uppreciatiC papers, hut his love MI semetvhat modified since incident took place.1 1tr • front Pott d by trai talking on all sorts of sub of a sudden the Presence i loon of 0117 individual in 1 the era tImperial servant the soused the cotversation 1.110 8 Cly. A horrlUlo susp the bona fides of the ser, across the mind of the v re on nature discovered man, discovered. that he c a porter who had adopted a lackey in order to be al fish some of the Bannerol' The punishmentaem meted , scribe was of Germs . of the rule( of Germany, Was stopped ata lonely the reporter was 'to ned 1 PI 11011 of re bin,. to the tion Ucfore him.. ; ♦3k099 4?4 40444' s * I r, �IcO)../.•••••./e:ASi, + `.V.' ;4014414, 8oij's Oho i°•••••”.•••••A,41,4•• •• til:�i,•'Oy, ' � t hour, and on returnin my daughter bt'Ootod m° with : „""Mamma, ('-bought a stamp ,and poted your letter just .in time. An- Other mnute:.. sol it Nolll(' have ben tea fat@," Whet letter, darling, waA that ?" "T1ie Dee.. you put: en the mantel. piece," site answered, laughingly }tin(' you owe ane a Delany for 1h0 ;Aaiun, remember." All the Globe. v gain, In 'rade Centres. JANADA: ,ard of 1 plough eateryat: in the o.G.2 rd the ipeg and )ods, ac Jackson, Dol{ Rh soap ondrio ' 1101110 at a Vlaiteman to residence llamilto», given shops 1,000 eopers, Walsh, ladles as flared ba Goverrnuent o the d5 another St of ro, says rich begin efficient {et to the year. a(1ian probably buildings, oiler 1110 in, Any more t , the an be tend/wee to Provide Jolly, y near of him ung men face. Trade has been inns may as- Paris, Oitt. is opposed to stew Alsed to q,I,1t, freight a largo con- bon, a Brock- oleos In mistake effects. bas offered to at the Handl- cost of 8,000. $ of Winnipeg, 01 M. is til withg' an order to for 20 first- additional cox who struck a in Stratford $40 and coals will price of that half dollar April. that his roll- 6 work next orders for the keep them busy Pacific shops at „connpris¢ and the shop will be a length. K applications Kingston hairy accepted, and is now 115 st111 more Kheart residing on the Hamilton, fared young men red by their noise. were wound- towards the to Queen Vic- its evils are a Royal Com- are now with Belfast most famous America shortly Advance. barrister, Chis rolls for mis- monies, show that who haws had is increas- orchid on Royal Horticul- has been distinguished of Colonso, is Ile is suffering of the heart. Society medal to Brigs- D. Lugar(' for Africa.suggest, Society has medal (for the life during the A. C. Lowry, has ob- her husband, got a divorce betrayed her sleep. of foreign K who will coronation is at their and many the best lam- accepted. 'evinces have paid lire station g D.C., $5,000,000. swnl•nas of far western is prepared to by excluding from the will> Danish West ge,rrison when formal pos- Chll)atnall, flit dollars on aro barn,! Canton, China, ? and the LI re ar :ora- in Middleton, 101101x) hall of D, h. Jilar;k, the side of the both hones of (1017 151'5 un- X100,000,000 of good roads States was on Wearies- Otey, of is to be ap- yellow, States, North Caro- Exaaninors poisoned containing ar- Walker, a often threat- nurse. The doctors who 137c1Cin- J April 1. -Wheat at 86c bide, 'No, 2 727c mld(114 at 72ec 720 oast, without offered at. alnd No, 3 naxed Spr'irr' Ea I7o. 2 goose Pacific, and Now York, ' 3 oilers(' bids, 2 white and NO, 2 Without car of No. trace, o Toronto, at 40c outside, without bids. 427e track i. oats, testing at 450 North 2 yellow 500 n GI.T'• ° lt' Now No, 8 lintels u • ironing' went 1 ,1 b your nb, for I r tt You lo the sterol nom, No, 13 did not answer. me, but a bent- her head rhsseuthlgly. As elle d so 1 idnoticed a tear fall from be wee. I was interested in this prisoner, for she was far above the usual class of criminals; for I Was et the time of which I write second wardress of one of the count prisons in leng- Y P Kconsists ,and I had noticed her superiority to bol, fellow inmates, 1 confess that I had made her lot easier in many ways, 90 on this particular occasion I needed her help to assort 0lutlre0 in the storeroom, Whou she had fin- fished Iyer ironing, we were soon en- gaged at She 085100 task, We were by ourselves, and had not been 11ve minutes in the room, when suddenly my charge burst 11110 a fit 01 sobbing, and to Any surprise, threw herself into my arms, "Come, this will never do. What is the matter ?" I said quietly, "Suppose the governor' were to come in; what should I do , You would g t 111e into serious trouble." clasp She, f(((ever, continued to me round the neck, giving vent to henetbrenklne sobs, "You really must be quiet, ' lnnd tell me 010 reason of this," 1 said, with a little asperity,steady "I will be quiet, madam," shewhole 1 said, with great effort. "I am very miserable and unhappy" "Of course," 1 answered, as cheer- fully as 3 could, "All aro miserable who come here, except the hardened ales. But you will soon be homefavor.,y again. One shell month, and you will be with your friends." "But. my child, )vadum, my ('aur little boy," she sobbed. ' He is ill, and if I do not sec him era long he may die. All his cry is fur his mothei,and 1 cannot, oh, I cannot get to hien, What eha11 I do 7 Myat almost breaks to see him, and Soothe his pitfns and troubles, What shalt I do ?" An{d she laid her heada on my sl et %% with a faint, des pairing cry Which wrung my heert, for I had two bonnie children at home, and my heart went out to her. "How do you know this ?" I in-' quire(' when her grief had subsided. "The htnie woman who come in yesterday told me at exercise, and that 'nhy boy's only cry was for his mother. " "Well," I replied, "your friends will take care of him, and a month will soon pass -take courage." And kissed her, for I was a woman, ify a wardress, and apt to harden in heart at times But none can take his mother's place," was all she could say ; then Clasping me suddenly to her, she whre pored eagerly, "but if you choose, you could help me." "What do you mean ?" I said. "Tn this way," she said. "1 want to bo ee home in three or four days.' Nonsense," I replier]. "You are losing your toils •; get 011 wlt11 your (lode," She obeyed, but continued: "I know I can get out if you will aid mo a little, and no one shall he the wiser, 1 want you to post mo a let- ter only, and before long I should Ue with m clear bowhen y y" clasping her hands anti looking intensely at me. "Now you must put such matters entirety from you. Su Supposing," I said, to humor her, 'I do as you and ft was found out, the consequence would be 1 should lose my pension, which is only a few years off, and I have two children to think of, and am a widow." She seas quiet at this fora time, and did her work in a random way ; than suddenly : "TVllat amount of money do you ca calculate would bringin interest equivalent to your pension 7" ' A thousand pounces," 1 said, snaffle and beldeving tlt(tt iL would put such thoughts away from her rnincl. She dropped the c}°thin K she held anri seined my hands firmly. ' If you were to receive nue thousand 10wndssidenL would 1 you help m@ 7 Swear it by Lhe lose you bear your children, and as you hope for their welfare." "Oh, Yes, I'll promise Llrat,"Ire plied, to humor her, for I thought she const be a little distracted with grief, "13ementl)er, that is a solemn pro- mise," 5110 said, and just upon it ,,lie bell rang to cess work, and the prisoners began to troop to their calls. At the end of another hour my would he all over for the eight, Y b and a Cl seeing all the inmates of' the cells 1 should transfer my keys to the night wardress 111 charge b go home. When I, came to No. 18's cell I found her calmer, and, putting her arms around 1110, she embraced and kissed our-•, whispOritig: "gond night, dear na,rhln. ]lenlemher, and (loci (fill. fleas'ly you.^ 1 passed out and left her for the hours night,t at bonier; the latter. had forgetter, b0r "dee of As I lived outside, 15or,e pet on my hat and cloak, which covered uiy prison uniform, and heft for the, night, all(' wee soon at home, with my children, ,ledge of uty astonish- men(, after tekeig off my Cloak, when I put my hand into my dress nekat, to find an nnatnar art letter, P p which No. 18 lead evideetly slippery there before I: left her cel. Tt was addressed) to a, city fiftesn miles away, and my first, thought g was to de,iruy !L, and 1 head it in my hand over the tire, but my freest gave a kap as I thought of her and looking across the room, saw aiy own dear boy, with his curly bead bent, over his slate, and my hand stayed. T will not burn It, 1 thought. i7t. 1 Will wall until ]n.Dl'n- ing, and think what 7 must do for the right; so I laid it on the Men- telpiece, After wo had bad tea I loft my little girl of 12 to teeny (sway while 1 went out to bray some eatables for the )next day. 'T was awes about an I seek into any sent, overcome by the thou lit that the letter was gong for good- Ur evil, and at the hands of g my elft!(', r 1 hada restless Alight, curd on go- ing to my duty next morning tound ny charge cheerful.'PUROI1ASING g017 "I know you have helped ono. ' 1 kno, it. 1 have boon dreaming of my boy, and he said Jle. WAS better, and would soon S@° neo:" "Silence," 1 replied, "'1 cannot pear oily more of this. 1 s11a11 get into troulAlo." "ND, A70 ; you will 1701; and I shall bless you all my Ilk. Hut 1 Will say no more," at welch 1 left. bei•, Next morning, bePo'o going on K duty, I received by post a small wooden box. On opening it I found a Mardis of banknotes and a letter, the notes being in 50s to the value b of one thousand pounds, at sight of which m knees shook under mo, the Y perslliantiol rolled from my fore- ]bene!, and I nearly fainter. Hero was a predicament ; but I soon re- vile(', and in•oceCded to road the tetter. "Dear Madam -My wife informs me that you bale consented to help her, and I have received a letter from, her which volt have doubtless posted, for which. aid, at her desire, ,1 en- close you what you need, with many thanks. Burn this and do not use the notes for some time, for fear of suspicion ; at any rate, not until. r • you hear troin me again. fell my wife one word, 'Yes,' T ask this as I droPPetl the letter in the lite, then, like a guiltytiling T hid the notes under a loose hoard in the stile floor, When I commenced duty and saw the anxious mother, she looked at me with eager tyos, and, my lips 1' sued the •ward "Yes," the teals rolled down her cheeks. will (dear boy,tthen,r+',s better ; I left her, thinkingbetter., owe might .as her boy was give up her thought of, escape' and settle down quietly, Consequently, my mind became @II`leI' Another day passed, and I daft her once more. All that night it was foggy, and next morning I was. to ivy consternation informed that No. 18 had escaped during the night, having loosened the bars of her win- dow, and, being a slender woman. had squeezed tluough on to the sloping woof of a Mudding, down which she had crept, thence'down a ladder which had been left by the painters; and being then in the open t,taedlof fd the prison, she had taken d et 'to the wall, on gaining the top of which some help had been afforded from the outside, possibly by a rope ladder. There all trace was lost. Of course I was examined with others, before the governor. but no- thing could bo elicited, at which I was much relieved and thankful, and i never enjoyed getting home more than did that night. Matters went on as usual, and Ichoice had not touched m notes, fn fact, I y seemed to care nothingfor them- one morning, about six weeks later, I received a bulky package, addressed in a lady's hand, bearing the Canachan postmark. I broke the seals quickly and found, to my •i»- tense surprise, bank notes again equal to one thousand pounds. The$ letter inclosed explained every- thing : „My Dear Friend -You will no doubt have wondered many things, with others, what had become of No, 1'8, I ars now in Canada with my husband anrt dear little boy,who117e; now, thanks to your aid and God's blessing, quite well. "You no doubt know how I es- caped. My husuand was to wait for mo on the outside, which I knew would be on the snore night on the clay you 'gave m° his message, 'Yes.' I expect you thought I had given up the lea. 1 descended by a rope lad-. der which my husband had thrown to the top of the (loll,• and behind a fast trotter was same in 0 trusted friend's house clasped in my child's alms, May you never be separated from your children. I must toll you!big in confidence that my husband is the third son o[ a nobleman, and was unfortunately led into difficulties, And got into the toils of a lot of sharpersand and rgeused him pa g orged notes. I unknowingly got one of these notes, and tendering; it rude cue T rester! and enlfered imprisonment forman, it, as you know•, and thus slid not involve icy husband. I was awar0 that when )n time in prisoi was Y over, that we bison!(' lease the corm- try, as my husband had nenfessed alls to his father, With a desire, to ))lead and he premised to start us to Cern ads with five thou(:and porosis, el ; m;; boy fell 01, and you ]:row the reef. '11,,, first, ranee you sec°iced from IltV hr)shand, 1 may tit 011°0 , ay, are ferg1•ries, •YOnd 'Dern therm everyone; ]litho!. fail, tied i1 I mdght odeme yon, 1s' possibly ,von may have some, coif(- pine:ti a to rear, wars the good note.,: far yele:,r,lf, Invest tbrern for ,your 1lrilrlrete and may it, be a bler,r,ing to them. food 1,,y, ten friend." Did f rip right f, nr wrong ? Kthe ,i,_.-__, . LINE TO ROTTERDAM. -- Se vire Will Be Established to Run From Montreal. A Montreal despatch Says :--11arly in May a direct lino of eteanars will begin running between the port of MontA'C(tl find Rotterdam. The Sal'- tlr.D, which will he established by the Cantadian Forwarding and lex- Part fJonlsany, W111 <:o�slst of four vessels, the Rodney, 'Tiger, Hanford. and Ceylon, aggre5ating 18,000 tons. The (riles all carry prineipaily steel for the Carman market, PRODUCE, A) 1°S-'Trad° sto dy at' 5 o"u 07C q 13e; yearlings,. market strained; combs, dozen. -New syrup, imperial fl to lOc market is $1.30 per Bend -picked. Market small. Cape Darrel. -Market steadyp -The musket demand, Timothy to $10.75 No. 1, and market track quoted We quote 12* to 700 to $1, -In car lots bag. Small 70 to 750 DEATH OF CECIL RHODES• Great Financier Passes Away at Cape Town, P A CapO 7'ott'n despatch says: -RC. lion, CM] _Rhodes died peacefully at 5.57 pan., on Wednesday. He rlelxt (luring the eeeafternoon, but his breath -and 6 ing U---- more menet sand ills strength perceptibly a nlimsnec1 (ilii he passed awe •. S -" A London despatch •says:-Th°ns death of Cecil Rhodes came as no great t surprise toduringjthose who s to au y 1 g of him his visit London during the winter. Whether 11 was due to his experiences during the long siegr, of Kimberley or the accnmulaleci anxieties regarding the war in South Africa, with an ac- companying feeling of public feeling in England towards him, there was no doubt he was almost completely broken down within the last two years. Even his appearance ahang- °d. His once finely chiselled fare had become bloated, and his always huge frame filled out until the colas - sus became so stout as to make Nis 1)eI K a matter of difficulty. He was frequently attacked with severe heart troubles during which he ex- hlgi�tcfl the stoicism which marked his aardinnry career. Nm did he allow bodily :laments to interfere with business, Among his e.ssoci- ates in the city he 1101er mentioned then!, nor did he permit them to be mentioned to him. Up to the. lest Mr. Rhodes ]feet A. !iron grip on all those wast South African interests Created st controlled by Ilion. ]ex- ceps that he was more irritable and more dictatorial, there was no out- wired change in his method of hand- ling mer, millions and empires. To- ward the social side of life, however, he soured visibly. Once 1115 day's wore: at the office of the British Chartered South African Company was over he shut himself up from the curious in an unfrequented London hotel, where he lufreutterly denied himself to all e sept to half a dozeu favored inti- mates. NO EFFECT FINANCIALLY. F3na111ially, •Mr, •I.hories' death is not likely to have any far-reaching Y S results, eults,s al] lShis tfat011lrh]yya9were systematizedg to need the master mind which was so neCe.. to their inception, Thanks to the trey great success of the ])° Beers mines, etheat British L`IAo'tcred South Ahicrll Company and Rhodes' fortune had been stead- fly aCCiimelathlg, 17e lost money over the war, ,lilt, what inroads that mauls must have been trifling co pared with the mole millions he assessed. He newer Inst his open- p I handed, somewhat reckless methods of handling money, — C BRITAIN. 10250 •orial ation and by f Birkenhead compete Uuilclere, the visit tricai mite, Ic off the rf client's i statistics Mesons el records ad greatest the in London who Battle may. tisease ;eographical Loyal e P. r in tropical Humane =hope awing avy, ney, London, from ngscote who in for number the officials d lodgings, from thankfully — - DAIRY MARKETS, is a fair for the as follows :-Choice, to 20c; choice secondary ' to 1Gc; Ion' grades, prints, to 227c. market is large. Sales 127c per dozen. market 11 to 11$c AND PROVISIONS.K' hogs nominal in fair quote :-Bacon, to 107c, in pods, $20.50; Meats-1Tans, bacon, I37t 131 to 14c, market crs, 11 to 13.7e; compound, STATES April 1.-Flour-tZutet t -Spring spot, 7710 No. 2 red, Mut no buyers; No. 8 do„ No. 3 do., No. 2 white, 4Sia; No, 2 46c. Barley -No. 1, G3c. April ?87°; 'ruler: 1 hard, 711 to 721c; Flour -First S8,r5; second 83,05; first eleers, deem, $2,10 81.. 50 to April 1. -Close 1 hard,747c;r 71oe; No. 7 Jtily, 737e; ensu, 2 Northern, WiA„ April. No. 1 N Northern, 72 to ^r Se; No. 1, 58Se, 60 to 65c, April 1,- 1. 80e; Gly bfny, 80c; July, April le -Wheat r7„c; Nfny, -------.-{ D STATES, companies the $6,000,000 J. ern railroad at Washington, costing predict for the armany nalt liquors Department to the lisp a Les takes 091,071 million is remains to Vancouver, Mrs, a fossa dog wifh e leg ngon 'oke ile the elating Mon United ho House srntutive money g the 0f the i' Aletlic1l familywere hash, by 2amos 110 had re negro K 'ed, at the :t° President �� 135 PRISONERS TAKEN. "' Lord Kitchener Reports Opera- tions Designed to Force. In a despatch dated from Pretoria Wednesday, Lord Kitchener says :-- "At dusk on the evening of March 29, the combined motement against Gen, Del/trey was undertaken bydui columns of mounted men, without guns or impediments of any sort, The Columns started from Commando Thrift on ,the Vaal River, and travel -e ed rapidly all night„ and at dawn on March 80, occupied positions (flung the line from Commando Drift, to the Lichtenberg i crekhoue line, ,the troops 7110 CCrl 0, ,1111 eastward, ry iln 1 , I Y k I g u, COW line, with the of the ectbinckhn,r5grthe prenemyfo lu against g actio 1. The reselt Iran not yet been May reported. Xekewich's cotunln, niter the, commencement of the ser (1111, +rcpLured three fifteen-polndere, (w.r polo -penis. 1111/0 prisoners, and a hundred mules, canis arid wa} gg0iis- fleaerat W. KitO loner's column nail- (,urer1 ec • prisniisrs, 45 rnrts and wasegoire and a thousand cattle, "The troops covered 80 miles in twenty-four home. The tolal hem- bar of prisoners is 135," REPORT OF SEALERS. — They Have So Far Caught About 120,000. A St, John's, Newfoundland, des- patch says: --The steamer Leopard has arrived here from the seal fishery loaded with 12,000 seals, She brings a much batter report, from the scaling fleet than the steamer New- fern(1lan(1 brow''ht or Monday. The h reports of the, Leonard account for about 120,000 Seals so far. The acct i other rbortlterf Green put intothe harbor )- Green's Pond this evening,with n_ o seventy seals oil board. She did not sight lea the seal herds, i r 9, or any a 5She s during hrn other voyage. entire voyage, She put into Green's because of severe weather, Tier's Is the second total failure reeremltiOng Lha sealing ilea( this season, Sotnat thimble Contuses. --•$ JOHNNY'S ; 1 JOTINNS b REAS School Sul>°lint 11 mined col ethos(' to ]earn end ; boys would Fa(lte)r spend Y;1 11101teY on ginger -beer 111,111 good' 1105 11nla9i o17 t11•ie5 10 0 poor heathen., Now, ye do. that, would ,you, ,7ohm (food Little ,ohnny-"N "Note, tell these boys, why you 0ou1(ln't spend y of gingerbeer." ' 'Geese 1 lIke toffee a 1 W7:11:I1E TO FMB 1117R, When you would select a wife Do not call oil Smithy, if you would ]snow Iter As she is, !letter see!{ hoe Monday, y' 1f you ]incl her in ties kitchen, Willi the snowy Ibsen, Your. divinity is apt To he worth your winning, If she's in the parlor, playing gpCl'iL SC1eaL10A75, Por a wife to share ,your fortunes, Seek in new directions, Uselessness may beautify A pct bled a• a lanae e; Thrift. and tact, adorn more brightly xlor who 1•nlee,a, house. GUESS wonder who the root of all some to marry So' ----+---- You shan't Meet, riot I 11a(1 iris. engaged girls." I had ssen love," She I never + NEW BRITISH RIFLE. --7,•child; Army to Be Equpped with Ian-' proved Enfield. Awarding to the Landoll Daily 7,¢10 reef, a new rifle will shDl'tl b9 Telegraph, yg issued to the Whole British army. It is called the improved Enfield, It has a breach action similar to the Mauser rifle, and a eettridge clip will be laded. The barrel is five inches shorter than the Weapon at. pl01Sen'a i=t arse., -_,+_-_- IMPOSSIBLE. 23roW1-"Dthink 9 t o you t t 1, , 1 el' girl?" Smith-"Umenil Rather looking, don't you think?' � "So Alice has (10elded lnarly an ofllCor?" "Yes Lured hint in what s o .1Cp Fire destroy( sheds at 11'11111 Bigvalellt of gc Miss Maley I vino nurse, L' for medicine w Mrs, Wm. II build a llrrses ton Hospital, Mr, George a visitor' at t John McMilhu smallpox. The C.P.R. the Hochelaga class, ears and cars and six 51 Rev, father couple of you with a cane, w in the Police The Manito again therms Province's Ian an acre the fir i'. IL Clergt ing vlills, wl month, halo 5 Canadian mnr1 to the end of The new Can Iloebel a ga twelve or four. machine and U quarter of a There are m for (!('mission School than c though the at it is necessary acnonmodati n Mr, Charles mountain brow a gun at a pa were annoying Two of the yo ed, one in the GREA Pill has sent National Mel: toria. Alien immigr to be consider mission in Lon The Lairds o in the field to and Clyde ship Lord Kelvin Scientist, will to observe elec Thomas 137. wick, was stru appropriation English crim convictions of previous crimi; 1116', The newest a exhihii.ion at tura! Society named L:dward Bugler Dunne Aimee' at the to leave the su from valvular The Royal 1 has voted the 1 Bier -General Si his exploration, Tho Royal awarded the St best case of a year) to Com of the Royal N Baroness Rod tailed a dive• and Captain lei from pus wif guilt by talkie The great princes and be present at putting the C Wits' end to fin offers of room flies aro being UNITE Tho insurance $4,011,000 on at, Paterson N. A union stc will bo built of white marbl Agricultural grass -hoppers States this au The United retaliate on G her wines and countey, The U.S, Wa send soldiers Indies to estab the United Stu session, Li Sing, a 13 his widow two his death. 17 conveyed bac via Montreal, Empress of Incl ponying thele, On Thursday � N.Y., kicked a force against th who was standi street, and h1 Black-'is"'Teg, wh hurt. A hill approp for the Co11Htrl1r througbout the introduced 111' t1 day by Repro Virginia, The })01'11011011 £1111011 Ih:, T. Taylor ling Board o and his entire by eo17ee and eotl0, put there negro driver, ry one(' to kill tP fondiy were sat The report 1,13 earl(1e(1 the lc 1 SNAIL alt pOING;3- 3, eoulierities- 31 Per, -. . i.tts Is Sup- Ulna books e that 0011 - to. :ey annually ay 'presents, in 0. special )pie, where 3111)loyed. saes a. bolt- 'which the editions failed of the ramatist as. 131019111 Upon t his father nn Germany half-crown, to start the since be- lie wrote one would rtugal is a of her pro - n. tee mat 9 Iter own ras had a the royal ieh the lat- zre brought a man of CO, 15 very. ' and has ntroductioli is a htull can reputa- lvith it rifle. 11)15 is also conlmence- er from a a "Eighty" When the the young ere at once the famous fated with amhitioUS the clover dug, dark three, who under sln- s at Pal- otcd to the or sailing anal 110t1r llicyclo or Booting. looting. as a ready little inci- farlborough es the keen by his Ma - wits taking lists called esent. The the piing - the time - allow them tt the door he ventila- siting the Africa, be- ats given men t0 the , ahead of years ago, known lady her VII. • is the master -Gen - help to her m consider- d scientific f enormous deal, that the elected to in Pariia- who recent - ninth year, olitical life record of On, Lt 1863 of the Ad- eretary for l's Govern - m1 turn the eneral -and va9 elected sty, and in Secretary for India, to the War e Lord Pre - n Emperor n of news.•. them has a certain was 0.8\131- 11, and was leets, when n the sa- le guise of household to cease (cion as to put flashed Emperor's gating the sus a ec- he o-he role of ole to pub- 's sayings. put to the u'acteristic The train spot, and w11h a next sta- N, endeut-"I Ohre little 101)' pocket give it to onvert the n trntrldtl't 1y?" o, sire" 10hnny, aur money L better." e's a dee- too gond. (Wally to she ca{n iLively do - gement," •