HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-4-3, Page 4Ub81.L t3 1QOT
Che 5.iruostlf$
T,iI U.RSV AY. dt P.1 -i. 8, 1:802.
lbecoivest by Jos, Cuthill, etraseele, fr
0411/104 from hied Wahl
There wee a tremendous amount of loot
pfiinked up ab Tien tan and some of our
bluejackets made quite a little pile.
'there was a Mock brought aboard onr
ebip,for whish Co1Wee aeked. it had
come from Prince Teen's palace, wee
studded with patio and worth three
Mertes the money, but none of ne bought
it, Captain Dneban of 1110 marines, an
old ehipmate of our ohiel when he was
on the' Revouge," showed n0 some loot
Ito had got, and he had stuff to the value
of 1400, 11e had a beautiful little gold
repeater etudded with diamonds, and an
Emperor'estate robe of which the em
broidery alone was of fabulous value.
He told no a lob about the war. The
looting of Tien-tein wee a scandalous af•
fair and reedit very little credit on any-
one oonoerned. Very little or no respect
was shown to the rights of non -ambit -
tants or to private property, everyone
jnet taking what they most fanoied. The
Russians and French seemed to bate
shown great cowardice and also to have
behaved with ahookiug brutality, killing
men, women and children, irreepootively.
The Russians kept Chinamen hard at
work all day oarryipg their loot for them,
and then shot them at the end of the day
when they had no further use. Our
men were not allowed to interfere for
fear of complioabione and it was veryhard
at times to prevent them. In one in.
stance, which our informant himself saw,
a poor Chinaman was lying wounded on
the ground, and one or two Frenchmen
came np and started to pound his face
with the butt end of their rifles till he
wee a living, shapeless mass, and a couple
of French officers standing by enjoying
the fan. At last a blaejaoket ran up
and put the poor fellow out of hie misery.
Captain Dustan said the Jape showed
greet pluck throughout and our own men
behaved splendidly. The Germans also
were very brave and tougbt wall. Al the
taking of Tien -tela Captain Denali and
his men advanced as far as they could,
and when they could get no nearer owing
to the tremendous fire, the whole of the
troops were lying for four or five hours
all mixed up together, taking all the shel-
ter they oould, Captain Dustan was
sitting is a ditch, baok to baok with a
Jap, and after two or three hours under
the blazing sun, he began to get a little
light headed and moved uneasily. The
oomrade of the Jap tottohed him on the
['boulder and pointed to the bank of the
chap he was leaning against. There was
a great raw wound, and the Jap had
never uttered a word the whole time,
some twinge when Dustan had =avail
having directed his comrade's attention.
Two Jap officers were talking together,
one smoking a oigarette, when a shell
burst in their viafmty and carried away
both of his legs. He continued puffing
his cigarette, finished his story and lay
down dead. When the Japs were blowing
up the gate at Pekin the train was laid
and tired, when a Chinaman ran out and
out the train and was instantly shot. A
Jap then sprang forward out of the ranks
and fired the tram where it had been
oat, with the result that the gate was
blown np and the Jap with it. The Ameri-
cans do not seem to have covered them-
selves with much glory, as on one owe,
'don they aobnally retired leaving their
wounded on the field, and the English
Marines under Captain Beatty went and
fetobed them in. The Bengal Lancers,
the crack native corps in India, Behaved
extremely well being in touch with the
enemy all the time. One charge they
made against Chinese cavalry they did
not leave a single man alive. I was
speaking to a °hap who wee with Sey-
mour's force and he said there was a
little excuse for the rancour shown by
the men, for on one occasion he saw a
comrade of his, who had been wounded
and captured, literally torn to pieces by
the Ohineee. When the troops were oat.
side of Pekin it was arranged that no one
should make a move till 6 a. m„ so they
would all start fair. Of course the Bus.
gene broke their word and started at 4 a.
m. to 'teal a march on the British, and
the Japs, who were watching the Russians
have been there yet, if the Imperlai
Government had nob begun to wire for
the 131. Andrew," whioh they had lent
the Indian Government, and pow requir-
ed themselves to take troops hauls bo l;ng•
lend from Africa, 00 when elle went, they
diemieaod the outer ships also. Govern.
monk is paying about 17,000 a Month for
ilio "St, Andrew," 14000 a month for 00
and about the acme for the other ships,
Ib hall pooh about 160.000 to convey 1200
bulloeke a fortuight'e journey, not eon.
sidering the extra expense of Ilttiu e,coal,
le, As the 1331110ak9 are only worth 110
each in India it would hardly be worth
while' bringing them book. 'Another
waste of money are the hospital ships
"Maine," "Oar•bhege" and "Gwallor."
The "Maine" whioh had been sent from
the aepe, is the expensive toy of some
Amerioan ladies with more money than
brains. I believe they all took a share in
the fitting out, giving their praetioal
advice and consequently the ship took
twine as long and cost twice as much as
she otherwise would have done. She is
packed full of officers, (looters , eto„ who
earn their money answering telegrams as
the state of their health, are they coin
fortable, etc , but never a patient do they
see. She la alongside of us In Wel Hai
y g
Wei for a month and had been there three.
weeks before we Dame and eventually
wont to Japan for ooals and to Winter.
The "Carthage" bas been of some use
baking sink eoldiere down to Hong Kong,
eto., but no more so than the dozens of
troopers going beak empty and are there•
fore used for the same purpose. The
"Gwalior" ie the gift ship of the Mehra
Rajah of Gwalior, who will be rewarded
in some way by the British Government
for his benevolence. He hired her from
the B.I.S.N. Company for a very large
sum, whioh would have bean far better
sppent if contributed to the famine fund,
She is also crowded with doctor's, and
has been staying in, Hong Kong for the
past mon
month, and netbefore we left
Kong for Calout1n,
had orders to proceed
to Shanghai. The British contingent
were all delighted to bear a day or two
ago, how the Ruseiaue for once were
beaten at their own game of bluff at
Shoe bai than. Hearing that the British
had intended to capture these forte from
the Chinese, (this seems funny consider-
ing we are not supposed to be at war with
°hiva,) the 'Russians having aharge of the
railway, which they hoodwinked the
British out off, and have made a tremen•
dons mese with, sent some troops along
before the British force to take posses-
sion in the name of the Czar. The Brit-
ish expecting a move of this kind Bent a
fast torpedo destroyer, whioh arrived half
an hour before the Russians tamed up.
I believe it Wee quite a pautomine when
the Russian General was met by the
British General. The more angry the
Russian got, the more polite our General
became, and he went away threatening all
sorts of complications. We are now
well on out way back t0 Calcutta, whioh
port we expect to matte on the 14th Nov.
As this letter has been written at odd
moments, at Hong Kong and on the
journey Calcuttawards and we are a light
ship and roll pretty considerably, I hope
you will excuse the writing.
Your affectionate nephew,
S.S. Mombassa, HongKong, Oct.22,1901.
Annual Meeting of the Western
Football Association
at Berlin.
Brussels Club in intermediates,
The Western Foot Ball Association's
annual meeting, held ab the Weeper hoose
Berlin on Friday was the largest and most
enthusiastic meeting in the history of the
aseoeiabion. About twentyfive olabe
were repreeented, divided as follows
Four seniors, twenty intermediates, and
twojonior0. President R. C. Oheswright
of Walkerton preeided. The Defaulting
Committee reported in favor of bbe rein-
statement of Woodetook on condition that
they pay Riversides $26 and a note of $17 ;
also that the Berlin High school be rein-
stated on condition that Seaforth be paid
016. No action was taken regarding
Lietowel'a suspension. The Correspond -
Riversldee-'A1 Berlin, lane Het
Galt, Juee 28111 ; Ssafortb, May 201h,
Group 1—Wellterbaa, Pinkerton, Mild.
may, Harrieton, Hanover, and Obealsy,
Dates net arranged.
Group 2—lllytli--At Wiugbam, May 2:
tib Brn0sele, May 21st.
Brussels—At Blyth, May Oth t Wing•
Pain, May 16111,
W10kham—At Blyth, May Biel ; at
Brunie, June 0313, o stock
Group 8—Ingersoll—At Wo d ,
April 2011 ; at Hamilton, May 10113.
Hamilton—At Brantford, April 20th ;
at Woodetooll, May 17113.
Brantford—At Ingersoll, May Ord ; at
to Atay 17511.
Purie—At Hamilton, May Brd; Ingersoll
May 24th,
Woodstock—Ab Paris, play 10th ; at
Brantford, May 24111.
Group4—Stratford—At Milverton,
Kay 2 iTavietaok, May 0th.
Milverton—At Stratford, May 10th
Tavistoak, May 24th.
Tavistock --At Milverton, April 22nd ;
Stratford, May 28th.
Group 6—Berlin—At Preston, May 10311
Glatt, May 30th.
Praeton—At Berlin, May 20th ; Gult,
May 28th.
Galt—Ab Preston, May 171h ; Berlin,
May 2101.
Group 0—New Dundee—At Platteville,
May 7th and 24113.
Platteville—At New Dundee, May 17th
and May 81st.
Semi•flnals and flea% to be deolded on
by Exeoutive Committee. The junior
series between Preston and Galt will be
deolded upon by the two globs,
Deno. MoLosohliu was the representa.
live from Bruesele to Berlin,
To the Editor of Tan Poem
Dean Site—Allow me to thank you for
your very time t
t' le with
timely aC 0
rib of be
to the prospe y
appeared in TES a Posm of Mara
6th. f
do trust and hope that the pointers given
will interest every one in the plane,
I have often thought over the sal jeot
and even eaggested the some to some of
our prominent baldness meu. Where is
there another plane of the same size that
has such an inviting, beautiful business
greet 2 Yon may search the Country
over and it cannot be found, Travellers
and other visitors all deolare it has no
equal. Beautiful for situation, it ought
to be the joy of all the eurronndiog
oonubry, but I am afraid it ie not. Some-
thing is lacking or Brnseele would not be
standing still as it has been for a num-
ber of years. You, Mr, Editor, think we
are on the up grade now. I hope so and
that it may continue. Agreat deal might
be said about the past history of Brus-
sels, but let bygones be bygones, and
let ne, ae one man, make te united effort
to give the plane a good peen up the grade.
I have faith it can be done on the linea
you suggest by forming a "Look out
Bannon Aeaooiation," composed of 10' or
16 of the beet men you can find. Let
them be the best we can get to work on
these lines, and the results in a short
time will astonish the most of ns, We
want au inorease of population ; we want
something started that will give work,
and this is one of the ablef problems this
Assooiation will have to solve. We are
thankful that of late we have received an
addition to onr population, but though
only a few it wee a difmoult task for them
to find houses suitable for their accommo-
dation, and today tbere is saaroely a
decent house to rant in the plane. Prob•
ably thio Aseooiation may be the means
of having a few Moe dwellings ereoted fn
the plane. We have lots of beautiful
building sites which oonld be made pro-
ductive and pay a good fair interest.
The Railway service could be taken bold
of whioh might result in something bet.
ter. The pest and present servioe of the
Railway is utterly bad and considering
the amount of money paid all round,
thousands upon thousands, it is no bet•
ter than barefaoed robbery and the law
of the land ought to be invoked to make
them deal honestly with the people.
There are other things too numerous to
in Committee reported that four senior, mention that might be pat forward, and
two Intermediate, and two junior spplioa- I am thankful to you, Mr. Editor, that
Hoes were received, and recommended ea. - 10 Dib we opened the cerosI in
of your pacer
aeptance. The Nominating Committee's io ail who feel as intereaa in the metier.
report was accepted, as !allows ; As yon wisely say there is no time to
Hon. President, J. A. Jaokeon, Blyth ,•
be lost. Other places emceed have takes
these questions up withgreat advaatate
President, R. C. Cheswrieht, Walkerton.
as o cat does a moose, Instantly started District Vice-Presidents—Oxford, A. P.
off as well, but the British did nab move } Gundry, Ingersoll • Hamilton, W. M.
till the appointed time. After all we ' Logan, Hamilton ; Central, T. T. Aitken,
ware first inside the wall, se wo were the ; Galt ; Huron, H. M. Jackson, Seaforth:
only ones that had knowledge of a small i Toronto League, E. C. Wilson, Toronto ;
side gate whioh was opened for us with I Toronto district, Ed. Smith, Toronto •
hardlys abot fired, while the other forces i peninsular district, W. McDonald, of
were fighting herd at the main gates. 1 Detroit, J. C. Stewart of Windsor ; Inter -
Our first steps were for the Legations, l collegiate, A. T. De Lary, Toronto ; H.
bat the others powers never troubled ( T. Graham, Toronto t Maitland, 3. W. i
their heads about them but made etraight ' Ward kfildmay ; Stratford, H.B. Travers, '
for the Treasury and anywhere they 1 Stratford.
could lay their hands on loot. Our men i Caledonia Cep Committee—J. A. Jack• t
had been on very short commons alt the , sou Blyth ; H. W. Brown, Berlin ; J.
time and Dustan said it seamed rather I Short, Pteetoo. ,
funny that when Deering, the nodes Seo.. Inter•oollegiate Committee—Alex. Gol-
rebary met him, be was offered a keg in i die, Galt ; J. C. Stewart, Windeor ; H.
any description of liquor he liked. There i D Graham, Toronto • C. M. Graham,
was drinks and foods galore, and they ; Toronto ; D. Forsyth, Berlin ; R E
had not even stetted on their tinned pro. 1 Creswell, Seaforth, I.
visions. Amateur Standing Committee—W. P.
When we left WeilIai•Wei for Hong Thompson, Toronto; W. H. Baker, See -
Kong on our homeward journey, we had 1 forth i and Sol Brabaober, B,rltu.
all Our passenger accommodation filled 1 Auditors—H. F. Boehmer, Berlin ; T.
with wounded marines and bluejackets, T. Attkene, Galt.
who were oo their way home. Cue meu SaoretaryTreaearer—D. Forayth,Ber-
bad his arm and three fingers of the other lin,
hated blown off, They had 00ptured a An smen^lment to rale 3 was passed ea
gun, and the first shot they fired it burst, . fohows : Au intermediate player does not
and, now he is bound for England with a beoume diequali0ed as snob nntil be has
played at leaet twine in the eenior cup
competition during that semen, but towns
supporting both teams mast register at
least eleven bona fide players for the
mania cap competition before the playing
of the first iotertnediate game, the
Regietraliou Committee to have full die.
oretionary pewee in this matter.
A new football organisation called the
Inter -collegiate) Aeaooiation applied tot
affiliation with the W. F. A., and was
accepted, Glebe from the Berlin, Galt,
Guelph and Stratford Collegiate Inebitubee
compose the assooiation,
pension of 2 shillings a day for life.
Another bluejacket was lying under Haver
before Ties -rain and was eating a biscuit
when a bullet entered hie chin, then into
his 01100 sad out again lower down. He
is getting better rapidly. Though a great
many of them were in very bad bealth,
they were fall of spirits and kept things
lively with mnsio, eta., all the way. On
oar arrival at Hong Kong we again took
them by enrpriee, as no news bed been
given the authorities what had to bedona
with as and considerable time elapsed
before they found out. By and bye two or
throe other bnllook ships mime wandering
in from all the ports in China, and the
authorities made up their minds to land
them at Kowloon, which we eventually
did. Then they did not know whether
we had to be kept is Hong Kong in case
we should 130 required to move the but.
looks on or not, and they Bent us all to
Kowloon Bay to await farther orders,
There we lay for throe weeks and might
The districts and schedules of dates
were arranged as follows ;
Seaforth—Ab Toronto, May24th ; Galt,
Jona 21st; Berlin, Jana 26th.
Berlin—At Galt, May Blot ; Toronto,
Jane 14th 1 Seaforth, Jose 6th.
Galt—At Berlin, May 26th ; Seatortb,
June 18th ; Toronto, June 7,11,
to their several pplaooe therefore let ne be
np and delag. Yours Only,
A 1141142nit,
Brussels, Marsh 26,
Sobotll Huron Liberals,
A very large and Iepreaentativa eat•
vection of 1,113ert318 el the South Riding
of Huron was held at Ilensall htat Satur•
day, over 260 delegates being present.
Tile gathering WIte marked by auasoul
enthusiasm, and ormildence in the ability
of the nominee to redeem the riding,
Frederick Hese, who received the nomin-
ation about a year ago, tendered hie
resignation, and elated that owing to
health be wag forced to retire from the
=Met, hie physioina having advised' him
Hutt it would be dangerous to undertake
the fatigue of a oampaign, Eon motion
of D. D, Wilsoe, of Beaforuh, and Alas,
Mustard, of Stanley, the resignation of
Mr. Hese was aooepted with regret, and
an expression of eonddence es to his
elation had be been able to continue the
flattest. When n0minabione were palled
for, but one name was proposed, that of
AL Y. MoLsen of the Seaforth Expositor,
whioh twee reoeived with great en tb esteem.
Mr. McLean was nominated by Alex.
Mustard and S. Swaitzey, of Stephen,
both of whom expressed their confidence
in thecandidate'e ability to win the eleo-
tioa, In tempting the nomination, Mr.
McLean exhorted 3115 de'egatos bo work,
ae nu man could win without the aotive
eupport and oo•operabion of hie friends.
He reviewed the record of the Govern -
meet, and said it was a privilege for any -
ma to vote and work for salt a party
and such a platform. Rev. W. J. Wad-
dell, Methodist minister, was present as
a delegate, and addreseed 11.5 meeting,
He eulogized the Government on its
splendid record and progressive polioy.
He was a Prohibitionist, but did sot wieb
to no a law passed without the oanotion
of oeubstantial mnjority of the slater -
ate, end he thought the referendum was
ae fair as the most ardent Prohibitionist
oould reasonably expect. Earueat Prohi-
bitionist ae he le, be did not think he
could ask for anything more equitable
and just than the policy of the Govern-
ment on thisquestion. Rev. G. H.
Long, Ittethodiet minister, was also a
delegate, and stated his position on the
queet•iun of temperanoe and hie aonneo-
tiou with the temperance convention held
in South Huron raoently. Speeabee were
alae made by George MaEwan, M. P.,
Valentine Rate, ex•M. P, A reeoiution
of condolence with the Hon. Geo, W.
Roes in his recent bereavement was pees.
ed, upon motion of D. D. Wright and V.
Rath. Another expressing oonfidenae in
the Government was adopted upoomotion.
of J. Kellerman, of Hay, and H. Beattie
barrister, of Seaforth.' Mr. MoLean re•
signed from the Presideooy of the South
Huron Liberal Association, and J. G,
Stanbnry, barrister, of Exeter, was elect-
ed in his place, Frederick Hees becoming
First V,oe•President in place of Mr.
Oa.tia.tikean Ne writ.
Radoliffe, the hangman was mobbed' in
The estate of the late Lord Dafferin ie
valued at 1108,648.
Alex. McMahon bas been appointed
Police Magistrate in Winnipeg.
Mrs, William Hendrie of Hamilton has
offered to build a home for nurses.
Sir William Maodouald has made a
gift of 020,000 to the library fond of Mo -
Gill University,
Dr. M. J. Kelly, inepeobor of schools in
Brant County, has resigned after thirty
years service.
The Canada Thread Company of Mon-
treal was fined $20 for refusing to answer
census questions.
The Montreal Chamber of Commerce
has decidedto erect a building of its awn
at a ant of 4200,000.
The Manitoba Government will again
increase the price of Provincial bands
another half dollar on the acre on April
Rey. Father Walsh, who struck s co¢pie
of yoaug ladies in Stratford with a Dace,
was fitted '640 and was in the Puttee
Court. •- aslr oa Ae "
Tbody of Mrs.SIcPhera,in, who •IInceneatedbesE=,
wandered away from her home on the Rradt ruler,
/debt of the ;dorm, was found in a snow-- Tp. Hall and eked,
drift in the Northern part of Winnipeg.
4 carload 00 90 breeding hogs will be
ehippedby the I+ive. Stook Aseo9iation
Brant County to the Northwest, where
from they will he 0014 by emotion by the
Territorial Department of Agrieultnre.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the cerate of Isabella
McCallum, late of the village of Bae.
eels, in the County of Buren, de.
NQTIOE le hereby given pursuant to the.
"Bovine Statute of Ontario;' 1 97, obap ter
199 that all oedlto•e and othere having
olaipis against the estate of the late Isabella
Afouallum, who died on or shout the Fourth
day of January A.I).,1002, pro rectei154 on
or before the Fifth day of April, A. 0., 1902,
to send by poet pre.paid or to deliver to W.
Af. Sinalair, of rue village of firuesols, fn
the County of Huron, Solloltor for the . E.
°cuter, William Graham, their Christian
and 13111410me0, uddreeses and 4108049 6101414
the full particulars of their elulms, the
statement of [noir accounts and the nature.
of the securities, if any, held by them, And
further take' native that after such la t
mentioned date, the said °Executor will
prooeed to distribute the assets of the de..
ceased among the parties entitled thereto,.
haviug regard only to the claims of which.
ho shallthou have nutlet., and that the said
Executor will not be liable for the Bald as-
sets or any part thereof, to any person or
persons, 01 'whose claims notice shall not
have been received, by the said Executor,
at tee bume. of suoh distribution..
Dated the Seventh day of Marob, A. D, 1092,
900 Solto,torfor the Exeoator.
Notice for Creditors.
In the Surrogate Court of the County of
Huron, in the matter of the eabate
of Haub McKinnon, late of the Town-
ship of Grey, in tbeCounty of Huron,
format, deceased.
NOTIOE is hereby given pursuant to Re-
vised Statutes of Ontario, 3897, (Map. 120,
&lotion 88 that all editors. or others bas-
ing any claims nuttiest the the estate of r Hugh
the Count late of Huron,
Township of Grey, d,
the died
or boron, Farm doff Feb-
died on or about the 18th day of Feb-
ruary,A, D., 1002, in the said Township
of Grey, are hereby required to send by poet,
prepaid or to deliver to G. F. Blair, of the
village of Brussels Solicitor for Robert Me -
Hay curl Isabel McKinnon, bath of the said
Township of Grey, the Executors of the
said estate, on or before the llth day of
April, A. 111., 1002, their full names, oddment'
and descriptions and full particulars of
their chitins and the nature of the securities
111 any) held by them. Aud notice is hereby
given that atter the said last mentioned
date, the said Executors will proceed to
distribute the assets of the deceased amongst
the persona entitled thereto, havlugregard
ouly to the claims of whioh notice shall
have been given as above required, and the
said Executors shall not be responsible for
aegots, or any part thereof, so distributed to
any person of whose claim notice shall not
have bean received at the time of ouch dis-
tribution, G. F..BLA1R, Bruesele. Oat ,
Solicitor for the Executors.
Dated at Brussels, Marsh 28th, 1902,
Township OF Morris
Cash on. hand, $ 2688 51
John Mooney, Collector of taxes 099915
Jas. Sburrie, use of hall at election- 4 00
Co. Treasurer, non-resident taxes 10 49
1p. E. Wawanosh Engineer's and
Court costs re drain, 13 30
T. Code, timber sold, 4 00
Provincial Treasurer LandImp.fund 10 40
Bank of Hamilton,. interest, 12 75
3,. B. artier, License fund 43 00
Co. Treas. Legislative School grant200 00
Borrowed money .... 700 W
Calvin Campbell, fencevrewerb costs 3 .d..
•313174 116
Aran $, 1902
7�ABMEIi81 , r
Soma three Pere ago 11310 artiole wee inbrodnoed by Alex, Wilson, Druggist,
Seaforth, as a preventive of ennui in Date, barley and other grain, and has proved
sotffeotive that nearly every farmer in that part of the ooanty is now nein it.
Now that it hits eetabllelied iia reputation many cheaper substitutes are being
offered to the public. A000rdtng to the best Chemists, inolucting Prof, Harcourt, of
the Agricultural College, Guelph, the solutions being sold vary very much in strength.
"BEAVER, BRAND" is teeted for ebrength, 'nettled and sealed in one of the
beet equipped laboratories in Amerioa, and is sold only in the original bottles at 400
or 05o eat', the latter beingsuffiaient to treat 60 to: 80 bushels of grain, Full dire°.
thine for use on each package. Read What farmers say about it ;.,--
It's agreed' thing and I oon honestly me
oommend evert farmer to use It.
Wrnsou Anntsmitoxo, Lob 11, Goshen Line.
Besides the gain' In geed .0 consider that
the olean straw 10r feed more thou repaid
my labor, and expense. I advise all faunae
to neo the "Beaver Brand."'
Lot 22, Con. 2, '1'uokeromith.
I AM quite sure that my seed treated with
your beaver Brand" yieldedme several
bushels per acremore than it otherwise
would have dote, Tnoefee FEMME,
Bru°Wield,. ..
Would not think of awing again without
net treating my nate with tbie mixture,
• I3On5R0 moteatAN,
Lot 1, Con, 0, nullett,-
I would not be without it for sap mousy,
0, Equation, Ethel,
I would not tape 62080 and glow my oats
this Spring without first treating them
me way. Joan C. Rum,
Lots 12 & 18, Bayfield Rend.
I.think I am within the mark when I say
that one bottle saved me a hundred bushels
of oats. JouN St Peer's Station,
'J'he Genuine "Beaver Brat 0" can he procured from :
H: F. MoALLISTER ............Ethel W. INN17S
Wel. NEAL' Wallop WM. MESSER
MoDONALD or MaNAIR..,.Oranbrook :D. SPROAT
Roads and bridges ........ -...3 1709 49.'
Overs sale*hes 724 till
Prtattng'94 70 i
County rate. ........., . 1992 it '}
Schools. 0133 0001
Drshage. 709 00
Borrowed money, -.....Wll 00
310658 54
Belgrave •
The Great Cash Store.
n Dur ■
You will find the Newest and most Up-to-date Wads that are in
the market and it has become a standing fact that Prices are al-
ways Right at this Store. •
If You
Oil Cloths or
It will pay you to
to look through our
Carpet Department
Something Very Special
in Boys' Clothing this week.
You cannot get a better assortment of Dry Goods
than we c11,n offer you to -day. All our lines are
up-to-date and our Prices are Right.
210 01 Dress Goods and S .itings.0.
Coarses of massiaaghter at. the Strut- ;4073 `31
ford Aseizos were dismissed against a' rratrF rmrcc,
yeang man. named Silifant, who ran. over County rate .......••i 1947 811 ;
a child withhisbfcyele, and against 1 CeriH3 d correct,
Enoieeer Peters sad Fireman Stater of I R. JtOH`7STON,
Mho train which kilted Mrs. MuGan¢. , 00. BLACE, larmrol . Po: ay
Po: •ii 3tr,�„t
aa. a.
We era showing: the loading etylee in all the leading shades—Satin.
cleric, Whipcord, Poplin, Crepeline, Voile, Gloria, Grenadine, Venetian,
Soleil, Broad -cloth. and Home.epnn, prices...... 25o to 01.50
RILE thanking our numerous customers for their liberal patronage while in the Carriage
Business at Ethel for the past 10 years we would say that we are now in full operation
in Brussels Factory, and are well on with our first lot of 110 BUGGIES. A number of these
will bo ready in a very few days and we will be able to supply our customers either wholesale
Or retail.
We are manufacturing Farm \Vegans, either common sized wheels or half truck with 2 or
8 inch tires.
We also make Field Rollers, and 'Wheelbarrows with steel or wooden wheels.
All kinds of Repairing and Re -painting done Promptly.
Kindly give tis a call at the former Ronald Fire Engine Works, now the
ohn Cober & Boas' Carriaze Factory.
Ail wool Detainee, Sills Glaris, Japanese Liberty, Famoline, Taffetta
Silks, Silks with hem stitching effect, Silks with Take and Insertion all
ready to make rip, prices 40o to $2.00
For Summer Dresses..;
We have the niceeb lot of Summer Goods ever show» in Brussels.
You'd want them it eon see them. Musline, Dimities, Organdies, Albatross,
Linen affects, Silk and Linen, Mercerized Lawns and Batavia, Silk Fiaiehrd
Cbambreys, Gingham. and Prime. All NEW Goods and for BEAUTY
and STYLE have no Egnel. Prices . 6o to 600
I. Corsets...
"The Corset is the F, andation of the Gown." A Pedal, Fitting Corset
means a Perfect Fitting Dress. Our NEW GIRDLE CORSET bide fair
to become the favorite of the season. The new straight front, bias out,
gored Corset is the Perfection of Shape and Comfort. All our Corsets are
CROM.IPTON'S—they and the BEST. Prices 60o to 01.60
A New Department...
To our already large fwd well assorted stook we have addcd a splendid
assortment of
rAr1 aE MaS/ lt;+ia a uta..
The thin Dress Materials to be worn tbie season will necessitate the wearing
of Pretty Underwear. We have just opened up a lot of beautiful White.
wear that every lady should see before baying. We feel °readapt that in
this line no better values were aver shown. No lett•overs, Every garment
Freeb, Clean and Dainty,
In Every Other Department
You will find ne equally well prepared for the Spring trade.
f3'April Fashion Sbeete, Designers and Patterns ere now ready. Call and get a
Faebion Sheet Free. Designers 10o a oopy, $1,00 a year, Standard Patterns
kept 1n stools, 10o to 26o,