HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-4-3, Page 3FRUITS AND TEGETADLES
Curee Within the Reach of Every
0310,-Yonr Kitchen Garden
Produces Them,
There le a very wideepread belief
that Natero supplies a plant for the
enre of every dieeaso with which she
mute the human race. This may,
or may not, bo true, But it is a fact
that in our ordinary kitchem garden
vegetables ancl fruits we have valu-
able ewes for a variety of eilments.
Coloey, for iestence, is an un-
doubted remedy for rheematism.• It
ie8, sedative to the irritable britin,
and it is at excellent preventive of
indigestion. This is 110 ))01'0 theory,
Celery has been chemically analyzed,
and is shown to contain an abued-
once of potash, which relieves rheu-
matism; of phosphoric acid, winch
tones the nervous 'system; and of
warming substances, which are very
Spinach has a greet reputation for
"clearing the complexion." As a
food it has no value whatever, for
it is about foe indigestibie as straw.
But it has some curious action on
the liver and the digestiVe organs,
which result in the purification of
the blood. And this is shown by a
dear, smooth, and transparent skin.
Radishes have a similar purifying
effect on the blood. They axe power-
lul It is not ship-
wrecked sailors alone who suffer
from scurvy, Everyone who eats
much meat and little vegetable food
shows sonie of the symptoms, In the
form Of a sallow, dull complexion,
spongy gums, and loose teeth. For
this stale there is no better antidote
than plenty of radishes.
For this and similar complaints,
lettuces, watercress, and endive are
also very good remedies. They aro
cooling and refreshing to the body,
and the salts which they contain are
a specific against infectious diseases.
01 course, it is not everyone who
can digest these raw vegetables, and
theyshould always be taken in
moderation. All vegetables indeed
if taken in excessive quantities,
sooner or later.
Asparagus is a well-known heart-
eeciative-so much so that a medi-
cinal preparation is made from it,
and administered to people who have
irritable aud excitable hearts. Ally -
ono who proposes attending an im-
portant political meeting, and whose
heart is easily excited, could not do
better than prepare for the ordeal
by eating freely of asparagus. For
the speculative business man is is
also an invaluable food.
Lentils aro very rich in. iron, liine
salts, and phosphates: It is easy to
see from their analysis what an ex-
cellent effect they have upon the
body. Iron makes the blood red,
and the lime and the phosphates
build strong bones, and help to keep
the teeth sound. Not only are len-
tils an ideal food for growing chil-
dren, but they cure anaemia, rickets
and carious teeth.
The carrot is a Aim food for the
gouty, and for those who stiffer
from influenza ; while it also re-
Barley is a vegetable food of which
wo eat far too little. It certainly
does not make as nice -looking bread
as wheat, but, as it contains abun-
da-nee of iron and phosphoricacid,
it is an excellent food for the weak.
With regard to fruits, it is evident
from their composition that they
can take the place of medicine in
many ailments. And they have one
great advantage over medicines, in-
asmuch es they may he used every
day of the life without harmful con-
Alt fruits aro rich in potash salts.
This means that they are good for
people predisposed to gouty and
rheumatic. ailnionts. Apples and
strawberries contain a quantity of
soda ; and soda is well known to
prevent, and oven to cure, influenza.
The citric acid in grapes is most
cooling in all fevers, feverish colds,
and other ailments, and it makes
the blood pure. Grapes also con-
tain a largo quantity of sugar, and
are therefore nourishing.
Oranges, lemons, and limes are
powerful antiscorbuties, They re-
move poisonous matter from the
system, and keep the blood fresh and
pure. Oranges alone, without any
help from drugs, reduce fever, and
soothe the nervous system.
Peaches and nectarines are highly
nourishing; and, as they contain
very little sugar, they aro good for
tho diabetic.
Nob only do fruits contain potash
and socla-substroaces which are in-
dispensable to the blood -but they
have large quantities of iron, lime
salte, and magnesia. Thus they help
and to prevent the accumulation of
injurious matters ifithe body.
Acids have a singularly good in-
euence on health, aiding digestion,
clearing the blood, aud brightening
the brain, In meat and most vege-
tables very little acid is to be
found. But all fruits are abundetntly
supplied with it, There is tn./twee
/Mid in grapes-, citric acid in lemons
and oranges, rani mane acid 10 ap-
ples, pears, peaches, apricots, goose-
berries, and currants -the quentity
in peaches and currants being very
great. Anyone who 'wishes Lo keep
himself in a state of good health
ought, therefore. to eat fruit in rett-
fionable abundance, 11 you were to
take one hundred people who eat
fruit every day, and 0110 hundred
people who eat little or none, it
would ho found that all -or nearly
all -of the former would escape in-
fection from smallpox, and other
such diseases ; while the latter would
farnitill a number of vietims.
That ens caution Is neeessary, 'rhe
fruit Must 1)0 oaten in moderation.
If taken in excess it Will elmost cer-
tainly Set ep seine inflantmatton of
the etnieitch, and tiles do nneee
than to:Md.-1,011411 AllsIcers,
The Lord Steward of the King's
Hotifiehold can hold courts for the
sottlhig of disputes among the ret-
inue under his control,
Such. as Serefala, Noselna, Boils,
and Pimplee-The Blood Should
Be PuriAed Busing the Spring
Ing season is the time for
blood cleansing and blood renewing.
Blood troubles are inanye-and clan-
geroue-and 1.12511111 et themselves in
a score of painful and olleasive ways,
soeh as eerofula, eczema, belle and
PIMPlee. Tho 'impurities that got
into tho blood pursue their poison -
(me way 1111 over the body and are
responsible for a largo proportion of
all diseases, various in their nature
but dangerous in the extreme. To
have pure blood and plenty of it,
you need a thine and blood builder,
and for this purpose there is noth-
ing can Millet Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People, Thee pilis
cure all diseases due to impurities In
the blood by promptly cleansing and
freeing the blood from all poison-
ous and offensive matter. lf your
blued is thin or insufficient; if you
suffer from exhaustion at the least
exertion; 11 you are pale, easily get
out of breath, and feel oonstantly
languid and fagged oub, Williams'
Pink Pills will cure you by filling
your veins with new, rich, red olood.
Mr. Robt. Lee, New Westmineter, B.
C., says: -"Before I began using Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills my blood was
in a very impure state, and as a re-
sult, pimples which were very itchy,
broke out allover my body. My ap-
petite was fickle and 1 was easily
tired. I tried' several medicines,
but they did not help nee Then ley
wife urged me to try Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. I got a half dozen boxes
and by the time 5 had used them I
was completely restored to health,
and nly- skin was smooth and clear.
I 511 5111 always speak a good word for
these pills when opportunity offers."
It is because these pills make rich,
red blood that they cure such 'trou-
bles as anaemia, shortness of breath,
headache, palpitation of the heart,
rheumatism. erysipelas, St. Vitus'
dance, and the functional ailments
that make the lives of so many wo-
men a. source of constant misery.
Tho genuine pills always bear the.
full mune, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for Pale People," on the wrapper on
every box, Sold by all dealers, or
sent by mail at 50 mils a box, or
six boxes for $2.50, by addressing
the Dr. 'Williams Medi eine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
London Times' Correspondent
Criticises Systems Employed
in South Africa.
Tho specific criticisms made on the
systems of mobilo columns and
blockhouses, says a special corees-
poinient 'of the London Times, are t
A British mobile column requires
transport, and transport requires in-
fantry to guard it. This at once re-
duces the mobility of a mobile col-
umn to the mobility of infantry.
Only when there is an energetic,
daring commander, who will utilize
his mounted men away from tho
transport, is there much capturing
of Boers. Further, a mobile consults
has guns. When a party of the en-
emy is located by the advance scouts
a halt is made. The general comes
up and surveys the. situation. Me
orders tip the guns. A battle array
is formed against, possibly thirty
Boors, a bombardment of the bound-
less veldt ensues, the Boers vanish,
and the column resumes its march.
When a, mobile column is following a
body of the enemy the scouts may
see from the spoor that the Boers
have left the road. A Boer com-
mando leaving a road leaves in ones
and twos, Information is sent back
to the general, 501 (1 be aslcs how
many have left and how stony have
followed along the road. This is a
difficult question to answer. Fled-
ing that there is some doubt for a
time he goes on. The scouts report
that all the Rome have left the road
and gone to the west, By this time
it is four o'cloa:, The columns must
get to its camping ground, where
there is water. The general decides
to leave the Boers and goes on.
Next day he halts at the camping
ground and sends back two s5111(2(1 -
eons to locate the enemy, These go
back to the spoor and follow it for
some hours and again locate the
commando few to the west and come
beck to report. The general decides
that as he has to be at Um town
ahead by astlxed date he will maech
on along the road and leave these
Boers aleme, The main object of a
mobile column is to get from ono
place to another in regulation time,
\Vith most commanderS, especially of
general's rank, subordinnee officers
must on no account attack without
ordere. The column must move with
a regulated width of front. Woo be-
tide the squadron leader who lets
his thinkers go too tar afield. If he
finds the enemy he must not gallop
the position and capture him. Ho
must retire or halt and report to.
the gcnoral. The Boer in the mean-
time, after firing a few shipieg
Shots, rides leisurely away smoking
his pipe in peace, lu this way col-
utrins have trekked and tteacked
through a district and book again a a
hundred times, with the Boers 8.111225- 0
0(1 00(1 practically ubharmed Spect5t- c
eors. The mobilo column ie expeeted w
to bring fame to its leader. This i
until recently was only looked for in $
pitched battle with conimandos $
One ounce Of Sunlight Soap is worth
more than two ounces of impure soap.
$5.000 wail. Pcid by =YEE BROTICERS XISXSTBD, Toronto,
be any P555ort 17118 Mtn prove that this soap oontaies
noward any form of adulteration, or any hilarious ehemicals,
Asa Vox '0111 (51'45Q5 half 5
which always declined to fight. The
11101)1)? column is resPoneible for the
watering down of the army's effec-
tiveness by the distribution of the
nom specially trained and specially
adapted for the veldt lighting ;Among
a boat of men who are not 051111)1510(1for the work. Tho magnificent army
of irreguictre and the thoroughly ef-
Went mounted infantry carve of the
regular army are frittered away
among the infantry.
The best corps are selected to
strengthen the weaker columns, the
result being that their capacity for
work Is to a great exteut
This is an advantage fur the ye -
Hoes generals and commanders of
columns, but it is wasteful of the
fighting resources of Great and
Greater Britain and unfair to the
mounted troops and their leaders.
As a matter of fact, by far the
greater part of the actual work of
capture is clone in the fee° of "com-
manding" hindrances by the irregu-
lar and regular mounted men and
their officers. Whim the official re-
port comes in it is stated that Col,
So-and-so or Gen. So-and-so killed
- Boers, wounded -, and 'captured
-. What really happens is that tho
Seottish Horse, the eanadlan Scouts
or the Imperial Light Pforse, or
Kitchener's Fighting Scouts, the
Cape Mounted Rifles, or the ist,
211(1, 8rd, 25th Mounted Infantry, or
ther mounted corps have aetually
done the work. When a mobile col -
min marches it is watched by the
tBoers, who are out in ones or twos
all over the country, These report
to their
commandant, who has
ample time to decide whether to
elude the column altogether or
whether, if he sees a chrme, to con-
centrate and attack it. For these
reasons the record of many a mobile
colun is oelong uneventful talo of
nothing, finished by sudden disaster.
So far destructive criticism.
"Now X rather pride myself on my
ability to read character," said the
man who was given to buying detec-
tive tales, "and yet why should I?
It is really e. very simple thing -re-
quires nothing but close observa-
tion. For instance, it is very easy
to tell a metn's occupation, His fac-
ial expression, his actions, even his
dress aro stamped by his daily work.
You see that man sitting opposite
us? Well, I am just as sure as
though he had told me that be Is A
You are mistaken," replied his
friend. "That mail is a butcher."
"lnipossible," exclaimed the ama-
teur detective. "You never saw a
butcher with. slim, White hands like
"Perhaps not," admitted the oth-
er, "but he is a butcher just the
"How do you know he is?"
"How do I know? Why the 5001111-
drel shaved me once."
Should Always be Prepared to
Promptly Treat the Minor Ail-
ments of Their Little Ones
No mother can hope that her chil-
dren will escape all the minor ail-
ments that afflict little ones, and she
should be prepared to treat these
ills instantly when the emergency
arises. At the same time mothers
cannot be too careful what they give
their little ones in the way of medi-
cine. Doctors have long protested
against the, -use of the so -celled
"soothing" preparations cued they
are still used 011(1 With alarming fre-
quency by mothers. These prepara-
tions invariably contain opiates
which drug and stupefy the little
one into temPerary quiet or sleep.
For all the minor ills of 'little ones
there is no medicine acts so speedily
as Baby's Owe Tablets, and they
are sold under Et. guarantee to con-
tain no opiate or other harmful
drug. Thousands of mothers now
use 110 Other 1210511C1220 for their little
ones, and all who have tested it
speak of its prompt and safe action
in the warmest tern's. Mrs. Geo. B.
Kilgore, Wellwood, Ont., says : "I
have used Baby's Own Tablets in
my 1102180 for some time mid X can
sincerely say that they are the best
medicine I have ever used for my
little ones. ,They act promptly and
the results aro always beneficial, I
think mothers should keep these
Tablets constantly in the house."
Baby's Own Tablets (0'e 8. positive
cure for such troubles as colic, sour
stomach, indigestion, eonstipalion,
simple fevers, diarrhoea and worms.
They break up colds, prevent creel),
and allay "the irritation accompany-
ing Um cutting of teeth. Sold by
druggists at 25 mete re box; or (Siltpost mild on receipt of peke by ad-
dressing the 'Dr, IVIlliarnSj Medicine
Co„ Brockville, Ont.
The silver output of tho world far
the year 3.900 28515 010 largest re-
corded in history, arnotenting to
1,78,769,760 fine ounces, 01151 exceed -
ng that of 1899, by 1,572,518
02111005. The world's 00111-
-go foe 1900 was 5177,-
11,902, an increase over the inv-
erting year of 610,664,080. The
orld (mined less gold in 1.900 than
n 1800, the figures for 1000 being
854,986,497, and those for 1899,
L'enee Poultry Not .1ne, Mehl ene Staples. 75q, Nem Wire Felon/ ee..eintlicie Wsiketvlila, Sol
Diet slow enough n price for Senora teem purposes We also make Farm end Orneoneeeffit
nepearonao, will lest lifetime. Willnot sag nor go) 0105013',ed. either wily and nroself acting. The only teed metal gat
port heavy num on the end Awhile ho Whine rtronnd tice
circle without causing them to Mtg. Thor aro nen) I
They are supplied witlt lateheaWhich allow thera to be open
to use wooden 01105. Light, and yet strong enough to SOP
are so Ow in prie
no one can affor
Each man his own fortune in his
own 11011(15,'-'0 05t110,
It is wonderful how nettr conceit is
to insanity.—,3011old,
National enthusiasm is the great
nuresery of genius.-Tucicerman.
Pre that luny hinder mieehief, yet,
permits it, is 101 accessory. -E, A,
Fixed to no spot is happinees; 'tis
nowhere to be lona°, or everywhere.
Lie that thinks he can afford to bo
negligent is not far from being poor,
Fretfulness of temper will generally
characterize those who are negligent
of order. -Blair.
The first duty of life is to be calm;
for the calm mind seelcs the truth as
the river seeks the sea -Lawrence.
If you resolve to do right you will
soon do wisely; but resolve only to
do wisely and you will never do
right. -It Ilekill.
Then is no policy like politeness;
and a good manner is the best thing
in the world to get a good name or
to supply the want of it.-13ultver.
Y -Z (wise head) has an advantage
over other soap powders inasmuch as
It also acts as a disinfectant
An oale-tree three years old aver-
ages 2 feet, 1.0ein. in heignt; an elm
will grow 111 8 years 8 feat 8 inches.
For Over Sixty Veers
143.0, Wthstow's Soornma Bruno hse been used br
millions el motheni for thoir ohIldren while teething.
11,,,0,,, the child, softens the gums, allays pato, cares
triad collo, regulates the stomach and bowels, and le the
best remedy fur Diarrhoea. Twenty -Ave mute a bottle.
hold by druggists throughout the world.. Be cure and
ask for "Mho. Wirtabow'sSoomuno 55811,,"
The Population of Britain vses 5
matches a day a head for every man
woman and child in the country.
Mthard's Liniment Cures .illphttierla
Tom -"How did you manage to
break the ice with Miss Chilton?"
Jack -"It wasn't necessary. I acci-
dentally found her in a melting
Raps the Conab
' and worto off the Cold.
Laxative Biome -Quinine Tablets cure s *old.
In ono der. blis Cure. No Pay. Prim 26 cents.
Tho English acre is 4,8e0 square
yards; the Irish, 7,81,0 square yerdS;
and the Cornish, 5,760 square yards.
MInard's Liniment Eves Uolds, etc
A. 713A1N1133) MONKEY.
One of the astrollomers, J.
J. Atkiason, who visited Sumatra
to observe the total solar eelipse
last year made the acquaintance of
an old Malay, living on a little Is-
land 11010' the Stanatran coast, who
owned a large monkey, which he had
trained to work for him in gathering
cocoanuts. The monkey's 'business
was to climb the gigantic cocoanut
palms and throw down the nuts,
"which he did," Sap; alr. A tkinS011.
'ill the ratSit I; is Lie meaner, by
screwing the nuts oft with his power-
ful arms, while he hung by his legs
70 feet to 100 feet from the ground.'
Ceylon Tea Is the f nest
Tea the world produces,
and is sole only In lead
Black, Mixed and 63 ren.,
'apan tee drinfrafi try "Salads" Green tea.
05 ail sad words of tongue or pen,
Tile saddest of these: "Just loan
ine ten,"
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that contain Mercury
as merOttry will suroly destroy the sense 01
smell and co mpl etely derange the whole system
when entering It through the mucous surfaces.
Snob artIcles Mould never be mod except on
prescriptions from reputs.blophysiolans. as the
damage they will do is tea fold to the good you
can possibly dorivefrom them. Catarrh
Car% manufactured by F.J. Cheney 8c Co.. To.
we. 0., contains no mercury, and Is taken in.
Lemony, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. In buying
Hall's Catarrh Cure be ((1108 1012 got the germ
Mo. Itis token intern ally,and made in Toledo
Ohio, by' P. J. Cheney dt Co. Testimonials
Sold by Druggists, prim 75o per bottle.
Hall's Family Pills are the beet,
Within the pest century the sea
has stolen from England land equal
in area, to the county of London.
Llinard's Liniment Cures Distemper
The Lion Brfdge, near Sanclang, in
China, is the longest in the world,
being 5 mi/es from encl to end. The
roadway is 70 feet above water.
he Federal LAI
Assurance Co. of Canada.
The twentieth annual meeting of
the shareholders of this company
was held at the head office in Hamil-
ton, Tuesday, the 4th inst. Lieut. -
Col. Kerns, vice president, WS ap-
pointed chairman and David Dexter
The directors presented their a
nual report, as follows:
Your directors have the honor
presett the report and finance
statement of the company for t
year which closed on December 8
90.1, duly vouched for by the aud
• The new business of, the year co
sisted of 1,798 applications for i
surance aggregating $2,479,500,
which 1,704 applications,- for. $2
1385,768.50, were accepted; applic
tions for $98,731.50 were reJecto
or held for Nether information.
. As in previous years, the income.)
the company shows a. gratifying 1
crease, and the assets of the coin
pany have been increased by $178
584,66, and have now reached $1
449,925,58, exclusive of guarante
The security for policy -holders, 11
eluding guarantee capital, animmte
at the close of the year to $2,810,
025.58, and the liabilities for r
serves and Fell out -standing. elairns
$1,290,840.94, showing a, surphie
e$d guarantee capita,l, the surplus
1,029,075.64. Exclesive of email
policy holders was $159,075.64:
Policies on 56 lives became claim
through death, to 1.118 amount of
126,745, of which $5,000 was re-
insured in other eoropanies, a rate
of mortality considerably under that
provided for,
Including cash dividends and .divi-
donde applied 10 the reduction of
premiums, $80,688:70, with annui-
ties, the total payments to policy-
holders amounted to $182,925.67.
Careful attention has beet given to
the investment of the company's
feeds in first-class bonds, mortgage
securities, and loans on the com-
pany's policies amply secured by re-
serves. Our investments have yield-
ed results better than the average
results of insurance companies doing
business in Canada,.
Expenses have been confined to a,
reasonable limit, consistent with due
efforts for new business.
Tho held officers and agents of the
Company are intelligent and loyal,
and aro entitled to much credit for
Ude able representation of the coin-
pany'e interests. The members of
the office steer/ have also proved
faithful in the companee service,
'1110 Ofint/ranCen earried by the cote -
patty tow amount to $18,058,777.61
upon which the compaity holds re-
serves to the full amount required by
law, and, in addition thereto, a, con-
siderable sueplus, as above 51102811.
PIM work of the current year, now
well under way, hits produced results
even better than fer the same period
no -
last year, leading to the belief that
a like advantage may be maintained
throughout the year.
DAVID DEXTER, Managing Director
WM, ICERNS, Vice -President.
To the President and Directors of the
Federal Life Assurance Company:
Gentlemen: 'We have made a care-
ul audit of the books of your com-
pany for the year ending December
81, 1901, and have certified to their
correctnees. The securities have
been inspected and compared with
the ledger accounts and found to
agree therewith.
The financial positin of your
company, as on December 81, is in-
dicated by the accompanying state-
Respectfulee submitted;
Hamilton, March 1, 1902.
Premium income... ...$ 489,504 05
57,554 64
Capital stock... ... 7,715 00
$ 504,778 69
Paid to policy -holders
for death claims, ee-
dowments, surrend-
er values and pro -
162,925 67
other payments... 158,810 16
Balance- 3.63,587 86
$ 504,778
Assets, December 31, 1901:
Debentures and bohds $ 821,172
Mortgages- .... 619,691
Loans SOCUPed by pol-
icy reserves...
Cash in bank and oth-
er assets,.
285,530 59
278,580 50
$ 1,440,925 58
Reserve fund... ...$ 1,255,058 81
Death losses aeyaiting
20,400 00
Other liabilities- ... 15,398 88
Surplus on policy-
holders covalent 159,075 64
$ 1,449,025 58
Gearantee capital ...$ 870,000 00
Total security .. ...$ 2,819,925 58
Policies wore issued
assuring ,„ „,$ 2,885,768 50
Total aeauraece in
force... e. --$18,058,777 61
On motion of Lieut. -Col, Earns,
seconded by Mr. Macpherison, the re.
port teas adopted,
The medical director presented a
statistical report, !showing a favor-
able mortality experience.
Tho retiring directors were re-
elected, and at a subsequent meeting
David Dexter was elected president
and managing director, Lieut.-OoL
Keens and Mr, Macpherson silo -Pre*
• 4/12/ LW' ent4
servouvrt sward,
ikt-ct it;42-6 .4741, 44e-eAf'l
and it's tho kind of paint you should t
have on your house. It etands 215)
against the weather, Aghts Eta rain e
411.d 5t0P111 and hOL sun, keeps your
house looking bright, Olean And
handsome among your neighbors.
Goieg to paint this spring? Buy
the oldest and best in Cameda, Pure
coterie1,. pure oil, finely grouted and
properly mixed, ready 101. 1180, 00
loss, no waste, Sold At just the right
price by all dealers. Send for our
booklet showing beautiful homes.
Ask for booklet "K" free,
tabers. (041
Butter, Eggs Pouftry1 Apples
o...er Pr441,100
00rreepon0ence Solicited.
It] England and Wales the railway
compauies O1111 on an average 121;
acres of land to every mile of com-
pleted railway.
The Publisher of the Best Fernier's
paper in the Maritime Provinces in
writing to us states:
I would say that I do not know of
a medicine that has stood 1,110 test of
has been an unfailing remedy in 021
household ever since I can remember,
mad has outlived dozens of would be
caffpetitors and imitations,
1901 saw the first passenger steam-
er fitted with steam turbines. This
is the "King Edward," a 20 -knot
vessel plying on the Clyde.
TO Clittel A COLD 15 ONE MAT.
Take Laxative Brom° Quinine Tablets. A
drenists refund.tho money if it fails to cure
E. w. Grevo's slynatnre le On smolt box. 310.
Holland now stands fifth in the
world's list 01 185(111151 trading coun-
tries. Spain is tenth, with just un-
der 8 per cent. of the total,
iipard's timmem CMS awn umvs.
Jones -"Do you think that con-
stantly %veerieg a hat has a tenden-
cy to make a man bald?" Jacobs -
"No; but when a note is bald I've
noticed that it has a tendency to
make hithi constantly wear a hat."
Cii.AILEG313 CZ+ Xs31:Cli
3E'flOriliT17717, 3EZ....
Preserves the tooth. SWeatana the breath,
atrangthens the gums
Best compreasod•air sprayer made. Sample
machine free.-0AVER3 5008., cult, est,
.---968 SAY' ST REE T. - TORONTO
Gents'Sults Gleaned
or Dyed ; also Ladies' Woor of 011 kinOln,
and Howe Hangi,g'. 01orery description.
Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa & Quebec.,
FOR SALE.—Tem a -revolution Campbell
Presses, bed 40x56 Inches. Splendid
order. PrIoe41,000 each. Terms oasy.
73 West Adelaide St., Toronto
omovod or healed by one or two appll.
:atione of ciloadine, It keeps the akin
loft and clear.
Large Boxes 250. Druggists or
alleadine Co., Toronto.
Dominion Line Steantships
Montreal to Liverpool. Domino to Livor.
.l. Portland to Liverpool. Via 51ueens-
Large and Ihmt Steemshms. Superior accommodation
for all lasses dm:melSarnsrd Staterooerng&irt3ti:r1b0gir't*t;lect A 0,01 Thd-la4.nroaon,P6
rates 05wimp and all particular*, apply to any ages)
of the Osompeny, or
Rietarde, Mille k 00, D. Torrance; & 0e.,
77 state 3300t011,. Montreal end Portland.
ukle Ban
Instruments, gles, Ms, Drums, Caps. etc.
Co have a no and 0018 05 Bogle Band.
Lewes( prices ewer quoted. Illustrated price -list
mailed free. Write us for .21551111150 15 MUSIC
WHALEY, MU 6 CO.,, Mita
Winnipeg, Man, Toronto, Canaan
'Saber's Rupe
8.1 o Rah,
„ev Gatelog
19000.000 Customers
'Proudest record et any ...It..n eg0611
and yet Tv° 070r000511,5 out Sou more, IA
'dash, by July Int, Mom Moro patrol., owl
houce tturitupttoOdtlato6 offer.
$10 WORTH FOR 15u
We vrill mall upon 00001)101
1 120 ln deove
ourgroasV.I.O, worth lisms05L'.gM#1Ziflg
110usaaitelli100 s0aaap0.
100 for 0400.00.
012.00, 70.
Stod 0(0000,
Who are Old While Young,
Whose Vitality is Wasted.
Whose Nerves are Shattered,
Who Find Life Burdensome,
I can cure you with Electricity, as
1 13070 cured thoUsands of others.
1 can make the blood circulate In
your veins, the nerves Nagle with
Vigorous life and the spirit of
energy show itself in every move
of your body. My
Dr. Mob ughlin's Electric Mt
Is a Model, a Modern Home Treatment
'fibtrilay1,1•Zatinb`prAlba,it viaziakinoi,;7,r4 „icturiv,
sy Mu , ttelotiooki, floe Ron, Lamitaamt, 7imaigestien. Wen&
Meehatid 11 forms of Pain and wettlineat, reateres the life White 1%4- aim
mum cane, Any one Whd will scour° me can MOO MY Celt tend
Pay When Cured.
etretita6MIC o358 71n5154 ad I dtroot and 12 W111 tee° id,.
Beet hesitate, don't waste our t1113051 drziks, -which give no
gfl,tie ltaVO 0.11 tee belt ot anether 11)10105 201#111 lute ,burned and
041topi SOIPA% 2, no peens.* sleet:Mita brine it Mid M
I wilr ew you Cele.
tedejtialtrititrettp." T1.7,31.r.vdMite°447,
DR. N. 0. NoLIWOHL111. 130 Youge Street, "5orentil.