The Brussels Post, 1902-4-3, Page 1Vol, 80..
No, 87
License District
Ct XCti
Riding S
of g� r
g u o.
The East Huron Lioenee Oommieeioners
will meet M the
: Tuesday,
�. ril llud
�. !
1002, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. AM,
To take into oonaideretion the appiioa.
tione forTevera Licenses for 1902-08.:
The number of Hotel Lioenees granted
htet year in the Riding woe 18
• The number of applio,tione this year
is 18, The new applicant is Mrs. George
•McKim, Royal Hotel, Walton, for Beer
and Wine License.
. d it. ittiLTE6,
JAtoeerowi, April2nd,1002; inspector.
W. I -I. KERR, Prop,
New Advertisements,
For elite—john Tmlay,
Seed barley—D, Walker.
gal—W. J. MoOraokele,
House to rent—Geo, Robb.
Millinery --,D. M. MoBeatb,'
Ball for warelee—Geo. Robb,
Lioenee I:Matriat—J. R. Miller.
Wall paper—F, B. Rurality & Co.
House for Bale—Neil MoLeeohlln.
Lion Brand Clothing—D, 0. Roes.
1Z£+tr: rt Reims.
Robt, Shaw took the service in Victoria
R.p teat Sabbath evening.
A. MoDoneld'a little child bag been ill
for some time but we hope it will 8000 be
fully restored.
Wm. Riley and family have moved to
the :Fraliok farm, ,14 miles from James -
•town, from the 8th liue of Grey township,
D. L. and Mies L. E. Straohan are
spending their Easter holidays at home.
D L. is taking Senior Leaving end Mod-
ern and Olaseio Languages in Kincardine
Collegiate, Mies Straohan is on the
teaohing staff of Tavielook 1ablio School.
OUR Millinery Opening was a great success
and the resulting rush of business would
indicate that our Customers were pleased.
We have Ready-to-wear,
Ready -to -trim and
Untrimmed Hats,
Flowers, Ornaments, Ribbons, Silks, Millinery
Novelties, etc., in complete assortment of the
Latest Styles and Designs
Call and see our Cheap Hats.
Boy's School
It is astounding how quick
the average boy will go through
his rf.niokers unless you buy him the famous "Lion" Brand make,
got up especially for the lively boy. Made with double knees and
double seats, seams taped and double sewn with linen thread, will
outwear 2 pairs of ordinary goods. Once a customer, always a cus-
tomer. You are safe in every way when you get this make, be-
cause the goods sold are all wool. You will find no shoddy or cot-
ton in goods bearing the "Lion" Brand.
Than again look at the make and finish of the goods, they
are not equalled.
We are the only people in town handling this famous make.
Cat Hosiery
61ack re
No. 15
ITIHE Beet Hosiery in the World
is none too good for the
average boy who seems to take
great delight in wearing out his
Clothing. No. 15 in the Black
0GACrr CAT 0RAND Oat Hosiery i6 the best goods in
Chicago-Rooktord Hosiery eo. the market for this kind of a boy
Y$NOSHA, WIS. —wears better and washes better
than any other make. Has triple knees and triple heels. Is made
in such a manner that they cannot fail to give the utmost satisfac-
tion. Once .a customer, always a customer.
See that you get No. 15 when next you purchase Hosiery. We
are the only agents in town 'for 'this famous brand, y
Leading g C10th eY' & Furnisher,
The trustee's of Victoria Hall have oome
to the eonolnsion to Rural -ran a new
organ for the Hall and a Committee wag
appointed to do so, Fonda era in hand..
Next Monday eveuing Rev, Mr. Ander.
son, of Wroxeter, will give hie illnetrated
lecture in the Hall here, The Presbyter.
in choir r ptVY X r will ate ro
supply a
musical program.
At a Meeting held on Teeaday evening
in the HMI the members of the Jamestown
Beef ring decided to bund aeianghter
house on tbe farm of Jag, Strachan, The
material will be fnrnfghed by the ring, P,
McDonald has the job. It will be 10116„
The Committee to look after it ie Jae,
Strachan, Jno, Oatt and Walter Ibnee,
Building le to be finished in May. Last
year the butchering was done et Samuel
Shine's bit as' he bought the Michael
Mallen farm and moved to it a change
was neoeeeary. Mr, Shine will likely
oontinae to be the butaber. There are 40
persons in the Beef ring and they have
polled well together eine it Inauguration,
Joeeph Leech visitedin Luoknow over
Viotor Jarmy0 is spending his vacation
with hie parents.
Mrs. Harry Bosman le suffering from
an attack of phuriey.
Mise Janet Hood spent Good Friday
with friends ' in Londesboro'.
Mies Ethel Koigbt, of Ripley, spent the
holidays with her friend, Min Mabel
On March 26th, at the Methodist
Parsonage, Binevale, by Rev. F. Swann,
William Vanetone, of Turnberry, was
united fn marriage to Miee Martha Belle
Armstrong, of Wingham.
School re -open, next Monday.
Township Clouooil here on Weedily of
next week.
Mise Linda Milne is spending her
Easter holidays at home.
Mre. "Dose Cole spent Easter with
friends in Morrie townebip.
There is a good opening here for a
tanner and also for a tinsmith.
Samuel Canteloa and eon, Willie, spent
Easter with friends at Seaforth,
Mre. Angus Lamont, West of Ethel,
spent the Eastertide at Wingham.
Clark Hayden, wife and daughter, of
Palmerston, are visiting friends in this
W. J. Sharp and family have removed
to tbe l lth con„ where they will make
their home.
The new roof and net of paint added
greatly to the appearance of Geo. Miti
obeli's boot and shoe store.
Miss Laura Spence was visiting Mies
Jean McLaaohlin and other friends at
Brunie during the past week.
R. McLeod has theoontract of building
a bonne and barber shop for W. Heath
and is pushing the work along.
Mies Bertha Fogal returned from
Brantford this week. She bas been
visiting her sister, Mre, Geo. Morgan.
The two-year old son of Wesley Heath
had the
misfortune n to tail from aai
oh r
on Tuesday of this week and broke his
collar bone.
Isaac Gill's new residence ie nearing
completion under the menegement of
Robb, Lang. Mr. Gill will have quite a
oomfortable home.
Hugh Oanningham made a buaineee
trip to Toronto last week. Mr. Oanuing•
ham hae become quite prominent as a
stook dealer in this locality.
The Sharp 50 aore farm recently bought
by Robt. Dilworth has been purchased by
Robert McKay, West of Ethel, at $1,850.
Rumor eaye a new housekeeper will be
installed before long.
Last week James Liueday Bold bio farm,
hot 29, eou,4, to Riahard Pearson, of this
looality, for the sum of $1,800. There are
no buildings of valde on the plaoe. Sale
was engineered by F. S. Scott, of Bruaeele.
61r. Lindsay sold' on a000nnt of the farm
being too far away from his present home.
Will. Gillespie, of Ripley, visited
friends in Morrie last Sunday.
Alex. and Mrs. Souter, of Elm Grove,
spent Banday at Ohm. Ritchie's.
Thos. Aebton i8 not reooveriog es fast
as hie many friends would wish tor.
Township Connell minutes and aadi•
tore' report may be read on pages 4 and
5 of this ieeae.
Mre. Samuel Walker, 6th line, was a
visitor at the Rev. George Jewitt'e,
Henaall, last week.
Robt. Gibson left Braaeele on Tuesday
for Indian Head, N. W. T., where he ex.
peots to upend the owning Summer.
Wm, Knox, sr., 8rd line, was elected
Elder in Belgravia Preebyterlaa Church
Int Sunday. He takes Mr. Meiklejohn's
Mies Kirkby, daughter of Geo. Kirkby,
has resigned from the Blyth public eohool
staff and accepted a position on the Olin.
ton model school staff. Min Lockhart,
who le at present teaching fn McGowan's
eohool in East Wawanoeh,hes been Lemur.
tad to take the vacancy in the Blyth
We notice that S. L. Caldbiak, who ie a
graduatingmenet of the 8aginaw Valley
Medical ollege, ie the manager of the
College Base Bell team. He is a eon of
S. Caldbick, 2nd line, and will likely be
home for a visit after his exam, S. L. is
a clever young man and will make hie
mark in the world we have no doubt,
NoTae.—A good many of one Morrie
farmers attended Mr. Crerar'e sale on
Tueedny of thie week.—Thos. Runeoll had
a wood bee on Saturday of Leet week. -A
good many are seam of feed for their
steak. A good job bay is not high in
prime: A lot of good stook wee shipped
from Bnueeeleon Tuesday.—Geo. Pearoe,
7th line, made a lot of maple syrup this
season. -0. Michie paid a visit to Morrie,
on Fridny, going bank on Monde to
Heepeler. 500 hands work in the Forbes
woolen mills and they chip an immense
amount of guide to distant points, Why
can not Bennis get setae factory dome
kind beeidee the one that are running
and give employment to some fow hum
dyed men and women 7 A canning factory
ebonid do well in this looality.
A'I3ra Swear,—Frank Tremble, a well
known young gentleman in this towuehlp,
is the recipient of beerty aongratelatione
over big eplendid nieceee in his let term's
examinations at the Ontario Veterinary
College,'I''oronto, oompleted on Wednesday
of last week, pat of the six egbjeole he
took 5 prime
honors in the other.
There were 98 in the elan and some of
those writing are andante of other col-
leen. Here was Mr. Lambie's standing
—102 in Baaterology ; let in Pathology ;
2nd in Chemiatry ; 2nd In Disease and
Treatment ; Bed in Physiology ; Honore
in Anatomy. He worked bard daring the
term but hag his reward in the very
creditable standing ennead. Mr. Lambie
expeoto to return to the College next Fall
for bis final term and may then take a
special 00000e at a Chicago eohool. We
wish him the 8000080 he desires,
Mr ewe.
Schools reopen next Monday,
Township Connell next Monday at
Fall wheat is showing well after the
Winter eeaeon,
J. F. Carr, Stretford Baellies° Oollege,
agent Easter holidays at his home, 8rd
A little daughter has arrivedto gladden
the heart sod home of Jno. and Mrs.
Grey township orate -oat sawyers atilt
oerry the beeper both for let, 2ud and
p s.
Mies Sadie 0. Dangles, of St, Paula,
spent Easter with her sister, Mre. R.
Our, 8rd line.
We are sorry to hear that Mre. Thos.
Williamson is seriously ill with brow:hitie
and pneumonia.
Mies Annie King, teener at 1343. No.
1, ie'epe.nding her vacation at her home
in Haldimand Co.
Jno. Glassier and wife and Dan. Glace
Bier and wife were visiting relatives at
Ayton and Neuetadt.
Mre. Damian Livingston was visiting
et Harwich, where an aunt aged 87 years,
and other relatives reside.
Mise Millie Bray bee returned home
after an extended visit with friends in
Wroxeter. Her many friends will be
pleased to gee her home. again.
Dann and Mre. Taylor are away to
Harrow, Eesex Co., to renew old aequain.
tenon with Jno. Wilson and family,
former well knowu reeidente of Morrie
John Blake, who is teaching eohool in
Essex Co„ is spending hie Easter holidays
at home, 14th eon, The West is agreeing
beautifully with him judging by hie
A thorn' bred Durham bull hae been
pnrobaeed from H. Crioh,'01 Tnokeremith
by R. M. Douglas, 15th moo. The
animal fa a good one, 16 monthe old and
was brought to its new home Thursday
of last week.
The timber and atone are ready for the
improvements to Jamee Douglas' • barn
lot 9, moa. 16. The building will be split
and 12 feet added, the wbole to rest ou
atone stabling, with natant floors and
other modern improvements.
Henry Douglas, who has been here for
the past few months on a visit will return
to Colorado shortly. He is in the reach.
ing business and hae been there for 6
years. The Grey girl ehoald see that he
does not go West without a wife.
Hugh Stewart and family have moved
baok to Grey township from Walkerton
and will live in the hoose formerly nom
pled by the late Mre. Stewart, 16th mon.
lie will get his farm baok from hie
tenant, D. elo0anum after the next prop.
The many old frfenda of the family are
glad to have an opportunity of welooming
them baok to Grey.
James Harrie, 16th con. and family
have removed to the 14th eon, of McKillop
to hie recently purchased farm. He was
barn lu Grey and both he and his partner
n lite are very highly esteemed and will
be mieeed from the 16th. Mr. Hurts'
arm was bought by "Jamee Houston,
There might be snob a thing that another
'Jim" would become a reoident of the
now vacated home.
Goon A.08.—On the 10th ult., Mrs.
Oliver Smith, who makes her home with
er eon John Smith, 6th nom„ celebrated
er 87th birthday. She is bright, with
ood hearing and sight and takes a good
eal of enjoyment out of life. Mr. Smith
,seed away many years ago. The aur.
Mug children are William, of .Hamil.
on ; Thos. Alex. and (Nver, of Wroxeter ;
as., of Galt ; Mre. A. Turnbull, Mre. A.
tewart, Mies Ellen Smith and John, of
rey. Tue Pon adds its oongratulatione
those of many friends, in wishing Mre,
mit) many joys in her declining years.
The anetion sale of farm stook, imple-
ante &o„ on the farm of Donald Omar,
lila non., Tuesday afternoon, visa &sweep.
r and a fitting contagion to the lohg
et of successful sales oondnated by Aao-
oneer Soott during the peat season.
here WAS a very large attendance eon.
dering state of weather and roads, and
Mee were big. Cows went as high as
8 ; heifers for 847 i horses 8168, and
then things in proportion, the sale
oting ap 20 81,800. Mr. Orerer had hie
ook in good ,hsps and profited by this
ole Mr. Hoover, the purchaser of the
ren, le moving from Westfield and will
weloomod to the neighborhood. Mr.
d Mre. °rarer will carry many good
thee with them.
JimaJimaand Mre, Armetrong, 10th cone
re away to Auburn last week attending
e knave! of Mre, Clerk, mother to
e. Armstrong, who died nape a some.
at trying illness. She was well advan-
io life and was very highly eateelned
the community, The deceased's
idea name was Matilda Gormley, the
e born in Ireland in 1828 and Doming
Canada when a girl, she resided with
r parente in Ontario County, Sbe
o married In 1850 and game to Huron t
Co, some years later where she has eine
d. She leaves a hothead and eight
Idren to mourn her lees. The ohil.
n are ;—Mrs, R. Armetrong and Mre.
Sprung, of Manitoba ; Jas., of Loa r
geles, Cal. ; Robert, of Toronto ; Mre. e
in, Thompson, of West Wawauosh; 0
e. ,Tames Armstrong, of Bennis ; and b
n' and Alias at bottle. In religion
dtarltwee 'aMethoditiand lived a w
fa a
good Chrietlan life, Interment wee Wade
in the Ball cemetery on Friday of last
Illissee Maggie fetowart and Christina
Leornont, were holidaying with friends
at 8t, Marys,
Jno, D. Crest, who isattondieg Strafe
ford Collegiate, is visiting at home der.
ing Easter vaoation, His permute will
remove to Stratford as they have sold
their farm en the 9th moil,
John Datg and wife have removed 20
Fordwioh where they will make their
borne. Mr. Doig le engaged in buying
live stook for shipping purposes. He dlo•
posed of bis 50 sore farm, 7th oon., to his
brother Robert, who will move to it. Tee
prioe paid wee $2,775. We wish Messrs.
Doig noose in their reepeotivemention,
By referents t0 another agleam It will
be observed the" Peter Stewart, a one
time resident of the 17th mon,, died et
Pitloobry, Sootiand, on February 16th,
aged 79 years. He was unmarried. It
is 15 or 20 years since he sold hie farm,
now owned by Wm. Strath, and returned
to the land of his birth. Hie mental was not very strong at one time
but whether he reoovered we did not learn.
MATnrntoxrAL.—Wedding belle chimed
merrily on Wednesday evening of last
week at the epaoiono and comfortable
residence of James and Mre. Onefo, 15t1
mon., when John W. Taylor, whose home
is near Guelph, and Mies Sophia R. eldest
daughter of the host andhosteee, entered
into a matrimonial animates with the aid
of a marriage license and the services of
Rev. D. B. MoRae, of Oraobrook. The
tittle seders of bride and groom were the
maids of Honor. A very neat and be.
coming costume of white was worn by the
bride and the little laseiee were dressed
in pink, and carried beautiful boquete.
Evergreens and flowers' gave a very
tasteful appearance to the interior of the
home. Miss Tilde McRae presided at
the argao for the Weddiug March.
The wedding gifts were of an
extra floe oharaoter and bore ample
evidence of the good will enjoyed by
the bride and groom. It was no easy
matter to provide accommodation for
a company numbering over 150 bnt every.
thing was in apple -"lie order. The
wedding supper was served in grand style
and was a first class recommend to Mrs.
Oneio'e cooking abilities. After the tables
were oleared away the company spent
several bourn in tripping the light fautae.
tie, social chat, &o. Mr. and Mrs.
Taylor received many hearty oongratula.
tions and will commence housekeeping
with the beat wishes of a large circle of
friends. They left for a abort wedding
tour to Toronto and Monday evening a
reception was tendered them at the
groom's parents, The guests were loud
In their preieee of the whole.eouled
hospitality of Mr. and Mre. Cusco and
Spring Millinery Openings in Erne.
Large Attendance, Splendid Displays, and
9utiefectory Bne►ness iron.
The ladies of Brussels and looality were
surely in their element on Wednesday
and Thursday of last week when three
Millinery Opeoioge were on the program
is town. There was an unusually large
attendance of the fair sex and the various
heedeome dieplsye of the newest styles
and prettieet novelties and millinery art
were duly examined and praised by the
fair connoisseurs. It ie 0otioeable, even
to the most casual observer, that the hate
to be worn this year are much more
modified in size than those of 1080. Nene
of those enormous creations with spread.
ing trimmiogo ars being shown. Even
the Gaineborongh has experienced this
modification. As before, nearly every.
thing is flet. Among tbe most fashion.
able ehopee are the "Floredora," so called
from the opera of that name, the "San.
toy" a dainty three•oornered hat. The
Floradora is being made in freed straw,
while the Continental will be seen in a
variety of styles. Speaking generally,
the trimmiuge are simple, very little be
ing used on the Drowns at all. 01
materials the most popular are tulle,
obiffon, ospreys, aigrettes, pearl and jet
beads, sequins, ribbons, foliage and
flowere. Ribbons, especially, are mon.
eidered the oarreat thing, white milliners
And plenty of scope for the nee of any
amount and variety of imitations of
nature's blossoms. Pale bine vies with a
combination of white and black' se the
shade that will create the moat favorable
impression upon fashion lovers. There
is decidedly new and some very dainty
hate shown in that shade. The latter
is found on what is known as' the "Coro.
nation" bat, white and blank being the
coronation colors. Lanes are used in
profaeion end are prettier than aver,
Old age straw promisee to meet with
great favor. Among the newest eludes
to trimmings is an exceedingly pretty
French red. Fruit of all kinds, eepeolal.
ly grapes in pearl effects, and June roses
will be worn to a considerable extent.
Ohildren'e hate are are a little more
elaborate that last year, some having
flowers and ribbon and tips and ribbon.
All have a soft lading. Panama and
Java stratus, which were faehiouable a
ample of years ago,are in again and
manyfeathere fn colors, and white and
black and pearl oaboohono are used.
ttl0000 none AND 13A701107T,
wba, are the eneaeesore of the late Mre.
Rogers, made a very elaborate display of
the latest and moat fashionable of ladies'
headgear, presented with a geatneoe of
arrangement and millinery grace Eliot
betoken a large measure of Burmese to
ile young ladies. It arae no email under.
takingg to attempt t to
with for.
mer yews in the came Store bat thole
who are oomp0Eent to judge affirm that
Misses Roane and Hayoroft have every
eaeon to feel justly proud of their first
ndeavor to please feminine fanny in be.
timing millinery. Praise wag not stinted
y any mean, and the words of reoom.
mendtliott, coupled with numerous ,also,
ill no doubt prove an 10 anti t
twin these golden opiuione, 'Here are
Lew of tbe millinery fancies that Wore
ted qe ;-.-A very tasty creation Was ,
Gray bat, tacked ohtffoo, edged wit
tubular braid, two large rosettes of gr
ribbon an side of front on brim, unde
brim trimmed with amen pink 00000 50
buds Targe white tip on right brim, It i
called by the very eupbouioue name 0
The Ibey le a charming creation o
blue and white, puffed ohiflbo on uode
brim, caught with large pearl beads
olueter of white roeee.on edge of brim
veiled with a pretty blue chiffon Boar"
and a beaatttul spray of layer raising a
back caught with a pearl cabochon. AUnmandainty hat in taan with a heavy brim
of obiffon, beld in piece with bars o
straw,and low boll crown to match aroma
which ie a loose scarf of ribbon falling i
loops and endo on book ; a lovely trail o
white haws on left brim. A fanny bis
unit colored osprine raised on an al
round band and famed with red, tucked
obiffon, 0 olueter of ivy leaves under lel
brim, barred with black velvet ribbon
bunch of red poppies 0u top to give Neigh
and right brim draped in heavy oream
lace was worthy of epeeist] attention. A
violet turban, raised on band at left aide
whole brim made solid with violate
crown is the odd part of the hat and ie
formed in a plaogae shape of oream lace
and is what people would commonly oall
a "dandy." Doanete are a8 fine as the
hate and the children' bate are well
worth seeing. A very neat display of
monrniog goods is ebown,
a Will, Grieve la now wending the paint.
e• er'e brush.
Mn,. Jnm. Sinclair, who bag been et
h Stratford, ie visiting in town,
ay Miee Beott, teacher, is vlelting under
r the perentafroof'near Helmut).
d Mre. George Robb and daughter spent
a heater with relatives in Guelph,
f Jae. Grillo end wife, of Elora, spent
Easter with rolativae in Bruaeele,
f O. Crone, of the Standard Bank, ie a•
r way to Georgetown for bis holidays.
a 0, B, Jerome, of Blyth, is assisting H.
, R. Brewer in his art gallery in town,
, James O'Leary, of Potrolea, woo re.
t newiog former friendships in Brnteele,
Rob, and Violet Mogenzle are visiting
their note, D. McKenzie, at Wallaoeville.
f Mies Mabel Zimmer is home from
d Listdays.el Collegiate for her Easter holt.
n ow
f R, W. Methuen, formerly of Braaeele,
is Vice -President of Luoknow Lacrosse
1 team,
Mise Laura Niobolle ie home tram
t Seaforth Collegiate for her Easter vada.
6 Thos. Bloomfield and wife left for
theft new home near Paisley on Wednee.
Mre. W. H. Willie and sone, of Seatortb
are visitors at B. Gerry's daring this
J. Hart, wife and eon, of Owen Bound,
were Easter vieitore with Juo. and Mre,
SmitS b of PI ttevtll
e i
holidaying in town during the Easter
W. F„ Mre. Vanetone and Mise Freda,
of Wingham, were in Brussels doriog the
past week.
Mrs, Margois, of Ripley, spent Good
Friday with Mre, H. Ham. They are
old friends.
Mies Laura Speen, of Ethel, was the
guest of Mies Jean MoLauohlin during
the past week.
Wesley and Mre. Walker, of Wingbam,
were visitors with G. Walker, and wife,
0u Friday.
MGoodiueee 0limie, Bolton and Kidd, of
Listowel, were vieitore at R. 11, Ross',
Alexander street.
Mre. J. G. Tremaio, et Detroit, was a
visitor with Mre. John Ling, Flora street.
The ladies are sisters.
Mre. Driver, of Blantbard, and Mre. D,
Livingston, of Grey, where the gue0te of
Meg. F. Sperling this week,
Mre. R. Johnston and Mrs. Roes, of
Wingham, were holidaying with old
friende in town for a few days.
Mre. Joo. Loodeaboro' of Seaforth, was
in town for a few days visiting at R.
Leatherdale's and S. Haggard's.
Mise Garrow wee in town for Easter.
She is attending the Seaforth Collegiate
Institute. Her home is in Algoma.
Ashley Lowry left on Tuesday for the
"Soo" where his father bee several mon.
tract,. The family may follow later.
D. M. Ferguson, of Stratford, wen
chosen Vioe.Preeident of the Stratford
Board of Trade. He's quite a hustler.
Rev. D. Perris, the popular Presbyter.
ian divine of Wingbam, wee a visitor at
Melville manse Braaeele, on Thursday.
Will. Leatherdale, of Seaforth, and
Mise Grille, of Listowel, were visitors at
R. Leatherdele'e during the Enter week.
Mre. Geo. Basher has' not been in
finst-olass health for the past few weeks
bat we hope ebe will soon be fully
Mr. Ewan, who has been visiting here
for some mon the, halt thin week fora trip
to Penneylvania where he is largely in.
terested in oil lands•
Mre. Robt, MoNenghtoo keeps very
poorly. She is nearly 78 years of age
while her aged partner is 88, They have
been married 50 years.
R. G. Wilson and eon Frank, former
Brnseelites, ware here for a few days
from London. Mr. Wilson does a large
businees in contracting.
Fred. Hayoroft, who was employed in
Barrie is here for a holiday. He may go
to Bnfialo to take a position as engineer
on one of the lake steamers,
Leet week Bert. Gerry arrived home,
after a sojourn of a few years in the
Northwest, for a visit. He looks as it the
olimate of the West agreed with him.
Allan Patterson, of Herrieton, was a
visitor with Wm. Martin, Flora etreet,
during the past week. They were friends
in their boyhood in the land of the thistle.
Mre. Jno. Leckie, of town, and Mre J.
It. Stewart, of Toronto, are visiting
friends in Lietawel. Mrs. Stewart will
return to the Queen city from Listowel,
Jamee Fox, who has been employed at
the Queen's Hotel, talks of going to the
"Soo" next week where he expeote to
epend the Summer. He has been there
Miss Mary Roberton was in Clinton for•
a few days this week attending the
marriage of her brother, Geo. Roberton,
formerly of Brussels, to Miss Nettie Mo.
hire.of OhneOlin,oBoger was renewing old
friendebipa in Bruaeele this week. Mr.
and Mre. Sager have moved to London,
the former being au employ in the Fire
Engine Works established there.
A letter from Ad. Varooe, formerly of
Hengelo, from Orandell, Man„ eaye be ie
well and doing well. He was leaving for
hie homestead at Swan River locality for
the Summer. Tam Pon is pleased to hear
of bis a0ooeae.
W. H. Kerr, Seoretary of East Huron
Agl. Society, was at Toronto lest week
with a delegation arranging for the an.
nun Excursion to the Model Farm,
Guelph, with Dietriot Paeaenger Agent
Dickson of the Grand Trunk Railway.
Date willbe June 20.
Dr. MaKenzfe, lecturer in Osteology, in
Toronto Univereity, wee a vieftbr et
Principal Cameron's for a few days. Ho
was a lormorLuokaowite and he a clever
young man. In addition to his lent0ree
he is surgeon of Upper Canada College
and aeaistent editor of "The Lanest", the
Toronto organ of the medical fraternity,
R. W. Jewitt, of Cromarty, was in town
ori Friday, He hae purchased the
general store stook of kir. Andrews, of
Kinbarn, and will take poeeeesion on"
May 1st if the Huston of his sehoot will
let him, 150110 a eon of Wen. Jewitt, of
lytill 800aet, Brunets, and ie a level head.
ed young man with every likelihood o!
doing well,
00000 L0TTLm,
who opens up bueioese io Brussels for
the first•time this season, although well
acquainted with the millinery art in
other towns, did no dieoredit to the ex -
oniony that has marked the Millinery
Openings of thio town in the past. The
arrangement of the large, varied and np-
to date display was pleseing to the eye
and gave the vieitore ample opportunity
of observing 000trasts in style, fiaieh, &o.
Planta, flowere, ribbons, lane and other
millinery etceteras lent a charm to the
decorations whish gave a moat artistic
oast to the exhibit, and many flattering
words were spoken that were full of en-
couragement to Miss Little in her initial
opening and with the sales made and
orders taken gave evidence of a fair share
of oaetom doming to her. To attempt a
minute deeoriptioo is not our purpose
but we oall attention to a few of many
worthy epeoimene and advise oar reedere
to oall and see for themselves if they
have not already done so. Black hat,
after Gsineboro' style, obiffon and straw
edge, sequin crown, obiffon tie, ostrich
plume, and $niehed with jet cabochon
0008 it very neat millinery device. Anoth.
er attractive hat was a Linn shade,
Arabian lame crown, foliage and rose for
trimming and pearl effects, A violet
hat, having the rimof violets, with wreath
of foliage, and shirred ribbon crown was
gaiokly picked up, Something very
pretty was shown is a blank picture hat
edged with pale blue r03ed, draped with
eequin orown, bow of Duahena satin rib.
bonnd blaok bl ak os' r
p aye. In moarnicg
millinery Mies Little has dons nicely.
She hae a large stook of flowers in black
and oelore, foliage, &o.
mesas 2A0010m.
Their epeoioaa show room presented a
pleasing and attraotiveswine. In theft
very neatly arranged and extensive ex-
hibit ware to be fonnd many epeoimene
of the newest productions of millinery
art that could hardly fail to please the
most fastidione and combined with the
floral decorations presented a bower of
beauty that elicited many well deserved
compliments. Misses Habkirk were well
pleased with the nooses of their Spring
opening and have every reason to look
forward to a largely inoreaeed trade over
last season. In their display, among
many pretty exhibits, were noticed a
charming creation in a pearl het made
of white rolls of table naught down with
pearl beade for a facing and pretty pearl
orown to mstoh. Strings of pearl beads
fastened with two pearl cabochons at
the bank, prodtoe a very pretty and
dainty afloat. Another partioularly
noticeable hat was a large oream plague
shape, with facing of ping-pong rose sol.
ored chiffon and trimmed with a wreath
of poppies and foliage, slashed in the
beck and finished with insertion and
liberty satin, castor ribbon streamers
fastened with a large rhinestone bookie.
A large blank hat made of tulle and satin
straw with tulle and eequie drapery, one
large ostrich plume coming from the bank
finished at the bank with liberty satin
ribbon fastened with a cabochon and
long atreamere. This was indeed a sty-
lish design, A tueoan straw with Bat•
tenberg lane, in the ehephetdees style,
had a wreath of white Jane rosea around
the edge of the rim, velvet ribbon twisted
mound oh d tb
a crown and falling In loops
over the bank with a hooch of foliage and
roses at the left side of crown presented a
very pleseing effeot. One attention was
also called to the mourning hate, a notice-
able feature in this shop. A number of
pretty children's bate and some pretty
obiffon ruffs in white and black looked
very debate, and attractive.
Mise Brook is holidaying ab Palmers-
Rob. Roth, of Listowel, was visiting at
0. Zilliax.
A. Hewitt, of leinoardioe, bag been iu
town this week.
Mrs. Juo. Downing spent a few days
with friends at Paisley.
Principal Cameron, spent Easter with
hie mother at Luoknow.
I.O. and Mre. Richards were at Toron-
to this week for two days,
Miss Kate Wilson is home from Dray.
ton for the Eaglet vacation.
Miss Nettie Breton, of Gerrie e
vieitiug Min Garble Zilliax, wn
A. McGuire and Mies Winnie agent
Good Friday in Wingham,
Mies Annie Roes spent Raster with T.
and Mre. Rose at Oheeley.
Miee Nino Raeore was home from
Mount Forest for Eastertide.
Mre, Wildfong, of Stratford, was vial"-
ing Aire, P. Blaine Breestle,