The Brussels Post, 1902-3-27, Page 8T JET
13AU kl.OuLl3' I08'T`
Latest Designs in Decorative Wall Pa
If you intend papering your house do not fail to
call on us and• see our elegant samples.
We eau give you paper at any price yon wish and
guarantee Batis£aetion,
New Ingrains ! New ,Ingrains !
A well pleas ed Customer is our best recom-
F. B. Hursley etc Co.
Agents for Nyal's Preparations.
Traine leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follow;
Gorse Soma GoINa NORTli:.
Express 7:18 a.mI Mail ..... 2;10 p,m
Mined •9:96 man Express ...... 8:17p.m
Total Ittivs Prrts.
A chlel's among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
SAWING matob Friday afternoon.
Goon Friday is a public holiday.
BIOYOLEO are once more on the go.
Loon oat for the joker neat Tneaday.
THE watering Dart will soon be regair•
Dana have been displaced by the skip-
ping rope.
THE peddling wagons are making their
appearance atm more.
Cress ap your yards ie the admonition
of the Board of Health.
ANNUAL exoursion to Model Farm on
$ineardine line will run on Friday,
Jane 20.
AT Home in the Odd Fellows' Lodge
room on Tuesday evening, April 8th.
A good program will be rendered.
Mose S. J. Ma lion haft purchased the
house and lot, corner Queen and Albert
streets, from Henry, Hetet, paying $600
for the tame.
A LETTER from a friend at Cape Town
South Afrioa, says:—Rents and living
are very high there. Butter le 46 cents
per pound and egge 76 Dente per dozen.
Oottrso.—Rowland'a Comedy Co'y will
be in the Town Hall here for four nights,
oommenoing Monday next, Maroh 31st,
playing good oomediee and dramas,
with lively speoialties between the cote,
A mums addition has been made to
the splendid catalogue of books at the
Pablio Library that should be made nee
of by oar townsfolk and people in neigh-
boring locality. The list of new books
may be read on page 5 of this feeae.
FOURTH Division Court will be held in
town on Wednesday of next week before
JudgeDoyle. The docket will be light.
Division Court business appears to be
almost a thing of the past and the earn•
doge of Division Court Clerks and Bailiffs
is a mere bagatelle compared with years
gone by.
CROSS OUT SAwAwARn.—Meeere Shirley
& Deitriah, the well known saw makers
of Galt, have offered through their
Brussels agante, A. M. Money & Co., a
fine '"Racer" razor steel cross out saw as
a Prize in 00nneotion with the sawing
metals in Brussels on Friday afternoon of
this week. The winners by leaving their
names with McKay & Go., will have the
saw sent to their addreee by express, all
charges paid.
G. T. R.—A good start off was made on
Easter travel on Thursday Station Agent
Ham issuing some 40 tickets before noon.
—Among the shipments tbie week were
Alf. Backer, 8 oars wheat and a oar of
oats ; Salt Works, 2 oars salt; R. Thom.
Bon, 27 oases egge ; W F. Stewart & Son,
a oar of flour for Glasgow, Scotland ; Geo.
Beet, oar of hogs ; R. T. MoCallnm, well
drill to Milverton ; J. Joynt, oar of ashes ;
R. Graham, ear wheat ; A. 0. Dame, oar
oattle and oar of hogs ; J. MoDermott, oar
THE initial number of the Maple Creek
Signal, edited and managed by Ephraim
Downing, formerly of Brussels, and a
graduate of TEE Poem, baa come
to hand. It is a tidy eight page
newspaper and will no doubt be generous.
ly supported. Maple Oreek is in the
Cypress Hills looality between the South
Saskatchewan and the Boundary. Mr.
Downing says in his salutatory that he
will eschew polities. We bid the Signal
welcome to our sanctum and wieh it and
its publisher a enooeeeful future.
ENTsRTAnoseta.—The date of the enter-
tainment ander the aaepioea of St.
John's Church Ladiee' Guild, is
Friday, April4th, in Town Hall, Brussels,
when a fine program will be presented by
Mies E. Pauline Johnson, lof the Mohawk
tribe, 'known moat favorably se the
Indian poetess, and Mr, MaRaye, is very
highly commended. Mise Johnson• will
appear in her Indian ooatume and Mr.
MoRaye, will give a few seleotione in hie
program from Dr. Drammond's Habitant
etoriee. General admission to Hall,
25 Dante.
BURGDARX.'-- Thnraday night of last
week a burglar or burglars broke into A.
Straohan'e e6ore by forcing open the rear
door with a obieel, two of whioh were
taken from G. Speiran'e wagon shop, in•
grass being obtained there by drawing the
staple to which chain and padlock were
attaohed. The cash drawer was broken
loose and left on top of the desk in the
office, minae about $6.00 in silver that
wat left in it by Dir. Strachan on Thure•
day evening. A pair of No. 9 shoes were
taken bat nothing else wee missed. The
oafs had been meddled with bat not open.
ed or damaged. The narrow ohisel wan
lett on the oasis drawer. A large nam -
her of burnt matohen were eoattered about
used by the impatient intrados. Some
think the midnight visitor may not have
lived a thoneand melee from town. Thio
ie the second time Mr. Straohan'e store
has been visited. Oa the other ooaaeion
admittanao was gained through the dollar.
LAST Horse Fair of the season next
Tn flax mill will finish ap for this
eeaeou in the course of a week or 10 days.
Ala. BAExax ehipped Rook eggs to
Goderiah, Preston and Whitby during
the past week.
Pomo eohoole close for the Easter
vacation on Tharedoy of this week tore•
open on Monday April 7th.
TEE t mile traok is in very good shape
and oar clamorous horsemen will use it
instead of the Main street in training
their equines.
B. Genus and Loakridge Bros. have
had their bantam over last week's fire
Battled. The former received $475 ou
building and maohinery damaged and the
latter $65.
Tan Reoorder of Braeeele A. O. U. W.
reoeived tate cheque from the Grand
Lodge for $2,000 being the Benetioiary of
the late Bro. Wm. Spence, of Ethel, who
was a member of Brussels Lodge,
PAseENOEue ticketed by T. Farrow this
work by the O. P. R. were as follows :—
Wm. Kelly, Prince Albert, Bask; James
and Alex. McTaggart, Melita, Man.; and
Mise Minnie Bewley, Wolseley, ABea.
LAST week, from Monday to Saturday,
Brunets poetolfioe handled over halt a
ton of mail matter by actual weight, no
email amount of labor in receiving and
diepatohing the same. We will give a
report for the whole month next week as
to what bas Dome in and gone oat.
Bite BALL.—Next Monday evening, at
8 o'oloali, a meeting of all interested in
the reorganization of the Base Ball team
for 1902 will be held in the Council
Chamber. Nearly all last year's
members of the team are in town and a
good nine oan be put on tae diamond.
Mae J. A. GARLIOa DEAD.—Tho Barrie
(Ont.) Examiner, of Maroh 20th says of a
former highly esteemed resident of Brae.
eels :—Mrs. Garlick of Omaha, Neb., who
came to visit her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) J. J.
Cochrane, two months ago died ou Maroh
19th after a week's illness with pneumonia
and jaundice. She Wag 62 years of age
and loaves a husband and one married
daughter in Omaha. Mr. Garlick attend•
ed the funeral, interment taking plaae in
Thornton on Saturday.
SAWING MATOH.—The annual Sawing
matoh, with mart oat eawe, will be held
at Brussels on Friday afternoon of this
week, 28th inst., commencing at 2 o'olook.
Four prizes are offered, aggregating $22.00
as follows ;--let, $10,00 ; 2nd. $6.00 • 3rd.
$4.00 ; 4th, $2.00. Each saw_ will be re-
quired to make two oats from a green
beech log from 20 to 22 inohee in dia-
meter, 4th prize will not be paid aalees
there are five entries. 60 cents entry tee.
A. Gahr is SooretaryTreaenrer and Reeve
Rose, W. M. Sinolair and It, Johnoton
evening the young men belonging to the
Sabbath Sohool class of Mies Maggie Mo-
eNaughton in the Methodist church Brae•
eels, galled at her home, Prime)] etreet,
and presented her with a nicely framed
photo of the class accompanied with the
fallowing addreee :—"Mees Zama Mo•
NAUGHTON : Dear Teaoher,—We, the
pupils of your class, are gathered here
this evening to show in a Blight way oar
appreciation of your services as teacher
in the past. Please accept this pietism
as a slight token of the esteem in which
you are held. Signed in behalf of the
It was quite a eorpriae to Mies Mo -
Naughton as she only arrived home last
Saturday from a etay of 3 months at her
brother's, in Pen Yap, but her reply was
snob e. one as people who know her would
expeot it to be. The members of the
class enjoyed a pleasant hoar or so and
departed for their respective home well
pleased with the evening. It was a
thoughtful sot on the part of the boys
and highly gratifying to the teacher.
The olase is now in charge of Miss
Minnie MaNanghton and is a credit to
any teaoher.
nem TIME.—Everybody had a good
time at the Lady Maooabee At Home
Friday evening of last week or if they
didn't it was their own fault. It was an
informal gathering in many respects and
for this reason probably all the more en.
joyable. Orokinole and carom boards
were nameroas and with oheakers and
dominoes kept a goodly number eater.
Gained. The program ooneieted of well
played inetrnmental selections, violin and
organ, by W. Randa and Mies Jean Mo.
Lanohlin ; fine solo, by Mies Jean Rit-
chie ; humorous reading by J. J. Gilpin ;
debate, "Resolved that Oily life is pre-
ferable to Country life" was handled in
good style by Mies Brook, Mies Josie
Baohanan,, Will. Griffith, Wilber Baker
sad Eli Smith for the affirmative and
negative was carefully attended to by
Mies Jean Ritobie, Mrs. Ram, Chas.
Beam, Mies Jean Forbes and Ed. Bryane.
Mine Brook had the reply. Fortunately
or notortunately four persona were asked
to sot es Judges, viz.:—Mrs. Deadman,
hare. D. O. Roes, R. Leatherdale and W.
H. Kerr, and they were divided In their
opinion and gave decision that way.
The debate was speoially entertaining.
H. R. Brewer sang two solos in good
voioe ; and Mies MoLanohiin and T. A.
Hawking contributed an instrumental
dne6. A tasty lunch with coffee was
served and about midnight the proceed.
figs were bronght to a ()lose. The Com-
mittee of Management deserve credit for
the Well planned arrangamente. Decor•
atione were neatly arranged in the Hail,
11, rnMITIOn paleof Peet hall will be
played on Yiptoria Perk Pride, forenoon
et thio week eommepoing at 19 a, m,
Musson FAUrxN8R,oflite Palmeretop
Pork Faotory, bee gape to the 010 Ooun.
try on a .taeineee trip eoneerning the
pork paoking industry. The teotoi'y will
likely holiday Habil he gets back.
M the Foot Ball meeting on rEueeday
evening Dano. MaLanohlfn viae elected t0
go bo Berlin an. Friday to attend the
Annual meeting of the Association. The
prgbabilitiee are favorable for the or,
ganization of a strong dietriot with Blyth,
Wingham, Atwood and Brueeels in it,
MueioAp oervioes at St, Johne Cburob
Hester birthday, will be ao follewe :—
Easter carol...
,.;"Mocubeame are Streaming"
Opening hymn No,188
Grand ehapt Etrene care
Gloria (anaem ia?
Jubilate Manna=
B:ymne Nos. 180 and 802
Gle.Tibi Gvonon
Anthem "Re le Meets," Or,ARE
Oarol "Obrisb is Risen"
Opening hymn 'leo, 188
Gloria Gnneereas
Magni fieol Shams
Nana Dtmtttie
Hymoe Noe. .,..........
8olo..J'Hoeanna," 301.50 GRANIER,J as,. Jones
PRETTY WEDDING,—An early morning
wedding took place on Thursday of this
week wben at the residence of the bride's
parents, Rev. Jno. Roes B, A., spoke the
magic words, at 6 o'olook, making W. H.
Stewart, of the firm W. F. Stewart &
Son, and Mies Ada E. he estimable
daughter of R. Maioprize, all of Braeeele,
hneban0 and wife. Only the immediate
friends were present. The parlor where
the ceremony was performed was de-
uorated with house plants. A very be•
coming travelling snit of navy blue Berge,
trimmed with applique, was worn by the
good looking bride. She carried a boquet
of white roses. The presents were oh Ike
among the number befog a diamond set
watch from the groom. After hearty
oongretnlatione the wedding breakfast
was partaken of and Mr. and Mrs Stewart
left by the 7.15 train for a wedding trip
to Toronto and other pointe amidet
showers of rice end hearty good wishes by
the large oontingent at the depot. They
commence married life ander favorable
auspices and THE POST, who is modally
interested in the bride owing to her being
a member of our staff for the post three
years, along with a large oirole of friends
wish them many happy, proeperoae.years.
$20 men Ooszo.—The Magistrates' Dasa
for whipping the little girl Elsie Vandyke
was resumed in the Town Hall on Sat.
nrday morning, the Hall being literally
jammed with men, women and ohild.
ren. • Seldom ie pablio interest areas.
ed to the extent manifest in this case,
The charge against Mee. Oakley was
taken up Bret, the defendant pleading
"Not guilty". Following witnesses were
examined and arose examined at length ;
—Elsie Vandyke, Dr. Toole, Dr. Mo•
Naughton, and Dr. Armstrong, of Wal-
ton. At this juncture Barrister Blair
in behalf of hire. Oakley agreed to plead
guilty if the Benoh would deal eummari.
ly with the oaee, Barrister Sinolair,
aobiag for the Crown, acclaimed and
after some deliberation the defendant
was fined 020.00, the limit of the Statute,
and fall ooste, which will probably
amount to about $100 or over in all. On
stating the decision there were several
dissenters in the Court room but the
three magistrates were a unit on the
judgment. Mr. Sinclair asked that the
oaee against Mr. Oakley be withdrawn
as he did not consider there was snffioient
evidence to oonviot. While the little girl
had certainly been ill treated, as her op-
pearanoe and the evidence of the doctors
proved, many of the stories our -
rent were not borne out when the case
was sifted and no permanent injury was
done the child. Feeling ran high and
pertain threats were made oonoerning
what might be done but wiser ooansel
prevailed as it should and the law allow-
ed to take its course. This ease will
likely be taken as a lesson by more than
this one family in the matter of proper
treatment of children in the home. Dr.
Holmee, Dr. Ohiehoim, of Wingham, and
Dr. Bethune, of Seatorth, were summoned
in behalf of the defendant and examined
the little girl as well as the three physi-
cians mentioned before, but owing to the
tarn the oaee took their evidence was not
taken, Chroniclers of past history in
Brussels averred that the only other
Court ever held in town that compared
with this one for attendance and interest
was the aeeanit case on a G. T. R. con-
ductor on the train a few years ago by
some Kinoardineites while on a "toot."
The Vandyke child is now making her
home with Jno. and Mrs. McFadden,
Business Locals.
CLOVER and Timothy Seed at Mo•
GIRL wanted, at onoe. Apply to Mrs.
G. F Blair, Braeeele.
A $60.00 Parlor suite given away with a
82.00 parcel of goode. Cali and see
G. E. KING, Wingbem.
A LOT of second -band organa for sale
cheap, or to rent. Some of them almost
WE are sole agents for the king of silo
corns—the genuine and only "Obio
Bailey." G. E. Etta, Wingham.
Fromm ?roma—Farmers desiring the
beet plow should oall on me and order a
Fleury. Jno. LONG, Agent, Brnesele.
To GARDENE1551.-10,000 6 cent packages
seeds, 10 paokagee far 25 Dente, Clover,
Timothy, Speltz, Goose wheat &o, for
sale. G. E. $Ina, Wingham,
PAGE FENOII,—R, Oloee, Ethel, has the
agency for the Page fence for the whole
of Grey township and Morrie township
from the 3rd line and as far West aft the
Centre sideroad. A. M. McKay & Go., of
Brunetti, will receive ardent for Mr, Close
When more convenient to those desiring
BnADeaaw.—Io Morris, on Maroh 19th,
to Mr. and Mee, Thoe, Bradshaw, a
OAttrnarn.—In Grey, on Maroh 18, to
Mr. and Mrs. ivie Campbell, a dough.
PRuros.—In Innerkip, on Maroh 12tb,
• 1902, to Mr, and Mrs, A. E. Pelton,
a son.
STEwART—MAoNrlirze,—Oo Maroh 27th,
at the reeldonoo of the bride'sperebte,
Bev. Bogs B. A,
byJ no , Mr. W. H.
Stewart to Mee Ada E., sided
ds0ghter of Mr. Robert Mainprize,
all of B018081(1,
MAA, 27, 1902
STaX174R,r) R4X ' OF .r'4r!r4,ad,
^ci'.L',l�.aaT�xF'7(d772 Selz.
OAPVLAI4 PAID i1P (One Million DoUara) • 01,000,000
REST • 0760,000
Agencies in all ioritlaipal points in Ontario, Quebee, dfanifoba, United States iO.l npiand.
A General Banking Baeinese Transacted, Farmers' Notes Discounted
Drafts leaned and Oolleobions made on all pointe,
Interest allowed on deposits of 01.00 and upwards and oompounded half yearly,
Every facility afforded Cuetomere living at a dietanoe.
payable at any bank !aimed Under $10 ... Se. 920 to 980 , ..120
Mosey° Orders at the following ratee ;— 910 to 920.",10o. 30 to 40., „ido
T. H. GRAY, Aoriae AGENT.
PATTEneoN—BnowN.-012 the 19th fust„
at the residenoe.of the bride's parent°,
10th con., Grey, by Rev. D. B. -Me-
Rae, Mr. Richard Patterson, of Ed.
gar, Co. Bimooe, to Mies Maggie E.,
eldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John
TAYLOR—Costa--At the residence of the
bride's parents, 15th con , Grey, on
the 26th inst., by Rev. D. B. Molise,
Mr, James W. Taylor, of Naesaea-
waya, 00. Halton, to Mise Sophia 11.,
eldest daughter of Mr. James Casio,
of Grey.
NEM/M.—In Harlock, on Maroh 191b,
Mrs. Margaret Neilaae, relict of the
late Thomas Neilaae, aged 67 years,
11 months and 19 days.
OoeyoaD.—At the reeidenoe of George
Acheson, Goderioh, on Maroh 14th,
Nancy'Ooeford, in the 79th year of
her age.
Coax —Io Westfield, on March 701, Wes-
ley J. Milne, youngest son of Jno.
and Mrs. Oook,;aged 2 years, 6 months
and 8 days.
GAoLiox.—In Barrie, on March 19, Mrs.
J. A. Garlick, formerly of Brussels,
aged 62 years,
PAnmx —In Nieeouri, on March 25th,
Mary, relict at the late Samuel Par.
day, and mother of Mrs. T. Farrow,
Brussels, aged 89 years.
STEvnaeoN.—In Grey, on Maroh 284
Wm. Stevenson, aged 99 years.
TUESDAY, APnit Dir.—Well bred farm
stock, implements, &o. Lot 9, Oon. 9,
Grey. Sale unreserved at 1 o'clock,
Donald Orerar, prop. ; F. S. Scott, aao.
GENERAL servant wanted. Apply to
OonDwoOD wanted. Oober Carriage
Faobory, Brussels.
BoY wanted at once to work on the
farm. Apply. to WM, ROBB, Lot 23, Oon. 8,
Morrie, Brussels P. O. tf
A Goon young bull, 11 months old, for
gale, roan in color. PETER ROBERTSON,
Lot 8, Oon, 9, Grey, Brussels P. 0, 36
Wanted, suitable for ranch purposes.
Apply to GEO. BEST, Brussels.
Horn Bulls for sale, from 9 to 20 menthe
old. Also cows in calf to imported "Red
Duke" and a few heifers,
D, MILNE, Ethel.
MENTS, FURNITURE, &o.—Mr. F. 8. Scott,
Auetioaoer,has received inetruotions from
the undersigned to sell by pnblio aootinn
at Lot 0, Con. 9, Grey, on Tuesday, April let,
ati o'olook, sharp, the following valuable
property: -1 aged mare, 1 heavy .draught
mare, 8 vrs. old, in foal to 'Sunlight,' (owned
by J, & W. MoGavin,) 1 horse 4 years old, 1
cNt rising 2 years old, 6 fresh milk oowe, 1
cow to calve, 1 Jersey cow, thoro'bred, 1
Jersey heifer salt, thoro'bred. 8 two-year.
old steers, 2 two-year•old heifers. 1 one-
year.old steers, 4 one.year old heifers, 4
calves from 2 weeks to 5 months old, 6 well
bred Leiooster ewes, 1thoro'bred Yorkshire
sow, 7 young pigs, 1 store. pie, 00 hone, pair
geese,' binder Massey -Harris, Imower,new
MoOnrmiek, 1 Mower Toronto, 1 seed drill,
1 muffler, 1 sulky rake, 1 roller, 1 disc har-
row, 1 plow, 1 gang plow 1 turnip sower 1
cutting box, 1 turnip clutter new, 1 fanning
mill with bagger, 1 lumber wagon nearly
new, 1 pair bob -sleighs, 1 buggy, 1 cart, 1
nutter, 1 water trough, 1 ladder 20 fb, loon 1
sheep raok, 1 gravel box,1 hay realr, cradle,
00ythe, chains, shovels, hoes, forke and bells,
1 set single harness, 1 set double harness, 2
set whiilletreee, crowbar and pick, quantity
bey, quantity of Ligowo seed oats, about
8000 ft. Hemlook lumber, cedar poets and
stakes,. 1 wheelbarrow, 1 milk tank and 1
large milk oan, 4 milk oasis and 2 Dream
cans, No, 3 Daisy churn, butter bowl and
print, milk palle and strainer, l cook 'Rove.
1 heater, l bedroom suite, bedeteade and
springs, 3. parlor lamp,1 glass cupboard, 1
lounge, 0 kitchen chairs, 2 reeking ebeire, 0
cane -bottomed chairs, quantity seed Plata,
toes, turnips and other articles too newer.
ous to mention. Salo without reserve as
proprietor is giving up farming. Tennis.—
ennis:All enme of 80.00 and under dash; over that
amount 10 months' credit will be given on
furbishing Aporovod Joint Notes. 4 per
cent per aannm off for oaeh on credit
F, 8. 900TT, Auotioveer, Proprietor.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the estate of Iambella
MoGallum, late of the village of Brua.
sale, in the County of Huron, de-
NOTICE le hereby given parsuent to the
"Revised Statnto of Ontario," 1827. chap ter
129 that all creditors and others havieg
0]01000 against the estate of the late Isabella
McCallum, who died on or about the Fourth
(ley of January, A, D.,11001, are required on
to Bond byyt the
pre tlipaid or to 1 deliver to 9W .
M. Sinclair, of the Village of Brnesele, In
the Ooenty of Huron, Solllcitor for the Ex.
muter, William Graham, their ohrietiau
and surnames, addrooses and desoriptione,
the full particulars of their claims, the
statement of their 000000/0 and the nature
of the eoonrltioo, if any, belt{ b - them, And
further take notion that atter oaeh last
mentioned date, the said Executor will
Pko0000 to distribute the a000te of the de.
ceased among the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to the claims of which
he shall then 0000 notioe., and that the said
Executor pill not be liable foe the Bald ae-
robe or any part thereof, to any penton or
persons, et whooe olaime notice ORB not
have been redotved, by the said Executor,
at the time of eueb dletrlbtttien,
Dated the Bevonth day et Marob, A, D. 1002,
80.8 0011930r for the Rzosetor,
Notice for Creditors.,
In the Surrogate Court of the County of
160000, in bhe matter of the estate
of Haub MoB:inoon, late of the Town-
ship of Grey, in the ()minty of Huron,
farmer, deceased.
NOT10E ie hereby givenpursuant to Re.
Weed Stan:tee of Ontario, 1097, Chap. 129,
See Mon 98, that all creditors or others hay
ing any olaime against the estate of Hugh
dielCinnon. late of the Towpath) of. Grey, in
the Oounty of -Huron, Farmer, deeeased,
who diedon or about the 18th day of Feb.
ruary,A. D., 1902, in the said Townabip
of Grey, are hereby required to send by poet
prepaid or to deliver to G. P. Blair, of the
Village of Brussels Solicitor for Robert Mo-
Ilay and Isabel McKinnon, both of the Baia
Township of Grey, the Exeoutore of the
said estate, on or before the llth day of
April, A. D„1902,. their full names, addressee,
and descriptions and fullparticulars of
their claims and the nature of the securities
(it 0031 held by -them. Aud notice is hereby
givenMeat after the said last mentioned
date, the said Executors will proceed to
distribute the assets of the deceased amonget
the persons entitled thereto, having regard
only to the claims of which patios 00011
hays been given as above required, and the
said Executors obeli not be respooeible for
meets, or any part thereof, so distributed to
any person of whose claim notice shall not
have been received at the time of such dis-
tribution, G. F. BLAIR, Brussels,. Out ,
Solicitor for the Executors,
Dated at Brussels, Mareb 20th, 1002.
It's easy work to Paper when yon
buy the right stook, Our stook this
year aomprisee many new and beaati•!
fat designs and colorings, made of the
very' best quality of stook and at
prices that we know will please you,
„4*'.Acane 011,11 014 MDR1;ItA1T,ps”,
It m
epeek of sol
le much earl
fortunate en
aldehyde on
Those who di
with the reel
cheaper this
—1 1b. Bottle
to 100 b
—• ib, Bottle
to 50 buaki
lappeuiag to Inter
Mindsof Auld
tie's moons,
arbor fa abut t9 bo
Galashketa ato. buster
Rome 7041,0,
ttly Lean Bisset gave
pro on Oanpdo„
uniquo distinstie t
lest pricod gas iii'
rated by Lord Over, -
have been formnl-
Pai 1
, ut
Quality the s
Every bottle
A® -Fox's Drug St
about 100 of them, formerly used by
Union Sabbath School meeting in Button's
School House, Morris, Apply to JAMES
EVANS, Morrie, or HUGH ELLIOTP, Brus-
nEnem1;3511 wishes t0 announce to
the ladies pf Bruoseleand vioioity that she
is.prepared to make switches out of comb•
IOW/ and out hair, at bar 'home, Mill etreet
West,B,ussels. MRS. KINGSTON.
TENDERS for d' eine in Mot011op, about
six miles in length, will be received by Tno,
0, Morrison,; 010, k, to be opened at the
Council Meeting at Leadbury, on Thursdayy
April 10th, at o'clock np m, Plane, profile
specifications may be seem any time in
Week's office. The work is near .Winthrop
and can he seen any time now. 5200,00
cheque -to be soot with tend or until security
is. given. JNO. 0. 8,1011lt(SON,
Winthrop P. 0.
$20,000 to Loa
The above sum has been p1
forimmediate investment on
ty at 0 per neat. If itltie0. `. area
loans may be completed in 3 day
terms as to repayment, Apply
W, At, SINCLAIR, Barrister, tko ,
■ • core of ]and for sale, Grab
vey, t mile South of Bru0eele, Th
contains 7 rooms ; good itablo ; well;
trees and small fruits. Possession give
once...: Torras reasonable. If property len
&od apply 10lWbMe rRtANDS, Boa
esele 0. 0.
d with me
1'Ouaa to
ms MIs
5 Our,
O1Boe over Hureley's Drug Store,
Feb. 0411, 1902. 90.981 Brussels.
GM. t"io.
Never Weary
In well -doing but always doing better. Our best efforts are in placing
before you the best values to be obtained in Canada or anywhere else in keeping this
store at the top for reliable merchandise, the latest Styles, the largest assortment of the
Newest Materials and Lowest Prices.
Spring Opening of Dress Goods, Silks, Dress Skirts,
Waists, doves, Ribbons, Neckwear, Eto.
Our Opening display of these goods for Spring and Summer is by far the largest
and best we have ever shown. Never was more time or more care used in the selecting
of new goods.
Dress Goods.
—Blaok Lustros, 36, 88 to 44 inches wide, fine brilliant
$Dish, all the very beet bleak, A 1 values, at per yard
250, 40o, 60o and 750
—Stylish English Cheviots in shades of Black. Navy, Gar-.
net, Brown, Mode and (Jester, 54 inches wide, at per
yard 750 and 1.00
—Fine Venetian Settings—Oar assortment of these beau.
tiful Snitings ie by far the largest we have ever shown
they oome in the newest shades of Grey, Fawn, Brown,
Mode, CadetBlne, thoroughly shrank and guaranteed
not to spot at 75o, 91 00 and 91.40
—Colored Lnetree, 42 inohee wide, very fine finish, is in
great demand for Waists and Dresses, in shades of
Cream, Cardinal, Pink, Sky Blue, Old Rose and Navy,
Special at . 600 per yard
Wash Goods Opening
For the most beautiful assortment of everything new and
wanted in Ootton Fabriae yon should visit this afore where
has been gathered the finest collection of Gingham, Dimities,
Organdies, eto., ever shown in town.
—Ginghoms in Cheeks, Stripes and Plaids in aesorted
colors, and all warranted feet colors, al 120 and 15o
—Dimities, French Muslim, eta„ in beautifni ooloringe,
also white at 20o, 25o, 80o to 850 per yard
The Newest Silks.
A display that is wonderfully beautiful, that includes the
very latest. We've taken epeoial pains in preparing for this
Spring's business and feel aeeured that nowhere can you get a
better seleotion in the best qualities.
—Frenob Dyed Silks in all the newest ehadee, 20 and 27
inches wide, ab 26o, 86o and 60o
—Tamoline 811k, a very soft pleb Silk for Wafete that will
not opt, comes in Pink, Blue, Oream, Mode, Brown,
Light Blue and Black, epeoial per yard•
Taffotta Silk in all the very newest shades, ales bleak at
60o, 75o and 91.00 per yard
—Elegant Wet lam et Lengths of Silk, with the new lastripe
effect, 00 two alike, at 91,00 and 91,26 per yard
New Gloves for Spring
Styles in Gloves do not vary noticeably from year to year.
New ideas in embroidery or etitobing, new clasps or an ocoae.
ional trlok in cutting may be the chief point of diebinobion
between the old and the new, But anew Glove is handsomest
and wears beat. We have oar new Gloves ready, Prices per
pair 91,00 and 91.25, all guaranteed,
-New Dress Trimmings
and Laces
This Season we shall more than make oar reputation for
selling the beat Laces and Drees Trimmings that Como here,
and giving values greater than oan be found in any store in
town. Oar new lines for Spring are all ready, you are iovited
to come and see the new things that will be need [to mnoh for
the trimming of Spring end Summer dream.
Special Corset Values
Nearly every
Corset we Bell to a
new Domer means a
new Onebomer and
it should. We sell
only good Corsets,
the beet that oan be
found for the moo-
ny. The (forests
you get here will fit
well and give good
wear no matter if
you only pay 50o
you will get the
worth of your
money in wear and
comfort. Our new
Comte are all ready
prices are 50o, 75o,
91.00 91.25 to $2,00
per pair.
New Ribbons for Spring
These who know prodlot that this will be the granted
Ribbon season yet. Ribbons seem to be wanted for almost
every sort of trimmings, They are popular for nook fixings
and Oollarettee, Coreage, Bowe, Bashes and Hair Ornaments.
Our stook of Ribbon is by far the largest and finest we have
ever shown.
Prices per yard 10, 2a, 2io, 4o, 8o, 100 to 50o
—10 pieoee 6 inch Colored Silk Taffetta Ribbon in White,
Cream, Pink, Blue, Old Rose and Torgnoiee, worth
regular Boo, speoial at 200
All we ask is a comparison when buying as to Values, Styles and Assortment.
y ss meat,