The Brussels Post, 1902-3-27, Page 5MAR, 27, 1002 BUSINESS CARPS. ONE TO LOAN AT 5 PER gent, P,H, SOOTT, iirunela, MoC1tA31.l,EN'— 1' 1' • Mellor of Ma lope Ltoengos, Of. ' flop et Grocery, Tgrnhe rystreet, Brussels, N, BAI 1ZPj171 -- Torrential Arta t, Shop—Noxa doer North of the Standard Bauer, Ladies' and Children's hair cutting a 0peoialty, M. MO' MON, Osler ofai'riaaLicenses, L , een sea, WA MISShi A ik PiANO - 35RT.T.G ONT. M'LAUCHUN,. 0 HER OF— ND'- ORGAN, CUNNINGHAM: 14{041140011, I►vE AND MARINE., GUELPH. Well. ngton Mutual Ireinsurance Oo., 1ieIAn0ranlD 1840 Oe taken on the cash and premium ern stmu•reut rates. BI fore Maur - when call on the undersigned Agent mpenY• GEORGE BOOMS, Brussels. I rare lug ale of the C MISS Aer tory, Maw a nu' on t' ,,,: - SARAN LOUISE MOORE, L. 0. M., umio graduate. of Loudon Conserve - Mimic, also onserve•Mtieic,also Member of the Associated yjia,nti of Ontario, is prepared to receive tednumber of pupilsfor instruction e piano. Qualified to prepare pupils for Principal's Fo4m in the Conservatory of 010, Brussels, Ontario. ALEX. RUN TER— Clerk bf the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron ; Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and Ineuranoo Agent; Auction- eer. Funds invested and to' loan. Collec-- tions made. Office in Graham's Blook,Brue- eele. AUCTIONEERS. re S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION• nun, will sell for better prices, to better men, in lase time and less charges. than any other Auctioneer In East Huron or bo won't obarge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this office or by personal application. VETERINARY. "T • D. WARWICK Hotor Gr aduare of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all die - eases of domesticated animals in a compet- ent manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. Calle promptly at- tended to. Office and Infirmary—Four doors North of bridge,'Rurnberry et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. NAT SINCLAIR— ' • Barrister, Solicitor, 'conveyancer, Notary Public', &o. Office-6teivart'a Block l door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. QF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, deo. Office over Stand-, aid Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels. Money to Loan at lowest rates, MEDICAL CARDS. DR. C. AMBROSE TOOLE, RESIDENCE AND OFFICE— MILL ST, EAST, !MUSSELS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, II. U., C. Il., Trinity University Fellow Trinity Medical Colloge,Momher College of Physialana and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid- wifery ,Edinbnr b. I—•t'Telepboue No.14, Residence—Mill street, Brussels. DENTISTRY - DR. R. P. FE1LD, DENTIST Graduate of'ihe Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and FIrst.olase Honor Graduate of Toronto University. O9oe next to Brower's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. 1902, LISTOWEL is moving forward..Spring term begins Mon- day, April 7. Our rates aro reasonable—our °curtoe of Study thorough and practical Spud for our I'ouraal to ape what we teach. tllttudon is may enter at anthee. Two Chateau of Biddy—Comurerojal and Short- hand. C. A. FLEMING, A. L. MOINTYI0E, Iresident Secretary, Owen Sound. - Listowel. SHINCLE8 British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND-- North Shore Pine and Cellar FOP S4 i•i 4T T1111 Brsse1s Planing Mills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat. terve on hand or made to order at Short Notice, Eetimatee' Furuiobed for all kinds of Buildings. Workman. ship tired Mgtor al guaranteed. P. .11+,x„ dfJ4 L N ,J. r Spring Torn? Opine April 1, in uoeial shat, genies, tuna n and dapping, CENTRAL i % l' r'rti'fI 11 t.Ort linter new and he ready to accept a goad Fortifier' la the Fufl. Thee popular aubool with Its eplendta staff et toaohers, thorough 0004080 of study, and reputation for otldotl 1 h Y b g grade work, isoilio -Dna for you toWaller attou t Tine Ib oavege gopup110 a for lege, le Write for c rcu average buatuoeo Sol lege, \Yritp for circulars W..I. ELLIOTT, Principal, C5ti` ct ; "esus. Gorr in. Master Lloyd Wright, second son of Thee. Wright, had hie collar hone broken. W. J. Garngoy heti diopeeed of the property be recently purohaeod from A. Tate to Chas. Teflon. Geo. Padfield, er., of Orange Hill, has been very ill for some time with ohrouio bronchitis, but is now oonvaleeoeot. Chas, King had the misfortune to have the end of one of hiefipgeeseeverly erueh• ed between the ring on the nook yoke and the end of the wagon tongue while in the aot of hitching np the team at the saw- mill. LIeoleo°err . Frank Trevett bee left for the caned. inn Soo. H. Ruthven McDonald singe in town ball on April 14. D. E. Cameron, inepeotor of the Mut. sal Life Inearanoe Company of New York was vieitinghere, Alex. McLeod, of the 4th con. Kinloss, bag a) 19 months' old heavy draught Solt that turned the Bootee in this village, at 1220 poonde. John Smith left for Cranbrook, British Columbia, on Tuesday of last week where he takes oharge,ot the dry Roods de- partmeet of Reid Brothers. Before the close of the League meeting on Monday evening he was presented with a well fill. ml puree by the members of the Method- ist ehogregation, accompanied byaddrees. Following is a list of the officers elected for the Laoroeae club :--.Hon. President, J. Sproat ; Hon. Vine President, Reeve Wm. Alliu ; President, Jae. Bryan ;Vice. Preeident, it. W. Matheson ; Manager, D. N Lawrence ; Captain, E. D. Scott ; Manegiog Committee, D. N. Lawrence, R. W. Matheson and Neil D. McKenzie ; Mascot J. QfoLean; Sao.-Trtae., T. S. Reid. 41.twoocl. .James Hinge has received the patent for hie new hog pen. Prank Wilson, oheesemeker, of North. umberiand Co., spent a few days with his Atwood friends, J. A. MoBain left Tbnredayot laet week for the Weet, as traveller fur a Toronto Mottling house. Rev. R. Paul, of Brussels, occupied the Methodist pulpit last Sunday in the ab- sence of the pastor. Mrs. E. Leslie and eon Robert left Tuesday of last week for Lariviere, Mao. They took a oar of settlers' effects. It le proposed to send a delegate to the approaching oonvention in Berlin of the W. F. A. Atwood should have a crack team this season from the excellent material in town. Rev. P. A. McLeod, B. D., left on Thursday of taut week to attend the otos ing exercises of the Presbyterian College Montreal, where he read a paper on ',The Historical Charaater of the Book of Daniel." Mrs. H. Y. Hoar and Sadie, of Toronto, are visiting former friends here. Her eon, Won. T., a graduate of the Bee, has resigned the foremanship of the Orange ville Advertiser to accept a more lucrative position in one of the leading job print- ing offices of Toronto. Fox-dmiralo. Bert Lore° left for Owen Sound where b0 has secured a good situation with the G. T. R. Company. Rev. A. B. Dobson attended the March meeting of the Presbytery of *Saugern Tuesday of last week. Thomas Peel left for Manitoba on Monday of last week, where he intends making hie fetere bonus. J. 0. Moes has the contract for building a new flume and repairing the gates whiob were washed out by the high water. Mrs. James Oattansob has returned home atter spending Emma weeks with her mother-in-law at Elora, who is very sick, Mies Dreaney, half-sister of A. Mo0ar- dy, died on Tuesday of bout week at her home in Kinloee and wee buried on Thursday. L. 0. Wideman, arohiteot, of Guelph, was m towu making final inepeotion of the Ptesbyterian church and adjusting the accounts of the various contractors, WDDDINo Wednesday, March 12113, at jive o'olook p. iii., a pert' pretty wedding wive celebrated at the residence of 0, and Mrs. Jacques, Bpd, con. of Howiok, when (heir estimable daughter, Misa Libbie, was united in marriage to Robert McIntosh, a popular and prosperous young farmer of Moles- worth. While the eweet etraine of the wedding morph, beautifully rendered by A. Garrett, were being played, the wed• ding party prooeeded 10 the drawing room, the bride leaning on her father's arm, The bride wore a most beautiful coetame ofeream galore silk trimm, d with morn satin, and real lane, white eatin slippers, with a handsome bridal veil and a wreath of orange bloeeome in her hair, and oar. vied a bountiful bouquet of white earner. done. The bridesmaid, Miss Lena Mo• Iatoab, slater of the groom, was dressed in white muslin, with white satin belt and collar. The groom was ably enp• ported by Arthur Jamques, brother of the bride, The ceremony was performed by Rev, J. Hamilton, of Palmereton, in the presence of about 100 guests, wbo, after the ceremony, repaired to the beam meet where all eat down to a most sump. taous repeat, the many tables groaning beneath the weight of the load of good thingo, containing all the fine and rare delioaoiee of the season, to which ample jdetioewad done, Imidot wiehe,t 00ngrate. Mabry and auspicious to the health, sip., of the bride and groom and attendant°, which wore moot ably replied to, by the worthy groom and °there. Many and valuable wore the ptosonte, whi'oh speak of the high oateem in whiub the bride and groom were held. The evening was spent and 4e tilogpetits pit led 111,ny and Sill oere were the good wi0he8 extended to the happy oauple, l:$t.tr.. Wm A, M. Babb, of 'Teeetwater, le visiting at the home pt her parents, A. 30,30 lits, MoQoarrie, Mre. Win. James and baby; Harry, who Spent a few weeks visaing Mre, lames et the Commercial, returned to their home in London. Thomas Pollock, of Durliarn, has rant. ed R R, Douglas' blaokemith Shap and took peeseseion Met week. Mr. D,iuglae will a l w devote his whole time to hie grocery bueieeee. R: Mettle & Bone, of Poet Wawanoob, delivered t0 Watson & Emigh 10 head of fat Polled Angus cattle. They were all coming two years old and the average weight of each was 950 pounds. Dr. Milne has moved hie offroo to the vacant etore in the Cook block. His old °Slee is beiog tore down thin week and as 0000 tie the weather is fit work wilibe oommenoed on hie new (Atka and dreg store. A new driving shed has been erected at the 'Commoroial hotel to repleoe the one that collapsed three weeks ago owing to the heavy weight of snow on it. The new one rune North and South, while the old ,ran Last and Weet, The Standard of last week Saye:—For sometime past Blyth has been the Sunday rendezvoao for young men from neighbor ing town» and villages. The citizens of Blyth have no objections to young men from othee plane visiting their pretty village but they draw the line at mie000• duet on the Sabbath day. Some young men who visit Blyth on Sunday think they can do pretty much art they like while they ere hero, They will not do as they like any longer for Blyth at present has a chief of police wbo understands hie business. Last Sunday he nabbed a couple of young men from Goderioh who were miebehaving themeelve° on Queen street and pot them in the look up for a couple of Inure to pool off and come to their settees. l .i to to vv el Spring term in Listowel Rosiness College begins on Monday, April 711). Fred. Zilliax hat purohaeod Fred. Remitter's frame cottage and lot on Inkerman street exit, and has rented it to Rev. Mr. Mundy. Get. Witter, hoe arrived home from tbe Ontario Agrioultnral College, Guelph, where be bap been taking a armee in the dairying department. R, Martin, who has been at the Guelph Hospital for the peat few weeks, being treated for a elomaoh trouble, is progress- ing favorably, and his family expect to see him home again shortly. Mre. Anderson, wife of Wm. Anderson Bay street, met with an unfortunate ao• cident on Friday morning 14th inst., throwing out some water she Blipped on the ice at the rear .door, and lalling upon her ankle, euetained aaompoandfracture. ., 13RUSS,EL8 FOB " ETHEL. SA'N MILLS Frank Haoiting, who baa lately been emp003e2 In l3aletead'q bank at itinent Forest, has taken a position in the 11er• ehant'e Bank at Perkdel', The Listowel Lewy Bowllr44 C ub met at the Queen's Monday night of lost week and re,orgaeizod for the coming apaeon, with the following officers 1-11opor. cry Prom„ A, W. Featbsretone ;1°reeident Andrew Ynie ; Vioe.President, Robert. Thompson ; Secretary, Geo. Zilliax,jr. ; Treapurer, Geo, Bray; Obaplain, Bev.A. P, Moore ; Ex0outive, the foregoing offioers and J. M. Sebinbein, R.A. Olimie, F. R. Blewott, Joe. Ainley and R. Stoddart, Lotttll b u r y. Thos. Boater, a farmer resident of the 14th con., le dead. S. MoPbereoo jr,, has engaged with L, Whitfield, Grey, for the Summer menthe, M. Coates and his anut Mre. Stephen eon, lett for Manitoba on Monday of last week. Arch. Clarke had a very satisfactory wood bee a few days ago. The dame is coming aeon. Leet week Alex. Gardiner gold 9 pigs, 6 menthe old, at Brunets that averaged 230 pounds, and brought the proprietor $120 75. They were Tamworth Dross., A format litter in the same year realized about as well and the sow le oaring for another young family now. Hoge prop. erly oared for pay all right. W iuthrop abeese factory will be turned into a butter factory this Sommer. The Northern part of MoKillop wart oanvaeeed for Winthrop a few days ago and good prospects are reported, If Walton wants to be in the swim they ehonld get into shape at imae. If (Meese making proved a failure in this part that is no indioation that a creamery would, and we think it would suit the farmers in every reepeat. MaKILLOP COUNCIL. -0013,1011 met tie a Court of Revision in C. White's Leadbury, on the 10th of Merck, on Drainage By- law No. 50, known ae Drain No. 2. Members of the council all present. There were tour appeals and three se - easements were lowered and four parcels amend that had not been. Court ad- journed until Friday the 14th to leave corrections and additione made in Bylaw Council then took up Coanoil matter°. Reeve read a letter from Franoie Murphy requesting 94 00 that was kept out of School fonds for Union No. 1 Public) School for equalizetioa to be paid or they would go to law. Motion not to pay it. John McKay wanted pay for Dotting Boundary between MoK,llop and Grey but as Grey was a party to the contract and the jobnot iloished, no notion was taken. A letter was received asking Counoil to take Borne notion to remove three neglected children in a family to s home to Toronto. This was laid over to a future meeting for enquiries reepeettng action. Aaoonote we passed and paid amounting to $147.43. Counoil adjourned until 14th inst., to meet in Seaforth to open tenders for steel bridges and abut- ment°. Council met in Seafortb on 14th to Court of Revision on Drain Bylaw and HARDWARE! ���iilll�lfl��� on hand also the American Bard Driving Combined with Patience and Persistence are essential to success in building up a business. We in- vite an inspection of our goods and prices of Hardware of all kinds, Carpenters' Tools, Masons' and Brick Layers' Outfits. Builders' Supplies of all kinds. Nails at Close Prices. Barb and Coil Spring Wire Field Fence. Farmers, don't buy your'$ARN DOOR ROLLERS till you see our New .Roller Bearing Barn Door Hanger=the Best on the market. Estimates cheerfully given on barn and house building. Call and see us before you buy. We'll use you right. Wilton & Turnbull {, hri that have stood the test. . They are made of pure rubber. `Will fit any shoe. 'Will stand rough usage. We buy the best and sell at rnoney'.saving prices. Alen's, women's and children's --all kinds, all prices. Those that are dry and those that are both dry and warm. •00 When you wear a pair of our rubbers you know you have a good thing— because they keep the feet dry and they wear well. We sell only brands Some prices:-- Mon's Fine Rubber,, tient quality, eine 8 & 9 only, regular $l, reduoed to.. ..850 Ladiee' Fine Rubbers from 25e to 85o Children's Rubbers at qi 80o HARNESS DEPARTMENT llarooao, Trunks and Satchels at lowest prices, —Repairo in Hardens, Collars, Boots and Shoo done promptly. Z. a. ZOIS filar osnt All kinds of Droned Lamber kept on hand from 819 up, British Columbia, borne 3401 Hhinglee and Lath kept on hand, A good farm on 19th con, of Grey for sale. r'Al1 partioe indebted to me are requested to oa11 and settle up before March let or 10% will be added after that date from Jan. let till paid. A quantity of green cedar poste for Bale on Lot 7, Con. 4, Grey. S. S. COLE, PROPRIETOR, ETHEL. License District OF TIIE East Riding of Huron. To the Tal -ern -Keepers and Others whom it may Concent. NOTICE is hereby given that Application for Licenses for the Sale of Liquors in the EAST RIDING OF HURON for the Lioenae Year 1902.1903, which com- mences on the 1st day of May next, will be received by the undersigned from the pros- ent date up to Tuesday, April I, 1902, inclusive. Applicants must furnish the names of two good and sufficient sureties as bondomeu at the time of making 011plice. tion. Any applicant for a now licence must furnish a certificate signed by a majority of the electors 011 titled to yote at elections ter the Legislative Assembly in the Polling Sub -division in which the promises sought to be licensed are situated, and the said majority must include at least one-third of the said electors, who are at the time of application residents within the said Poll- ing Sub -Division. JN0. lt, IIILLBIt, Inspector. Jamestown, March 10,1902. passed Bylaw as amended and signed and sealed it, In Council meeting afterwards Bylaw No. 2 appointing Ponodkeepere, Fenoeviewers and Pathmaetere was pose - ed and accounts awouuting to 97.75 wee paid. The eontraote for three steel bridges 63 ft., 23 ft., and 28 ft., were given to A. Hill & Co., Mitchell, and Oonlraete for cement abutments to Frank Guttridge, Seaforth. Council adjourned to meet in Leadbury on Thursday the 10th of April to open teudere for drains. JNm. C. MooaiooN, Clerk. Brussels Public Library. Valuable Addition to the Already Ex. cellent Collecllon. Making of an American Ries Alien Montreeor Sir Richard Calmady Malet One of My Sons Greene Price of a Wife Winter Over the Plum Pudding Bang My Ladies Diamonds Sergeant House with Green Shatters Douglas The Mysterious Burglar Walsh Count Hannibal Weyman Fugitives Roberts Rnlinp Passion Van Dyke The Siege of Lady Resolute....Diokeon Mllly Thompson Laird's Luck Quiller -Conch Look Sons of the Sword Woods Dead Men Tell no Tales Hornung Naylor Boothby Grant Allen Dunstable Weir Ralph Marlow My Strongest Case Linnet For Love of Crown Marchmont In the Name of Woman" Samuel Boyd Farjeon Trietrom of Bleat Hope Arohbishop and the Lady. , Crowinehield Doris Kingsley Trooper 51809 Imperial Heritage Prince of Graves Debatable Land Land of Pigmies Traitor's Way Captain Ravenehaw Man of Millions Day With Tramps Lazarre House of Romance House Divided Orloff and Wife Argonauts Audrey Seven Houses Eneiga Knightley Cavalier Love the Harveatsr Young Barbarians Powers that Prey Beacon Prize Medals Danntleee Pro Patric Millionaire Mystery Herb of Grace Fire Brand Silver Skull Carolina Cavalier Frank's Duellist Clementine, By Bread Alone In Spite of All Nineteen Thopsand £ The Striking Hour Marietta The Man from Glengarry Johnnie Courtean Lives of Hunted Progress of Century Now Chemiatry Raynor Docket Williams Fleckenstein Coetur Burrowa Yeats Stewart Keightley Wyckoff Catherwood Castle Watson Gorky Orzeszko Johnston Drummond Mason Cable Pemberton MoLaren. Flint Payne Martin Pemberton Hume Carey Crockett Eggleston° Pratt Mason Friedman Edna Lyall Deiannoy Pbillpott Crawford Connor Drummond Thompson Williams Cooke Cruise of Petrel Heins Butterfly Hunters Aaron In Great Waters Janvier Seek of Shakings Bulleu Outcade Fraser Held for Orders Spearman Lord of the Sea Shiel Belt of Seven Totems Munroe Weeternerm White Son of Setortmet Light Freight° IY nt � �"i'(I",T c_.:..i n, � •To�siv,, IL House -Cleaning Time is Here And we aro fully prepared for it With a large stook of Tepeetry, Wool, Colon and Hemp Carpets, Floor 011 Cloth and Linoieumo, Ja n a see Matti e e N u Luo Curtains, flu ' i Art r hue v. g , a Et Wo buya o r carpets direct from the manufaotutera and save the ,niddl°meu'e pro. 34114111111 enables us to quote very low prloee. All carpets nought fr01,3 318 will be cut and matched free 014114r1.e. —Jap5ooe0, ie8o ano Mattingd250., yard wide, i0 new patterns, will wear well, at 1 —Tapestry Carpets, in the latest designs and colors for Spring, at 500, 75e and 91. —Wool st050, Carpets,850anyd $ard1, wide, reversible, all new patterue and colors, — A Special line of Union Carpet, yard wide, reversible, new patterns and colors, at 25e. —Union Carpets, yard wide, reversible, at 35o, 40o and 50o. —Floor 0!! cloth, 1, 1 and 2 yards wide, at 25o per square yard. —Haney Linoleum, a great wearer, two yards wide, in now patterns, worth 000, for 50e per tgaare yard. -Lace Curtains, in new patterns, from 154 to 93. —We oak special atteutioo to our 51 Curtains, 3d yards long, 54 11141109 wide, a regular $1.25 curtain. Do not think of buying Curtains or Carpets till you have seen our new stook. Downing Bros. Agents for the Made to Last! The wearing kind of Shoes save money in the long run, are therefore economical. We don't sell Cheap Shoes, but our most expensive ones are cheap in the encs. For Children's Wear no better shoes can be had than our Ironclads" at $1.00 per pair for the little ones to romp, run about and play in to their heart's content. Slater Shoes. Downing Bros. Slaughter Sale For the Nest 30 Days We will offer special Bargains in order to make room for New Spring Goods. Great reductions in DRESS GOODS, FURS, UNDERWEAR, TWEEDS, COATINGS, FLANNELETTES, WRAPPERETTES, HOSIERY, BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, ETC. Ca 1 and see our snaps in Men's Rubbers, Leggings, Men's Heavy Shirts Horse Blankets, Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, and Fancy Dishes, BEST GOADS AT LOWEST PRICES. AU Farm Produce taken at highest trade or cash price. W. H. HUMPHRIES & SON, WAr�TaN. The Great Cash Store. Our Grand Spring Millinery — OPENING WILL BE HELD ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26 and following days, when we will display a large as- sortment of all the latest styles in Trimmed Hats & Bonnets. Our Millinery Department is still under the able management of Mios Morrison, who to SO well and favorably known to the Ladies of Blyth and sarroanding oonntry. Mnob time and thought has been (spent in eeeuring the newest Novelties in Style° and Trimmings wbioh we are euro will satisfy the moet•eritival observer. A Cordial Invitation is Extended to All. neob° D M. MGBEATH, BLYTH.