The Brussels Post, 1902-3-27, Page 4i
e resgeis Ast,
a" i7RSVAY, 112.4.I1'. 27, 190%.
Owxtid to the elevation of on a'. T.
etarrOW to thebent* it la hinted that
Editor Pattollp, M,P,P, for Borth Ouford,
lrtay be pelted to the Cabinet without port.
totio. He. has earned hie spurs,
Q a000unt of 111 health, 000aeioned by
weakneeo of the heart; k'. Hess, Liberal
candidate for South Haroa hoe resigned,
A Convention W111 be held at Homan on
Saturday of this week to tleleot another
standard bearer, They will have to got a
1tnetle on them if they redeem the riding
ae time le • short,
IF the temporaooe people of this Prev.
Ince deeir0 to win on the referendum on
I3eoember 4th they eboald quit moving
reaolutione against It and eoarting defeat
by ezpreaaiog their doobta and fears, It
looks quite a bit as if there was a stronger
desire to flatter or stab either politioal
party jot now than encourage people to
go into the fight with all their heart. Mr.
Matter is oited R8 one of the beroee, and
he ie 8 good temperanoe man, but his own
constituency le talking ofeeleoting another
candidate and so it goes. What is leaking
in the ranks of the temperanoe people is a
spirit of unity on the question now before
them rather than the divisions and
blokeringe evident at some Oooventione,
and evidenced from some sermons, ad-
dresses and prase comments. There will
be herd enough battles to fight without
the friends of the oanee warring among
themselves and we area little surprised at
the ground taken by Bome parsons.
Hon. J, T. G54now, Minister without
portfolio in the Ontario Government, has
been appointed to the vacancy o0 the
benoh oaneed by the lamented death of
the late Mr. Justice Lister. Mr. Garrow
has been prominently identified with
public affairs in Ontario for many years,
and ae member for West Huron long
000npied a seat in the legislature. He
took an active part in helping to page the
legislation intraduoed into the House of
Assembly from time to time, hie advice
being eepeoially nsetnl where meaenree of
a municipal or legal character ware ander
review. His political views were by no
means extreme, in foot, he has always
been of a rather independent oaetof mind.
Mr. Garrow has all the qualifications
looked for by the bar and the public in
one selected for so high a position, notably
a Bound knowledge of law, a high sense of
honor, and the determination to adminie.
ter justice with unfailing impartiality.
To the'Editor of Tan POST
DRAB Sm,—I wan pleased to read your
editorial in your home of 6th inat., sug-
gesting the formation of "A Bneioeee
Men'eAeeooiation," to aid in promoting
the interests of the town. 1 think the Bug-
geetioo is well timed, and if carried oat in
the proper apirit might be a great advert-.
tage. There are numerous thioga beeide
than you enumerate, that might be die
cussed and obtained by united effort, and
some of the gaetitions that it would be
the duty of enah an Association to take
up are of prime importance. I am
aetooiehed that some of our live bueioese
MU have not before this accepted your
invitation to give their views on the mat.
ter through your aolmmne. I have no
doubt they will be beard from in an early
issue nano time should be That in taking
action. I think there oan be no doubt
as to the benefit of having ouch an Ae-
eooiation. Yours very truly,
J. Laouxu.
Brussels School Board.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Pnblio School Board was held in the
Board room on Friday, 14th inst. All
members present except A. Coaslay.
Minutes of the last regular meeting
were read and paned.
An account of Geo. Moyer, moving
desks, 52.25, was read and it was moved
by J. G. Skene, 8eaonded by Jas. Tarn.
bull that it be paid. Carried.
Moved by J. G. Skene, seconded by D.
0. Rose that the Board borrow the sum
of $200 from the Standard Bank for three
months to pay 80108188 for the quarter.
Iospeotor Robb reported that he had
visited the school during the present term
and found everything in good working
order and also addreaeed the Board in
reforenoe to atilt further extending Con.
tinuation Class work in the school.
508E905800 0032 000130548.
Room. No. on Roll. Av. Attendance.
1 9 2 68 54
8 59 ' 52
4 60 47
5 56 42
288 195
Board then adjourned.
Wm. Pardo, brother of T. L,Pardo, M.
P. P., died at Cedar Springs.
Ata meeting of the Columbia Handle
Works, London, it was decided that the
company will build immediately, if pos.
Bible, that ie, if the Grand Trunk will again
lease the property formerly oaoupied.
For some months there have been fre.
gaent complaints of parcels being loot,
many from Toronto departmental stores,
between oateide points and the Bowmaa-
ville poet-offioe. Complaints were made
to the department, and Mr. Chamberlain,
of the Dominion Police, woe tent to Bow.
manville. to investigate. He at once in.
terviewed Chief of Police Jarvis, whose
naepieion at once fell on the bite driver,
John Morrie who 00rr100 the mail from
BoWmenville Station, and areivee at 6
a, M. Jarete and Chamberlain instituted
a eearah at Morrie' house, where they
unearthed a bag fall of artiee8 Mall kinds,
a large quantity of whioh hag already
been identified. Morrie wheat mule plan.
od under arrest.
fl 14 o (e for N'aatzoeas
and comfort,
Several time within. the last ten or
fifteen tome. the congregation at old
ltattenbery street ahttrwh have bad In
mind the ereotlon et a new oburob, but
the way did not ahem to open OP Butner
catty clear to warrant them iu earryi0jl
put the desire until 1n„8he autann of 1900
when the quarterly board pureheeed the
plot of ground lrouwn ae "the burned oat
blook" and decided that it new oburoh
should, be erected thereon during the
following Tear. A000rding to 1118 early
Spring of 19010 eubeertptiun1188Wes pre.
pared and a committee, oon8iabing of the
pastor, Rev. W. G. Howson, and John
J8akaon, oiroulaled it amongst the people.
The hearty good will with whi0h the
people reaponded to the impel was per.
haps a surprise to Boma for trona the
wealthiest member of the Mouth to the
poorest there mane tomb a liberal sub.
soription that atm0et the entire amoan8
necee8ary for the ereotioa of the new
the organ and choir gallery and the pulpit.
The electric light eystom is most complete,
/laws of light about two feet apart run
(real bottom to top of the large truseee
whioh support the roof and olrole %rotted
the base of the dome. A row at lights io
platted around Ghe 0ra1188 above the choir
and Pulpit and two lamp brackets' Etre
placed at intervals under the gallery. In
the school room a eix80en lamp eleotrelier
is snapooded from She centre of 8118
ateinetl glom thy light, 8n eight letup.
eleotrolier Menge shove the impertotrdd-
eut'g dealt and tour tied two lamp
braukete are placed in the altos rooms as
their 8,88 requires. These are oonneoted
by different awitohee so 11181 any one
part of the ehuroh may be lighted tug epi u.
deut of all the where. 'rhe 8.0eo6 alien
all the lights are turned on ie bet I1aut
indeed, but 14 au 8008 light no pelt of 11,0
ohnroh being oust lighted and no part left
darker Shan inhere.
One of the feattlr t of this ohnroh 18
the heating and ventilating eyetem, it
was pot ie be the firm 01 Berland Bros.,
and 91. S. Marland 0aye it ieth0b048 and
Moet 00Mplete that they have ever in.
The (armee ata known as the "Kelsey
Oorrogated 81982 4leneratore" and were
paralteeed tram the J. Smart Menefee.
truing. 00., of ilrookville. The largest et
these le plowed under the fresh part Of
the a1311rolt and the heat ie eveda080,1 11'
MAR. 27, 1902
{iA.ItMS FOP, SALE—'1'0111 vet.
mala t Panama)
d 80 r0A3 084moral
Welkin inn geed
ofArarrleand 89. Itocen1t,Breeee s
( asir•a.•-58000.00 will buy the Median.
gher Block in the Village of Brue801o. !'bode
bwa nue ateroe most be avid to 410t48 0318 tb0
e,1nt1ldainvestigate.a81 0080, drop 'ly to 8'. rS
6001'1' or G. P. BLAIIt, Brue8ele, 008.
ohnroh was aubeoribed in a few days and
it is gratifying to know that up to date
these subscriptions have been paid as they
name doe and in some cases before they
come due. Mr. Howson, in speaking of
it in one of hie sermoas, said that in all
the years of his ministry be had never
met with a congregation that were so
liberal, and this liberality is not confined
to local interests alone but in all 000nex.
i0na1 matters regniriog money this people
are ready to help. The building com-
mittee appointed to look after the emotion
of the row oharah were : W. Doherty,
Peter Oantelon, W, M. Manning, Chas.
Wallis, Wm. Harland, H. B. Chant, F.
Hodgene, A. T. Cooper, and W. R.
Lough. The pians were drawn by
Arahiteob Badgley of Olevel0nd, Ohio,
The 1mmenee pipe organ has had a
thorough overhauling, renovating and
tuning and with the larger space it
oaaupiea it will give forth a greater vol-
ume of sound than it did in the old
chord) where it was so cramped for room
that some parte of it could namely be
used at all. The organ front has been
extended on both aides to makeit fill the
width of the archway in whiob it stands.
The pipes have all been redecorated and
it now presents a most massive and
beautiful appearance.
The whole ohurab, gallery, auditorium,
ohoir gallery and platform have been
oarpeted and this oan be oredited to
members of the Ladiee' Aid 000iety who,
by personal canvas rained the entire a.
mount neoeaeary for this part of the
and are nearly similar,though on a
somewhat smaller swig, to the plana for
the Epworth Memorial ohnroh in Cleve-
leveland and the Central Methodist ohnroh
St. Thomas.
Building operations ware oommenoed
as soon in the Spring ae was expedient
and bad ptogroeaed euffielently to admit
of the oorner stone beiog laid on July 1st
whiob ceremony was very graeefally per-
formed by Mrs. W. Doherty in the
presence of a very large gatlterina of
people and in Oonneeti00 with which
ceremony all the ministers of the town
took part. The corner stone bears the
inoription, "Werley Church. This sbone
was laid by Mrs. Wm Doherty July let,
008011108809 01, WESLEY 23110801.
The church and school room are all on
one door and are separated by an immense
lifting door or partition whioh when
rsieed throws the whole building into one
large auditorium. The school room is
divided into several department,, the
main eohool 000upying the larger portion.
The Bible and intermediate (!arise
wimpy rooms separated from the main
school and from each ether by means of
eliding or ,iftiue doors or partitions,
whiob will be closed during the teaching
of the lesson and open for the opening
and Mooing exercises,
The body of the oharah is eemi.oironlar
in shape and bee a gallery wbiah is in
the shape of a half oirale. Every spat
in the cbaroh lam the pulpit. The roof
is a work of ar:hiteotural beauty. It is
an octagon in form and is supported by
eight immense trusses. The whole is
Drowned by a large colored glees dome
which gives a moot beautiful afloat to the
interior. The etained glagawiodowe are
works of art. The large window on the
Victoria St. elevation whish beare the
figure of John Watley and the inscription,
"The world ie my parish," wan presented
by the Ladies' Aid society. It oast 6200,
The window directly over the main en.
trance east 0100 and was the gift of the
11, L. of 0. E. ao the inscription thereon
would indicate. Graoefal arches span
Chairman of Building Commitee and
who contributed 04,000 towards rte roost.
ohnroh forniebing. This teeters add
greatly to the oomfort of the building.
Secretary Buildiug Oommittee and Re-
cording Steward:
means of two large hat air duets to regia.
tare in the floor above. The other fat -
tome is under the eahoolroom and wooer.
Mee heat for the main :school and Wass
rooms, The Ventilating system is so
complete that all the air in the building--
uilding-ninety thousand onbiofeet—oan be ohang.
ed three times every hour. A cold air
room is built in the «eller and has a win-
dow opening to the outside which admits
the air, whiob is carried to the furnaces
by means of cold air duets, is heated and
oarried to the rooms above. Five 16 inch
foul air duets lead from the auditorium
to a large box below and by Meana of
pulling a Dore tbie air oan be returned to
the furnaces and reheated or by pulling
the cord in the reverse direction it to
passed into the ohimney flues and so ea-
oapee outside. By this arrangement the
air oan be heated and re -heated ae often
ae is necessary while there are no people
in the cbaroh to cause the air- to become
foal by breathing it and when an audience
is in the ohnroh the foul air will be al-
lowed to escape np the large obimney
flues as before stated. The dampers and
pipe checks ate operated by an ingenious
device placed at a oo0veuieot dietauoe
from the furnaces. The oontraata for
the building of the ohurob were as fol-
lows : The woodwork to Thos. Macken-
zie, the atone and brick work to Hiram
Hill, the plastering to John Oroil. The
pews and pulpit were furnished by a firm
In Dundas, J. C. Stephenson supplied the
ahair8 for the school room, and Hodgene
Bros, the carpet.
A handsome round eased pendulum
alook is hong at the front of the gallery
railing which with a beautiful large mor -
0000 bound Bible for the pulpit, were pre-
sented to the church by W. 0. Myers, a
former motive worker to the ohnroh and
league. A hymn book richly bound in
morocco was the gilt of IeraelTaylor also
for many years an aotive member of the
W. E. Hamilton, editor of The Market
Guide, died very suddenly at Chatham.
Sir Wilfrid and Lady Laurier Bail from
New York on the Etruria on June 14 to
attend the ooronation.
Robert Hill, formerly with the Hamil-
ton Eleotrio Railway Company, has been
appointed Manager of the Woodetook In-
gere011 line,
A deadlock has bean reached between
the Prince Edward Island Legislature
and Judge Hodgson in regard to Hr. Mo-
Ii:innon'a election.
The blizzard wbiah raged i0 9Ianitoba
from Friday afternoon to Sunday night
is said to be the worst storm experienced
in Winnipeg in fifteen years,
Mies Florence Carlyle, of London, hag
carried off the prize of 6200' offered by.
the Ontario Society of Artiets, her *tare
"The Tiff," being the lucky aunties.
A lumberman named Samuel Cooper,
said to be ineaoe, reoeived fatal' injuries
while attempting to foroe hie way into
Tbomaa Hopper's house at Seguin Fella.
One -Way
To nianiloba and Canodien.Norte-West
will leave Tnrou8a «very TGBSDAY durlug
8XAl101i stud ,(Y11IL,, 1008,
0488ang884 travelling withoutti the S'oalt
should take the tlmiu leaving Toronto at
1.48 p. 10,
Passengers 2889011108 wall Live Stook
should take the train leaving Toronto at
000 0. In.
Organist Sleeper will be attached to each
For full particulars and 0opv of "Settlers'
Guide," apply to your nearest Oanadtan
Pacing Agent, or to
A. S, NOTMAN, Asst. Gent. Passe, Agent,
1 King Street Bast, Toronto.
System, nenovator
----5341 00000 --
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleeeneee, Palpita.
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur-
algia, Lose of Memory, Brouohitie, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Dieaaeea, St. Vitae' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Bold by Jas, Fox. Druggist, -Brussels
Lord Strathoona has presented 01,300
to the Town of Stratboona, Alberta, for
school purposes.
William J. Pecker of Brampton, who
was hurt by an explosion of gap powder
several days ago, is dead.
An Mngliebmannamed Arthur Simpson
was dangerously wounded in a fight at
Calgary- Joseph McDonald is under er-
reat, and I. Sooaten ie being pareued ,by
the police.
An unfortunate affair 08001ed at Strat-
ford, when Rev. Father Walsh, who has
been in poor health for some timeand
whose mind is said to be affected, met
a 000ple of young ladies in the street after
night, ordered them home, and etruok
them with his ease,
On Saturday afternoon, after the shat.
tiog down of the works of the Electrical
Construction Company, London, the
employees of the shop gathered in their
large and commodious lunch room to say
goodbye to their old fellow -employee,
James Molland, who leaves the first of
the week to take charge of the Seaforth
Eleatrio Light Company's plant. Ae Mr.
Molland was about to start for home, he
was told that the boys wanted e. chance
to say good-bye, and, turning several
shades paler, he was ushered in where
they were all gathered. A very aompli.
mentary address wasread by T. J.
Cahill, and then Walter Quigley present-
ed Mr. Molland with a beautiful gold
looket, handsomely engraved. Although
Mr: Moliand's, lomat fluency forsook him,
the boys were none the lees conviooed of
hie appreoiation of their gift. He ex-
pressed the hope that the next nine years
might continue to see even greater pro.
gree for the company than the nine years
-he had spentwith then).
HIDE thanking our numerous customers for their liberal patronage while in the Carriage
Business at Ethel for the past 1.0 years we would say that we are -now, in fall operation
in Brussels Factory, and are well on with our ilrst lot of 110 MIMES. S. A number of these
will be ready in a very few days and we will be able to supply our customers eitber,wholesale
or retail.
We are manufacturing Farm Wagons, either common sized wheels or half truck with 2l or
8 lull tires.
We also make Field,Rollers, and Wheelbarrows with steel or wooden wheels.
All kinds of Repairing and Re -painting done .Promptly.
Kindly give us a eial1 at the former Donald Fire Engine Works, now the
John Coban & Sons' Caxxiarec Factory.
Prices Right
Stock i t
More Kinds
Better K
Than Any Store in the To
Are You Particular
Aboul Your Hai..
Want something Extra Large or Extra Small ?
Something Very Nobby or Rather Modest ?
_ Plain or Fancy ? Any Special Color ?
Do some hatters make you believe you're hard to please ?
Do you want the best ? Want to get it without paying for the
name ?
Talc virs.
No reason why you shouldn't come here, where the stock is
largest and prices smallest.
D. C. ROSS,.
Leading Clothier &Furnisher, - Brussels.
Pratt's Poultry Food
Used and commended by the most successful Poultry Breeders
and Exhibitors in Canada and the United States. A trial package
will convince you of its merits.
Pratt's Animal Regulator
For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Dairy Cows, etc. Awarded
medal and diploma at the World's Fair, Chicago, 1898. A trial
package will prove the value of this, the greatest of Animal
We are agents for the "Beaver" Brand of Portland Cement.
This brand of Cement has given entire satisfaction wherever used.
Circulars showing Cut, Cost and Construction of Cement Silos may
be had at our store. Orders for Cement solicited and prices guar-
If you wish the Best Twine in the market give us your order
for "Plymouth."
The London, Fence 1achine
With this Machine you can build your own fence, save money
and be independent. See this machine work. Price $9.00.
Myers' t'Stayon" Flexible Door Hanger
Steel Roller Bearings. Unequalled on the globe. Your barn
or shed door is incomplete .without this hanger.
Nails and No. 9 Coiled Spring Wjrq
At'speeial priees. 'Having purchased Nails and Wire at a
special price and at special freight rates we can assure, you of close
Orders for "Beaver" Cement, "Plymouth" Twine, No. 9
Coiled Spring Wire and Wire Nails will receive our beet