The Brussels Post, 1902-3-27, Page 2FROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE
r Read
O(clrx ences That will Ba Rea
Wit Interest by Irish -
"Traditional IrIs11 daooing classes"
aro now being holdin Dublin,
Tho income of the Irish bishops 01
the Anglican church in Ireland 1s on
an avecago 8,000.
It is stated in academic circles in
Dublin that Trinity College is about
to throw open its doors to women.
Au Irish wolfhound has been offer-
ed to the Irish Guards as a regi-
mental put, ,and the gift is to bo ua.
eep rcl,
Ireland exports 4500,000 worth Gf
salmon a yee,r, but exports only
i1270,000 worth of all other fish
A. reign of terror is saict to exist
• in County Roscommon, where the
Land' League agitation against pay-
ing rent is at its height.
1•'ree ball, blank, and alining -tube
ammunition is to be supplied to
cadet corps, states Mr. Br•oclrlck in
a ]otter to Lord Meath.
A Roscommon telegram reports
the arrest and remand of a farmer
at Carrowstillon, on the charge of
kicking his mother-in-law to death,
The Irish papers announce the
death at Wynberg Hospital, South
Africa, of Lieut. Percy O'Brien But-
ler, the famous Irish Rugby full-
At Omagh, Mr. Michael O'Brien, .1.
P. for County Tyrone, was commit-
ted for trial on a charge of mho. -
sling 4168 from the Strabane Loan
Tho 'United Irish Leagueue authori-
ties are paying special attention to
the organization of the Irish vote
in constituencies that are represent-
ed by Liberal Imperialists.
A beautiful, memorial window to
the late Ilon. P. Roberts, only son
of Lord Roberts, who fell while try-
ing to rescue the guns- at the Tugela
was uncovered recently in the chapel
of the Royal Hospital, Kilmainham.
Galway city t.9 very much over-
• ]iculsed, as there is one public -house
for every 100 inhabitants, including
women and children. .A. movement
has been started in Galway to in-
duce the magistrates to refuse now
licenses except in exceptional cases.
Perhaps the oldest person living in
Ireland at present is a woman nam-
ed .Meteor, whowas born at Spring -
town, near Londonderry, in Decem-
ber 1792. filer maiden name was
Cannon, and she was married twice,
her first husband's namo being Bres-
lin. She remembered the Irish re-
bellion of 1798 and Napoleon's wars.
On the 18th ult, two members of
the Belfast Protest Association were
released from jail after six months'
,imprisonment. A gigantic proces-
sion was organized in their honor,
and it became one of the largest
ever seen. in Belfast. Some fifty
bands took part and the procession-
ists numbered not less than (30.000,
The announcement that Ireland is
to be asked to supply- a full battal-
ion of the new Yeomanry force that
is being raised for service in South
Africa creates much interest in Dub-
lin. This interest will be intensified
by the announcement that the com-
mand of the battalion will be given
to the Earl of Longford.
Persons Who Have Blind Faith in
Spino One Medicine.
It depends on the user whether
two forums of these -alcoholic drinks
and tobacco -shall be regarded as de-
leterious, but each undoubtedly con-
tains a constituent which in itself is
poisonous. But as none would deny
that taking stimulants to excess is
ruinous alike to mind and body, we
may pass away from this thorny
controversy with I1ood's remark
that tea, like wine, may be poison,
"but in another shape, what matter
whether man he die by canister or
grape?" Some denounce tobacco as
Much as alcohol, and the weed has
had more than one struggle for exii.9-
tenee silica it Was intredUeed Iron
t;'iu new into the old world.
Tobacco undoubtedly contains very
small quantities of an active alka-
loid poison, called nicotine, so if
taken in excess, in whatever form, it
is pernicious. But the lover of his
pipe will find comfort with Mr.
who maintains that t.
Thompson,mu t 1 a he
moderate use of tobacco, "has in
most 1
eases even res Qts,"
actingsolace and comfortto
aLt as a u n a
both rich and poor, Green ten is
said to be smoked by ladies needing
stimulants, and the habit is sup
Posed to he growing, with harmful
I6 g,
results. But these mild remedies
fail to satisfy the cravings of many.
They have to fall back on stronger
drugs if not on actual poisons.
At the present day the sufferer from
sleeplessness, neuralgia and other
disorders of the nerves flies to the
medicine chest, for relief and swal-
w llows
such drugs as chloroform chlor -
ody chloral h dr .t. , a1 honal an-
y a c, s p
tipyriue, and morphine, which is al-
so injected tinder the skin. It is
said tint ii, Chicago 85,000 people
habitually take the last snhetttan-
eously. With all these drugs the
habit grows, for the patient becomes
inured to tbo dose, and in one case•
which ended in a lunatic asylum, 24
grains of morphine were taken daily.
In former years laudanum was habil-
nnily used in the Ten districts of
East Anglia to prevent ague., and
tire. older folk would swallow a close
which would have ended tho life of
111150115011011 person,
As the opium controversy is peren-
nial 'we needonly. remark h
0 1 Y r 111a1 that 1 M
Thompson is not convinced that it is
particularly hurtful to Orientals,
though certainly pernicious to Euro-
peans. InOb sh bhang, preparedaC
from Indfalherrn p, amfY more
enticing drug, for 1t /produces the
most roseate visions. But porbups,
o ;Strangest habit of 1 is arsenic
th s all c
eating, common in Syria, and parts
of Ilungarq, where it is taken by
the people to improve the complexion
.general health. end increase and g l A en-
durance. A ha.hituial arsenic eater
will take of much ap live grains a
day, but at last ilr.a La pay the pen-
/;'AIL 2'O Otlli•E,
Thousands ofWomen Throughout
Canada in a Similar Condition
-Words of Hope to Sulgerers.
Irl countless /tomes throughout
Canada, Where health end haPPiuess
Should reign supreale, the peoulia}'
weakness and diseases of women aro
responsible for an atmosphere of
hopelessness and despair. This . aw-
ful condition is largely duo to 55,tnis-
undot•standing of the proper manner
111 which to effect it cure for female
troubles of all kinds. Dr, Williams'
Pink Pills have been mole successful
in cases of this kind than any other
medleino, and they should be in ev-
ery home, and should be used by
every woman who is not perfectly
hearty and strong. Mrs. Fred. Mur-
phy, a well-known resident of Pub
nice head, N.S., cheerfully bears
testimony to the great value of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills in woman's ail-
ments. Mrs. Murphy says; --"A few
years ago my health was completely
broken down, my troubles beginning
in 0310 of the ailments which so fre-
quently afflict my sex. 1 was a
great sufferer from violent attacks of
pain which would seize me in the
stomach and around the heart. It
is impossible for me to describe the
agony of the spasms. Several times
the doctor was hastily summoned,
my friends thinking me dying. I was
wholly unable to perform may house-
hold work, and was under medical
treatment all through the summer.
but without benefit. My appetite
left me: my heart would Pollinate
violently atter the least exertion,
and 1 was pule and emaciated Aly
husband .urged me to try Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills, and procured me a
supply. After using the pills a cou-
ple of weeks, I could feel ghat they
were helping mc, and after using
seven bottles, 1 was fully restored
1 to health. %'ram that time until the
spring of 1001 I enjoyed the best of
health. but at that time 1. fell'. run
down, and suffered front pains in the
back. 1 at once gotsome more of
Dr. u'illiants' Pink Pills, and they
soon put me all right, and I nm now
feeling better than I have dorso for
years. I cannot praise these pills
too much, nor can I too strongly
urge those who are ailing to test
their wonderful health restoring vir-
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills go right
to the root of disease by making
new, rich blood, and restoring shat-
tered nerves. In this way they caro
such troubles as the functional ail-
ments of woman, restore the glow of
health to sallow cheeks, cure palpi-
tation of the heart, anaemia, /head-
ache, indigestion, kidney and liver
troubles. rheumatism, partial par-
alysis, St. Vitus' dance, etc. Be sure
you get the genuine with the full
name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People," on every box. If you
do not find them at your dealers,
they will be mailed postpaid at. 50e.
n box. or six boxes for $2.50, by
addressing the Dr. Williams Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Expert Compiles - the World's
Figures for Ten. Years.
A remarkable return has just been
published showing the gold output
of the world for the ten years 1891-
1000. Tho figures are the compila-
tion of Malcolm A. C. Fraser, head
of the registrar ge,e'al's office of
Western Australia. M1', Fraser is an
authority on the natter, and for
some time has been collecting the in-
formation which ho now gives to the
public. Ile has received reports, as
far as he is aware, from every gold -
producing country in the world,
most of which information las been
obtained directly from official sources
His details are divided into five
sections -Australasia, Africa, Am-
erica, Europe and Asia. The growth
M the yield of gold in the ten years
covered fie, R9tliing short of extraor-
1Iiiaiy, Taking them in their order,
it is found that in 1891 Australasia
produced 1,480,376 ounces of gold,
valued at 46,288,333, and in 1900,.
3,563,123 ounces, valued at 1115,-
Africa. has risen from 710,265
ounces, worth 43,017,015, in 1891,
to 3,708,550 of the value of 415,-
7 in
5376 8 1800. Theyear
0 is
excluded for obviousreasons.
Americag ives tite e m
r nl kalple ad-
vance in the decade from 2,150,207
ounces to 6,104,844 ounces, worth
49,133,499 and Z28,931,720 respec-
Europe moves up from"1,254,648
ounces, valued at Z5,:129,406, to 1,-
340,116 ounces and 45,692,451 in
value respectively, and Asia from
396,881 ounces and 41,638,719 value
to 892,30$ ounces and ,03,700,270.
Tho grand total shows that while
in 1891. 5,991,877 erne s were pro-
duccd In
1000 the aggregate att. v
as 12,-
aurtces, Even these figures
do not show the actual progress, as
the 1900 record was affected by the
compulsory closing of tho Rand
(nines. A more accurate comparison,
311 the cirallmstanceS, would be with
1800, when the total yield was 14,-
900,145 ounces.
Altogether the statement is a not-
able one and worthy of the coa-
sideration of students of economic
Flll11i TO .MOTI1p1RS ONLY,
To every mother of young children
who will send us her mime and ad-
dress plainly written on a postal
card, we will send Pao of all charge
e. valuable. little book on the care of
infants and young children. This
book has been prepared by
cian Vivito has made the ailments of
little ones a life study. With the
book we will send a free sample of
Baby's Own Tablets -the bbes
t meth -
eine in the world for the minor ail-
ments of Infants and young children.
Mention the name of this paper and
address Tho Dr. William Medicine
r o
Co., ]:nrockvillo, Ont.
London fever hospitaIS can accom-
modate 6,000 patients;
One woman with Sunlight Soap will do RErovc4s
better work than Two will with impure soap. E IMINT$E
Mk ter the Ootagon Bar,
If your grocer cannot supply, write to LEVER mucous
I,IIIUI'I?D, Toronto, sealing his name and address, and a
trial sample of Sunlight ]soap will be sent yen free of cost.
At the sixty-eighth annual meeting
of the British America ' Assurance'
Company Held in the head office' at
Toronto the other day, a highly sat-
isfactory report was presented. 7.'lie
net profits for last year were $99,-
590; $65,000 in dividends was dis-
tributed at 6 and 7 per cent., and
330,544 carried to the reserve fund,
which how stands at $612,001, lion,
Geo. A. Cox, the president, said that
the net gain in premiums for last
year was 3127,159, and the reano-
tion in losses 310,124. Reviewing
the business of the company for the
past eight years, the president show-
ed that during that period the net
premiums in Canada had increased
from 3173,951 to 3353, 505, an ad-
vance of 100 per cent., while the av-
erage increase of companies doing
business 10 the same ile]d, according
to the Government reports, was on-
nly 40 per cent,
The merchant in buying goods in -
sista on getting what he buys from
it house tint!, is bust. fitted to supply
Itis wants. 11 he can gather front
the markets of the world the pest
products, he feels satisfied over what
he is doing and over the proipcetfor
results. His idea is that he can get
better values from those who are
doing large business and equipped
for promptly handling his orders.
This is reasonable on the part of the
merchant but many 11100 in business
overlook this when it (Glues to the
matter of talking to their customers.
They talk to their customers over
the counter about their qualifica-
tions for giving values because they
are away from a business center or
because their rent is low and their
expenses light. They fail to remem-
ber that people like to trade where
there is lots of business going on,
where there are large transactions,
and where they may get the advant-
ages of largo purchases by a large
dealer. it is better to keep before
the minds of the public the fact that
you are doing a largo business and
are able to handle all transactions
because• of the great extent of your
buying and theability you have to
get into the markets where great
values are possible. Don't overlook
this point because your customers
will appreciate what it oceans to
Mrs. TTousekeep 4 "I don't know
Much about the new girl, but she's
good natured and harmless. at any
rate." air. llousekeep-"Hole did
you find that oat?" Mrs. House -
keep -"1 notice that she sings at her
work." Mr. IIousekeep-"That's no
sign; a mosquito does that."
Joe Brown's Wonderful Escape
Front Death is Now an Old and
Oft Told Story to the People.
of His Own Town.
Oshawa, Ont., Ma1'ch 3. -(Special)
-While interest in J oe Brown's case
has been revived by the recent pub-
lication of the facts in so many pa-
pers, Oshawa people are well ac-
quainted with the whole circum-
stance. Mr. Brown's father-in-law,
Mr John Allbn whose place of business
is right in the centro of tate town,
has, however, had to uuswer malty
questions recently, but as he was
very close to stir. Brown during
the whole of his painful experiences
in '97 and '98, he finds this an easy
MT, Arlin is quite as enthusiastic.
as Mr. Brown himself, and never
tires telling the story of holy 1)000's
Kidney fills conquered disease, c and
saved 11r. Brown's la n s lif .
c Da says
"We didn'th'1
t Ilk he would ( CYC/'
livo it through 1
g let alone get strong
and be able to work, but the pills
made ]tlnr all right and Well in u,
short time, and the best of it all is
that theL•u' t9 stood reht. '
t the rcpt UP
time. .1i must bo three and a half
years since, and as you ]choly he's
strong and hens ty to -day and has
been ever since shield's Kidney Pills
sett hila back to the shop."
There fere many others in town
who ham recently been reminded .of
this wonderful
U it seemingly
hopeless cuss who find no trouble in
calling up the n
10 facts, and nota are
slow to sibs all the credit to .Dodd's
Kidney Pitts,
3,I.52,fi94: working days were lost
last year in Ih'itniu through strikes.
Por Over .51517 Years
alas, wrnsr.nw•n AOOTlrfxa goner hos bosu used by
millions of mother.' for their children while teothius.
llamado; tho cabal, softens Mecum Okays pain, 00110
wind colic reunlatos-the stomach and bowels, and is the
bust remedy for Mathes, Twontylvn wads a bottle,
Sold br druggist. throughoutthe work). Ile euro owl
oak for "Mae. Wiael.Ule Raonrnrio nr oar,"
The firot fire. -engine used in Ameri-
ca ryas stmt from England in 1731,
Monkey Brand ,Soap will clean a
house from cellar to proof, but won't
wash clothes,
were 8 u
8 S ieide
Under Brit-
ish trains in the fleet half of 1901,
Minard's Liniment ('ores Colds, etc
Out of the 507 theatres burnt dur-
ing the last twittery 173 were in Am-
Rtope 1110 Onul:b
and witless off NM odd.
Laxative Steele -Quinine Tablets earn a told
10 050 day.. No Cure, No Pay. Priest 5tloen10,
• During the past 20 years, the num-
ber of (leeks recorded as having tak-
en place in Italy has been 8,014.
►bard's tanimem cures corder In cows,
6,700 people were killed at their
work. (luring last year, and 09,482
Deals Liolmeot Cures Distemper
Paris has 75,000 persons employed
in her dressmaking establishineits.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that contain Mercury
as mercury Will surely destroy the sense el
smell and completely derange the whole system
when entering it.lhrenghthe mucous suffaces,
Such articles should never: be used: except on
prescriptions from reputable physlclaus, as date
damage they will do ,sten fold to the good you
can possibly derivefrom 4110111, Iia 1's Catarrh
Gore, man endured by F.J. Chonoy &. Clo,.9'o-
ledo,A„ contains no meroury, and la taken in.
tornally, noting dlrooi'Iy Upon rho blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. In buying
Bali's Catarrh Cure besure you get the genu
Me. his tokaniatornally.and Made In Toledo
Ohio, by F. T, .Cheney Ba Co. Testimonials
Said by Druggists, price 75o per bottle,
Hall's Family Pills leo the beet,
0 515 11Iyi'"rl:It.
A Yankee, touring in England, fell
into colvorsation with a 1011010 pas
sengee in a train one day, aztd at
ence began to "stuff" hint with the
yarns that only Yankees can tell.
At last the IdngUshman thought he
would not let the other have things
all this OW11 way, 80, after listening
patiently to 0 vary hat's -faced
„story" he "stn}d,. 10ft1)y, "Oh, that
Was nothing! I once sate a man
swim from New 'York to Queens-
town," "Did you see him? Culled
the Yanked, "Yes," replied ,tile Eng-
lishman, "mo followed 'hila 011 the
way In a boat. "Well. stranger,"
replied the 'Yankee, with a 'calm, re-
lieved smile, "l'io glad I have you
for witness -I was that maze."
Ceylon Tea is the finest
Tea the world produces,
end is sola` only in lead
Black, Mixed and Green.
'span tett drinkers try 'Salads" Green tee.
Berlin's population fluctuates in
curious fashion. Its total of just
under two millions increased by 42,-
2;493 during the year 1900, whereas
last year it grew but 12,000.
vice Co
The Sixty-eighth Annual Meeting of the shareholders of the British
America Assurance Company was held at its offices, Toronto, on Thurs-
day, the 27th inst. The president, Hon. Geo. A, Cox, occupied the
chair, and Mr, P. 13. Sims, who was appointed to act as Secretary, read
the following:
Your Directors have pleasure in presenting the Sixty-eighth Annual
Repot and Financial statements, duly vouched for by tato Auditors of
the Company.
There has been a moderate increase in the Premium Income In all
branches, the Canadian Fire Business, particularly, showing a consider-
able increase over that of any previous year, this being mainly due to
the advanced rates which have been obtained.
The balancer of Revenue Account, 390,590.00, has been applied as
follows: -$65,000.00 for two half- yearly dividends, the first at the rate
of Seven Per Cent. and the second at the rate of Six Per Cent. per An-
num, $4,045.26 written off alike furniture and Securities, and the bal-
ance, 580,544.74, added to the Reserve Fund, which now stands at
Although considerable .progressbas been made [luring the year in the
direction of advancing rates throughout Canada and the United States
the results of the business, owing to the increase in fire losses, have not
proved satisfactory to Companies generally, and measures are now being
taken for further advauces which sit ould bring about a material improve•
ment in the condition of the fire insurance business on this continent.
W50. A. COX, President,
Total cash income.- ... ... ... .. .,,32,040,197 10
Total expenditure, including appropriation for los-
ses under adjustment. ,,, • ... 1,940,607 10
$ 99,590 00
Dividends declared... _. 65,000 00
Total assets....... ,.. 81,75.5.840 21
Cash capital......... ...$1,000,000 00
Reserve fund,, . 612,001 96
Security to policyholders... a. ...$1,612,001 96
The report, on motion of the President, seconded by the Vice Presi-
dent, was carried unanimously. In moving the adoption of the report
the President said: -
The Revenue Account shows that, after deducting losses end expenses from
the premiums for the year, there is a balance, or underwriting profit, of 558,-
700. This, with the earnings from interest and rents,340,710' makes the total
balance at the credit of Revenue Account 509,5110. Compared with the preced-
ing year the -figures before you show again in premiums (after deducting rein-
surances) 0f $127,100, and a reduction in losses 01'01(,1.24,
This increased income is derived mainly from the lire business, and as stated
in the, 1c ort Is _chiefly to the hotter rates that
the Mar-
ino r-
ine }ranch there been 1 uban ehl the volume of business we have dona
but while the income from thin source represents leas than one-fourth of the to -
premiums raceived arc indebtedo this Branch fornearly ohs -halt the
asp's arolfta.
Y, I
1'ukhl intoconsiderationamount of th•0 business R u the lnl,0 rvemen. transacted, the
results of Lhe:,yo¢r ho
they show a malcodaglla Improvement nt Un Lhasa of the
year 19(0 -count ho regarded as affording an adequate margin of profit, but
- those. of you who have noted the records from month to month of the serious
Urns in Canada and the =United States, beginning wnnil the conflagration In the
business nnes9
Centre of IrIontreal in January last, must think,
regard,the ac-
counts presented as more favorable than Might have been anticipated. Wo can
at least claim that they will bear comparison in their general results with those
shown by other Companies operating in the .same fields as om•selvaa, and this
operhaps the best test of the judgment exercised by the officers foul agents
the Company In the prosecution of Its business. The problel as 1.0 what
rales will he adequate to meat the losses of any, one y001. Is a dfntrxllt-1 might
SAY 0n 1np0Ra111be-011s fOr the most experienced underwriters to solve, The
call only meet the changed conditions that confront tltenr from time to time
by readjusting their rates h1 accordance with the loss records which those
changing conditions produce, The adverse experience of Companies engaged
in the firebusiness for h of this continent the rant two curs kava ltnv S
1 shown n the
nCCCSRilV of inen•casea of many ni ri Iia and 1 1 sal classes a i ld re have -In
v a 1 elitod to a
extent from the ad vowed 1ai.cs u•hlch prevailed during Life year
1.901, thin - In view of the action taken during the past ten days 6 by all' the
leading Companies tieing business in the ilnited States to bring -about a mare
radical advance Cunt has hitherto boon attempted I foal that wa may safely
a.n tic.ipate that these improved conditions will have al oven more harked .effect
upon the business of the present Year.
In reviewing the business of the past year, as wen as of the preceding
eight years during Which 1 have had the honor of occupying this chair, it is
very gratifying' to observe the progress which iho Company has made in Its
Ura business in Canada, AS well as the Pr01]ta which have accrued upon this
notwithstanding the losses bythe conflagrations .01 the past two years. A
Company which has been doing business -as the - British A Morino has -for
upwards of two-thirds of a century should, we have felt, ccoupy it prominent
position in connection with the h isines0 of its home Lind, and while an income
eenal to that of same leading British 0111(00 which carry much larger amounts on
Individual risks, might not be !oaken for, it should commanda liberal share
of the business and be able i0 show results °gnat to, if not 1attar Llan, the
average results Of its competitors, The program which the British A mal lea
hag matte in this dlreetlan under its present management is indleatad by the
following figures: In 1802 the total fire premiums of tha Ootnpaly in .Can.
mitt re , 7 73,4/51; in 11101 they amounted to• 5801,575. U'haeo figures repre-
sent the not heel -awns (after deducting reinsnn•ances), so that during these
nine years Lha income of the Company In this branch has Increased upwards of
100 per cent., while the total Increase of all reporting Companies to the
department is about 40 .stilt i'
ry]co,'I relit, d in R Il moi'1, gratifying to and from
the annual ovdi'',ig of Companies doing business 111 Canada, published by 10
Dominion Uoyarnmera, that while for this period the aycrago 1008 0000
of all Companies reporting t.0 the Canadian Insurance Ueparlmelt is 70.3 per
cent., our losses have boon but J per a the t u u
a o an a I L r c cant , t. r 11 re received,
1 1
While this has been our experiencen- 1 m r s• s •
t r. the n e s t
l0 L c g vo have mads
In other fields in the way o1 securing adv revertible
conn 1,001 had been
such an to warrant our looking for equally 515 fav01 Wo rebid from our net, outside the Dominion, 1a Herder 1 1 1 t mind I t• ]y w len We haat a ni o Ilia improved tr out'
look which 1 have referred 5
1 40 r in the derive Lo.tcl from ,vise to ; r
1^to a
large',rcartl0n 0f our•-Uutamn is d.rte , conclusion, 1•d sr
r ed. L 1 itemise avail )1
Self- of1.1 opportunityo 1 • sappreciation
f8 no f expressing Hee (Mior the work s, the o) 11
obli of the Company, erols at its Heed (adeno and at hen servie Meths, and our
ohdlgaainns to our General and Local Agents tar their n0rvicos'iu tho Com-
pany's behalf, during the past year.
The following gentian= were re-elected to serve as 'Directors duringthe
,g year;- 0n. Len. oxKenny, s Myers,Tname11o.OJohn skin i(, C.,LIron. 13. 0. Wood, lObert Jaffrey, Lieut. -Gel
Hallatt tn[
7:. tV, cox.
At a meeting of the beard, held ,00bsegnent1y the lion. Geo. A. Cox was'
re-olootod. Presidant and Mr. J. J,Kenny Vice-1'r00idlnt.
mew della 4/4/�e� �/ y� ,,., ,
( is .y` Z.f/!IJ/N 4iiAi' % 'i?(/7/"f/". l
e,4/ r' r r 1 c$4L
CI,% ru,Almtv
Butter, Eggs, Poultry, tniolv
Correspondence Solicited.
o a - r t• C
Prost Wire Fence �s a Strong Fe Ca
The to wires and 6 stay fence has heavy uprights. There i onto:era
weak spot in its construction. It will last three times as long arfother
fences. Place your order for Frost Fence, satisfaction guarante,
write for Catalogue. THE FROST WIIl,E FENCE CO. LTD., WEi.LAh'�' Onf. a
;44÷}4,441,,,,,,H4+++++4-14.44+44,44-144+2.14.144-1, F
,v Y
��Lan�"pRjrlf�tlt�t r
2 •
4. Every Stick --
4, A Match
.lea'}/ Match -
10 A 11 Lighter" r y
M.O.= s3i.24..Z6101 lirnr 27E..Y•'eWTi=1M1Sna. i
44,1444444-1.4614+444444-1+1, 44444.444.44,14+44.4-11444441
A silken thread is three times as
strong os a flaxen one of the same
'rake Laxative lromo Quinine Tablets. An
druggists refund rho money if it fails to ooze.
10, 1Y. Grove's eignatur0 is on Quoit box. 25s.
During the quarter ending June
30th, 1901, 115 Vessels wero totally
lost or condemned. Of these 36
were British, with an average ton-
nage of over 2,000 each,
Chicago S: North-Western Ry. from
Chicago daily, March and April, on-
ly 35.00 for berth in tourist car.
Personally .conducted excursions
Tuesdays and Thursdays from Chi-
cago and Wednesdays from New Eng-
land. Illustrated pamphlet sent on
receipt of two cent stamp by S. A.
Hutchison, Manager, 212 Clark
street, Chicago.
Of one million. Swedes who have
emigrated since 1850, 850,000 have
gone to the United States, and of
these only flvo per cent. have return-
ed home.
That the Now York Central
possesses great advantages
over otter lines cannot be
gainsaid, and they are too
numerous to enumerate, but a
few of the principal features
are: the great train service
(twelve express trains each
way between Buffalo and Now
York), four tracks and the
Grand Central Station the on-
ly station in the city of Now
This is the route of the
famous Empire State Ex-
64 out of every 100 pounds offor-
eign,wool imported into England
tomo from Australasia.
immensommoomearsamissea >
The Publisher of the Best Farmer's
paper in the Maritime Provinces in
writing to us states:
I would/V
sa that 7
. do not know Of
a medicine that has stood the test of
time like TrINAItl'S LINIMENT. 11
has been an nnfailing remedy in on:
household ever sineo' can remember,
and has outlived dozens of would be
CGf"J etitors and imitations.
One of tho finest bronzes known is
made of aluminum alloyed with cop-
I loard s Liniment i inset Cures Diphtheria
A man sltntlld weigh, 26 ponnds for
every foot of his height:
Oso bo done perfootly by our French Process. Try it
90NTR1044 701108(70, OPl•A1Y4 h QUICnEO
, off°'
Preserves tate teeth. Sweetens rho breath.
Strengthen. the gums.
Best comprusa0d•air sprayer made. Sample
machine free.-iAvOa9 9009., gait, Ont.
Dominion Live Steamships
Dfontreol to Liverpool. Boston to Urn,
pool. Portland to Livenme1. Vla Queen.
1arR amlrust Steamships. Superior 011 SOsudattoa
lot all elms. of pa,ronger% Saloons and Stgteroo"1pta�
ors amidships. Special aaaptf,n. has been siren to tag
Second Saloon and Third -Ulna accommodation. Por
mine of plunge and all particulars, apply to any nem
of the Company, or
Riobor,s, Igllls a Co,D. Torrance & Oo.,
77 State St. Boston, Montreal and Portlanf.
ILEj= _ 1 E
Is a Balla of Mad preparation.
aurae Cold soresChapped Hands'
Muncie or Shin Diseases. It to no
antesthetic, but a heater -TILE SOY ERR
'1119)3 IOSALEP., Largp Sg Se 200. De'ug-
giste, or The elleadino Oo., 'reroute.
Instrumento, Drums, Uniform., etc.
Lowest pikes 01e1. quoted. Fire catelogue,
500illustralione,ma}led free. Write U9 for a0ye
thing in Music or Moriten1. Instrument
WHILE! ROHE 16 00., Limited,
Toronto, Ont., and Winnipeg, Man
:i•:i»Y..i..Y..Y..I..;..I..I•rr•l.•Y. »I•^i.'I..Y..;..I..p.H
•°�� T
•3• q
LL{{p�g99� .r.,
Lit vJ��tlo
▪ per annum, payable half-
yearly, is allowed on De-
bentures for $100 and u -
wards for terms of 1, 2, 3,
4, or 5 years. Interest ac- .4.
• c1•ues from the date on
which the money -
is r
ceived by the Company.
Toronto street, TORO NTO ••
150 KInds feat
It to a. fttot that round morn garane fleeter
nee o ninsro eu o, snore gardens
0 0,er7 '5. tales thenen firer o, '
in. 09,1 an Tants IS e010 MOO for tele, e
l (t ewe and o of oar 01(1000 noree for
)(termination a 0
dl C1101C
D osraAs. In
01001 0 the fol o tatty alma
' x `>sa we mage the tollowllils mnprdu
1' ,. adgllfsd Oadrt
Fosf) Coolie Postpaid r i'
;•�■■tj,I 00In0
Hermes! r1eesr/
el_ 0radishes,
'10 as st arlloot ueloae'5rtglorious Guest...,
Gowers oA
s a
Bine I60 kande pbotlayols furnishing
bonen of OlOndltfY cower, nn0
lots and late 01 010105 vegaStince
t Ort t
ttoops)6 v It pp t A R
001 eg al Minus et b d frill Cao
[[ n
Oat and is on'-
p tai
o 0 tc, am for .
sso. flu Oanaeliiu aiatnpe. •
10114 A. 83)11280 83E0 CO..
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