HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-3-27, Page 1Vol. 8C No, 07
New A,•,vertisements.
Locale -G. If og,
Boy wante Wm, Robb.
Formaldehe lde—Jae. Fox.
Ohild'e eigt t—Mrs. Fletcher.
Formaldebi de—Alete, Wilson.
Hardware - Wilton &'Parnbylh
Never weal y—J, Fergueou & 00,
Notice to reditore —G, F. Blair.
Hoose -ole tniog—McKinnon & Co,
SPring k l to—E O. Dunford & Son.
xs±x c# ReWs,
4' 3001o1.
Tbw nohip Oounoil will meet here on
Monday, April 7th.
o a peed at
O r . Cole has dt
I villa a S. S
his 't. 00 sates op the 13th pan. to �. D.
Mctt ell., of that looality, getting $3,100
for, it,
e are P
ed to state Mise Elle,
ie improving ninety atter an
atta(aok of pneumonia in the last few
)13ie 50aorefarm of Andrew Sharp,
baig East half lot 26, oon. 7, has paned
cl ertDilworth whoseno possession of Robert ,
, p
Guard Your
GF_ild's sight.
In modern c mpg.
titian every disad-
vantag a tells and
l none ore seriously
1 • than poor sight.
Parents who hope for
their children's sue..
coat., should know.
their sight is the best
possible. 11t
tI. MilatiMIr_IMI1010w
lairs. "&'. Fletcher
So pants.:: and6"aa�ci.ar io Clyt:cian
farm adjaine it, at 81700, Mr. Sharp
hoe purohaeed W. A. Miohei'e 50 aoree
West bili of lot 28, oon, 11, Grey, price
being $2,800. W. J, Sbarp bag leased the
farm from hie father and will move to it,
The sales ware oonenmmated by P. S.
Stott, of Brussels.
• Elelgrcave.
Bering work bag oommenoed and the
farmer will be very busy for a few weeks.
Loot Monday Organizer gaff of the
L. 0. L. wae here giving the Orange
Lodge a "boost" forward,
The reaidenae of Jamee Wigbtmap. is
raised and will have globe foundation
put under it and the building veneered
with brick.
F8oroav Sor,n,—Last Saturday after-
noon Bel ave was Bold bygr oheeee tactor y
public auction to Duncan' .RoberEeon, of
latest Wawanoeb, for the 'nem of $820,
The aore of land on whish the building
stood was sold by Mr. Robereton to Jno,
Scandrebt to when farm it originally be-
longed, for 855 00. The building will be
taken down and reconstraoted into a barn.
The machinery was also included in the
purchase. Factory whiob ie 3205 feet
with 17 foot poste, was built 15 yeare ago
at a coat of about 81800 and ie a good
building. The reason for gelling wart on
amount of look of support on the part of
the farming aommunity. It looke like a
little reflection on them in view pf the
opportunities to make it go it heartily
patronized. The parehaeer streak a bar-
gain all right.
Mies Jessie Holmes ie ill thie week.
Mies Annie Spence ie ill thio week with
eosrlet Lever.
Mre. W.Jermyn is reoovering from ber
recent illness.
Duff & Stewsrt chipped a carload of
rollers this week.
Thomas Coultas' had a very successful
wood bee on Monday.
Charles Garnier moved to hie fstm
near Belgrave last week.
A. K. and Mre. Jackson opeot Sanday
among friends at Trowbridge,
James Burgess returned on Saturday
from Strathroy Dairy school.
Mr. Coad, of Trowbridge, was the guest
of Joseph Leeoh over Sunday.
A carload of hogs were shipped from
thie station to Palmerston last Thureday.
Misses Kathleen and Annie Swann are
spending the Exeter holidays at the Par-
Promotion Examinations were held in
the eohool on Thursday and Friday of
last week.
Miee May Davidson, of Wroxeter, was
visiting ber brotber, Walter Davidson,
in Morrie last week,
Henry MoHardy had the misfortune to
have a nasty out inflicted on his Seger in
the sawmill one day last week.
You cannot get a better assortment of Dry Goods
than we can offer you to -day. All our lines are
up-to-date and our Prices are Right.
Dress Goods and. Suitings...
We are showing the leading styles in all the leading Bbadee—Satin-
oloth, Whipcord, Poplin, Orepeline, Voile, Gloria, Grenadine, Venetian,
Soleil, Broad•aloth and Iome•spua, prides 25a to $1.50
For Waists...
All wool Detainee, Silk G ioria, Japanese Liberty, Famoline, Taffetta
Sllke, Silks with hem etitohiog effect, Sflke with Tucks and Insertion all
ready to make np, prices 40o to $2,00
Por Summer Dresses..:
We have the nicest lot of Sommer Goode ever shown in Brussels.
You'll want them if you the them. Moslibe, Dimities, Organdies, Albatross,
Linen effects, Silk and Linen, Mercerized Lawns and Sateane, Silk Finiebed
Ohambraye, Ginghame and Prints. All NEW Goode and for BEAUTY
and STYLE have no Equal, Prices 5o to 50o
In Corsets...
"The Corset is the Foundation of the Gown," A Perfeot Fitting Corset
means a Petted Fitting Drese, Our NEW GIRDLE DORSET bide fair
to beaome the favorite of the season. The new etraight-front, biae•ont,
gored Corset is the Perfeotion of Shape and Comfort. All our Corsets ate
CROMPTON'S—they are the BEST. Prices 500 to $1.50
.A. New Department...
To our already large and well assorted etook we have added a splendid
assortment of
The thin Drees Materials to be worn this season will necessitate the wearing
of Pretty Underwear. We have just opened upa lot of beautiful Mite -
wear that every lady ahould the before buying. We feel confident that in
this line no better values were ever shown. No left•overe. Every garment
Fresh, Clean mod Dainty,
In Eversr Other Department
Yon will find no equally well prepared for the Spring trade.
t "April 8'eebion Sheets, Designers' and Patterns are now ready. Call and get a
Farallon Sheet Free. Deeignere 10o n oopy, $1.00 a year. Standard Patterns
kept in stook, loo 10 25o.
Mrs, Adam Oleghorn, of the Blnevale
road, le aiok with inflammation of the
1 upga.
Donald Menzies and 0barlea Coultas,
of Molesworth, visited relatives here on
Edward Leeoh bag returned from a
visit of some weeks with hie daughter,
Mrs. /load, of Trowbridge,
Archibald Patterson ie sway thie week
representing the Bluevalo Ohosen;Priendo
et the Grand (toenail meeting in Toronto.
A special Easter; Service will be held in
the Methodist Cburoh , next Sabbath
morning. The oboir is preparing suitable
Mnob aympatby le felt for Arther and
Mre. Shaw, of Morrie, over the lose of
their infant sen who died on Monday
W. Innen' peddling wagon ie epos more
on the rounds.
Robe. Henderson is able to be out again
atter an attaok of pneumonia.
Rev. Mr. West, of Blnevale, preaobed
an excellent sermon in Victoria Hall last
Sunday evening.
W. E. Bryaue was in Toronto last
week writing at an exam. in the proposed
medical oouree he is taking.
The many friends of Mre. Andrew
Simpson will be pleased to hear tbat she
is improving after her long illneee.
Our friend Brydon is not smitten yet,
although he may be seen any day idly
wandering along the road as if • he were
looking for something. Keep at it girls,
yon may yet maimed.
Doogald, son of James Strachan ie
home for Easter from the Ontario Agri.
oultaral College. This is hie 2ad term.
He ie in the Dairy Department latterly
and likes it tip top.
ENTHnrAtuatnNT.—On Monday evening
April 7th, Rev. et. S. G. Anderson, of
Wroxeter, will give a Lecture in Victoria
Hall, bero, illustrated by viewe. The
choir, of the Presbyterian ohnroh,
Wroxeter, will render a musical program.
DHnarz.—Wednesday evening of last
week an interesting time wae spent in
Victoria Hall in aonneotion with a
musical and literary entertainment, the
ohief of whiob was a debate on Country
ve. City life. Mies Maggie Taylor and
Mre. Jno, Cott ably represented the inter-
ests of the former while Miee E. J.
Peacock and Mies Elsie Strachan 00 re.
eolutely upheld the oily. The judges
were Mies Brook, Bruesele, L. Rottener
and W. E. Bryane who deoided in favor
of the city after a very close
contest. In addition to the chorus
"The Maple Leaf", quartette singing was
well rendered by Mesdames Eohmier and
Rotten and their husbands ; W. Mines
gave a fine song ; Mieses Maggie Oaldbiok
and Miee Mary Pea000k gave good
reaitation° ; and °beige inettnmental se.
leotione were given by Adieu Margery
Straoban and Miss Ing Bryane. 88,06
were the financial proceeds at a 5 cent
admieuiou fee. The chair was 000epied
with eaee and grape by the Soottieh
bachelor, Wm, Brydon. He's a great
ladies' mao io the aforesaid Brydon.
Anne Boom:pa--Copeland Stokes had the
misfortune to have hip right arm broken
between the ehoeldor and elbow, on Wed-
nesday morning about 9 o'olook, by being
run over by the wagon wbiob was a
load of hay. He was driving out of the
barn and the little jolt ag the wheels left
Hag barn floor started the horses and in
some way Mr, Stopes fell with the above
respite. 9A physician noon pet the broken
limb but it will be some time before the
patient will be able to do a map's work.
It is a little unfortunate just at the o en•
I 7 p
ing of Spring bat it would have been
much worse had it been hie leg that was
oaoght. We hope Mr. Stokes will have a
speedy recovery.
A few are making maple molasses.
A good many are troubled with bad
Will. Sellers, of the 3rd, apent Sanday
on the let con.
Sobool aloeee Thureday of the week to
reopen April 7t3.
John Kelly had a good wood bee on
Tuesday of this week.
The Bodmin lime works started to
work Monday of this week.
John Taylor of Harlook hag started
work for F. Martin, 6th line.
A number of men are at work hewing
timber for F. Martin's barn.
A good few started to plough. Some are
going to sow but March ie too soon.
Messrs. McClelland, of Belgrave, ship.
pad a oar of potatoes on Wedneeday of
this week.
The infant eon of Arthur and Mrs.
Shaw died on Monday of thie week we
regret to state.
Joo. Roe, 2nd oon., has eeoared the
services of Wm, Weir, of Turnberry, for
the coming season.
I. Kingewood, wife and eon, of St.
Thomas, will spend Easter at James
Sharpe. Mrs, Kingswood ie a daughter.
The Weser; Flemming, of Sunshine,
bad a wood bee on Wednesday of Ibis
week. We hope thie will end up the
wood bees for the season.
Owen Phillipe, who has been visiting'
in this locality for some months, lett
Braesele for Hartney, Manitoba, on Fri.
day of tbie week. We wish him enoaeae.
Miee Carrie Roe, who bas been visit.
ing at Joo. Roe's, 2nd oon., for the pant
three months, returned to her home in
Howick last week. She will be greatly
miseed by some of her new aoquaintanaee
on the 2nd.
Some three years ago tbie article was introdbaed by Alex. Wilson, Druggist,
Seeforth, as a preveotive of emat in oats, barley and other grain, and has proved
so effective that nearly every farmer in that pari of the county is now using it.
Now that it has established its reputation many cheaper substitutes are being
offered to the public,. According to the beet Chemists, including Prof. Harman, of
the Agrionitaral College, Guelph, the solutions being sold vary very much in strength.
"BEAVER BRAND" ie tested for strength, bottled and sealed in one of the
beet equipped laboratories in America, and is Bold only in the original bottles at 40a
or 65o each, the latter being sufficient to treat 60 to 80 bushels of grain. Full direo.
tione for use on each package. Read what farmers gay about it
It's a grand thing and 1I can honestly re-
eommend every farmer to us0. it.
• Wmeon AatfeTnoxo.Lot 11, Goshen Line.
Besidae the gain in seed I ooneiderthat
the Olean straw forfeed more than repaid
my labor and expense. I advise all farmers
to use the "Beaver Brand."'
THUMAo commute,
Lot 22, Goa, 2, Tuckeramith.
I am quite sure that my Beed treated with
your "Beaver Brand" yieldedmeseveral
bushels per acre more than it otherwise
would have done. THOMAS FRASER,
Would not think of sowing again without
Mat treating my nate with this mixture.
B00000 Mot&ILLAN,
Lot 1, Don, 0, Hullett,
I would. not be without it for any money.
0. Roxmrea, Ethel.
I would not take 825.00 and sow my oats
this Spring without first treating them in
this way. apes el. Ram,
Lots -12 & 19, Bayfield Road.
I think I am within the mark when I say
that en a bottle Bayed me, a hundred bushels
of oats. Joan WonnaN,
St. Paul's Station.
The Genutue "Beaver Brand" can be procured from :
H. F. MoALLISTER ............Ethel W. INNFiS Jamestown
WM. NEAL Walton. WM. MESSER Blnevale
MODONALD or MaNAIR....Cranbrook D. SPROAT Belgrave
New Spr ng Hats
Our stook of Spring Hats is now complete. We are showing
the Celebrated
Barrington Hats
In Black, Pearl, Slate, Chartrense, Cuba, Victoria, Vicuna,
Neutria and. Drab Colors at $2.00 and $2,50 each.
Woodrow Hats
In Black, Grey and Slate Colors at $8.00 etch.
We are also showing a complete lino of Boys' and Young Men's
Crush Hats at 60c, 75c, $1.25 and $1.50.
Our New Spring Neckwear
Will be to hand for Easter. Call and see the Newest Crea-
tions in this line before purchasing elsewhere.
Mies Mead Paul is visiting ber aunt,
Mre, Joe. Pugh, in Blnevale, this
T, Agar left last week for Manitoba,
Where be will join his brothers. Tom'e
many frisnde in Morrie wieb him a
pleasant trip.
Geo. W. 'Purvey hada very successful
wood bee on Friday of lege week, About
20 porde of wood were cut and eplit,
This opeaks well for the 2nd line boys.
Tueeday morning of this week Misses
Minnie and Belle Bewley, started for a
trip to Wolseley, Aseinaboa, where one of
their brothers reside, Their many
young friendo inthis locality wieb them
a safe 7ouraey and a pleasant stay. Mies
Belle hoe been to the Weat before so will
anderetand mush about the journey,
is once more on the go.
Thursday of last week A. Hislop, M.
P. P., was in Toronto.
Jao. B. Smith made a bna!neas trip to
Guelph last Friday,
Wm. MaFadzean, 9th oon„ lost a good
mere from inflammation.
Who will be Township Clerk ie the
question often asked these days.
Thos. and Mre. Davidson were visiting
in Wawaoosh for a few days this week.
Miee Kate Remelt, Miee Annie King and
Erneet Bozell were in Blyth last Sauday.
The township fathers will convene on
Monday, April 7th, for the dispatch of
bueineee at Ethel.
Andrew Sharpe has sold hie farm to
R. Dilworth and intenda to take a trip to
the West this Summer.
The dredge will soon resume work epee
more. A portion of last Fall's contract
will have to receive a little attention this
Large auction dale at Donald Orerar's,
lot 9, con. 9, on Tuesday afternoon of
next week. F. S. Scott will be the
We are pleased to state that Mre.
James Ferguson, 9th oon., 1n improving.
nicely in health and will Boon be wove.
'ascent we trnet.
Lest week Oliver Smith's flock of tboro'
bred Shropshire ewes had preeented him
with 18 lambs. Mr. Smith sold 4 aged
ewes and 7 yearlings to J. W. Bingham,
of Walkerton.
R. Dilworth bas bought W. Michel'e
50 sore farm llth oon., and has resold it
to W. J. Sharpe; the latter will move to it
directly. We wieb bine success in bis new
A Band bee was held by D. Machan,
lltb one., ou Saturday last preparatory
to the building of a new bank barn. The
timber and other material are on the
Joo. D. McNeil has purabaeed lot 25,
oon. 13, from S. S. Cole, of Ethel, at
$3,100. It is an unimproved lot from
which ooneiderable timber has been taken
by Mr. Cale.
The union Sabbath school at Monoreiff
continues as usual with an average at.
tendaooe of about 45 during the past
Winter. Marshall Harrison is Superim
tendant and Jae. Mann assistant.
This week William Kelly, 14th con.,
Jae and Alex. MoTaggart, sone of Jno.
MoTaggart, 15th con., are away to the
West on a prospecting tour in Manitoba
and the Northwest. They left on Tues.
day morning. Mre. Kelly and children
will remain leers living in Geo. Sparling'e
house, 1Gth oo
Mre. Owen Smn.
ith and daughters re•
moved to Guelph on Monday of tbie
week where they expect to make their
home. Mies Rebecca was organist in
Roe'e Obnroh Sabbath Sobool and both
she and Mise Tunis were workers in the
Epworth League. Their many old
Mende herewieh them a pleasant and
encoeaeful stay in the Royal oity.
This week William Taylor and family
removed from the 16th oon. to their newly
purchased farm near Oliotoo. They
carry with them the beat wishes of a
large circle of friends for their future
happiness and prosperity. Jno, R. Oliver
of the 9th eon., who bought Mr. Taylor's
farm, has taken pee.eseion thie week and
moved hie family to their new home.
We bid tbem a hearty welcome to
the 16th.
The funeral of the late Mrs. E. J. Ma.
Arthur took place on Friday afternoon of
last week. Rev. D. B. McRae, wbo knew
the family in Glengarry, took oharge'of
the service owing to the indispoeition of
Rev. Jno. Roes, the pastor. Pallbeare
were :--Jno. Smith, B. Laing, Jno. Lowe,
W. Reid, A. Shaw and Alex. Grant.
Mrs. D. J. MoIotyre, a sister of Mre.
McArthur's', from Tiverton, attended the
funeral and visited the family for a few
Sobool hes been oloaed in S. S. No. 2,
known ae Turnbull's school house until
the middle of April and the teacher, Mies
Guest, of"Goderioh, allowed to go home
owing to a enmity of children. The nom.
fog fine weather will permit of a few
of the juniors attending thereby enpply.
ing the raw material for the school warm.
It would be a difftoolt matter to equal
this eeotion in the saaroity of ohildren of
eabool age and the only thing to do is to
compel the bachelors to get married and
make the homes already eetablisbed
where the prattle of a baby is not heard
adopt some oherub and thereby have the
supply equal the demand.
A CHNHTARIAN.—Last Sunday, about 11
o'olook a. m. the spirit of William Stev.
eneon took its flight. He died at the
homestead, oon. 13, at the advanasd age
of about 100 years.' He had been confin-
ed to bed for past 5 yeare from parelyeis
of the limbs, The old gentleman wae
born in Kintyre, Scotland, and name to
Canada when a young mao. He was
married to Sarah Rennie, of Preeoott,
who pre-deoeaeed him 17 yeare;• aged 72
years, Deoeaaed lived foe' Matta, yeare in
Grey township and retained his faoultiee
to a marked degree. Mr. Stevenson wag
a shoemaker in hie earlier years. There
were 8 children 6 of whom are living as
follower—Mre, Irwin and Mre. Glasgow,
of Detroit ;-Mre. Cash, Goderioh ; Mre,
F. Miller, 300, and Mise Stevenson, of
thio township. The funeral took place on
Tuesday afternoon, the servioee being
oonduoted by Mr. Cullum, of Aima,
Interment was made in Bruseele cemetery.
Mr, Stevenson wet quite bright up to a
week before hie deoeaee. Not many live
to ouch a royal old ago.
W, H. KERR, Prop,
Jno, A. McKay takee oherge of the
Manoritff store and poatof•Soe next week.
We wish him diocese.
David Cunningham bite moved to the
farm be bought from Geo. Sperain, 15th
oon. We hope he will do well. Mr.
Sperain kite gone to the 12th where he
bought the Oarnooban farm.
Monday of last week Mrs. Joeeph Red-
mond died at her home after an extended
illneee of aonenmptiou, Her parents live
in London and the remains were taker
there on Tuesday. Thebasbond and one
eon 11 years of age survive, the latter be-
ing in, very poor health and ieatoying with
hie grapdparenle. Atex. McKay a000m.
pealed Mr. Redmond to Leaden with the
WHDDINn Beues.--A large and jolly
wedding party numbering 150, assembled
at the reetdenoe of Juo. and are. Brown,
10th oon., on Wednesday evening of last
week to witneae the tyiug of the matri.
menial bow by Rev, D. B. McRae, of
Oranbrook, between Richard Pattereon,
of Edgar, Simooe Co., formerly of Grey
township, to Miee MaggieE., eldest daugh-
ter of the boot and hostess. At 5.15
o'olook, Miss Mary A. Slemmon played
the Wedding Marob in line style end the
principals in the very interesting event
took tneir places odder an evergreen and
flower arch, the bride being oonduated by
her father. A lovely costume of white
satin, with ohiffon lane and pearl trim-
mings was worn by the bride, she also
had a beautiful boquet. After the care.
mony the wedding dress was changed for
a blank satin, The going away dregs
was of blue venetian, trimmed with blue
silk and white lace. Little Miseee Mary
and Grace Walker, of Brussels, made
charming flower gale, oarrying aarna•
Hone and roses. After hearty oongrata•
latione were over the large company was
invited, by oontingente, to well ladened
tables where the beet of the land was
spread in abundance. Thoughtful and
alert waiters saw that no one was over-
looked. The health of .the bride was
proposed by the officiating olergynean in
felicitous terms. Wedding gifts well
assorted, valuable and numerous, fn fur•
niture, silver ware, ohina, glass, linen,
bed spreads, pictures, &o., &o., attested
the popularity of the bride and groom.
Presents and congratulations were re.
oeived from Neepawa and Portage -la•
Prairie, Mao., Toronto, Guelph and other
places. An enjoyable time was spent by
the guests in vocal and instrumental
music, recitation, e00ia1 chat and dano•
ing. Among those present from a dis-
tance were noticed :—H. and Mre. Tin-
dall, of Tackeremith ; F. Walker, Bur-
lington ; Miee Ethel White, of Wingham;
Mre, Barrett, A. and Mrs. Tindall and
D. and Mea. Hamilton, of Listowel ; P.
and Mrs. Patterson, of Mookton ; and
Miee Maggie Tindall, of Atwood. Mr.
and Mre. Patterson visited friends in
this locality until Monday when they
left for their home at Edgar followed by
the hearty good wishes of .many, Tea
Pose in the number, Mr. Patterson has
purohaeed a remunerative blacks mithing
baeineee in that village and will no doubt
do well.
People We Know.
Mise Kelly is visiting at London.
Thos. Bone was visiting in Toronto this
Mrs. (Do.) Holmes is visiting - at Port
Gordon Mooney is bothered with
Rich. Williams was in Listowel on
Mrs. Jno. Thomson to visiting friends
at Seaforth.
Fred. Adams and family are holiday.
ing at Obeeley.
Mies Jo. Rose, of Toronto, is borne for
the Easter vacation.
Mre. G. A. Deadman and Mies Katie
are visiting at Woodstock.
Inepeotor Robb ie attending the Teach.
ere' Association at Toronto,
R. McAlpine, of the Queen oity, ie re.
pawing old friendships in town,
H, R. Brewar was in the Queen's pity
last Monday on a business trip.
Will. Ainlay ie home for the Exeter
holidays from Listowel Collegiate.
Barrister Blair was at Walkerton on
Friday attending to legal business.
Mre, M. Buobanan hes been ou the aiok
list but will soon be convalescent we hope.
Mre. W. F. Stewart and Mrs. N. F.
Gerry will visit in Durham for a few
Mre. Jane Hall has been quite poorly
during the past week. She ie 86 yeare
of age.
Mrs. S. Wilton, Mrs, Jas. Turnbull
and Miss White enjoyed a visit to Palm.
Mre. George Cardiff sprained one of her
waste, last week and is temporarily in.
capacitated on account of it,
Mise Ada Green returned home to
Platteville after a visit of over 2 mouths
with her aunt, Mrs, S. T, Plnth.
Mrs. 0. E. Turnbull and Miee B. E.
Kerr are spending the Easter holidays
with Dr, and Mrs. Cavanagh at Owen
Mre. Jno. Ransom, William street,
baeleeen on the sick list for some time
but we hope she will soon be oonvalee-
Mre. Joseph Pagb, of Bluevale, was the
guest of Rev. and Mre. Paul, of Victoria
Cottage, Prinoese street, Brussels, fog a
few days.
Mies Belle Livingston is spending the
Easter holidays with her efsters in De-
troit and pinking up the latest ideas in
W. Lookie, assistant Editor of Clinton
New Era, was a visitor with Jno. Leckie
and Jae. Jones on Sanday. Mr, Gardiner
a000mpauied Mr, Leckie.
Thursday morning of tbie week Miss
Maggie MoArter left for Hartney whore
a number of relatives reside. We wish
her a safe and pleasant journey.
F. B, and Mrs, Hnreley will take up
honeekeeping in the apartments in the
Leckie blook vanated by Miee H, Francis
who has removed to Port Dover,
Last Saturday George and Dauoen
McNichol and Jamee Mitchell left Bras.
stile for Ruby, North Dakota, where they
expert to epend the coming Summar,
Miee Maggie MoNangbton le home
from Pan Yon, N. Y., on a viola. Dr, J.
lie and Mrs. McNaughton are alae here
after a short visit with relatives at
Peter McDougall, of the "Soo" 10 boli-
daying with hie mother and elatere on
Albert street, We don't know whether
"Mrs,' ;MoDougall is to return with bine
or not.
Geo, Roberton and Mise Nettie MoOrae,
of Clinton, were visitors at Jae. Beaten-
tyne's for a few days, It 10 hinted that
before this time next week Miee IlloOrae
will be Mrs, Roberton.
Mies Belle Oliver and Wilber Baker
are holidaying 00 the former'a sisters at
Sbakeepeore, They were pelted with riot.
at tbo depot Thursday morning as well at.
W. F. Stewart and bride, as some Bup-
posod it was a double wedding.
An Easter eermon and eorv!oe of
Praise will be given in Melville aburet
next Sabbath evening,
Next Sabbath afternoon will be Mis-
sionary Day in Brnasele Methodist Sab-
bath School. Inaddition to the quarterly
review there will he a abort program
along Missionary lines.
Rev. Seo. Holmee' text last Sabbath
morning was "0! that I had wings like a
dove, &o." and in the evening the stirring
topic "Fight the good fight of Faith."
Easter discourses and Easter anthema
will be given next Sabbath.
Rev, Jno. Roes, B. A., preached in Mel.
vine Church last Sabbath morning al-
though he was not in the beet form to
attempt it. The evening eervi0e was con.
cleated by Rev, D. B. McRae, of Oran.
brook, whose interesting those was "The
gift of God's Son."
There will be Divine service in the
Catholic church, Brussels, next Sunday
(Easter) at 11 a en. and a sermon on the
Reearreotion of Christ by Rev. George R.
Northgravee, of Seafortb. There will
also be service on Saturday evening next
in the same ahorob at 7.30, o'olook with
DRUGGIST Mo0ALL, of Chatham, is a
welcome visitor to this locality. Hie
sone accompanied biro.
Tin large stable near the new reaidenae
of 3. Leckie is being taken down. Ma-
terial will be utilized in constructing
another bonne.
RHPOLIT of Millinery Openings ie left
over until next week owing to the rash of
new advta. The openings were a big
enaoees and the displays never better.
Go and the them if you have not already
done so.
Tem Spring term in the Central Boa.
nese College, Stratford, Ont., begins
April let, This college ie well known for
its first class work, and the present is a
favorable time to commence a course
of training.
CARD or' ToANxs.—P. MaQuarrie desires
to express his best thanks to the neigh.
bore and members of the K. 0. T. 81.,
for many kind acts and assistance ren-
dered to himself and family, during bis
recent illness. It will never be forgotten.
PRH0HNTATION.—The members of the
Riverside Hive, L. 0. L. M., No. 315,
assembled in their Tent on Wednesday
evening and preeented Mies Ada Main -
prize, one of their members, with one of
their Sooiety emblem pins on the eve of
her marriage to W. H. Stewart, Fol-
lowing address was read by Mies Brook,
and the preeentation was made by Mrs.
To Lady M'ainyri:e.—
We, the Ladioe of Riverside Il ave, N0,015,
of the M0008,0005 Of the world, desire to
show our kindly feelings and esteem by the
presentation of this Maocabee plc. May
your tutu re be bright and prosperous, the
shadows few, and the sunshine of joy, and
love ever present, and the choicest blessings
of Heaven bestowed, is our e1n00r0 desire.
In your naw relations wo hope your interest
in our Order may bo increased and your
presence at the reviews from time to time
may add to the eooial charm and usefulness
of the some. Signed in behalf of the Order,
LAO'S' MoGuma L• 0.,
',AnyRITomO, ft. K.
Mine Mainprize made a suitable reply.
A short program was rendered consisting
of a reading by Mrs. Ham ; instrumentals
by Misses .Forbes and elainprize ; solo by
Miee Forbes. Refresbmente were served
before the conclusion of the proceeding&
OBIT.—Mary Taylor, relict of the late
Samuel Pardy, one of the oldest pioneers
of Western Canada, passed away Tues-
day morning, March 25113, at the old
homestead, in Went Nisaonri, in her
ninetieth year. They were both natives.
of Galway, Ireland, and name to Western
Canada 64 yeare ago and settled in the
township of Weet Niseouri, 10 miles Emit
of London, where, by herd work they
made a aomfortnble home and raised a
family of 8 children (3 gone and 5 dangh-
tere) all of whom are still living. Her
husband, Mr. Pardy, pre•deaeaeed her
some 20 yeare ago in the 73rd year of his
age. Mre, Pardy was a good type of a
etraightforward,open,kind•hearted Irish
woman who enjoyed the good will of all
who knew her. She lived to nee some of
her great•grandohildren grow up to man-
hood and womanhood. One of ber grand.
children, Rev. Jas. MoOraokete, of Thorn -
dale, ministered to her the consolations
of religion and found her ready and
longing "to depart to be with Christ
whiob fa fat better." Her illneee was of
short duration, only i11 a few weeks, not
eeriouely as was thongbt, but she wag
etrnak with a paralytic stroke that took
away the power of one aide and her
speech, and she quioltly passed away to
her long looked for reel. She was an
ardent supporter and lover of the English
Clairol) as also was her husband, The
children who survive ber are :—Humph-
rey Pardy, farmer, of Niesoari; William,
farmer, of the Bane township ; Samuel,
on the homestead; Mrs. Rachel Kennedy,
of Chicago ; Mre. John McCracken,
Wingham ; Mre. Frank MoOreoken,
Morrie • Mre. Thos. Farrow, Brussels ;
and Mre, John Robertson, Delaware
township, The funeral took pleas on
Thursday from the old homestead to
Oli ppm ton's burying ground. Poetmaeter
Farrow and Mre, Mo0raoken attended.
Mre. Farrow was unable to 30 owing to
her repent oevora illneee.