The Brussels Post, 1902-3-20, Page 8WALL PAPE Latest Designs in Decorative Wall Papers if you intend papering your house do not fail to call on us and see our elegant samples. We can give you paper at any pride you.wish and • guarantee satisfaction. New Ingrains ! New Ingrains ! A. well pleas ed Customer is our best reaom- mendati on. F. B. Hurley & Co. D11EGGI8T and p001I8EL LER RRIf88BL8, Agents for Nyal's Preparations. daveirboomen GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 60DTBDAN E=TEN9I0N W. G. & B. Truing leave Brunetti Station, North and South, a9 follows : GOING SOUTH Gomel Nonni. Express 7:18 a,mMall 2.10 p.m Mixed 9;46 a,m I Express _.... 8:17 p.m Total nebas A ohiel'e among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. HORSE Fair April 3rd. Bnue9ELe market leads. MmLINEn4 Opening° 26th and 27th. EARLY gardening boa received a oheok by the oold snap. SPRING, gentle Spring has gone away back and sat down for the meantime. GOOD Friday will be a public holiday and ooneegaently busineee places will be closed. HORSE Fair, the last for this (mason, on Thursday, April 3rd. Mark it down and be Bare and attend it. EIGHT sets of team harness have been shipped to the Weet already this season by Ooanoillor Donaldson, of Brussels. TEE °ober Oarriage Works is a hive of industry and we hope that this is only the index of increasingly good times for the firm. R. Taomteoot has leased the large barn belonging to W. F. Stewart and will keep his tame and egg wagons there, It will be a fine roomy plain. A SUBSCRIBER in Galt remitting for THE POST writes ; "We atwaye like to get Tan POST, even though 0o many have lett Brume's., We still know a few and we like to hear about them." PREPARATION* are being made for the annual sawing match in Bruesele, These contests are very interesting and attract large numbers of spectators. The date is Good Friday afternoon, Four prizes will be given. JUDGE DoYLE has rendered his decision in the Daae of Dr. McNaughton ve. the Corporation of Brussels in reference to the former'* bill for medical attendance on the Forsyth family. Judgment was in favor of the town with costa againet plaintiff. TEs Wingham Advance aaye:—"Cooh• cane & Johnston are lettering a headstone to mark the resting plane of the late Mre. Laird of Brussels, who died in August last at .the advanced age of 108." The deceased lady was grandmother to S. T. Plum, and Mre. W. Ainley. OPPo9ITION PROBABLE,—A Gerrie our• respondent to the Wingham Advance of Iaet week °aye :—"There is no doubt, that a Conservative candidate will Boon be put np in this riding. Rumor has it that in two or three weeke a Ooovention will be held for that purpose." A. His- lop is the choice once more of East Huron Liberate and is ready to try a oatoh•ae- catch-eau with the Opposition candidate whoever he may be. Jose Tan THING. Our townsman Wit• liam Ainley, who by the way has alwaye been of an inventive turn of mind, has the model of a pole nap for wagons, bag. gies, eleighe or implement tongues that appears to be the oorreat caper. He is applying for a patent for it and will soon be ready to do bneineee. Its use would ensure safety, oonvenieooe and comfort. We hope Mr. Ainlay will make some wealth out of hie invention. Fool Beers—Tuesday evening a meet - log for the reorganization of Brussels Foot Ball team was held in the Ooonoil chamber, Ire Gerry in the obair. The tidy surplus of 830.16 was reported in hand, also the canvass for Park. Offioere were oboeeo as follow* :—Hon. President, Dr. MoNanghtoo ; President, James Bal. lanlyne : Vioe-President, Dr. Feild ; Seat., Garr. Beaker; Treas., H. Bartliff. Com., Capt., G. Baeker, F. Roche, W. J. Good and D. MoLauohlin. The Captain will not be appointed until season opeoe. The team may take a band for intermed- iate honors ae they expect to be able to put a lively eet of kickers on the field. Meeting adjourned till next Tuesday even- ing at 8 o'olook to see about the appoint - merit of a delegate to the anneal meeting at Berlin if thought advisable. A correspondent to the Listowel Ban- ner refers to a Brunie At Home ae fol- lows; J, and Mre. Leckie, of Brussels, gave a very s000eeefal house warming reception at their beautiful home in Btueeele on. Friday evening, March 7th. The spacious drawing -room, library, large dining room, morning room, and censer - eatery of this beautiful house are well adapted for the entertaining of friends. Needless to nay all thoroughly enjoyed the hoepilality of their charming hostess. Besides the many gueete from Braeeele, Mrs, Leckie bad with her a jolly house party ooneieting of G. R. and Mre, Hamilton, of London; J. F. and Mre. Stewart, and 3, F. 9doOrae, of Toronto ; Miee Campbell, Miee Hay, Mise Kidd, Mies Soott, Mies Sutherland, Mr. Olimie, Mr. Congeal; and Mr. Soott, of Lietowel. Mre, Leckie received her gueete in fee be. coming gown of blank moire velour with trimmings of jet chiffon. The first part of the evening was spent in progressive enobre. After trapper danoing wary kept tip until the early morning hours, all loath to leave this painterly merry house warming. Ay Home in Maooabee Hall Friday even. ing of this week. RUMOR *aye another store will open. in Brussels ere long. PUnLco soboole will close on Thnreday of next week for the Beater holidays to re -open on Monday, April 7th. A REPRESENTATIVE of the Windsor Awn. ing factory took a number of order* in town last week for sun shades for the ooming Summer. OWING to the bad pitch holes followed b''y the eudden departure of the sleighing very few people in town have laid in much of a stook of green wood. THE Stratford Herald *aye of a former resident of Brnaeele ;--Deputy Poet. Master A. M. Kay has pnrohaeed from Wm. Macklin a fine residence on Nile.et. at present occupied by the Misses Blair. ROST. Tooueoo, egg, butter and poultry dealer, has had the partition removed in the store be is lc, in the Graham block, and will now utilize, the whole of it, to accommodate hie large and inareaeiug business. CARD or Treurse.—We wish to heartily tbauk the Reeve and other kind friends who helped ns make np the lose suffered by the recent fire at our home. J. AND MRS. SIMMONS. ALL the mail matter brought in or Bent out from Brussels postofflce is being weighed and a record kept for one month by order of the Postmaster General. It makes a lot of work for the postmaster in a bney office. Miee LITTLE, the new milliner in the Holmes block, came from Toronto not Wingham as we mentioned Iaet week. She and her sister have taken up hoose keeping in apartmeuts in the same block, moving in last week. SINGLE fare round trip tiokete will be ieeoed for the Eastertide, good going on Thursday March 27th to Monday 31st and returning on April 1st. Teachers and pupils will have fare tiokete, good to start on Friday 2let and return on April 8th. WILLIE, eon of Met. Richardson had a Mose ecu from a serious accident in the woollen factory. Hie coat got oangbt in part of one of the maohinee and he was thrown down receiving a ant on his fade that neoesoitated the attention of a phy- sician to sew it up. A.TTENTION will be given the Bowling green as soon ae the weather will permit. The tennis grounds will be put in shape so as to have it ready for play next mea• eon. A small building has been probes. ed and will be placed on the lawn as office and store room for belle, shoes, &a., &o. A good time ie being looked forward to. Snrrenea.—R. Graham shipped a oar of wheat and a oar of oats during the past week ; R. Thomson 60 eaeee of eggs to Montreal and 10i bble. of batter to Sydney, 0. B. A. Baeker oar oats; A. 0. Dames a car of hogs ; Geo. Beet a oar of cattle and a oar of hogs ; a oar of Balt was forwarded to each of the following plane Ingersoll, Springford, Neuetadt, and Blyth ; 2 cars of ashes are awaiting shipment, ILL TREATMENT or Oneen.—Monday in. formation was morn out before A. Hunter, J. P., by J. Dennison, of Mo- Killop, charging Wm. Oakley, of Grey, with committing an assault on a little girl named Elsie Vandyke, 8 years of age, who was living in hie home. The Court met on Tuesday afternoon with A. Hunter, Reeve Rose and W. H. Kerr on the Bench, but was adjourned until Sat. urday at 9 a. m„ as Dr. Toole affirmed that the girl was unable to attend owing to her condition from the whipping re. oeived. She is being oared for at the Queen's Hotel. Barrister Blair appeared for Mr. Oakley and Barrister Sinclair stated that he would represent the Crown.. ST. JOHN'* AT HOME.—In response to invitations about one hundred ladies and gentlemen, the latter largely members of the craft, attended the Maeonia At Home held in St. John's Lodge room, on Mon• day evening of tbie week. A short pro. gram was rendered ooneieting of Mark Twain's humorous account of a French duel, by J. H. Cameron; Bolo "Old eohool ebame," by Miee Lyda Crooke, well sang ;short bat very appropriate address on Maeonry by Barrister G. F. Blair ; solo, "01 restless sea." NUBS Crooke ; Highland dance by Jae. Ballantyne, the musical accompaniment on the violin be- ing played by J. Leckie. Mise Jean MoLanohlin accompanied Mise Orooke. The duties of Chairman were performed by Jae. Irwin who welcomed the gueete in appropriate words. Tables were Bet in an adjoining room and an elegant oyster supper, with a000mpainmente of bread and butter, cake of various kinde, coffee and o0angee in abundance, served under the direction of Caterer Bartliff. Everybody took an motive part in this the. portant function. After all had been care- fully waited on an hour or so was spent in ohorue tinging, social games and very pleasant obit-ohat which was greatly en. toyed by everybody. Those who whaled to denoe had an opportunity in a room 'prepared for the pnrpoee. The deoora- tioOe were neat, appropriate and attraotive. It ie certain that Master Wright the other offioere and members who represent the square and crampon left nothing no done to add to the Ocarina of the large company and are to he congratulated on the none of this their first At Home. They certainly struck a lively Balt for the start off, Their lodge room is epeOioae well fnrniehed and well lighted and le. looated in the Garfield blook. 80 room - hem 800 Antheir roll NOSS SS LITTLE 1IMinery Who was in business in Toronto for several yoar, has pleasurein' inform"ing the Ladis of Brus- sols and surrounding country that on ,TgHEDN1I,S Y , Maar. 26 & 2"7 UR DAY She will open her fine NEW STOCK of up-to- date Millinery in the Holmes' Block and cordially invites all who can do so to call and see the Latest a Styles. No one should miss this Millinery Opening. Cwith bloaeetigoaevalueshprioeo 1VMISS LITTLE, . In return. ' Holmes, Block, Brussels. T p. ,q^-ry tie p q �,�'�9 a,,�g -^ '�q�1 g zrzio6, 't.✓''Y...J•R,.��.JK.9'9J"l9`�•a. r"6'�.9"4J"6..r''\..T'C..J"'4,J�•4.MR1''l...t MILLINERY Openings on Wednesday and Thursday of next week in Brussels at the three stores. The ladies of thio !entity will onjny a regular revel. Jo0Neroo-MaRAYe.—The Ladies' Guild of 80. John's ohuroh, Brussels, have or• renged with Miee Pauline Johnston, the Indian poetess, and Mr. MoRaye, a well known entertainer, to give one of their highly praised entertainments in the Town Hall on 50 evening yet to be set in the first week of April. Thielwill be a rare treat for the people of this locality. The Toronto Mail -Empire nye of Mise Johnston•—"She presents pathos, wit, tragedy and comedy in goiok euaoeesiou and olearly proved her ability ae an e0- tertainer." Of Mr. MoRaye the Evanston (Wyoming) Register says.—"Mr, McRay'e program brietlee throughout with keen originality and forceful delivery. He is fanny and solemn at the same time -and cannot fail to please." Date will be an. pounced next week. FIRE IN THE WOOLEN FAamoIY.—Short. ly atter 12 o'olook, noon, on Thursday, of thie week, fire broke out inthe third flat of the Woolen factory. The fire alarm speedily called a large number of ready hands. Beattie Bros. bus team took the fire engine to the river at a lively gait and before many minute* bad elapsed water, in large volumes, was be• ing poured. on the blaze which was short. ly subdued. Movable geode were removed but between fire, smoke and water rather a badly mixed up condition of affaire exiete but it might easily have been worse. Messrs. Lookridge have a receipt for in• euranoe whish will no doubt entitle them to a recompense for their Ione whiob will be considerable. The building and mach- inery -are owned by B.Gerry and are in- sured. The damage ddneoonoiate of a hole burned through the third floor and (seiling, numerous broken windowe,maoh• thee probably seriously impaired by water and one or more by fire. How the fire originated is not certain .but started by or in one of the mach. inee, some think from perbape over beating, with oil and woolaontignoue, We hope the loseee will be speedily set. tled 8o that Ise little delay ae possible will be the result. Mesere. Lookridge are hard workers and deserve to do well and we believe their labors will be re- warded as there is a good trade to be done. ODITDARY.—Very sad and sadden was the announcement of the deoaee of Eliza Lane Holmes, the truly beloved wife of Thomas Holmes, of the town of Wing. ham. Mre. Holmes watt suddenly taken ill with aoute bronchitis, oomplioating a chronic) disease which rapidly developed into heart failure, resulting in her peace- fully passing away at 6.30 p. m., on the 8th inst., surrounded by tbe members of the family, who had been notified by tele- graph. Mre. Holmes was loved and ad- mired by everyone who had the privilege of knowing her, for she was a true and perfect lady in every eenee that the word' implies. She had a moat brilliant intel• lent, was highly educated and well read. She was truly good and would not speak' ill of anyone. She had a moat kind and eympatbetio heart. She had been brought ap in Methodism from a child. Her im. mediate ancestors, who were of the U. E. Loyalists, were the first who planted Methodism on Young street north, Tor- onto, and daring her life she faithfully followed in the footetepe of her father, who was the late William Lane, of Thornhill, near Toronto, and both there and here, where the family is well known and highly respected, her decease will call forth a deep thrill of Borrow from the sincere and sympathetic. She was con. scions to the last, and with her family a. round her bedside at the homestead here, the declining momenta of her long and blameless life were peaoefnl and 0erene. Thie ie the third entirely unex• peoted and Severe affliction the family have enffered. She sees the mother of the celebrated John G. Holmes, one of the most brilliant orators and lawyers ever known in Canada, who died very epddenly in Toronto a few years ago, and her youngest daughter, the late Mies Maggie A. Holmoe, who (lied very suddenly of heart failure three years Minae, and these were moat severely trying emiotione, the ehookof which she never fully recover. ed. She was a most devoted wife and mother and her whole family are plunged into the deepeet sorrow. She is survived by her husband, nomad Holmes, who, as a young man, was prominently eon. Heated with the newspaper press of Tor onto in the day* of the Colonist end Leader, and her earvivlog children are Richard Holmes, barrister, Toronto, William L. Holmes, M. D., Bruooele; and Mre. (Dr.) Kinsman, Bernie. "If catty piles shank] mark whore virtue lime, And worth by numbore to the grave be borne— O'er her the proudest pyramid etlould rise And weeping thousand* at her funeral pleura." Servide was held at the home of de- ceased on Monday evening and the fon- era! took place to tbe G. T. R. station on Tneeday morning, the remain° being don• veyed to Toronto and interred in the family plot in St, lama otmetery.— Wiagham Times, Tan Pt. Arthur Herald says of Mr. MoReye : "His comedy work forces rounds of laughter, but while he is great as a humorist, be is better still ae a dia- lect story teller." A NOTE from Alex. McNeil, now in the "Soo" says there ie a great rush to that place this Spring, especially mechanise but that brickwork will not commence for some' weeke yet. Wagee are also lower than expeoted, although fairly good. Gpeun TRUNK Norse.—Train master Lynoh and Auditor Higginbottom were official visitors at the depot this week.— The pay oar was here en Thursdayof last week.—The loading of five large oars with stook and eettlere' effeote for the West preeented a lively eae0e at the G. T. R. for several days, .hippere were :— R. Pollard, of MoKillop, to Sammerbury, N. W. T. ; Joeh. Dennison, Maliillop to Mooeejaw ; Jno. Crawford, Maailtop, to Melita ; George Jaokeon and W. Grigg, of Morrie, to Mooeejaw.—Among the passengers who went to the West on Tuesday, in addition to a man with each loaded car, were Mrs. Deonieon and eon, McKillop, Miee Grigg and Frank Arm- strong, of Morris, to Mooeejaw ; W. Dunn, of Oranbrook, to Rothwell ; Geo. Parr and ,wife, to Alameda; Jae. Petah to Deloraine ; W. Crawford. to Melita, Business Locals. °Levan and Timothy Seed at Mo- Craaken'e. Gram wanted, at once. Apply to Mre. G. F Blair, Brussels. A. Lox of secondhand organa for sale cheap, or to rent. Some of them almost new. R. LEATHERDALE. •• FLEURY PLows —Farmers desiring the best plow should call on me and order a Fleury. Jeo. LONG, Agent, Brownie. To GAn0EEEne; 10,000 6 Dent paokagee node, 10 packages for 25 ciente. Clover, Timothy, Speltz, Goose wheat &o., for sale. G. E. BING, Wingham, You matte no mistake in having *awe gummed and filed by McGregor. Can exchange *awe. Have a large number of *awe for Bale and ready for firet•elaee work. Yours, for fast and easy cutting, T. MaGae000, Braeeele Saw and Tool 0o„ Mill street East. Peas FENCE,—R. Close, Ethel, hae tale agency for he Page fence for the whole of Grey township and Morrie townehip from the Ord line and ae far Weet ae the Centre eideroad. A. M. McKay & 00„ of Brussels, will reoeive orders for Mr. Close when more convenient to thoee desiring it. CHURCH CHIMES. Rev. R. Paul will preemie at Atwood for Rev. E. A. Fear next Sabbath, A eketoh of Clinton new Wesley ohuroh is orowded out thie inn but will appear next week. Next Sunday a Temperance lesson comes in the International aeries in con- nection with the Sabbath Scheele. Service will be held in St. John's church on Good Friday, commencing at. 11 o'olook, conducted by the incumbent, Rev. G. J. Abey. Rev. H. A. Graham, of the Wallace Oironit, received a cordial invitation from the Quarterly Official Board at. ite February meeting to remain for a fourth year. Rev. Jno. Roee, B. A., expecte to take his plane in Melville thumb pulpit next Sabbath morning as hie health hae con• eiderably improved, we are pleased to state. Rev. Jno. Holmes preached two interest- ing diecooreee last Sabbath in the Meth- odist Charoh. Morning text was "There shall be no more sea" and tbe evening Scripture Ie. 58 13 and 14. In connection with last Sabbath'* morn• ing service in the R. C. Church, James Jones rendered a Bolo with good effeot. After the sermon Rev, Fr. Oorooran gave a short eketoh of 8t. Patrick. A Preacher's Oirole or cease has been instituted in Brussels among the Presby teriau pastors in thie section. They meet for the dieoussiou of toping of interest to them nod their work. Rev Dr. Sutherland, general secretary of the Methodist Mission Board, arrived to San F,anoieoo Wednesday and Bailed. for Japan on Thursday of last week. The doctor writes that bin health, whiob was rather poor when he left Toronto, was much improved by his trip aoros0 the Continent. Sabbath last tho opening eervioee fn connection with the fine new Methodiet &hnrob at Olioton were weaned. Rev, Dr. Garman, General Supertutondent, preached morning and eveaieg,and gave two magnificent dleoonro0e. In the after. noon a spirited rally of the Sabbath School was held, An enjoyable program was preeented including addreeees by Rev. Mr. Howson, the pastor, and W. H. Kerr, of THE POST. The tenant ex. °raises of both Church and Sabbath Sobool ohoir'e would be dlffioult to excel, W, °ley ohuroh le modern, oomfortable and well fluiehed, and is a credit to Methodiem, TAB PoeT man also took the oervioe at the House of Refuge Sab. bath morning, at 9.80 o'eloek. AS2VIXD4,1?1 -84XE 02? Ca 4.D4, • p.f,Blx".41.ad x!'o.'GT7.:1P? (,0872, •HEAD oFFiOE, - TORONTO q I'7TAL 1'ATD Vi? (One.MfllIon Dollars) 91,000,000 REST - - 9760,000 Aienoies in all pl'ineipaf pointe ift Ontario, Quebeth itranitoba, Vatted State* t Ragland; A General Banking Bueineoo Tran8aoted: Farmere' Notes Di0000nted. Draft° betted and golleotione made on all pointy, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on depooite of 91,00 and apwarda and compounded hall yearly. Snow, ATTENTION GovEN TO THE. Cinnamon or FAR zoo°' pens NOTRe. Every faollity afforded Onetomere living at dletanoe, Molloy Orderpaythbefaoawy gbak se—ued 9000t00934(0)::::540 00 ttoo 9340....54o12o „ inongeneoswirs F. H. GRAY; A9TING Aasiwr.. Last Sabbath morning Rev. R. Peal occupied Melville Church pulpit. He took ae his text Aote 10:33. It was treat ed ander the following divieions ;—(1) They believed that Peter'e was a Divine appointment' and hie menage from God ; (2) They were ready and willing to reoeive We message ; (3) The enooaragement the meeoege affords ; (4) Text admonishes the careless bearer and adminietere reproof. to the neglecters of the house of God. Rev. Mr. Pant will be 75 years of age next May bat preaohee with olearneee and a vigor that many a younger man does not exhibit. Rev. Mr. Jarrow, of Wal. too, rendered good service in the evening. MORN- MAINPRIZE.—In Braeeele, on Marob 16th, to Mr, and Mrs. Robert Mainprize, a daughter. r6.ARR=M3M„ PRoOTOIt—MOMERRAY. At the residence of the bride's parents, on the 13th inst., by Rev. George MoQuillan, of Belgrave, Mr. Richard Proctor, of Morrie, to Mies Maggie A., only daughter of Mr. and Mre. Robert Mnldurray, of Morrie. WRIGnT—CLAREE.—In Stratford, on March 12th, by Rev. E. N. Baker, M. A., Mr, Jonathan Wright, of Ethel, to Mise Nellie, daughter of Mr. and Mre, Richard Clarke, of Elms, e0xMa- MoArthUr,—In Grey, on March 181h. Janie McIntosh, relict ofthe late Ewen J. MoArthur, aged 55 years and 7 months, .6TTCT20N TUESDAY, MARCH 25th.—Farm stock, implements, &o., at lot 6, con. 7, Grey. Sale unreserved at 1 o'olook. John Ker ney. prop. ; F. 8 Scott, and. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26. --Farm stook, implements, &o N} Lot 21, Con. 3, Mor. ria, Sale, uoreeerved; at 1 o'olook. W. A. Tnrvey, prop. ; F. B. Soott, ane. THURSDAY, Marton 27.—Farm *took, implements, &o., at Si Lot 24, Con. 6, Morrie. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'clock. S. J. MONO], proprietreee ; F. S. Scott, auctioneer. . TUESDAY, APRIL ler.—Well bred farm etook, implemente, &o. Lot 9, Con. 9, Grey. Sale nnreeerved at 1 o'clock. Donald Orerar, prop. ; F, S. Scott, ane, BR4r-ss 901:01 ren-RSOTs, Fall Wheat 70 71 Barley 50 50 Peas 70 71 Oats 37 38 Butter, tube and rolls .. 15 16 Eggs per dozen 11 12 Floor per cwt. . 4 00 5 00 Potatoes (per bus.) 30 30 Apples (per bbl.) - 2 00 3 00 Hay per ton 7 00 8 00 Sheep skins, earth 25 26 Lamb skins eaoh 25 30 Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 70 Hides trimmed 6 671 Hideo rough 5 5 Hoge, Live 5 60 5 60 Wool 13 13 ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Getrnotr, servant wanted. Apply to MRS. W. M. SINCLAIR, CORDWOOD wanted. Oober Carriage Factory, Braeeele. FnRoT CLASS Seed Peas for sale. JAS. PERRIE, Lot 17, Con. 16, Grey, or Oran - brook P.O. 88.4 A GOOD young bull, 11 months old, for sale, roan in color, PETER ROBERTSON, Lot 8, Cone, Grey, Brussels P.O. 30 GOAT robe, with grey oheok lining, lost between Brueoole and Walton on Saturday, 16th Mat. The finder will be rewarded byre - turning it to WILLIAMS & BON'S Livery,Brussels. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. GOOD YEAR OLD STEERS Wanted, enitable for roue"). purposes. Apply to 0E0. BEST, Brneeol0. SIX YOUNG SCOTCH SHORT Horn Bulla for sale, from 0 to 20 menthe old. Also cows in -calf to imported' Red Duke" and a few heifers. D. MILNE, Ethel. LIBRARY BOOKS FOR SALE, about 100 of them, formerly need by Union Sabbath School mooting in Button's School House, Morris, Apply to JAMES EVANS, Morris, or HUGH .ELLIOTT, Bras - sale. �IAIR DRESSING.—THE UN. DRnefaNE0 wlelree to auu00000 to the ladies of Bruseele and vicinity that Mho is prepared to make switches out of eomb- inge and out hair, at her 'home,30111 street Weot,Bruesola. MRS, BNGSTON. $20,000 to Loan. The above sum has bean placed with me for immediate inves0meuton farm proper- ty at 6 per dent. If .titin* are satisfactory loans may be completed in 3 days, Liberal torms' a0 to repayment, Apply at louoo to W. M, 8IN0L8I00, Barrister, &e. , Bruouele, TORO' BRED YORKSHIRE - Tho undersigned will keep ter oorvloo on Lot 21, Con. 10, Grey, the theta' bred largo breed 3ortahire beg, "Sir James;' from imported stook, Pedigree may be aeon on application. Terms, 81,00, to bo paid at tin e of service with privilege of returning if neeeenary. gave a young pedigreed 'bog and sow from 00010 stook for Bale, 3, P, M°IN TOSH, Proprietor,,, 30.4 Oranbrook P. 0, 50 ACRE FARM TO RENT, being South half' Lot 90 in 'the lot eon. Of Turn berry. On the premisee aro a good frame house, bank barn and alwaye plenty of water. For further particulars apply to MRS. MARY R,. MOFFA'l'T, Brus- sels . 0. 36.2 NOTICE TENDERS for drains in McKillop, about six miles inlength, will be received by Jno. 0, Morrison, 'Ole: 11, to be opened at the Council Meeting -at Leadbury, on Thursday, April 1000, at 1 o'clock p, m, Plane, pee6le and speoldcationo may be Been any time in clerk's office. The work is near Winthrop. and eau be seen any• time now, 8200,00 cheque to be sent with tender until security is given. ;„ JNO, 0. M014RI80N, Winthrop P. 0. AUCTION SALE OF WELL BRED FARM 8TOOH,,.IMPLO- MENTB, FURNITURE, dm.—Mr, F. 9, Scott, Auotioneer. has received instructions from the undersigned to sell by public auction at Loo 9, Con, 9, Grey, on Tuesday, April let, at 1 o'clock, sharp. the following valuable property; -1 aged mare, 1 heavy draught mare, 8 yrs. old. in foal to 'Sunlight,' (owned by J. & W. McOavi0,) 1 horse 4 years old, 1 Dolt r(eing 2 years old,5 fresh milk. Dawe, 1 cow 10 calve, 1 Jersey cow, thoro'bred, 1 Jersey Leifer calf, thoro'bred, 0 two-year- old eteere, 2 two-year•old heifore, 1 ono-. year•old steers, 4 one•year old heifers, 4 °elves from 2 weeks to 6 months old, 6 well bred Leicester ewee,1 thoro'bred Yerkelitre sow, 7 yoftng pigs, 1 etore plc, CO hens, pair geese, 1 binder MassevOfarrfe, l mower, new McCormick, 1 Mower Toronto, 1 seed drill, 1 oeu8ler, 1 Bulky rake, 1 roller, 1 died har- row, 1 plow,1. gang plow, 1 turnip Bower, 1 nutting box, 1 turnip cutter new, 1 ,fanning • mill with bogcer, 1 lumber wagon nearly new,1 pair bob -sleighs, 1 buggy,. 1 cart, 1 cutter, 1 water trough, 1 ladder 26 ft, long.]. sheep rook, 1 gravel box,1 bay raolt, °radle, scythe, chains, shovels, hoes, forks and belle, 1 set Bingle harness,1 set double harness. 2 set whi0letrees, crowbar 00,1 pick, quantity bey, quantity of Ligowo eeod oats, about 8000 ft, Hemlock lumber, cedar poets and stakes, 1 wheelbarrow, 1milk tank and 1 large milk can, 4 milk mane and 2 oream cana,No.3 Daisy churn, butter bowl and print, milk pails and strainer, 1 cook stove, 1 heater, 1 bedroom suite, bedetaails and springs,1 parlor lamp,1 glace cupboard, 1 100000,0 kitchen chain, 2 rocking chairs, 0 cane•bottomed chairs, quantity seed Pota- toes, turnips and other adjoins too numer- ous to mention. Sale without reserve as proprietor is giving up farming. TERMS.— All acme of 80.00 and under cash; over that amount 10 months' credit will be given o0 turntables Approved Joint Notes. 4 per cant p°z annum off for caeb on- oredit amonute, DONALD CRE1tA10, F. S. SCOTT, Auctioneer. ' Proprietor, MAE. .. 20, 1902 Will Make You "VWTe11' THAT'$ OUR SARSAPARIALAA. There're no better Spring ktedipidp made. 1f you are thinking of trying anything in this line, try a bottle of ours, We guarantee it to be al good. so the beet. What're more, if god pre not perfectly eatlefed after nein); a bottle come aa4 get your dollar book. The other kinds met the same brit we cannot guarantee them. We know what le in ours and wkat' it will do. Same old place— FOX'S DRUG STORE. HOUSE AND ABOUT AN ante of land for sale, etrabam'e Sur- vey, i mile. South of Bruoaelo. Thebonito contains 7 rooms; good etubt°; well' droit trees and email fruits. Poeeeeelon given at once. Terme reasonable, If property ie not sold soon, will be rented. For prion, terms, &o., apply to WM. RANDS, Brawls P, 0. LE CKIE, `•LIFE AND PIKE INSURANCE, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT,' VALUATOR, &o. Office .over Burnley's Drug Store, Feb. 5th, 1902, 50.3re Br000ei0.• Notice to Creditors. • In the matter of the estate of Isabella McCallum, late of the village of Brae• Bele, in the County of Huron, de. ceased. NOTIOE is hereby given pursuant to the "Revised Statute of Ontario " 1897. 'chapter 129, that all creditore and others having olaime against rho estate of the late /Isabella McCallum, who died on or about the Fourth day of January, A. 11.,19112. are required on or before the Fifth day of April, A. D., 1982, tosend by poet pre -paid or to deliver to W. )H.. Sinelair, of the Village of Bruesele, '10 'the County of Huron, Bolloltor for the . Ex- ecutor, William Graham, their :Ohriatlan and eurnamee, addreeeee and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities,lf any, held by'them. And further take notice that after -such last montionod date, the said Exeoutor will • proceed to dletrlbuto the aeeete, ed the thereto, oeneod among the parties latitled thereto, baviagrehnd only to the afslme of which he shall then have notice, and that the said Exeoutor will not be Sable for the said as- sets or 00y phot thereof, to i any portionor porao00, of w0080 olaime' notice shall not nave been received, by , the said Exeoutor, at the time of snail distribution, Dated the Seventh day of Maroh,A.D. 1902, W, M..80010LAIRth, 86.3 Solicitor for e Exeoutor. =R SPRING P SUMMER You cannot get a better assortment•of Dry Goods than we can offer you to -day. All our lines are up-to-date and our Prices are Right. Dress Goods and Suitings... We are showing the leading etylee in all the leading ehadee—Satin• cloth, Whipoord, Poplin, Orepeline, Voile, Gloria,. Grenadine, Venetian, Soleil, Broad-oloth and Home -spun, prices. ' 250 to, 91,60 For Waist... All wool Detainee, Silk Gloria, Japanese Liberty, Famoline, Taffetta Silke, Silks with hem stitching effeot, Silks with Tooke and.Ineertion all ready to make up, pricee ' 90o to 92.00 For Summer Dresses..: We have the nioeet lot of Summer Goode ever ohown in Brussels. You'll want them if you see them. Maeline, Dimitiee,Organdies, Albatroee,. Linen effeote, Bilk and Linen, Mercerized Lawns and Sateen*, Silk Finiehed Cbambraye, Gingham,' and Prints. All NEW Goode and for BEAUTY and STYLE have no Equal. ' Price* 60 to 50o In Corsets... "The Ooreet is the Foundation of the Gown." A perfect Fitting Corset means a Perfect Fitting Drees. Our NEW GIRDLE CORSET bide fair to become the favorite of the season. The new straight front, biae•out, gored Ooreet is the Perfeotion of Shape and Comfort. All our Corsets are CROMPTON'S—they are the BEST. Prioee 500 to 91.50 .H. New Department... To our already large and well assorted stook we have added a splendid aeaortment of The thin Drese Materials to be worn this season Will necessitate the wearing of Pretty Underwear. We have jest opened up a lot of beautiful White- wearethat every lady elbnld see before buying. We feel confident that in this line no better values were ever shown. No left -overs. Every garment Fresh, Clean and Dainty. , In Every Other Department Yon will flod no equally well prepared for the Spring trade. 0 "April Fashion Sheets, Designers and Patterns are now ready. Call and get a Faehtoo Sheet Free. Deeignere 10a a copy, 91;00 a year. Standard Patterns kept in stook, 108 to 25o, A. STRACHAN.