HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-3-20, Page 6INSTINCT VERSO'S RE rSOE
Xleinflakaktle Instances of 1ntellig-
enoe in ReaSte' Birds and
Wo human being's ale very Weed
Of OUI' superior powers of 1'eadoning,
but It should ' slake us feel humble to
realize that hardly a eiilgie boast,
bird, orinsect oxists which has
not powers quite beyond us to Md..
tate—often even to understand, Take
Such an everyday example as the
building of a' nest by a bird. A marl
could not build a 'house for himself
without much teaching. A bird
weaves its wonderful home, choosing
always the brat of material, the
very 'first year of its life, More than
this, the bird knows just bow to
harmonize its nest with its sur-
roundings, so that enemies will pass
it unnoticed, Nor is the nest ever
built among branches which are rot-
ten or liable to be snapped by even
a heavy gale.
Without the mechanical aid of the
compass man would never darn to
venture out of sight of land. Yet a
swallow, only six months old, starts
upon a two -thousand -mild migra-
stager ; and not only that, but will
keep along the same fly -lines which
its ancestors have used for uncount-
ed ages.
It is calculated fated that
the various
civilized nations of the world spend
three and a half milliono a year in
neteorolocal observations, made
with the object of forecasting the
weather. After centuries of experi-
ment, our greatest authorities can
now snake certain of foretelling the
weather correctly for twenty-four
hours in advance in 82 per cent. of
cases. Compare this result with the
weather lore of the animal and in-
sect kingdom. Swallows and swifts
and nightjars, and dozens 01 other
insect -eating birds, aro able to fore-
tell the first cold snap of winter a
full fortnight in advance, and so de-
part before their food supply rues
While the sky was still bright and
cloudless, and the barometer had
shown no sign of fall, red ants have
been seen to come out of their boles
in the ground, and to migrate, with
all their eggs and young to a safer
spot. •
fashion these insects know when
heavy rain is coming long before any
sign of change is perceptible to
A man must have long and careful
training to make him expert in the
use of an axe. The great test for a
clever axeman is to be able to
throw a tree in any desired direction.
Yet a beaver can do this without, any
training at all. lie knows—instinct-
ively as we say—where to make the
proper cuts so as to throw the
trunk into tho stream to help build
the dam. The beaver knows also
exactly how strong to build vis- dam
so that it may resist any flood pres-
sure and allow the surplus water to
run over its top.
The coli of a honey -bee is a perfect
hexagon. No human creature could
fashion a single such cell without
dainty instruments for measuring.
Yet the bee turns them out by the
thousand merely by inherited in-
stinct. Bees also have a sense of
temperature fax beyond that of the
most sensitive man or woman. Waren
the warmth increases sentinels are
put to
to fan fresh air into the hive. When
it is too cool, they close up the en-
trance, and cut off the supply of
cold air.
In the same way, ostriches, alliga-
tors, snakes, and many other crea-
tures which trust their eggs to na-
tural heat for hatching, seem blessed
with an exact perception of how
deep they should be buried, or what
amount of rotting vegetation should
be piled upon them to create the
necessary warmth. The mound -build-
ing bird of Australia makes a trot
bed to hatch its eggs with a skill
which the most experienced gardener
would have difficulty in matching.
Children, if left to themselves, will
put anything they may. get hold of
into their mouths, and every year
there are many cases of lives being
lost by their poisoning themselves in
this fashion. Wild creatures are gift-
ed with some sense which enables
them to tell what is wholesome and
what is not. Although domestic ani-
mals, such as horses and cows, will
sometimes kill themselves by eating
yew and poisonous weeds, yet really
wild animals never throw their lives
away in this fashion ; and even
when trappers have hidden poison in
bait for, wolves and foxes it is buts
rarely that such treacherous food is
touched, --London Answers.
An old Highland lady is a little'
bit prouder of her nationality than
of anything else to which she can t'
lay claim a.nd seldom misses a chance = ,1
to boast of what her countrymen bac
have accomplished. She never tires
of tolling what they have done, dwel- 'ng
ling particularly upon Scott, Burns, e" r
Wallace; Bruce, Stevenson and Ian tr
Mother," said her son, after she a'h
had been discoursing upon her favor-
ite theme the other deg, "you hon- nags
estly seer] to think that no good can t.ha
Wine except out of Scotland. I fear sa
it's becoming a sort of mania with
you. y You'llbe claming '
g sat thatkIry
Gladstone, Nelson, wellington, Diclt-
ens, and all the best of our greatest ta'
men in modern times were born in tae
It ind," an
'ee], I'rn No so sure o' that,
Jamie, but ao thing I do ken o' the
gilds; men ye name—a' o' thim almost
hail intellect enouclh to be Scots-
The Sutfer;er is Constantly Tired
and Depressed, Will Startle at
the Slightest Noise, and is Elea -
117 Irritated.
There 1s no torture more acute and
Intolerable than nervousness. A nor-
v0u8:pe'a0n is la a state. of constant
irritation by day and sleeplessness by
night. The sufferer starts at every
noise; is oppressed by a feeling that
something awful is going to happen;
is shaky, depressed, and, although in
a constantly exhausted state, is un-
able to sit or lie still.
If you aro nervous or Wo or
suffer from a combination ur
and constant irritation, y
nerve food and nerve tonic r•,
Williams' Pink Pills aro absolutely
the best thing in the world u.
You will find after taking at
your feelings of distress a •y
are being rapidly reps y
strength, eonildence, and
that you are on the road to d
complete health and streng et
rid of your nervousness in only
possible way—by building u g,
steady nerves
Miss Ina Doucet, Bathurst.„
says: "Words fail me to a
express what I owe to Dr,
Pink Pills. I was attack la
grippe, the after effects of w k
the form of nervous exhaus e
least noisy would startle I.
vo d tremble for some tim d
several medicines but they he,, t
help me, acrd as time went
growing worse and was so s
that I was afraid to remain n
a room. I slept badly at n d
would frequently awake with t
that world compel me to .
The trouble told on me to n
extent that my friends fears y
recovery. At this time r t
urged me to try Dr. Willi
Pills, and after using eight I
was completely restored. to 1 1
feel that Dr, Williams' Pi s
sated my life and 1 sheer e
my experience will benefit so
These pills never fail to e
health and strength in cases
°above. They make new, rich
with every dose, strengthen
nerves and thus drive disc
the system. Dr. Williams' P'
are a certain cure for rheumatism,
sciatica, partial paralysis, St
dance, indigestion, e, i digestion, kidney
troubles, and the ailments that
the lives of so many women .
of constant misery. Bright
rosy cheeks a]d an elastic,
certain to follow a fair nes
medicine. Be sure that the fu
"Dr. Williams' Pink Pills f
People." is on every box y
All others are imitations. If
not find these pills at your
they will be sent postpaid
cents a box or six boxes fo
by addressing the Dr. William
cine Cos Brockville, Ont.
Interesting Gossip About
Leading People.
of lingo
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for you.
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The "Marquis of Cholmondeley will
share with IIis Majesty the privilege
of having what might be termed a
private box of his own in lVestmin-
ster Abbey On the occasion of the
coronation, to which he may invite
his family and personal friends,
Mr. Kruger spends a gond deal of
his time in playing cards and has
himself invented several games. He
is also quite an adept at making
puzzles boxes, and keeps in his pocket
one of a Icanticulariy baffling descrip-
tion which he nut infrequently olTers
to a visitor to open.
Padcrcwski keeps a valet whose
principal occupation is to rub the
great pianist's lingers at stated
times, to knead the palms of his
hands, tend to massage his knuckles.
Before stepping on a platform to
play a solo he plunges Itis hands in-
to hot water and keeps them there
as long as the pain will let him.
A hobby of the Princess of Wales
is the collection of parasols. It is
said that she possesses at least 1..i0
no two of which are alike. They
are of all colors and shades, and the
hapoles are perfect works of art. A
present from the I'rincess 0t' Wales
to a bride not infrequently takes the
form of a parasol.
Josef Holtman, the celebrated pian-
Ist, has developed a taste for elec-
trical invention. Hr. has a magniti
cent laboratory at Berlin, and devotes
many hours a day to chemistry
and electricity. Among various in-
ventions which he has patented may
be mentioned an improved telephone
and a novel method of recharging
The Earl of Portsmouth owes his
baptismal name of Newton to the
fact that his great -great-grandfather,
Viscount Lymins ton, rnornied the
niece and co -heiress of the famous fair
Isaac. 'J'h"re bus been a pretty con-
stant, sur •ession of "Isaac Newtons"
in the family limes, but they have
t r,atabiy inherited the tastes of
In d'.t,'nguisherl namesake.
'he Shah of Persia has many hoar
among these being the collect- I
of cats of all countries. He has
hops, the most magnificent as-;
taunt in the mrd. and when he
,vets the eats always sccorn,panv
ffl,ey have ep fiat al.lenderits,
o are paid large aier,r for look -
after them, 9 o stairs el; once of
Shah's cats is practr':aiiy the;
me MS committinf, sun;riae
Henrik Ibsen fifty yr:arra afro wa'>
vin the saunter behind trr
h. ,� n,+rr of r
drug store. The, dirr,fmir.g 'f
(Brines, however, diff nit sJ.'t the
tes of the celebrated I1orwPg; n.
1 during his apprenticeship hev
hard at work reading for the prr,fe
WWI of a doctor. ID order 1,0 rk,
Out a very Small salary he took in
writing, with what result the world
IEmile 'Waldteufel, the ivaltO writer,
though an old marl of eighty, still
composes a: remarkable amount of
dance ale 110 issaid 1
have , a
piano in every y 'r nein of his magnifi-
cent, house in Paris, and composes
first one and then at another, $tif't'
as ittte Vena.., rials,.. Sinn. Crone 5(10
Applicant for Advice (to inagis-
trate)--"My wife won't obey fie,
your worship. What am I to 107"
Magistrate (wearily)-"T'm $m•o I
don'ticnow; I'rn in the same predict):
Went' myself!"
Qne washing with Sunlight Soap will produce. REDUCES'
pureriirieflthan two washings with impure soap. EXPENSE
S'5.000 0will be paid by 'ZIIVBZ =MIMS LIMITED, Toronto,
,,yp to any person who can prove that this soap contains
Reward any Folin of adulteration, or any /Various ahemicaip;.
,tel". Pon TUE OCTAGON Hite
waltzes, polkas, mazurkas. and outer
dances have been written and pub-
lished by 1.1, Waldteefel.
Mr. Solomon J. Solomon, A'.R,A„
has painted some of his most stiecess-
ful pictures by gaslight. Indeed, he
affirms that he can obtain better re-
sults in this way than 1f be painted
by daylight. According to Mr. Solo -
10,011 05017 artist should accustom
himself to artilteial light, especially
if he lives in England, where some-
times, for days together, tho sun
fails to snake its appearance,
The Czm' is not the only Royalty
who wears a ring to which tradi-
tion hae given a strange value. The
Kaiser always wears a queer old ring
in which is sot a stone of very little
valine, yet he attaches import-
ance to it, for it is a Hohenzollern
talisman. According to the legend,
it was brought to the wife of Elector
John of Brandenburg, by a toad;
Frederick the Gr
ettt'& father had it MANY PEOPLE STILL IN
set in ring, and it has been cher- QU]R
ished by the family over since. ING .ABOUT JOSEPH BROWN'S
Thomas hardy, the novelist, was CASE.
for tunrel'
a utect,
and was
to awell-.novn firm Lon- Dodd's KidneyPills Are Aclsnow-
Itis wife; however; persuaded ledged to be a Wonder .Working
Trim to give up this profession in fa- Medicine.—Many Other Iyfiracul-
vor of literature, copying out his ous Cures Brought to Light.
first novel, which she sent to a pub-
lisher. It was immediately accepted,
and Mr. Hardy never had any diffi-
culty in disposing of has manuscripts.
For many years Mrs. Hardy attended
to the business side of her husband's
Tho Sultan of Turkey is a musician
of some brilliance on the piano. The
old masters such as Deethgven, ilio
:Oast, Handel, etc„ he does not care
for, and devotes his time to accom-
plishing the intricacies of such works
as "La F'ille de Madame Angot,"
"The Mikado," "Madame Favart,"
etc. Owing to his dread of assassin-
ation he has lately taken to revolver
practice, and can now shoot, with un-
erring accuracy with either hand.
It is not generally known that Sir
Henry Campbell -Bannerman is a
poet, when a youth he indulged in
much verse -writing till an unkind
friend ridiculed him out of it. His
school books were always scribbled
over with verses, and he was often
compelled to spend half -holidays do-
ing tasks for indulging too openly in
his hobby during school hours. Ile
still finds a good deal of relaxation
in composing verses, but very few of
his friends have had an opportunity
of criticising these poetical efforts.
Tho T{iug has none of the aversions
of some of his less genial relatives
for "pet" names, and al) the Royal
Family answer to more or less un-
dignified diminutives. Princess Vic-
A curious and interesting plan has
been adopted in Glasgow by certain
landlords who, having improved much
of their stunt property, have been mar.
tm•aliy desirous to keep' :it in good
condition. It consists in offering
prizes to tenants who behave them-
selves well and pay their .rent
Promptly. All tenants who fulfil
those conditions are allowed in sum -
mar to live rent free for a fortnight,
so that if they take a holiday they
need not pay double rant, The plan
has worked ,splendidly, and over 60
per cont, of the tenants have claimed
the prize.
Oshawa, Ont:, Feb. 24.—(Special)—
One effect of the publication far and
wide through the press of the mir-
aculous cure of a case of paralysis
hero in Oshawa has been to bring
to the surface a great many similar-
ly wonderful and well authenticated
cures by the same remedy—Dodd's
Kidney Pills,
Mr, Brown, whose case has caused
all the sensation, is a modest unas-
suming mechanic employed in the
Oshawa Malleable Iron Works, Since
the publication of the facts of his
case he has been overwhelmed with
letters of inquiry from all over the
country, and to each of these he
answers simply •
"Yes, Dodd's Kidney Pills cured
me after all the doctors and hospital
specialists had given me up. I
couldn't walk and had to bo fed like
a baby for four months, but the
pills soon fixed me up and I have
been all right ever since."
Iia has also been in receipt of not
a few letters from others who too
have foe nd Dodd's Kidney Pills a
life-saving remedy when all else had
Several of these, encouraged by
Mr. Brown's example, have written
to the papers reporting their cases
and all are very enthusiastic in
their praises of the medicine.
But our explanation of all these
cases has been offered and it.seeuls
torso responds to "Vines" and to make them easily understandable.
"Tolle" alike, when Princess Charles —The • Kidney's are Nature's blood
of Denmark, owing to the spirited filters, If the Kidneys are healthy
all diseases will be extracted and
Propensities of her
youth, is called expelled—Dodd's Kidney Pills cure
"Harry." Tho Duke of Connaught the Kidneys and thus enable therm
to throw oft sickness and to protect
the body from any and every assault
of disease.
hos always s beets called "Pat" In the
family circle, and the Czar of All the
'Hussies is familiarly known to his
English relatives as "Nikki,"
She Tells How Little Ones Can be
Kept Well, Contented and
When baby is cross and irritable
you may rest assured he is not well,
even if you are unable to see any
symptoms of his illness other than
fretfulness. It is not natural for a
baby' to be cross and he is not so
without reason. He has no other
way of telling his troubles than by
crossness and crying, When baby is
cross price him Baby's Own Tablets,
and they will soon make him good-
natured and happy, because they
will cool his hot little mouth, ease
his sour little stomach and help
his obstinate little teeth through
painlessly. Theso Tablets aro just
what every mother needs for her lit-
tle ones—and her older children too:
Mrs. Clarence McKay, lioseway,
N.S., says :—"I find Baby's (awn
Tablets the best medicine I have
ever used for my little ones. When
my baby was four months old he
was very much troubled with indi-
gestion. Ile world vomit his food
as soon us he tools 3t. no matter
what I gave him and he scented to
be always hungry and kept thin and
delicate. Ile also mitered from con-
stipation. After giving him the
Tablets a few days the vomiting
ceased and his bowels became re-
gular, and 1 must say that since I
began the use of the Tablets I have
had less trouble with this baby than
I had with any of the rest of my
children." Every mother shoald
keep Baby's Own Tablets in the
house at all times—there is no toll-
ing when of emergency may arise.
These, 'Tablets are a certain cure
for all the rninc,r ailments of little
ones, such as constipation, indiges-
tion, colic, diarrhoea, sour stomach,
and simple fever. They break up
collie, prevent croup, and allay the
irritation accompanying the cutting
of t'.eth. They aro sold under a
guarantee to contain nec opiate or
other harmful drug, and dissolved
in water may be given with absolute
safety to the youngest infant, Sohl
by all druggists al, 25 cents a box,
on receipt p
e t n!
-r • addressing price by adlr rising the Ill. Wll-.
li nrpi' 5I'11lne Cn., Iiroekville, Ont,
rJ f
the e• I:1,000 ,JIU foxhounds 3n theI
I.ingdnm, 1;1,1100 aro used in
I,ntil»ntl, 1,noo in Ireictnd, idea ESS]i
in f'co,larul.
The chronoscope will register the
velocity of a bullet 16 times in
100ft. It registers the millionths of
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that contain Mercury
as mercury will surely destroy the sense el
smell and completelyderun o the whole system
when entering 11 through the mucous barrages.
Snob articles should never be used except on
prescription -3 f rem reputable physicians, as the
damage they will do listen fold to the good you
eats possibly derive from them, Ha't's Catarrh
Cu•e, manufactured by F.J. Cheney & Co.. To.
ledo, 0., contains no mercury, and 10 taken in.
ternally, acting dtreotly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. In buying
Halt's Catarrh Clue be sure you got the gent*
Ine. Itis taken fnboraally and made in Toledo
Ohio, by F. J. money & Co. Testimonials
Sold by Druggists, price The per bottle.
Hall's Family Pills sro the beat.
When a man is accused of having
more money than brains it doesn't
follow that lie is rich.
Chicago 15i North-Western R'y; dur-
ing the months of March and= April
$30,00 front Chicago to Helena, But-
utte, Anaconda, Ogden and Salt Lake
City; $30.50 Spokane; $38.00 Los
Angeles, San Francisco, Portland,
Seattle, Tacoma, Vancouver, Victor-
ia and a large number of other
points. Tourist Sleeping Cars daily
to the Pacific Coast. For maps and
particulars apply to nearest ticket
agent or address II, Ix, Bennett, 2
East King street, Ont.
The worst banking crisis of the
last century was in 1889, when the
Bank of England was saved from
failure by the Bank of France.
Ilnartl'S HMI Cures Gorge! is Cows.
Britain digs 64 million pounds'
worth of coal a year, the United
States 84 millions, and Germany 854
millions worth,
Milard's Liniment Cures ['Nee. pip
Bees eat 20 pounds of honey in
Making 1
pound of wax,
5101 the, Cough
Laxative T3roma Quinine Tablets naso a cold
in ono day. No , ore, No Pay. Prloo r6cente,
New 'York has 250 hotels—about
half as many as London.
'®....hili lily]" :::re:eeru.nwruw■ • stere
e::",,m c i:n.. iii'
..Lys V•/I�R:. -•-.'.,..,. �`,���.9. i:t R 1
:le is the Page Standard TI liar Fenno, made of "Pae" wire which i r
g w d twice as strong bas
mmon wird. The continuous coil, note: in el ma enema lower for expo' n and eau
ctionwl9ehls/r ortenttltvin to n.Ori ran 1el mnK d.Oust f pIEG rc nr in o wi o nT H e ace
dbavo atr paploh fh of nb t906l. mond].¢ I rico tp d alace. It .1s n Heti at. oo ho horfmnp rhould have sorlon th oLonl nb'tel„ .y
0litd ounds.y W o ai ame ka tee not uP Oln a tRl hfutEr e ` nR e c.l
n tri xtai>aa andate Yes,I, tt
y a p _ The Page _We
ptrncdOtr., 41hjI11dt1r,1Nalkefvltl..Onf. 8
now many people are aware that
General. Buller is such an excellent
cook that the woeld have little chill-
ouity in obtaining a tiler's P0sitien?
In his younger days befpre he roach^
ed his high military rank, his broth-
er ofltoors used to say that 13 elvers
Buller could snake Int appetising din-
ner out of old saddles when rations
were short on a campaign, Another
distinguished soldier who shares
with General Buller a wonderful skill
in the gastronomic art 18 Major-Gen-
eral Baden-Powell,
Ceylon Tea Is the finest
Tea the world produces,
end Is solo` only in lead
Mack, Mixed and Green.
:tpan tea drinkers try "Salads." Green tea,
Cures the Sick, By
Mystic Power
You Can Know His Se..
cret Free.
Marvelous New Treatment Whleb
Conquers All Diseases.
You Can Be Cured at Home—Gen.
erous Offer of Prof. Adkin.
"1 ('Onelilor 11 a crime to experiment with
Ile health of the people," says Profeesor Thos.
F, Adkin, president of the lnsteute of Phy
pielene and Surgeons. I1 I did not know
positively and absolutely that my new home
treatment will euro every known disease, even
.vhen all o her methods et treatment fail,.1
.tould consider 1 was committing a'crime to
,aakesuch a statement to the public. Nothing
td eu preoloue to a man as hie health -nothing
o horrible a 3 an u .1 'noir grave. Little ilia,.
r not promptly cured often result in obatinete
chronic disco. os. I bedew) that my new tits.
mvory. "V itaepathy," is the moot .marvelous
Iroatment ever known, and I blond to glop
an genres to the world. I intend that every
man, woman and child shall kn ,w its Mach.
Ines. 1 pm pose to tell the sick, absolutely Irmo
of charge. how they m.y be restoredto portocn
Health. Iwould rather be a hove -factor to the
sick man than to hats the wealth of Orooeu
who kabove r fester remarkable
andihave triethose»
treatment, can vouch for their absolute truth.
1 .was nearly dead with livor and kidney
troub:o," writes Prof. John 0. Nelson, a well-
known geologist and m'n ng engineer, living
in Dayton, Tenn. •r he doctor bud given mo'
up to die. You can imagine what a state of
mind I was in. I could not attond to E00)000a,
end began to think my days were numbered. I
read of the wonderful aures Pio'c.aor Adkin
had effected _by his great direovury. V1bt•
just rho and
d!bi forlorn
1 0 wahopeimentally n d
physically. He gave me a clear diagnosis of
my oasis anddidn't charge mo a cent for it. Ile
prescribed a trea'mont whioh I began with
]line or no faith, but 1 am happy to state that
1 am now comp (Weir cured and am a ilrm
ma experie oo 1belive Prom
rofessorAdkin can
almost raise the dead:'
Mrs. A, J, Folfriod, Stowe Creek, 0„
writes thie grsttrul letter. I was affected
with a severe case of Eczema and Nettle
itching andsstinging o tmtinies wasd almost
in tour
wrote ganofolTowi Adkin, e and
advice he rave me the Itching began to enbside
daysd Os
wasp ppermanently cured.apI tool In
now than.I have for the past ton years. The
free advice Protases Adkin ghee Is a biassing
to those who cannot afford to pay blg doctors
Professor ,tdken says: "'sympathize wits
the sick. I want to make every' c mento
invalid well. I want 10 prove what my treat-
ment will do. I want every sink prr.on In
We country to write me personally. Tull me
the leading symptolno of our dieeaeo and I
will at once make a thorough diagnosis of
your mase and outline a method of treatment
whioh will paoltively euro you, Thl0 will cost
yon absolutely nothing, I will oleo send you a
copy of my now book on 'How to Oat Well
and Keep Weli,' postage prepaid. You aro
not 010 a single cent, writs mo in confidence
fully and freely about yourself." Addroao
PROF, THOS, F AOKIN, Office 567 N.,
Rochester. N.Y..
Britain's national drinit b]11 is
equal to all the Tents of all tiro
houses and farms in the 'United
Chicago ,o North-Western By. from
Chicago daily, March and April, on-
ly $6,00 for berth in tourist car.
Personally conducted excursions
Tuesdays and Thursdays from Ohl,
cago and
s from
land. g
land.. Illustratedepampidet sent on
receipt of two ceigt stamp by S, A.
,atutehison, Manager, 212 Clark
street, Chicago,
PI1D on,IT4 7T OP' "1518
UM a package; 1t really merits a trial. Lead packets. All grocoro,
Rutter, Eggs, Poultry, Apples ether Produce'
Correspondence Solloited,
The King of • ItaIy 7100 successfully
Passed his examination as a motor-
car driver,
in washing woollens and nannelS,
the soft soap made from Lever's Dry
Soap (a powder), will be found very
Do not neglect to keep your boots
polished. You canalways shine at
one end, if you cannot at the other.
Take Laxative promo; Quinine fahlota. 1
dru__g5glets refund the money if it fails to en e.
I0. W. Grove's denature is on each box. 9
Railway 'sleepers e
Y 7 treated with croo-
soto-at a pressure of 1101b, to the
square inch will last 21 years. With-
out, creosoting ,their life is but seven
The Publisher of the Bost Farmer's
paper in the Mlaritirne Provinces in
writing to us states:
I would sav that I do not know of
a medicine that has stood the test of
has been an unfailing remedy in ort
household ever since I can remember,
and has outlived dozens of would be
cGy potitors and imitations.
Eleven million British smokers
consumed last year 88i million
pounds of tobacco
For Over Sixty Years
Mae, Wrnerow'e 800ratx, SVour hag been used by
millions of mothers for their children while teething.
lteoonhes the child, roams the Rome, oL.yn pain uses
wind olio, regulates the stomach and bowels, and ie the
bees remedy for Diarrhoea: Tneatydre coma o bottle.
Sold be druggist.' throughout tiro world. ne cure and
oak for MM. Ws:41%gp'n SoOrnrso Srnnr."
The total number of police in the
United Kingdom' is 60,980, and their
cost £6,602,651 a year.
!Meads Liniment Cures Diphtheria
Mfrs. Tripps—"Didn't you say that
Mrs. Strappo got her furniture on
the instalment plan?" Mrs. Craven
—"Yes, site tract four husbands, and
got a little with each,"
�! COA
The total of crimes in England and
Wales fell from 185,921 in 1878, to
158,924 in 1898.
W P C 11119
3e. co) Fad.
7E -
Pram -von the teeth. Sweetens the breath,
Strengthens the gums.
Best cornpresand•air sprayer made. Samplo
machine frec.—OAVERS OROS., Salt, Ont,
Thirteen British life assurance offl-
tes decline proposals from 1.111 -Vac -
ablated persons,
(:llnard's Liniment Cures Distemper
England, spends 15120,000 a year.
on canaries.
'u'lt(`r)a 1110 0,1 e( Sr,3'
()til' ti t wf (t
RI,r II �t l.�,rly• 5101 �-J ,.Ili I,.d3S 1(;
Dominlon Line Steamshiph
Meatiest to Liverpool. Bilden W 7.10,E
col. Portland to 0e 71a Queens.
% Liverpool,
Largoalwes of stoners 'moon. a dOltat ro.
for a,1dsaA.sl of ppooed att. ygome ealm been
given to
0,o*e l0a1(10 andoTtad-Osage eimemn xilea, i
Mao •8nsage and hhd-Olaio g, apply toa nit.
a T I
of the ,odvll arEloaLre apply ban i
of the Company, or n , nn r r as
Rickard. Mills A 0o, D. Torrance k Oa..
Rickards, Mills D..ton. . Mentrwd aad i0rlird.
andfadedSuits' would look better dy7ed. If ria arena
of mire to your town, write dkeat Montreal, Box 15/."
Dorsnoes removed at ones, Ho
sear left If GUANINE Is promptly
applied. Don't forget the name
Glleadlns," goo. Baaim of Cliead•
Large Boxers 25oa drug, lets, or
Clleadlns Co., Toronto.
rass Band
Instrument., Drums, Uniforms, !to.
Lowest pricesever quoted,.' Fire catalogue,
5AOtilastretlons, mailed free. Wr;to us for any.
thing In Guide or Musical tustrumentr.
WHALEY ROYCE & CO., Limited,
Toronto, Ont.,; and Winnipeg, Man
neerdlopoe Barleyyyy(dd
log 1, 11001/fir 1L.' users,
0CO., New Tort, t00
per acre. Dom, well
ererrwbere. That pay.,
20th Century Oete,
The oat mirror, producing
from 20019 300 bue,ier .ere,
ells, oat, ore w.
yltlda to pod.* gr..
.. rhe i S •1 "e'.
T11. Wim hat Day'_
Three Earod Corn.
200 1,110 treWm. 'ere le
1y p,,40 1. a nice.
1 t rlaetot ,mn. ]siz.r'.
.4. Predb.'r.rywh.,..
Marvel Wheat
ylela,4 to sea ts,,.lam treat.
1re, 40 bo.. per
050 ...Weal. die eebbr.ud lineae.
Tint D.y.. par eon,
Greaten pere
i al food en
o, th-05 he.. plan mg d
1gnal0eest hay per
e11. 1'hat Dam
n cow
ei'•t butple015, tattle
u.y 1,110, see, mu
9ro wane imiormle.
gr... or
la, eeolur . rrode,nndt,.r
fallay and Iota end e0, of
ar". agv boldo per r';,
(, . wnerorer .net 1.
eirrau I.aber'a
That Ina, Tbpay..
,010.00 for t Oc.
you. to try•o
grant arm a., '101
der m song 10 form seed
iimpin 1000101,0 7he,...d
e.too pelt., 0,011»,,, nip,,
410 to get 44 Mii) ester niw
ur Rea catalog, nor 'go p.rt.n.
That's the place, right in the small of the
back. It's a dull ache, sometimes astinging
"catch," a "tiredfeeling," a burning pain.
It exposes the fact that you are in bad
shape, your strength has been overtaxed,
your kidneys aro breaking down,
your nerves are shaky, your bowels
conetdpatod. You needthe help of
Dr. McLaughlin's
Electric Belt
Pay When Cured
, if you can offer reasonable security. Failure
to cure costs you nothing, as I take all the
I have just completed
myboautiful illuetratod
AREbcolc fol ling how horn los
rho wonkncen dt men
and woo a
a , It ie worth
rending, 1 will send it
BOOKolostay levied FItSIi
D upon request, Gall,.11
poe.Ihid; and '1 wlll ox-
lain what Dolt will
0eCl y
Call or write today. -,
CAUTION Beware of oonoorrnns offering a thin piece of (altosa substitute
for my cushion. otootrodo,. Thoeo cheap covering, aro tined
onlyto die Wise their baro metal bliotoring electrodes. They have to be soaked in
waer, which qutekly drlon and ]eaten them without ourronq My suehion oldotrodos.
nro my ex:lueivo invention and cannot be imitated.
If you have one of those aid ebb, blistering With I will. take 1t in trade for ono Of
mina I do this not that the old bolt in of any use, for it it; net, but to oetabllsh the
value of my goods with. people wile have been 811510d. by the false claims, of concern,.
coning a ohoap, worthlooe artful°
011.41•.D. i
SO Tonga Street Toronto.�