HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-3-20, Page 5NAA. 24; 1902
,t;I&s Jia(J.NS.ItL'N 1?0S
ATerm Opens April 1,
.11'>f's l for ..Oft
� Sl `� ,PIIR
e t. �. , sao'r
a a a T, 'Braoa0ls,
Y a` termer of Marriage lwloeneoe• 01-
tl$p gt Gregory,'-Puruberry, street Bruseolel
, '1oatoorlul4ittn. shire—. k or
North Qf filo Standard li sok,. LAt ie i6
Oblldreu's hair uniting *specialty
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
—T17 a011P0R
nam rTsp1-7Srs, olvw.
Wellington Mutual
Fire laminae() Co.,
naTABLlen0n 1840
Iasaronee taken en the oath and premium
note system at current rates. littera insur-
ing elsewherecallon th o undersigned A gent
of the oampanyy.
GCORGPI 110010108, Brassels.
Academie graduate of London "conserva-
tory of M,nelo, oleo. Memberof. the Assimilated
Mnoioiano of•Ontario, ie prepared to receive
A limited number of upils for inetruotion
anathepiano. QualJlle to prepare pupils for
the Principal's Form. roils
Conservatory of
. , Brussels, Ontario..
Mark of the Fourth. Division' Court,
00. Buren; Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Lund,Loau and Insurance Agent; Auction-
eer. Funds invested and to loan. Collec-
tions made. Office in Grabam'e.Blook,Brue-
nEn, will Sell for bettor prima, to
better men in Moe time and leas chargee
than any other Auctioneer In East /throe or
hbwon't charge anything. Dates and orders
eau always be arranged at this oMoe or by
ser personal appnoatlon.
- Honor °redeem of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College. ispr spared to treat all die -
cares of domesticated animals in a compet-
ent manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Deotletry Calls promptly ar.
tended to. Office and Infirmary—Boar doors
North of bridge, Turoborry at., Brussels.
xX V • Barrister; Solicitor; 'Conveyancer;
. Notary.Public, are. Ofdoe—Bte*art'a Block
1 ddbr North of Central Hotel. I, •
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
• Solicitor, azo. Office over Stand,
Ord Sank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels.
Money to Loan at lowest rates.
M. lo., O. 01.,
'Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical,.
'College, Member College of Physicians and
Surgeons Ont. Idoentiato of the Royal 001
lege of
Surgeons, and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery,Edinburgb. 1=,ttTelepbone No.14,
Residence—DIM street, Brneoole..
diltimate' of ISM' Hovel College' of Dental'
BurgeonsotOntario , and Firet,olass- Honor;,
Graduate of Toronto 0uiveratty. Office
nest to Brewer's -Photograph. Gellert,
Min. slug forward. Boring term begiva Mon -
oily, Amu 7. Our rotes aro reasonablo—our
Courses of study thorough and practical.
Send for our Journal to see what we teach.
Students may enter at any time,.. Two
Ootate00 of Study—Oommereial and Short-
President Secretary,
Owen .Sound. Listowel.
. British t4l.iluabila-
lied Cedar Shingles
North, Shore
• Pill(' and Cedar
`Brussels Planing Mills
Alio noon '.and Sash of all Pat
terns on band or made to order
at Short-Notioe,
Estimates Furnished for all.
kinds of Buildings. Workman•
ship. and Material Guaranteed.
,Eater new and 'pc ready to accept
,hood pestfuf lathe Mall. This papular
oubool wish Jos aploudid staff of teachers,
thorough courses of study, and reputation
ler strictly high grade' work, le the one for
you to attend. Pale nonage 000uples a far
higher levet than the average !maltase ow -
lege. Write for eiroulare.
IF, J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
T«i:l`iti t tt IL'r
Next meeting of Kline Coattail will be
held on April 70h,
The local footballers are getting ready
for a lively campaign,
Rev. E. A. Fear attended the Confer-
ono¢ Epworth League Convention at
London loot week.
The Moat Royal Templars has deoided
to have an open meeting in the Town
Hall in the near future.
OBIT—Mrs. Jane E. Stevenson, relict
of the late Wm. E. Stevoneou, passed a.
way on the -4th inst., after afloat twelve
weeko iilneee of erysipelas, aged 89 years,
11 months and 7•day, iter aged partner
died about four'weeke ago. Deoeaeed
wan born in the county Devonshire, Eng.
in 1812. 'She- was s good wife and a
Ohrietian. She heertly ori operated with
her hooband in Cbriotaiu work. Mrs.
Stevenson Bald she Would dotionp survive'
her husband, whiob prophecy has been
ruined. For some time she resided with
her son, Thomas, lot 27, eon. 10, Grey,
wbere she died. Interment was made
Moron 6th in the Elmo. Centre cemetery,
G or r 114.
Mies,Oarrie Ardell left for Drayton
where she hoe sectored a situation as head
milliner for Lunn & Co.
Geo. Brown woo in Blyth on Tuesdny
of 'set week purchasing the brick for hie
new hotel atables to be ereoted in Brun-
el d.
R. M. and Mrs. Bennett left on Wed
neaday morning of last week for Lsth-
brige, Alberta where they will make their
future home.
Mr.Fawoett, organizer for 0. 0. F. was
in'town fast wunk in the interest of thio
Order. A large number of new members
have been added to the Gorrie Court.
Jas. Edgar, of the 5th Don., was driving
out of town near the C. P. R. eroesine
hie horse ohied at a car on the aiding and
banked the buggy and its 0co0pante down
the st, ep embenkmeut. No eerione dam•
age was done.
Rev. Mr. Garbutt, L. L. B., Min Eva
Garbutt and Nina M. Mntah attended the
London Conferenne Epworth Leogue Don
vention at London last week. Mise Match
gave one of the beet papers of the program.
She was ohoeen let Vice President, and
will make a good one, Rev. Mr. Garbutt
was one cl the officers for the last two
LIN r.o mr el.
Kidd Bros. shipped a oar load of fine
looking horses to Manitoba on Tneeday.
Arohy livy has returned from Toronto,
and has taken a situation as finisher fn
the piano factory here.
Andrew Climie while palling op a
windmill for a customer slipped and
sprained anankle rather Severely.
The final concert LI the Star Course
weegiven on Tuesday evening of last
week by the MacDonald Male Quartette.
A meeting is called at the Grand Ceutral
hotel on Friday evening, Marolt 21et, for
the consideration of organizing a baee•ball
team fur the coming season.
T. H. Rolle has sold his matched pair
of brown drivers to Murray of Tomato
for $600. They were a line -looking pair
and ooald step together in abuggy 'at 2.50.
Bylaw 412 to liuenee peddlers doing
basinees in Liotowel was introduced and
paaeed at last Couuoit meeting. The fees
and penalties are the same as in the
(Monty By law, viz , 530 00 for two horee
waggon,, 520. for one horse waggoncaad
$30. for man with a paohar pu011 cart.
While the family were away, the real•
donne of Benj. Prioe, lauodyman, on Main
street was entered and two gold watohee,
a gold bracelet and about 56 in omit 'Were
carried off. Mr. Price was down, town at
his laundry at the lime, and Mre. Pride
and here eieter, who is vatting at her
home, were at the rink w itneeeing a
hockey match.
Harold Jarvis oouoert, 0u the evening of
March 31at,
E 0. Coleman is borne from a business
trip to Seattle, Waeh.
Mise Floret se Whitley has accepted a
p00elion in Woodbridge ail milluer,
James Molland, of London, has taken
an interest in the Seaforth eleotrie light
works, and is moaning here to take full
The Ladies Aid Society of the first
Presbyterian church will hold a bazaar
in the store formerly occupied by Scott
Bros. on Murob 26th and 27-h..
S. Martel, who Ivo been in the hard.
wnte and tin bueinea0 in Seafotth for Gov
era! yearn, has diapoeed rf his stook and
business to 111968414. 0helney 33 Sniffle,
who•bave already taken possession,
A fairly large attendance wee preeent
at ilio Boord of Trade Meeting Tutieday
night ot',!est.:Week. The •granting' of
aneietiteee to the Woollen Mill was die
cussed and•apprbved by the meetingpro.'
vidiug eatisfaotory arrangemebte were
made—Officers were Gloated for the en+
suing year'ae Pollowa : President, D. D,
Wildon ; VioeIlealthat, James; Beattie'
Seoetary, W i.'MoLean 'Pregnant., Wt
8. Pearse, •
A ootnmuioation from Messer%' Mao
oonald, Goveulook acid- Wait gwond woe
readt the last meetiog of the town oonn
oil. These gentleman agree to acquire
the woollen milt property; place it in lint
oleos modern running order and oarry on
business therein, providing the town will
grant them a loan 535,000,'free from in.
trot, for a period orye8re,-. a portion of
the amount to be repaid annually nut,
the whole obligation is liquidated. A
aommittee was appointed to outer with
rile gentlemen making the proposition
and to report to the eonnoil a0 soon al 8
definite undoretanding can be reaobed,
fR Order to Arent the viii )bel may baa•.
greed 0900, to bola•v .ylll have to he vat•
ed en by the Ort p i i j °WW1 O.
J, Cobbledluk has applied to the agent
at ()entrails for permieeion to erect it grain
elevator at Centralia station.
James Gould disposed of hie Sue briak
dwelling on 4arling street toDavid Wynn,
of Utborne, who will move therein.
D. llrenob, manager of the Renee of
Refuge, was In town on bueinoee In eon•
ne0tlon with the funelgtof the late
An Irety Stewart.
Rev, .1. Putts, D D . of Toronto, preaoh•
el edoaatb nal ammonia in the Main street
ofetbodiat oburoh here on Sunday morn.
Mg and in the Jumeestreet pllorab in the
evening. •
A number Of young men were brought
up before Magistrates Buell and Gragory,
oharged with engaging in a oharivarf die.
turbitig the peaoe and deotroyiog Jos,
Pearl's property on the night of February
Id. J. White, who met with the.mis-
fortnne of breaking hidleg, over three.
months ago, uuderwi nt an operation to
improve the oondilion of the injured
member, The bone had not united, Don.
ergneptly it was deemed advisable` to
operate in order that iaflammabion might
again beetarted and thus revive the knit•
ting propose,
Rev. O W Brown addressed the Council
at its loot meeting regarding the diaturh
anoe on Huron etreet the week previous
and advised the Council to offer a reward
for the apprehension and conviction of
party or part'ee taking part in any
obariveri or like dieturbanoe in the future.
The Oonnoil promised to take the matter
into there eerione consideration.
Ja.ina tato wn.'.
MATH 1; N1AL.—On Wednesday the 5th
tat. at 5 30 o'olaok p. m. a pretty wed•
ding took place at the residence of Wm.
Wright, Morriebank, when his eeoond
eldest daughter, Mise Mary R. was happily
married to Richard Bennett, eon of Rioh.
Bennett, of the 12oon.,-Howiok. Aeboth
of the young people are very popular a•
monget a hoot of friends much interest
was manifested in the ceremony, which
wail ably performed by the Rev, R. S. GF,
Anderson, of Wroxeter. As the hone
drew near Miee Flora James, of Gorrie,
took her place at the Dram and played a
very beaabifol weddingmaroh, atthe Mon
of whiob the ceremony was began. The
bride who wee elegantly attired in white
organdie, parrying an exquisite boquet of
Dream roeee, was attended by her sister
Mies Maggie, who was aleo attired in
white organdie and carried a beautiful
brquet of pink roues. The groom woe
ably supported by hie brother John H.
Bennett. The ceremony over the large
gathering of attests extended 000gratalat•
tone and retired to the dieing tablee
where a ohoioe and moat aamptnone
enpp-r was partaken of and enjoyed by
all. An excellent evening entertainment
was their provided aud.the y0ang:people
enjoyed themselves by tripping the light
fautaotio till 'the -'twee oma"ours." All
Were eorry.when-pit Dame time to wend
their respective ways homeward mod we
judge that many happy events may re.
eult from the walks and talks, smiling
glances and Snider sighs which "predomin
ttitod. 'l'he goats were nomarous and
many Milne from a long dietaoee.' The
many Wends of th
e bride sant 'n
and costly preeebtll whta'+ win he
carefully t'oasand. Tan Poe' eatende'
oougratulatione to the happy tuaie and
wishes Mat their lime may be Wog and.
Wrgoperoue and that . the - blessing - pi
rovldenoe may follow them wberoyer
they may be.
to o4AttrIel0.
MAN Dagwzan.—$nnday evening about
7,20 three men named Bd. Lynn,. Wtbl18t ,n
Martin and Murdoch MaoGaire left the.
harbor in a ¢pow, When 200 yarde north
of the pier the boat upset and turned over.
The two first named managed to reach
the now and held on till the lifeboat ar-
rived to take them off, They were no.
able to speak, it took some time 10 restore
them to ooueoiaueneee, when it woe learn-
ed that MaoGuire had been one of the
party. 1t fa anppo.ed that SfaoGutre,
who ie a etrong swimmer, tried to make
the'ghore, but conld notbattle twine/ the
strong ourrent flowing from the river.
The drowned man leavee a widow and
large family,'
Iii Ytlt.
Friday of last week was monthly fair
day in Blyth,
T, W, Sloan returned from his trip to
Manitoba on Tuesday of last week,
A. H. Plummer lost one of his ponies
by lookjaw, the result of stepping on a
rarity nail.
Rev. A. McLean attended the meeting
of the Huron presbytery at Barisal! on
Tuesday of last week.
Mrs. W. W, Sloan and Master Willie,
of Toronto, are visiting at the home of
N. H. and Mrs. Yonng.
John Wilford was in Petrolea Met week
attending the annual -meeting of the:
Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario Went. -
Mies Morrison bee- returned to town
and is again in charge of the millinery
department of D. M. MoBeath'e store.
Howard Alexander, who spent the past
two months visiting with friends at
different points in Ontario, left Blyth for
hie home in Winnipeg, Mrs. Alexander
and daughter will visit in Blyth for
another month.
PaaTTY W0DD;N1.—A beautiful home
wedding was solemnized at the reeidenoe
of T. W. and Mrs. Sloan, iu Hallett, at
high noon Wednesday of last week, when
Miss Clara 1raehiing;•youngest daughter
of the late George Kraehling, was united
in marriage to Ieaao H, Brown, a pros-
perous and mush respected citizen of
Blyth. The oeremony was performed by
Rev. Wm. Pemba!! in the premises of only
the immediate relatives and lreinda.
The bride entered the parlor leaning on
the arm of her brother, Ed. Kraehling,
while Mies Edith Penhall played the
wedding march. The room wan beanti•
fully arrainged with oat flowers, the.
oolore being pink and white. The bride
looked charming in a white organdie en
train with a mase of pin tooke and white
satin ribbon with a dnobesse yoke and
a000rdian pleated ohiffoo ruffles. She
wore bridal roses in her hair and oarried
a shower boquet of the same. After the
oongratnlatione the bridal party' and
gneete retired to the dining -room where a
eumptuoae dinner was awaiting them
the tables being prettily decorated with
pink and white carnations. After dinner
the bride donned her goiug away gown,
Which was dark blue Waked Berge trim-
D. C. Ross
Prices Right
Stock Larger
Styles Better
More Kinds
Better Kinds
Than Any Store in the Town.
Nre Yon Particular a
AVuu( Your Rai.. �
Want something Extra Large or Extra Small ?
Something Very Nobby or Rather Modest ?
Plain or Fancy ? Any Special Color ?
• Do some hatters make you believe you're bard to please ?
'Do you want the beat 2 Want to get it without paying for the
' nape
Ta U.
No reason why you shouldn't come here, where the stock is
largest and prices smallest.
Leading Clothier 86 Furnisher, - Brussels.
i',,'f} ' MILLS
All Wilde of Droned Lumber kept an
band from $10 0p.
British Columbia, home Out 18hinglee
and Lath kept on band.
A good farm on 13th eon, of Grey far
Ir3alf parties indebted to me are
requested to oall and settle up before
Maroh let or 90% will be added after
that date from Jan. let till paid.
A quantity of green cedar poete for
Baia ou Lot 7, Con. 4, Grey.
S. 8, OOLE,
PI 02.taitTOR, MOIL.
License District
East Riding of • Huron,
To the Tavern -Keepers and Others
whom it may Concern.
NOTIOE ie hereby given that
Application for Licenses
for the Sale of Liquors in the'
for the Lioenae Year 19024908, whiob oom-
menees on theist day of Clay next, will bo
received by the undersigned from the pres-
ent date up to
Tuesday, April I, 1902,
inolootye. Applloaute must furnish the
names of two good and sufficient sureties as
bondsmenat the time of making applioe-
tlon. Any applieant for a new lioenae must
tarnish a certttloate signed by a majority of
the elootoro entitled to yote at elections for
the Legislative Assembly in the Polling
Sub -division to which the premises sought
to be itemised are situated, and the said
majority must include at leash one-third of
the said eleotore, who are at the time of
application residents within the said Poll-
ing Sub -Division.
JNO. it. 114ILLER,
Jamestown, March 10,1002.
med with silk stitching. The bride re-
oeived many handsome and ueefai prank
0nte, showing the high esteem in whiob
the young lady is held. The groom's
present to the bride was a beantifal
Reintzman piano. She has been a
member of the Blyth Methodist church
ohoir for a number of years and ie a
very popular young lady. They left ou
the afternoon train for London and prin-
cipal cities in the United States.' Mrs.
Brown will be at home to friends on
March 25th.
Willrril RM.
Homnth re Sone a00on0oe a dianolu
tion sale.
Priooipal Musgrove is Buffering from
a painful knee ; the difficulty originating
some months ago, as the result of a fall.
Rev. A. 0. Crewe, General Seoretory
of Sunday Schools and Epworth Leagues,
preached in the Methodist ahuroh Sun-
The room need as bar room in the
Brunswick ie being ohanged into a bar.
ber shop for E. McLaughlin. One of
the ammonia! rooms will be need as
bar -room.
W. J. Greer, Comity Master, E. 0.
0 ark, Co. Secretary, Ales. Young, W.M.
794, Dr. T. Chisholm, P. W. iM., and Rev.
W. Lowe, Grand Chaplain, attended the
Grand Orange Lodge of °uteric West in
A Medicine 00. was holding entertain-
ment! in the Town Hall last week and
BeI'ing medicine. R. A. Douglass oon•
eidered it was a breach of the Transient
Traders' By law, and promptly laid in-
formation. Tba manager paid the Hansa
520 and charges, in all 528 85.
J. A. Cline was oft -led to the platform
at a Presbyterian Choroh ooeial and was
presented by Messrs. Linklater and
Campbell, with a beautiful Cabinet of
Silver, the gift of the aoogregation. Dr.
Irwin read a complimentary worded
addrese. Mr. Cline touohiagly, expressed
his appreciation of both the gift and the
kindly words and wiehee whiob a000m-
ponied it, Rev. D. Perris, in a few well
obomen words, spoke of hie regret at the
removal of the Cline family, his appreci-
ation of the readiness and efficiency with
which they had always engaged in any
work of the oburob,
IA epeoial meeting of the Town Council
was held on Monday evening of last week,
to consider tile question otthe Iron
Works. All the members were present.
The Mayor reported that he bad
attended the assignee's gale of the
property in Toronto, but no bid bad been
received, nor was there any immediate
proepeot of a sale. There was a difference
of opinion between the town and the
assignee, as to whether the mortgage
covered the tools, utensils and patterns,
but it had been agreed to leave that in
abeyance, and if a Bale was affected by
the town, that matter ooald easily be
adjusted. The town solicitor's written
opinion on the matter was read. It woe
also stated that the assignee bad disposed
of the merohandise on hand and aloe
furniture, Alter a long informal dismis-
sion and consideration of the Whole mat,
ler, it was deoided on motion by 0oun0.
Bell and Elliott, to advertise the property
in the Globe, Mail and Monetary Times,
Letters of enquiry had been received by
private partie0 in town, and it 'le hoped
that a purchaser may be found.
Thomas Wattersou, convicted of larceny
escaped from the jail at Sault Ste. Marie.
Walter Smith, a 0, P. R. switchman
from Owen Sound, was killed in the taii-
way yard at North Bay.
In the Dominion House of Commons
they have been dieonesing 0noe more the
question of providing Goverment bo tidings
in villages, towns and oitiee throughout
the Dominion.
Subooriptione to the amount of 5501,50
have been re0eived at Ottawa for the
trootion of diotinotive metnoriole in South
Africa upon the grease of damaged Can-
adian solders.
Our New Spring Goode ere now 00ming tor"rd It) flay a uti.
Bee, and by bho and of tbie week we expeob to have oar stook eooao
pleted fn
all Ilooe when we will Dhow great values to the following goodo ;
New Lace Ourtaine at 18o, 26a, BOo, 50o, 76e, 51 and $2, New
Unlqu Uarpete at 25e, 55o, 40! and 50o. New Wool Carpels, new
patterns, at 66o, 85o and 51. Hemp carpets, in stripes and floral
designs, 121io, 15a and 25o, Japaue0e Matting¢, new patterns at 150,
18o and 25o. A epeolal line of Tapestry Oarpet, worth 64o for SQo,
New-Ginghamo, in blue and white ohecka, worth 70 for 5o, Beat
Shirtingu, feat colors, regular 14o for ilio. Oottonades and Mole.
skins at LSD, 20o and 25o, New Moulins, in all the new oolore and
patterns including fanoy opan etripee and throne, at 12ia, 15o and
20a. Blank Moulins, in otripen and ohooka, at no, 150 and 25s,
We imported our Silks direct thio eeaaon and got them below
regular prioee.—Japanese Wash Silk in all oolore, regular 800 for 26o,
Floe Japanese Silks, wide width, in all the new oolore, regular price
OOe for 500, Fine Black Tatfetla Silks at 00e, 75e and 96o. Black
Peatrde $ole Silks, very epeoial, worth 51,26 for $1. Silks for Waists,
in fanoy stripes, very special at 50u.
We otrook a great snap in Faooy Printed Marline for dresses,
waists, etc., but we bad to buy .a ogee of 2000 yards to get them at the law
prion. They are fall yard wide, fast oolore, in fancy stripes, scrolls and
floral desigos, the regular prices are 121a and 15c, but they go on Bale this tla
gl week
at 9}a and 9J_
Do �}....... „r..,. os..
Made to Last I
The wearing kind of Shoes
save looney in the long run, are
therefore economical. We don't
sell Cheap Shoes, but our most
expensive ones are cheap in the
end. For Children's Wear no
better shoes can be had than our
`•Tronclads" at $1.00 per pair for
the little ones to romp, run
about and play in to their heart's
content. "
Agents for the Slater Shoes.
r�i ����
DownQ .,. ros.
Slaughter Sale
For the Next 30 Days
We will offer special Bargains in order to make room
for New Spring Goods. Great reductions in
Call and see our snaps in Men's Rubbers, Leggings, Men's
Heavy Shirts, Horse Blankets, Dinner Sets, Tea Sets,
and Fancy Dishes.
All Farm Produce taken at highest trade or cash price.
Wilton & Turnbull
e NEVI Spol I
You will hit the nail on the head
if you insist that ours is the
Best Establishment
in town when you are in need of
anything in the Hardware line
from a Tack to a Crowbar.
We have a quantity of good Lance Tooth Cross -cut $2.25
Saws, at each �I
Sale Price to clear out stock.
Our Prices on All Goods are Right
We not only invite a continuance of our present patronage but an
acquaintance with new customers.