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The Brussels Post, 1902-3-20, Page 1
Vol. 80, No. 88 OniallaanaatiOnlore.PASSMISI ,BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THIJRSLY, MARCH 20, 1902 Vii, I3, KERR, Prop, New Advertisements. 1.,ao41-1.1••Q1oee, Lc/gal—John song, Looai—G, E. King, Skirts—D. Q. Rosa, Notioe—John O, Morriegn. Robe lost—Williams & Soh. Anotion sale—Donald (kerne. Stylish millinery—.Mien Little. Bull for sale—Peter Rohertson. Headache oared—Alm, FIetober, Well paper—F, B. Hanley & Co. Spring millinery—Mieaeo Habkirk, Spring Millinery—D. M. MoBeath. • Spring end Summer—A. Stragban, Notioe to Creditors --W. M, Sinclair. Millinery openiug—Misses Rothe & Hayoroft. ilisfritt J e V izeu raven - Peontntetotee-A' convention of Went Huron prohibitionists was held here Monday at which there were represents. rives from every municipality in the riding. Jno. Nioholle, organizer for the Dominion Alliance, was present. It was decided to effect permanent organization and the following officers were eleoled r- _ Headaches Cured. Ninety per cent, of headaches are caused by imperfect eyes. we an Permanently cure such headaches With Blouses. If we fall wo �win re- f, your money. . lora. L, laale:,iches Sr•:nw4iena. enc a' ra.'r.•:::itee ©nticiam BRUS ELS President, Geo. Elliott, Goderiob i Vioo+ President, Ree. 13.14, Whaley, St. Helene Seoretery, D, E. Monro, Auburn. A. vioo.president from each manipipality wap oboaen to oonveno local conventions, Tits oonventipn adjgnrned to meet in Goderioh at the pall of the exeputive at an early date, A reeolntion wee peoeed thanking the membere of the Leg- islature who endeavored to eecere fair terme on the referendum. A mass moat. ing wan held in the evening. 13014 -rave. An oyster pepper and entertainment will be given in Knox ohurob in thie plane under the anepioeo of the Ladiee' Aid Nooioty on Friday evening of thief week, Alter refreshments addressee are expected by Rev. A. l3. grown, B. D„ and Rev. G. M, Darin ; recitations by local talent apd mn9io by Blyth Quartette, assisted by the home Choir. • Fatal el. A oar of hogs was ehipped from here on Monday. Maple sugar and syrup will be a ehort orop in this looality. Geo. M. Mitchell has eeoured the eer- viaee of It rot olaeo harnese•maker in the person of Geo. E. Cox, of Owen Sound. Henry Fisher and wife expeot to leave thio week for Brodhagen, Perth Co. Their reaidenoe here has been purobaeed by John MoAllum. W. F. Heath intends having the build- ing he recently purchased from Geo. M. Mitchell thoroughly overhauled and will use it for a dwelling. Thie week Noble Milne ie away to Dayton, Ohio, with a delivery of thorn' bred oattle sold to a gentleman there. He left on Mouday going via Stratford. Miee Howe, owing to ill -health, has tendered her resignation se teaoher in the Junior room of our school. The Trueteee have eeoured the services of a young lady from Blind River, Algoma, at a ealary of $250. Meenmtoma.—A very quiet but none the lees happy event was celebrated ou Wednesday, March y, 12th, b, atTour o'olook, at the home borne of 0 and Mre. Doxey, Blake St., Stratford, when Mrs. Doxey'o eieter, Mise Nellie, youngest daughter of Riobard and Mre. Clarke, of Elam, was united in matrimony to Jonathan Wright, a prosperous farmer from Ethel. The ceremony wan performed by Rev. E. N. Baker, of the Central Methodist Church, Stratford. The bride, who wan given away by her brother-ia•lew, Mr. Doxey, was attended by her little nieae, Aline Doxey, in a white gown, se dower maid. The bride oarried a beautiful boquet of Dream rosea end maiden hair fern end looked very pretty in a dress of white dimity trimmed with lace and silk rib- bons, while her going away gown was of beautiful brown cheviot oloth. A nom ber of very pretty weddingpreeente were sent the bride from friends, molndiug a beautiful gold breach Set with opals, the SPRING MILLINERY OPENING.. WEDNESDAY THURSDAY . & Mar. 26 & 27 We will be pleased to show to the Ladies of Brussels and vicinity what has transpired in the wd ioanned r last impres- aionMillinery, Ola selecorltSions have been made with care and taste., 'We •havenceybought liberayoully of all the latest designs and they are here in profusion for your inspection.` MISSES HABKIRK, 11 BTRETTON BLOCK, BRUSSELS. 1 ops Oi Iuleresi Lases GRAND MILLINERY' OPENING MRS. ROGERS' OL.D STAND, WE HAVE CHOSEN Wednesday and Thursday, 26thnd a 27th z NST., As the dates of our Spring Millinery Display. Our stock is largo, stylish and well chosen and will be a delight to all lovers of the beautiful. Every lady will be welcome to inspect the New Goods. Great value in the few Ladies' Mantles in stock. Musses Rioche &Ilayoroft, LEOKIE BLOCK, BRUSSELS, gift of the groom. After partaking of it wedding supper the bappy couple left by the 6,20 train for their home near Ethel, where their many friende will join in wishing them Jong life and happiness, 'Mit oval©, Mrs. W, Jermyn is ill with an attaok of pleurisy. Alex. Graig hap returned home from '1+'emieoaminque, Joseph Pugh visited hie mother at Clinton Jest week. Lionel Findlater, of Morrie, visited at Frank Soottel on Sunday, Mies Lillie Young, of Wingham, vieited' friende in Bluevale thie week, Mrsa,Robert Gibson and son, Wm, of Wroxeter, visited at R. N,Duff'eon Tues. day.ies Jessie Robertson, of Wroxeter, vieited her sister, Mra. Robert Blank, this week. Mre. (Rev.) F. J. Osteo and children are visiting at the home of Joseph Lomb, in this place. Mies Nellie Burgess baa been quite ill with pleurisy but is now a little better, we are glad to say, Quite a number from Bluevale attend. ed the Box Social ot Browntown eobool- house on St. Patriok'anight. John Greenway, who bae been vieiting relativee here for some time, returned to Sault Ste. Marie on Tneeday. Vat /to xc,tele . Jno. Sheriee, of Lindsay, is visiting his, cont, Mrs. Cowan, who in very ill at present. Mies E: Hazlewood returned on Mon• day evening from attending the millinery openings in Toronto. Jno. Harris jr. left on Tuesday morn• ing for Carman, Man., Jaok was well tbonght of and will be missed by the yong people in tonin. A magic lantern lecture entitled "Here and there in Scotland" will be given by Rev. R. S. G. Anderson, on Friday, March 21, at 8 p. m: in the Preebyteriah thumb here. Tbe ebareboldere of the Wroxeter Seale Company met in Mr. Douglas' shop last Friday and deoided on a site for the scales on Queen etreet. Arrangements will be made to have the scales covered and everything put io flrot•alaee ebape. Tbe membereof the Presbyterian ohuroh at Wroxeter have reoeutly voted on the question of the introdaotion of the organ into the eerviaee of the church. A large majority voted in favor of the organ and the necessary steps will be taken to give eff-ot to the Vote. Mr. Hartley, representing the Ontario Portland Cement 00., of Brantford, was in town this week in the intereate of hie Company. The Cement Oornpaoy expect to commence operations on tbeir property, about seven wiles from Brantford, in a few months. They will work the Blue Lake property. 1r31 r; tea. ORCHARD INSTITUTE MEET/NOEL—At the Ise; aunuel meeting of the Ontario Fruit Grower's Aeeooiation, the Secretary, G. O. Oreelman, Parliament Buildings, Tor- onto, was requested to arrange for a eeriee of orchard Institute meeting, particularly through the fruit districts of theProvinee of Ontario. Since the beginning of the year the neerebary bae been correspond ing with fruit growers throughout the cannty in reference to the beet plaoee to hold these meetings, and the dates and speakers for this county have been arrang- ed ao0ording to the following list. Speak ere—G. 0. Caaton, of Oratghnrot, Preei• dent of the Ontario Fruit Growers' Aesoaiation—A. E. Sherrington, of Walk- erton, Fruit Experimenter—Blyth, Marob 25; Clinton, March 26; Heneall, March 27. It is intended, as far aa possible, to hold a abort meeting in the hall in the afternoon at 1.80 and at 3.30 the meeting will adjourn to a neighboring orohardiand a praotioal demonstration will be given in pruning, grafting, eto., as well as a talk on oroberd cultivation and methods generally pertaining to fruit growing. It is expected that the members of the Farmere' Institutes and Hortioultnral Societies, as well ae every farmer interest• ed in the production of fruit, will be present and receive instruction and take part in the disown/ion. In the evening a general meeting will be held for the par• pose of organizing a local fruit growers' association. The objeot of these local aesoaiatione shall be to foster the fruit ind err a y. Snobs organizations already formed have done good work in discussing methods of cultivation, the pioking, peak• ing, grading and handling of fruit, am operative shipping, cooperative buying of packagers, oto. W nl Con. Rev. A. MaoNabb, M. A.,reached in Luoknow on Sabbath last, and vieited some of hie former parishioners before returning borne. This motion Was largely represented Oda week in the emigration of represen• tatives of several families to the West. We wish them prosperity. On the etternoo p of Good Frrda Y pub lioserum ae will beheld in St. George's Church here oonduoted by Rev. G. J. Abey, oommeneing at 2.90 o'clock. The Walton Public Library is in a vigorous state of health, as 10 evidenced by the fact that although it ouly came into existence a iittle before the end of 1901, it leve already 700 volumes, and oubsoribere considerably beyond the 100 needed in order to get a Government Grant, Unfortunately„ Mies Maggie Kelly, who has been noting ae Librarian, has had to resign owing to illness at home. Al the last meeting of the Com. mitteo Mies Maud Johnetonwas appoint. ed to this office, Before long it is ex- pected that the books will be catalogued and a catalogue plaited in the betide of subscribers. The Walton people are making geode nee of their privilege, A good library and a Mete for reading hi not of one the least of earthly bleseinge. Speoiel evangelistio services were held in Duff'sOhuroh, Walton, during four nights of last week. On the first three they Wore oonduoted by the paster, Rev. Andrew MaoNabb, M. A. The subjeote of disoouree were "The wages 0f Bin, and the gift of God," "Tbe lova of God, in Bending Jesse for the eaving of the world," and "Thereturn of the Prodigal,' Ca Friday night lies', A. MaoKay, of Leek• now, conducted the eervioe, and had for hie text, "Dome 1 for ell things are now ready." Mr. MacKay preached also on Sunday, hie eubjeate,being, "How /Mali we escape if we negleot sogreabeelvation" and "The Rent Veil of the Temple." Hie dieoourses were intereebiog ie them. selves, and were very well delivered. Mr. MaoKay bas a good reputation ae a preaoher. and he did not come short of his reputation in Walton, e era tar vet. BueoNEes CHANGE.—The Kinoardioe Review of thie week says •—Samuel Wright, of Henfryn, and his tbree eons, John C., of Proton Station, Samuel and William, of Durham, were berethis week, purr/basing the brio]kiln and beteinese ot James Stevenson, South Side. They will pat in a steam plant and will push the trade bete vigorously. It is under. stood that they will get large orders from A, Malcolm, M. P. P., for the extension of hie factory. C7ranbreale. 8. Oarnoohan had the misfortune to have hie leg broken while working at the saw mill in Seaforth. Miss Adeline Bird, of Bruesele, was visiting Mise Flossie Seel and her cop• sine, aliases Fox, of Oraobrook. There have been no leas than five mem- bers of Joseph Love's family ill with pneumonia but they are improving now. Mre. (Rev,) D. B. MaRae bae been on the sick list with something like la grippe bat is improving now we are pleased to state. A meeting of those interested in the proposed beef ring will beheld at the Hall here on Friday evening of this week at 8 o'clock. Those who have used the patent peanut shelter declare it to be a decided aooceee and also say it wide greatly to the flavour of the nute. Geo. Heather, who bae the contract for oarrying the mail between here and Bras- sele,has parohaaed a new horse. He commences his contract montb. A number from this looality attended the marriage of Mies Brown, 10th oon., to Mr, Patterson, on Wednesday evening of this week, and report a good time. Rev. J. 0. Carry, formerly of tbie looality, writing from Sherburn, Min., U. S., says :—Enoloeed find order for re newel to Tia POST, oe000b do without it as it is the only source, and a good one, I have of keeping in touch with the old community. We had a beautiful Winter out here with only two short cold soaps. Notwithstanding that we had Prof. Hicks' prediotiobe some of the farreere Were harrowing in January. Some of the old timers think Mioneeota ie going bank on her Winters as in the past she had a good record, however there are not many complaints about it. I am getting along very nicely in my work and my healththus far has been excellent. Hoping you may have every 0000000 with your paper, 1 am yours sincerely. G r en'. Township Council will meet on Mon. day, April 7th. Mies Biebop attended a wedding at Harrietoa last week, arriving home on Monday afternoon of this week. A. Hislop, M, P. P., arrived home from Toronto laid Saturday, the business of the Legielatore having been completed. A letter from Wm. Hawthorne, of Deloraine, Manitoba, formerly of this township, says :—We have had a pleasant Winter. The stook pan ran out in the day time, wagons and buggies have been run nearly all Winter. Tbie week Hugh Stewart, of Walker. ton, formerly a well known reeident of the 15th oon,, ie renewing old aognaint• aurae in this looality. There's a probe, biliby that Mr. Stewart may once more take up hie reaidenoe nearer here than Walkerton. Mies L. J. MoLanohlin leaves on Sat. urday of this week for Yorkton, Asset., where she has secured a school at a ealary of $50 a month. Mies MoLanohlio in tends visiting in Toronto until Tuesday. Her many old friende in the looality wish ber an enjoyable etay in the West. She ie an excellent teacher. Joo, B. Smith, lot 14, oon., 4, and family purpose removing to Guelph in the Dear future. Mr, Smith will .lease his farm. Hie farm stook, implements, &o., were Bold on Tumidity afternoon by Ana. tioneer Scott. The many old friende of Mr. and Mre. Smith will be sorry t0 have tbem remove from We locality. Last week F. S. Scott sold 50 &ores, South bait lot 11, ala. 6, owned by Wil- liam Bateman to Archie Lamont, 7th oon„ for the cum of $1,525. There are no buildings on it. Mr. Bateman will have the pasturage this Sommer on the prop - arty. The Perm is quite convenient to Mr. Lamont's farms and is located on the aideroad. OntT.—As the midnight boar approach- ed onsadaY the P seals Mu Tu hspirit of J In tosh, relict of the late Ewen J. McArthur, onn. 6, took irei t fl gh . It was ooneiderabia of a surprise to many ae it was not gener- ally known that her illness was of so ser- ious a oharaoter. Mrs. McArthur was born in Glengarry Co., Ontario, in which looality she wee united in marriage 31 years ago. In 1876 they name to this townebip when Mr. McArthur pnrobased a sawmill an the 6th con. from a Mr. Dabay and managed it until he turned his attention to farming. Re bought 50 armee from tbe late Thos. Heritage in 1882 and 10 years later added the Sse 100 acme belonging to the MoGuire estate. Mr. McArthur paid Nature's debt in Feb.1899. Mrs. MoArtbnr had been ill during the peat Winter, pneumoofa in the Fail de• velopiug into lung trouble. She is sun vived by one son (Pater A.) and three daughters Mimeo Maggie, Teenie and Mary) Mies Elia McIntosh, a niebo has al- so been one of the family. The aableat of this notice wag a faithful member of the Presbyterian Churob, a true wife, loving mother and flretolen neighbor. A large oirbls of friends will greatly regret the demise of Mrs. MaArtbur, and the family will share in the sinper0 gympathy of the community. Thefansrel will take plaoe tram the family reaidenoe, lot 10, con, 6, ou Friday afternoon et 2 o'olook, service half an hour earlier, Intermeut will be make in the family plot in the Bruesele cemetery. Prom the Aaditore' Report it will be aeon that a large amount of money is baedled by rho township Council, The receipts for the past year are given e,e 1138,413,86. Of tine cam $13,988 was oolleoted from the taxpayers by the tux colleptora The expenditure for schools was 05,660 ; Municipal drains, $7,747 ; ranee and bridges, 01,851 ; gravel, $475 ; draros and ditphee, 0269 ; charity $60 ; aid to wire fenoes, $40 ; salaries, &o , 0824 ; election expenses, $46 1 Co, rate, $2,800 ; Cash in hand,' 013,544. The fine 100 aore farm of Donald Graeae, lot 9, oon. 9, has been purchased by Robert J. Hoover, of Westfield, for $5,500. F. S, Scott made the sale. Mr, Hoover will get poseeseion next month. An auction sale is announced by Mr. Crerar on April let when he will destines. of his farm stook, implements, &o. He will probably remove to Stratford and take up hie residenos, an be Dame from that looality and has a large oirole of relativee and friende there. The people of this axiality will regret to see them move away. Mos -rtes. Another wedding is on the program. Township Council met last Monday, D. Calvert, of Wingbam, is visiting all friends at Browntown Mise Davidson, of Belmore, vieited her brother on the 2nd this week. The weather took a turn and since Sunday baa been very cold. The rain and tbaw of last week flooded' low lying lands quite badly. Aaetioo sale on Thursday afternoon of next week at S. 3. MoNab'e, 6th line. Mies Minnie Sellers was visiting her friend, Mies M. Bosman, of Wingbam, for a few Jaye last week. A large namber are away b t o the West. Five oar loads of stook and implements left Bruesele on Tneeday. John `Cook. 6th line, bad a wood•bee on Tuesday of thie week. Mrs. Parker also had one on Wednesday. The wash•ont on the 5th line at Oam- aeon's has been filled up and a good job made. Dave Somerville had the job. Last Saturday Richard Cardiff came home from the Stratford Bueinees College where he has spent the past six months in the Commeroial department. W. A. Tnrvey, North halt lot 21, oon. 3, Mae anaonaoed an enation sale for Wednesday afternoon of next week. He may try bis fortune in the Queen City. Mise Lottie Budd, who leas been spend- ing the past year and a half in Michigan, hoeteburne'd to her home on tbe 3rd con. Her many old friends welcome ber baok. Tuesday James Petah, who bas beet, io this looality for the past 2,j• months, left for Deloraine, Manitoba, where Mre. Petah and sons are reeidingon farm prop. arty. His eon John will continue his stay in able vioinity. Milton Sharpe arrived home from Bt. Thomas, dant Saturday afternoon, where he was pestling the grocery bosinees of hie brother for aeveral months. He will assist his father on the farm, 5th line, during the ooming season. Tbe flue driver of Chas. Ritchie was injured by running against a barb wire fence on Tneeday on amount of being frightened by a Collie dog nipping its heels. A out was iudieted on the breast and lege that will require some little time to heal. The box social held in Browntown school last Monday evening was a decided moans. An excellent program was tendered of vocal and instrumental mesio, recitations, &o., in which a num- ber of Bluevale young people took en active part. Of course the distribution of the boxes was a moat interesting (eaters of the evening's performance and a few of those present had to go snpperless owing to a ecareily of boxes. Prooeede amounted to 010.10 whioh will be need for school purposes. Geo. Ring, let. oon, is one of that stur- dy oiase of pioneers, that le feet passing. Mr. Ring tbongh nearing his 93rd birth. day is still quite hearty. He is a native of Ireland, and boaetaof being an Orange• man ainoe be was sixteen yeare of age, and a member of No. 1400, Ballangroty. He claims to havealked in e t w even. y seven Twelfth of July processions. He emigrated to Canada in 1837, being six weeks on the voyage. When he reached Brookville, he found the rebellion of 1887 in full awing, and went out at once under Col. Ogle R. Gowan ae a volunteer, and fought in the battle of Windmill Point. Be name to Maris in 1847 and d hen oe has been a resident of the township 55Y ears. Maennecstan.—On Thursday evening of last week, at seven o'clock, in beano. frilly fine weather, quite the smartest wedding of the season wag eolemutzed at the handsome residence of Robert and Mrs. MoMarray, when their only daugh• ter Mise Maggie A., was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Riohn d Prootor, in presence of ebont 100 invited guests. Miss Laura McCrea, organist of Trinity Church, 'Bolgrave, played Mea• delesobo's wedding marob and at the ma pointed time the wedding party entered the parlor and took their planes under a prettily de/aerated arab.aeranged in the bay window. The bride was given away by her father and was charmingly attired in a handsome gown of eeppbite blue satin cloth, trimmed with white silk and applique and wore a wreath of maiden hair fern and primroeoein her hair. The nnptaal ceremony was performed by Rev. George McQuillan, rentor of Trinity Church, Belgrave. At the oonolueion of the gerviee the usual congratulations were received, after which tbe guests repaired to the dining room, where a daintily pre- pared supper was served. The evening was merrily vent in meeio, gamine and dancing. The young ooaple ere two of our moat popular young people, the bride having been for several years organist of Trinity Ohnroh and Sudday Sohool. They aro starting up in life under very favorable oiroumetauoee, with the best wisbee of a heat of friends. Among the Ilueste from a distance were :-.-Jos. Voill, of Harrievilie, M4oh. ; Jae, Yuill and Klee Mamie Yuill, of •oderigh ; end J, and Aire. Yaill, of Tees/eater. Gif1e and oongratulaticae wore reoeived from Har. rieville, (yliob.), Sarnia, Fort William. Napanee, Belleville and Huntingdon. The presents, whioh were beautifu', poet. ly and useful, were ea follows and dining room suites, from R. and Mrs. McMurray ; silver tea service, W. Mo. Murray ; Mre, C. Prootor, er., puree of $20 ; Robt, Yolll and family, parlor aoaoh ; J. and Mrs, Keruoghan, eigbt.day olook ; Mr, and Mies Saandrett and T. Stuart, bedroom set ; W. and ;flies Pearl Prootor, chenille table cover ; Cl, and Mrs. Prootor, jr., silver pickle greet ; Capt. G. and Mre. Soagel, case of half a dozen silver dessert spoons ; Mies E. Prootor, eilvar butter dish ; G. Niobolaon and Mise Swindlehuret, ceee of silver dinner knives and forks ; J. Yuill and Mies Mamie Yuill, silver bieouit jar ; Mise Mend Hae• lam, half a dozen silver dessert knives ; 0. and Mrs. Wilkinson, bedroom set; Mies Maggie A, Yuill, Rarrieville, Mioh., silver ogle basket and Batteobarg centre piece ; Joeeph Yuill, silver berry spoon ; Peter and Mre. Ring, rocking their I J. and Mrs. and Miss Maggie Shedden, milk set ; Mies Olive MoMarray, Berlin wool mullion ; Mr, and MSS Walsh, oil painting of Queen Alexandria ; M. and Mre. Prootor, silver bieouit jar ; Oarl and Clayton Prootor, China Dream and sugar set ; Mr. and Miss P. Anderson, parlor lamp ; Mr. and Mies McClelland, linen table oover ; D. and E. Geddes, rocking chair ; R. and J, Nicholson, picture ; Mr. and Mies Watson, Ohina cake and batter dish •, Mr. and Mies Allison, Ohina salad set ; Mr, and Mre. Sproat, linen table cover and napkins ; J. Soagel, pfo• tura; Mies Mina Soagel, set of holders and doylies ; Mies 0. Winters, silver berry spoon ; W. Stnbba, /silver butter diel. ; G. and Mre. Proctor, bieouit jar and custard set ; Jas. and Mrs. Yuill, Goderiob, parlor lamp 1 Mr. and Miee 112. Johnston, Obina obeese dish ; Mr. and Mies McCrea, silver fruit dish ; Mr. and Mise A. Ring, parlor lamp ; C. and Mies A. Proctor, not baskets ; R. Wheeler, pair of opal vaeee ; Misses Jennie and Mabel Proctor, silver butter dieb ; S. MoOraoken picture ; Mr, and itIre. Oor• ley, oryetal tea set ; Mre. J. and Mre. L. Prootor, halfa dozen Cbiva pie plates and silver tray and table brash ; Mies 1. Sellars, rose bowl ; J• and Mre. Little, Ohina fruit set 1 .& and Mre. Proctor, parlor hanging lamp ; Mrs, Jas, and Mimeo Prootor, upholstered chair ; H. and Mre. Johnston, pair towels ; Mies A. Kelly, velvet cushion ; Mr. and Mies 0, Wheeler, silver berry spoon ; Mies T. Wilkinson, lamp mat. THE POST ex• tendo congratulations. ONTARIO ORANGEMEN, Anneal electing of Grand Lotl;;c at Petrolea. The annual meetiog of the Provincial Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario West was convened in the town hall, Petrolee., on Wednesday and Thursday of last week, Grand Master McMillan, of Toronto, presiding. There was a good represen- tation present from all parts of Ontario West. The grand master, in his address referred to the general harmony that ex. iated in the ranks of the association at the present time. He also alluded to the visit of the Duke and Duohees of Corn- wall and York, the grand reception ten. dared them by loyal snbjeote. and the good impressions they left on the people. His concluding words in the matter were : "The outcome of the royal, visit will neo. esearilybe of great advantage to Canada, and moat eventually divert to our chorea a large proportion of the earplug pop- ulation of the old land wbo desire to em- igrate." He also referred to the assasein- atiou of President McKinley, and spoke of the true sympathy of the Canadian people in oonneation therewith. He re- ferred to the death of the late M, W. grand master, N. Clark Wallaoe, A2. P., and paid a fitting tribute to the ability and sterlingqualities of their q r deceased leader. " GROWTH OP THE ORDER. Acoording to the report of the grand Searetary, the following new lodges were organized during the year : No. 317, at Blind River. county of Algoma, No, 731, at M,eassing, oonnty of West Simooe; No. 738, at Orrville, ooanty of Parr Sound ; No. 921, at Spanisb Station oounty of Nipiesing ; No, 1,237, at Port Stanley, county of Elgin ; No. 1,762, at Lakeside, oonnty of South Perth; No. 1,767, at Keewatin, county of Rainy River ; No. 1,769, at Grimbsy, county of Lincoln ; No. 933, resuscitated, in the county of Oxford; No.3 i b res uoitated the count of North Kant. From i D the re- turns eo far reamed the grand Secretary reports on the progress and growth of the order during the year, as folluwe : Iuit• iated, 1,358. joined by oertitioate, 427 ; reinstated, 314 1 total, 2,099 ; withdrawn by oerbitoato, 491 ; died, 168 ; expelled, 30 ; uet iootSase, 1,410. The grand treasurer, Bro. E. F. Olarke, M. P. reports the Pummels in a very flour. Ishiog condition. The total receipts in• tending balance from lest year were $8, 774 30 ; the expenditure, $1.94133, lefty - tug the oat balance 01$1,832 97 00 the credit of the grand lodge. A pablio meeting wee held in the town hall Wednesday evening, at whioh addree. see were delivered by Dr. Sproule, M.P.; John McMillan, of Toronto ; E, T. En. cry, of London ; D, M. Jermyn, of Wi- erten, and others. THE GRAND MACE MATTER, The annual seesion-of the Grand Blank Chapter of Ontario West was held on Wednesday, Maroh 12t1. The following otiioere were olooted : Grand Master, Sir Knight W, 3, Dunlop, of Toronto ; deputy G. M., Sir Kuigbt Wilson, Petrol. ea, Elie oliicere were Only installed ley Sir /Knight Wm. Lee, P. 0, M„ of Toros. to, A resolution of aogdglenoe wee plumed to the widow of the the Hon, N. (larks Wallace, and a vote of thanks was tender.. ed to Royal Black Lodge, No, 09, What veteran Ptliaees of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario West term the (le/latest Grand Lodge meeting in their experience game to .an end Thursday afternoon. The meeting was devoid of any very etrikiug teeters, and practically nobhlog but routine business occupied the attention of the delegates, Even the election of oflioers was almost a formality, for all the past Executive were re.eleoted by aoolamation save the Grand Direotor of Oeromocies, and for that Wm. White, of Mibobell, was re.oleoted over 8. One. well, of Palmerston, and W, W. Bower. man, of Hamilton, The officers, there - tore, remain as follows ; Grand Master, John McMillen, Toronto; Deputy Grand Mueter, J. H, Scott, Kincardine ; Junior Deputy Grand Master, E. T. Emery, London; Grand Chaplain, Rev, H. 0, Dixon, Toronto ; Grand Treasurer, E. F, Clarke, Toronto ; Grand Secretary, Wrn, Lee, Toronto ; Greed Lecturer, R. H. Wateoo, Toronto ; Grand Direobor of Oeretnonies, William White, Mitchell ; Deputy Grand Secretary, W. M, Fite', gerald, Toronto ; Auditors, John Hewitt, Toronto ; W. J. Thompson, Mitchell. Grand Mueter McMillan presided at the morning session, and quite a few more delegates were present. The Oom. rniltee on Correepoodenoe, in reply so the Grand Master's annual address, sub- mitted a report highly oomplimentiog Mr. MoMillan upon the very efficient perforntanoe of his duties daring his first year of office. All eyes, the Committee said, were turned in this direction to see and bear the results' of the G,andLodge'e deliberations, affecting alike not only the order but the welfare of the people. They agreed with him that the annual gatherings were educational, and were iu0reasing in enbbueiaem and interest. The visit of the Doke and Duobees of Kant last year had given Orangemen an opportunity of giving expreaeion to their loyalty. The hearts of the order had gone out to the American people on the omelet of the President's death. Tooth. ing the proposed international celebration by the meeting of the two Sovereign Graud.Lodges at Niagara Falls this year, the Committee heartily eonoarred in the remarks of the Grand Maeter. They bad no doubt that something out of the ordinary would result therefrom to the benefit of the order. The influence of Oraogeiem and the Protestant societies of the empire had preserved the ooronabion oatb from the aggressions of the Church of Rome. That oath bad come to May. The offi- cial organ of the insurance benefit braoeh of tbe order was highly commended. The repoct was adopted. The Fioaoae Committee reoommended a grant of $100 to the True Bine Orphan. age, which was adopted. Addresses of weloome were presented by Mayor English, of Petrolea ; from the County Orange Lodge, of West Lambbon, by T. J. Gordon, of Sarnia, and from the County Lodge of East, Lambtoo, by W. H.Stewart, Warwick. A very handsome cabinet of silver was presented to D. Al. Jermyn, ot Wisrton, the Past Grand Master, in recognition of three years' efficient service. In the afternoon formal replies was made to the address of weloome, end a resolution of oondolence to the family of the late Hon. N. Clarke Wallaao was passed,' and will be engrossed. Wingham was eeleoted as the place of meeting next year. People We Talk About. D. A. Lowry left on Tuesday for Sault Ste. Marie. Mre. Jane Hall has bean on the poorly list this week. Barrister Sinclair Wag in the Co. town on Wednesday. Roy Ainley is home from Liebowal Business College. Dr, Chisholm, of Wingham, wee in town on Wednesday. Miss Effie Fox, of Cranbrook, ip visit. ing Mies Adeline Bird, Jno. Pugh was visiting his mother at Clinton for s day or so. Mise Sadie Donovan, of Seaforth, ie visiting Mise Mary Rookie. Miss Lizzie Downing spent a few daye - with Walton friende during the pant week. Mre. Hugh MoMartin, of Leann, is visitfog her daughter, Mre. William Wilton. Mies Williamson, of Walton, spent a few days with her Meter, Mrs. Geo. Walker Mre. J, J. Gilpin woe on the sick list for several days with an attaok of le grippe. Mrs. Crowe and daughters, of Paisley, wbo were visiting for a week or 40 ab W. H. MoOraoken's left for their home on Monday, iz M se L zta Ho Imes Maee on to Miall• g igen to visit relativee. i vas. We wish her a pleasant time. W. Jewitt and Mise Alias were vieitore at Oromarty, Perth Co., for a few day. with R. W. Jewitt and wife. John Tait, Qooen street, is not enjoy ing very robust health, but we hope the Doming Spring will invigorate him, Miss Olive, daughter of Gordon and Mre. Mooney, baa been quite i11 but we hope a oliange for the better will soon ettSne. Thos. Ritchie, of Fergus, who has taken charge of the bakery in oonneotion with Jae. Ballantyne's grocery, in a nephew of Peter R+tobie, of Brussels. Miss Maud Campbell, of Vanderbilt, Aliob„ who bee beth vieiting relatives and friends here for the paob Jew Weeks, re• turned to her home on 'Wednesday. This annual district Babbath Sobool Convention was held ab Auburn on Thursday of last week and was very eaooseeful. Among outside talent Was Provincial 13. S. SecretaryJaokson ; Rev. A. Hendereen, Hensel/ ; Rev. Dr. Gifford and Rev. Mr, MoLeod, of 0lintdq.